Avlon Texture Release Treatment

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Avlon Europe
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About Us Avlon Industries Is One Of The Haircare Industry’s Original Innovators, With More Than 35 Years’ Experience Creating Iconic Products For Afro And Textured Hair. h t t p s : / / a v l o n e u r o p e . c o . u k
AFFIRM 5 in 1 Reconstructor With Argan Oil, Pequi Oil, Buriti Oil Amazing post-relaxer conditioner Normalizes hair after relaxing Deposits substantive conditioners deep within the hair fiber. Stylists’ favorite! https://avloneurope.co.uk


Helps prevent irritation to the hairline and scalp during the relaxing process. Perfect for sensitive-scalp clients.



With Shikakai and Amla Extracts. Lightweight detangling spray. Instantly moisturizes the hair so it becomes tangle-free and smooth.



four-part system of products; Regenerator, Shampoo, Amplifier, and Sustainer that work synergistically to repair and protect your client’s hair during lightening, coloring, heat styling, or stand-alone treatments https://avloneurope.co.uk
Pro Kit What is
https://avloneurope.co.uk 0121 522 2124 Avlon Europe Limited, Unit 2, Navigation Point, Golds Hill Way, Tipton Contact Us That Use Advanced Technology To Provide Superior Quality Haircare At A Fair Price.

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