Aviation Heaven Guide - Business Jet - CAMO, Management & More Issue 07 May 2021

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New Approval issued by the U. S. Federal Aviation Administration for ACC COLUMBIA Jet Service

ACC COLUMBIA Jet Service is proud to announce that the authorization as repair station was just expanded to U. S. registered aircraft in order to meet with further customer requirements. Our Quality Manager Andreas Diehl received the respective Air Agency Certificate Number ACCY939D at the beginning of the month of May 2021 after having applied for the approval in collaboration with German competent authority LuftfahrtBundesamt and the United States of America FAA Federal Aviation Administration. As a repair station located outside the United States of America, ACC COLUMBIA Jet Service is now allowed to maintain U. S. registered aircraft in accordance to the authorizations defined in the respective Maintenance Organisation Certificate and Approval issued by German Luftfahrt-Bundesamt in compliance with EASA European Aviation Safety Agency regulations. “The rating by FAA is limited to maintenance on particular makes and models of accessories, airframes, landing gear components as well as to the performance of nondestructive inspection, testing and processing as per our EASA Part-145 Approval Certificate DE.145.0014”, explains Quality Manager Andreas Diehl. In order to receive the FAA approval, a supplement to the ACC COLUMBIA Jet Service’s MOE Maintenance Organisation Exposition had to be issued as the basis of acceptance by the FAA for maintenance, alterations or modifications on aircraft and/or aircraft components under the regulatory control of the FAA and in compliance with the CFR Code of Federal Regulations. The aim of the supplement is to bring all different requirements between FAA and EASA into accordance. As Andreas Diehl is working as Quality Manager in the Cologne branch already for 18 years, he was able to benefit from his experience from other approval application processes even though every collaboration with the national authorities is different and must be treated individually. The U. S. approval complements all other approvals for Aruba, Bermuda, Cayman, Guernsey and Russia registered aircraft and puts ACC COLUMBIA Jet Service in a perfect position to serve their international customers the best possible way in the major maintenance facilities in Hanover and Cologne, in the sheet metal shop in Wegberg and at any airport all over the world in case of AOG. At ACC COLUMBIA Jet Service there is no time for stagnation. All success can only be gained through continuous performance, all experience and expertise must be constantly lived and expanded to obtain optimal results meeting the customers’ demands and of course all technical and safety requirements. WWW.AVIATIONHEAVEN.COM

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