Two other nonprofit organizations in the Roaring Fork Valley of Aspen provided significant support to this program through financial contributions - the Aspen Education Foundation and The BettyFlies Foundation. The Aspen Education Foundation champions public education, raising money to fund programs and positions of distinction in the community. Their vision is that every child in Aspen has access to an extraordinary public education, believing that all students deserve “rigorous academics and a multitude of beyond classroom educational experiences that inspire curiosity and a love of learning.” The BettyFlies Foundation funds aviation-related programs that encourage personal development and create Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education opportunities for young people, inspiring and empowering our next generations. It is also dedicated to sustaining the legacy of female aviation hero Betty Haas Pfister. Betty’s daughter, Suzanne Pfister, Founder and President of the BettyFlies Foundation, believes
the Every Student Flies program could make a real difference in the lives of young people.
“ Betty was a trailblazer in the true sense of the word,” said Ms. Pfister. “She was a flight enthusiast who thought ‘outside the box’ in all her endeavors.” The ultimate goal of the “Every Student Flies” program is to introduce students to the world of aviation, hoping to light a spark in some to ignite their futures. The program’s leaders also hope that other public high schools across the country will be excited about this program and look into doing something similar in their communities. Jill Meyers, Owner of Meyers AeroConsulting, is an aviation management consultant and professional public speaker. She managed the media and public relations effort for the launch of the Every Student Flies program.