Hotel President Wilson Geneva, 3/4/5 December 2013
Global Energy Geneva 2013 ...including speakers from Cargill, Gunvor, Mercuria, Vitol, International Energy Agency, IHS CERA, Total... 30% bulk purchase discount negotatiated by Ampersand World for traders
G l o b a l 2013
E n e r g y
2 0 1 3
3/4/5 December 2013, Hotel President Wilson, Geneva
About Global Energy 2013 The oil and gas trade is critical to the global economy and the effect of energy prices and trade is more profound than for any other traded commodity. Global Energy is a trade show, conference and exhibition unique to Geneva. More than 42 speakers spoke at the 2012 event. Global Energy 2013 is being held on December 3/4/5 at the prestigious Hotel President Wilson in the heart of Geneva. The event brings together energy traders, banks, policymakers, delivering important keynote speeches and panel debates. Global Energy 2013 will be attended by a “who’s who� in oil and gas in Switzerland and abroad. In 2012, its inaugural year, more than 450 delegates attended, with more than 163 traders registered and participating during the three days.
2013 Sponsors: (as at September 2, 2013)
2013 Exhibitors: (as at September 2, 2013)
2013 Supporters: (as at September 2, 2013)
World ils www.globalenergygeneva.com
G l o b a l
E n e r g y
2 0 1 3
T: + 41 (0) 22 731 4450 | E: info@globalenergygeneva.com | www.globalenergygeneva.com Day 1 - Tuesday 3rd December 2013
Day 2 - continued:
10.30 Registration opens
16.00 Africa Panel: opportunities in the changing African oil space • Pushing the boundaries of exploration in Africa • The challenging Supply/demand Equilibrium • Refining capacity constraints and product specification constraints • Opportunities to increasing terminal capacity • new trade routes
11.00 Separately bookable pre-conference training workshops (training courses finish at 13.30) Training Workshop 1: Energy Futures & Options led by: Richard Jelinek, Director, CME Group Training Workshop 2: Technical Analysis & Charting of Energy Markets, led by: Vince Heaney, Director, Global Training Group 14.30 Trade exhibition & conference opens 15.00 Opening panel: risk premium, the two sides of the coin • Is there a risk premium? • Price, demand & risk. Reserves & supply • What drives the risk premium? John Brunton, Consultant, Cargill Energy, Transportation & Metals David Fyfe, Global Head, Market Research & Analysis, Gunvor Peter Jackson, VP Upstream Research, IHS CERA Antoine Halff, Head of Oil Industry & Markets Division, IEA 18.00 Cocktail sponsored by Gazprom (ends at 21.00)
Joel Dervain, Executive Director, African Refiners Association Mark Elliot, President, CITAC Abayomi Awobokun, CEO, OANDO Downstream Ben Laurie, Commercial Director, Signet Petroleum Jean-Pierre Favennec, Lecturer, IFP Paul Berwick, Commercial Director, Impact Oil & Gas Thierry Genthialon – Managing Director, Assets and Business Development, Oryx Energies Moderators: Chris Jones, Partner & Will Eversden, Partner, Deloitte 18.00 Cocktail sponsored by Riverlake Group (ends 21.00)
Day 3 - Thursday 5th December 2013 08.15 Welcome refreshments & introduction (08.55) Stéphane Graber, Secretary-General, GTSA
Day 2 - Wednesday 4th December 2013
09.05 Which port assets will traders need to be successful? 08.15 Welcome refreshments & introduction (08.55) • How do changing oil flows drive changing oil traders’ port requirements? 09.00 How upstream is re-writing the energy map • Wood pellet trade growth outlook • Transforming reserves to supply: the upstream • How can ports innovate to keep ahead of traders’ challenge needs • Some frontier plays • How will new cargo flows influence existing • What would slow the North American supply push? ones?
Xavier Preel, Vice President General Affairs Middle East, Total Peter Kiernan,Lead Analyst, Energy, Economist Intelligence Unit Invited speaker from BP
Jeffrey Martz, Vitol Henry Pease, RWE Supply & Trading, Biofuels Trading, Global Solid Fuels Bas Hennissen, Port of Rotterdam Authority, VP Industry/Bulk Cargo
10.30 Networking break
10.00 Networking break
11.15 The new global oil trading landscape • Which players will get more involved in physical trade and who will exit? • Redefining the price-reporting mechanism • New trading tools & technologies
10.45 What is the future for coal and gas? • Coal market perspectives • Is shale gas a uniquely North American phenomenon? • The future of gas as a transportation fuel • How much hydrocarbon does European power really need? Dr. Fabio Gabrieli, Director, Dry Bulk Analysis & Strategy, Mercuria Energy Trading SA Torsten Amelung, Statkraft
Olivier Jakob, Founder & Managing Director of Petromatrix GmbH Gary Morsches, Managing Director, Energy Products, CME Group Peter Caddy, Director of Global Business Development, Argus Michiel Mannaerts, Partner, PwC 13.00 Lunch 14.30 Shifting alliances, changing tensions & political risk • Current & future political tensions - impacts on oil flows • Changing perceptions of political risk - oil/energy flows – insurance market appetite and pricing Samuel Ciszuk, Senior Advisor to the Swedish Energy Agency Carolyn Thomas, Acting Head of Political Risk, Aspen 15.30 Networking break, supporting the Sailors’ Society
13.00 Swiss energy traders’ closing lunch
Separately bookable GTSA Seminar, Thursday, 14.30 - 16.00. Upcoming sustainability challenges in energy markets - What can be learnt from the Swiss approach? Switzerland plays an important role in the promotion of multilateral dialogue at international level. It is a global hub for energy firms and at the same time is host to international organisations. Trade firms are regularly challenged on their practices and on their corporate social responsibility. What innovative initiatives could be a creditworthy alternative to increased regulation? Is Switzerland a unique laboratory to promote and implement a new way of tackling corporate social responsibility issue?
Early booking saver rate 1195 EUR less 200 Euros =995 Euros less 30% AW discount = 696.50
30% bulk purchase discount negotiated by Ampersand World for traders
The early rate applies if you register before October 31, 2013....
If you have a promo code, please enter it here:
If you wish to attend one of the training workshops, please tick the appropriate box here: Energy Futures & Options (195 EUR) less 30% AW discount
* Note: GTSA Seminar on Energy Sustainability (295 EUR) is 235 EUR for GTSA members and just 60 EUR for Global Energy delegates
Technical Analysis of Energy Markets (195 EUR) less 30% AW discount Seperately bookable: GTSA Seminar on Energy Sustainability*
Registration PLEASE NOTE: If you are booking for someone else, then please provide your name and email address here, and then their details in the “Delegate Details� section. Thank you. Contact Name
Contact Email
Delegate details Please enter the details of the individuals who will be attending the conference here. Delegate 1 - Name
Delegate 1 - Job Title
Postal Address
Delegate 1 - Email Address Delegate 2 - Name Delegate 2 - Job Title Delegate 2 - Email Address
Postal Code
Delegate 3 - Name
Delegate 3 - Job Title
Telephone No.
Delegate 3 - Email Address
Fax No.
Note: groups of 3 or more delegates are entitled to an addiitonal group booking discount of 15%. Cancellation policy Cancellations made prior to the 25th November 2013 will be subject to a 20% administration fee. Cancellations made after this date will not be refunded but you can transfer your place. By completeing this registration form you agree to our terms and conditions, which can be found at www.globalenergygeneva.com
Hotel President Wilson Geneva, 3/4/5 December 2013
Want to reach hundreds of clients and thinking of exhibiting or sponsoring? 7
We can send you a full information pack. Sponsoring is highly effective and there are also exhibition stands still available at Global Energy 2013.
22 28
3m x 2m shell stands at Global Energy are situated according to the numbering shown on the floor plan
Technical Department
All stands are close to refreshment areas and the main Global Energy auditorium
Lunch area
Entrance Stairs STAIRS
Way in
Registration Form
The plan to the left gives the layout for Global Energy Geneva 2013. Individual exhibiting solutions and tailored arrangements may be made by arrangement Sponsoring or exhibiting is a great way to generate leads and new business. For more information about exhibiting or sponsoring contact our sponsorship, advertising & exhibitions team
T: + 41 (0) 22 731 4450 | E: info@globalenergygeneva.com | www.globalenergygeneva.com GLOBAL ENERGY GENEVA, GE GROUP SARL, 1-3 rue de Chantepoulet, 1201 GENEVA, SWITZERLAND info@globalenergygeneva.com | T: +41 (0) 22 731 4450