LIVING STORIES - HISTÓRIAS DE MORTE E VIDA STORYTELLING - WRITING THE PLOT GROUP: Before you start writing your plot, here is a review of the Storytelling class. Start with a What If statement that contains a character and their Ordinary World. Be creative! WHAT IF... ACT I - SET-UP - Who is/are the main character (s), and why do we care about them? - What are their internal and external features? - What do we know about their life? - Where and when does the story take place? - What is your character main goal in life? - What is the inciting incident? (how is the world/character's life disrupted?) Fit your answers in: ONCE UPON A TIME… (the character(s) and world are presented)
THAT EVERY DAY... (how the world works, what's the character's, life like, what do they want for life?) UNTIL ONE DAY… (something unexpected changes their life 4ever and the story begins) Now, stop for a moment to think about the journey itself and all the complications that can come along with it: ACT II - CONFLICT AND POINT-OF-NO-RETURN - How does the inciting incident affect the goal of your character? - Who or What are the obstacles that will prevent them from getting what they want? (the bigger the conflict, the better the story) - What is the point of no return (what does your character do that he can't take back)? - What is his/her low point? (When they almost give up or failed in all attempts to achieve what they WANT; or they may have achieved everything they want but still be frustrated or miserable because there’s something else they NEED) This answers will fit in: AND BECAUSE OF THAT... ( what now?, problems, conflict)
AND BECAUSE OF THAT… (harder conflicts, higher stakes, point-of-no-return) AND BECAUSE OF THAT… ( Character's low point, they might realize what they need)
Finally, it's time to think about how will you surprise and entertain your audience at the end of your movie: ACT III - RESOLUTION - How did the characters finally realized there was something else they needed? Did it help with what they wanted? - How was the crisis resolved? - What was the moral? (The theme is clear) - Was the character arc emotionally satisfying (Did he change for good or bad)? Why or why not? This answers will fit in: UNTIL FINALLY… (the climax, the most intense moment, the protagonist’s last choice)
AND SINCE THEN…(resolution/satisfaction - if the case - for seeing the problems resolved with emotion) AND THE MORAL OF THE STORY IS... (when we find out what they have learned (the theme is exhibited) GOOD LUCK! ;)