Leiding Zangdienst: Zr. A. van Lenten Samengesteld door Zr. A. Kingma
My Shepherd The Lord’s my Shepherd I’ll not want, He makes me lie in pastures green; He leads me by the still, still waters, His goodness restores my soul.
Chorus: And I will trust in You alone; And I will trust in You alone; For Your endless mercy follows me; Your goodness will lead me home. He guides my way in righteousness; And He anoints my head with oil; And my cup, its overflows with joy; I feast on His pure delights. And thought I walk in the darkest path, I will not fear the evil one; For You are with me and Your rod And staff, are the comfort I need to know.
Jesus is precious When I feel disheartened, forsaken, forgotten, Jesus is precious to me. In every condition, He is my Physician. Jesus is precious to me.
Chorus: Jesus is precious, He is so precious, Jesus is precious to me. He is my Saviour, my Lord and my Master. Jesus is precious to me. He’s comfort in sorrow, he’s hope for tomorrow. Jesus is precious to me. He’s all that I pray for, what more could I ask for? Jesus is precious to me. It’s not earthly treasure, it’s not worldly pleasure. That seems so important to me. And though I prize friendship and praise God for kinship, There’s no one so precious as He.
Wat deed Hij veel O, o, o, wat deed Hij veel voor mij O, o, o, wat deed Hij veel voor mij O, o, o, wat deed Hij veel voor mij Ik zal het nooit vergeten wat Hij deed voor mij. Hij trok mij uit ‘t drijvend zand, dat deed Hij voor mij. Nu ben ik geborgen in Zijn Hand, dat deed hij voor mij. Nu ben ik op weg naar ‘t Vaderland, dat deed Hij voor mij. Ik zal het nooit vergeten wat Hij deed voor mij.
I was glad I was glad when they said unto me. I was glad when they said unto me. I was glad when they said unto me. Let us go into the house of the Lord. He’s the Alpha and Omega, yes He is. He’s the Alpha and Omega, yes He is. He’s the Alpha and Omega, yes He is. Let us go into the house of the Lord. He’s the Bright and Morning star, yes He is. He’s the Bright and Morning star, yes He is. He’s the Bright and Morning star, yes He is. Let us go into the house of the Lord. Amen, amen amen enz
More, so much more By and by, when I look on His Face, Beautiful face, thorn shadowed face. By and by, when I look on His Face, I’ll wish I had given Him more.
Chorus: More so much more, More of my life than I ever gave before, By and by, when I look on His Face, I’ll wish I had given Him more. By and by when He holds out His hands, Welcoming hands, nail riven hands. By and by, when He holds out His hands. In the light of that heavenly place, Light from His face, beautiful face. In the light of that heavenly place, I’ll wish I had given Him more.
Preek Br. P.Kingma Onderwerp Woord van God is Brood des Levens Schriftlezingen Jesaja 25:1-2 Jesaja 25:6-7
De vreze des Heren is het begin der wijsheid
allen die ze doen, hebben goed verstand Psalm 111:10
Gaat dan heen, onderwijst alle volken in Mijn Naam lerende hen onderhouden alles wat ik u heb geboden.” Matthéüs 28:19 (oorspronkelijke versie) en Paulus zeide tot hen: ,,Hebt gij de Heilige Geest ontvangen als gij geloofd hebt?” Handelingen 19:2
’En die hem hoorden werden gedoopt in de Naam, van de . En als Paulus hen de handen had opgelegd, kwam de Heilige Geest op hen en zij spraken met vreemde talen en profeteerden.” Handelingen 19:5-6