GREETINGS, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce to you a new quarterly publication that the Fort Worth Division of General Dynamics has created for you, our customer. It is called “Code One” and includes items of interest, safety and maintenance tips, and current events from the field. The fleet of General Dynamics aircraft in the field today has risen to over 1800. The F-16 Fighting Falcon is being flown by nine air forces at some 28 locations throughout the free world, while the F/FB-111s are flown from seven locations, including Australia. In this and coming issues, we will detail some of the many aspects of both the F-111 and F-16 that we feel sure will be of interest to you, the user- both maintenance and aircrew personnel. We will keep you abreast of key events in the General Dynamics aircraft world. The title “Code 0ne”was selected because of its importance to aircraft readiness. The phrase stands for dependability, for being able to do the job when the job needs to be done, for being able to fight and return and fight again. Because of your efforts, we are able to prove that our design does, in fact, produce Code One sorties. We hope you will enjoy this issue of “Code One” and the ones to follow. We solicit your comments and hope all your missions return Code One.
H. F. Rogers Vice President and General Manager General Dynamics Fort Worth Division