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Design Technology Food and Textiles

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Helene Library

Helene Library

2019 was an exciting year for Design Technologies at Ave Maria College, as we were able to take ownership of our brand-new rooms in the Helene Province and move out of the temporary Assisi rooms. The three new spaces all have excellent facilities and the Technologies staff are very excited to utilise them to their full potential in coming years.


The senior Product Design and Technology and VET Applied Fashion Design and Technology students have spent the year designing and making their garments, whilst also learning about sustainable practices within the fashion design industry. Their many hours of work and efforts were then showcased as part of the Fashion Show at 2019 The Arts and Technology Festival. The Year 8 and 9 cohorts considered the social and environmental impacts of garment production, whilst designing and producing the ever popular hoodies and pyjama shorts, whilst our Year 7 students learned how to navigate their way around the sewing machine, and producing their machine samples and equipment bag.


The Food Technology students across Years 7 to 10 have spent the year learning about nutrition, food in the media and sustainable packaging, whilst also learning about personal and commercial food production. As part of the look at commercial food production, our Year 9 students baked a range of biscuits and treats that were then sold as part of the ‘Groovy Beans’ Coffee Cart in Term 4. The co- and cross-curricular presence of Food Technology was also on display through the year through activities such as the ‘Nourish Bowl’ and Donut Decorating competitions, Cupcake decorating for Science Week (with a Moon Phase theme) and smoothies on sale in HPE week.


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