4 minute read
Sky Breakers Take Flight
By Darrion Flunder-Jenkins
The University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM) is the hub for all new and emerging Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drone) technology. Our focus is on improving industries that provide the imperative elements of everyday essence in the state of Louisiana. Last year, ULM held our first drone workshops open to middle and high school students statewide. Allowing students the experience to explore aspects of the Unmanned Aircraft System Management degree and Agricultural Business degree, we offer students new career paths aimed at setting the fundamental practices for the drone industry and allowing students to focus heavily on STEAM fundamentals, in conjunction with exploring the applications of drone technology and sensors that can be utilized in different fields. These include geosciences, biology, health studies, film, photography, construction, marketing, atmospheric science, and research into the interrogation of drones into the National Airspace System.
ULM has some of the greatest young minds, working with faculty to give back to the community and to develop new relationships with industry leaders to explore new options when it comes to their daily operations efficiency. Our students’ behaviors and mindset foster an environment that launches ULM’s UAS Management program into the future alongside major components whose research has set the foundation for the integration of drone technology into the National Airspace System. The prime of our students elevate the drone industry by cultivating practices far into the future that will supply generations to come a safer and a more cohesive community.

Cooper Treadway, a promising bright mind in the aviation industry and a student within the Unmanned Aircraft System Management (UASM) program at ULM has been paramount to the success of the drone workshops, as well as, to the UASM program. His ability to interact with students of all ages and backgrounds allowed him to pique the interest of students attending the workshop and show them the capabilities of a variety of drones within the ULM fleet. Mr. Treadway, a senior at ULM, all the way from Florida, realized his passion for drones at the age of 15 years old. In high school, Mr. Treadway documented football games and plays as well as created marketing material for his JROTC program. At a young age, his mind explored the ideas of applying drones, and from there, dedicated his career path to working in the aviation industry, specializing in the use of drone technology within under-served fields to improve operational efficiency.
After high school, Mr. Treadway sought out his FAA Part 107 Pilot Certification to start earning money while conducting flight operations using drones. He became influential in the development of DroneDeploy, a mapping software company that unifies the extensive everyday operating practices of drone pilots into one platform. Mr. Treadway conducted test flights, uploaded the data for analysis, then generated reports that DroneDeploy utilized to better serve their clients. His passion for drones and the aviation industry has led to great opportunities for his career. During the summer of 2022, he interned at the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD), where he conducted numerous flights, inspecting general aviation airports for compliance of federal aviation regulations and state standard operating principles, making recommendations on improvements needed to keep the public safe. Mr. Treadway says, “I have a passion to see how and where the UAS technologies will advance and expand. I got to see the progress it made and the impact it had on the state of Louisiana while I was with the LA DOTD”. After college, Mr. Treadway hopes to continue his work within the government at the federal level, setting the standards for future drone pilots and ensuring the safe practices of drone integration.