13 minute read

Section 8. Health and Wellness Information

I. Mental Wellness

The School is committed to the intellectual and emotional wellness of our students and their healthy adolescent development. Therefore, the School provides access to confidential counseling and psychological services while school is in session. The School contracts Licensed Clinical Psychologist Dr. Dan Martin in order to respond to normative developmental concerns. In cases where ongoing treatment is indicated, Dr. Martin works to connect students with community providers. Dr. Dan Martin and other mental health provider’s offices are located in the lower level of the Health Center, which is now our Wellness Center.

Additionally, the School has a relationship with Dr. Eric B. Cohen, M.D., a child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist, that will allow quick access to his services if needed. All issues discussed with our mental health professionals are private and confidential unless the safety of a student or the School community is at risk.

Dr. Martin’s counseling and psychological services are part of the regular Health Center services and therefore included in your son’s tuition. However, the cost for services provided by Dr. Cohen or other mental health providers will be the responsibility of the student’s family as they are not part of the School’s regular Health Center services. Parents/Guardians and students who are interested in utilizing either of these services should contact Dr. Martin directly by email at martind@avonoldfarms.com.

II. The Health Center Hours, Locations, and Information

The Health Center Hours:

Monday - Friday: 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Saturday: 7:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. & 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Sunday: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. & 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Main phone number: (860) 404-4234 This is also the number to call after office hours to reach a nurse for medical emergencies.

The Health Center provides 24/7 care either in the office or on call to the student body while school is in session. Care is provided for illness and injuries occurring while school is in session in addition to any other medical issues that may arise while a student is at school. Students with chronic illnesses are managed in cooperation with their primary care physician and may remain at school so long as their health is stable.

Off Campus Medical Appointments: The School will provide transportation for off-campus appointments related to medical issues that arise while at school. The Health Center does not provide transportation to routine appointments such as with a dentist, orthodontist, allergist, and/or with a regular therapist, etc. Students needing transportation to such appointments must hire alternative transportation, obtain permission and check out properly from the Dean of Students office prior to leaving campus.

Medical Forms: Students are required to have all medical forms and consents completed, signed, and uploaded to Magnus before they arrive on campus. Students will not be able to remain on campus, attend classes, or participate in a sport or other school activities if they do not have all of the required documents submitted.

Acceptance of proof of coverage does not guarantee scope of coverage and parents/guardians are ultimately responsible for any costs not covered by their insurance. A copy of this card must be submitted to Magnus prior to arriving on campus.

Emergency Contact: Every student must have an emergency contact on file in Magnus that lives within 300 miles (fiv hours) driving distance from the School and agrees to pick up and assume care for the student in case the parents/guardians are unavailable or cannot do so within eight hours of notification. Some of the reasons a student may need to be picked up include, but are not limited to, student isolation requirements due to a communicable disease such as influenza or COVID-19, mandated quarantine, school shut down/vacations, medical or mental health issues requiring close supervision or hospitalization, or a disciplinary issue.

Medically Necessary Surgical Procedures: Parents/guardians or emergency contacts will be responsible for students before, during, and after any surgical procedure unless it is an emergency situation and cannot wait until the parent/guardian or emergency contact arrives. Students who must have surgery during the school year may return to school no sooner than 24 hours post-operative and must be stable enough to return to their dormitory room and/or resume normal daily activities at school with reasonable accommodations. Before returning to campus after surgery, the student must first be cleared by the Health Center.

Appointments with the School Doctor: The School’s Medical Director, Dr. Mark Gilroy, comes to campus three times a week and is available to see students by appointment only. Students must be seen by one of the Health Center nurses first before being scheduled for an appointment with the doctor. The doctor’s services are included in tuition. Dr. Gilroy may do a combination of in-person appointments and telehealth appointments, depending on the student’s situation, as well as local disease prevalence and state and local recommendations.

III. Medications

All medications must be filled at Rx Health Pharmacy in Rocky Hill, Connecticut. Medications will be blisterpacked and delivered to the Health Center.

Students may not have any prescribed medication in their dorm room, with the exception of antibiotics, acne medication, inhalers for asthma, topical ointments, nasal sprays, antivirals, and EpiPens, and only with permission of the Health Center. All other prescribed medication must be stored in the Health Center and administered or distributed by Health Center staff consistent with a doctor’s order.

If a student is found with any prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medication not allowed in the student’s possession and was not approved by the Health Center, this will be considered a violation of the School’s Drug and Alcohol Policy and the Dean of Students will be notified. The student will be required to appear before the Discipline Committee where dismissal will be likely.

It is the student’s responsibility to go to the Health Center and take his medication as prescribed during Health Center hours. The Health Center staff will attempt to ensure that a student is taking his medication as prescribed. To this end, the Health Center reserves the right to ensure that each student is observed taking his medication and may require a student to submit to a mouth check to ensure that medication is being swallowed.

In the event that a student is non-compliant with doctors’ orders, the Health Center and the School reserve the right, after discussion with the School’s health team (pediatrician, psychologist and/or psychiatrist), and the student’s prescribing doctor, to determine the safety of continuing the medication in question or to discontinue the distribution of the medication if there are concerns for the student’s well-being.

Furthermore, consistent with standard medical and nursing practice, the Health Center may refuse to administer or allow to be administered any medication, which, based on circumstance and/or professional judgement, has the potential to be harmful or inappropriate. On such occasions, parents, guardians, and the prescribing physician will be notified as soon as possible and the reason for such refusal explained. In such circumstances, an appointment will be arranged, by the parents/guardian, for the student with the prescribing doctor as soon as possible.

In order to provide appropriate care for students, parents/guardians may be asked to provide consent to permit the Health Center staff to communicate effectively with a student’s prescribing or treating physician or another medical provider. Failure to provide such consent, if it results in the School’s inability to effectively and adequately provide care for a student as determined by the School, may result in the need to send a student home or otherwise separate the student from the School.

The Health Center may inform necessary members of the School community, parents, and prescribing doctors of a student’s medication noncompliance. Attempts will be made by the Health Center and AOF community to remind students to come and receive their medication.

For further Health Center information and important forms, visit the Avon Old Farms website and click on the Parents tab (www.avonoldfarms.com/parents).

IV. Communicable Disease Management and Exclusion Policy

In order to protect the health and well-being and safety of our residential community and reduce the spread of highly infectious diseases, the School reserves the right to temporarily exclude from the dormitory, classes, sports, or campus any student who poses a public health risk. The School specifically reserves the right to exclude any student who has a communicable illness, has been exposed to an infected person, or is susceptible on account of non-immunization, in the event of a vaccine-preventable or other communicable disease incident. In the event of an outbreak or other incidence of communicable disease, the School will coordinate with local health officials and the School’s medical director regarding the need to exclude any student (or other members of the School community).

The student’s parent/guardian is expected to come to campus, within eight hours of notification, to pick up the student in the event that the student is excluded from campus for health related reasons. If the parent/ guardian is unable to pick up the student within this time frame, the student’s emergency contact must do so. All students must be picked up and taken off-campus within eight hours of notification in the event that he has been diagnosed with, or is suspected of having, a communicable disease.

Communicable diseases may include, but are not limited to:

• Strep throat • Influenza • Norovirus or suspected norovirus • Gastroenteritis • Meningitis • COVID-19

In the event of a communicable disease diagnosis not otherwise specified in this policy, the Health Center will follow the guidance of the School’s medical director to determine when and if it is appropriate for the student to return to school.

Any student who has been excluded from school for health-related reasons must get clearance from the School’s Health Center prior to returning to school. Clearance may require the provision of written documentation from an appropriate medical provider clearing the student to return to school, documentation of appropriate treatment while at home, etc. The Health Center reserves the right to delay a student’s return to campus and/ or to request additional documentation or information before approving a student’s return to campus and all final decisions regarding a student’s return to campus are made by the Health Center upon advice and at the direction of the School’s medical director.

Any student who has a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, but has not been diagnosed with any of the specific communicable diseases listed in this policy, will be admitted to the Health Center for observation and evaluation by the Health Center staff. Students requiring admission to the Health Center will be sent home or to their local emergency, off-site contact until their temperature remains below 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit without the use of fever-reducing medications, for 24-48 hours. Additional requirements for return to school may apply in pandemic circumstances.

V. Reproductive Health Policy

In conjunction with the Prep4ward Curriculum/Program and sexual education classes, pamphlets and information regarding STDs will be available in the Health Center. Students can also see the School’s pediatrician—anonymously if desired—regarding STDs or any other personal medical matter. If a student requires testing or treatment for STDs, they have the right to receive STD testing and treatment without parental consent and the School will provide a student with transportation to any such appointment. Any medical costs associated with this treatment will remain the responsibility of the student and/or his parents/ guardians if not covered by the student’s health insurance.

VI. Medical Leave of Absence (MLOA)

The School recognizes that a student may experience a medical or mental health condition that cannot be adequately managed on campus, despite reasonable efforts. If the student has a medical or mental health condition that prevents him from being able to meet the School’s academic or behavioral expectations, or if the condition is causing undue disruption in the School or otherwise poses a health or safety risk to others, the School may grant, and in some cases require, a Medical Leave of Absence (MLOA). A student, his family, or the School may initiate a request for a MLOA. The need for a MLOA is ultimately determined by the associate head of school in collaboration with school medical personnel, and following consultation as may be needed with any outside medical providers working with the student. In determining the need for a MLOA, the School will consider the student’s medical and/or psychological needs, his ability to effectively function in all aspects of the School, his school commitments, and the well-being and safety of the School community.

If, in the judgment of the School, a student is exhibiting symptoms or behaviors that compromise his ability to effectively engage in and function at school, or if he requires care and treatment that is beyond the School’s ability to manage, the School may require the student to go on a MLOA and be evaluated and assessed before being considered for a return to school.

Once a decision has been made that a MLOA will be granted or required, the School will develop a written plan to outline any conditions for the MLOA and for the student’s return, if known. This plan will be put in writing and shared with the parents. The School expects that a student’s priority during a MLOA will be the evaluation of, treatment for, and recovery from the illness or condition that necessitates the leave. While away from school, the academic dean will be the primary contact to assist the student in any academic component of the MLOA conditions.

with the expectation that the student’s family will continue to share updates and information with the Deans of Students Office and/or Health Center to allow the School to monitor the student’s progress while away from campus.

Before a student may be reinstated following a MLOA, the student must be thoroughly evaluated to the satisfaction of the School. In making a decision about reinstatement, the School must be able to determine with confidence that the student has recovered sufficiently, demonstrates a sustained period of wellness prior to return, and that he is able to safely and effectively return to the School community without compromising his health or unduly disrupting the School. Prior to return from a MLOA, the following actions will generally be required to assist the School in making decisions about reinstatement:

• The School’s physician, psychologist, and/or psychiatrist must be able to communicate directly with the treating physician, psychiatrist, or other professional providing care to confirm that the student is ready and able to return to the boarding school setting (even if a day student). • If requested, the School must be provided with further information regarding the nature of the treatment received, any ongoing treatment plan, and clear recommendations regarding any needed accommodations or limitations with respect to his return to full academic and extracurricular activities. • The School may also require that the student be evaluated by the School’s own medical professionals if there are any remaining concerns about the student’s ability to return to school. • Once all necessary information is received, the Associate Head of School will re-evaluate the student’s situation in consultation with appropriate school personnel and decide whether or not the student is ready to return to the School. • If it is determined by the School that a return to school is not in the best interest of the student, or that he requires a more extended period of treatment, the School may require the student to withdraw from school.

VII. Sexual Misconduct and Reporting Concerns

Faculty and employees are expressly prohibited from engaging in any sexual contact and/or romantic relationships with students, whether occurring on or off campus, and regardless of the age of the student. Sexual contact between a school employee and a student is against the law.

If a student believes that he has been subjected to any form of sexual harassment or inappropriate conduct from an adult in our school community, including serious offenses such as sexual assault, he should report the incident immediately to any trusted adult, Health Center personnel, advisor, or an administrator. If the allegation involves a school employee and the student wishes to report outside of the School, the student can report to the School’s attorney: Attorney Morgan Rueckert at Shipman & Goodwin LLP, (860) 2515821, mrueckert@goodwin.com. Given the nature of such reports, the School will take steps to maintain the confidentiality of any information that is shared to the extent possible.

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