Bookstore Spring 2022 Trade Catalog

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Follow the Lord into the depths of your heart this Lent and you will never be the same. Take a healing journey with Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, as she helps you turn away from what wounds you and toward God who heals you and makes you whole. In this beautiful guided journal for prayer and meditation, Sr. Miriam invites you to meet the tenderness of God’s mercy, the power of his love, and the restoration of your heart and life as you practice prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Restore features stunning original art by Valerie Delgado of Pax.Valerie along with daily meditations on a passage from scripture, reflection questions, guided prayer, and space for journaling and notetaking. During the seven weeks of Lent, you’ll move through four different phases of healing, focusing on traditional Lenten practices:

“If you’ve ever wanted Sr. Miriam James Heidland to come and sit by your side as you endeavor to move closer to Jesus, Restore is the perfect opportunity. These reflections, beautifully shaped by a wealth of experience, invite us all to ponder deeply as we tread together the Lenten pathway of deeper conversion.” ——Fr. John Burns

Author of Adore: A Guided Advent Journal for Prayer and Meditation

“A deep dive into the depths of our soul.” —Sarah Swafford

Founder of Emotional Virtue Ministries

1. Prayer is the means of healing our relationship with God. 2. Fasting disciplines us in healing our relationship with ourselves. 3. Almsgiving leads us to healing our relationships with others. 4. Sacrifice shows us the path to heaven and union with God. If you enter into Lent with Christ, your heart will see more clearly, be pierced more easily, love more strongly, and serve more passionately. Jesus will be etched into the crevasses of your being. Restore is perfect for both individual and group use. Free companion videos and a downloadable leader’s guide are available at FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Sr. Miriam James Heidland’s first book, Loved As I Am, has sold more than 30,000 copies. • The illustrator, Valerie Delgado, has about 50,000 followers on Instagram, where she is known as Pax.Valerie.

978-1-64680-148-0 · 224 pages · $13.95 On-Sale Date: January 28, 2022 Foreign Rights: World · 5.5" x 8.5" · Paperback Category: Lent Imprint: Ave Maria Press

SR. MIRIAM JAMES HEIDLAND, SOLT, is a popular Catholic speaker, cohost of the Abiding Together podcast, and the author of the bestselling Loved as I Am. Heidland earned a master’s degree in theology from the Augustine Institute and speaks extensively on the topics of conversion, authentic love, forgiveness, and healing.

VALERIE DELGADO is a Catholic painter, digital artist, and the owner of Pax.Beloved. She illustrated the book ABC Get to Know the Saints with Me by Caroline Perkins. She lives in the Houston, Texas area.

AUTHOR’S OTHER TITLE Loved as I Am 978-1-59471-546-4, $12.95


APRIL Befriending St. Joseph

Finding Faith, Hope, and Courage in the Seven Sorrows Devotion DEACON GREG KANDRA

After Pope Francis declared 2020 the year of St. Joseph, interest in the patriarch of the Holy Family and patron of the Universal Church was heightened worldwide. In Befriending St. Joseph, popular blogger Deacon Greg Kandra leads you on a journey of imaginative exploration and spiritual renewal rooted in the few Bible stories where Joseph is written about. This book offers a fresh take on the centuriesold devotion known as the Seven Sorrows of St. Joseph and provides an opportunity to ponder Joseph’s role in our salvation and to become more like him. Although the Bible doesn’t record St. Joseph saying a single word, we know he became what God wanted him to be with patience, attention, trust, and prayer. The biblical account of Jesus’s life shows us that St. Joseph had faith in times of uncertainty and courage in times of danger. Kandra shows us Joseph as a gentle man, pure of heart, trusting in God, and a role model for those who feel unworthy or unready. Through guided reflections, Kandra helps you imagine what life may have been like for Joseph, Mary, and Jesus and offers guidance to help you better navigate your own life, with particular attention to trust, purity of heart, courage, and persistence in faith. Kandra invites you to:

978-1-64680-137-4 · 128 pages · $13.95 On-Sale Date: April 8, 2022 Foreign Rights: World · 5" x 7" · Paperback Category: Catholicism / Devotion Imprint: Ave Maria Press

DEACON GREG KANDRA serves as a deacon in the Diocese of Brooklyn and is a senior writer at the Catholic Near East Welfare Association. He writes The Deacon’s Bench blog.

• trust the mystery of God when life seems shattered; • persist in caring for those you love, guide, and protect; • be courageous and compassionate in the face of suffering; • find strength to comfort others; • attend to those on the margins; • pray for the grace of endurance; and • expect to find Christ in unexpected places. Each chapter of Befriending St. Joseph includes a scriptural verse about Joseph that lies at the heart of the devotion, original prayers by Kandra, and questions for self-reflection, journaling, or faith sharing. The appendixes include additional prayers to St. Joseph and an adaption of the Seven Sorrows devotion for group prayer. FEATURES AND BENEFITS

AUTHOR’S OTHER TITLE A Deacon Prays 978-1-64680-017-9, $14.95

• Greg Kandra’s popular blog The Deacon’s Bench reaches about 50,000 page views a month—more than a halfmillion views a year—from around the world. He has almost 5,000 followers on Facebook, 8,000 on Twitter, and 1,500 on Instagram. • Kandra’s three previous books with Ave Maria Press sold more than 35,000 copies combined.

“Innovative and inspirational.” —Lisa M. Hendey

Founder of


MARCH Set the World on Fire

A 4-Week Personal Retreat with the Female Doctors of the Church VINITA HAMPTON WRIGHT Only four women in the two thousand–year history of the Church—Thérèse of Lisieux, Teresa of Avila, Catherine of Siena, and Hildegard of Bingen—have the distinction of being named Doctors of the Church because of their impact on the faith. In Set the World on Fire, bestselling author, retreat leader, and spiritual director Vinita Hampton Wright offers a fourweek personal retreat that immerses you in the dramatic lives, historical eras, and groundbreaking ideas of these formidable saints and invites you to develop the grit, humility, pragmatism, hope, joy, and vision these women possessed. Each week of your retreat begins with a weekend reading and prayer to introduce the saint and the primary topic of the chapter, followed by five days of morning and evening prayer. Much of the text comes from the saint’s own writings. Scripture, reflection questions, and suggestions for action are designed to help you engage personally with the saint and her wisdom for living your faith. This book offers a unique and in-depth experience of the saint and her unique gifts to the Church: •W eek one: St. Thérèse of Lisieux—the young Carmelite nun whose autobiography sent ripples across Christendom—will teach you to love God through her Little Way. •W eek two: St. Teresa of Avila—a Carmelite who spent years reforming her order and gave to the world a spiritual masterpiece called The Interior Castle—will instruct you in trusting your personal experience of God. •W eek three: St. Catherine of Siena—a Third-Order Dominican who poured out her life for people in need but also gave astute, sharp direction to Church leaders—will guide you to live every moment with courage through the love of truth. •W eek four: St. Hildegard of Bingen—a Benedictine abbess whose spiritual visions led to books, poetry, music, art, and early scientific discovery—will show you how to engage life with passion and creativity. These saints’s experience of God, understanding of spirituality, and timeless wisdom gained them each the title Doctor of the Church, which indicates that through their life, research, study, and writing, they deepened and advanced the faith.

978-1-64680-101-5 · 192 pages · $18.95 On-Sale Date: March 11, 2022 Foreign Rights: World · 6" x 9" · Paperback Category: Spirituality Imprint: Ave Maria Press

VINITA HAMPTON WRIGHT is an award-winning author and workshop and retreat leader who served as a book editor for more than thirty years. She retired as managing editor at Loyola Press in 2021.

“This book highlights the spirituality and brilliance of some of the most influential women in Church history. This retreat guides the reader in a simple yet profound reflection that will leave the soul refreshed and inspired.” —Fr. Blake Britton

Contributor to Word on Fire Catholic Ministries


MAY No Such Thing as Ordinary

Unlocking Your Extraordinary Life through Everyday Encounters with Jesus RACHEL BALDUCCI

Are you looking for freedom and fulfillment in the life you are already living, or do you feel trapped because your everyday reality doesn’t match your dreams? No Such Thing as Ordinary will help you discover the passion and adventure in your life while empowering you to see how God uses daily, here-and-now moments to draw you to him in an extraordinary way. Drawing from Jesus’s conversation with the woman at the well in the Gospel of John, Rachel Balducci—Catholic writer and cohost of CatholicTV’s The Gist—shares how a deep unrest in her life launched her on a journey to discover the secret that true joy is found in a deeper relationship with Jesus. Through scripture, her passionate faith, and personal stories, Balducci shows you how to • discover freedom, adventure, and deep, abiding peace; • stop being distracted by the worldly voices telling you to forget your responsibilities and pursue your own fulfillment; • f ind your true self in the midst of losing everything you thought defined you; and • recognize and believe that where you are now is where God has placed you and where he intends to meet you. FEATURES AND BENEFITS • A Catholic antidote to books by authors such as Rachel Hollis that tell women they can have it all if they just try harder. 978-1-64680-127-5 · 128 pages · $15.95 On Sale Date: May 6, 2022 Foreign Rights: World · 5.5" x 8.5" · Paperback Category: Women’s Spirituality Imprint: Ave Maria Press

RACHEL BALDUCCI is a Catholic author, writer, blogger, speaker, and cohost of The Gist on Catholic TV. She teaches journalism at Augusta University.


• Rachel Balducci is an established Catholic author whose titles have sold more than 15,000 copies.

“Rachel Balducci’s reminder that ‘our God is a God for all seasons’ is surely a balm to the soul of every woman. She offers her hard-won guidance alongside wisdom from scripture. I have no doubt that this book will be the soul sister you need to help you thrive in your season of life!” —Kathryn Whitaker

Author of Live Big, Love Bigger

MARCH Jane Austen’s Genius Guide to Life

On Love, Friendship, and Becoming the Person God Created You to Be HALEY STEWART

Popular Catholic podcaster Haley Stewart insists that there’s no better life coach than nineteenth-century British novelist Jane Austen. In this uniquely Catholic take, Stewart reveals Austen’s thoughtful, deeply personal exploration of human relationships—including with God—through her six novels. Stewart’s insights take you on a journey that is both literary and spiritual, revealing how Austen’s characters and themes can lead to you to discover and become the person God has called you to be. Stewart draws fascinating connections between Austen’s novels and real life and introduces Austen as a capable lifecoach who guides her readers to understand virtue and vice through friendship, love, community, and God’s grace. Austen’s characters reveal how virtuous habits transform us and help us become who we were meant to be. Each chapter focuses on characters and virtues from a single novel: • Let Elizabeth Bennet teach you how to recognize substance in others and address the pride in your own heart through the cultivation of humility (Pride and Prejudice). • Let Emma Woodhouse and George Knightley help you develop the compassion to see the world more clearly with the eyes of Christ (Emma). • Let the Dashwood sisters show you the virtue of temperance and guide you to embrace your God-given personality and temperament (Sense and Sensibility). • Follow along with Edmund Bertram’s journey toward constancy through the example of Fanny Price (Mansfield Park). • Be inspired by Anne Elliot’s vulnerable fortitude in the storms of life (Persuasion). • Join Catherine Morland in learning prudence to know and act on the truth (Northanger Abbey). Whether you are already an Austen fan or are discovering her works for the first time, Stewart’s infectious enthusiasm and captivating spiritual insights will have you digging in to experience firsthand the characters and stories that have captured imaginations in book and film for more than two centuries.

978-1-64680-139-8 · 128 pages · $16.95 On Sale Date: March 25, 2022 Foreign Rights: World · 5.5" x 8.5" · Paperback Category: Spirituality Imprint: Ave Maria Press

HALEY STEWART is a Catholic author, podcaster, and speaker, and a fellow of the Word on Fire Institute.

Discussion questions and recommended film adaptations make this book suitable for individual or group use or as a high school classroom or homeschool resource. A free, downloadable leader’s guide is available at

“I have been leaning on Jane Austen’s works to get me through tough times and to celebrate the great ones for more than twenty-five years, and ‘life coach’ is the best way to describe her.”

AUTHOR’S OTHER TITLE The Grace of Enough 978-1-594710-817-5, $16.95

—Marcia Lane-McGee

Cohost of the Plaid Skirts & Basic Black podcast


“Marcia Lane-McGee and Shannon Wimp Schmidt serve up smart, beautifully written reflections about their faith and heritage as fully Black, fully Catholic women. They are honest, humble, funny, gracious, and sometimes—in their own words—even a little weird. I enjoyed not only their engaging stories but also their important, poignant insights.” —Gloria Purvis

Catholic radio and television host, author, commentator, and executive producer of The Gloria Purvis Podcast


MARCH Fat Luther, Slim Pickin’s

A Black Catholic Celebration of Faith, Tradition, and Diversity

MARCIA LANE-MCGEE AND SHANNON WIMP SCHMIDT What does musical icon Luther Vandross—and his physical appearance—have to do with appreciating the people and cultures that make up the Catholic Church? Marcia Lane-McGee and Shannon Wimp Schmidt, hosts of the Plaid Skirts and Basic Black podcast, explain that Christmas celebrations of Black Catholic families are not complete without the annual argument about which version of Luther—fat or skinny—created better music. The light-hearted debate is also about remembering the past and providing hope for the future.

“This is a book for all of us who are a part of the Catholic family and speaks to the beauty and necessity of diversity in our homes and parish communities.” —Erica Tighe Campbell Founder of Be a Heart

“The authors’ unique take on life holds up a mirror to our society wrestling to bring an end to racism, sexism, exclusion, and injustice.” —ValLimar Jansen

Catholic speaker, recording artist, and storyteller

Fat Luther, Slim Pickin’s examines the intersection of faith, race, culture, and identity with hopefulness, humor, and joy. LaneMcGee and Schmidt share their experiences as Black women in the Church and invite Catholic women from all walks of life to look with new eyes at the feasts and seasons of the liturgical year through the lens of Black Catholic culture. In Fat Luther, Slim Pickin’s, you will learn that: • You can embrace liturgical celebrations even if they’re a little janky—that is, haphazard and messy—by making do with what you have and focusing on actually doing something and being human rather than doing it perfectly. • Soul food epitomizes the genius of Black Americans who can make sustenance even from “slim pickin’s”—the scraps. • Ordinary Time offers us a chance to cultivate our “Catholic Shine”—finding beauty in the everyday stuff of life, revealing the mystery of God. • As we remember afresh Christ’s suffering on the Cross each Lent, we see the parallel to how racism in America can be both history and an ongoing suffering. Fat Luther, Slim Pickin’s offers examples of holy people— including Servant of God Sr. Thea Bowman, Venerable Fr. Augustus Tolton, St. John XIII, St. Martin De Porres, and St. Joan of Arc—as companions for the liturgical journey. You will also learn more about Black history and experience, and your own faith, through primers on “one drop” laws, appreciation vs. appropriation, the legacy of slavery, and code switching. Reflection questions are included in each chapter, making this book perfect for individual or group study.

978-1-64680-131-2 · 192 pages · $17.95 On-Sale Date: March 25, 2022 Foreign Rights: World · 5.5" x 8.5" · Paperback Category: Spirituality Imprint: Ave Maria Press MARCIA LANE-MCGEE is the cohost of the Plaid Skirts and Basic Black podcast and a family teacher at Mooseheart Child City and School. She is a founding member, executive board member, and secretary of Catholics United for Black Lives and an executive board member and the vice president of New Wave Feminists. SHANNON WIMP SCHMIDT is cohost of the Plaid Skirts and Basic Black podcast, and a founding member of the Board of Directors of Catholics United for Black Lives. She has more than a decade of experience in youth and pastoral ministry.


APRIL The Way of Beatitude

Living Radical Hope in a World of Division and Despair CASEY COLE, OFM

What if we looked at the things we see wrong in the world with empathy, dug below the surface of people’s disappointing actions to experience their pain, and understood hurtful words as a cry for consolation? What if we responded with sorrow instead of outrage, and love instead of hate? If we could do all that, we’d be living as Jesus taught us in the Beatitudes. Fr. Casey Cole, OFM—host of YouTube’s Breaking in the Habit—wants you to embrace the pain caused by anger and division in the world and then look to Jesus for hope through the Beatitudes. You will learn how to • surrender to the mercy of God; • face with courage the heartache caused by division and animosity; • be patient and lean into God’s providence; • hunger always for justice; • commit to solidarity with the powerless and the broken; • be liberators of the oppressed; and • lay down your life for the sake of God’s Kingdom. By sharing his own stories of striving toward supreme blessedness, Cole shows you how to surrender power and move beyond the harmful divisiveness of our world. Chapters include reflection questions and practical ideas for living the Beatitudes. A free small-group guide is available to download from FEATURES AND BENEFITS 978-1-64680-145-9 · 128 pages · $15.95 On-Sale Date: April 8, 2022 Foreign Rights: World · 5.5" x 8.5" · Paperback Category: Spirituality Imprint: Ave Maria Press

CASEY COLE, OFM is a Catholic author, popular YouTuber at Breaking in the Habit, and a priest serving in Macon, Georgia.

• Fr. Casey Cole, OFM, is a popular YouTube personality among young Catholics. He has more than 230,000 subscribers on Breaking in the Habit and more than 90,000 on Upon Friar Review. • Cole’s two previous books have combined sales of more than 15,000 copies.

“A contemporary, wonderfully realistic look at the Beatitudes by one of Catholicism’s most positive voices.” —Mike Hayes

Cofounder of Busted Halo


APRIL Habits of Freedom

5 Ignatian Tools for Clearing Your Mind and Resting Daily in the Lord CHRISTOPHER S. COLLINS, SJ

Do you feel exhausted, anxious, or distracted? Do you want to free your mind from mental clutter? Popular retreat leader and spiritual director Fr. Christopher Collins, SJ, says that if you turn your heart to God you will find clarity and spiritual peace. In Habits of Freedom, Collins offers you five practical tools to help you develop a habit of daily discernment that will lead to inner calm. Drawing on the wisdom of St. Ignatius Loyola and his renowned Spiritual Exercises, Collins offers practical spiritual exercises for incorporating five tools into your daily life to help you de-stress, organize your thoughts, and experience the calming presence of Jesus. These are: • allowing God to show you the signs of oncoming anxiety and mental breakdown; • developing the ancient practice of spiritual discernment to help analyze your moods and perceptions; • interpreting life events with an eye toward personal growth and resiliency; • practicing detachment from negative influences; and • engaging in interior sensitivity to how God works to bring you peace. Habits of Freedom is an excellent resource for spiritual directors and individuals, as well as for use in prayer and parish groups seeking practical material that can speak broadly to members from a variety of backgrounds and seasons of life. The book can be easily adapted for small groups and retreat use. A smallgroup guide is included in the back of the book. FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Collins’s first book, Three Moments of the Day, is widely used by retreat houses and parishes.

“If you are seeking ways to hear God’s voice in the busyness, Habits of Freedom is the book for you. Weaving storytelling, practical advice, and exercises for prayer, Fr. Collins breaks down St. Ignatius’s discernment wisdom in a relatable and easily digestible way. This is a book I will be sharing with the people I accompany in spiritual direction!” —Becky Eldredge

Spiritual director, retreat facilitator, and author

978-1-64680-123-7 · 128 pages · $14.95 On-Sale Date: April 22, 2022 Foreign Rights: World · 5.5" x 8.5" · Paperback Category: Ignatian Spirituality Imprint: Ave Maria Press

CHRISTOPHER S. COLLINS, SJ, is the vice president for mission at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota. His research and teaching have been in the areas of systematic theology and spirituality. Collins is the author of Three Moments of the Day and The Word Made Love. He regularly gives retreats around the country based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

AUTHOR’S OTHER TITLE Three Moments of the Day 978-1-59471-464-1, $14.95


“With delicacy, truth, wisdom, and beauty, Heather Khym invites you into the heart of Jesus and into the abiding love of the God who never leaves you nor forsakes you. This practical and inspiring book will bring healing to your life and will bless you immensely.” —Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT Author of Loved As I Am and Restore



A Pathway to Transformative Healing and Intimacy With Jesus HEATHER KHYM

In this personal healing retreat from Heather Khym, cohost of the popular Abiding Together podcast, you are invited to break through the barriers that prevent you from trusting and experiencing the deep love of Jesus and be transformed by the freedom that comes when we vulnerably bring our entire selves to the foot of the Cross. Rooted in the teaching of Khym’s Vancouver-based ministry, Life Restoration, Abide shares scripture, essential Catholic teaching, and the author’s personal healing journey to reintroduce you to God as the Divine Healer, Restorer, and Miracle Worker. Khym offers you a compass to navigate your past as you dig into difficult memories that have disoriented your understanding of God and made you afraid to trust him. She challenges you to cast off your self-protective tendencies and to recognize your need for healing so you can be the person you were created to be.

“This book will help you to go deeper, be healed, become more free, and fall deeply in love with Jesus and the life he’s crafted for you. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone at any stage of their spiritual journey.” —Beth Davis

Director of Ministry Advancement Blessed Is She

“Abide is a gold mine of wisdom about the challenges of life, emotional healing, and spiritual transformation. If you long for deeper intimacy with Jesus, you will love this book.” —Bob Schuchts Author of Be Healed

Jesus says, “Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit because apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:4–5). We are meant to abide in Jesus, to unite ourselves to him. Yet over the course of our lives, we experience brokenness and loss, which lead us to doubt God’s presence. Khym challenges you to step outside your comfort zone so that you can authentically • r ecognize God as a loving father who desires your happiness; •p ractice spiritual and emotional vulnerability with Jesus; • i nvite the Divine Healer into your past and relationships; •a cknowledge that you have an enemy who battles for your heart; and •o vercome false beliefs about God and learn to trust Jesus as a compelling, captivating, and trustworthy lover of your soul. Each chapter includes practical reflection-based exercises that help you recall troublesome memories, identify the roots of your feelings, and meditate on excerpts from scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. You’ll come away with a renewed hope in the power of God to bring freedom to your fearful heart as you start to live a life restored in Christ, one that begins with and is sustained by an intimate relationship with Jesus.

978-1-64680-117-6 · 160 pages · $17.95 On-Sale Date: March 11, 2022 Foreign Rights: World · 6" x 9" · Paperback Category: Spirituality / Personal Growth Imprint: Ave Maria Press

HEATHER KHYM is the cohost of the internationally popular Abiding Together podcast. She and her husband, Jake, are the cofounders of Life Restoration Ministries based in British Columbia, Canada.

FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Khym’s popular podcast, Abiding Together, is consistently ranked in the top 1 percent of all podcasts in every category worldwide and boasts 50–60,000 weekly downloads and more than 32,000 followers on Instagram.


“This is the book we need now! Gary Zimak has done it again, giving us a work of transcendent Christian hope for our troubled time and reminding us why scripture tells us again and again, ‘Be not afraid’. Personal and practical and uplifted on every page by deep faith, this book will bring consolation and inspiration to many.” —Deacon Greg Kandra

Creator of The Deacon’s Bench


MARCH Let Go of Your Fear

Choosing to Trust Jesus in Life’s Stormy Times GARY ZIMAK

You don’t have to live in fear if you truly believe that God will help you with anything that life sends your way. Let Gary Zimak help you reach for God’s hope. Zimak, author of the bestselling book Give Up Worry for Lent!, explores two Gospel stories of Jesus calming storms—and his disciples—to show you how to manage the big feelings of fear in your life. His practical retelling of the familiar stories, when Jesus is asleep in the boat and when he walks across the water toward his disciples, is an invitation to encounter the Lord in the midst of your own storms and move from discouragement to courage and away from anxiety and toward hope.

“Personal and practical and uplifted on every page by deep faith, this book will bring consolation and inspiration to many.” —Deacon Greg Kandra

Creator of The Deacon’s Bench

“Gary Zimak hits a home run with this book! No other Christian author can help you chase away fear better than he does. This book is a soothing balm to a weary, worried, world.” —Gigi Ferguson

Host of Inspired by Faith Book Club

Fear is like a smoke alarm, Zimak says. It’s designed to warn you of impending danger so you can take appropriate action—and maybe even save your life. But often your internal alarm system is too sensitive. As a result, you’re afraid when you shouldn’t be. “We’re afraid because we don’t believe that God loves us, is with us, and is bigger than our problems,” Zimak writes. In Let Go of Your Fear, you’ll discover: • No matter how bad things look, there is always hope • God allows storms in your life to remind you to rely on him • God is sometimes silent but he is never absent • Jesus understands our feelings. He experienced them, too • Fear is a natural emotion that signals an opportunity for trust • When you start to sink, let go of self-sufficiency and reach for Jesus • Jesus’s peace is most powerful mid-storm Perfect for individual or group use, each chapter of Let Go of Your Fear includes reflection questions to help you identify the times and places you are most likely to wrestle with fear and to guide you to establish new habits that move you away from discouragement and anxiety toward greater faith, hope, and trust. FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Combined sales of Gary Zimak’s three books with Ave Maria Press have reached more than 26,000 copies.

978-1-64680-129-9 · 160 pages · $15.95 On-Sale Date: March 11, 2022 Foreign Rights: World · 5" x 7" · Paperback Category: Spirituality / Personal Growth Imprint: Ave Maria Press

GARY ZIMAK is a Catholic speaker and the bestselling author of Give Up Worry for Lent!, Let Go of Anger and Stress!, and Give Up Worry for Good! He specializes in helping Catholics cope with emotions such as stress and anxiety.

AUTHOR’S OTHER TITLES Give Up Worry for Lent! 978-1-59471-881-6, $13.95 Give up Worry for Good! 978-1-64680-051-3, $15.95 Give Up Anger and Stress! 978-1-59471-983-7, $14.95


APRIL Open Wide My Heart A Journal of a Prayer Life

MACRINA WIEDERKEHR FOREWORD BY JOYCE RUPP Just before she died of brain cancer in April 2020, Macrina Wiederkehr gifted her friend and coauthor Joyce Rupp with one of the many journals she kept over the years where she reflected on scripture and her own spirituality. Rupp writes in the foreword for Open Wide My Heart, “I observed certain currents of yearning and faithfulness that remained throughout the decades: a thirst for an everfuller relationship with the Holy One; a tremendous respect for scripture as an incentive for spiritual transformation; a recognition of not being all she hoped to be regarding her inner growth; and a continual return to a belief in her essential goodness.” That is the essence of Open Wide My Heart, which pulls together two years of personal reflections by Wiederkehr, a beloved spiritual author, popular retreat leader, and Benedictine sister. These brief yet poignant writings serve as guideposts as you begin or deepen your scripture study and offer gentle direction for your faith and a better understanding of daily life. Wiederkehr also shares nuggets of spiritual wisdom she gained in her reading, including • experiencing God in the everyday; • living fully present in the moment; and 978-1-932057-31-7 · 160 pages · $15.95 On-Sale Date: April 22, 2022 Foreign Rights: World · 5" x 7" · Paperback Category: Spirituality Imprint: Sorin Books

MACRINA WIEDERKEHR (1939–2020) was a spiritual guide, popular retreat facilitator, and author who made her home with the monastic community of St. Scholastica in Fort Smith, Arkansas.

AUTHOR’S OTHER TITLES The Flowing Grace of Now 978-1-932057-18-8, $16.95 Seven Sacred Pauses 978-1-933495-24-8, $17.95


• accepting the grace that comes from God, other people in your life, and the world around you. Open Wide My Heart is an invitation to learn from a bestselling spiritual writer’s practice and witness her deeply meditative approach to scripture and life. In the process, you can grow in confidence in your own scripture reading. FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Macrina Wiederkehr’s previous books with Ave Maria Press have sold more than 140,000 copies.

“Macrina Wiederkehr’s words read like a song of deliverance from today’s anxieties, confusion, and lack of focus on what and who are truly important in life. Spend some with the words and spirit Wiederkehr has left for us; it is a gift you will unwrap again and again to find solace, direction, and hope.” —Robert J. Wicks

Author of Riding the Dragon

APRIL Birthing the Holy

Wisdom from Mary to Nurture Creativity and Renewal CHRISTINE VALTERS PAINTNER ILLUSTRATED BY KREG YINGST Do you long to feel more alive, to see the vibrancy in your daily life? Do you feel the seeds of a new calling tugging at you? Look to the Blessed Mother for help. In Birthing the Holy, Christine Valters Paintner—abbess of the online Abbey of the Arts—invites you to better know Mary and her heart through thirty-one of her titles, and, along the way, you’ll nurture the new growth in your life. The Blessed Mother is known by many beautiful titles, some of which are familiar—Virgin, Queen of Peace, and Star of the Sea—and some we may not be aware of—Vessel of Grace, Greenest Branch, and Our Lady of Silence. Paintner offers a flexible format to reflect on Mary’s titles through a thirty-one-day personal retreat, a series of novenas, or with visio divina exercises using striking images by printmaker Kreg Yingst. As you reflect on Mary in her role as Mother of Good Counsel, Woman Clothed with the Sun, Mystical Rose, Mother of Sorrows, Queen of the Angels, and other titles, Paintner invites you to hear what God calls you to develop in your life, help that dream or vision grow, and then nourish it in the world. Whether you’re meeting Mary for the first time in these magnificent titles or revisiting her as a beloved companion, Birthing the Holy invites you to see the exploration of Mary and your life as a spiritual and creative act, one that can help deepen your faith even as it sparks new growth within you. FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Christine Paintner’s previous books with Ave Maria Press have sold more than 77,000 copies. • Paintner is developing a new online retreat based on the book that will launch for Advent 2022. She is also developing a seven-day prayer cycle around this book, which will be launched on her website in May 2022.

“Even if you have known Mary all your life, you will encounter her afresh here in deeply nourishing and empowering ways. Drawing upon centuries of art, theology, and spiritual tradition, Christine Valters Paintner leads us into the sacred act of co-creation with God while Kreg Yingst’s beautiful block prints guide us in thoughtful contemplation of our Mother Mary, ever ancient, ever new.” —Cameron Bellm

Author of A Consoling Embrace

978-1-932057-27-0 · 224 pages · $18.95 On-Sale Date: April 8, 2022 Foreign Rights: World · 6" x 9" · Paperback Category: Spirituality Imprint: Sorin Books

CHRISTINE VALTERS PAINTNER is the online abbess for Abbey of the Arts and the author of sixteen books on monasticism and creativity. KREG YINGST is an artist who creates sacred, ecumenical original art, primarily hand-pulled block prints (woodcuts and linocuts) designed, drawn, carved, printed—and in some cases. He operates on Etsy at WorkingArts.

AUTHOR’S OTHER TITLES The Soul’s Slow Ripening 978-1932057102, $16.95 The Artist’s Rule 978-1933495293, $16.95


FEBRUARY Beginning Well

7 Spiritual Practices for the First Year of Almost Anything JOEL STEPANEK

Are you starting a new job, retiring, getting married, expanding your family, or making any significant change in your life? The first year of almost anything new can be both a blessing and a challenge. In Beginning Well, Joel Stepanek, vice president of parish services at Life Teen International, shows how being shaken out of your routine when you start something new can free you to become a better Christian. He offers seven spiritual practices to get you through transitions and help you lay a strong foundation for true happiness. Stepanek has worked in pastoral ministry and organizational development for more than fifteen years; he understands that life’s transitions are important to spiritual and emotional well-being and provide the chance to see Christ in places you may not have thought to look before. Stepanek will help you refine your thoughts and behavior to more closely align your life to the Gospel as you grow through your first year of almost anything. In Beginning Well, you will learn how to

978-1-64680-135-0 · 160 pages · $15.95 On-Sale Date: February 11, 2022 Foreign Rights: World · 5" x 7" · Paperback Category: Spirituality / Personal Growth Imprint: Ave Maria Press

JOEL STEPANEK is a Catholic author and speaker who serves as vice president of parish services at Life Teen International.

AUTHOR’S OTHER TITLE Chasing Humility 978-1-59471-895-3, $15.95

• let go of what you left; • use what you’ve already learned; • ask, listen, watch, and learn; • create routines and rituals to help bridge the old and the new; • pause and assess; • find a good mentor; and • seek and embrace joy. Stepanek draws on his experience, personal faith, biblical narrative, and Catholic tradition to show you how to grow and thrive as you begin your next big thing. FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Joel Stepanek regularly reaches more than 15,000 people on social media platforms, including Life Teen’s YouTube channel. In addition, each year he reaches more than 10,000 people through speaking engagements in the US and abroad. • Sales of Stepanek’s previous books exceed 19,000 copies.

“Joel Stepanek offers a plan for peace and confidence as you navigate transitions in life. If you want advice and coaching that combine faith and serious practical know-how, this is the book for you!” —Andrew D. Swafford

Associate professor of theology at Benedictine College


MAY One Disciple at a Time

How to Lead Others to Dynamic, Engaged, LifeChanging Faith EVERETT FRITZ

What if the Church radically shifted the focus of her mission to making disciples one person at a time? Everett Fritz outlines a framework for one-to-one outreach that helps us develop as mentors in faith, furthering the Kingdom of God as Jesus commanded when he told us to go and make disciples. When we learn how to focus on a ministry of one, we will multiply our efforts to create a movement that meets the spiritual needs of many. Whether you’re someone who’s actively involved in professional or volunteer ministry or an everyday Catholic who wants share your faith, One Disciple at a Time reveals how you can live out your calling to spread the Gospel by focusing on forming disciples one at a time. Drawing on insights gleaned from his personal spiritual journey and work in Catholic parish ministry, Fritz—founder and executive director of Andrew Ministries—shares practical steps for transforming our approach to living our faith and sharing it with others. In this book, you will learn: • There is great power in a personal invitation because it becomes the seed to develop a relationship. • If you want to make a lifelong disciple of Jesus Christ, you have to be committed to accompany them throughout their lifetime. • Lessons from Jesus’s relationship with Simon Peter can transform the way we mentor in faith. • Taking someone from disciple to sainthood requires assisting that person with the crosses that they bear, as well as witnessing to the reality of the cross in your own life. • Formation needs to include identifying the person’s Godgiven gifts and working with them to use those gifts to build up the Church.

978-1-64680-143-5 · 128 pages · $14.95 On-Sale Date: May 6, 2022 Foreign Rights: World · 5.5" x 8.5" · Paperback Category: Pastoral Ministry Imprint: Ave Maria Press

FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Everett Fritz’s previous books have sold more than 20,000 copies.

“This book is a call to do ministry as Jesus did— focused on one: the lost sheep, the found coin, the intimate conversation. Everything else we build needs to flow from that.”

EVERETT FRITZ is founder and executive director of Andrew Ministries and has more than fifteen years of experience in youth ministry.

—Chris Stefanick

Founder and president of Real Life Catholic



The Church and the Age of Reformations (1350–1650) Martin Luther, the Renaissance, and the Council of Trent JOSEPH T. STUART AND BARBARA A. STUART EDITED BY MIKE AQUILINA

In 1517, Augustinian monk Martin Luther wrote the infamous Ninety-Five Theses that eventually led to a split from the Catholic Church. The movement became popularly identified as the Protestant Reformation, but Church reform actually began well before the schism. In The Church and the Age of Reformations, historian Joseph T. Stuart and theologian Barbara A. Stuart highlight the watershed events of a confusing period in history, providing a broader—and deeper—historical context of the era, including the Council of Trent, the rise of humanism, and the impact of the printing press. The Stuarts also profile important figures of these tumultuous centuries—including Thomas More, Teresa of Ávila, Ignatius of Loyola, and Francis de Sales—and show that the saints demonstrated the virtues of true reform— charity, unity, patience, and tradition. You will learn: • Reform efforts in the Catholic Church were underway before Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses. • The Church did not sell the forgiveness of sins with indulgences.

978-1-64680-033-9 · 192 pages · $17.95 On-Sale Date: April 8, 2022 Foreign Rights: World · 6" x 9" · Paperback Category: Church History Imprint: Ave Maria Press JOSEPH T. STUART is an assistant professor of history and a fellow of Catholic studies at the University of Mary. He is the author of Rethinking the Enlightenment and Christopher Dawson. BARBARA A. STUART is homeschooling mom and social aide. She founded and directed a pregnancy resource center in Bismarck, North Dakota. MIKE AQUILINA is the editor of the Reclaiming Catholic History series and the author of A History of the Church in 100 Objects, History’s Queen, and The Church and the Roman Empire (301-490).

ALSO IN THE RECLAIMING SERIES The Early Church (33–313) The Church and the Roman Empire (301–490) The Church and the Dark Ages (430–1027) The Church and the Middle Ages (1000–1378) The Church and the Age of Enlightenment (1648–1848) (Forthcoming) The Church and the Modern Era (1846–2005)


• Millions of people did not die in the Spanish Inquisition; there were less than 5,000 deaths during a 350-year period. Inquisitions led to legal advances such as grand juries, the need for multiple witnesses, and defendant protections that are still in place today. • The so-called Catholic Reformation was conducted in four stages and exhibited respect for Church authority, human free will, and the saints, and focused on the new universal reach of the Church around the globe due to missionary work. A map and chronology are included. Books in the Reclaiming Catholic History series, edited by Mike Aquilina and written by leading authors and historians, bring Church history to life, debunking the myths one era at a time.

“Joseph and Barbara Stuart serve as able guides through its complexities by exploring its causes, major figures and events, and aftermath. Their book is fresh and compelling, leading us to revisit the past in order to bring its lessons into the present.” —R. Jared Staudt

Associate superintendent for mission and formation for the Archdiocese of Denver Visiting associate professor at the Augustine Institute

APRIL A Catholic Pilgrimage through American History

People and Places that Shaped the Church in the United States KEVIN SCHMIESING

Historian Kevin Schmiesing takes you to more than two-dozen sites and events that symbolize and embody America’s rich and sometimes tumultuous Catholic past, including the Santa Fe Trail, Gettysburg, and the Bourbon Trail. You’ll also meet both famous and infamous Catholics— including Venerable Fr. Augustus Tolton, Dr. Samuel Mudd, and Francis Cabrini—who impacted our nation’s history. The idea for A Catholic Pilgrimage through American History came from Schmiesing’s mother, he says. She turned every childhood vacation into a pilgrimage, purposely inserting religious sites into the family’s journey to places such as Niagara Falls, Washington, DC, or Myrtle Beach. Catholics have been part of the American experiment since the beginning—in founding the colonies and expanding the west, building education and health care systems, abolishing slavery, fighting on the front lines, and advancing science, technology, and space exploration. Each of the twenty-seven sites on Schmiesing’s virtual itinerary—including, the Washington Monument, Wounded Knee Creek, the University of Notre Dame, and Mission San Diego de Alcalá—transports you to a significant time in US history and connects the dots to our Catholic heritage. You will meet notable Catholics such as John F. Kennedy, Black Elk, and Katharine Drexel, and learn more about their contributions to history. You will explore the various and sometimes conflicting roles Catholics have played in key periods and events through the stories of shrines, memorials, and other historic places including: • the Catholic Plymouth Rock—St. Mary’s City, Maryland; • the Bourbon Trail—Church of St. Thomas, Bardstown, Kentucky; • the Pope’s Stone—the Washington Monument in the District of Columbia; • a Catholic mission and a Native American tragedy: Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota; and • t he home of the first Black priest—the churches of Quincy, Illinois.

978-1-64680-090-2 · 288 pages · $19.95 On-Sale Date: April 8, 2022 Foreign Rights: World · 6" x 9" · Paperback Category: Church History Imprint: Ave Maria Press

KEVIN SCHMIESING lectures on Church history for Mount St. Mary’s Seminary and School of Theology in Cincinnati, Ohio, and serves as director of research at the Freedom and Virtue Institute.

FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Kevin Schmiesing is a regular guest on the Sacred Heart Radio’s Son Rise Morning Show, syndicated through EWTN. He has appeared on the show more than 500 times.

“An eye-opening look at a past—often inspiring and occasionally scandalous—about which many American Catholics know far too little.” —Russell Shaw

Author of The American Church


MARCH A Lifetime of Love

A Game Plan for Marriage and Family Life LOU HOLTZ

If you ask legendary football coach Lou Holtz about his greatest accomplishment, he doesn’t talk about winning a national championship at the University of Notre Dame. Instead, he’s most proud of his fifty-nine-year marriage to Beth and raising their four successful children together. In A Lifetime of Love, Holtz offers couples young and old practical advice on marriage and parenting gleaned from his fifty-nine year marriage. He shares stories from he and Beth’s life away from the football field that reveal the couple’s deep faith in God and commitment to each other and their children. The Holtzes faced many challenges throughout their marriage: Lou’s coaching jobs meant he was often away from home and caused their family to move multiple times. Beth suffered a long battle with illness. Through it all their marriage—and family—remained strong because of the practical lessons they learned as they rode the ups and downs of life. In this inspiring story, you’ll find Lou and Beth’s powerful examples for successful marriage and parenting, including: • find ways to connect daily; • make sure your children feel loved and appreciated; • be intentional about time together; • learn from each other and accommodate one another’s needs; and • prioritize faith and prayer. 978-1-64680-133-6 · 128 pages · $13.95 On-Sale Date: March 11, 2022 Foreign Rights: World · 5" x 7" · Paperback Category: Marriage & Family Life Imprint: Ave Maria Press LOU HOLTZ is the legendary former coach of the Notre Dame Fighting Irish football team. He led Notre Dame to the 1988 National Championship, the most recent of the school’s eleven consensus titles. In 2009 Holtz was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame. After coaching, Holtz became a popular analyst on ESPN and later on College Sports Nation on Sirus XM radio. Holtz is a much sought-after motivational speaker, sharing his insights at corporate conferences, speaker series, and many other business and charitable events.

AUTHOR’S OTHER TITLES A Teen’s Game Plan 978-1-933495-09-5, $11.95 Three Rules for Living a Good Life 978-1-64680-008-7, $12.95


The Holtzes intended to write this book together, but after Beth’s death Lou decided to celebrate his wife’s memory by completing the story of their life together. Their children— Luanne, Skip, Kevin, Elizabeth, and their spouses—also share memories of growing up in the Holtz family, adding their voices to the story of their parents’ love. FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Lou Holtz is a bestselling author of several books including Three Rules for Living a Good Life and A Teen’s Game Plan for Life.

“This kind of wisdom comes from a life well lived and lessons hard won. Readers will love Lou Holtz’s parenting honesty, be touched by his love for his late wife, Beth, and be inspired to ‘recruit’ (non-football types may call it ‘court’) their own spouses. A Lifetime of Love is one heck of a playbook for marriage and family life!” —Scott and Kathryn Whitaker


Becoming a Eucharistic People The Hope and Promise of Parish Life

TIMOTHY P. O’MALLEY MCGRATH INSTITUTE FOR CHURCH LIFE FOREWORD BY BISHOP ANDREW H. COZZENS We can’t just talk about Christ’s presence in the Eucharist; we have to believe it, celebrate it, and live it both individually and as a community of the faithful. And we must cultivate a culture in our parishes that treats Real Presence not only as an important Catholic doctrine, but also as the most important part of parish identity. In Becoming Eucharistic People, theologian Timothy P. O’Malley, author of Real Presence, outlines four essential dimensions of a Eucharistic culture in a parish—one that fosters reverence and unity among the faithful, includes every dimension of human life in the mystery of Christ’s Body and Blood, and invites people back to parish life or to become Catholic for the first time. O’Malley shows what it means to foster a parish culture where the Eucharist infuses the worldview, priorities, and practices of its members. O’Malley leads you through discovery and discernment about how to create a parish culture where each person is called to holiness and receives the spiritual, theological, and pastoral help they need to meet Christ fully present in the Eucharist and to become a witness to him in the world. O’Malley will help you reflect on four essential facets of a Eucharistic parish culture: • Liturgies of joyful reverence that celebrate the gifts of diversity • Formation that engages the mind, imagination, understanding, and will • A rich life of popular piety and the vibrancy of the domestic Church • A commitment to solidarity with your neighbor O’Malley says that when we reflect Christ’s Real Presence to others, our parishes will become sacred spaces in which every person is led to deeper communion with God and with their neighbors. Online resources, including ideas for parish retreats, teaching resources, and videos based on this book and the US bishops Eucharistic Revival are available from the McGrath Institute for Church Life. FEATURES AND BENEFITS • The McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame will use this book in a two-year training program for diocesan and parish leaders.

“Bold, brilliant, captivating, and accessible.” —Julianne Stanz

Director of Discipleship and Parish Life Diocese of Green Bay

978-1-64680-156-5 · 160 pages · $14.95 On-Sale Date: May 20, 2022 Foreign Rights: World · 5" x 7" · Paperback Category: Catholicism Imprint: Ave Maria Press

TIMOTHY P. O’MALLEY is a Catholic theologian, author, speaker, and the director of digital educational outreach at the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame. He serves as member of the executive planning committee for the 2022–2024 Eucharistic Revival and a theological consultant for the Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. THE MCGRATH INSTITUTE FOR CHURCH LIFE partners with Catholic dioceses, parishes, and schools to provide theological education and formation to address pressing pastoral problems. The Institute offers creative Catholic content and programming for the new evangelization.

MORE IN THE ENGAGING CATHOLICISM SERIES Ten Ways to Pray 978-1-64680-057-5, $13.95 Creation 978-1-64680-107-7, $14.95 Real Presence 978-1-64680-055-1, $14.95


RECENT RELEASES Awaken My Heart Prayer Journal EMILY WILSON HUSSEM The Awaken My Heart Prayer Journal by bestselling author and popular YouTuber Emily Wilson Hussem is here to remind you that God is your refuge and the ultimate source of inner calm. Featuring a beautiful full-color design and a ribbon bookmark, this guided prayer journal will usher you through soul-stirring reflections and writing prompts so you can begin living with a heart awakened to the beauty of your life. 978-1-64680-121-3, 224 pages, $19.95 (Hardcover)

“This gorgeous prayer journal offers me the perfect dose of God’s love in my life.” —Chloe Langr

Host of the Letters to Women podcast

The Ave Prayer Book for Catholic Mothers The Ave Prayer Book for Catholic Mothers, a beautiful, full-color hardcover, is your go-to resource to find the perfect words to lift up in prayer for almost any occasion or need. 978-1-64680-109-1, 224 pages, $21.95 (Hardcover)

“What a gift for those navigating every stage of motherhood!” —Sarah Swafford

Catholic speaker and author of Emotional Virtue

Behold the Handmaid of the Lord

A 10-Day Personal Retreat with St. Louis de Montfort’s True Devotion to Mary

FR. EDWARD LOONEY Marian theologian Fr. Edward Looney masterfully summarizes the central teachings of St. Louis de Montfort’s True Devotion to Mary in a ten-day personal retreat that will bless even those who have completed the full devotion. 978-1-64680-094-0, 128 pages, $13.95

“Drawing on saints, scripture, and history, we encounter the identity and personality of Our Lady, Mother, and Queen.” —Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ

National director of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network

Awakening at Lourdes

How an Unanswered Prayer Healed Our Family and Restored Our Faith

CHRISTY WILKENS The Wilkens family’s story of deep healing after a trip to Lourdes, France with their toddler will help you learn to be open to what God has in store for you and to see that if you surrender control, open yourself to God’s grace, and lean on your community, you are never alone. 978-1-64680-111-4, 224 pages, $17.95

“The very word ‘Lourdes’ speaks of healing, love, and consolation. Our Mother, Mary, and her son, Jesus, are so evident there.!” —Cardinal Timothy Dolan Archbishop of New York



75 Saints Who Sinned, Suffered, and Struggled on Their Way to Holiness

MEG HUNTER-KILMER Pray for Us isn’t your ordinary saint book: Meg Hunter-Kilmer highlights the sorrows, struggles, and idiosyncrasies of seventy-five, lesser-known saints and holy people who turned their lives around and dedicated themselves to God and his work. 978-1-64680-082-7, 288 pages, $18.95

“Meg Hunter-Kilmer’s stories of relatively unknown saints will make your heart come alive, beating with new possibilities.” —Brandon Vogt

Senior content director at Word on Fire Catholic Ministries

St. Dymphna’s Playbook

A Catholic Guide to Finding Mental and Emotional Well-Being

TOMMY TIGHE Tommy Tighe, a licensed marriage and family therapist, wants to help you take steps toward reaching and maintaining mental and emotional well-being, not only through self-care, healthy coping mechanisms, and professional intervention but also through prayer, scripture, and developing a relationship with the saints. 978-1-64680-088-9, 224 pages, $17.95

“A beautiful gift.” —Hallie Lord

Author of Falling Home

We Are Beloved

30 Days with Thea Bowman

SR. THEA BOWMAN EDITED BY KARIANNA FREY This personal, thirty-day retreat based on the prophetic words of Servant of God Sr. Thea Bowman allows you to reflect on your fundamental need for belonging, the healing community offered by the Church, and the challenge to welcome all people in the Body of Christ. 978-1-64680-099-5, 112 pages, $10.95

“This little devotional was such a godsend.” —Shannon Wimp Schmidt

Cohost of Plaid Skirts & Basic Black podcast

A White Catholic’s Guide to Racism and Privilege DANIEL P. HORAN, OFM By using the Gospel and the wisdom of Catholic tradition, Fr. Daniel P. Horan, OFM, shares with fellow white Catholics practical ways to educate ourselves and advocate for justice in order to help us to become actively anti-racist and better allies to our Black brothers and sisters as we work against racism in our culture and in the Church. 978-1-64680-076-6, 224 pages, $17.95

“This book may be an uncomfortable read, as it will prick consciences and perhaps even anger some, but you should read it with an open mind and heart anyway.” —Gloria Purvis

Catholic speaker and media host


RECENT RELEASES Reclaiming Vatican II

What It (Really) Said, What It Means, and How It Calls Us to Renew the Church

FR. BLAKE BRITTON In Reclaiming Vatican II—a partnership between Ave Maria Press and Word on Fire Catholic Ministries— Fr. Blake Britton invites all Catholics to step beyond the polarization and embrace Vatican II as one of our greatest resources for being in the Church in a way that is faithful, engaged, and effective if we answer its radical call to worship and renewal. 978-1-64680-029-2, 224 pages, $17.95

“I warmly commend this book.” —Bishop Robert Barron

Founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries

Seriously, God?

Making Sense of Life Not Making Sense

FR. MICHAEL WHITE AND TOM CORCORAN Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran explore the denial, doubt, and betrayal we experience when we face hardship, pain, and grief, and they encourage us to lean into our feelings and to take each circumstance as a chance to learn more about God. 978-1-64680-084-1, 192 pages, $16.95

“This book brims with hope and inspiration for a world desperately lacking both.” —Chris Stefanick

Founder and president of Real Life Catholic

Be Restored

Healing Our Sexual Wounds through Jesus’ Merciful Love

BOB SCHUCHTS Bestselling and award-winning author Bob Schuchts of the John Paul II Healing Center offers you concrete steps for healing and wholeness from sexual wounds, relying on a combination of clinical expertise, Catholic theology, and personal experience as a survivor to guide you. 978-1-64680-023-0, 256 pages, $17.95

“This book will challenge you, comfort you, convict you, and call you to a deeper love than you ever knew was possible but always ached to experience.” —From the foreword by Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT

Just Rest

Receiving God’s Renewing Presence in the Deserts of Your Life

SONJA CORBITT This dynamic study by Sonja Corbitt will help you to apply the spiritual lessons of the Exodus into your own life, identify areas of desolation and need, and better understand God’s greater purposes in times of adversity and dryness. 978-1-64680-086-5, 160 pages, $16.95

“Like the dewfall, Just Rest gently nourishes the driest of souls.” —Kelly M. Wahlquist

Founder of WINE: Women In the New Evangelization

Return to the Root

Reflections on the Inner Life

JOYCE RUPP Bestselling author and international retreat leader Joyce Rupp expands on the best of more than a decade’s worth of monthly newsletter reflections—along with new poems and prayers—to invite all of us who feel overwhelmed by busyness, cut off from the Divine, or adrift in the world to reach solid ground. 978-1-932057-25-6, 256 pages, $18.95

“Return to the Root is a light for the journey through our own seasons of life.” —Jen Norton

Catholic artist and author of Surrender All



A Gay Christian’s Guide to Unlearning Rejection and Experiencing God’s Extravagant Love

EVE TUSHNET Catholic writer and speaker Eve Tushnet offers hope, companionship, and practical guidance to gay Christians who have been deeply hurt by their parishes, a wound that also damages their relationship with God. 978-1-64680-074-2, 224 pages, $17.95

“Tenderness is a hope-filled message that has the potential to save lives and lead souls to Christ.” —Tommy Tighe

Author of St. Dymphna’s Playbook

Sweet Jesus, Is It June Yet? AMY J. CATTAPAN With humor and stories from the classroom trenches, Amy J. Cattapan draws valuable insight and tools from the Gospels and shares ten life-changing principles every teacher can learn from Jesus, the greatest teacher of all time. 978-1-64680-037-7, 160 pages, $15.95

“Amy Cattapan throws struggling teachers a life preserver with this funny and faith-filled set of reflections about the joys of Catholic education.” —Jared Dees

Founder of and author of Christ in the Classroom

Our Life of Service

The Handbook for Catholic Deacons

DEACON HAROLD BURKE-SIVERS Whether you are seasoned from years of ministry or are just getting started living out the vows you made at ordination, this essential handbook by Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers will provide the spiritual and practical support you need as a Catholic deacon in the Church today. 978-1-64680-092-6, 192 pages, $17.95

“Any time Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers speaks, deacons should listen.” —Deacon James Keating

Professor of spiritual theology at Kenrick Glennon Seminar

The Church and the Dark Ages (430–1027)

St. Benedict, Charlemagne, and the Rise of Christendom

PHILLIP CAMPBELL Phillip Campbell explains that the Dark Ages were not only a period of great political and cultural transition but also an era of great transformation in the Catholic Church characterized by institutional, spiritual, and cultural advancements such as the rise of monasticism and the first encyclopedia. 978-1-64680-035-3, 192 pages, $17.95

“Compelling, positive, and engaging.” —Steve Weidenkopf

Author of The Church and the Middle Ages (100–1378)


A Catholic’s Guide to God and the Universe

CHRISTOPHER T. BAGLOW MCGRATH INSTITUTE FOR CHURCH LIFE Christopher Baglow, director of the Science and Religion Initiative at the University of Notre Dame, writes from within the deep well of Catholic tradition and his personal love of both science and faith to provide probing yet lively and often-humorous answers to the foundational questions of creation. 978-1-64680-107-7, 160 pages, $14.95

“Refreshing, and theologically rich perspective” —Brandon Vogt

Senior content director at Word on Fire Catholic Ministries


2022 g n Spri



MISSION STATEMENT Founded in 1865 at Notre Dame, Indiana, Ave Maria Press, a ministry of the Congregation of Holy Cross, is a Catholic publishing company that serves the spiritual and formative needs of the Church and its schools, institutions, and ministers; Christian individuals and families; and others seeking spiritual nourishment. In the tradition of Holy Cross, we are committed, as educators in the faith, to helping people know, love, and serve God and to spreading the gospel of Jesus through books and other resources.

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