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From the Principal

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Helene Library

Helene Library

Two extraordinary women formed the backdrop of our 2019 school year. Our College theme conveyed the words of Mary, mother of God, “God is doing great things for me”. Indeed, God’s grace has been with us and in us this year. Mary’s words remind us firstly that our work, our study and our very existence is in fact God’s good presence, God’s creative, revealing hand at work in partnership with us. We are not alone; great things happen when we trust and partner with God! Mary’s words of praise also remind us of the importance of gratitude and humility for the gift of faith, education and community which has been ours to enjoy and share at Ave Maria College this year. Helene de Chappotin, foundress of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (FMM) formed another important focus for us this year as we celebrated the much-anticipated opening of the Helene Province, the most ambitious renovation and extension within the College Master Plan. Helene was a highly intelligent, extremely energetic, faith filled compassionate woman who devoted her life to the pursuit of truth and love. All that she did with her FMM sisters was driven by a relentless desire to enact the call of the Gospel, infused by a Franciscan ethos of authenticity, justice, inclusion and peace. The Blessing and Opening of the Helene Province occurred in September. Incorporating a smoking ceremony led by Aboriginal elder Sherry Balcombe, Archbishop Comensoli led proceedings and engaged all students in a celebration marked with gratitude and excitement. The Helene Province encompasses all student services such as counselling, Careers education, IT support, Learning Enhancement and Library. In addition, it incorporates the Domains of Technology (Food, Materials and Information), along with Year Level Mentor areas for Years 9, 10 and 11. We are delighted with this new learning environment for our students and know that it will provide a great facility for students to explore, discover, collaborate, create and extend their learning. On this note I thank the Business Manager Allan Thompson and College Board of Governance for their great support of our Master planning which has seen this 18 month project successfully completed. A further distinguishing feature of the 2019 year has been two major initiatives within our community. The development of a new Mission Statement and Strategic Plan for the period 2019 - 2022 gave direction to these initiatives in working to continuously improve learning and growth for students. Secondly, a new leadership structure was implemented which gave focus to leadership for learning and student growth. We have welcomed two new Deputy Principals, Angela Torelli and Michelle Robertson who have swiftly and expertly immersed themselves within our community. So too, our new Director of Student Wellbeing, Natalie Meddis who brings a focus to our Mentor program and student wellbeing initiatives. Together with the continued expertise and exemplary commitment of Jo Hammer (Director of Pedagogy), Jessica Hall (Director of Studies), Patrick Jurd (Director of Faith and Religious Education) and Allan Thompson (Business Manager), the College has been superbly led. In acknowledging new leaders and new initiatives this year, I would also like to acknowledge the fine work of our Year Level Leaders, Joanne Thompson, Mel Zahra and Tania Stangherlin each of whom assumed a new role as ‘sub school’ leader, overseeing the learning and growth of two year levels, together with Mentor Teachers. In re shaping structures, roles and services, all for the benefit of students, staff have been extraordinarily committed, collegial and supportive of one another in learning together. This year saw the introduction of a number of new subjects; Design Thinking, Media and Allied Health. Each of these has been introduced in response to student feedback and in recognition of future trends in the workforce requiring our students to develop advanced skills in technology and entrepreneurial thinking, along with the known growth in the health sector. I thank Eliza Gollant and Natalie Cierpisz for their fine leadership of the student body this year. As Co Captains, we have seen two young women who have complemented one another beautifully. I thank each of them, along with the whole Year 12 Student Leadership Team for their generous giving, their creative ideas and their very real kindness to all students this year. Throughout, they have remained committed to the pursuit of excellence in their studies; they epitomise what it is to be an ‘Ave girl’. I commend this YearBook, Vidian, to you. It captures a dynamic faith, learning and growth community at work across the year. It has been created under the watchful eye and skilled hand of Emily Raffaele and her committed team of students. They have given us a great gift to treasure. In acknowledging many wonderful new beginnings in 2019, it is also a year of some endings. Very significant in this has been the retirement of Dr Helen Eischeid in this, her 50th year of teaching, 49 of which have been at Ave Maria College! This article cannot do justice to Helen’s legacy of lives touched and impacted still by her presence and gift within the Ave Maria community. We also extend thanks and very best wishes to Mr Rob Martini who this year enters a new chapter of life in retirement, following 20 wonderful years of committed service to the College. We acknowledge with deep thanks the outgoing Chair of the College Board of Governance, Julianne Tkaczuk who has given 6 years of generous and skilled service to the work of the Board, the last two as Chair. This year also marks the end of my time as Principal; it has been a blessing and a privilege, every day. I thank the College Executive who have been such steadfast collaborators, the College Board of Governance, the parent body and the outstanding staff – how fortunate I have been and how fortunate our young women are to learn and grow in this great place. Ave girls – you are extraordinary young women! This year, I leave with the Class of 2019 who were in Year 7 when I commenced. Beginnings and endings shared. I know that all Ave Maria women will go on to be fine women of Truth and Love in the world. I wish my successor and all at Ave Maria every joy and success in the future. My heart is filled with very fond memories, with pride, love and gratitude for my time with you.

Elizabeth Hanney PRINCIPAL

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