Ave Maria Press Curriculum P.O. Box 428 Notre Dame, IN 46556-0428 A Ministry of the United States Province of Holy Cross
THE ENCOUNTERING JESUS SERIES A NEW High School Textbook Series from Ave Maria Press®
“The new text is ENGAGING, INSIGHTFUL, and EASY TO FOLLOW. The presentation appeals to all types of learners while seamlessly delivering the necessary information to the students. Ave Maria Press is constantly working to improve its texts and stay at the forefront of Catholic high school publishing.” MATTHEW CAIRE Religion Department Chair Archbishop Rummel High School, Metairie, Louisiana
2015 HIGH SCHOOL CATALOG Ave Maria Press Curriculum
NEW Encountering Jesus Series NEW eTextbook Options
150 Years
Celebrating Our 150 Year th
Dear Friends,
ve Maria Press celebrates a very special anniversary on May 1, 2015. On that date in 1865, the first issue of The Ave Maria, a sixteen-page weekly magazine for Catholic families, rolled off
the presses under the visionary eye of Fr. Edward Sorin, the Holy Cross priest who had founded the University of Notre Dame twenty-three years earlier. He believed that the publication would be “the source of most abundant blessings” and “a glorious work for our Blessed Mother.” From the early days of the magazine, Ave Maria Press has grown into a major Catholic publishing company focused on spiritual, pastoral, and catechetical books. For nearly forty years, beginning with the first textbook written by Michael Pennock, Ave Maria Press has been at the forefront of Catholic high school textbook publishing, and, we hope to continue that tradition and spirit with the release of our new Encountering Jesus textbook series. I want to thank our authors, our readers, our partners, my colleagues, and the Congregation of Holy Cross for their continuing and faithful support of the publishing mission that Fr. Sorin began 150 years ago.
Thomas Grady Publisher
Check out our new logo! Ave Maria Press Curriculum ii
Ave Maria Press is commemorating its 150th anniversary in 2015 with a new look. As a ministry of the United States Province of Priests and Brothers of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Ave is unveiling a fresh, new company logo as part of our anniversary celebration. The logo reflects Ave’s Marian heritage and devotion, emphasizing Ave (the first word of the “Hail Mary” in Latin) in our name and including a light-blue graphic image of the turning pages of a book.
A NEW high school textbook series from Ave Maria Press
JESUS Series
“The new text is ENGAGING, INSIGHTFUL, and EASY TO FOLLOW. The presentation appeals to all types of learners while seamlessly delivering the necessary information to the students. Ave Maria Press is constantly working to improve its texts and stay at the forefront of Catholic high school publishing.” MATTHEW CAIRE Religion Department Chair Archbishop Rummel High School Metairie, Louisiana 1
WE LISTENED! Over the past several months, we’ve MET FACE-TO-FACE WITH HUNDREDS OF HIGH SCHOOL THEOLOGY TEACHERS at schools from coast-to-coast. We have also LEARNED and BENEFITED from the responses of more than 2,500 theology teachers via a 70-item online survey.
WE WANTED TO KNOW: What do you like about our textbooks? What can we do to make them even better?
ENCOUNTERING JESUS textbook series.
“The definitive aim of catechesis is to put people not only in touch but in COMMUNION, in INTIMACY, WITH JESUS CHRIST.” —ST. JOHN PAUL II
Ave Maria Press is pleased to announce the release of the
These words of St. John Paul II are at the core of our high school theology curriculum and the Encountering Jesus series. By expanding their knowledge of the life of Jesus, his mission, and his saving actions, teens ready themselves for active participation in his Body, the Church, communion with him in the Sacraments, and friendship with him through right living with their neighbors. To encounter Jesus is much different than to only learn about him, meet him, or know him. TO ENCOUNTER JESUS DEMANDS A DEEPER CONNECTION THAT LEADS TO A RESPONSE. The Encountering Jesus series carries on two special traditions at Ave Maria Press. First, as a ministry of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Ave Maria Press seeks to employ the method of our founder, Bl. Basil Moreau, to form the “minds, hearts, and hands” of students in order that they may know, love, and serve Christ in the Church. Second, the title of the series pays tribute to master teacher Michael Pennock (1945–2009), a pillar at Ave Maria Press and the original author of several of our textbooks, including the popular Encountering Jesus in the New Testament.
“Jesus and the Church represents the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE that many have come to expect and appreciate from Ave Maria Press. Teachers will appreciate its theological consistency, while students will find the format FRESH AND ENGAGING. Above all, the text is EXTREMELY RELEVANT, bringing the message of Christ and His Church to the next generation of Catholic students.”
TIM KETTENRING, D.MIN. Department Chair of Theology and Religion, Holy Cross School, New Orleans, Louisiana
Download the series scope and sequence and find additional information about the Encountering Jesus series at
(800) 282-1865
PEDAGOGICAL REDESIGN Teens live in an environment that is immediate, fast, engaging, and dynamic. They read short postings and text messages on small phone screens that come to them at all hours of the day and night. Elements like infographics help teens to focus on material that is most important.
Inspired by the work of DR. LORRAINE OZAR and developed in consultation with DR. MICHAEL BOYLE from the LOYOLA UNIVERSITY CHICAGO SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, the Encountering Jesus series introduces several new design elements to encourage better comprehension skills and retention of information.
CONTEMPORARY NEWS OPENERS • Introduce the chapter focus question • Make real-life connections between the core material and the contemporary world
CONVERSATIONAL NARRATIVE • Speaks directly to the students
CHAPTER FOCUS QUESTIONS • Introduce each chapter • Unify main concepts and encourage understanding • Are addressed throughout the chapter and assessed in several ways
CLEARLY LABELED SECTIONS • Improve the structural organization of each chapter • Summarize the main idea at the beginning of each section
GLOSSARY TERMS • Provide definitions for highlighted terms
NOTE-TAKING GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS • Assure that students understand the material • Aid students in learning to summarize material • Focus on one particular learning skill, such as identifying a main idea or arranging items in a sequence
EDUCATIONAL PHOTOS • Complement the text and serve as teaching tools instead of just filling space • Include both classic and contemporary religious images • Contain informational captions that explain each photo’s significance
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HERE IS WHAT’S NEW INFOGRAPHICS • Present complex material quickly and concisely in ways students can easily understand and remember • Highlight key teaching points • Help to keep the material fresh and focused, while adding new levels of understanding • Feature relevant topics and contemporary events in sidebars
• Label the type of learning skill involved for each item
CHAPTER REVIEWS • Sumarize the chapter with these consistent elements that can be used for enrichment, assessment, and review: §§ section summaries §§ chapter learning assignments §§ faithful disciple profiles §§ explaining-the-faith questions and answers §§ prayers
Course IV
Jesus and the Church
One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic
Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching
Living as a Disciple of Christ
Student ISBN: 978-1-59471-212-8, $25.95 eTextbook ISBN: 978-1-59471-538-9, $12.99 Teacher’s Edition ISBN: 978-1-59471-213-5, $39.95
Student ISBN: 978-1-59471-467-2, $25.95 eTextbook ISBN: 978-1-59471-468-9, $12.99 Teacher’s Edition ISBN: 978-1-59471-469-6, $39.95
Course I
Expected for 2016–17 school year
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Course II
Expected for 2017–18 school year
Course III
Expected for 2017–18 school year
Course V
Expected for 2017–18 school year
Course VI
Expected for 2017–18 school year 7
Jesus and the Church
One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic
Online Resources Available on the Apple iBookstore
Students deepen their understanding of Jesus Christ, the fullness of God’s Revelation, as they encounter him in the living Body of Christ, the Catholic Church. Jesus and the Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic supports Course IV of the USCCB curriculum and is the first high school textbook released by Ave Maria Press in its new Encountering Jesus series. As students engage with the content of this text, they will recognize Christ present and active in their lives through the visible and vibrant mission of the Church, defined by her four characteristics—one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. While Jesus and the Church places the foundations of the Church in their historical and scriptural context, the textbook goes further by guiding students to recognize the sacred nature of the Church and engaging them to more actively participate in the living Body of Christ and serve as witnesses to the sacred Gospel in the world today. Simply put, the goal of the book—as in the Encountering Jesus series as a whole—is to change the lives of students by making real-life connections between what they are learning about the Church and how they encounter Jesus in the contemporary world. (© 2015) In conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the USCCB Curriculum Framework.
Available on Kno Other eTextbook options available—see page 18
STUDENT ISBN: 978-1-59471-212-8, $25.95 eTEXTBOOK ISBN: 978-1-59471-538-9, $9.99–12.99 TEACHER’S WRAPAROUND ISBN: 978-1-59471-213-5, $39.95 DIGITAL TEACHER’S MANUAL ITEM #: 20060, $39.95
Table of Contents Chapter 1: Why We Need the Church Chapter 2: The Church Is One Chapter 3: The Church Is Holy Chapter 4: The Church Is Catholic Chapter 5: The Church Is Apostolic Chapter 6: The Church in the World
View the scope and sequence for Jesus and the Church at
Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching Living as a Disciple of Christ
“No one lives alone. No one sins alone. No one is saved alone,” wrote Pope Benedict XVI, whose words resonate with today’s teens, particularly because the prevalence of social media allows them to better see how their lives are interwoven with those around them. Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching: Living as a Disciple of Christ builds on those connections by helping teens find their place in the community of the faithful as they advocate for charity and justice in the world. The textbook, the second in the Encountering Jesus series released by Ave Maria Press, adheres to the USCCB guidelines for Elective Course C: Living as a Disciple of Jesus Christ. Organized around the seven principles of Catholic social teaching, Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching helps students gain a greater understanding of the roots of social teaching in the Church, its context in the Bible and Catechism, and provides real-life examples of charity and justice in action. (© 2015) In conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the USCCB Curriculum Framework.
COMMUTATIVE JUSTICE What we owe each other individually
• paying back debts • repairing a borrowed car you wrecked • employees fulfilling their duties and employers paying them accordingly
DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE What society owes us
• civil services like roads and police and fire departments • security through the armed services • public education
Taxes are one way this support is given. In the case of transportation, taxes not only help to fund transit service, but also the costs of road repair, snow removal, and the like—services that benefit all people. The previous example shows distributive justice based on someone’s contribution. Distributive justice, as you will learn in ensuing chapters, can also be based on someone’s need.
Legal Justice
• paying taxes • serving on a jury
Social Justice The term social justice was first employed in Church documents by Pope Pius XI in 1931 in his encyclical Quadragesimo Anno (“On Reconstructing Social Order”). But the practice of social justice has always been part of the Church’s work and is rooted in Christ’s very mission of service. The Church’s modern body of teaching on social justice began with Pope Leo XIII in 1891, when he issued the first social encyclical,
Legal justice involves citizens’ responsibilities to society. It includes paying taxes, obeying just laws, and offering help in times of crisis. What constitutes legal justice is usually spelled out in laws and legal documents. To review the three types of justice, examine the chart on this page. 14
LEGAL JUSTICE What we owe society
legal justice The type of justice that governs what individuals owe their country and society. social justice The application of the virtue of justice. The defense of human dignity by ensuring that social structures and institutions on all levels—including political, cultural, and economic—provide for essential human needs and protect human rights. social encyclical A letter from the Pope to the Church on issues related to human rights, social justice, and peace.
Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching
Online Resources
Table of Contents
Available August 1, 2015 on the Apple iBookstore
Chapter 1: Social Persons Called to Justice
Available on Kno
Chapter 2: Catholic Social Teaching: Definition and History
Other eTextbook options available—see page 18
Chapter 3: Life and Dignity of the Human Person Chapter 4: Rewards and Challenges of Family Life Chapter 5: Rights and Responsibilities Chapter 6: Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
STUDENT ISBN: 978-159471-467-2, $25.95 eTEXTBOOK ISBN: 978-1-59471-468-9, $9.99–12.99 TEACHER’S WRAPAROUND ISBN: 978-1-59471-469-6, $39.95 DIGITAL TEACHER’S MANUAL ITEM #: 20061, $39.95
Chapter 7: The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers Chapter 8: Solidarity Chapter 9: Care for God’s Creation
View the scope and sequence for Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching at
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I can trust [Ave Maria Press textbooks]—well organized, COURSE I
Revelation of Jesus Christ in Scripture
Jesus Christ
God’s Revelation to the World Michael Pennock
Jesus Christ: God’s Revelation to the World gives students a general knowledge and appreciation of Sacred Scripture through which they encounter Jesus Christ. • Introduces key figures, events, vocabulary, and doctrine that will appear continuously throughout a four-year curriculum. • Studies both the Old and New Testaments. (© 2010) In conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the USCCB Curriculum Framework.
This textbook is non-returnable.
STUDENT ISBN: 978-1-59471-184-8, $25.95 eTEXTBOOK ISBN: 978-1-59471-398-9, $9.99–12.99
Online Resources Available on the Apple iBookstore Available on Kno
TEACHER’S WRAPAROUND ISBN: 978-1-59471-185-5, $39.95 DIGITAL TEACHER’S MANUAL ITEM #: 20045, $39.95
Other eTextbook options available—see page 18
Who Is Jesus Christ?
Jesus Christ Video Collection—see page 22
Jesus Christ
His Mission and Ministry Michael Pennock
Jesus Christ: His Mission and Ministry deepens the study of Jesus, highlighting key events in Jesus’s earthly ministry while unpacking his teachings about God the Father, the Trinity, Mary, and the Holy Spirit. • Teaches students that the goal of discipleship is a life of grace and holiness and a share of God’s everlasting Kingdom. • Encourages a course of action and calls on teens to “pick up their cross” and follow the Lord in this life and beyond. (© 2011) In conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the USCCB Curriculum Framework.
Online Resources Available on the Apple iBookstore Available on Kno
STUDENT ISBN: 978-1-59471-186-2, $25.95 eTEXTBOOK ISBN: 978-1-59471-399-6, $9.99–12.99 TEACHER’S WRAPAROUND ISBN: 978-1-59471-187-9, $39.95 DIGITAL TEACHER’S MANUAL ITEM #: 20046, $39.95
Other eTextbook options available—see page 18
St. Ignatius High School, Cleveland, Ohio
The Mission of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Source of Our Salvation Michael Pennock
Jesus Christ: Source of Our Salvation focuses on the Life, Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. • Unpacks the meaning of God’s sacred and mysterious plan from creation onward to the consequences of the fall and the promise of a Savior. • Engages students deeply in the saving actions of the Lord.
orthodox content written with adolescents in mind.
(© 2011) In conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the USCCB Curriculum Framework.
STUDENT ISBN: 978-1-59471-188-6, $25.95 eTEXTBOOK ISBN: 978-1-59471-400-9, $9.99–12.99 TEACHER’S WRAPAROUND ISBN: 978-1-59471-189-3, $39.95 DIGITAL TEACHER’S MANUAL ITEM #: 20047, $39.95
Online Resources
Available on the Apple iBookstore
Available on Kno
Other eTextbook options available—see page 18
Jesus Christ Continues the Mission in the Church
Jesus and the Church
One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Students deepen their understanding of Jesus Christ, the fullness of God’s Revelation, as they encounter him in the living Body of Christ, the Catholic Church. • Places the foundations of the Church in their historical and scriptural context. • Guides students to recognize the sacred nature of the Church. • Engages students to more actively participate in the living Body of Christ and serve as witnesses to the sacred Gospel in the world today. (© 2015) In conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the USCCB Curriculum Framework.
STUDENT ISBN: 978-1-59471-212-8, $25.95 eTEXTBOOK ISBN: 978-1-59471-538-9, $9.99–12.99 TEACHER’S WRAPAROUND ISBN: 978-1-59471-213-5, $39.95 DIGITAL TEACHER’S MANUAL ITEM #: 20060, $39.95 Online Resources
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View the scope and sequence for Jesus and the Church at
Available on the Apple iBookstore
Available on Kno
Other eTextbook options available—see page 18
Excellent. Theologically sound. Helpful
Sacraments as Privileged Encounters with Jesus Christ
Meeting Jesus in the Sacraments Meeting Jesus in the Sacraments reveals the sacraments as the definitive way that Jesus remains present to the Church and the world today. • Explores concrete ways for students to understand the sacraments, participate in their rites, and benefit from their graces. • Organized around four dimensions of each sacrament—memorial, celebration, communion, and transformation. (© 2010) In conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the USCCB Curriculum Framework.
STUDENT ISBN: 978-1-59471-143-5, $25.95 eTEXTBOOK ISBN: 978-1-59471-391-0, $9.99–12.99 TEACHER’S WRAPAROUND ISBN: 978-1-59471-144-2, $39.95 DIGITAL TEACHER’S MANUAL ITEM #: 20048, $39.95 Online Resources
Available on Kno
Available on the Apple iBookstore
Other eTextbook options available—see page 18
Life in Jesus Christ
Your Life in Christ
Foundations in Catholic Morality Michael Pennock
Your Life in Christ: Foundations in Catholic Morality focuses on the essential message of Christ’s moral teaching and the importance of love of God and neighbor. • Covers the major points of the “Life in Christ” section of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. • Develops nine essential steps for living a Christian moral life in the Catholic tradition. (© 2008) In conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the USCCB Curriculum Framework.
Online Resources
STUDENT ISBN: 978-1-59471-123-7, $25.95 eTEXTBOOK ISBN: 978-1-59471-403-0, $9.99-12.99
Available on the Apple iBookstore
TEACHER’S WRAPAROUND ISBN: 978-1-59471-124-4, $39.95 DIGITAL TEACHER’S MANUAL ITEM #: 20049, $39.95
Available on Kno
Other eTextbook options available—see page 18
teacher manuals. Student centered.
Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, Massachusetts
Sacred Scripture
Sacred Scripture
A Catholic Study of God’s Word
Daniel Smith-Christopher and Rev. J. Patrick Mullen Sacred Scripture: A Catholic Study of God’s Word presents the Bible to students as a living source of God’s Revelation to us. • Introduces the biblical texts with both a companion for prayerful study and a survey of the context, message, and authorship of each book. • Balances the emphasis on the multiple senses of Scripture: literal, spiritual, allegorical, moral, and anagogical.
The Old Testament
Why do We Read the Old Testament? Catholics know the Old Testament to be several important things. It forms the longest part of the most important book of all time, the Bible. In contains laws and lessons for living that have been applied and lived by people throughout the generations. It is also a written record of the social structures, legal systems, and ordinary religious life that have shaped, and continue to form, most every aspect of our Western civilization.
(©2013) In conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the USCCB Curriculum Framework.
STUDENT ISBN: 978-1-59471-171-8, $25.95 eTEXTBOOK ISBN: 978-1-59471-458-0, $9.99-12.99 TEACHER’S WRAPAROUND ISBN: 978-1-59471-224-1, $39.95 DIGITAL TEACHER’S MANUAL ITEM #: 20056, $39.95
Online Resources
All of these facts about the Old Testament are important and true. However, the most essential reason for reading, studying, and praying with the Old Testament is that it contains God’s Revelation. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that the “Old Testament is an indispensable part of Sacred
Scripture” (CCC, 121). It is the true Word of God that is “to prepare for the coming of Christ, the redeemer of all and of the messianic kingdom, to announce this coming by prophecy (Dei Verbum, 15). The Old Law, or Law of Moses, contained in the Old Testament is a preparation for the Gospel. St. Irenaeus wrote, “The Law is a pedagogy and a prophecy of things to come.” The Old Testament is important in several other ways: •
It contains the truth of God’s promises to the Chosen People, and through them, to all people.
It reveals our true identity as God’s special creatures. Our own personal stories as individuals and as human communities are reflected in the many Old Testament stories.
It records the experiences of our ancestors in faith. In fact, Jews, Christians, and Muslims acknowledge Abraham as a significant person in their faiths.
It reveals a living God, who meets us when we read and pray with these words of Sacred Scripture.
The Second Vatican Council further taught that “God, the inspirer and author of both Testaments, wisely arranged that the New Testament should be hidden in the Old and the Old should be made manifest in the New” (Dei Verbum, 16). This part of Sacred Scripture is intended as an overview of the part of the Bible that Christians refer to as the “Old Testament.” Catholics include forty-six books of the Old Testament (forty-five if Jeremiah and Lamentations are counted as one book). Added to the twenty-seven books of the New Testament, these form the canon of Scripture. The Old Testament is really a collection of books written over the course of a millennium, approximately between 1000 BC and 150 BC. The books were written predominantly in Hebrew. The early Church, however, differed with early Judaism in the decision of the Old Testament canon (“Biblical Translations Today,” page 20). The Church included seven books
Available on Kno Other eTextbook options available—see page 18
History of the Catholic Church
This Is Our Church
A History of Catholicism Michael Pennock
This Is Our Church: A History of Catholicism is a rich resource for high school students interested in a study of each major period in the life of the Church. • Provides a comprehensive, readable, and faith-filled portrait of Catholic history. • Highlights important events, people, trends, and teachings. (© 2013) In conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the USCCB Curriculum Framework.
This Is Our ChurCh
WhAt the ChurCh beLieves About . . . Infant Baptism From apostolic times when whole “households” received Baptism, infants may also have been baptized. Infants are baptized under the belief that Baptism removes the stain of Original Sin. Children, too, have the need of new birth in Baptism to escape the power of darkness and brought into a life of freedom as children of God. The Church and parents offer children the priceless gift of becoming a child of God soon after their birth by allowing infant Baptism. See Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1250–1252.
MeMbers of the ChurCh
Paul of Tarsus: APOsTle TO The genTIles
STUDENT ISBN: 978-1-59471-169-5, $25.95 eTEXTBOOK ISBN: 978-1-59471-402-3, $9.99–12.99 TEACHER’S MAUNAL ISBN: 978-1-59471-159-6, $39.95 DIGITAL TEACHER’S MANUAL ITEM #20058, $39.95
Online Resources Available on Kno
t. Paul is a towering figure in early Christian history. Approximately 60 percent of the Acts of the Apostles recounts his life’s work, and roughly half of the New Testament books overall were written by or attributed to him. He was a vigorous missionary, courageous defender of the faith, brilliant theologian, builder and sustainer of Christian communities, and a brave martyr. Saul (Paul’s Jewish name) was born between ad 5 and 15 into a strict Jewish family in Tarsus in modern-day Turkey. As a citizen of Tarsus, he enjoyed the benefits of Roman citizenship and the advantage of an excellent education. Fluent in Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew, he traveled to Jerusalem to study the Torah under the famous Rabbi Gamaliel (see above). He may have been in the city at the same time as Jesus; however, there is no evidence that they ever met. As a strict Pharisee, Paul rigidly applied the letter of the Law, for example, in helping to lead persecutions against Christians. Present at the stoning of Stephen, Paul thought it was blasphemous to call Jesus, a mere carpenter, the Messiah, Son of the Living God. Because of his zeal, the Sanhedrin sent him to Damascus to root out Christians who were evangelizing in the synagogues there.
ca. 49 Council of Jerusalem determines Gentiles need not be circumcised
Other eTextbook options available—see page 18
NEW ONLINE! Supplemental chapters have been added to include the papacies of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis. Download the FREE PDF at avemariapress.com/historysupplement.
(800) 282-1865
Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching Living as a Disciple of Christ
Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching: Living as a Disciple of Christ helps teens find their place in the community of the faithful as they advocate for charity and justice in the world. • Organizes lessons around the seven principles of Catholic social teaching. • Helps students gain a greater understanding of the roots of social teaching in the Church, its context in the Bible and Catechism and real-life examples of charity and justice in action. JUSTICE CHEAT SHEET SUMMARY / WHO IS INVOLVED / EXAMPLE
COMMUTATIVE JUSTICE What we owe each other individually
• paying back debts • repairing a borrowed car you wrecked • employees fulfilling their duties and employers paying them accordingly
DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE What society owes us
• civil services like roads and police and fire departments • security through the armed services • public education
Taxes are one way this support is given. In the case of transportation, taxes not only help to fund transit service, but also the costs of road repair, snow removal, and the like—services that benefit all people. The previous example shows distributive justice based on someone’s contribution. Distributive justice, as you will learn in ensuing chapters, can also be based on someone’s need.
Legal Justice Legal justice involves citizens’ responsibilities to society. It includes paying taxes, obeying just laws, and offering help in times of crisis. What constitutes legal justice is usually spelled out in laws and legal documents. To review the three types of justice, examine the chart on this page. 14
Online Resources
LEGAL JUSTICE What we owe society
• paying taxes • serving on a jury
Social Justice The term social justice was first employed in Church documents by Pope Pius XI in 1931 in his encyclical Quadragesimo Anno (“On Reconstructing Social Order”). But the practice of social justice has always been part of the Church’s work and is rooted in Christ’s very mission of service. The Church’s modern body of teaching on social justice began with Pope Leo XIII in 1891, when he issued the first social encyclical, legal justice The type of justice that governs what individuals owe their country and society. social justice The application of the virtue of justice. The defense of human dignity by ensuring that social structures and institutions on all levels—including political, cultural, and economic—provide for essential human needs and protect human rights. social encyclical A letter from the Pope to the Church on issues related to human rights, social justice, and peace.
(© 2015) In conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the USCCB Curriculum Framework.
STUDENT ISBN: 978-159471-467-2, $25.95 eTEXTBOOK ISBN: 978-1-59471-468-9, $9.99–12.99
Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching
TEACHER’S WRAPAROUND ISBN: 978-1-59471-469-6, $39.95 DIGITAL TEACHER’S MANUAL ITEM #: 20061, $39.95
Available August 1, 2015 on the Apple iBookstore Available on Kno Other eTextbook options available—see page 18
View the scope and sequence for Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching at
Responding to the Call of Jesus Christ
Marriage and Holy Orders Your Call to Love and Serve Michael Amodei
Marriage and Holy Orders: Your Call to Love and Serve focuses on adult vocations. • Involves preparation through living a chaste, single life. • Provides a thorough presentation of single life, marriage, and priesthood. (© 2007) In conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the USCCB Curriculum Framework.
STUDENT ISBN: 978-1-59471-041-4, $25.95 eTEXTBOOK ISBN: 978-1-59471-390-3, $9.99-12.99 Online Resources Available on Kno
TEACHER’S WRAPAROUND ISBN: 978-1-59471-056-8, $39.95 DIGITAL TEACHER’S MANUAL ITEM #: 20053, $39.95
Other eTextbook options available—see page 18
Ecumenical and Interreligious Issues
Exploring the Religions of Our World Nancy Clemmons, S.N.J.M.
Exploring the Religions of Our World allows students to build on their understanding and experience of the Catholic Christian faith by studying different religious traditions. • Includes Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shintoism, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the Church of Christ, Scientist. • Explores similarities and distinctions in doctrines, traditions, and practices between the Catholic Church and each particular religion.
(© 2008) Each section that specifically refers to Christianity and Catholicism has been granted a Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur.
STUDENT ISBN: 978-1-59471-125-1, $25.95 eTEXTBOOK ISBN: 978-1-59471-393-4, $9.99-12.99 TEACHER’S EDITION ISBN: 978-1-59471-126-8, $39.95 DIGITAL TEACHER’S MANUAL ITEM #: 20054, $39.95
Online Resources Available on the Apple iBookstore Available on Kno Other eTextbook options available—see page 18
TEACHER REVIEW COPIES PRINTED COPIES Please complete our online request form found at avemariapress.com/examination_copy. ELECTRONIC COPIES To request an electronic review copy, e-mail reled@nd.edu the following information from your school e-mail account: • Your name and position • Your school’s name and address • Please be sure to put the title of the textbook in the subject line Look for an e-mail reply containing your link, enabling you to access an online review copy for a limited time.
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(Available August 1, 2015)
(Available August 1, 2015)
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The Old Testament
Our Call to Faith and Justice Daniel Smith-Christopher
The Old Testament: Our Call to Faith and Justice covers the remarkable journey of God’s chosen people and their journey in Scripture. (© 2013) In conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
STUDENT ISBN: 978-1-59471-301-9, $25.95 eTEXTBOOK ISBN: 978-1-59471-540-2, $9.99–12.99 TEACHER’S WRAPAROUND ISBN: 978-1-59471-302-6, $39.95 DIGITAL TEACHER’S MANUAL ITEM #: 20057, $39.95
New testament connection
“Jesus is Lord!” (CCC, 203–210, 446–451)
One way Jesus and early Christians expressed his divinity was by making connections between the way he described himself and the ways God was named in the Hebrew Scriptures, that is, “YHWH.” In John’s Gospel there are a series of sayings that include the words “I AM,” referring to God’s self-identification to Moses in the Old Testament as YHWH, which is translated as “I am.” You will probably recognize many of these “I am” statements: “I am the bread of life.” ( Jn 6:35, 48) “I am the light of the world.” ( Jn 8:12; 9:5) “I am the good shepherd.” ( Jn 10:11–14) “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” ( Jn 14:6) Another connection between Jesus and YHWH of the Old Testament is Jesus’ identity as “Lord.” Since YHWH was a sacred name, Adonai was used in its place. Early Christians had the same feelings about the sacredness God’s name so they referred to Jesus as Lord. St. Paul quotes an early Christian hymn in his letter to the Philippians that ends with a common early Christian acclamation, “Jesus Christ is Lord!” (Phil 2:11). When the Apostle Thomas recognized the Risen Christ as Jesus, he exclaimed, “My Lord and my God!” ( Jn 20:28). In addition, throughout the Gospels Jesus is addressed as “Lord” by those who seek help and healing (Mt 8:2; 14:30; 15:22). “By attributing to Jesus the divine title ‘Lord,’ the first confessions of the Church’s faith affirm from the beginning that the power, honor and glory due to God the Father are due also to Jesus” (CCC, 449). To say “Jesus is Lord!” is an expression of the divinity of Christ.
YHWH, adonai
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the lord Jesus Christ
God is YHWH, which is translated “I am” (Ex 3:13–14)
Adonai, or Lord, was used in place of God’s sacred name (Ex 3:15)
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John’s “I am” statements ( Jn 6:35, 48; Jn 8:12, 9:5; Jn 10:7; Jn 10:11–14; Jn 11:25; Jn 14:6, Jn 15:1, 5) “Jesus Christ is Lord!” was a popular early Christian acclamation (Rom 10:9, 1 Cor 12:3, Ph 2:11) Jesus is often addressed as “Lord” (Mt 8:2; 14:30; 15:22)
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Encountering Jesus in the New Testament Michael Pennock
A combination of Christology—a complete study of the person and divinity of Jesus Christ—with an overview of the books of the New Testament. (© 2009) In conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
STUDENT ISBN: 978-1-59471-165-7, $25.95 eTEXTBOOK ISBN: 978-1-59471-397-2, $9.99–12.99 TEACHER’S WRAPAROUND ISBN: 978-1-59471-166-4, $39.95 DIGITAL TEACHER’S MANUAL ITEM #: 20055, $39.95 Online Resources
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Our Catholic Faith
Living What We Believe Michael Pennock
Our Catholic Faith: Living What We Believe offers a general overview of the Catholic faith as outlined by the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. (© 2012) In conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
STUDENT ISBN: 978-1-59471-266-1, $25.95 eTEXTBOOK ISBN: 978-1-59471-401-6, $9.99–12.99
Our Catholic Faith
Who Is God? (CCC, 205–237; 268–271)
Attributes of Almighty God
A name expresses a person’s inner identity. When Moses encountered God in the burning bush, God revealed his name to Moses—Yahweh, “I Am” (see Ex 3:4–14). This holiest of all names can also mean “I am he who is,” “I am who I am,” or “I am who am.” The name Yahweh shows that God is not some impersonal force but one who creates everything out of nothing and keeps it in existence. God is omnipresent; he is everywhere. The name Yahweh also acknowledges God’s mystery. Moses knew this when he took off his shoes and bowed in reverence. God’s omnipotent and eternal nature is beyond human understanding. Yahweh reveals himself to be the Holy One in our midst, a God of truth and love. “God’s truth is his wisdom, which commands the whole created order and governs the world” (CCC, 216). In fact, God’s only motive for revealing himself, for choosing the Jews from among all people, is his totally free gift of love. This love is constant. Despite human sinfulness, the Lord is “a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity, continuing his kindness for a thousand generations, and forgiving wickedness and crime and sin” (Ex 34:6–7).
1. God is unique. There is no God like Yahweh (see Is 45:18).
God has revealed for us several of his attributes. The Apostles’ Creed identifies only one of God’s attributes: omnipotence. This means that God is almighty. God’s power is unlimited, but it is loving, merciful, and gracious power. The almighty God possesses many other qualities that are part of his mysterious nature. These attributes are beyond our comprehension and can only be understood by analogy, that is, by comparing something familiar to something unfamiliar. For example, we examine God’s perfection by looking first at a human quality like intelligence. Second, we understand that God’s intelligence is not like human intelligence since human intelligence is limited. Third, we state that God transcends, that is, goes infinitely beyond anything humans can understand. God is a perfect being. God is intelligence itself. God is, thus, all-knowing. St. Thomas Aquinas listed the following nine attributes of God that are evidenced through history and in Scripture:
TEACHER’S WRAPAROUND ISBN: 978-1-59471-267-8, $39.95 DIGITAL TEACHER’S MANUAL ITEM #: 20050, $39.95 Online Resources
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An Overview of the Faith Michael Amodei
Catholic Essentials: An Overview of the Faith is a handbook of information, prayer, and practice about Jesus, the Holy Trinity, the Catholic Church, the Sacraments, and ways those who believe in Jesus live out their faith. This text provides an overview and synthesis of the six required courses of the USCCB high school theology curriculum framework. (© 2009) In conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
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The Catholic Spirit
An Anthology for Discovering Faith Through Literature, Art, Film, and Music
Catholic Essentials
Michel Bettigole, O.S.F., and James D. Childs
The Catholic Spirit presents the truths of Catholicism in the context of the arts—literature, music, art, and Church writings. (© 2010) In conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
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The Catholic Spirit
Beliefs Handed Down Because God made us for himself in his own image, our goal is to know and love him throughout our earthly lives and to live with him for eternity in Heaven. By his very nature, God is totally above human comprehension: He is eternal, almighty, and all-knowing. And while we are mortal and limited in our knowledge and power, through the gift of his Son Jesus Christ, and in the Scriptures, God has revealed to us certain truths about his being and nature and his plan for humankind. Over many centuries, saints and theologians have reflected on God’s revelation to his people, and so we have come to a fuller knowledge of who he is and how he loves us. The handing on of this revelation from generation to generation, coupled with a deepening reflection upon it by the Church over the course of time, is known as the Sacred Tradition of the Church. Occasionally, to clarify matters and to summarize our beliefs about God, the bishops from all over the world gather together in meetings called ecumenical councils to assert fundamental truths of the faith in a clear and systematic way. These truths are expressed in dogmatic statements about our faith are called creeds (beliefs). These creeds reflect the teaching of the Church as revealed to the prophets and apostles and passed on from generation to generation to the entire Church. The most well known of these creeds was formulated in AD 325 by the bishops at the Council of Nicaea. The Nicene Creed was slightly modified in AD 385 at the Council of Constantinople. We recite this creed at each Sunday liturgy to strengthen us in our beliefs and to remind us of our communion with the Christians who have preceded us, as well as those who are still to come. The Nicene Creed expresses our desire for God, the subject of belief, and the nature of God himself. God has revealed that he is One and that he is a Trinity of Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God has revealed that he is the Creator of all that is. He has made known that His only Son, Jesus Christ, has come into the world to save us from our sins, and that the Holy Spirit is present to guide and teach us always through the Church.
Send Out Your Spirit
A Confirmation Candidate’s Handbook for Faith Michael Amodei
Send Out Your Spirit leads teens through the major tenets of their faith— the Trinity, Jesus, Scripture, Church, Sacraments, morality, and more— specifically structured for the context of preparing for Confirmation for high school students. (© 2010) The Candidate’s Handbook and the doctrinal material in the Leader’s Manual have been found in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
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The Ten Commandments
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Sex and the Teenager Choices and Decisions Kieran Sawyer, S.S.N.D.
This program deals with a variety of topics including: what to do on a date; how to tell the difference between love, infatuation, and exploitation; the risks of teenage sexual activity with or without contraceptives; the necessity of setting personal moral limits and sticking to them; and many more. 1 TODAY’S TEENS AND THEIR CHOICES Choices! Choices! Choices! You face a plethora of choices every single day. This book is about the choices you are making and will make in the area of sexuality. These important choices always have farreaching emotional, spiritual, and physical consequences. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us, “Sexuality affects all aspects of the human person in the unity of body and soul” (2332). The vocation to chastity—the successful integration of sexuality within a person—is a common one to all people, no matter their state in life. This book will help you to understand why chastity is a good decision for you. The book is really more about sexual relationships than about sex. It assumes you already know the basic biological facts about male and female anatomy. It focuses on the choices and decisions you make each day that affect your relationships, especially your relationships with the opposite sex. This book is meant to help you make choices and decisions that build beautiful, long-lasting love relationships.
STUDENT ISBN: 978-1-59471-161-9, $9.95 eTEXBOOK ISBN: 978-1-59471-404-7, $7.99 LEADER’S GUIDE ISBN: 978-1-59471-168-8, $24.95
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Note to Parents This chapter explains to the teens that the program presented in Sex and the Teenager is really more about relationships than about sex. It assumes that teens already know the basic biological facts about sex, and focuses on the choices they make each day that affect their relationships, especially their relationships with the opposite sex. It presents a number of letters written by actual teens which show that there is no such thing as a “typical teen,” and that young people vary widely in their moral standards and in their experiences of dating and male-female relationships. The chapter points out that choices and decisions in the area of sexuality have 1
Bible Basics for Catholics
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President Catholic Athletes for Christ
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Migration and the Church: A Five-Day Mini Unit
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Monseñor: The Last Journey of Óscar Romero
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Redeeming Administration
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31 Days to Becoming a Better Religious Educator Jared Dees Foreword by Joe Paprocki
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