PFG Christian Michell Vargas Flores

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Final Project 8th Semester

Christian Michell Flores Vargas 220161940

Project Supervisor: Sergio Soto

Career Director: Aníbal Villa Álvarez

CONTENTS INTRODUCTION..................................................................... 06 STORY AND CREATIVE CONCEPT.......................................... 07 ORIGINAL SHORT STORY....................................................... 08 TRANSLATING THE STORY INTO A SCREENPLAY.................. 11 SEARCHING FOR A VISUAL STYLE........................................ 19 MAKING THE CONCEPT ART................................................. 21 CHARACTER DESIGNING...................................................... 23 STORYBOARD / SHOOTING BOARD...................................... 25 LET’S TALK ABOUT SOFTWARE AND ANIMATION................ 38 A MULTIPURPOSE ANIMATIC............................................... 39 STARTING TO ANIMATE....................................................... 41 THE ANIMATION PROCESS.................................................. 42 LIVE ACTION SCENE............................................................ 43 LIVE ACTION COMPOSITING...............................................


CREATING A SOUNDSCAPE................................................. 45

Project Supervisor: Sergio Soto

Career Director: Aníbal Villa Álvarez This is a document that explains and justifies the development of the Final Projeect of Christian Michell Flores Vargas, Multimedia Graphic Design student, class of 2016 - 2020 at Universidad Mondragon México

LOGO AND TITLE SEQUENCE............................................... 47 FINAL THOUGHTS...............................................................


AN INTRUDUCTION This project was created, not only with an academic porpuse, but as a type of therapy piece for myself, and for what I’ve seen through other people’s reaction to what I’ve shared of this short, I’ve noticed that others have had experiences and emotions similar to mine. This level of understanding, a voice from multiple people who had conciously and unconsiously told me: “I’m here, I understand what you’re going through and you’re not alone” I want to be that same voice for other people, and animation is, as I see. the perfect tool to express these emotions to the most people in an interesting and attractive way. In this document I’ll be giving an overview of how this project took shape into the final product.

Animation isn’t the illusion of life, it is life

- Chuck Jones




The original concept for the short went through various iderations before arriving to the final story; a sci-fi epic with an environmaental message, an original music video, personal exploration.

It’s 6:30 AM and Michell gets up to start a new day. His routine is always the same, he takes a bath, eats a modest breakfast and straight to work. His work isn’t too far, just three or four swift steps from his bed there’s the office desk where he’s tied to most of the time. The computer occupies most of the desk in his minimalist office, it’s his meeting center, his archive for projects, where he takes his coffee, any immediate tasks and upcoming work, everything is there. For long hours at a time he lives like that, completely focused on his work so later he can fin something different to do, without the possibility of setting foot outside the four walls that surround him. That’s the “new normal”, going out only every once in a while to get some food and to walk his dog who lives in the same kind of captivity as him.


By Christian Michell Flores Vargas

All of those ideas were not thrown away completely, a lot of the concepts, imagery and themes I wanted to explore were more or less adapted into a more focused story based in reality. The story as said beforehead is based on a period of my life a couple of months before I started the project. A depresive episode that made me think of myself as only a machine, closing myself off from most people and things I enjoyed in my life, work was everything I could think of, consuming my life and thinking nothing much of it because, I was doing well at work, that was al that mattered.

Every day has been like that for the last six months. The only “human” contact he has had have been the virtual meetings and the occasional audio messages; usually just solve doubts about work or any sort of technical issues they may have. Michell didn’t mind this, after all, he enjoyed helping others. It’s always been like that, even before his life became this.

I wanted to portray this experience because I saw more and more people, specially with the recent adoption of home office work, experiencing similar problems and emotions. Making me feel that if this piece could make me process better this experience I had, it could do the same for more people, or at least show them that they’re not alone, there are people who understand what they’re going through.

But days later things started to feel different… On that morning, in front of his mirror he felt a small bump near his chin. Something that felt like plastic coming out of his skin. It was barely noticeable, but he knew it was there. It’s presence didn’t bother him, but he knew he was feeling different. He tried not to think about it and continued his routine like any other day. Minutes, hours, days went by: bathing, breakfast, work, bathing, breakfast, work, bathing, breakfast, work, bathing, breakfast, work… he even started to forget the only other living thing with him: his dog. How long had it being since his life became this? He couldn’t remember anymore, weeks often felt like days, some days like years, a couple of hours passed in only a couple of minutes. Did any of that matter? He was doing his job. At the end that was the only thing that mattered, at least that’s how it looked in his mind. Months or days could have passed and his head couldn’t keep itself in one place, but he kept doing his job, which in itself came with a shower of praise, it was coming out great, he even was taking more work, because he thought that could keep him distracted enough to not have to be alone with his own thoughts. Meetings kept as always y he was doing his work well. It was the only thing that mattered at the end.


Srapped idea concept art


He did receive the occasional message. -Hi, how are you? - he heard on his phone.

-Wh- what is this? - Michell asked himself - Sand?

This words felt like arms that pulled him back to reality. How long had it being since he heard someone else outside of work?

- Where the hell did all this sand come from?- he said surprised He found himself laying down over a huge desert. Michell didn’t have any idea on where he was, the sky was dark with only stars and lines of light illuminating the sky.

- Hey I have a question about this softwareAs quick as the hands started pulling him back, they let go again. It was just another call asking for help. What else could have been? After all Michell didn’t mind this, he enjoyed helping others. It’s always been like this, even before his life became like this.

Completely surprised, Michell went to rub his eyes to see if all this was another dream. - This can’t be real!- He told himself, already out of it. Before he was able to feel his face, the cold sensation of glass stopped him. His head was now a computer monitor. In desperation he was feeling all over the heavy monitor that for now was replacing his head, his mind couldn’t comprehend anything of what was happening; first the desert, now this.

- Thanks, I owe you one! - the other voice said He wanted to say something, ask for help, but he felt that door had already closed… Had it already closed? Bathing, breakfast, work, bathing breakfast work.

He gained a bit of composure and still without understanding what was happening he got up and started walking, almost as if something was calling him deeper into this seemingly infinite desert. He follow this mysterious presence until he came across an enormous hole, it was so deep that nothing but darkness could be seen at the bottom, a painful darkness that looked back at whoever looked too much into it.

Had he taken the dog for a walk today? He remember walking it yesterday.. Was it yesterday? That last shred of normality was starting to slowly fade. Did he had any breakfast? When was the last time he looked himself in the mirror?

At the bottom of that valley of darkness under his feet a small a light started to materialize, the presence that he felt before invited him to jump into the abyss, to know what laid at the bottom.

At least he was doing his job well, It was the only thing that mattered. After all this time, Michell didn’t notice that the bump in his chin had gotten bigger, it was almost like a frame closing around his head, like if those 4 walls closed in on himself.

Without thinking he jumped, the darkness absorbed him almost instantly, he couldn’t feel or see anything, it was almost as if he could find some peace in the emptiness. After a bit he could feel himself moving to the surface.

He woke up the next day. Was he the one who had woken up?

As he got out of the darkness he saw the pair of huge hands that carried him to the top. A gigantic humanoid figure started to come towards him, as it came closer he started to make out the details of the face, it was as if he was looking at himself in a mirror.

It was like all his emotions had been erased for the sake of efficiency. Was this what he really wanted? Michell’s minimal routine from before faded completely into becoming nothing more than work: he went like this for days Did anyone notice or even asked about him? The apartment looked now as if it was abandoned, as if no one had lived there in months. Between food wrappers and trash a silhouette of what was left of Michell could be seen, writing and running information between monitors, on the other side of his room his lockdown partner looked at him worryingly in his almost paralyzed state. The dog barked every once in a while to get it’s owners attention, but Michell only answered by stopping a couple of seconds and like nothing had happened go back to the void of infinite information. 9

Srapped idea concept art

His head had become a computer monitor, he got up with almost mechanical motion and went straight to work. His screen didn’t show any kind of emotion, just data pouring through the screen while his fingers moved without flinching through the keyboard, no trace of doubt or error with every keystroke.

The figure looked him in the eyes with care, feeling a nice warmth going through his body. He hadn’t felt like that in a long time. It was a feeling of understanding, a feeling that everything would be okay, something he hadn’t felt in a long time, but specially something that he hadn’t feel coming from himself. The figure touched his head and the monitor blew up spectacularly, with the force the sky stopped looking as circuits and plants started growing back through what was once a desert. In the real world his dog is licking the monitor frantically to make him react, when the information stopped displaying in his screen and looked back at the dog. The monitor split into two. Michell tearing up profusely with sadness and loneliness, but finally letting his emotions finally flow, and for the first time capable of asking for help. He was hugging his dog with great care for the first time in a really long time he knew that everything would be okay. 10

TRANSLATING THE STORY INTO A SCREENPLAY The step of translating the story into something that could have been understood on screen wasn’t an easy task, the original story was mostly comprised of internal monologue, as well as making the passage of time understandable inside a doable timeframe for the animation. And having to make the change of scenery from real world to dream world and the other way around narratively jaring but in a way that was still aesthetically pleasing.

REFLECTIONS A SHORT FILM Written by Christian Michell Flores Vargas

1st draft September 12 2020



starts. Not long after that, he stays working for the rest of the morning.


EXT. APARTMENT BUILDINGS - SUNRISE It’s a morning like any other, surprisingly quiet, less cars in the streets, it’s almost like the world has stopped somewhat, it would be weird if it hadn’t been like this for the last six months. The morning sun is starting to hit the windows on the lower floor on the building. Orange hues contrasting with the white walls and the blue windows.

Through the day he receives a message from a friend: FRIEND — Hey, how are you man?— MICHELLE looked towards his phone, as soon as he saw the message his expression became visibly exited about talking to someone else, but before he could answer another message came:


FRIEND (CONT’D) — I need some help with this software —

MICHELL opens his eyes groggily as the sun hits his face, he rubs his eyes looks at the time in his phone, the week is starting once again.

As he received the message he didn’t stop smiling, something really subtle about his facial expression changed, bu the smile didn’t go away as he solved his friends doubt.

The apartment itself it’s already messy but mostly clean. INT. MICHELL’S APARTMENT - BATHROOM He gets to the bathroom and starts brushing his teeth while looking at himself in the mirror with tired eyes, takes a quick shower, gets dressed in a simple t-shirt and pijama pants. INT. MICHELL’S APARTMENT - KITCHEN As soon as he is finished with that he goes a couple of steps over to the kitchen. It’s a pretty small place, a stove, a fridge, a sink and a little space for cutting.


Srapped idea concept art

Viewing him from the corner of his small studio apartment, a bed, small office, kitchen, the only closed-off room being a small bathroom.

A ray of light can be seen moving slowly through the room from the apartment’s only window, as soon as the light starts hitting his back he knows his shift is about to end. He stands up, stretches a little and starts walking towards his dog. The evening sun colors the whole apartment a warm orange. His dog always seems happy for this particular time of the day, as soon as MICHELLE gets the leash on his dog they go outside leaving the apartment empty for a little while. SMASH CUT:

He serves some food and water for his dog, a pretty big brown pitbull. He makes himself a modest breakfast and some coffee. He cooks with a smile on his face.




He finishes his breakfast quickly, work is starting in a couple minutes, he takes only a couple of steps towards his office space, a table, his computer taking up most of the space in there, besides it some papers and notebooks with an assortment of random notes and drawings scattered all over the table.

MICHELL opens his eyes groggily as the sun hits his face, he rubs his eyes looks at the time in his phone, just like yesterday and the day before it and probably for the next couple of months.

He places his coffee mug besides another two empty mugs from other days.


He turns on the screen and fixes his hair one last time before the meeting starts, MICHELLE puts his best smile on as the meeting



MICHELLE is looking worriedly at his reflection, his eyes unblinking start moving towards his chin, a little bump appeared over night, a sort of small pyramid pointing outwards, almost feeling like plastic.


Little by little, the apartment started becoming dirtier and darker. And MICHELLE was stopping doing any other stuff other than working.


While this was happening the bump on his chin was unknowingly growing into a computer monitor, by this point it almost engulfed his whole face.

MONTAGE - From the corner of the room one can see MICHELLE doing his daily activities without change the only sign of any time passing in the apartment is the position of the sun through the day.



(DOG POV) His dog looked at his owner, working, occasionally looking back at him and show a faint smile.

Michelle’s hair was messier, the bags on his eyes started getting darker, but no matter what he kept smiling in the meetings, he is receiving praises for his work.




As MICHELLE is working on his desk, only illuminated by his computer screen, he received another message, exactly like the last one:

CLOSEUP - The scene is filled by black, a text block starts flickering on the screen.

MICHELLE made a double take while looking at his phone as he did before, with a smile on his face, his happy expression came back for a bit. But before he could reach for the phone the other message arrived: FRIEND (CONT’D): — Hey, I’m sorry but could you help me with this software?— Unlike before, MICHELLE couldn’t keep up his smile, the expression soured as quick as he looked at his phone. MICHELLE picked up the phone and answered. He went and tried to send another message: MICHELLE: - Honestly it hasn’t been…— But he just gave up. INT. APARTMENT - UNKNOWN TIME AND DATE MONTAGE - Again looking for the corner of the room, the window now closed there’s no way to say how much time has passed, the only light illuminating the apartment is the computer’s.

Srapped idea concept art


FRIEND: — Hi man, how are you? —



ZOOM OUT - Little by little it’s revealed MICHELLE’s head overtaken by a computer. It’s morning again, the only sign of it is the alarm sound. MICHELLE gets up from his bed mechanically straight to his office. As he is clicking away information is showing on his screen in tandem with the information showing on his head INT. APARTMENT - UNKNOWN TIME AND DATE The apartment now darker, with a greenish hue only the light of the monitors illuminating it. The dog just looks at MICHELLE and starts barking at him every once in a while. FADE TO BLACK: EXT. DESERT - UNKNOWN TIME AND DATE (POV): The sound of the barks makes Michell opens his eyes, purple sand covers his feet. He looks up to a dark start sky with light roads making it look like circuitry. Michell tries rubbing his eyes but something stops his hands. (END POV)


He starts feeling his head now overtaken by a monitor, his expression now showing through the monitor with a face is surprised and scared.

MICHELLE has his head back now, tears streaming down his face. The sky goes back to being covered in stars and plants start growing in what once used to be a desert.

He looks around erratically and stands up. He can’t see anything but a hum starts sounding from the distance. He looks towards the direction of it and after a short pause, he starts walking towards the hum, getting stronger every step he takes.

As the figure gives Michelle one last look, he wakes up. INT. APARTMENT - UNKNOWN TIME AND DATE


In the real world, MICHELLE’S dog is licking his limp hand. Michelle’s hand starts moving little by little and starts petting his dog.

From the perspective of the abyss we see MICHELL arriving towards it. Looking and squinting towards it. FADE CUT:

The monitor breaks in two revealing Michelle crying. His head still has a couple chunks of plastic in it, He goes and hugs his his dog while still crying and smiling.

From the top down we can see the abyss from the sky, a massive circle almost looking like an eye from the sky,

With a longer more determined step MICHELLE throws himself into the abyss ABYSS - UNKNOWN DAY AND TIME The darkness is thick, almost like a liquid surrounding his body.

EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING - MORNING Srapped idea concept art

MICHELLE looking inside the hole, a small flickering shine is at the bottom. His eyes widen and his gives a small step, a bit of sand starts falling to the bottom from his feet.

The morning sun is starting to hit the windows on the lower floor on the building. Orange hues contrasting with the white walls and the blue windows. One of the windows opens its curtains.

His body stops in the middle of the darkness, not sure if he’s still falling or not. He closes his eyes slowly. A light starts showing for the bottom and everything starts trembling. Michelle going quickly towards the top the light at the top. FADE TO WHITE: Michell is now over the abyss, carried by a giant luminous hand. A giant humanoid figure starts approaching him. As it comes closer the figure becomes clearer, it’s Michelle’s own face. The figure smiles at him with warmth and stretches his hand and touches the monitor. There’s a small pause. 17

The monitor blows up in a sphere of light engulfing the whole scene.


SEARCHING FOR A VISUAL STYTLE After looking through various movies, shorts, artists and even songs, a visual style and animation style were decided. When looking for an artstyle to express an story revolving around hard to explain emotions and experiences, the main objective was to look for something that had a distinctive human touch, that felt like something personal. And in the end my main sources of inspiration were:

1.- The impressionist movement

2.- Aristotels Roufanis’s project, Alone Together

1.- The impressionist movement The french art movement of impressionism is distinguished because of its use of light used to capture an specific moment in time, light being an important element in the short. 2.- Aristotels Roufanis’s project, Alone Together Alone together is a photography project consisting on a series of photographic compositions depicting the isolation of people inside their apartments. 3.- The Pixar short Kitbull A short from the series of spark shorts experimental shorts of pixar, using a combination of 3d and 2d methoths, with a painting like style really close to what I wanted to make. 3.- Pixar’s Kitbull

4.- Louie Zong’s landscapes and animation Louie Zong’s use of digital brushes and soft animation give off a warm texture that I wanted to capture. 5.- Studio Ghibli films Interestingly, the Ghibli elements I wanted to capture, rather than the artsyle, is the subtle movement in Ghiblis animation, giving disitnctive weight and personality to every character

5.- Whisper of the heart - Studio Ghibli

6.- PUNCHiE’s discography PUNCHiE’s sound and ambience in every one of his songs help create a very distinctive emotional reaction, that I wanted to capture in the short 19

Srapped idea concept art

4.- Louie Zong’s art

6.- Yellow Flowers, by PUNCHiE

MAKING THE CONCEPT ART The creation of the concept art meant the official star t of production. Focusing at first in creating the environments where the story would take place, because, in a way they seemed as important as the characters themselves. Room, first act

Room, third act

I focused on making the appartment look as cramped as possible to emphasize, lighting was from the beggining a huge part of the short, emphasizing a the mental state pf the main character at the time


Room, second act


The decay is now completely apparent the computer becoming the only source of light in the room the table becoming the main focus point of the scene.

The deteroriation of the appartment is showing both through the color choices and the bleaker lighting in the scene, and the introduction of scatterd props adds to the feeling of decay

Srapped idea concept art

A purple desert inside the mindscape of the main character’s head, with waves pointing towards the center.




Dog and trusted partner

The character design process was fairly streamlined with both the characters based in real life the main design challenge was making a simple but attractive design, that I could realiably animate.

Canelo’s design was made with my dog of the same name. As a brown Pitbull his shape can read as intimidating by most people, but I wanted to give him a more friendly design. The main design challenge was my own inhability to draw dogs, specialy when animating their movement


Canelo’s first sketch

The main character The design for Michelle is both based on myself and at the same time intended to serve as a surogate for the audience. A simple enough design so that most poeple could put themselves on his shoes Most of the changes throught the design process where made to the eyes, to make the whole face more expressive

Expression and reference sheets, by Andrea Tamez

Michelle first sketch


Michelle Color test

Michelle Final Design

Canelo’s finalMichelle design Color test


Michelle Final Design

STORYBOARDING/ SHOOTING BOARD The next step of production was to create the storyboard combined with the shooting board to have an idea on how the visual composition would translate on screen. (These storyboards were created before having a final name)













LET’S TALK ABOUT SOFTWARE AND ANIMATION Deciding on where to create the animation itself was a challenge, software like Adobe Animate and After Effects where strong candidates until considering an important factor. The camera movements and angles would be incredibly complicated to create by drawing them one by one. So I had an idea, make a 3d environment and animating over it. This option gave me the freedom to be more creative with camera movements, and angles. That’s when I found Blender.

Why use Blender 3d?

Blender is an open source 3d modeling and animation software. After discovering the relatively recently added 2d animation tools I decided to learn how to use the software as quickly as I could, so I could learn if it was good for the project or not.

Unique advantages and disadvantages

One of the main advantages of using blender is that despite being relatively new, the 2d animation tools were incredibly powerful. But in the other hand because of how new the tools where there was a limited amount of learning material I could use.


First 3d environment test


A MULTIPURPOSE ANIMATIC Creating an animatic for the project had multiple functions, first, to create a better guide for the final animation, second to have an actual timeframe from where the musician could use as a timestamp guide and finally, as an exercise to familiarize myself with the 2d animation tools inside Blender. The process took 2 weeks of production, an ardous two weeks that increased the initial expected length of the short from 3 to 4 minutes, to almost 7 minutes. Admitedly a worrying realization on the new length of the short, the final product was incredibly useful for preparing on how I would tackle the next step in production.





Not too long after finishing the animatic, and with a bit over a month to finish the project the full on production of the animation begined.

Starting with the animation itself was a difficult process. The pressure of finishing this amount of actual animation in such a short amount of time almost got to me.

Starting with the texturing of the environment it was thought of into making it look as close to the concept art as possible

During the whole animation process I made the decission to focus heavily on the composition of every scene, using the golden ratio composition grid in every scene

Texturing test


Flat UV texture - Bathroom Sink

Flat UV texture - Bathroom Sink

The use of composition grids was extremely important




Creating the life action scenes consisted in a huge amount on planning, we had a single day to get every single scene recorded. We made a pixelation style animation, that meaning a stop motion style with people instead of sculptures or inanimate object.

The live action scenes were put together in photoshop cutting each photo frame by frame and compositing the image sequence inside of blender itself. Trying to achieve an almost dream like state, with the live action portion of the scene. Creating a confusing and strange landscape Original style tests

Behind the scenes




I wanted the sounds to deteriorate over the course of the animation. That was the base concept I started with. I played with granular synthesizers a lot in this score, since the sound of granular devices remind me of a dreamy deterioration. After I had created a mock of what that would sound like, I was able to listen and move the mock score to different spots in the animatic, which brought me the idea of the dream sequence. I then knew that the deterioration had a curve to it, and that I shouldn’t make the score fall apart too often, or too early.

Sound editing is an incredibly important part on any animated project, audio is what really makes an animated character feel alive and part of the world he inhabits. I had the fortune to be able to work with one of my favorite artists PUNCHiE, who helped an incredible amount with this project.

So, I set on making a beginning. A sound that was still granular, but much more grounded. I wanted it to be foreboding of something hopeful. I mean to say that it would make me feel like I might fall apart, and if I do it will be okay. But, I’m present and intact. I’m not sure if I got this feeling across, but hopefully the opening track sets the tone for the animation. The sound design was the most difficult part for me. I was nervous I was incapable of matching this style, since it was so surreal. But, the beginning has a lot of realism tied to it. I thought of deteriorating natural sounds towards the dream sequence. I hoped this would create the sense that in the real world these noises are normal, but from Michell’s perspective they were not. The ending track to me is “close to hope”. To me, the story is yearning for hope. The ending gives you the sense that things are about to get better. That, “The truth has been told, and now I am ready to grow.” Making this sentiment into music, it needed to sound sad but hopeful, and lead into happiness during the credits. I had a lot of fun making the ending track. It’s groovy and it’s sincere.

A word about the project and sound editing from PUNCHiE

I also thought about the ending of Christian’s schooling when I made this. I thought about when he looks back at this piece. He will remember this part of his life, and how transformative it is. “Reflections” embody his growth as a young adult, and i wanted to tie the knot at the end of that moment. It’s a time of growth for all of us. I want to look back at this, too, and remember how I felt; stamp it into time.

Working on this project with Christian has been an emotional journey for me. He asked me for help months in advance, when I hired him onto my Wondermilk team. Since the beginning, he has always been kind, loyal, and open. We spoke about the feelings he is expressing in this piece, before it came time to start doing some work. I was unfamiliar with his faulty kindness, but getting to know him I learned the depths of his emotion. Over time, we bonded. This helped me immensely during my process. Knowing Christian, I understood where he was coming from. At times, I could still see this part of him, and I saw his development in retrospect. While making the score, I spent a lot of time inside his head; watching him work and make decisions. The animation expresses a very particular style, and I needed to match it perfectly. So I closely observed him dive into his world. 45



FINAL THOUGHTS This project has been incredibly formative. One of my life objectives is being an animation director, and this project has given me some experience into what being a director is like. I truly couldn’t have done any of this without the help of my team the people who helped me all the way throught the project. I’ve always heard that an animation is a huge machine with a million moving pieces. And experimenting an incredibly small version of what is the full animation process has truly made me understand that everyone every single member of a team is important for the final project to come to life. When I started with this project I was completely unsure, of if what I was making was overly ambitious, or if I even had the ability to make my vision come true, at least animation wise. But seeing that I could make someting like this showed me that I had the ability to actually work in the animation industry.

SPECIAL THANKS I want to thank everyone who has helped me throught this project, and through this las four years during my college education. I want to once more thank my team for this project, without any of you I couldn’t have done this project as it is right now.

The used font for the title sequence was Roboto Mono. A monospaced font seemed like the most logical way to approach the title, as monospace is usually used for programing fonts, but Roboto in difference of the other programming fonts has a lot more of a friendly shape.


I want to thank my mom, the incredible amount of strength you show everyday trying to raise the whole family everyday inspires me to be a better person, you’ve been there all my life guiding me and helping me grow into who I am today, and I hope that it’s someone you can feel proud of. And my teachers, during this last four years you have taught me not only about design, but ways to make myself into a better person.


Project Supervisor: Sergio Soto

Career Director: Aníbal Villa Álvarez

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