4 minute read

“MyaFlys” Aviation Journey

By Mya Desgrosellier

My eyes feel dry, and my body aches, reminding me of the long hours we’ve spent in our family car, watching the scenery pass like an old movie reel. It’s been nearly 18 hours since we set out on this adventure. I’ve taken turns driving, keeping the driver awake, and resting—each of us carrying a bit of the burden we gladly accepted less than a week ago. Our destination?

The EAA Airventure Airshow in Oshkosh, Wisconsin! This has been a dream of mine for years. A dream I thought would have to wait for at least another year, as finances and schedules were not lining up. However, determination and creativity are two underrated players in this adventure, and against all odds we are making it happen. Airshows have always inspired me, even as a very young person, and now I’m beyond grateful to be headed to one of the largest shows.

My name is Mya and I am a 16-year-old student pilot, aviation ambassador, and content creator on social media. My passion for aviation began like many of yours—attending an airshow at my local Air Force Base. The Thunderbirds captured my heart with their thunderous roars and soaring maneuvers. Meeting a female pilot among the Thunderbird lineup sealed my ambition to become a pilot.

Eager to explore the world of aviation, I convinced my parents to visit our local flight school. Though deemed too young at 8 years old for flight school, the instructors kindly allowed me to sit in the planes and take pictures. I left with an unwavering desire to return, and envisioned myself someday not just sitting in, but flying these airplanes.

As the years passed, my passion for aviation only grew stronger. I devoured aviation books, studied airplanes, and went plane spotting whenever I could. I even did an extensive presentation for school on Amelia Earhart, going so far as dressing up as her! At 13, I revisited the local flight school, but again, they encouraged me to wait a bit longer before starting ground school. Undeterred, I purchased the ground school books with my saved allowance, immersing myself in the text books, and continued to attend air shows.

Last summer, at 15 years old, my dream finally took flight as I enrolled in flight school—first at Summit Flight School and then Northwest Flight Services at Felts Field (KSFF). It was there that I met Nate Brown, a CFI and aviation mentor, who has been with me at both flight schools. His personality and teaching style are a perfect match for me. I completed ground school, passed the endorsement test, and my FAA written exam with flying colors. On my 16th birthday, I experienced the exhilaration of my solo flight.

Throughout this incredible journey, I have been fortunate to receive scholarships from the Washington Pilot Association (WPA) and Aircraft Owners and Pilot Association (AOPA), easing the financial burden that comes with aviation pursuits. At both organizations, I’ve met wonderfully supportive people, like John Miller from WPA and Taz Thomas and Pat Brown from AOPA. The eagerness to help and mentor young aviators is something I have found at every turn, and I am grateful for all the support. Currently I have 80 flight hours and am ready for my check-ride, but I am required to wait until the legal age of 17 to get my private pilot’s license.

While waiting for that big day, I stay busy volunteering and serving as copilot with Frederick Klarmeyer, for Pilot N’ Paws; an inspiring non-profit organization that transports rescue animals to their forever homes. Additionally, I am an “Aviation Ambassador” on social media, aiming to inspire young aviators and aviation enthusiasts of all ages, through platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. My main goal with social media is to reinvigorate interest and passion for general aviation. The industry needs young people involved to continue the legacy and vibrant aviation community of the past.

As I look up from my laptop, I realize that writing has been a great distraction. Time flew by, and we are rolling into Oshkosh, Wisconsin. I see smoke trails of aerobatic planes etching the sky, and a sea of colorful tents surrounding Whitman Regional Field. EAA AirVenture awaits, and I plan to share my experience on TikTok, Instagram and Youtube. Join me on this adventure, and many more, and let’s continue to celebrate the magic of aviation. Together, we can soar to new heights and make aviation dreams a reality!

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