Lent 2018
A S H W E D N E S D AY I S F E B R U A R Y 14
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Daily Devotionals
Perfect for Parish-Wide Distribution The Living Gospel NEW! Daily Devotions for Lent 2018 ANN M. GARRIDO Award-winning author and preaching expert Ann M. Garrido will be the reader’s guide through Lent to help them reflect on and explore the themes of the most solemn season of the Church year. At the end of the forty days, the reader will come away with a deeper conversion of heart than they ever thought possible. Their compact size and affordable price make the series attractive for bulk purchase. 96 pages, $1.95
“A true game-changer for busy people.” —Very Rev. David G. Caron, O.P. Vicar of Evangelization Archdiocese of New Orleans
Sacred Reading for Lent 2018
APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER NEW! DOUGLAS LEONARD Let the Apostleship of Prayer (The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network) be the reader’s guide during Lent by helping them deepen their prayer life in the most solemn season of the year. This powerful prayer book—based on the traditional spiritual practice of lectio divina (sacred reading)—will engage and inspire the reader with the Church’s daily scripture readings from Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday. The compact format and affordable price make this perfect for parish-wide distribution during Lent. 128 pages, $1.75
“Sacred Reading helps parishioners develop a closer relationship with the Lord by doing as we are invited to during Lent—namely, pray more intensely and listen to Jesus.” —Rev. Tom Stehlik, C.M. Pastor of St. Joseph Church New Orleans, Louisiana
Take Your Devotion Further with a Year-Long Guide to Daily Prayer
NEW! Sacred Reading The 2018 Guide to Daily Prayer APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER DOUGLAS LEONARD 416 pages, $15.95
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Stations of the Cross More than 3 million copies sold! Everyone’s Way of the Cross
CLARENCE ENZLER Illustrated by Gertrud Mueller Nelson and Annika Nelson For almost fifty years, the simple, intimate, and powerful words of Clarence Enzler’s perennially bestselling Stations of the Cross booklet have invited readers to grow closer to Christ by embracing the mystery of suffering in the world. Beautiful, bold commissioned woodcuts by Annika Nelson and her mother Gertrud Mueller Nelson help us meditate on the passion and death of Christ and to see how Christ is among us—often in unexpected places. The booklet is ideal for personal or parish-wide use during the Lenten observance of the Stations of the Cross. Regular Size: 32 pages, $1.50 Large Print: 32 pages, $2.75 Spanish: 32 pages, $1.50
“Encourages us toward personal union with Christ.” —Sr. Joseph Andrew Bogdanowic, O.P.
Dominican Sister of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist
Stations of the Cross with the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
John Paul II’s Biblical Way of the Cross
APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER WILLIAM PROSPERO, S.J. Edited by James Kubicki, S.J. 64 pages, $5.95
You Have Redeemed the World Praying the Stations in the Holy Cross Tradition ANDREW GAWRYCH, C.S.C., AND KEVIN GROVE, C.S.C. 32 pages, $2.50
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Bringing Lent Home Bringing Lent Home with Pope Francis
Prayers, Reflections, and Activities for Families DONNA-MARIA COOPER O’BOYLE This fourth title in the Bringing Lent Home series by EWTN host and popular author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle invites families with children to let the wisdom and spiritual insight of Pope Francis be their guide through Lent. The story of the Holy Father’s life, brief words of inspiration from him, and a variety of prayers and activities are included for each of the 40 days of Lent. Praised by parents, catechists, and pastors alike as helpful, creative, and transformative resources. 96 pages, $3.50
“Provides your family with a practical structure of family prayers, reflections, and practical activities for each day of Lent.” —Deacon Mike Bickerstaff
Editor-in-chief of Integrated Catholic Life
Bringing Lent Home with Mother Teresa
DONNA-MARIE COOPER O’BOYLE This daily guide shows parents and children alike how to put her words into practice with practical suggestions on how to live the threefold call of Lent: to fast, pray, and care for the poor. Each Sunday’s focus is drawn from the themes assigned to that Sunday of Lent and a project for the week ahead is suggested. She illustrates doing “small things with great love” under the guidance of Saint Teresa of Culcutta. Ideal for parish-wide distribution to families during Lent. 96 pages, $2.50
Bringing Lent Home with St. Thérèse of Lisieux
DONNA-MARIE COOPER O’BOYLE Help the families in your parish draw the wisdom of St. Thérèse, providing everything a parent needs to gather the family together for a time of prayer and conversation, including a daily quotation from St. Thérèse and a story about her life. 96 pages, $2.95
Bringing Lent Home with St. John Paul II
DONNA-MARIE COPPER O’BOYLE This addition to the Bringing Lent Home series focuses on the life and wisdom of St. John Paul II. Designed for families with young children, it offers a variety of prayers and practices for each day of Lent. 96 pages, $2.95
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Renew Lenten Spirituality
Lenten Healing
40 Days to Set You Free from Sin KEN KNIEPMANN During each week of Lent, Ken Kniepmann—former executive director of the John Paul II Healing Center—breaks open one of the seven deadly sins (pride, lust, gluttony, sloth, anger, envy, and greed) and its corresponding virtue (humility, chastity, abstinence, diligence, patience, kindness, and liberality). The reader will start by learning about the sin and how it manifests itself in daily life. Then they'll move into reflection and prayer exercises that guide them through the process of renouncing that week's sin and resolving to adopt that week's virtue. 192 pages, $13.95
“Ken Kniepmann does an amazing job of leading us on a guided Lenten retreat into the ‘super-structure’ of sin.” —Jim Beckman
Executive Director of Evangelization and Catechesis Archdiocese of Oklahoma City
Lent and Holy Week
Great for Small Groups! Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton Edited by Robert Toth and Jonathan Montaldo Lent and Holy Week opens the writings of Thomas Merton in easily digestible pieces and eloquently pairs them with the words of other great spiritual thinkers. Designed for use in new or existing small groups between Ash Wednesday and Easter, Lent and Holy Week offers readers a guided contemplative dialogue built around eight compelling Lenten themes. The booklet is ideal for parish-based small group programs, religious communities, and contemplative retreat centers. 64 pages, $5.95
Simplifying the Soul
Lenten Practices to Renew Your Spirit PAULA HUSTON Award-winning author and Benedictine oblate Paula Huston invites readers to de-clutter their minds, hearts, relationships, and souls in a book of daily Lenten practices woven from the gospels, the Desert Fathers, and the author’s own wealth of spiritual experience. 192 pages, $14.95 Study Questions for Simplifying the Soul Download for FREE at avemariapress.com
The Spirituality of Fasting
Rediscovering a Christian Practice CHARLES M. MURPHY Pope Benedict XVI stated that fasting “needs to be rediscovered and encouraged again in our day.” In timely response to this, Msgr. Charles Murphy considers anew how fasting informs the relationships between creator/creature, body/soul, and rich/poor. The Spirituality of Fasting is excellent for small groups, parish retreats, homily preparation, and recommended Lenten reading lists. 128 pages, $12.95
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Grow with Christ Walk in Her Sandals
Experiencing Christ’s Passion through the Eyes of Women KELLY M. WAHLQUIST Walk in Her Sandals, edited by popular Catholic author and speaker Kelly M. Wahlquist, takes the reader deeper into your relationship with Jesus by helping them relate to him in a profoundly intimate way. Looking at six universal gifts of women through the eyes of women in the gospels, the book guides the reader on a prayerful and creative journey through the days of Holy Week, Easter, and Pentecost. 160 pages, $15.95
“Many will benefit from reading this book.” —Most Rev. Andrew Cozzens
Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Perfect for women’s groups!
Twelve Little Ways to Transform Your Heart
Lessons in Holiness and Evangelization from Thérèse of Lisieux SUSAN MUTO St. Thérèse of Lisieux’s “Little Way” has been embraced by people of all walks of life. In Twelve Little Ways to Transform Your Heart, author Susan Muto explores twelve facets of St. Thérèse’s simple spiritual path as a way to personal holiness and the secret to being a powerful witness to Christ in the world today. 160 pages, $14.95
“Captivating and thought provoking.” —Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle
Catholic speaker and author of Rooted in Love
Letters to My Lord
Intimate Conversations with Christ DANIEL A. LORD, S.J. Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J., offers a collection of sixteen deeply personal letters written to Christ while he was dying of cancer. First published in 1963 and now back in print, these letters are still a shining example of an intimate relationship with Christ and a model of how to talk with God in an honest and intimate way. 128 pages, $13.95
"A spiritual gift."
—Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan Archbishop of New York
The Gift of the Cross
Lenten Reflections in the Holy Cross Tradition EDITED BY ANDREW GAWRYCH, C.S.C. Following on the success of The Cross, Our Only Hope, this Lenten meditation book features daily reflections by priests, brothers, and sisters of the Holy Cross community. This affordable book is perfectly suited for use during the Lenten season through wide distribution in parishes, schools, universities, and many other settings. 96 pages, $3.50
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The Cross, Our Only Hope 512 pages, $17.95
Celebrate the Mass Around the Table
Retelling the Story of the Eucharist through the Eyes of Jesus’ First Followers R. SCOTT HURD In Around the Table, author R. Scott Hurd employs the unique and imaginative stories of the fourteen biblical characters who were close to Jesus—including Thomas, Barnabas, and Mary Magdalene—in order to help the reader know Christ better and to contemplate the mystery present in the Eucharist. 160 pages, $14.95
The Power of Daily Mass BERT GHEZZI 128 pages, $14.95
Meditations before Mass ROMANO GUARDINI 224 pages, $13.95
One Ordinary Sunday PAULA HUSTON 256 pages, $16.95
Share Your Faith
Great Gifts for RCIA Candidates! Why I Am Catholic (and You Should Be Too)
BRANDON VOGT Brandon Vogt, a bestselling author and the content director for Bishop Robert Barron’s Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, shares his passionate search for truth, a journey that culminated in the realization that Catholicism was right about a lot of things, maybe even everything. His persuasive case for the faith reveals a vision of Catholicism that has answers our world desperately needs and reminds those already in the Church what they love about it. 192 pages, $20.00 (Hardcover)
The Complete Encyclicals, Bulls, and Apostolic Exhortations Volume 1 POPE FRANCIS 512 pages, $27.95
25 Life-Changing Questions from the Gospels
This Is Our Faith
Choosing to Be Catholic
The Seeker’s Catechism
Letting Jesus Lead You through the Stages of Spiritual Growth ALLAN F. WRIGHT 192 pages, $15.95
For the First Time or Once Again WILLIAM J. O’MALLEY, S.J. 256 pages, $14.95
A Catholic Catechism for Adults MICHAEL PENNOCK 368 pages, $16.95
The Basics of Catholicism MICHAEL PENNOCK 160 pages, $7.95
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