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2011 JANUARY No. 14 (23)
EC VICE PRESIDENT KALLAS: ALL AVIATION INDUSTRY MUST CHASTEN FROM AIR TRAVEL DISRUPTION DUE TO SNOW The y ear 2010 was exceptional f or European av iation due to unexpected weather conditions. First of all, in April the Icelandic v olcano erupted and caused cancelation of thousands of f lights, secondly heav y snow and icing rain (in Russia) disrupted air trav el in December. To discuss this unf av orable situation EC‘s Vice President f or transport Siim Kallas arranged meeting with CEO’s f rom major European airports. Read more >
Adria Airways received additional credits Flag carrier of Slov enia Adria Airway s, which currently has f inancial troubles, receiv ed an additional credit of €4 million f rom Slov enian banks. The f unds are based on the airline’s restructuring plan. Read more >
'Bad weather conditions' could cause crash of Iran Air Boeing 727, operated by Iran Air, crashed near Orumiy eh, killing 77 of 104 passengers and crew aboard. Read more >
United Continental revealed its new brand United Airlines and Continental Airlines rev ealed their post-merger brand, which has the "United" name in capital letters on the f uselage but uses CO's logo and colors. Read more >
Airbus and Boeing started New Y ear with large orders Airbus and Boeing started the New Y ear with aircraf t orders f rom easy Jet and CIT Aerospace, respectiv ely . Read more >
Aircraft Tu-204CM made its 1st flight December 29, 2010 the aircraf t Tu-204CM, built at Uly anov sk f actory Av iastar-SP, successf ully perf ormed its 1st f light. All sy stems of the aircraf t worked stably and reliably . Read more >
Turkish Airlines created JV with TAI Turkish Technic, a maintenance company belonging to Turkish Airlines, created a joint-v enture company with Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI). Read more >
EC inspects Hungarian state aid to Malev The European Commission (EC) is inspecting measures of Hungarian gov ernment support f or Malev (MA) Hungarian Airlines to v erif y if the state aid was legal. The EC states that it is looking into the possibility that Malev may hav e receiv ed priv ileged treatment including "sev eral capital injections and shareholder loans." MA was priv atized in 2007, but it was repurchased by the state in 2010. The regulators are uncertain, if "MA would hav e been able to obtain f inancing f rom the market on the terms conceded by the Hungarian authorities."
Bombardier CRJ1000NG received US FAA type certificate Bombardier Aerospace af f irmed that US FAA gav e aircraf t ty pe certif ication approv al to the 100-seat CRJ1000 NextGen on December 17. US approv al f ollows ty pe certif ication by Transport Canada and EASA. Bombardier said that the f irst two CRJ1000NGs already hav e been deliv ered to the f irst customers Air Nostrum and Brit Air.
FL Technics opened MRO line station in Bristol
UK Airport Terror Threat Now Severe Real or imaginary threat of terrorism led to the tightened security across Britain’s transport network, including airports. Although the ov erall terrorism threat in UK is named ‘Sev ere’ (higher than earlier rating ‘Substantial’), indiv idual UK inf rastructure elements hav e their own terrorism threat rating measures. Read more >
Mobile gadgets can cause aircraft crash British civ il av iation experts made a research on mobile phones’ inf luence on aircraf t electronics and f ound that phones and other gadgets on board could create an electronic interf erence that could cause an aircraf t crash. Read more >
Airlines worldwide China Eastern will consolidate its cargo subsidiaries Virgin Blue and Sky west will create regional network American and JAL JV will be launched April 1 Chinese carriers earned $5.28 billion in 2010 Indonesian Mandala Airlines suspended operations Read more >
Aircraft market and industry Airbus and CAAC will cooperate on ATM Airbus created ATM subsidiary Boeing and Fujitsu will help airlines Boeing will build more 777 f rom 2013 Boeing deliv eries decreased a bit, but net orders tripled Rockwell Collins will dev elop simulator components f or C919 AJ Walter adds new aircraf t engine management serv ices Spirit AeroSy stems agreed with Boeing on 787 claims Read more >
MRO overview Egy ptair will build new maintenance f acility at Marsa Alam airport Laurentian will build MRO f acility in upstate New Y ork Read more >
Airports in EU and CIS London Stansted Airport will try hy drogen f uel Approv ed expansion of Munich Airport Lukoil pay s f or the preparation of Perm Airport dev elopment Runway of Tomsk Airport will be reconstructed Read more >
Various news Qantas inked LOI to built biof uel plant MORTAR keeps pace with BRICs according to growth in air transport US, EU, Brazil, Canada reached agreement on aircraf t f inancing Results of the y ear in Russia: f rom success of airlines to f reezing rain Ascend: in 2010 many f atal accidents happened Died president and general designer of Tupolev
Lithuanian MRO company FL Technics (FLT) opened a line station at the UK's regional Bristol International Airport. Base maintenance as well as Achecks on Boeing 737-300s will be of f ered there. CEO of FLT Jonas Butautis said that “Launching the Bristol station is a major step in reinf orcing our presence in Europe."We're planning to open such stations at other UK and continental airports with an annual traf f ic of more than half million passengers".
New cargo terminal will be built in Sheremetyevo Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosav iatsia), Federal Customs Serv ice (FCS) and ZAO Interros Holding Company signed a memorandum on the construction of cargo complex at the airport Sheremety ev o. Interros plans to inv est in the construction more than $ 50 million. The 1st phase of the terminal construction should be f inished at the end of 2012. The projected capacity of the terminal by 2017 should reach 250 thousand tons.
Bernstein: global airline industry surely recov ers Russia reopened its airspace to Swiss carriers Read more >
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