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Four Questions for Spiritual Growth Timothy Clayton
This creative exploration of Advent guides readers to rediscover the power of the events leading up to the birth of Christ. The four questions of Luke 1, as posed by Zechariah, Mary, Elizabeth, and the people in the Temple, spur readers to personal reflection on disappointment, inadequacy, openness, and trust. Designed to be used on a weekly basis through Advent and during the Twelve Days of Christmas, this reflective guide is ideal for individual and small-group use. 160 pages, $13.95
Msgr. Charles Murphy
Author of The Spirituality of Fasting
Volume 1
Volume 2
Many Ave Maria Press, Sorin Books, and Forest of Peace titles have been published in the eBook format and more titles are being added each week.
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5-Minute Prayers Around the Advent Wreath
Sacred Space for Advent and the Christmas Season 2012–2013
O Radiant Dawn is a daily prayer book created for use around an Advent wreath in Catholic households of any configuration. It contains twenty-eight devotional services, each designed to last only five minutes—an achievable goal for busy families. 32 pages, $1.25
This booklet provides daily readings and prayer starters along with the weekly Advent themes and is ideal for people on the go who want to grab a few moments to read, reflect, and pray in the midst of a hectic Advent season. 96 pages, $1.25
O Radiant Dawn
Lisa M. Hendey
The Irish Jesuits
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Ave Maria Press eBooks
Exploring Advent with Luke
“Tim Clayton skillfully weaves together the Christmas story, his personal story, and our own, helping us see it all as God’s weaving. A perfect Advent reflection.”
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Edi ted by Joh n C. Cav adi ni Ins titu te for Ch urch Life
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Foreword by Cardinal William levada
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Priestly Celibacy Blogger at Conversion
“Invites readers into a deeper relationship with our Eucharistic Lord. for ever y Catholic A great prayer resource!” is a great journey companion with my “This book C.S.C. was pregnant Kevin when IRusseau, wish I had mom-to-be. I sure Novice Master Ficocelli Elizabeth Cross four boys!”
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