9 minute read

Section 5. Dormitory Life

Avon seeks to promote a positive and productive experience for all students and faculty members living in dormitories. Boys are expected to be respectful at all times and are guided by faculty members and student monitors in each dorm. Residential students will be required to follow specific expectations related to the dormitories in order to support a safe and healthy environment.

I. Room Care

• Students are expected to keep their rooms clean, neat, and organized at all times. • Trash and recyclable items should be emptied and beds should be made on a daily basis. • Pets are not permitted in the dormitories. • Food must be kept in appropriately covered containers. • No screws or nails are permitted in the walls. The use of thumb tacks or wire brads is allowed.

II. Room Inspection

Dormitory faculty will conduct formal inspections of student rooms on Sunday evenings and at other designated times throughout the year. If in the opinion of the dormitory head or an administrator, a student’s room is not satisfactory, he will be required to complete chores within the dormitory. Before a student signs out for the weekend, he is expected to clean his room. The School reserves the right to search rooms, personal belongings, etc. if there is a reasonable suspicion of a violation of school rules.

III. Damage to Dorm Rooms

School property must be respected and it should not be altered or destroyed. If there is property damage to a dorm or student room, the dormitory head or housekeeper will report any damages to the Facilities Department for repair. Any student(s) responsible for damage to a room, its contents, or its windows will be charged directly by the Business Office. A student charged for specific damage who denies responsibility is expected to have the student or parties involved report the damage to the dorm faculty. Damage not attributed to a specific student(s) will be charged pro-rata to all students on the dormitory floor.

Sports activities, games, snowball-throwing, piloting drones, etc. are not permitted in areas adjacent to school buildings due to the inherent risk of damage.

IV. Fire Safety Compliance

An extensive and complete fire and smoke detection system has been installed in the dormitories. This system is comprised of a series of smoke and temperature detectors that are monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week by the Avon Fire and Police Departments. This system was installed for the protection of the School community and will provide prompt and immediate protection in the event of an emergency. The sensitive smoke-monitoring units are located in the hallways on each floor of all dormitories. An activated alarm will alert the Avon Fire and Police Departments. The following fire safety ordinances are for your protection and those of the School community:

• Nothing may be hung on or attached to the sprinkler or smoke detection systems, and nothing may be attached or hung from the ceiling. • No lighted materials such as cigarettes, incense, candles, matches, etc., are allowed in the dormitories. • No electrical heating appliances except hair dryers are allowed.

• Fire extinguishers are to be used only in an emergency. If a fire extinguisher is released in a non-emergency situation, the individual or dormitory involved will be held responsible. • No alterations of existing electrical and/or communications installations are allowed. • No blankets, sheets, curtains, or cardboard should be hung at the tops of the doors. • Students may not have electrical appliances such as space heaters, air conditioners, or hot plates in their rooms. • A refrigerator can be no larger than 1.7 cubic feet.

V. Study Conditions

Study conditions in and around the dormitories and classrooms must be observed during the academic school day, during enrichment periods, and during study hall. If a student is listening to music during the academic day, during the enrichment periods, or during study hall, headphones should be used.

VI. Music Consideration

Audio equipment and computers may only be used at designated times during the school day and in such a way that does not disturb others (e.g. use headphones). Audio equipment that is used improperly is subject to confiscation. Any audio that contains language that is profane, offensive, or otherwise deemed objectionable will be confiscated and students may face disciplinary action.

VII. Evening Study Hours

Avon Old Farms requires all students to engage in study hall during the following times. Note: if day students are on campus during the times listed below, they are required to be actively studying in the Library, Learning Center, or Student Center.

Sunday: 8:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m. Monday – Thursday: 7:45 p.m.–9:30 p.m. Friday: 6:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m. (if required - Saturday Classes)

During these times, students may study in their own dormitory room, in the Library, or in the Learning Center when a faculty member is present. If a student chooses to remain in his room, he must keep his door open while working quietly at his desk. In an effort to limit distractions, the School requires boys to place their mobile devices outside of their dormitory rooms during study hall. Students who choose to study in the Library or the Bigelow Learning Center must sign out with the dormitory faculty member and sign in with the faculty member on duty in the Library or Learning Center supervisor. If a student desires to study in another location, he must first get permission from the Dean of Students.

VIII. Study Hall Exemptions

Grades are posted after the first quarter, first semester, and the third quarter. Juniors and seniors who maintain certain grade point averages (see below) are eligible to earn a study hall exemption, which allows them to rest in their own room or sign out to the Student Center or Gordon Fitness Room during study hall.

After Quarter 1 After Semester 1 After Quarter 3 Seniors 3.50 GPA 3.20 GPA 3.00 GPA Juniors 3.80 GPA 3.80 GPA 3.80 GPA

At various times throughout the year, the Academic Deans will check on students’ academic progress. The

School reserves the right to revoke the study hall exemption if the Academic Dean(s) find that a student’s academic performance has slipped or has become unsatisfactory. 20

Students are required to be in their own dormitories by 10:30 p.m. Sunday through Friday and by 11:00 p.m. on Saturday nights. Students may not be out of their dormitories and/or rooms after check.

Leaving the dorm after check violates a major school rule and will be subject to disciplinary action including suspension from School.

X. Lights Out

Students are expected to be in their own rooms and with their lights out according to the following schedule:

In their own dormitory In their own rooms Lights Out Freshmen 10:30 p.m. 10:45 p.m. 10:45 p.m. Sophomores 10:30 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. Juniors 10:30 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. Seniors 10:30 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 11:15 p.m.

On Saturday evenings, students must be in their dorm at 11:00 p.m. Students are allowed to visit other boys within their own hall provided they are quiet and respectful to those students who may be asleep. All students should be in their own rooms with lights out by 12:00 a.m.

XI. Campus Leaves

Day Passes: Students are allowed to leave campus to go to local destinations at designated times during the week. Whenever a student leaves campus on a day pass, it is mandatory that he uses the School Suite Application and checks out in person with their dormitory head, Dean of Students Office or designated administrator on duty.

Unless accompanied by a parent/guardian or faculty member, students are only allowed to take local leaves on Wednesdays and on weekends according to this schedule.

Wednesday 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Friday: 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Saturday: After classes – 11:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Students on a day pass must ‘check in’ upon returning to campus using the School Suite App. The student must check in with their Dormitory Head, Dean of Students Office or the designated Administrator on Duty.

Students who fail to check out in accordance with these procedures may be subject to discipline.

Whenever taking a local leave using Uber, Lyft, etc., students are expected to depart from and return to Diogenes Circle.

Overnight Leaves: Students who are in good standing, without imposed discipline, may take a weekend leave and stay overnight off campus on most weekends. Weekend leaves begin when a student has fulfilled his last school commitment of the week and end at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday evening. If a student plans to return to school after 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, he needs to secure special permission from the Administrator on Duty or the Dean of Students Office.

1:00 p.m. on Friday and attain proper permissions from their parents/guardians. If the student is staying with another student or another family, the School requires permission from the host parents as well. Before departing campus, the student must check out in person with the administrator on duty or the Dean of Students Office if it is before dinner on Friday.

Before and after travel, please refer to the CDC’s recommendations on international travel here and CDC’s recommendations for domestic travel here. Connecticut Department of Public Health (CT DPH) has travelrelated guidance consistent with CDC recommendations and can be found here. We ask that students and their families who visit campus follow these guidelines. Given the likelihood that our COVID-19 policies and protocols may change during the school year, students who wish to take a weekend leave or stay overnight off campus should always check Avon’s current COVID-19 policies and protocols before making plans.

Students on a weekend leave must check back in upon returning to campus using the School Suite App. The student must check in with their dormitory head, Dean of Students Office or designated Administrator on Duty.

Students who fail to check out or check in in accordance with these procedures may be subject to discipline.

College Visits: The School understands the importance for seniors to visit colleges as they are making their decision. Students must notify the College Counseling Office and get initial approval. The student must provide the name of the school, the specifics of the college programming/tour, who is accompanying them, method of transportation, and a timeline for return. After approval from the College Counseling Office, the student must get final approval from the Dean of Students Office and check out/in as required.

The student must complete the School Suite App and check out in person with the administrator on duty or the Dean of Students Office if before leaving campus.

Off Campus activities/athletics: All students are allowed to participate in any/all off campus activities as long as the student’s leave from campus has been approved by the Dean of Students Office.

XII. Ride-Sharing Services

Avon Old Farms does not recommend any particular transportation service (taxi, limousine, car service, etc.) for students traveling to/from campus. The School discourages the use of Uber and other similar ridesharing services and advises parents/guardians to check the terms of agreement for those services before arranging rides or permitting a student to use such services.

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