5 minute read

Hot tub safety

& maintenance Hot tub safety

Cleaning your hot tub This is a really big part of taking care of your hot tub. There are a few things you need to make sure are always kept clean. The Health & Safety Executive Guidance (HSG282) ‘The control of legionella and other infectious agents in spa-pool systems’ explains how to manage and control these risks. Please see the table overleaf, an extract from the main requirements as described in the current official guidance, this document may be downloaded free from the HSE website using the following link: www.hse.gov. uk/pubns/books/hsg282.htm. and we strongly advise that you do so.

We also advise you to follow any other recommendations from the hot tub manufacturer and/or supplier. However, we expect you to maintain your hot tubs to a safe condition to ensure the safety of your family, your guests and others using the park.

Subletting with Away Resorts If you choose to sublet using the Away Resorts managed letting scheme, Away Resorts will take on the responsibility of the tub during the period it is being let for. You can be assured that your hot tub is managed within the guidelines laid down, for the dates it is being let out on. Unfortunately, we do have to charge for this service. You will also need to ensure your hot tub is left empty when passed over to us. If you are privately letting your holiday home If you are letting your holiday home privately and not on the Away Resorts Managed Letting scheme, you will be deemed to be undertaking a commercial operation and your legal responsibilities with regards to the management of hot tubs will be more stringent. This will include the completion of suitable and sufficient risk assessments, implementing a strict water testing regime and management procedures - please see overleaf for more information.

When your hot tub is not in use, it must always be covered with a suitable and secured lid to prevent accidental access by unsupervised children and potential drowning. When draining your hot tub the water must not be emptied on to the grass or into the lakes. We may conduct spot checks of owners hot tubs throughout the year. If we deem a hot tub to not comply with safety guidelines we may conduct a spot check water sample test. The results of the test will be communicated to you and you will be charged for this test and expected to action the findings. Unfortunately, should the hot tub continue to be poorly managed, we reserve the right to insist the hot tub is removed.

If you are privately letting your holiday home – The management of the hot tub is the holiday home owners responsibility. In addition to the below guidelines being implemented, you must have a clear set of rules advising your guests displayed at the hot tub and a suitable risk assessment. If you are using the Away Resorts managed letting scheme, we will manage this for the dates it is being sublet. We ask that your hot tub is empty the day before it is due to go on to the sublet period.

Hot tub actions How often

You must keep records Replace cartridge filter with cleaned cartridge At water replacement

Inspect strainers and grilles At water replacement

Record incidents and remedy issues As appropriate

Check any automatic systems are operating correctly Daily, where fitted

Drain hot tub, clean whole system including strainers and refill Between each group of users or at least weekly, whichever is shorter

Inspect accessible pipe work and jets and clean as necessary Weekly

Disinfect flexible hoses Monthly bad stuff!

Microbiological testing Monthly for ACC, coliforms, E coli, P aeruginosa and quarterly for legionella

Clean input air filter Monthly

Full chemical test dependent on water quality As determined by risk assessment

Disinfectant/pH controller - clean electrode and check calibration Monthly, where fitted, or according to manufacturers’ instructions

Check, clean, disinfect and dry filter cartridge Between each group of users or weekly, whichever is shorter

Clean and disinfect airlines Weekly where appropriate

Hot tub safety continued

Before you begin

• Do not use any electrical equipment in the vicinity and please do not sit, stand or lie on the lid. The lids are not very strong and a replacement will be charged to you.

• Please respect your neighbours – no loud music, shouting or screaming outside.

Due to the noise of the bubbles you won’t realise how loud you are!

• Do not place candles on the hot tub as candle wax can damage the filter system.

• If you have any other questions, concerns or problems please contact the Guest


• You should limit your dips to a maximum of 15 minutes at a time – extended use can cause dizziness.

• Only children over the age of 14 can use the hot tub. Children must be supervised in the area at all times.

• Please ensure you have showered before and after using the hot tub. This will remove oils, creams, lotions, make up, tans etc, which will seriously affect he water quality if not removed. Please also use the toilet before entering the hot tub.

• It is also important you take care when entering or exiting the hot tub. Please use the bath mat provided and please be aware decking can become slippery when wet. Please replace the lid after use. • Do not immerse your head or swallow the water – this can increase the risk of infection.

Number of users Models and types can vary in capacity so if you have any queries please contact Guest Services. Do not exceed the maximum number of people than the hot tub is designed for.

Cleaning practices Don’t add anything – bubble bath, shampoo, gels, soaps, oils, salts etc. These can seriously affect the water quality and filter system and will result in a cleaning charge of up to £100.


• Do not use whilst under the influence of alcohol.

• Please don’t rest any glasses on or near the hot tub – broken glass is almost invisible under water. Any broken glass found in the vicinity will result in the hot tub being drained to check for glass.

Medical Complaints Please consult your GP before using if you are pregnant, suffering from any form of heart disease, circulation problems or any serious illnesses.

Please avoid any drugs that may cause drowsiness, sleepiness or raise/lower your blood pressure. You shouldn’t use the hot tub after any heavy meals too.

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