gas turbines

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CLASSIFICATION OF GAS TURBINES 1.Constant pressure gas turbine a. Open cycle gas turbine b. Closed cycle gas turbine

2. Constant volume gas turbine a. Open cycle gas turbine b. Closed cycle gas turbine

APPLICATION 1. Power generation 2. Industry 3. Turbojet engines 4. Marine engines 5. Supercharging 6. Railway engines

CONSTANT PRESSURE GAS TURBINE Working : 1. On joule or Brayton cycle 2. Thermal eff. Same as Otto cycle 3. Eff. Increases with increase in pressure ratio 4. It may be of closed or open type

OPEN CYCLE GAS TURBINE 1. Consists of compressor, combustion chamber and turbine 2. Heat is added by combustion of fuel in combustion chamber 3. Exhaust released in atmosphere 4. Continuous replacement of working fluid takes place

CLOSED CYCLE GAS TURBINE 1. Same working fluid is circulated in the turbine continuously 2. Heater and pre-cooler additionally present 3. High pressure can be maintained by reduction in volume of air circulated causing reduction in size of components 4. External combustion takes place

METHODS TO IMPROVE THERMAL EFF. 1. Regeneration 2. Reheating

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