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Defeat the Winter Blues
This winter season, don’t let your mood fall! We get less and less light over the winter months, and this gradually affects our bodies. The peak can be felt in January and February.
By Nicole Tarry
The great news is you can counter this decline by being aware and taking steps to help your body.
One of the first places to start is with the sun and the lack of which directly impacts vitamin D production.
If in the summer you’re outside for 5 minutes with about 1 square inch of skin that can ‘see’ the sun, your body should be able to make the required vitamin D for the day.
This is less easy to accomplish in the winter. I should mention this happens to all of us, even with the summer sun, as so few go outside for any sustained duration of time, there’s always a filter between us and the sun.
It is more than just vitamin D though, this is only one example. The best way to help is to keep ensuring you’re getting your minerals, vitamins, and all the elements necessary to use them.
We highly encourage fresh greens over the winter. These are naturally high in minerals - if you’re not getting enough the Superfood is your answer; a concentrated and easy to take your greens (powder or caps) that is going to give you wheelbarrows worth of servings of greens each and every time.
At the end of the day, our secret weapon to combat is our Vitamin Supreme. A fully loaded combination of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and extras to deliver fantastic nutrients at any time of year. This is extra important over these cold winter months. Water is essential too; it's the fluid that runs our body. In the cold, if it helps, try warming your water or adding into it something like lemons, limes, mint, or ginger. Don’t let yourself get dehydrated because that will wear on your body too!
The last and final piece is the one that ties everything together - enzymes. Everything takes work in our body and enzymes are the workers. Anything that happens is going to need a worker to get the job done; digesting food, delivering it to the body, increasingly and using said nutrient. Every step of the way a different worker is needed. By keeping enzymes in your diet and supplementing, you’re supplying your body with the best chance!
While those winter blues can be diet related, there are also many other things you can change to help. A fabulous one is exercise; nothing fancy, just walking a few extra steps each day. Movement is a massive boost to the lymphatic system and our overall well-being. In the cold it’s harder to motivate to get outside and move more...so do it inside instead!
Last but not least, positivity. When you’re feeling down in the dumps, sometimes this is the hardest thing. Concentrating on little victories and support from those around you can help.
15| Winter 2019 Edition