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2011 FEBRUARY No. 2 (24)
AVIA SOLUTIONS GROUP AMONG THE BEST IN RUSSIA Board Chairman of Av ia Solutions Group Gediminas Ziemelis was elected “Person of the Y ear” in the f ield of aircraf t maintenance. Additionally , Av ia Solutions Group was awarded f or the perf ormance of the groupowned maintenance and repair company FL Technics. The titles were assigned by an inf luential Russian av iation website Av and “Vzlet” magazine, which rated major Russian av iation ev ents and best av iation businesses of 2010. Russian av iation experts highlighted FL Technics f or aiding the adoption of Western ty pe aircraf t in the f leets of Russian and CIS airlines. “Although Av ia Solutions Group is not the largest company by Russian standards, the serv ices prov ided by its companies hav e a direct ef f ect on the dev elopment of av iation industry . Av ia Solutions Group contributes to a more rapid dev elopment of the aircraf t f leet, training of required staf f and proper maintenance of Western ty pes aircraf t”, states Av Read more >
FL Technics services first Airbus A320 aircraft First Airbus A320 arriv ed f or serv icing at FL Technics hangars in Vilnius. The aircraf t is owned by Latv ian charter f light serv ices prov ider SmartLy nx. Less than a month ago Airbus A320 aircraf t f amily was added to the EASA Part145 certif icate of FL Technics, expanding the company ’s capability list to prov ide line and base maintenance as well as other repair and maintenance serv ices. The certif ication was carried out by Civ ilian Av iation Administration of Lithuania. “We expected to serv ice the f irst Airbus A320 aircraf t in the 2nd quarter of 2011, howev er it arriv ed ev en earlier. This shows the high demand f or repair and maintenance serv ices f or Airbus A320 f amily aircraf t in the region. With more than 20 y ears experience and a prov en quality record, we hope to become a MRO of choice f or Airbus A320 aircraf t owners in EU and CIS countries” – said CEO FL Technics Jonas Butautis. Read more >
Alitalia and Meridiana Fly consider a possible merger Meridiana Fly (IG) announced that it and Alitalia (AZ) are considering a possible merger, but more details were not rev ealed. According to one Italian newspaper, “AZ would be interested in buy ing Meridiana to prev ent Luf thansa f rom stepping in”. Read more >
Small Planet Airlines will co-operate with Polish travel leader Triada European leisure carrier Small Planet Airlines (SPA) has signed an agreement with one of Polish trav el leader Triada f or summer 2011 charter f light programme. Read more >
Airbus will increase A330 production to 10 per month in 2013 Airbus announced that it is going to increase the Airbus A330 production rate to 10 per month in the 2nd quarter of 2013, f rom 7.5-8 produced currently . In 2012 the rate is planned to be raised to nine per month. According to executiv e VPPrograms Tom Williams, "strong market demand f or the aircraf t" caused a decision to the increase the rate and added that "In the long-range, mid-size category , the A330 is the right aircraf t f or airlines."
New terminal in Baku Airport will be built in 2013 International company Arup rev ealed a project to build a new terminal at Hey dar Aliy ev International Airport, located near Baku, capital of Azerbaijan. It is planned that the new terminal will serv e three million passengers a y ear. Area of the terminal should occupy 53,000 m2. According to the project, the
Boeing presented 747-8 Intercontinental Boeing introduced 747-8 Intercontinental f or audience of 10,000 employ ees, gov ernment of f icials, customers, partners and suppliers. Read more >
Pratt’s PW1000G engine completed initial ground tests Pratt & Whitney announced it “successf ully completed initial ground testing” on its f irst PW1000G series engine. The engine, which went through nearly 200 hr. of tests at the manuf acturer’s West Palm Beach f acility , is the PW1524G f or the Bombardier CSeries aircraf t. Read more >
35 people killed by terrorist in Moscow Domodedovo Airport 35 people were killed and dozens injured during a blast, which happened at Moscow Domodedov o Airport (DME) on January 24. Russian President Dmitry Medv edev and other world leaders conf irmed that it was a terror attack, perf ormed by a 20y ear-old suicide bomber f rom the northern Caucasus. Read more > traffic of commercial airports grew in most of European countries made an analy sis on European airport traf f ic change 2010 comparing to 2009. The analy sis showed that passenger number grew in 30 f rom 36 countries, while last y ear only f our of 33 countries reported growth. Read more >
EC does additional infringement proceedings over Siberian overflight rights The European Commission (EC) continues its ef f ort to make the bilateral air serv ice agreements (ASA) between indiv idual member states and Russia compatible with EC policies and f inish the practice of EU airlines to pay Aerof lot f or Siberian ov erf light rights. Read more >
Airlines worldwide Small Planet Airlines will base three B737-300 in Italy IATA predicts 3.3 billion air trav elers worldwide in 2014 Read more >
Aircraft market and industry Boeing delay ed Dreamliner’s f irst deliv ery f or the 7th time Jim Albaugh admits 787 outsourcing f ailed Read more >
Airports in EU and CIS It is of f ered to merge three major Moscow’s airports Manchester Airport will hav e new control tower Read more >
Various news Baltic Av iation Academy : Visual Sy stem Upgrade f or B737 Full Flight Simulator
terminal should be a place conduciv e to relaxation, recreation, and stress relief f or the v isitors of the airport. This will be achiev ed using proportional elements, naturally lit spaces. The terminal will of f er shopping areas, as well as recreation rooms. Construction of the terminal will begin in 2011 and is scheduled to f inish in 2013. The project was created taking into account the f act that Baku is situated in a seismic zone. Theref ore, the terminal will hav e all necessary f eatures to protect it f rom possible earthquake.
Baltic Ground Services got aviation fuel supply license in Poland Lithuanian company Baltic Ground Serv ices (BGS) was granted an av iation f uel supply licence f or Poland. The licence was granted by Energy Regulatory Of f ice (URE) of Poland. “This certif ication approv es our compliance with operational, saf ety and env ironmental requirements to supply av iation f uel in Poland” noted CEO of BGS Saulius Batav icius. The licence is v alid until the end of y ear 2030.
EC initiates inf ringement proceedings due to ASA’s with Russia EC warned Poland on air traf f ic rights Read more >
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