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LIVING STORIES - HISTÓRIAS DE MORTE E VIDA STORYTELLING - WRITING THE PLOT GROUP: Before you start writing your plot, here is a review of the Storytelling class. Start with a What If statement that contains a character and their Ordinary World. Be creative! WHAT IF... ACT I - SET-UP - Who is/are the main character (s), and why do we care about them? - What are their internal and external features? - What do we know about their life? - Where and when does the story take place? - What is your character main goal in life? - What is the inciting incident? (how is the world/character's life disrupted?) Fit your answers in: ONCE UPON A TIME… ​(the character(s) and world are presented)

THAT EVERY DAY... ​(how the world works, what's the character's, life like, what do they ​want​ for life?) UNTIL ONE DAY… (something unexpected changes their life 4ever and the story begins) Now, stop for a moment to think about the journey itself and all the complications that can come along with it: ACT II - CONFLICT AND POINT-OF-NO-RETURN - How does the inciting incident affect the goal of your character? - Who or What are the obstacles that will prevent them from getting what they want? (the bigger the conflict, the better the story) - What is the point of no return (what does your character do that he can't take back)? - What is his/her low point? (When they almost give up or failed in all attempts to achieve what they ​WANT​; or they may have achieved everything they want but still be frustrated or miserable because there’s something else they ​NEED​) This answers will fit in: AND BECAUSE OF THAT... (​ what now?, problems, conflict)

AND BECAUSE OF THAT… ​(harder conflicts, higher stakes, point-of-no-return) AND BECAUSE OF THAT… (​ Character's low point, they might realize what they need)

Finally, it's time to think about how will you surprise and entertain your audience at the end of your movie: ACT III - RESOLUTION - How did the characters finally realized there was something else they ​needed​? Did it help with what they ​wanted​? - How was the crisis resolved? - What was the moral? (The theme is clear) - Was the character arc emotionally satisfying (Did he change for good or bad)? Why or why not? This answers will fit in: UNTIL FINALLY… (the climax, the most intense moment, the protagonist’s last choice)

AND SINCE THEN…(resolution/satisfaction​ ​- if the case - for seeing​ ​the problems resolved with emotion) AND THE MORAL OF THE STORY IS... (when we find out what they have learned (the theme is exhibited) GOOD LUCK! ;)


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