AVENues Newsletter: Spring 2019

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Bonjour, aces! Our spring 2019 issue is about physical health. We got lots of responses to our questions of the month. My favorite workout is doing yoga. I also tried out something new – I posted a Facebook poll and we have the results on page 10. Enjoy the issue! Make sure to check out the last page for our next theme – trust me, you’ll love this one! Namaste! ~ scarletlatitude, Editor in Chief



Editor in Chief: scarletlatitude Layout: kelico Co-editors: Snao Cone, kelico, addewyn, Biblioromantic Creative Team: SkyWorld, kelico, addewyn

Writers/Artists: sh1965, Vee., Retha! Special thanks: Philip027 for the interview


LETTER FROM THE EDITOR 3-9 QUESTIONS OF THE MONTH 10 AVENUES FB POLL 11-17 POETRY PODIUM & SHORT STORY CORNER • “Through a Glass” by Vee. • “Tracking” by sh1965 • “The Palace Ball” by sh1965 • “The Sin-Eater’s Apprentice” by sh1965 18 PAINTING GALLERY • “Allure” by Retha! 19 MEMBER HIGHLIGHT: PHILIP027 20 ASEXY PUZZLE: SPORTS WORD SEARCH CLASSIFIEDS


in this issue



IS YOUR PHYSICAL HEALTH IMPACTED BY YOUR ORIENTATIONS? IF SO, HOW? I think for a while I didn’t try to stay fit so that I didn’t attract sexual attention. • Anonymous My physical health is influenced by my mental health which is sometimes influenced by my orientation. • Anonymous I would say yes, but in a roundabout way. I have little incentive to look sexually attractive to others, so I’m not worried about becoming too muscular or unattractive by working out. They don’t really affect my physical health too much. • Elizabeth Graham Transition has led to denial of care which affects my health • Anonymous I struggle with body image and distaste for parts of my body as part of my orientation. Exercising brings this to the fore and I think about it every time I work out. (On the other hand, the positive mental benefits of exercise to my overall mood are really useful and important.) •


I don’t really have the motivation to look “sexy ”. When my last boyfriend made a comment that he thought my curves were “sexy ”, I joked that would be motivation to exercise them off. I like the idea of being strong, actually. I’m not afraid of physical labor. I want to try to be fit enough to do the things I want to do in life. Also, I get in my head a lot and very easily, so activities like dancing is a way to lift the spirit and increase the mind-body connection. • Hayley Kopp For a long time, I struggled with my physical *health* versus my physical “appearance/ attractiveness*, mainly because I didn’t (and still don’t) understand physical attraction so I only really had popular benchmarks such as weight to gauge attractiveness by. Once I started working out more regularly and gaining muscle mass, I was able to divorce my health from my weight, and also feel more comfortable in my own body. And since I also started identifying as agender, I’ve felt even more comfortable, because I feel like I’ve been able to throw off heteronormative conceptions of physical attractiveness even more, while maintaining a healthy body. • Keiran Yes; I often find myself stress-eating because of the anxiety from questioning myself • Izasak

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HOW DO YOUR ORIENTATIONS IMPACT YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH DOCTORS OR OTHER HEALTH PROFESSIONALS? Exams are uncomfortable • Anonymous With doctors I have to tell them I’ve never been sexually active and that can eliminate questions and also bring new ones about my health/wellbeing •


I quit my therapist partly because she doesn’t believe in Asexuality • Anonymous I feel uncomfortable when they ask me about my sex life, child wish and what kind of contraceptives I use, which is non-existent because I don’t want sex and I also never had a partner • Anonymous They are usually taken aback when I say that I’m not sexually active and never have been. I avoid getting pap smears because they hurt so much, and my previous doctor’s assumption that “it’ll get easier when you start having sex” was extremely irritating. I also avoid going to a gynecologist because I feel that, not being sexually active, I don’t have much to worry about, but I know that I probably should see one and I’m dreading doing so. Other than that, however, my orientations don’t really affect my relationships with health professionals. • Elizabeth Graham Being a transsexual woman has led to being denied healthcare (asthma meds, pain meds, as well as transition related) and means that every new doctor checks me for every std that exists • Anonymous It can be extremely awkward to talk about my health in relation to “private parts” • Grace

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I feel reluctant to tell them certain symptoms occasionally. I worry that they will attribute problems with my health to my living “non-traditionally,” or that they will suggest that my orientations are impossible. Luckily, this has not happened. Some health professionals are visibly surprised when I say I’m not sexually active, but none have been dismissive of my behavior or concerns • kaysir

I feel like most health professionals don’t care about my asexuality, except as far is it having the effect of me always saying “nope, no STDs or sexual activity still” on each visit. It’s very much an afterthought, if they even consider that asexuality might be possible. Actually, when I was answering questionnaires after my top surgery this year, a large portion of the questions were about happiness in one’s sexual life, and I felt very put off by the fact that I couldn’t skip past them with a “N/A” option. • Keiran I am extremely uncomfortable with touch and talking about certain topics. I’m scared they ’ll try to label me with some kind of infliction if I mention my orientation. • Anonymous Lack of understanding from the gynecologist that i’m still virgin ans always getting asked anew when being examined • Anonymous

WHAT IS YOUR ADVICE FOR SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO LIVE A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE? You don’t have to do any specific things, just do what’s right for you, your lifestyle, and capabilities. Sometimes just trying goes a long way. • Anonymous Baby steps, you can’t just force yourself to start being 100% healthy immediately. Set a few small goals and go from there. And don’t beat yourself up, we’re human and it’s okay if you don’t reach every goal you set. Just keep trying - Anonymous Eat the right diet, try to keep stress down, and try to walk for at least thirty minutes a day. • Anonymous I suggest starting with small, easy changes, and gradually working up to more difficult ones. For instance, if someone wants to eat healthier, I’d recommend filling up a regular water bottle with water and committing to drinking it every day for a week. The following week, they should try eat-

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ing one vegetable per day, on top of drinking their water. After that, eat one fruit every day for a week, as well as eating a vegetable and drinking water, and then increase your intake of each element. Following a pattern like this, you establish a habit of eating more fruits and vegetables and drinking more water gradually. • Elizabeth Graham Start today. I used to tell myself that I’d indulge today and then try to be healthier tomorrow. That never worked. It was only when I took that first step toward reaching my goals, that I found the momentum to keep working at it. That first step may be different for everyone. It may be a small step, like cutting out some of your favorite treats. Or it may be a bigger step, like throwing out all the food in your kitchen that you tend to binge on, and re-stocking with all natural, whole foods. Or it may mean just getting up in the morning and working out, without overthinking it -- just do it, and do it every day, until it’s part of your routine. Whatever it is, try to start today. • Anonymous Exercise is important and good for the mind as well as the body. There are real mental benefits to exercise, even if it’s not something you like doing. • Anonymous Don’t do all those crazy diets, don’t overwork yourself in workouts, and please...please don’t listen to the media. Some new “weight loss” supplement might actually not be as good as it sounds, and may even harm you! So please be careful and make sure that your not overdoing it and not harming instead of helping yourself. You should plan out and see what’s right for you, don’t go for what your friends have or what’s on the screen with no thought; all bodies are different! The same thing that helped one person may have harmed another! Be careful! And please, remember to stay hydrated (and take your medication!) • Anonymous Don’t go overboard with workouts or dieting. If you want to have good physical health, you have to have good mental health, and if you’re forcing yourself to overdo a workout, or preventing yourself from eating your favourite foods every once in a while, your health will be impacted. Find a happy medium. • Aroace_bookworm

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As a part of the question of the month, y Here are the mos WHAT EXERCIS

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you told us what exercises you like to do. st popular answers! SES DO ACES DO?

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AVENUES FACEBOOK POLL We asked our Facebook followers “Do you participate in a sport?” Here is the result!

Follow AVENues on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/AVENuesAVEN/ Follow AVEN on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/AVENOfficial/

Facebook Poll


POETRY PODIUM “THROUGH A GLASS” by Vee. You are a rare being One of my kind I want to heal your pain Like the one I have known But I just see you through a glass Into another world.

Pearls copyright Vee. 2019

Poetry Podium


SHORT STORY CORNER “TRACKING” by sh1965 “Hello? Police? Yes, I’m tracking a U.F.O. It’s coming down, it’s going to crash … no, it’s going to land. It’s landed. Jesus, people are running to it, they ’re flocking to it. They ’re crazy … don’t these fools realise this thing is Alien … it’s dangerous … it could even be radioactive!

“Now what are they doing …? They ’re bending down and reaching out for it…

“No, no, no … It can’t be. Surely it can’t be a kite? Oh. They ’re folding it up and putting it away in a box. It is a kite. Sorry for wasting police time.” “Tracking” copyright sh1965 2019

“THE PALACE BALL” by sh1965 Sam looked at his handsome face in the mirror and smiled. He was always forgetting to do things, but this time he seemed to have remembered everything: he’d scrubbed and washed, brushed his teeth, neatly combed and parted his hair, trimmed his moustache. The smile spread across his face and Sam thought he looked more than handsome – he looked beautiful. Not that he usually thought of himself as beautiful, but tonight he was going to the palace, and if he wanted to think of himself as beautiful then he could. Sam crouched down and stroked a small ball of black fur. “How do I look, Mitzi?! The cat stopped drinking, licked his hand, and then lapped more milk from her saucer. Sam straightened up, smoothed the creases out of his Sunday-best-suit. “How do I look, Ma?” “Like a thousand gold coins, Sam.” Sam beamed and lightly kissed his mother’s cheek. “I’ve never seen you looking so smart, Sam. I’m proud of you.” She pointed at the clock and added, “Don’t forget now.” “I won’t,” he said, making sure he’d remembered his pocket watch. “I’ll be home by midnight.” “Don’t be late, Sam.” “I won’t.” ***

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He had to go through the forest to reach the palace. Most people were afraid of the forest, especially at night, but not Sam. He knew every leaf on every branch of every tree. Since his father had died, almost six years ago now, he’d been hunting or fishing in the forest every day. If Sam caught something, his mother would cook it and they ’d eat it. If he didn’t, they went hungry. At first they went hungry a lot, now they rarely did. He’d found the ticket to the palace ball in the forest. Sam had gone home and told Ma. He had wanted to hand the ticket in. Someone would have reported it lost, he argued, and there might be a reward for finding it. “No,” his mother had said firmly. “Only rich folks could afford to buy a ticket and if they were foolhardy enough to lose one then they could jolly well afford to buy another. This was providence,” she told him. Sam had found the ticket and Sam would go to the ball. That reminded him. Sam fumbled in his pocket to make sure the ticket was still there. It was. The only problem had been how to make sure Sam didn’t look out of place at the ball. They ’d had a whole week to think about that and Ma had made him beautiful. The finishing touch had been the alterations to his Sunday-best-suit. Whistling happily to himself, Sam clutched the ticket tightly in his hand and hurried towards the palace. *** Sam had thought he looked beautiful earlier and he didn’t appear to be the only one who thought so. At the ball, all the young ladies seemed to be looking at him and fluttering their eyelashes. All of them: the not-so-pretty-ones, the pretty-ones and, on one occasion, even the Princess herself. Sam swigged down a couple of flagons of mead and then started to ask the young ladies to dance. He started with the not-so-pretty ones, before moving onto the pretty-ones as his confidence grew with the accumulation of admiring glances and swigs of mead. Sam lost count of how many dances he danced and how many young ladies he danced with. He escorted his dance partners to the dance floor, held them close, waltzed or quick-stepped or fox-trotted with them, surprised them as the music stopped by kissing them full on the lips, said “Thank you,” and then went and found a different partner for the next dance. Sam was having a wonderful time. He also lost count of how many flagons of mead he’d drunk. As the evening wore on his dancing got better and better, while Sam got merrier and merrier. As midnight approached, Sam was glancing around the ballroom, trying to find a pretty-one he hadn’t danced with, when he spotted the Princess. She looked beautiful in her flowing blue ball gown. Sam wanted to dance with her. “Excuse me, your highness,” Sam said as graciously as he could. “May I have the honour of this waltz?” The Princess stopped fanning herself and stared at him with a surprised look in her eyes. Sam bowed slowly and then beamed his best smile. At that moment the ballroom clock struck twelve and the smile dropped from Sam’s face as he remembered his mother’s warning that he should be home by midnight. The Princess stepped back, her hands covering her eyes, and screamed. Sam turned and fled. He didn’t need a mirror to tell him that his neatly parted hair was now long and bristly, sprouting all over his face. He could feel his jawbone elongating as he ran. Long, yellow-stained fangs pushed through his bottom lip and his own blood dribbled down his chin. Horns grew from his nose, twisting in front of his eyes, hindering his sight. As he ran down the palace steps, his Sunday-best-suit flapping around him in tattered rags, the large hump returned to his back, buckling him under its weight. Sam hurried towards the sanctuary of the forest. Ma had told him the spell would only last until midnight and now he was his ugly, hideous self again. “The Palace Ball” copyright sh1965 2019

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“THE SIN-EATER’S APPRENTICE” by sh1965 Once upon a time an Evil Librarian named Erasuer lived on an island far away. The Evil Librarian was always plotting and planning ways that he could become head librarian of the floating Castle of Words. He knew that the knowledge in the floating library would make him the most powerful man in the world. One day word of a valuable magical tome reached the Evil Librarian. He spent a long time tracking it down. He went on many quests and travelled many roads and eventually the Evil Librarian discovered that the magical book was in the possession of the King of the Crooked Forest. Once the Evil Librarian had located the magical book he set out to the Crooked Forest. He reached the King’s castle and discovered it had huge battlements and magical spires grown from the enchanted wood of the Crooked Forest. It was too well guarded to sneak in without being seen so the Evil Librarian thought of a plan. He dressed as a deliveryman carrying parcels of food on his back and approached the castle’s main gate with confidence but as he walked along the road the trees alongside him started to sing out, “Beware intruder beware! That is no delivery man there!” And the guards chased the Evil Librarian away from the castle. The Evil Librarian tried to enter the castle a second time, this time disguised as a serving lady. He went round to a side entrance and tried to gain entrance there but once again the enchanted trees sang out, “Beware intruder beware, that is no serving lady there!” Once again the guards chased the Evil Librarian out of the castle grounds. Evening came and found the Evil Librarian walking along a winding path through the Crooked Forest. He was morose and unhappy with his inability to enter the castle. He knew untold power was only a few steps away but he could not seem to take the first step. As he thought about the problem he heard a couple of farmers talking as they walked home from market. He listened to their conversation and discovered that the Old King was nearing the end of his life and had sent out a call for the Sin-Eater. Now it just so happened that on his travels the Evil Librarian had heard about the Sin-Eater whose name was Gactal. Legend had it that he was the greatest Sin-Eater of all time. Gactal

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was also very, very old, so old that nobody really knew how old he was. The Evil Librarian had heard that Gactal was looking for someone to train as his apprentice. The Evil Librarian felt elated, if he could train under The Sin-Eater then the trees could sing all they liked as he walked towards the castle because he would be who he was actually pretending to be. Gactal lived deep in the Crooked Forest and had been the Kingdom’s Sin-Eater for longer then anyone could remember. He had eaten the sins of kings and queens, princes and princesses, knights and servants, smiths, innkeepers, peasant, thieves and beggars, teenagers and children. And the pay was always different. Sometimes he was paid with a riddle, other times with gold and once with a favour, but he was always paid, for no-one wanted to go with sin to their graves. The Evil Librarian followed the crooked path towards the heart of the Crooked Forest. The path became harder and harder to traverse with every step, the trees became increasingly thicker and crooked, the path narrower and darker. Branches clawed at his clothes, ripping and tearing the fabric. Finally, in the very centre of the Crooked Forest, the Evil Librarian approached a small, derelict dwelling which he knew was the Sin-Eater’s cottage. Such a humble abode for a powerful man, the Evil Librarian thought. Soon I will live in the Castle of Words and rule all the lands. He knocked on the door of the cottage and the Sin-Eater appeared. “I wish to become your apprentice,” the Evil Librarian said. As Gactal had been a Sin-Eater for such a very long time, and had eaten all types of sin, he could smell and taste the sins of others. The Sin-Eater flicked his crooked tongue between his teeth and tasted the sin on the Evil Librarian. “You are arrogant and evil, malicious and slightly mad,” Gactal said. “Are you sure you wish to become my apprentice?” ”I do,” the Evil Librarian replied. “But first, please tell me why this forest is so crooked?” “Aah,” Gactal said and licked his lips with his crooked tongue. “That lesson I shall tell you for free. The Crooked Forest is the home of the Sin-Eater and each leaf represents the sin of somebody living in this world. Sins are heavy, very heavy, and the trees have become crooked over the millennia from the burden of carrying the weight of all those sins. And it’s not just the trees either. Look at me.” The Evil Librarian looked at Gactal and saw that the Sin-Eater was as crooked as the forest in which he lived. His arms were crooked like the branches of the trees in the Crooked Forest and his legs were as crooked as the trunks of the trees in the Crooked Forest. His face was gnarled and wrinkled with age and he held a crooked walking stick in each hand to stop his bent and crooked body from falling over. “Take a good, hard look,” Gactal continued. “Before you, you see a man who has become crooked from the burden of all the sin’s he has eaten throughout his life. I’ve eaten the sins of kings and thieves and is doesn’t matter whether someone is rich or poor, a prince or a pauper, a sin is a sin and they all weigh the same. “Now I ask you again, you who are no stranger to sin yourself, take a good, hard look at me, at what you will become if you successfully complete your apprenticeship, and tell me again that you want to be my apprentice.” The Evil Librarian took a good, hard look at the crooked man in front of him. The Sin-Eater

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was gnarled and ugly but the Evil Librarian had no intention of becoming a Sin-Eater for a career, he just wanted one job so that he could get inside the King’s castle and steal the magical book. “Yes,” the Evil Librarian said. “I want to be your apprentice.” “So be it,” Gactal said and licked his lips with his tongue again. “Before you become my apprentice you must first become my slave. Gather together all the leaves around my cottage and burn them.” And so saying Gactal indicated the leaves lying on the ground. Well this won’t take long, the Evil Librarian thought to himself and started to gather all the leaves into a pile. The Evil Librarian was surprised at how heavy the leaves were, but he soon got the hang of it and built a huge pile of leaves. He gathered together some wood and kindling, placed it all around the leaves, took out his flint and steal from his pockets, and lit a fire. The Evil Librarian watched in astonishment, the kindling burnt, the wood burnt, but the leaves did not catch fire. At first the Evil Librarian thought the leaves were damp and would burn once they had dried out, but they didn’t. No matter how much wood he gathered, the wood burnt but the leaves did not. At least I can clear the area surrounding the Sin-Eater’s cottage of leaves, the Evil Librarian thought, but just as he thought he was making great headway, a strong wind blew through the Crooked Forest and more leaves fell to the ground all around him. The Evil Librarian was forced to run back and forth all day, gathering leaves to add to the pile, cursing the Sin-Eater with every spare breath because the leaves would not burn. Eventually, with aching back and blistered fingers, the Evil Librarian knocked on Gactal’s door and cried, “Master, it can not be done. It is impossible!” And the Sin-Eater approached and said, “That is your first lesson. It is impossible. Learn it well.” The Evil Librarian fell to the ground and slept until morning. In the morning he approached the Sin-Eater and once again asked to be his apprentice. “You are arrogant and evil, malicious and slightly mad, are you sure you wish to be my apprentice?” “I do,” the Evil Librarian said. “Before you become my apprentice you must become my servant.” And saying this Gactal asked for a banquet to be prepared. The Evil Librarian thought that this would be much easier than the previous task until he was shown the smallest oven in the world that could only bake one potato at a time and a pot of water that would only hold one egg. He tried and tried to create the banquet but when one potato was cooking another would get cold, the meat wouldn’t fit and all day the Evil Librarian burnt and scolded his fingers. Finally in despair he cried, “Master it can not be done. It is impossible.” The Sin-Eater appeared and said, “That is your second lesson. It is impossible. Learn it well.”

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Once again the Evil Librarian fell to the ground and slept in front of the tiny oven until morning. When morning came the Evil Librarian approached Gactal for the third time. “I have been your slave, I have been your servant, and now I wish to become your apprentice.” Sighing deeply, the Sin-Eater tried one more time, “But you are arrogant and evil, malicious and slightly mad, are you sure you wish to become my apprentice?” “I do.” And so Gactal took the Evil Librarian as an apprentice and taught him the three laws of Sin Eaters. “Firstly you must be humble. Secondly you must only speak the truth. And finally you must not be angry or full of hate.” As the Sin-Eater spoke each law, the Evil Librarian swore to abide by it, but he was not humble, he was not truthful, and he was angry and full of hate. “So be it,” the Sin-Eater said with a heavy heart and gave the Evil Librarian his first task as a Sin-Eater’s Apprentice. The Evil Librarian walked to the castle with his head held high, he knew he would be able to pass through the gates of the crooked castle, he was no longer pretending to be someone else. The Evil Librarian was the Sin-Eater’s Apprentice. As he neared the castle the Evil Librarian noticed a strange thing. The trees on either side of him seemed to be growing taller and the path his feet strode upon getting nearer as if he was shrinking. But in his excitement, the Evil Librarian paid it no mind. When he reached the castle it seemed to be a lot taller then he remembered. He slithered up to the gates without the trees singing out and felt sure his plan would be a success. Twice he had failed to gain entry to the King’s Castle but the Evil Librarian was confident his third attempt would be successful. The Evil Librarian approached the castle’s main gate. A guard gave out a loud yell and drew his sword. The Evil Librarian tried to explain that he was the Sin-Eater’s Apprentice but all that came out was a hiss. The guard swung his sword and chopped off the snake’s head. The Sin-Eater saw all of this as he had been following the Evil Librarian on his journey to the King’s Castle. The King needed a Sin-Eater and until Gactal found a suitable apprentice he would have to carry on. “And that is your final lesson,” the Sin-Eater said as he stepped over the dead body of the Evil Librarian and headed towards the castle’s main gate. “It is impossible.” “The Sin-Eater’s Apprentice” copyright sh1965 2019

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Painting Gallery

“ALLURE” by Retha!

Painting G allery


MEMBER HIGHLIGHT: PHILIP027 -Interview by scarletlatitude

SCARLET: This issue is about physical health. What kinds of physical activities do you like to do?

PHILIP: I’m not a very physical person, sadly. My spouse has taken to twice-weekly gym visits though, and I go along with them. The company helps. We don’t do anything super hardcore though, just a bit of treadmilling and bicycling.

S: Do you enjoy watching any sports or athletic events? P: Don’t care to watch sports. About the one thing more boring to me than actually playing the sports is sitting aside and watching other people play them >_> S: How did you find out about asexuality? P: I discovered asexuality via TV Tropes. It was far enough back in the day that it featured a direct link to AVEN. In recent times that link has been removed, I think due to various crackdowns they had to do regarding “real life” sections pertaining to sexuality topics to satisfy their ad providers S: What is your favorite forum to visit on AVEN? P: I mainly only frequent the subforums pertaining to (a)sexuality. Not really interested in subforums regarding other subjects; if I wanted to talk about other subjects, I would use a different forum entirely. S: In real life (off of the internet), what do you do for fun? P: I’m a video gamer and internet/youtube surfer, pretty much. S: If you won a billion dollars, how would you spend it? P: About the only thing coming to mind that I would spend on would be the purchase of a home for my spouse and I (right now we’re renting an apartment). I have no real specifics in mind though; like I don’t even know where we would live exactly. I’m pretty frugal and not much of a dreamer... S: Tell us about your most favorite thing. You can only pick one! P: My favorite thing would have to be my spouse. We both happened to find each other here on this site right when I think we each needed each other the most, and it’s ended up being the most fortuitous thing to happen in each of our lives. They ’ve given me something to live for, and I cannot thank them enough.

M ember H ighlight






















































A sexy Puzzle




Pieces of Ace is a podcast broadcast live via YouTube every Sunday 7.30 GMT, and available to watch or listen to via iTunes, Reddit and Stitcher. AVEN users littledib (Robin), TheRealMrGray (Thom) and DreamwalkerSteve (Steve) started the show in July 2015 and have since featured interviews with swankivy, Maaple frontman Stephen Broughton and are one day hoping to have David Jay involved too!

Looking for ace-themed clothing, accessories, flags, bags, home decor, or pretty much anything else? Check out Merchandace - the biggest catalogue of asexual merchandise on the web! Or if you’re a creator and would like to find out more about how to get your ace merch out there, why not get in touch?

The show also includes live phone-ins, a YouTube chatroom, information about meets and live cake-testing, just to conform to the stereotype! There’s also plenty of random stuff too, so if you fancy getting involved then visit piecesoface.com or search on YouTube.

Find all your Pride essentials and much, much more at http://merchandace.com

Do you have an advertisement you would like to add to future issues of AVENues? Send us the info at newsletter@asexuality.org!



Our summer issue will be about transgender issues! Do you identify as trans? What would you like the world to know about transgender people? Send us your thoughts! We will also accept any pictures that you feel comfortable sharing. FILL OUT OUR QUESTION OF THE MONTH FORM HERE: https://goo.gl/forms/LEJXDeEkWmi5NRfh1 If you would like to send us a longer piece, email us at avenues.submissions@gmail.com. Remember, we are always looking for articles and artwork to add to AVENues! • To submit creative works, please go here: https://goo.gl/forms/QQqfdfOR69niJFoP2 • Send us your asexy jokes and puns here: https://goo.gl/forms/Rg4vlY6XZ7c17bNJ3 • You may also send a private message to any of the AVENues staff on AVEN


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