4 minute read

Success: American Dream Tour - California

By Tom Flavin

The AviNation American Dream Tour to promote aviation/aerospace education and career opportunities to diverse youth was in Southern California in October 2022. Local, regional, and national industry leaders, educators, and mentors shared their inspirational journeys with interested students.

Santa Monica High School, Kern High School Career & Technical Education Center, Palmdale High School Engineering Program, and the Edwards Air Force Base STEM Expo allowed the Tour to reach thousands of potential young aviators and future industry leaders.

A standout "aha moment" was that perhaps the teachers and leaders were learning as much as the students, and all were having fun! "What is an FBO (Fixed Base Operator) or CFI (Certified Flight Instructor)?" asked a few teachers and administrators.

All were working together to accomplish the AviNation mission to attract, educate, and empower youth in aerospace. In Bakersfield, where a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter flew in, the waiting crowd applauded, many of the industry leaders taking "selfie" photos with the arriving helicopter.

The leaders represented were from a wide variety of aviation and aerospace disciplines- an Ag Pilot, two F-15 pilots, an aviation attorney, two airport managers, a 20-year-old pilot, a 15-year-old who is building an airplane, an FBO manager, an air traffic controller, a museum director, a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter pilot, an A&P Mechanic, a DOD engineer, and a Youth Aero Club president - in addition to, college and university leaders.

At the Kern High Career & Technical Education Center, I was invited to speak with students in small groups. To "break the ice" and get to know the student audience, I asked them to name their hobbies. One student responded, "Physics!" Wow! Immediately, I suggested he feature that hobby on his resume, front-and-center.

Later that day, in a conversation about this student with Mr. Earl Johnson, one of the guest speakers, he mentioned that his hobby is physics, too. Wow, again!

Then, at the Edwards Air Force Base STEM Expo (Physics Central), I had an opportunity to briefly speak with Brigadier General Matthew W. Higer. Introducing the AviNation team, I pointed to Mr. Earl Johnson, a guest speaker, and added, "His hobby is physics." The General immediately replied, asking, "Isn't physics everyone’s hobby?" Jokingly ducking my head down to signal embarrassment, because physics is not my hobby, I heard the General quickly add that math was his first language. Wow! Wow! Wow!

The top five hobbies of Gen Z and Millennials on one Google search include: 1) Gaming, 2) Music / Playing an instrument, 3) Sports, 4) Art / Drawing / Painting, and 5) Reading. One could have any of these hobbies and be a pilot, an astronaut, or an engineer.

Not everyone involved in aviation or aerospace is a physics major, math guru, engineer, A&P Mechanic, avionics technician, pilot, or astronaut. AviNation American Dream Tour celebrates all areas of aerospace and plans to continue outreach throughout 2023, and beyond.

AviNation is grateful to our supporters and speakers, who include Republic Airways, the U.S. Coast Guard, Antelope Valley College, California Aeronautical University, California Baptist University, MC, Ricardo Foster, LCDR, USN (Ret.), President Infinity Aero Club Tampa Bay, Mr. Earl Johnson, SGT., U.S. Marine Corps (Veteran), LCDR Ryan McCue, U.S. Coast Guard Aeronautical Engineer, and MH-65 Helicopter Instructor Pilot / Flight Examiner, AET1 Lindsey Cassel, Avionics Electrical Technician, Flight Mechanic, U.S. Coast Guard Recruiter

Ms. Latanya Collier, Airport Manager, Los Angeles County Public Works, Ms. Denise Bayers, and Ambassadors. Ms. Melissa Johnston, Director of Flight Training Centers and Mr. Matt Johnston, President, California Aeronautical University, Dr. John Marselus, Department Chair Aviation, Col. U.S. Air Force (Ret.), Mr. Nick Read, General Manager, Atlantic Aviation,

Mr. Brandon Gallardo-Arias, 1st Generation Mexican American, 20 years old, Ms. Gallardo-Arias a.k.a. Mom. Ms. Cayenne Gutierrez, 15-year-old and building an airplane. Mr. Charlie Gutierrez, a.k.a. Dad. Mr. Michael Segal, Attorney, F-15 Pilot U.S. Air Force Reserve.

Ms. Nathali Duran Camou, National Guard, LCDR Nathan Shakespeare, MH-65 Helicopter Instructor Pilot / Flight Examiner, U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Ventura Liaison Officer, LCDR Zach Diiulio, U.S. Coast Guard Supply officer, MH-65 Helicopter Pilot, AMT1 Cody Reed, MH-65 Helicopter flight mechanic, Aviation Maintenance Technician, Mr. Tim Reid, Airport Manager, Mojave Air & Space Port, Mr. Jon Slikker, Ag Pilot, Vince Dusters, Mr. Ron Pierce, Aviation Historian, Director, CEO, Minter Field Museum.

We welcome you to join the tour! So, what is your hobby?

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