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28 The five aggregates, monks, are anicca, impermanent; whatever is impermanent, that is dukkha, unsatisfactory; whatever is dukkha, that is without anatta, self. What is without self, that is not mine, that I am not, that is not my self. Thus should it be seen by perfect wisdom (sammappa~n~naaya) as it really is. Who sees by perfect wisdom, as it really is, his mind, not grasping, is detached from taints; he is liberated.

to Compassion and Wisdom on the journey of life

• 2014 年1-4月


行善就是不做违背良心做大众利益的事 在帮助他人的同时也完善了自己的人格利他又利己

of the




托钵乞食是佛陀为比丘所制的乞食制度 在佛陀时代比丘没有厨房等做饭场所 比丘的饮食完全依靠信徒的供养


What essence, monks, could there be in material form? What essence, monks, could there be in feeling, in perception, in mental formations and in consciousness?


Material form, feeling, perception, mental formations and consciousness, monks, are impermanent (anicca). Whatever causes and conditions there are for the arising of these aggregates, they, too, are impermanent. How monks, could aggregates arisen from what is impermanent, be permanent?

What is the Meaning & Purpose of Life? The Four Foundations:

Thoughts that Turn the Mind Towards the Dharma

Material form, feeling, perception, mental formations and consciousness, monks, are unsatisfactory (dukkha); whatever causes and conditions there are for the arising of these aggregates, they too are unsatisfactory. How, monks, could aggregates arise from what is unsatisfactory be pleasant or pleasurable? Material form, feeling, perception, mental formations and consciousness, monks, are without a self (anatta);

Access to Insight, 2011.


The Story of Queen Moonlight

apr 2014

- The Buddha (SN 22.95)



1 – 4月 | jan – apr


How, monks, could aggregates arise from what is without self be self (anatta)?

The Fact of

awaken • jan -

whatever causes and conditions there are for the arising of these aggregates, they, too are without self.

Leading a Meaningful Life


Whatever material form there be: whether past, future or present; internal or external; gross or subtle; low or lofty; far or near; that material form the monk sees, meditates upon, examines with systematic attention, he thus seeing, meditating upon, and examining with systematic attention, would find it empty, he would find it insubstantial and without essence.


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