Avia Time, June 2011

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2011 June No. 6 (28)

AIRBUS UNVEILS 2050 CABIN OF THE FUTURE In adv ance of next week’s Paris Air Show, Airbus unv eiled its “2050 Concept Cabin,” which of f ers a “Star Trek”- sty led cabin of the f uture. Gone are the regulated class div isions of f irst, business and economy , replaced by personalized zones that of f er f lexible, tailored lev els of relaxation, interactiv ity and working spaces, according to Airbus. Passengers can choose to trav el in the Interactiv e Zone, with a bar and electronic games, where they can mingle and socialize.

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UAC may design a business-version of Superjet United Aircraf t Corportion – UAC, may design a regional aircraf t Sukhoi SuperJet 100 with a business f urnishing. “We will take a decision on creation of business v ersion on the basis of SSJ100 in the nearest f uture“ said Mikhail Pogosy an, president of UAC, noting that the new v ariant would f all “somewhere in between traditional business jets such as the Gulf stream and the Boeing Business Jet”.

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FL Technics signed Agreement with Donavia for full Engine Maintenance portfolio In May 2011 FL Technics, integrated aircraf t Maintenance and Repair Organisation, signed an exclusiv e f ull-scope engine serv ice prov ision agreement with the Russian carrier Donav ia. The agreement, worth USD 11 million ov er the period of 12 months, cov ers f ull management of 6 x CFM56-3 engines, including maintenance f acility selection, shop superv ision during engine maintenance, handling of spare parts supply , engine lease and legal support serv ices.

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Air services are growing at a record pace in Russia It is expected that growth of the air serv ices in 2011 will rise by 7%. The f orcast has been declared by Deputy Minister of Transport, Valery Okulov , on the sidelines of St. Petersburg Economic Forum. “The growth rates are good at the moment, about 8% f or the period of 5 months”, – Okulov noted. He adds that Russia is currently exceeding the world’s av erage indications with growth of the serv ices.

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UTair group passenger turnover growth exceeds industry average almost three times

Hong Kong Airlines plans to place an order f or Airbus A380 aircraf t at next week’s Paris Air Show, and could acquire up to six of the superjumbos. An airline spokeswoman, who conf irmed the plan, declined to disclose f urther details until the signing ceremony at the show. Howev er, a senior airline of f icial who spoke on condition of anony mity said the carrier could order “f iv e or six” A380s. “The best airlines in the world operate A380s, so if we want to be one of the best, we need to add the A380 to our f leet,” he said. Hong Kong Airlines, whose parent is China’s HNA Group, is still f inalising the details of the aircraf t order, he added. The airline plans to use the superjumbos to launch f lights to new destinations like London and New Y ork, said the of f icial. HNA Group plans to f urther dev elop Hong Kong Airlines into a bigger play er in its market, and in March signed a memorandum of understanding f or 38 Boeing aircraf t f or the carrier. These comprise 30 Boeing 787-9s, six 777 f reighters and two 787-8s in VIP conf iguration.

UTair Group which includes UTair airline, UTair Express, UTair-Ukraine, UTair Cargo, Nef tey ugansk United Airline Transportation Company , Helisur, UTair Europe s.r.o., UTair South Af rica (Pty ) Ltd and UTair India, continues to demonstrate a steady growth of perf ormance indicators. In January -May 2011 passenger turnov er constituted 3,779,462.2 passengerkilometers. It has increased by 33,2% as compared to the last y ear’s f igures surpassing the industry av erage f or growth in this indicator, which stands at 11.1%. Read more >

787 Dreamliner will come to Warsaw Boeing 787 Dreamliner, the world’s most innov ativ e aircraf t, which will be deliv ered next y ear to the LOT Polish Airlines, will v isit Warsaw on 24th of June. “Warsaw will be the f irst civ ilian airport in Europe which where the Dreamliner will land,” the chairman of LOT Polish Airlines, Marcin Pirog said, adding that the aircraf t will be presented at the Paris Air Show on 24 June. Read more >

Aviation world no longer threatened by volcanic eruptions For a second y ear in a row European continent is shaken by Iceland v olcanic eruptions. Volcano with a hardly pronounced name Ey jaf jallajokull has rouse a tremendous chaos in av iation world in 2010 and it only prov ed that the human race is still powerless against nature disasters. Read more >

S7 focuses on narrowbodies, Russian domestic market S7 Airlines, which once planned to operate 15 Boeing 787s bef ore canceling its Dreamliner order is now f irmly f ocused on building a narrowbody -centric f leet, according to CEO Vladislav Filev .

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Aeroflot takes delivery of first Superjet 100 Russian f lag carrier Aerof lot has f ormally taken deliv ery of its f irst Sukhoi Superjet 100 regional jet. The act of acceptance of the f irst Sukhoi Superjet 100 airliner was sign between Russia’s largest air carrier Aerof lot and the United Aircraf t Corporation (UAC). Read more >

Y akutia Airlines have acquired another Boeing 737 NG Yakutia Airlines receiv ed the third Boeing 737-700, which arriv ed at at Vnukov o airport on June 17th 2011. The aircraf t has perf ormed a direct f light f rom Ferihed, Budapest, where it has been undergoing preliminary maintenance at Aeroplex airbase, the company reported. Read more >

EasyJet takes delivery of its 200th Airbus aircraft Easy Jet has reached a f leet of 200 Airbus aircraf t more quickly and at a y ounger age than any other airline in history , and is Europe’s largest operator of Airbus single-aisle aircraf t. The UK-based low-cost carrier marked the milestone at a ceremony in Toulouse on May 26. Caroly n McCall, easy Jet CEO, Jean-Paul Ebanga, CFM International President and CEO, and Tom Enders, Airbus President and CEO were present at the ev ent. Read more >

Bulgaria Air to lease three E190s Bulgaria Air has signed an agreement to lease three Embraer 190 regional jets. The airline, a member of the Bulgarian Av iation Group, will operate three E190 jets f rom Sof ia, Bulgaria’s capital, under a new agreement with a leasing company . Embraer 190 jets hav e already been supplied to Moldov a, Montenegro and Ukraine. Now, Bulgaria is to f ollow suit. Read more >

Airlines worldwide India’s GoAir orders 72 new Airbus planes Another Boeing 737-700 NG joins Yakutia Airlines f leet Aerof lot has put 42nd Airbus A320 into operation Fly Dubai to recruit 600 additional pilots by 2016 Turkey ’s Atlasjet in talks f or 15 A320neo or CSeries aircraf t S7 Airlines acquires new Boeing 737-800NG in oneworld alliance’s liv ery Azerbaijan Airlines to purchase new Boeing passenger plane Read more >

Aircraft market and industry Boeing prepares f or pilot training surge as 787 nears serv ice King Air 250 receiv es ty pe certif ication Boeing, Airbus ey e larger av iation market in China Airbus, Russian partners end A320 f reighter conv ersion program Gulf stream G150 Certif ied For Ukraine Registration ATR 72-600 receiv es EASA certif ication State-of -the-art training f acility opens in Hamburg Bombardier sees post-2015 entry f or stretched Q400 Aerof lot orders eight 777 planes f rom Boeing at Paris Air Show worth $2.3 billion FL Technics JETS receiv ed the certif icate f or the maintenance of aircraf t registered in Aruba and Bermuda Indian Av iation to be world’s 3rd largest by decade end Boeing Projects $4 Trillion Market f or 33,500 New Airplans Ov er Next 20 Y ears Read more >

Airports in EU and CIS Russian Ministry of Transport has decided to construct a new runway in Domodedov o Vilnius Airport will be less Dependent on Meteorological Conditions Read more >

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