Bleddyn Butcher in-conversation with Andrew McMillen

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BLEDDYN BUTCHER A Little History: Photographs of Nick Cave and cohorts, 1981-2013 in-conversation with Andrew McMillen Wednesday 8 October 6.00 for 6.30pm In 1981 when Bleddyn Butcher first saw The Birthday Party play he was astonished. And then enthralled. He set about trying to catch their lightning in his Nikon F2AS. That quixotic impulse became a lifelong quest. A little history got made on the way. Bleddyn Butcher has been a photographer for over four decades. His photographs have appeared in many leading music journals and are included in the permanent collection at Australia’s National Portrait Gallery in Canberra. In 2011, he published Save What You Can: The Day of The Triffids, a biography of that band’s prime mover David McComb.

$7.50 - bookings essential or 3846 3422

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