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Deputy Principal - Staff and Student Welfare

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Student Leadership

Student Leadership

deputy principal staff & student welfare

uring the latter part of term four, I was fortunate to

Dbe able to take some of my Long Service Leave. In my travels overseas, I spent some very rewarding time in Indonesia. This was extremely interesting and challenging partly because the events of September 11 have had a dramatic effect on tourism in that part of the world. Reportedly, some 1.6 million travel cancellations to visit the normally popular island of Bali had occurred since that terrible September day in the history of the world. I could not help but compare my own life with the lives of those who struggle to live from one day to the next. Moreover, what struck me quite demonstrably was the fact that, despite quite obvious poverty by Western standards, the Balinese people remain a happy group. The people always smile and treat people with the utmost respect. Mission Statement.

The important thing is not to think much but to love much; and so do that which best stirs you to love. St Teresa of Avila

Mr Louis Papadimitriou took over my role from November this year. He has always been most supportive and I thank him for his great commitment to all he has done at the College. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to each Year Level Coordinator who has provided outstanding leadership for students and staff: Ms Filina Virgato (Year 7), Mrs Irene Wrochna (Year 8), Ms Maureen Dillon (Year 9), Mr Dino Conversano (Year 10), Mrs Jenny Caligari (Year 11) and Ms Pauline Cutajar (Year 12).

On Ave Maria College soil throughout the days following the terrorist attacks, our students responded in very compassionate ways. As always, many of ou; girls continue to reach out in prayer and deed to those less fortunate than themselves. Furthermore, the Student Representative Council was most active during 2001 in raising both community consciousness and money to support people who find themselves in trying circumstances. Students raised triple the amount of money compared to last year for the World Vision 40 Hour Famine which meant that the girls were in the top ten schools in terms of money raised. Other events included the Melbourne City Mission Winter Sleepout, four casual clothes days, Jeans for Genes Day, National Bandanna Day and numerous other activities. The Student Leaders, Class Captains, Class Vice-Captains and SRC members are to be commended on leading the community in this important aspect of truly living our The areas of student counselling, career counselling and special education have been instrumental in assisting students. Ms Jodie Wassner has provided a wonderful service through her dedicated and highly effective work. Programs such as Peer Support (Year 7/11 and Year 8/12) and other activities meant that older students had the opportunity to develop leadership skills and younger students benefited from the well organised and delivered activities. Support and advice were made available to many students through careers education and counselling through the work of Mrs Janet Jensen. Mrs Glenda Vincent and Mrs Teresa Barichievich have worked tirelessly in supporting students with special learning needs. Each staff member is to be commended on the contribution made to the life of the College.

As many Balinese people would say to Western visitors on a daily basis, "Don't worry, be happy!". I think that this calls us to live each day faithfully, to focus on the positive and to extend friendship to others. It is my hope that 2002 will bring with it much goodness and peace in the world. I pray that we act in the name of love in all that we do as inspired by the words of Mother Teresa: It is not how much we do, but how much love we put into the doing.


Deputy Principal Director of Staff and Student Welfare


Row 2 Ms Filina Virgato, Ms Maureen Dillon, Mr Dino Conversano, Mrs Irene Wrochna, Ms Pauline Cutajar Row 1 Mrs Jennifer Caligari, Ms Cathy Livingston, Ms Jodie Wassner

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