Ave Maria Press Consumer Catalog 2017

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Brand NEW Books

















POPE FRANCIS For the first time, all five major writings of Pope Francis are gathered into one volume.

The Complete Encyclicals, Bulls, and Apostolic Exhortations Volume 1

Pope Francis has become the most influential religious leader in the world, drawing praise and admiration from people of all faiths. This important volume will be cherished, read, and reread by all Catholics and devotees of Pope Francis for many years to come. 512 pages, $27.95

Volume 1 includes:

• Lumen Fidei, June 29, 2013: The Light of Faith • Evangelii Gaudium, November 24, 2013: The Joy of the Gospel • Misericordiae Vultus, April 11, 2015: The Face of Mercy • Laudato Si’, May 24, 2015: Praise Be to You: On Care for Our Common Home • Amoris Laetitia, March 19, 2016: Love in the Family

“Pope Francis is a revolutionary. The revolution he proposes is a re-energizing return to the evangelical passion from which the Church was born and a summons to mission that accelerates the great historical transition from institutional-maintenance Catholicism to the Church of the New Evangelization.” —George Weigel



“A heartfelt reminder to seek holiness in the everyday.” —Rev. James Martin, S.J.

Author of Jesus: A Pilgrimage

The Best Is Yet To Come

Living Fully in Each Moment

ANNE BRYAN SMOLLIN, C.S.J. Foreword by Patricia A. St. John, C.S.J. Sr. Anne Bryan Smollin (1943–2014) was a beloved storyteller with an unforgettable sense of humor. In her final book, The Best Is Yet to Come, Smollin—the author of five books, a gifted motivational speaker, and a trusted counselor—warmly encourages readers to live each moment fully, to discover the sacred in the ordinary, and to remember that the best is yet to come, affirming Christian hope. 192 pages, $15.95

“The perfect book for our time.” —Jennifer Fulwiler

Catholic radio host and author of Something Other than God

Particles of Faith

A Catholic Guide to Navigating Science

STACY A. TRASANCOS How can Catholics explain what the Church teaches about the relationship between science and faith? Scientist, writer, and scholar Stacy Trasancos gives us ways we can talk about how science and our Catholic faith work together to reveal the truth of Christ through the beauty of his creation. 160 pages, $15.95

Radical Amazement

Contemplative Lessons from Black Holes, Supernovas, and Other Wonders of the Universe JUDY CANNATO 160 pages, $13.95

Field of Compassion

How the New Cosmology Is Transforming Spiritual Life JUDY CANNATO 224 pages, $16.95

Hidden in God

Discovering the Desert Vision of Charles de Foucauld

BONNIE THURSTON Hidden in God highlights the profound conversion that led Charles de Foucauld to embrace the life of a hermit in the Sahara, where he was eventually murdered by a band of marauders. His spiritual legacy attracted the likes of Dorothy Day and author, poet, and spiritual director Bonnie Thurston. 160 pages, $14.95 2

Available March 2017

All In

Why Belonging to the Catholic Church Matters

PAT GOHN In this passionate and unapologetic account of why her faith in Christ and the Catholic Church are the source of meaning and joy in her life, Pat Gohn—popular speaker, retreat leader, catechist, podcaster, and author of Blessed, Beautiful, and Bodacious— invites you to become more confident in the power of the Catholic faith to transform your life as well. 192 pages, $15.95

Blessed, Beautiful, and Bodacious

Celebrating the Gift of Catholic Womanhood

“A great love story.”

PAT GOHN 192 pages, $15.95

—Deacon Greg Kandra

Catholic blogger and journalist at Aleteia

Transformed by God’s Word

Discovering the Power of Lectio and Visio Divina

STEPHEN J. BINZ ICONS BY KASPARS AND RUTA POIKANS Bestselling author and biblical scholar Stephen J. Binz offers a life-changing way to pray through twenty gospel readings paired with beautiful, never-before-published contemporary icons. 224 pages, 16.95

“Prepare to be blessed!” —Sarah Christmyer

Codeveloper and author of The Great Adventure Catholic Bible Study Program

Strange Gods

Unmasking the Idols in Everyday Life

ELIZABETH SCALIA Renowned author and online editor of Aleteia, Elizabeth Scalia offers a powerful critique of the “gods” we worship today, reminding readers that life’s deepest desires can only be satisfied in Christ. 192 pages, $15.95

The Grace of Yes

Eight Virtues for Generous Living

LISA M. HENDEY Lisa Hendey guides readers through pivotal moments of her journey and the eight virtues that have helped her—and will help readers—learn how to say yes to God. 160 pages, $15.95 Also available as an audiobook.

Gifts of the Visitation

Nine Spiritual Encounters with Mary and Elizabeth

DENISE BOSSERT The biblical encounter between the Virgin Mary and her cousin Elizabeth before the births of Jesus and John the Baptist is at the heart of Gifts of the Visitation by popular speaker and syndicated columnist Denise Bossert. She uses their story to highlight nine gifts experienced by both women as they awaited the arrival of their sons and to encourage readers to develop these gifts themselves. 160 pages, $14.95


SPIRITUALITY One Ordinary Sunday

A Meditation on the Mystery of the Mass

PAULA HUSTON Paula Huston offers a theologically and historically rich exploration of the origin and meaning of the liturgy. Huston’s personal and spiritual reflections offer fresh and often unexpected insights into the profound mystery at the heart of the Catholic faith. 256 pages, $16.95

“To say I loved this book would be an understatement.” —Paul Mariani

Author of Thirty Days: On Retreat with the Exercises of St. Ignatius

Lift Up Your Heart

A 10-Day Personal Retreat with St. Francis de Sales

JOHN BURNS, S.J. Lift Up Your Heart offers readers a personal, ten-day mini-retreat based on ten famous meditations from de Sales’ spiritual classic, Introduction to the Devout Life. Inspired by this essential guide to holiness and his own experiences with de Sales’ spiritual writings, popular young adult speaker, Fr. John Burns, helps you move from a passive to active pursuit of vibrantly lived faith. 192 pages, $13.95

“This is an altogether beautiful book.” —John C. Cavadini

Professor of theology and director of the Institute for Church Life University of Notre Dame

Available April 2017

Around the Table

Retelling the Story of the Eucharist through the Eyes of Jesus’ First Followers

R. SCOTT HURD R. Scott Hurd employs the unique and imaginative stories of fourteen biblical characters who were close to Jesus in order to help you contemplate the mystery present in the Eucharist. 160 pages, $14.95

“Scott Hurd has hit this one out of the park!” —Deacon Greg Kandra

Catholic blogger and Journalist at Aleteia

Couriers of Grace

My Daughter, the Sacraments, and a Surprising Walk of Faith

NANCY JO SULLIVAN Bestselling Catholic author Nancy Jo Sullivan shares how moments in her life and that of her late daughter Sarah, who had Down syndrome, unexpectedly triggered a renewed faith and deeper relationship with God and others. 128 pages, $13.95

“Our guides to seeing God’s bountiful grace all around us.” —Lisa M. Hendey


Founder of CatholicMom.com

Available February 2017


NEW Coloring Books for Catholics

from Daniel Mitsui 64 pages, $9.95 each

The Saints

An Adult Coloring Book

Following on the heels of Daniel Mitsui’s first adult coloring book, The Mysteries of the Rosary, The Saints contains thirty elaborate images, including Mary and Joseph, John the Baptist, Peter, Paul, Francis, Lucy, and Brendan in the style of medieval illustrated manuscripts. Enter into a contemplative space as you color Mitsui’s beautiful images of saints and the elements they are associated with from the early Church and Middle Ages.

The Mysteries of the Rosary An Adult Coloring Book

Experience spiritual calm with the first adult coloring book to focus on the Rosary as you color and reflect on the traditional Catholic prayer. Renowned artist Daniel Mitsui provides exquisitely detailed illustrations of the Glorious, Joyful, and Sorrowful Mysteries, suitable for meditative coloring and for reflecting on the lives of Jesus and the Blessed Mother.

“A powerful portal into creative meditation.” —Christine Valters Paintner Author of Illuminating the Way

Download a FREE coloring page at avemariapress.com/freecoloringpage

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SPIRITUALITY 25 Life-Changing Questions from the Gospels Letting Jesus Lead You through the Stages of Spiritual Growth

ALLAN F. WRIGHT In 25 Life-Changing Questions from the Gospels, you will see that you are no different from those Jesus questioned—a grieving sister, a fearful friend, an incessant doubter. And you’ll learn that his questions—and the issues that they raise—are just as relevant and life-changing to Catholics today as they were to Jesus’ first followers. 192 pages, $15.95

“This book can help you meet Jesus as if for the first time.” —John Bergsma

Author of Bible Basics for Catholics


Learning to Tell the Stories of Grace That Illumine Our Lives

LEONARD J. DELORENZO Beginning with the apostles, Christians have practiced the art of telling their stories to bring others to faith. Leonard J. DeLorenzo, theology professor and director of Notre Dame Vision presents seven guiding principles to help you share your faith in a genuine way and teach others to do so as well. 160 pages, $16.95

“What a blessing this will be to so many!” —Deacon Greg Kandra

Catholic blogger and journalist at Aleteia

To Heal, Proclaim, and Teach

The Essential Guide to Reclaiming the Ministry of Jesus

JARED DEES Jesus had a threefold ministry on Earth: to heal the wounded, proclaim the Good News, and teach those who became his disciples. Using examples from his own teaching, stories from the Bible, and the lives of the saints, author and catechist Jared Dees offers an engaging approach and practical ideas for following the ministry of Jesus in your own work. 320 pages, $16.95

Breath of God

Living a Life Led by the Holy Spirit

DAVE PIVONKA, T.O.R. Drawing on personal stories and more than thirty years of ministry experience, Dave Pivonka, T.O.R., walks readers through a new way of relating to the Holy Spirit. What he learned along the way will lead readers to have their own unique encounter and discover the joy of living a life moved by the Spirit. 160 pages, $14.95

Walking the Disciple’s Path

Eight Steps That Will Change Your Life and the World

LINDA PERRONE ROONEY Linda Perrone Rooney, experienced spiritual director and author of the popular Habits of the Soul, brings more than forty years of experience in pastoral leadership to bear as she offers readers an eight-step plan to live as disciples, translating head-knowledge of Christ into everyday action. 160 pages, $13.95 6

BIBLE STUDY Walk in Her Sandals

Experiencing Christ’s Passion through the Eyes of Women

KELLY M. WAHLQUIST Walk in Her Sandals, edited by popular Catholic author and speaker Kelly M. Wahlquist, takes you deeper into your relationship with Jesus by helping you relate to him in a profoundly intimate way. Looking at six universal gifts of women through the eyes of women in the gospels, the book guides you on a prayerful and creative journey through the days of Holy Week, Easter, and Pentecost. 192 pages, $15.95

“Dramatically raises the bar for women’s resources.” —Lisa Mladinich

Catholic author and creator of Amazing Catechists


Conquer Your Demons and Love with Abandon

SONJA CORBITT Catholic speaker and author Sonja Corbitt believes that anxiety, stress, and fear—often-paralyzing emotions—are the direct result of our everyday battles against sin and temptation. In Fearless, she equips us with the spiritual tools we need to restore our spiritual well-being. 256 pages, $15.95

“Something important to say.” —Elizabeth Scalia

US Editor-in-Chief of Aleteia


How to Receive Everything the Holy Spirit Wants to Give You

SONJA CORBITT Sonja Corbit shares her passion for the scriptures by weaving the Word of God with her own experiences to show readers how the Holy Spirit flows through their lives in relationships, prayer, and even in times of suffering. 192 pages, $15.95

“This book can change lives.” —Mike Aquilina

Author of The Mass: The Glory, the Mystery, the Tradition

Bible Basics for Catholics

A New Picture of Salvation History

JOHN BERGSMA Biblical scholar John Bergsma—two-time teacher of the year at Franciscan University of Steubenville—offers this fresh, fun, and authentically Catholic introduction to the “big picture” of salvation history. 224 pages, $15.95

New Testament Basics for Catholics

JOHN BERGSMA An in-depth look at the New Testament that uses simple illustrations and the same clear, conversational style that characterizes Bergsma’s Bible Basics for Catholics. 320 pages, $16.95


MSGR. STEPHEN J. ROSSETTI Letters to My Brothers

Words of Hope and Challenge for Priests

Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti is the leading expert on the state of the American Catholic priesthood. In this collection of letters to his brother priests, he both affirms their work and challenges them to renew their commitment to holiness and fidelity to their vocations, reminding them of the profound joy at the heart of their lives. “What a refreshing read!” 192 pages, $16.95

—Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan Archbishop of New York

Why Priests Are Happy

A Study of the Psychological and Spiritual Health of Priests

In this groundbreaking, peer-reviewed study, Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti, the leading American authority on the Catholic priesthood and former director of Saint Luke’s Institute, reveals the unexpected results of a recent study of nearly 2,500 priests in the United States. 256 pages, $18.95

The Joy of Priesthood

Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti invites priests to recognize the dignity of their calling through honest and psychologically based self-assessment because happiness in the priesthood flows from both wholeness and holiness. 224 pages, $17.95

MSGR. PETER J. VAGHI Encountering Jesus in Word, Sacraments, and Works of Charity

From Msgr. Peter Vaghi—author of the acclaimed four-book Pillars of Faith series on the Catechism of the Catholic Church—comes this fresh and challenging look at how to encounter and grow close to Jesus through scripture, the sacraments, and works of charity. 128 pages, $12.95

Pillars of Faith (4-Volume Set)

The Pillars of Faith series, written by Msgr. Peter Vaghi, is a Catechism-based catechetical series that provides RCIA candidates and all adults seeking lifelong faith formation with a concise, accessible, and thorough introduction to the foundational categories of the Catholic tradition: creed, sacraments, morality, and prayer. 608 pages (in 4 volumes), $45.95


This Is Our Faith A Catholic Catechism for Adults

MICHAEL PENNOCK 368 pages, $16.95


The Seeker’s Catechism

The Basics of Catholicism

MICHAEL PENNOCK 160 pages, $7.95



Available March 2017

Praying the Angelus

Find Joy, Peace, and Purpose in Everyday Life

JARED DEES The Angelus is a centuries-old Catholic devotion that recalls the annunciation of Christ’s birth by the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary. In Praying the Angelus, popular author and speaker Jared Dees reinvigorates the devotion, shares intimately from his own experience of it, and shows us how to enrich the practice with original meditations to reflect on the words of both the Angelus and the Regina Caeli. 160 pages, $13.95

“Dees makes this ancient prayer of the Church come beautifully alive once again.” —Most Rev. Joseph E. Kurtz Archbishop of Louisville President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

THE UNFAILING NOVENA Our Lady, Undoer of Knots A Living Novena

MARGE FENELON Our Lady, Undoer of Knots: A Living Novena is a unique guided meditation from veteran Catholic journalist Marge Fenelon, who has created a new devotional practice from this classic novena that is a favorite of Pope Francis. 160 pages, $14.95



Rediscovering Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Holy Hour Meditations on the Seven Last Words of Christ

A Heart on Fire

JAMES KUBICKI, S.J. 192 pages with 4-page color insert, $13.95

Eucharistic Adoration

CHARLES M. MURPHY Foreword by Cardinal William Levada 128 pages, $12.95




The Power of Daily Mass

The Spirituality of Fasting

Living the Rosary

How Frequent Participation in the Eucharist Can Transform Your Life BERT GHEZZI 128 pages, $14.95

Rediscovering a Christian Practice

CHARLES M. MURPHY 128 pages, $12.95

Finding Your Life in the Mysteries

JOHN PHALEN, C.S.C. 128 pages, $12.95 9

P R AY E R A Year of Daily Offerings

JAMES KUBICKI, S.J. A Year of Daily Offerings is a prayerful 366-day experience immersed in the lives of the saints, the rhythm of the Church calendar, and the stories of ordinary people who lived the Eucharist in their daily lives. It will help you reorder not just your devotional life, but the entire way of looking at your day. 480 pages, $17.95

“A sumptuous feast of meditations.” —Carl McColman

Author of Befriending Silence

Word by Word

Slowing Down with the Hail Mary

EDITED BY SARAH A. REINHARD Forty of today’s most popular Catholic voices were invited by author Sarah Reinhard to offer an accessible, profound, and unique meditation on one word of the Hail Mary. The result is a new way of looking at one of the most important prayer traditions in Catholic life. 160 pages, $14.95

Prayer Seeds

A Gathering of Blessings, Reflections, and Poems for Spiritual Growth JOYCE RUPP 224 pages, $15.95

Divine Mercy for Moms

Sharing the Lessons of St. Faustina



A Book of Uncommon Prayer

100 Celebrations of the Miracle & Muddle of the Ordinary BRIAN DOYLE 192 pages, $14.95

Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim

A Personal Manual for Prayer and Ritual EDWARD M. HAYS 384 pages, $21.95

Joined by Grace

A Catholic Prayer Book for Engaged and Newly Married Couples

JOHN AND TERI BOSIO 128 pages, $8.95

Prayers for the Domestic Church

A Handbook for Worship in the Home EDWARD M. HAYS 288 pages, $18.95


Daily Prayer FOR 2017

Sacred Reading

The 2017 Guide to Daily Prayer APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER

DOUGLAS LEONARD This powerful and inspiring prayer book from the Apostleship of Prayer (The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network) engages readers with the Church’s daily scripture readings and introduces Catholics and other Christians to the traditional spiritual devotion known as lectio divina, or “sacred reading,” in a new way. 416 pages, $15.95

“An indispensable resource in deepening your prayer and devotional life.” —Most Rev. David L. Ricken Bishop of Green Bay

God Moments

Unexpected Encounters in the Ordinary

ANDY OTTO In God Moments, Catholic blogger Andy Otto shows you how to discover the unexpected beauty of God’s presence in the story of ordinary things and in everyday routines like preparing breakfast or walking in the woods. Drawing on the Ignatian principles of awareness, prayer, and discernment, Otto will help you discover the transforming power of God’s presence in your life and better understand your place in the world. 128 pages, $14.95

“A modern-day spiritual treasure.” —Rev. Dave Dwyer Host of Busted Halo

Three Moments of the Day

The First Spiritual Exercises

CHRISTOPHER S. COLLINS, S.J. 160 pages, $13.95

Four Guided Retreats


The First Spiritual Exercises

Opening to God

A Manual for Those Who Give the Exercises

THOMAS H. GREEN, S.J. 128 pages, $13.95

Finding God in All Things

WILLIAM A. BARRY, S.J. 144 pages, $13.95

192 pages, $19.95

Moment by Moment

CAROL ANN SMITH, S.H.C.J., AND EUGENE MERZ, S.J. 96 pages, $15.95 11

SAINTS Twelve Little Ways to Transform Your Heart Lessons in Holiness and Evangelization from St. Thérèse of Lisieux

SUSAN MUTO In Twelve Little Ways to Transform Your Heart, author Susan Muto explores twelve facets of St. Thérèse’s simple spiritual path as a way to personal holiness and the secret to being a powerful witness to Christ in the world today. 160 pages, $14.95

“Rich in substance, inviting in presentation, and joyful in style.” —Cardinal Donald Wuerl Archbishop of Washington

My Badass Book of Saints

Courageous Women Who Showed Me How to Live

MARIA MORERA JOHNSON Patheos blogger and popular podcaster Maria Morera Johnson explores the qualities of twenty-four remarkable and holy women who lived lives of virtue in unexpected and often difficult circumstances. These spiritual mentors inspired Johnson, and will help readers, have the courage to reach for a closer connection to God. 160 pages, $14.95

“Where faith meets real life.” —Pat Gohn

Author of Blessed, Beautiful, and Bodacious

The Enthusiast

How the Best Friend of Francis of Assisi Almost Destroyed What He Started JON M. SWEENEY 320 pages, $18.95

Lift Up Your Heart A 10-Day Personal Retreat with St. Francis de Sales JOHN BURNS 192 pages, $13.95


When Saint Francis Saved the Church

How a Converted Medieval Troubadour Created a Spiritual Vision for the Ages JON M. SWEENEY 192 pages, $15.95

Thérèse, Faustina, and Bernadette Three Saints Who Challenged My Faith, Gave Me Hope, and Taught Me How to Love

ELIZABETH FICOCELLI 192 pages, $14.95

DAYS with a


Each book in the 30 Days with a Great Spiritual Teacher series provides a month of daily readings from one of Christianity’s most beloved spiritual guides. For each day there is a brief and accessible morning meditation drawn from the mystic’s writings, a simple mantra for use throughout the day, and a night prayer to focus one’s thoughts as the day ends.

"Opportunities for grace." —Carolyn Y. Woo

Former President and CEO of Catholic Relief Services

Simply Surrender THÉRÈSE OF LISIEUX 128 pages, $9.95

All Will Be Well

JULIAN OF NORWICH 128 pages, $9.95

Let Nothing Disturb You

TERESA OF AVILA 120 pages, $9.95

Peace of Heart FRANCIS OF ASSISI 120 pages, $9.95

True Serenity

THOMAS À KEMPIS 120 pages, $9.95

Set Your Heart Free FRANCIS DE SALES 120 pages, $9.95

"These are glorious little books." —Rev. James Martin, S.J.

Author of My Life with the Saints



“This is the book we parishioners (and our pastors) have been waiting for.” —Paul Wilkes

Author of Excellent Catholic Parishes

Great Catholic Parishes A Living Mosaic

WILLIAM E. SIMON JR. In 2012, businessman, professor, and philanthropist, William E. Simon Jr. founded Parish Catalyst, an organization devoted to researching and supporting the health and development of Catholic parishes. Great Catholic Parishes looks at Simon’s insights and the success stories of 244 vibrant parishes to show what makes them great. 224 pages, $17.95

Ministerio hispano Una introducción

TIMOTHY MATOVINA Timothy Matovina, a leading speaker and expert on the growth of Hispanics in the Catholic Church in the United States, offers a timely and much-needed introduction to ministry with Hispanic Catholics. Written in Spanish for pastoral ministers preparing for or involved in Hispanic ministry of all kinds, Ministerio hispano is an accessible guide to the needs of Hispanics in the Church in America 96 pages, $5.95

Redeeming Conflict

12 Habits for Christian Leaders ANN M. GARRIDO 288 pages, $15.95

Redeeming Administration

12 Spiritual Habits for Catholic Leaders in Parishes, Schools, Religious Communities, and Other Institutions ANN M. GARRIDO 224 pages, $14.95


Uniting Our Gifts in Ministry



A Concise Guide to Canon Law

A Practical Handbook for Pastoral Ministers KEVIN E. MCKENNA 128 pages, $14.95

A Concise Guide to Catholic Social Teaching KEVIN E. MCKENNA 192 pages, $16.95

TEN STEPS FOR GETTING STARTED from the authors of rebuil

“The most practical and effective tool I’ve seen to help parish leaders.” —Claire Henning

Executive Director of Parish Catalyst

The Rebuilt Field Guide

Ten Steps for Getting Started

MICHAEL WHITE AND TOM CORCORAN You know your Catholic parish needs to change its focus, but you’re not sure where or how to begin. In The Rebuilt Field Guide, award-winning authors Rev. Michael White and Tom Corcoran walk you through ten essential steps for getting started with your church’s reawakening. 96 pages, $9.95

more rebuil parish books Rebuilt

Awakening the Faithful, Reaching the Lost, and Making Church Matter Drawing on the wisdom gleaned from thriving mega-churches and innovative business leaders while anchoring their vision in the Eucharistic center of Catholic faith, Rev. Michael White and lay associate Tom Corcoran present the compelling and inspiring story of how they brought their parish back to life. 320 pages, $17.95 Also available in Spanish.

Tools for Rebuilding

75 Really, Really Practical Ways to Make Your Parish Better In Tools for Rebuilding, White and Corcoran share seventy-five foundational tactics that helped to rejuvenate their parish. 320 pages, $17.95

Rebuilding Your Message

Practical Tools to Strengthen Your Preaching and Teaching In Rebuilding Your Message, the award-winning authors share their carefully honed communication practices to help priests, staff, volunteers, and parishioners better proclaim the irresistible and life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ at every level. 224 pages, $15.95

Rebuilding Youth Ministry

Ten Practical Strategies for Catholic Parishes CHRISTOPHER WESLEY In Rebuilding Youth Ministry, Wesley presents ten indispensable strategies for creating successful youth programs where teens feel connected, stay involved, and grow in faith. 128 pages, $9.95 15

LENT Bringing Lent Home with Mother Teresa

Prayers, Reflections, and Activities for Families

DONNA-MARIE COOPER O’BOYLE Popular author and EWTN host Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle presents a daily devotional companion for families with young children in Bringing Lent Home with Mother Teresa. O’Boyle illustrates how to bring Lent home, doing “small things with great love” under the guidance of the Blessed Mother Teresa, with whom she enjoyed a close friendship. 96 pages, $2.50

Bringing Lent Home with St. John Paul II 96 pages, $2.95

Bringing Lent Home with Pope Francis

Bringing Lent Home with St. Thérèse of Lisieux

96 pages, $3.50

96 pages, $2.95

Walk in Her Sandals

Experiencing Christ’s Passion through the Eyes of Women

KELLY M. WAHLQUIST Walk in Her Sandals, edited by popular Catholic author and speaker Kelly M. Wahlquist, takes you deeper into your relationship with Jesus by helping you relate to him in a profoundly intimate way. Looking at six universal gifts of women through the eyes of women in the gospels, the book guides you on a prayerful and creative journey through the days of Holy Week, Easter, and Pentecost. 192 pages, $15.95

“Dramatically raises the bar for women’s resources.” —Lisa Mladinich

Catholic author and creator of Amazing Catechists

Simplifying the Soul

Lenten Practices to Renew Your Spirit

PAULA HUSTON Award-winning author and Benedictine oblate Paula Huston invites readers to de-clutter their minds, hearts, relationships, and souls in a book of daily Lenten practices woven from the gospels, the Desert Fathers, and the author’s own wealth of spiritual experience. 192 pages, $14.95

Lent and Holy Week

64 pages, $5.95

“The most practical book I have ever seen on Lenten practices.” —Phyllis Tickle

Author of The Great Emergence

The Ascent of the Mountain of God

Daily Reflections for the Journey of Lent 133 pages, $12.95


Sacred Reading for Lent 2017

APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER DOUGLAS LEONARD This powerful Lenten prayer book from the Apostleship of Prayer (The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network) engages and inspires readers with the Church’s daily scripture readings from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, introducing Catholics and other Christians to the traditional spiritual devotion known as lectio divina, or “sacred reading,” in a new way. 128 pages, $1.75

“Lectio divina will change how you see your relationships—with the Lord, with others, and with yourself. Highly recommended!” —Most Rev. David L. Ricken Bishop of Green Bay

The Living Gospel

Daily Devotions for Lent 2017

TOM FOX Popular Catholic columnist, blogger, and podcaster Deacon Tom Fox guides you along the path to renewal with simple, yet spiritually challenging devotions for every day of Lent, the Triduum, and Easter Sunday. 96 pages, $1.95

“Brief, powerful devotions.” —Msgr. Ralph J. Maresca

Pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Parish Astoria, New York

Everyone’s Way of the Cross Regular Size: 32 pages, $1.50 Large Print: 32 pages, $2.75 Spanish: 32 pages, $1.50

John Paul II’s Biblical Way of the Cross 32 pages, $2.50

The Gift of the Cross

96 pages, $3.50

Stations of the Cross with the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus

64 pages, $5.95


NEW Marriage Preparation Program

Program Features: • Program Manual • Mentor Guides • Couple’s Book • DVD

Learn more at joinedbygrace.com.

“Joined by Grace’s approach is well-grounded.”

—Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D. Archbishop of Louisville

Written by marriage experts John and Teri Bosio and produced by the Emmy-winning Spirit Juice Studios, Joined by Grace provides parish leaders, mentor couples, and engaged couples the most comprehensive, innovative, and up-to-date marriage preparation program for Catholic parishes today and is the first to emphasize the connection between marriage and the other six sacraments.

BESTSELLER— More than 9 million sold! Together for Life

REVISED Celebrating and Living the Sacrament JOSEPH M. CHAMPLIN, C.S.C., WITH PETER A. JARRET, C.S.C. This new edition of Together for Life contains the new texts of the most recent translation of The Order of Celebrating Matrimony. It includes all the tools engaged couples use when meeting with a priest, deacon, or lay parish minister to plan their weddings and prepare for living the sacrament of Marriage. 134 pages, $4.95

Juntos Para Toda La Vida

128 pages, $4.99


Ideal as an ordination, anniversary, or all-occasion gift for any priest or deacon, The Order of Celebrating Matrimony directly correspond to the 2016 edition of Together for Life.

The Order of Celebrating Matrimony Complete Set 44 Marriage Rite cards and 19 tabs 1 Ceremonial Binder, $74.95

Ritual Cards

Boxed set of 144 rite cards and 19 tabs, $55.95

Ceremonial Binder

Vinyl, embossed cover with gold foil stamp Three-ring binder, $19.00 18


“Praying together as a family is the most important thing you will ever do. Read this book and you’ll know why.” —Jon Leonetti

Catholic radio host and author of Your God is Too Boring

Joined by Grace

A Catholic Prayer Book for Engaged and Newly Married Couples

JOHN AND TERI BOSIO Joined by Grace introduces engaged and newly married couples to the rich traditions of Catholic prayer: how Catholics pray, texts of our most commonly used prayers, and a primer on devotions. Family members and friends, as well as pastors, mentor couples, and others working in marriage ministries will find this a perfect gift for engaged and newly married couples. 128 pages, $8.95 Available April 2017

Intimate Graces

How Practicing the Works of Mercy Brings Out the Best in Marriage TERESA TOMEO AND DOMINICK PASTORE Foreword by Greg and Julie Alexander Through their own story and those of other married couples, Tomeo and Pastore demonstrate how practicing the fourteen Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy brings out the best in a marriage. 160 pages, $13.95

The Four Keys to Everlasting Love

How Your Catholic Marriage Can Bring You Joy for a Lifetime

MANUEL P. AND KAREE SANTOS Foreword by Christopher West Marriage columnist Karee Santos and her husband, Manuel, a psychiatrist who has been counseling couples for more than fifteen years, explore how applying the Catholic faith to marriage can free us to experience deep, lasting, and soul-satisfying love. 256 pages, $15.95

Just Married

The Catholic Guide to Surviving and Thriving in the First Five Years of Marriage

GREG AND LISA POPCAK Greg and Lisa Popcak combine decades of experience as counselors, the latest findings in marriage research, twenty-three years of marriage, and the wisdom of Catholic teaching to offer newlyweds a master plan for creating a strong bond in the first five years of marriage. 256 pages, $15.95

101 Tips for a Happier Marriage

Simple Ways for Couples to Grow Closer to God and to Each Other

JENNIFER ROBACK MORSE AND BETSY KEREKES 101 Tips for a Happier Marriage offers Catholic couples concise, practical, and at times humorous suggestions for creating and sustaining a more joyful, peace-filled marriage that is steeped in the beauty and mystery of Catholic faith. 144 pages, $12.95 19

books “This book is a must-read for all mothers and those who love them.” —Hallie Lord

Catholic speaker and author of On the Other Side of Fear

Getting Past Perfect

How to Find Joy and Grace in the Messiness of Motherhood

KATE WICKER If you have ever felt that you were not “enough” as a wife or mom, or if you’re someone who struggles to do it all, Getting Past Perfect offers a realistic and reassuring portrait of Catholic womanhood, placing motherhood in the context of every woman’s primary role as a child of God. 160 pages, $14.95 Available March 2017

The Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion A Book of Daily Reflections

EDITED BY LISA M. HENDEY AND SARAH A. REINHARD For more than fifteen years, the award-winning CatholicMom.com website has been a trusted source for sound, practical, and spiritual guidance. In their new book, authors Lisa M. Hendey and Sarah A. Reinhard bring together more than eighty moms, dads, and spiritual companions to provide fresh, uplifting meditations for every day of the year. 544 pages, $16.95

“Insightful and eminently relatable.” —Jennifer Fulwiler

Catholic radio host and author of Something Other Than God

Mary’s Way

The Power of Entrusting Your Child to God

JUDY LANDRIEU KLEIN 160 pages, $14.95

Sharing the Lessons of St. Faustina MICHELE FAEHNLE AND EMILY JAMINET 160 pages, $14.95

The Handbook for Catholic Moms

A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms

LISA M. HENDEY 256 pages, $16.95 Also available as an audiobook

LISA M. HENDEY 352 pages, $17.95

Nurturing Your Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul

Small Steps for Catholic Moms

Your Daily Call to Think, Pray, and Act DANIELLE BEAN AND ELIZABETH FOSS 416 pages, $17.95 20

BESTSELLER! Divine Mercy for Moms

52 Companions for Your Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul

Imitating Mary

Ten Marian Virtues for the Modern Mom MARGE FENELON 192 pages, $15.95


“Powerful, life-changing ideas for dads.” —John Bergsma

Author of Bible Basics for Catholics


8 Ways to Be an Awesome Dad

GREGORY K. POPCAK Internationally known marriage and family expert Greg Popcak draws on more than twenty years as a counselor as well as his own experience as a father to show how the Beatitudes can be viewed as a practical guide to understanding the love of God and applying that love to being a better father. 192 pages, $15.95 Available March 2017

The Discerning Parent

An Ignatian Guide to Raising Your Teen

TIM AND SUE MULDOON Tim and Sue Muldoon, authors of Six Sacred Rules for Families, draw from their experience as parents of teens as well as counselors, religious educators, and spiritual guides to offer parents the hardwon wisdom they have gained about helping teens make good decisions and passing on the most precious gift they have—faith. 192 pages, $15.95 Available March 2017

Also from Tim and Sue Muldoon Six Sacred Rules for Families A Spirituality for the Home 160 pages, $14.95

Keep Your Kids Catholic

Sharing Your Faith and Making It Stick

MARC CARDARONELLA Foreword by Scott Hahn This practical guide gives parents what they need to be a bigger partner in handing on the faith to their children by creating a faith-nurturing environment at home. 160 pages, $14.95

Pray with Me

Seven Simple Ways to Pray with Your Children

GRACE MAZZA URBANSKI Grace Mazza Urbanski gives practical advice on how to help children find opportunities to pray throughout the day. 160 pages, $14.95

Then Comes Baby

The Catholic Guide to Surviving and Thriving in the First Three Years of Parenthood GREGORY K. AND LISA POPCAK 288 pages, $16.95


R E L AT I O N S H I P S 101 Tips for Marrying the Right Person Helping Singles Find Each Other, Contemplate Marriage, and Say I Do

“Simple, straightforward, and sage advice.”

JENNIFER ROBACK MORSE AND BETSY KEREKES Packed into 101 bite-sized suggestions, 101 Tips for Marrying the Right Person is the help you need —Jason Evert to approach dating with confidence and joy, while Catholic speaker, at the same time helping you become the best, author, and creator most marriage-ready version of yourself. of The Chastity Project 144 pages, $13.95

Loved as I Am

An Invitation to Conversion, Healing, and Freedom through Jesus

MIRIAM JAMES HEIDLAND, S.O.L.T. Foreword by Christopher West When Sr. Miriam James Heidland’s life as a successful college athlete proved unfulfilling, she went searching for something deeper and ended up falling in love with Jesus. By charting her own journey toward wholeness, Heidland invites young Catholics to pursue their own relationship with Jesus. 128 pages, $12.95

The Thrill of the Chaste (Catholic Edition)

Finding Fulfillment While Keeping Your Clothes On

DAWN EDEN Dawn Eden, internationally known speaker and author, presents a completely revised Catholic edition of her bestselling work, The Thrill of the Chaste. Eden shares her story of conversion to Catholicism and invites readers into a Catholic understanding of chastity and its spiritual benefits. 224 pages, $15.95

Chastity Is for Lovers

Single, Happy, and (Still) a Virgin

ARLEEN SPENCELEY In her debut book, seasoned journalist and self-professed “happy virgin” Arleen Spenceley offers a mature, funny, and relatable vision of Catholic teaching on chastity for young adults. 160 pages, $13.95

The Catholic Guide to Dating After Divorce

Cultivating the Five Qualities That Free You to Love

LISA DUFFY Lisa Duffy combines personal experience, Church teaching, and more than twenty years of ministering to those wounded by divorce to offer a guide that shows how faith can be a catalyst for healthy dating and lasting relationships. 192 pages, $15.95

Gay and Catholic

Accepting My Sexuality, Finding Community, Living My Faith EVE TUSHNET 224 pages, $15.95


Catholic Teaching on Homosexuality New Paths to Understanding LOUIS J. CAMELI 192 pages, $16.95


“What a beautifully simple and transforming book!” —Dave Pivonka, T.O.R. Author of Breath of God

Be Transformed

The Healing Power of the Sacraments

BOB SCHUCHTS Whether it is the wound of past hurts, the strain in our relationships, or the stress of daily life, we all need to be comforted and made whole by Christ. In this follow-up to his bestselling Be Healed, Bob Schuchts explains how the sacraments can fuel your emotional and spiritual healing and bring you closer to God. 192 pages, $16.95 Available February 2017

Be Healed

A Guide to Encountering the Powerful Love of Jesus in Your Life

BOB SCHUCHTS In the tradition of beloved spiritual teachers, including Francis MacNutt and Michael Scanlan, Be Healed offers in book form Bob Schuchts’s popular program for spiritual, emotional, and physical healing through the power of the Holy Spirit and the sacraments. 224 pages, $16.95

Remembering God’s Mercy

Redeem the Past and Free Yourself from Painful Memories

DAWN EDEN In the first book to explore how painful personal memories impact faith, bestselling author Dawn Eden offers a guide to the process she used to heal her painful memories. Through her own story, as well as the examples of St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Peter Faber, and Pope Francis, she shows how the mercy of God, who holds all the events of our lives in his own memory, can bring you healing and inner peace. 160 pages, $14.95

My Peace I Give You

Healing Sexual Wounds with the Help of the Saints

DAWN EDEN Foreword by Mother Agnes Mary Donovan, S.V. Dawn Eden, internationally known speaker and author of the bestselling The Thrill of the Chaste, tells how the lives of the saints have given her hope and aided her journey of spiritual healing after childhood sexual abuse. 256 pages, $16.95

“Francis MacNutt’s Healing is one of the two most important books I have ever read on healing. I highly recommend it.” —Randy Clark, D.Min., Th.D.

Founder and President of Global Awakening and the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening More than 400,000 copies sold.

The Power to Heal FRANCIS MACNUTT 256 pages, $16.95


FRANCIS MACNUTT 272 pages, $19.95



Seasons of Hope

Creating and Sustaining Catholic Bereavement Groups

M. DONNA MACLEOD This parish-proven, adaptable, Christ-centered bereavement program offers twenty-four scripture-based sessions organized into four six-week seasons. Each season features a blend of commentary, scripture, prayer, simple group exercises, faith-sharing, and Catholic tradition. The program includes a comprehensive guidebook and four participant journals, one for each season. More purchasing options available at avemariapress.com.

Through Death to Life

Preparing to Celebrate the Funeral Mass

Facilitator’s Pack: 1 guidebook, 4 journals, $40.00


JOSEPH M. CHAMPLIN This comprehensive guide brings together in one place all the official liturgical texts needed for planning a Catholic funeral Mass, providing a practical tool for priests, deacons, and lay pastoral ministers as they help grieving Catholics plan the funeral of a loved one. 128 pages, $4.50

The Funeral Mass and Rite of Committal

This easy-to-use set brings together all of the prayers, scripture readings, and blessings a priest needs for celebrating the funeral Mass. Funeral Mass and Rite of Committal Complete Set 196 cards and binder, $82.95 Funeral Mass and Rite of Committal Ritual Cards 196 cards, $63.95 Ceremonial Binder Three-ring binder, $19.00

The Bereavement Ministry Program A Comprehensive Guide for Churches

JAN NELSON AND DAVID AAKER The Bereavement Ministry Program provides everything needed to begin and nurture a parish-based program of bereavement care for individuals and families. 288 pages, plus CD-ROM, $49.95 24

On My Way Home

A Hospice Nurse’s Journey with Terminal Cancer

JOYCE HUTCHISON Joyce Hutchison, a pioneer in the hospice movement who twice chronicled her work as an oncology nurse in the popular books May I Walk You Home and Now That You’ve Gone Home, reveals in this book her own journey through lung cancer as her death approaches. With a foreword and afterword from her writing partner on the earlier books, Joyce Rupp, Hutchison shares here not only the heartbreak and pain she experienced in these last years of her life, but also her continued sense of God walking with her through these challenging times. 128 pages, $13.95 Available March 2017

“She felt this was one last service she could give others.” —Sr. Joyce Rupp, O.S.M.

Catholic writer, speaker, and retreat leader

May I Walk You Home?

Courage and Comfort for Caregivers of the Very Ill JOYCE HUTCHISON AND JOYCE RUPP 192 pages, $13.95

Praying Our Goodbyes A Spiritual Companion Through Life’s Losses and Sorrows JOYCE RUPP 192 pages, $16.95

Finding Your Way After Your Parent Dies Hope for Grieving Adults RICHARD GILBERT 128 pages, $13.95

Now That You’ve Gone Home

Courage and Comfort for Times of Grief JOYCE HUTCHISON AND JOYCE RUPP 192 pages, $12.95

My Soul Feels Lean

May You Find Comfort

JOYCE RUPP 176 pages, $15.95

JOYCE RUPP 32 pages, $4.50

Poems of Loss and Restoration

Finding Your Way After Your Spouse Dies MARTA FELBER 160 pages, $14.95

A Blessing for Times of Grieving

ABCs of Healthy Grieving A Companion for Everyday Coping HAROLD IVAN SMITH 176 pages, $12.95


Joyce Rupp Joyce Rupp is well known for her work as a writer, spiritual midwife, international retreat leader, and conference speaker. She is a member of the Servite (Servants of Mary) community and the author of numerous bestselling books.

“Joyce Rupp is one of the best Christian spiritual guides writing today.” —Rev. James Martin, S.J.

Author of Jesus: A Pilgrimage

Prayer Seeds

A Gathering of Blessings, Reflections, and Poems for Spiritual Growth

This collection makes available for the first time prayers that she composed for a wide variety of occasions and themes. Included are blessings, celebrations, poems, and reflections on the feasts and seasons of the Church’s year, compassion, difficult times, ministry, and more—suitable for personal prayer or group gatherings. 224 pages, $15.95 Available March 2017

Fly While You Still Have Wings

And Other Lessons My Resilient Mother Taught Me

Rupp shares the story of her own grief in the wake of her mother’s death, offering readers both a profile of her mother’s resilient spirit and a voice of compassion for their own experiences of loss. 224 pages, $16.95

Fresh Bread

And Other Gifts of Spiritual Nourishment

As her first book published with Ave Maria Press, Fresh Bread has become a popular classic introducing Rupp’s unique brand of spiritual nourishment: prose, poetry, and prayer to help us reflect upon and rejoice in the sacred everyday world that is at once around and within us. 160 pages, $13.95

The Cup of Our Life

A Guide to Spiritual Growth

Joyce Rupp’s bestselling contemporary classic has sold more than 180,000 copies and continues to help individuals and groups pray about everyday life using the rich symbol of a cup. 192 pages, $16.95

Open the Door

A Journey to the True Self

May I Have This Dance?

An Invitation to Faithful Prayer Throughout 224 pages, $19.95 the Year 224 pages, $16.95

May You Rejoice

A Blessing for Your Birthday

32 pages, $4.50

Out of the Ordinary

Fragments of Your Prayers, Poems, Ancient Name

and Reflections 365 Glimpses of for Every Season the Divine for 256 pages, $17.95 Daily Meditation 384 pages, $22.95

“Robert Wicks has attained stature and esteem earned by his awareness of our humanity.” —Catholic Library World

Riding the Dragon

10 Lessons for Inner Strength in Challenging Times



With more than 50,000 copies sold, Riding the Dragon has for a decade made itself an indispensable spiritual and psychological guide to readers experiencing seasons of adversity. This anniversary edition includes a new introduction from the author with personal reflections and fresh perspective on today’s challenges. 160 pages, $13.95


Robert J. Wicks, who received his doctorate in psychology from Hahnemann Medical College, has taught in universities and professional schools of psychology, medicine, social work, nursing, and theology. He has authored more than fifty books.

The Challenge and the Gift of Being Present

For almost thirty years, Availability has been a trusted guide for cultivating openness and being present to God, self, and others. In this new edition, Robert Wicks describes availability as a challenging but spiritually rewarding way to live a more balanced life. 160 pages, $14.95

No Problem

Turning the Next Corner in Your Spiritual Life


Awakening to the Fullness of Life

For Robert Wicks, forward motion in the spiritual life is “no problem.” Wicks invites his readers to acknowledge, accept, and start where they are, employing simple practices and assuring that God’s grace will carry them around the next spiritual corner. 128 pages, $14.95

192 pages, $14.95

Streams of Contentment Lessons I Learned on My Uncle’s Farm

Paperback, 224 pages, $15.95 Hardcover, 224 pages, $22.95

Crossing the Desert

Learning to Let Go, See Clearly, and Live Simply 192 pages, $15.95

your entire order! See back for details.


Can You Drink the Cup? Foreword by Ron Hansen Written with profound insight and clarity, Henri Nouwen reflects upon the metaphor of the cup, using the images of holding, lifting, and drinking to articulate the basics of the spiritual life. 128 pages, $12.95

With Open Hands

Out of Solitude

Foreword by Sue Monk Kidd Three Meditations on the With Open Hands gently Christian Life (Revised) encourages an open, trusting Foreword by Thomas Moore stance toward God and offers Drawing on three moments insight to the components of in the life of Jesus, Henri Nouwen prayer: silence, acceptance, invites us to reflect on the hope, compassion, and tension between our desire prophetic criticism. for solitude and the demands of contemporary life. 128 pages, $10.95 64 pages, $8.95

H E N RI J. M. N OUWEN Henri J. M. Nouwen, a beloved and bestselling Catholic author, taught at Yale University, Harvard University, and the University of Notre Dame. From 1986 until his death in 1996, he taught and ministered to physically and mentally challenged men and women as a member of the L’Arche Daybreak community in Toronto, Canada. Learn more about Nouwen’s life and works at henrinouwen.org.

Heart Speaks to Heart

Three Gospel Meditations on Jesus

Foreword by Christopher de Vinck Heart Speaks to Heart follows Henri Nouwen during a Holy Week retreat during which he desired to write about the Sacred Heart. As his words took shape, he instead spoke directly to the heart of Jesus. The resulting book shares Nouwen’s view of his own faithful, but often painful, journey to the Lord. 64 pages, $8.95

Behold the Beauty of the Lord Praying with Icons

Foreword by Robert Lentz, O.F.M. This is a book of meditations by Henri Nouwen, growing out of his contemplation of icons during sojourns at L’Arche, a community for people with mental handicaps in Trosly, France. 128 pages, $15.95

A Spirituality of Waiting

Being Alert to God’s Presence in Our Lives

A Sorrow Shared

A Combined Edition of the Nouwen Classics In Memoriam and A Letter of Consolation 28

128 pages, $13.95

124 minutes, $15.95

Download the digital MP3 at avemariapress.com.

The Franciscan Heart of Thomas Merton A New Look at the Spiritual Inspiration of His Life, Thought, and Writing

DANIEL P. HORAN, O.F.M. Daniel Horan, O.F.M., popular author of Dating God and other books on Franciscan themes—and expert on the spirituality of Thomas Merton—masterfully presents the untold story of how the most popular saint in Christian history inspired the most popular spiritual writer of the twentieth century, and how together they can inspire a new generation of Christians. 288 pages, $16.95

Audiobook is available from Franciscan Media.

“What a treasure we have in young and insightful Daniel Horan!” —Richard Rohr, O.F.M.

Center for Action and Contemplation Albuquerque, New Mexico

T HOMA S M ERT O N Thomas Merton (1915–1968) was one of the most influential spiritual writers of modern times. His autobiography, The Seven Storey Mountain, is the defining spiritual memoir of its time, having sold more than one million copies and having been translated into more than fifteen languages.

When the Trees Say Nothing Writings on Nature

EDITED BY KATHLEEN DEIGNAN This primer on eco-spirituality groups more than three hundred of Merton’s nature writings into thematic sections on the seasons, elements, creatures, and other topics. The compilation reveals Merton’s approach to ecology as a spiritual issue that exposes the degree of human alienation from the sacredness of the planet. 192 pages, $14.95


A Book of Hours

EDITED BY KATHLEEN DEIGNAN The lyrical and prayerful writings of Thomas Merton have been arranged into A Book of Hours, a rich resource for daily prayer and contemplation. Based upon the ancient monastic practice of praying the hours, it offers prayers for Dawn, Day, Dusk, and Dark for each day of the week. 224 pages, $22.00

Bridges to Contemplative Living

see page 30


CO N T E M P L AT I V E L I V I N G Befriending Silence

Discovering the Gifts of Cistercian Spirituality

CARL MCCOLMAN Respected speaker, author, and Patheos blogger Carl McColman introduces Cistercian spirituality as “the hidden jewel of the Church.” He presents an accessible and comprehensive guide that highlights a unique focus on simplicity, living close to the earth, and contemplative prayer, all of which make Cistercian spirituality relevant today. 192 pages, $15.95

“An accessible introduction to the beauty of Cistercian spirituality.” Rev. Daniel P. Horan, O.F.M.

Author of The Franciscan Heart of Thomas Merton

Seeking Surrender

How My Friendship With a Trappist Monk Taught Me to Trust and Embrace Life

COLETTE LAFIA An unlikely friendship between Colette Lafia and a silent monk at the Abbey of Gethsemani, where Thomas Merton lived, comes to life through seven years of shared letters. 160 pages, $14.95

Atchison Blue

A Search for Silence, a Spiritual Home, and a Living Faith

JUDITH VALENTE Journalist and poet Judith Valente invites readers on her transformative pilgrimages to Mount St. Scholastica monastery. The Benedictine sisters living there revealed to Valente monastic wisdom that brought spiritual healing to her fast-paced life—and promises to do the same for her readers. 224 pages, $15.95

Seven Sacred Pauses

Living Mindfully Through the Hours of the Day

MACRINA WIEDERKEHR, O.S.B. Featuring scripture, poetry, reflections, personal stories, and quotes from a rich array of spiritual teachers for many religions, Seven Sacred Pauses is a wonderful gift to those who seek to find balance in their busy days and to bring the practice of the Divine Hours home to their own hearts. 224 pages, $17.95

Bridges to Contemplative Living

The popular Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton series provides the basis for small-group dialogue, leading participants progressively deeper into spiritual reflection and contemplative living. Each of the eight weekly sessions include an opening Psalm reading, an introduction to the session theme, readings from Merton and one other spiritual writer, and questions for contemplative dialogue. Each 64 Page Booklet is Only $5.95


One: Entering the School of Your Experience Two: Becoming Who You Already Are Three: Living Your Deepest Desires Four: Discovering the Hidden Ground of Love Five: Traveling Your Road to Joy Six: Writing Yourself Into the Book of Life Seven: Adjusting Your Life’s Vision Eight: Seeing That Paradise Begins Now

“A gift, a vision, an invitation.” —Mary DeTurris Poust

Catholic blogger and author of Cravings

The Wisdom of the Body

A Contemplative Journey to Wholeness for Women

The distorted view of the perfect female body created by popular culture, television, movies, and the media often causes women to become uncomfortable with their own bodies. In her newest title, Paintner draws from Celtic, desert, and Benedictine traditions to help women connect with their bodies through writing, visual art, and movement. 224 pages, $16.95 Available March 2017

Christine Valters Paintner Christine Valters Paintner is the web-based Abbess of Abbey of the Arts, a virtual monastery offering online courses on contemplative practice and creative expression. She holds a doctorate in Christian spirituality and is a Catholic Benedictine oblate. She is an author and columnist for the Progressive Christian portal at Patheos.

Illuminating the Way

Embracing the Wisdom of Monks and Mystics

Employing the same practices she uses in her other books, Paintner explores how the lives and spirituality of twelve monks and mystics offer distinct patterns of thought that will lead you to a deeper understanding of your strengths and areas of growth and will guide you on the path to your true self. 224 pages, $17.95

The Soul of a Pilgrim

Eight Practices for the Journey Within

Christine Valters Paintner takes readers on an inner journey to discover the heart of God. Eight stages of the pilgrim’s way—from hearing the call to coming home—are accompanied by stories of great biblical journeys and the author’s creative practices of prayer, writing, and photography. 160 pages, $15.95

The Artist’s Rule

Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom 192 pages, $15.95

Water, Wind, Earth, and Fire

The Christian Practice of Praying with the Elements 160 pages, $14.95

Eyes of the Heart

Photography as a Christian Contemplative Practice 152 pages, $16.95


F O R C AT EC H I S T S , R E L I G I O U S Rebuilding Confirmation

Because We Need More Than Another Graduation

CHRISTOPHER WESLEY Christopher Wesley, former director of student ministry at Church of the Nativity—the parish behind the award-winning book Rebuilt—shares his blue print for the hallmark Confirmation program he and his team built. Wesley shows you how to help teens become disciples with the help of parish-selected mentors and small faith-formation groups. His story, vision, and rock-solid advice will strengthen your existing program or help you create a strong framework upon which to build a new one. 128 pages, $10.95 Available January 2017

“A clear and practical vision.” —Craig Gould

Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry Archdiocese of Baltimore

Rebuilding Youth Ministry

Ten Practical Strategies for Catholic Parishes CHRISTOPHER WESLEY Foreword by Michael White and Tom Corcoran 128 pages, $9.95

Room 24

Adventures of a New Evangelist

KATIE PREJEAN Foreword by Mike Patin Five years after she graduated from high school, teacher, catechist, and sought-after speaker Katie Prejean returned to her alma mater in Lake Charles, Louisiana, to teach freshman theology in room 24. In the early years of her career, Prejean’s hormonal, sometimes grumpy, and often confused students taught her what it means to evangelize. Her frequently witty and always candid stories—and the ten lessons she offers— will inspire anyone who works with youth in the Church today. 192 pages, $13.95

“Brimming with inspirational vision and practical advice.” —Chris Stefanick

Founder and President of Real Life Catholic

Confirmation Ideal for adult and adolescent Confirmation candidates

Send Out Your Spirit

A Confirmation Candidate’s Handbook for Faith


MICHAEL AMODEI Send Out Your Spirit leads teens through the major tenets of their faith—the Trinity, Jesus, scripture, Church, sacraments, morality, and more—specifically structured for the context of preparing for confirmation. Candidate Book 288 pages, $11.95

Also Available:

Leader’s Manual 224 pages, $22.95

Sponsor’s Handbook 48 pages, $3.95

E D U C ATO R S , A N D YO U T H M I N I S T E R S 5 Minutes with the Psalms and the Wisdom Books

Spiritual Nourishment for Busy Teachers

EDITED BY LOU DELFRA, C.S.C., AND ANN PRIMUS BERENDS Continuing the tradition of 5 Minutes with Christ and 5 Minutes with the Saints, this unique book of meditations for teachers draws on inspiration from the Psalms, Proverbs, and the books of Wisdom in the Bible. These timeless insights of scripture can provide inspiration and encouragement for all of those on the front lines of Catholic education. 192 pages, $12.95

5 Minutes with the Saints

5 Minutes with Christ

More Spiritual Nourishment for Busy Teachers

Spiritual Nourishment for Busy Teachers 224 pages, $12.95

192 pages, $12.95

Called to Teach

Daily Inspiration for Catholic Educators

JUSTIN MCCLAIN Called to Teach, a book of 366 short, thought-provoking reflections, can help you stay focused on your Christ-centered mission by providing a source of energy, renewal, and affirmation for your day. 288 pages, $14.95

“Fills a critical void.” —Carole Eipers

National Catechetical Advisor for William H. Sadlier

The Way of Catechesis

Exploring Our History, Renewing Our Ministry

GERARD F. BAUMBACH Drawing on more than forty years of experience as a catechist, parish DRE, textbook publisher, and founding director Echo Program at the University of Notre Dame, Gerard F. Baumbach explores contemporary catechesis in light of its history. This landmark book is an essential resource for every catechetical leader and will spur a new appreciation of the opportunities and challenges of catechesis in the Church today. 352 pages, $24.95

31 Days to Becoming a Better Religious Educator

JARED DEES Jared Dees, creator of the popular website The Religion Teacher, shares practical, easy-to-use teaching strategies and exercises for spiritual growth. 192 pages, $9.95 33





“An excellent resource.” —Lisa M. Hendey

Author of The Grace of Yes

Day by Day

The Notre Dame Prayerbook for Students

WILLIAM G. STOREY, D.M.S., AND THOMAS MCNALLY, C.S.C. With half a million copies sold since its inception, Day by Day is the beloved prayerbook that Notre Dame students, alumni, and friends trust to deepen their prayer lives and expand their understanding of God. This collection of prayers is the perfect gift for college students, high school graduates, and confirmation candidates. 224 pages, $9.95

Loved as I Am

An Invitation to Conversion, Healing, and Freedom through Jesus

Holy Goals for Body and Soul Eight Steps to Connect Sports with God and Faith

BISHOP THOMAS JOHN PAPROCKI AND JOE PAPROCKI Hockey-playing Catholic bishop Thomas J. Paprocki (Springfield, Illinois) has a message for teens and young adults: athletics and fitness provide daily ways to connect with God. Bishop Paprocki weaves his unique personal story with eight athletic topics and connects them with a path to wholeness. 160 pages, $13.95

8 Steps to Connect


MIRIAM JAMES HEIDLAND, S.O.L.T. Foreword by Christopher West 128 pages, $12.95 See page 22 for more information.

“Powerful testimony.” —Jason Evert

Author of Theology of the Body for Teens

Chastity Is for Lovers Single, Happy, and (Still) a Virgin ARLEEN SPENCELEY 160 pages, $13.95

See page 22 for more information.

“Shatters modern-day myths with timeless wisdom.” —Mark Hart

Executive Vice President of Life Teen

with God and Faith 1. Fear 2. Frustration 3. Failure 4. Fortitude 5. Faith 6. Friendship 7. Family 8. Fun 34

A Teen’s Game Plan for Life

LOU HOLTZ 128 pages, $11.95

Win It All

The Way to Heaven for Catholic Teens

JUSTIN FATICA 160 pages, $12.95


The Cross, Our Only Hope

Daily Reflections in the Holy Cross Tradition

EDITED BY ANDREW GARWYCH, C.S.C, AND. KEVIN GROVE, C.S.C. The publication of the first edition of The Cross, Our Only Hope in 2008 established it as a foundational work of contemporary Holy Cross spirituality. This thoroughly revised edition, which features more and many new contributions, is a must-have for members of the Congregation of Holy Cross, its friends, lay collaborators, benefactors, and anyone interested in its spiritual tradition. 512 pages, $17.95

“I am especially taken by the personal experiences that ground each reflection, clear evidence of the multi-cultural reality of Holy Cross, and the universal faith community of the Church.” Br. John Paige, C.S.C.

President of Holy Cross College

Basil Moreau

BLESSED BASIL MOREAU Edited By Kevin Grove, C.S.C., and Andrew Garwych, C.S.C. Foreword by John C. Cavadini Paperback: 544 pages, $25.00 Hardcover: 544 pages, $50.00

Basil Moreau

Founder of Holy Cross


GARY MACEOIN 256 pages with 8-page photo insert, $15.95

Today, the Congregation of Holy Cross consists of more than 1,200 perpetually professed religious brothers and religious priests.

Blessed Basil Moreau founded the Congregation on March 1, 1837, in Sainte-Croix, which at that time was a small village outside of Le Mans, France.


Essential Writings

Praying from the Heart of Holy Cross Spirituality

A 30-Day Retreat with Basil Moreau JOEL GIALLANZA, C.S.C. 128 pages, $10.95

Directory of Devotional Prayer CONGREGATION OF HOLY CROSS 256 pages, $14.95

The First Holy Cross Saint!

Brother André

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