AviNation Magazine Winter 2020

Page 16

TELLING IS NOT TEACHING by Mike Thompson What is the key to effective teaching? The key is a relationship between the learner and the teacher. A concerted conscious effort is required by the learner in order to deeply understand and apply any given content. Any learner engaged in this process will spend their time much more effectively and efficiently if they have a relationship with a trusted teacher guiding them. As humans we must consider the time and effort that it takes to really learn something in depth. Compared to a computer which is simply swipe, click, download, click again, and you’re done, all in a matter of seconds; deep learning for humans does not happen in an instant. The human brain does not function like a computer. To inform our human mind with a depth of knowledge takes time and effort. This effort is hard work. This time consuming and effortful process of learning is much

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more efficient when guided by someone the learner can respect and trust. A learner will respect and trust this person because the two of them have built a relationship. The ever increasing use of electronic media over the past few decades sometimes leads to the mistaken notion that learning should be just as instantaneous as the media that supports it. Because we use electronic media so often, we sometimes fool ourselves into thinking that learning can simply be an instant update. It is important to remind ourselves from time to time

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