Annual Report 2016-2017
When Girls Prep was founded in 2005 as the first and only all-girls public charter school in New York City, 90 young female scholars started in Kindergarten and 1st grade. Since then, Girls Prep has grown to become Public Prep Network, the nation's oldest and only non-profit network that exclusively develops exceptional PrePrep and single-sex elementary and middle public charter schools. Public Prep now educates nearly 2,000 scholars currently attending Girls Prep Lower East Side, Girls Prep Bronx and Boys Prep Bronx schools. Moreover, there are now almost 350 Girls Prep alumnae attending some of the best public, private and parochial high schools, and we are proud to say, for the first time, some of the finest colleges and universities in the country. Indeed, on June 28th, 2017, nearly 1,500 family members, friends, past and current faculty, alumnae, and scholars created a wonderful, new tradition by attending Public Prep's first-ever unified graduation ceremony on a college campus. The event was the culmination of a very special year that marked the first time in which both Girls Prep Lower East Side and Girls Prep Bronx graduated 8th grade scholars. We also honored the inaugural Girls Prep cohort of 47 scholars that graduated from 8th grade in 2013, who were now graduating seniors, and about to embark upon their post-secondary plans.
There was a lot to celebrate. Four years after they graduated Girls Prep, a stunning ninety percent of that Class of 2013 received on average nearly five offers of admission, and cumulatively received more than $5 million in scholarship offers. The fact that such an overwhelming number of Girls Prep alumnae were accepted into and will be attending some of the finest colleges and universities in the country is the best evidence of the positive, longitudinal impact of our work. And for the fifth consecutive year, Girls Prep graduated 100% of its 8th graders into college-prep parochial, private or public high schools. We are also pleased to share that on the New York State 2016-17 exams, Girls Prep Lower East Side scored in the 83rd percentile of all schools in the entire state in English Language Arts, Boys Prep Bronx outperformed 66% of schools in the state on the New York State Mathematics Exam, and 96% of Girls Prep Bronx fourth graders aced the science exam, underscoring our commitment to develop the next generation of female scientists, engineers and mathematicians. As I embark upon my eighth year leading Public Prep, I am more optimistic than ever that we are living up to the solemn promise we make to families, starting in PrePrep, that our Girls Prep and Boys Prep schools are their partner to empower their sons and daughters to be on a path to college completion. Thank you for joining us on this journey. Ian Rowe Chief Executive Officer
FALL • A series of alumnae workshops, “Finding Your Right Fit College” aimed to support our first cohort applying to college.
WINTER • Fernando Ferrer, former Borough President of the Bronx, visited his first grade Namesake classroom at Boys Prep Bronx. Thomas Kail, Director of Broadway hit Hamilton, made a third-annual visit to his Namesake classroom at Boys Prep Bronx.
SPRING • Councilmember Marcos Crespo, along with over 125 other professionals, presented during our annual College and Career Week. • Over 100 Girls Prep 8th graders visited Princeton University in advance of Cecilia Rouse’s, Dean of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, commencement address. • Thanks to Participatory Budgeting and the power of parents, Girls Prep Bronx Elementary won $500,000 to build a playground on school grounds.
SUMMER • Public Prep’s Summer Reading Program launched in partnership with Springboard Collaborative. • 18 middle school scholars attended week-long summer programs at Stephens College and Cornell University.
Twelve years after the founding of Girls Prep, the long-term results are in and we now get to observe the ultimate promise of a Public Prep education.
While test score data informs our progress toward goals — we know that success is truly measured by progress toward our North Star to College Completion and the degree to which our graduates
leave our network prepared to succeed in a 4-year university.
45+ L + 55 66+34+L
>253 Applications were submitted
*The colleges and universities in the background represent where the inaugural cohort of graduates from Girls Prep received offers from and are attending.
Since 2015, more than 80 Girls Prep Lower East Side and Girls Prep Bronx Middle School scholars have been accepted into the most premiere high school prep programs in New York City, including: • A Better Chance • Breakthrough NY
• The High School for Math, Science and Engineering at the City College of New York
• Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics
• Oliver Scholars
• Dream: The Specialized High Schools Institute
• Prep for Prep • TEAK
5241+ 40+
In 2017, Public Prep's growth in ELA ranked in the
public prep new network york city
new york state
In its first year of testing, Boys Prep Bronx outperformed
Girls Prep Lower East Side outperformed
66% of schools
83% of schools
in the state on the New York State Mathematics Exam.
in the state on the New York State English Language Arts Exam.
of Girls Prep fourth grade scholars passed the New York State Science Exam.
In our commitment to develop the next generation of female scientists, engineers and mathematicians, Girls Prep continues to partner with colleges and universities, including Cornell Tech, West Point, and the US Naval Academy, to provide STEM immersion opportunities. In 201617, 20 Girls Prep scholars attended Girls Only STEM Day in Annapolis, Maryland, where they worked with female faculty and cadets to experience hands-on science activities at one of the finest engineering institutions in the world.
Our Scholars Across the Network
4+ P 17+ 77+P P
scholars ethnicity/race 39% african american 57% hispanic 2% white
1% multi-racial 1% native american
17% receive special education services
4% english language learners
77% eligible to receive free or reduced-price lunch the above chart reflects 2016-17 school year data.
Our Advocacy Work Continues... We are committed to joining our coalition to influence public policy changes, ensuring there are high quality educational options for all scholars in NYC, regardless of race, income level or zip code. NYC CHARTER SCHOOL APPLICANTS BY WAITLIST STATUS * (Estimated, 2017-18)
34.5% 25,200 have a seat
65.5% 48,000 on a waitlist
Out of the 1.2 million students citywide,
120,000 ATTENDED A CHARTER SCHOOL in 2016-17.
PUBLIC PREP NETWORK APPLICANTS BY WAITLIST STATUS (At the time of our 2017-18 lottery on 4.01.2017)
89.5% 3,413 on a waitlist
10.5% 400 have a seat
PUBLIC PREP'S PARENT DEMAND INCREASED BY 13%; NYC charter school demand increased by 7% for the 2017-18 school year.
“Back in 2005, our vision was simple. Why shouldn’t there be tuition-free, public schools just for girls? Now 12 years after asking this question, we are gathered here to celebrate your answer. Of course there should be schools like Girls Prep [and Boys Prep], and of course your future should be this bright.” bryan lawrence, chairman of the public prep board of trustees, at the 2017 girls prep graduation at hunter college.
What is it like to be a scholar in a Public Prep Academy? View an elementary sample schedule below to learn how we prepare our scholars each day, starting in PrePrep, to be on a predictive path to college completion.
SPECIALS- BLOCK I Yoga & Mindfulness Yoga and mindfulness teachers support scholars in building skills such as self-awareness, selfregulation, social awareness and pro-social traits like patience, compassion, and gratitude. Art & Music To nurture the whole child, Public Prep Academies offer internal and external arts and music programming and partner with leading arts organizations such as: • National Dance • American Institute Ballet Theatre • New Victory • Carnegie Hall Theater • DanceMakers
English Language Arts Public Prep Academies utilize STEP instruction and assessment strategies to ensure scholars are meeting scientifically-established milestones in reading development.
8 am
8:30 AM
9:10 AM
9:50 AM
10:30 AM
Morning Meeting Morning meeting provides a platform for teachers to welcome scholars and set expectations for the day.
Science Scholars receive science instruction 5 days a week taught by content-specific teachers beginning in Kindergarten. Public Prep Elementary and Middle Schools also partner with STEM programs such as: • BioBus • Bubble Foundation • Leave It Better • Trout in the Classroom • US Naval Academy
Lunch & Recess
11:30 AM
Math Departmentalized math-only teaching begins in 3rd grade.
Girls Prep is an exemplar of the National Council of Teaching Mathematics which, in 2010, recommended the use of Elementary Mathematics Specialists in Pre-K–6 environments to enhance the teaching, learning, and assessing of mathematics to improve student achievement.
12:10 PM
Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) Beginning in Kindergarten, all Public Prep scholars receive CGI instruction. CGI is an additional math block where scholars dissect and solve complex problems and present their thinking and strategies to the entire class. This innovative approach enables a high-level of student discourse about mathematics.
Independent Reading During Independent Reading, 1:35 PM
scholars select right-fit texts based on their reading level and interests. Dedicating time for reading each day helps nurture curiosity and
Writing Workshop In writing workshop, scholars learn and study different genres of writing, while continuing to build grammatical skills and structures.
a life-long love for literature. 2:15 PM
2:55 PM
Teachers use the time to provide targeted small group instruction.
Sister/Brother Circle
SPECIALS- BLOCK II Physical Education Physical education programming aims to keep scholars active and moving, with a goal of lifetime physical activity. Following NYS standards, curriculum includes personal health and fitness, knowledge of a safe and healthy environment, and building skills in resource management.
3:10 PM
This daily block is dedicated time to reinforce social and emotional wellbeing. Scholars participate in mini-lessons around socialemotional regulation, problem solving, conflict resolution, decision making, and more.
4:00 PM
Dismissal/After School While our elementary schools partner with nearby after school programs, our middle schools in the Bronx and Lower East Side host DYCD programs. Our scholars have a variety of activities available to them in after school programs, including: • Basketball
• Judicial Council
• Chess
• Knitting
• Cooking
• Magazine Club
• Dance
• REACT To Film!
• Fencing
• Read 180
• Girls Inc STEM Club
• Violin
• Girls Who Code
• White Rainbow
• Group Counseling
• Yoga
OUR SCHOOL In October 2016, Public Prep signed a 50-year lease at 192 East 151st Street in the south Bronx, which will become the future home of Boys Prep Bronx, the first and only all-boys public elementary and middle school in the Bronx. We are currently renovating what will be a 5-story, 80,000 sq/ft, state-of-the-art school building, which will house Boys Prep scholars in grades PrePrep-8th grade. Boys Prep won a landmark legal case that allows us to receive permanent public funding to lease private facilities. The project is turning out to be an innovative example of a public/private financing model that can be replicated to physically build great schools in urban communities.
This project would not be possible without the amazing partnerships with our Boys Prep families and our generous financial supporters, including Joan Ganz Cooney and Holly Peterson, Janine and Jeff Yass, and the many more on page 14. Our advocates fight a tireless battle for equal access and financing for public charter schools, and our talented team on the ground is renovating the amazing facility you see on this page so we can open our doors to future generations of young men for the 2018-19 school year.
Multipurpose room to be used for family workshops, Unity meetings, award ceremonies, and more!
Middle School art room
Outdoor terraces and work spaces for enhanced learning opportunities
Elementary School art room Elementary School entrance for grades PrePrep-4
Middle School entrance for grades 5-8
Elementary music room Middle School music room
Middle School science lab, made possible through the generous support of The Louis Calder Foundation Elementary School science lab, made possible through the generous support of The Louis Calder Foundation Library
Tangram pieces from the Boys Prep logo represent the transformations that Boys Prep scholars go through in their education experience
Fred rew
ite Arch
ct L
Gymnasium includes a glass atrium for maximum natural light 10
To promote best practices and to foster a network-wide growth mindset, school teams work in a highly collaborative environment, with weekly in-school professional development sessions as well as network-wide Days of Learning. To achieve high quality instruction for every scholar in an inclusive learning environment, we also partner with a variety of best-in-class organizations. Across Public Prep Academies during the 2016-17 school year, we were grateful for the learning opportunities of: Accelerator Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) The Lavinia Group Metamorphosis
Special Education Collaborative TNTP Charters Plus The Together Group UChicago Impact: STEP Assessment Coaching
In the 2016-17 school year: Which collectively provided more than 45 hours of training and more than 115 onsite visits for coaching and feedback.
11 11
5 20 37 46 67
average number of years of teaching experience. staff members were promoted. staff members have worked 5+ years at Public Prep. staff members have worked 4+ years at Public Prep. staff members have worked 3+ years at Public Prep.
"Being able to see them grow and become young women with choice and voice has inspired my day to day work."
Lisselot Monegro director of student and family affairs | girls prep lower east side middle school I joined Girls Prep in 2007 to support my own community and see girls grow into young women that can also impact their community. I have stayed at Public Prep because I have seen the impact that it has brought to our students. Being able to see them grow and become young women with choice and voice has inspired my day to day work. Helping students develop character along with their academics has set a strong and solid foundation in their life. Public Prep is a network of schools with a vision and mission to help students of all backgrounds get to and through college. Throughout the
years, this same vision has supported my own growth at Girls Prep as a school leader. Seeing the transformations our scholars make each year is more than just rewarding, it’s motivating! In our field, it is important to cultivate a sense of purpose and reflect on the work that we are already doing to see how it impacts our students and community. A true leader means that you have integrity, you are humble, selfaware, passionate, and inspire others. The work of every teacher and staff member serves a purpose in our students’ path to power.
"As a graduate of the Mary Louis Academy, a high school much like Girls Prep, I want to take this opportunity to gloat a little– I will be attending Howard University on an academic scholarship. I cannot speak for my classmates, but I would like to thank Girls Prep for all that they've done for me; I attribute my success to my middle school experience." AZANA GIRLS PREP ALUMNA, CLASS OF 2013
We are thankful for our supporters who give generously to our schools and our network. The fiscal model for each school is designed to be sustained on public funding alone once the school is at capacity. Generous support enables exceptional single-sex education for our scholars before we reach self-sustainability. Below is a list of donors who contributed during 2016-17 and made gifts to our Boys Prep Facility renovation.
PUBLIC PREP DONORS Henry and Erica Babcock Stephen and Marissa Brown The Louis Calder Foundation The Carson Family Charitable Trust Mark Diker and Deborah Colson Miles Kronby Polly Lagana The Lawrence Family Sylvia Lin Ramsey and Michael Lyons Margery and Theodore Mayer Linda Mitchell Estate of Mary Mitchell Peter Alex Mitchell Moorhead Family Fund Ayumi Noda Charles Sahm Dominique Schulte
BOYS PREP FACILITY DONORS The Shilling Family Foundation, Inc William E. Simon Foundation The Story Garschina Foundation John Vermylen Paul and Robin Vermylen Vicus Partners, LLC Alison Weiskopf Janine and Jeff Yass
Philip O. Brandes and Heather Galler Brandes Stephen and Marissa Brown The Louis Calder Foundation R. Boykin Curry The Michael & Susan Dell Foundation Mark Diker and Deborah Colson Lauren and Brian Frank The New York Community Trust - Joan Ganz Cooney Fund The New York Community Trust - The Joan Ganz Cooney & Holly Peterson Fund Nicole and Samuel Greene Harman Family Foundation
The Lawrence Family The Reginald F. Lewis Foundation Lynn Lin Lone Pine Foundation Ramsey and Michael Lyons Margery and Theodore Mayer Samuel & Rose Mitchell Foundation Peter Morrissey Onassis Foundation Nicole Pullen Ross The Reiss Family Foundation Tidal X 1015 Donor Advised Fund Paul and Robin Vermylen Laura Weil Janine and Jeff Yass
Audited financial data is not available as of September 2017. Upon completion of the audit, a reprint of the Public Prep Annual Report will be conducted to include our 2017 financials.
At Public Prep, Girls Prep and Boys Prep scholars are challenged to think and work hard every day. We start early with the end of college completion in mind. Public Prep is the nation’s only non-profit network that exclusively develops exceptional, tuitionfree PreK and single-sex elementary and middle public schools. We are determined to graduate 8th grade scholars who thrive in “right-fit,” highperforming public, private, or parochial high schools, and ultimately earn a degree from a fouryear college or university.
441 East 148th Street, Bronx, NY 10455 T: 212-346-6000 | F: 212-346-9096 public prep academies
public prep network
board of trustees:
board of trustees:
R. Boykin Curry, chair Lauren Frank, vice chair Eric Grannis Nicole Kail Greene Ramsey Lyons H. Melvin Ming Mary Claire Ryan Paul A. Vermylen, Jr. Laura Weil
Philip O. Brandes Mark Diker Eric Grannis Gregory Jones Bryan Lawrence, chair Margery Mayer Nicole Pullen Ross Dominique Schulte Paul A. Vermylen, Jr.