2 minute read
Pilots, A&P Mechanics, Teamwork and Trust
By Tom Flavin
While every day each of us relies on trust and teamwork to accomplish daily activities and larger goals, how often do any of us stop to ask where that confidence in trust and teamwork is coming from? Who do we, or who can we, rely on and trust?
Trust is defined as the assured reliance on the character, ability, strength or truth of someone or something. Teamwork is defined as the combined action of a group of people, especially when effective and efficient.
Teamwork is increasingly becoming the most important skill in everything.
AviNation American Dream Tour started this May in Peoria, Illinois at the Elite Youth Outreach program with large portions of trust and teamwork. The focus of the curriculum was not aviation/aerospace. We reached over one hundred underprivileged youth about careers in aviation/aerospace along with a hands-on drone introduction. This initial group moved from only three (3) reluctant youth seeing themselves in a career in aviation at the start of our presentation to almost fifty (50).
Our team trusts that follow-up presentations will increase these numbers, still.
In June, the AviNation American Dream Tour proceeded to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. In this community, we presented to four (4) separate youth organizations. At Baton Rouge Community College – Aviation Campus an attendee signed up for the Fall semester!
AviNation American Dream Tour will be in Oshkosh, Wisconsin in July. AviNation Magazine (this issue) will have bonus distribution at AirVenture. And with teamwork and trust, the tour will proceed to several other communities through the early Fall and throughout 2022.
In all our outreach, initially, we are met by some skepticism about our intent, what the costs or fees will be and who benefits. More frequently it is said, so what is your ASK?
Our ASK: AviNation American Dream Tour seeks supporters, sponsors, like-minded motivational speakers, and most importantly all individuals and communities who value teamwork and trust!
Do you know of a community that can benefit from the American Dream Tour? If so, we would like to hear from you.