Chicago Foundation for Education 2011 Annual Report

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Chicago Foundation for Education 2010–2011 Annual Report Celebrating 25 years of support to Chicago public schools teachers

mission Chicago Foundation for Education supports Chicago Public School teachers with professional growth and development opportunities that translate into enhanced classroom experiences.

fy2011 at-a-glance


Action Research Fellows


28 29

Teacher-Leader Workshop Presenters FFT Fellowships Coach Grants awarded to 45 Awarded to 42 Fellows Coaches


Grant Recipient Schools


Small Grants awarded to 318 Winners

86 242

Study Group Coaches and Team Character Members Education Bonus Winners


1,072 Teacher Touch Points


56,056 Chicago Public School Students Impacted

Workshop Participants

Team Member Grants Awarded


20,766 through Workshop

Table of Contents 3


Celebrating 25 Years

15 Participating Chicago Public Schools

4 25th Anniversary Honor Roll

17 Volunteer Leaders & Staff

6 Small Grants Program

18 Volunteer Corps


19 Individual & Family Foundation Contributors

Study Group Program

10 Action Research Program

20 Corporate & Foundation Contributors

12 Fund for Teachers Program

21 Financial Highlights

13 Additional CFE Initiatives

In-Kind Contributors

through grant winners

welcome letters Dear Friends,

Dear Friends,

Last September, Chicago Foundation for Education celebrated its 25th anniversary with a gala honoring Debby Jannotta and Shirley Jaffee, and the more than 2,100 volunteers who have been the life-blood of CFE during our first quarter-century of support to Chicago Public School teachers. When the Board first considered holding this event, however, we never dreamed of the generosity CFE would soon experience.

I never will forget my first $500 grant from CFE. As I posted my “I’m a CFE Small Grant Winner” banner on my bulletin board, I felt like I had won $5 million. I have won seven CFE grants in total, including both an Action Research Fellowship and Fund for Teachers Fellowship, and my students continue to reap the rewards.

Donors to our anniversary campaign and annual appeal contributed more than 1.55 million dollars, allowing us to award more grants than in the prior years, rebuild our reserves, and invest in technology to improve efficiency and service to CPS teachers, giving us an event stronger foundation for our next twenty-five years. We thank the 319 donors who renewed their support and welcome the 92 donors who invested in the work that we do. CFE is approaching the new school year better positioned in a number of other ways as well. We have reorganized staff positions and responsibilities to make CFE more effective in pursuing its mission. CFE’s processes are operating more smoothly than at any time in its history. And we are beginning a process to evaluate CFE’s mission itself to ensure that the organization’s efforts are optimally targeted. I end my two-year tenure as Board Chair excited about the organization’s future, and confident that my successor, Mary Beth Canfield, will continue to strengthen CFE.

Sincerely, C. Graham Gerst Board Chairperson

It was my Study Group Coach experience that began to shape me as a teacher-leader. CFE provided a platform for me to share my curricula with CPS teachers from across the district. As I demonstrated the strategies I had successfully implemented in my classroom, my peers validated my work and my professional expertise. In terms of taking on other leadership roles in education, the sky became the limit. These CFE experiences led me to become a national Education Champion, a Teach Plus fellow, and one of just two teachers on Mayor Emmanuel’s Education Transition Team. I represent my teacher colleagues as I discuss policy issues with law makers and interest groups; my voice influences legislation and practice across the district, state, and country. As I continue to teach, I will always be grateful to CFE for recognizing me as a true professional and sparking my desire to become a teacher-leader. I am honored to be CFE’s 2010 Debby Jannotta and Shirley Jaffee Teacher of the Year and to serve on CFE’s Board of Directors. Thank you.

Sincerely, Monica Sims Pershing West Middle School Board Member and 2010 Debby Jannotta and Shirley Jaffee Teacher of the Year


celebrating 25 years In 1985, Joyce Rumsfeld recruited a group of volunteers to join her in establishing what was to become the Chicago Foundation for Education (CFE). It was at a time when Chicago’s public schools were considered some of the “worst in the nation,” but Joyce firmly believed that the citizens of our community could make a difference. Since that grassroots beginning, CFE has evolved into a dynamic organization focused on the professional development of teachers across the Chicago public school system. On September 29, 2010, CFE celebrated its 25th anniversary with an event that recognized the more than 2,100 volunteers who have contributed to the Foundation’s success. The Board of Directors was delighted to pay particular tribute to Debby Jannotta and Shirley Jaffee, two women who have each devoted thousands of hours over the last twenty-five years to further CFE and Chicago public education. The Debby Jannotta and Shirley Jaffee CFE Teacher of the Year Award was established to commemorate this special occasion. It is now presented annually to a CPS teacher who, among other criteria, seeks out professional development opportunities and shares effective practices with colleagues. Each award winner receives an honorarium of $1,000 and an invitation to represent fellow educators on the CFE Board of Directors.

“To have been involved in the conception, start-up, and development of a successful education program has been a unique opportunity. It’s been an exciting and rewarding 25 years!” - Debby Jannotta


25th anniversary honor roll $25,000 leaders Anonymous Abbott Laboratories Sheila and Bob Berner Mary Beth and Philip Canfield Ann and Richard Carr Mamie and Greg Case / Aon Foundation Renee and Lester Crown / Crown Family Philanthropies Juli and David Grainger Tricia and Will Hagenah Bev and Warren Hayford Illinois Tool Works Inc. Shirley and Dick Jaffee Jeannie and Ed James Debby and Ned Jannotta Susie and Dick Kiphart Kay and Fred Krehbiel Holly and John Madigan Malott Family Foundation Joan and Andy McKenna / Schwarz Supply Source Molex Alexandra and John Nichols Arthur C. Nielsen, Jr. Oil-Dri Corporation of America Cathy and Bill Osborn Peoples Gas Diana and Bruce Rauner Anne and Chris Reyes / Reyes Holdings, LLC Jeanne and John Rowe / Exelon Corporation Joyce and Donald Rumsfeld Foundation Shirley and Patrick Ryan Carole and Jack Sandner / CME Group Foundation Kathleen and Jim Skinner Sue and Steve Wilson

$10,000 benefactors

$1,000-$2,500 patrons

Phyllis and Bill Chambers

Anonymous (2) Ann and Bruce Bachmann Barbara Bere’ Debbie and Larry Brady Joan and William Brodsky Cole Taylor Bank Sharon and George Collias Mr. and Mrs. E. David Coolidge, III Mrs. Clarissa Y. Downey Fairfield and Arthur DuBois Mr. and Mrs. James J. Glasser Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Gregoire Jean and Don Haider Kathleen and Paul Hull Shirley Jaffee’s Children and Grandchildren King Family Foundation Dr. Alan and Dee Dee Klein Janet and Don Levy Amy and Don Lubin Ruthie and Alan McNally Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Miller Louise and Jack Mills Louellen and Tim Murray Susan and Ted Oppenheimer Jane and Hank Pearsall Sandra and Michael Perlow Marlene Welsh Phillips Betsey and John Puth John W. Rogers, Jr. Kirsten and Chris Santiago

Sonja and Conrad Fischer Foundation Jeannie and Jim Foley Virginia and Gary Gerst Becky and Lester Knight Mr. and Mrs. John H. Krehbiel The Northern Trust Company Katherine and Norman Olson Rush University Medical Center Sage Foundation William Blair & Company

$5,000 sponsors Mark Anderson Vernon Armour Judy and P.D. Block III Mrs. Edward A. Brennan Jo and Wiley Caldwell Douglas R. and S. Leigh P. Conant Cookie Jar Foundation James and Catherine Denny Foundation Christy and Graham Gerst Jennifer and Scott Gwilliam Louanne and Bill Holland Kelly and Robert Horne The Jannotta-Pearsall Family Fund Morris Kaplan and Dolores Kohl Kaplan Pat and Mike Koldyke Martha and John Mabie Carole Pyle Sue and Bud Selig Peter Jay Sheren Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP Helen and Richard Thomas

$500 friends Renee Bearak Nancy and George Bodeen Sally Campbell Kathryn and J.S. Cole Marge and Lew Collens Mr. and Mrs. Byram Dickes Murrell Duster Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fesmire Fund for Teachers Ms. Patricia J. Hurley Judy and Verne Istock Patricia Kilduff Marvin Kocian Mr. and Mrs. Larry McCracken

Kelly McGrail and Jeff Goulette Michigan City Education Foundation Clare Muñana Marsha Nathan Mr. and Mrs. Edward Yalowitz

$25-$400 friends Anonymous Dottie and Jim Currie Mr. and Mrs. Dilip Ghate Judy and George Harmon Mrs. Peter Husting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Jannotta, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kasten, II Mr. and Mrs. Silas Keehn Mrs. Frank Little Andrew W. McGhee Mrs. Corinne McGrail Diane M. McKeever and Eric Jensen Marianne D. and Philip R. Nielsen Harland W. Oates Joy and Rich O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Patterson Marjorie S. Rogasner Gloria and Sheldon Rosing Hon. Ilana Rovner Valerie Rumsfeld-Richard and Paul Richard Mrs. Lloyd Schuster Jean and Bernard Trager Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williamson Joan and Bob Zabel For a complete list of contributors, please turn to page 19.


“Thank you for funding the projects that engage my students in learning.� -


Beatriz Soto, Chavez Multicultural Academy, Back of the yards

small grants program Chicago Foundation for Education Small Grants fund the implementation of classroom and school-wide curricular projects that respond to the specific academic, social, and emotional needs of a student population. Grants of up to $600 are available to fund books, supplies, materials, field trips, or any other items that will deepen student engagement and promote active learning. Each application is evaluated by a minimum of three CFE volunteers who use a common rubric to assess how the teachers determined student needs. Last fall, CFE made 281 awards to 318 Pre-K through 8th Grade CPS teachers. These Small Grant recipients utilized their awards to reach 22,036 students with projects such as CSI: Classroom Science Investigators, Using Graphic Novels to Engage Reluctant Readers, and Shaping Mathematical Minds. After implementing their projects, teachers had the opportunity to disseminate their ideas by presenting at CFE’s annual Workshop, submitting their projects to CFE’s award-winning online Lesson Plan Database, and participating in CFE’s Study Group Coach Program.

100% of teachers were better able meet to unique student needs because of their grant.

99% of teachers indicated an increased enthusiasm for implementing new strategies in their classroom.

99% of teachers planned to share their project ideas and success with colleagues.

Small Grant teacher spotlight

Ronald Hale has earned four CFE awards, and his 2011 Small Grant project was Power to Prevent: Health, Science and Community. After years of watching his students eating chips and drinking soda for breakfast, Ron was inspired to develop this unit to highlight the correlation between health and academic achievement. Ron’s class studied nutrition, examined ingredients in popular foods, and learned how better food choices can increase energy and prevent disease. He engaged his students in thoughtful reflection by integrating art, journaling, and online learning into the science laboratory. He introduced exercise into his curriculum and taught his students about vital health statistics, including pulse rates and blood pressure monitoring. Ron earned a Character Education bonus grant to supplement his project budget. He explained that: “Character Education is about developing knowledge, skills, and confidence to make informed and responsible choices.” Not only did his students decide to adopt better eating habits, but they also led an interactive health initiative to share the information with their families and younger students in their school.


study group program CFE Study Groups bring together PreK-8th grade CPS educators (Team Members) to learn effective teaching methods from their peers (Coaches). Coaches are identified each Spring, and then a catalog of Study Group offerings are shared with teachers across the district. Potential Team Members review the catalog and rank their top three choices. Once Team Members have been selected, their Coaches facilitate a minimum of twelve hours of cooperative learning. During meetings, Team Members share strategies, support each other through implementation, and adapt teaching methods for optimal efficacy across classrooms. Peer feedback and reflection on progress are hallmarks of the Study Group process. Collaboration becomes essential, allowing teachers to share suggestions and form a network of fellow professionals working toward similar goals. This year, CFE awarded 200 teachers the opportunity to participate in 27 Study Groups. Strategies implemented by Study Groups included: Liking Literature: Boys as Active, Engaged Readers; The Stock Market Game: Financial Literacy in the Middle School Classroom; and Great Expectations: Building Classroom Community.

95.8% of Coaches Strongly Agreed or Agreed that the Study Group Program renewed or increased their commitment to teaching in CPS.

97.4% of Team Members Strongly Agreed or Agreed that they would share their Study Group teaching method with teacher colleagues in the coming year.

100% of Coaches Strongly Agreed or Agreed that this experience encouraged them to pursue additional leadership and mentoring opportunities.

study group coach spotlight Anna Koch, a literacy teacher at Northwest Middle School, developed a curricular unit specifically to engage 6-8th grade boys in reading. She successfully implemented the lesson plans in her school, and chose to share her ideas through the CFE Study Group Coach program because she viewed it as a “fantastic leadership development opportunity that capitalizes upon my strengths as an educator and stems from my professional interests. CFE gave me the chance to take a topic that I care about deeply – reluctant male readers – and collaborate with other passionate, high-achieving educators.” Anna stressed that “leadership is about empowering those around you” and indicated that she had become a stronger teacher by engaging in the Study Group Coach process.

study group team member spotlight Kristin Stephens, a writing teacher at Farnsworth School, received her sixth CFE grant to participate in Anna Koch’s Study Group. Through the experience, she and her Team Members collectively read and evaluated more than 50 texts that had been identified as high interest among adolescent males. Kristin summed up her experience as follows: “Collaborating with colleagues from different schools renewed my enthusiasm for teaching. This CFE Study Group Grant afforded me the time, environment, and forum to reflect on my current teaching practices.”


“Collaborating with other passionate, highachieving educators leads to stronger teaching practices.� - Anna Ko ch, Northwest Middle Scho ol, Lo gan square


“CFE’s Action Research Program challenges teachers to disseminate best practices outside the four walls of their own classrooms.” - Zorel Zambrano, Lloyd Elementary Scho ol, Cragin


ACTION RESEARCH PROGRAM Chicago Foundation for Education offers an Action Research Leadership Institute (ARLI, formerly known as TNLI) that has been hailed by grant winners as “the best professional development” they have ever had. Over the course of a school year, ARLI Fellows collect data in their classrooms, analyze the efficacy of specific instructional strategies, document student achievement, and reflect upon their practice. The program includes more than 45 hours of collaborative learning facilitated by a university advisor and supported by a CFE staff member. ARLI Fellows present and publish their findings, with their data-backed expertise often influencing educational decision-makers throughout the district. In 2010-11, three fellows were invited to present at the 10th Annual Practitioner Research Forum of the National College of Education, two others were invited by their principals to lead school- or area-wide professional development based on their research, another was invited to serve on the advisory board of the Center for Practitioner Research, and several were published in the peer-reviewed journal Inquiry in Education.

100% of Fellows reported that action research had made them a more reflective and effective teacher.

100% of Fellows indicated that they developed new leadership skills as a result of their Fellowship experience.

100% of Fellows bring increased content knowledge into their classrooms because of their Fellowship.

action research fellow spotlight Zorel Zambrano, a special education teacher at Lloyd Elementary School, was awarded a ARLI Fellowship to analyze how the guided workshop teaching methodology increased student math skills. She developed assessment tools, administered them regularly to evaluate student progress, and kept a journal to reflect on the process. She found that the workshop method stimulated learning among her special needs students, and that it allowed her teaching partner to preserve the pace of the math program for the general student population. When asked about themes that were uncovered in her data, Zorel explained that the biggest was “the importance of teacher collaboration.” After Zorel presented her findings to her colleagues and administration, the entire Lloyd Elementary School teaching team planned ways to incorporate her strategies into the next year’s curriculum. She shared that, “more and more teachers are experiencing the benefits of co-teaching and understanding that collaboration can help all students reach their potential, not just those with special needs.”


We’re “taking teaching and learning to the next level.” - Julie Furigay, Claremont Elementary, Chicago Lawn


fund for teachers program CFE Fund for Teachers Fellowships honor Chicago’s most talented teachers by providing them with powerful opportunities for professional renewal and growth, while simultaneously allowing them the chance to work towards increasing academic achievement, global awareness, and cultural sensitivity in students. At the beginning of 2011, CFE awarded 29 Fund for Teacher Fellowships to 45 Chicago Public School teachers, in partnership with the national Fund for Teachers organization. Teachers with three or more years of classroom experience submitted proposals detailing how a Fellowship would improve their instruction and how the skills garnered during this experience would ultimately benefit their students, curricula, and school environment. 2011 Fellowships varied from attending a lesson study immersion program in Tokyo to observe, discuss, and collect data on how math is taught in Japan, to touring South Africa to learn about education reform and the particular challenges facing township and rural schools.

100% of Fellows “Strongly Agreed or Agreed” that their FFT Fellowship experiences led to improved instructional effectiveness.

94% “Strongly Agreed or Agreed” that the Fund for Teachers Program increased their confidence in assuming future educational leadership roles.

100% of Fellows “Strongly Agreed or Agreed” that they would collaborate with teacher colleagues to implement various components of their FFT projects.

fund for teachers fellow spotlight

Julie Furigay, a 5th grade teacher at Claremont Elementary School, earned a Fund for Teachers grant to study the connection between math, science, art, and culture via a Mathematical Tour of Renaissance Italy. The tour was led by university professors, and she traveled with fellow public school teachers from across the country and others interested in an academic travel experience. The diversity of her group led to lively and dynamic discussion, and Julie continued those conversations with her students by contributing daily to her web blog. The experience reminded her that “math is more than just numbers, it’s a way to see and understand the world around us.” Julie shared that the “Fund for Teachers Fellowship changed my life and will transform me as a teacher. I highly recommend the program to any educator interested in taking teaching and learning to the next level.”


additional cfe initiatives

teachers as leaders and learners workshop CFE hosted its 22nd Annual Teachers as Leaders and Learners Workshop on October 16, 2010. The conference featured more than 60 CFE teacher-presenters, all of whom showcased their grant-winning curricular projects, instructional strategies, and action research findings. Nearly 500 teachers participated in this Saturday morning event and were greeted by an engaging Keynote address from Leslie Baldacci, a CPS teacher, author, and Chicago Sun Times columnist. CFE’s Workshop also offered a Resource Fair, grantwriting assistance, and a “Meet and Greet” networking session at the end of the day.

lesson plan database CFE’s online Lesson Plan Database (LPD), winner of the 2008 Lumity Technology Leadership Award, is a free resource available to educators worldwide. The LPD catalogs grant-winning curricular projects and teaching strategies, is searchable by grade level and subject area, and offers lesson plans that include project objectives, implementation time, and associated learning activities. For more information, please visit

character education Chicago Foundation for Education has always recognized the importance of social and emotional learning as an integral part of a student’s education. CFE encourages teacher who cultivate students’ intrinsic motivation to: • Develop critical thinking and decision-making skills, • Strengthen self-esteem and increase their respect for others, • Understand the consequences of their decisions and actions, and • Develop into productive, responsible of their classroom, school, and community. CFE currently offers $100 and $200 Character Education Bonuses to our Small Grant, Study Group Coach Grant, and Action Research Fellowship applicants. More than 25% of these grant winners apply for and earn Bonuses to support their integration of lessons that promote core values.


“We teach because we want to make a difference.� - Loretta Walton, Nicholson Technolo gy Academy, Engelwo od


participating chicago public schools Albany Park Multicultural Academy Alcott Elementary Ames Middle School Andrew Jackson Language Academy Ariel Community Elementary Armour Elementary Armstrong Math & Science Elementary Ashburn Elementary Audubon Elementary AUSL - Bethune Elementary AUSL - Curtis Elementary AUSL - Deneen Elementary AUSL - Dulles Elementary AUSL - Harvard Elementary AUSL - Howe Elementary AUSL - Morton Elementary AUSL - National Teachers Academy AUSL - Sherman Elementary AUSL - Tarkington Elementary Austin Polytechnical HS Avalon Park Elementary Azuela Elementary Banneker Elementary Barnard Computer, Math & Science Elementary Barton Elementary Beard Elementary Beasley Math & Science Elementary Beaubien Regional Gifted Elementary Belding Elementary Bennett Elementary Betty Shabazz Intl. Charter Elementary Black Math & Science Elementary Blaine Elementary Bouchet Math & Science Elementary Bradwell Communication, Arts, and Sciences Elementary Brennemann Elementary Brentano Math & Science Elementary Bridge Elementary Bronzeville Lighthouse Charter HS Brooks College Prep HS Brownell Elementary Budlong Elementary Burbank Elementary Burke Elementary Burley Magnet Center Byrne Elementary Calmeca Language Academy Cameron Elementary Camras Elementary Canty Elementary Cardenas Elementary Carter Elementary Catalyst - Howland Charter Elementary


Chavez Multicultural Elementary Christopher Elementary CICS - Basil Elementary CICS - Larry Hawkins Elementary CICS - Prairie Elementary CICS - West Belden Elementary CISC - Avalon Elementary Claremont Academy Clark Elementary Clay Elementary Clissold Elementary Colemon Elementary Collins HS - North Lawndale College Prep Columbus Elementary Coonley Regional Gifted Elementary Courtenay Language Arts Elementary Crown Fine Arts Elementary Cuffe Technology Academy Curie Metro HS Daley, RJ Elementary Darwin Language Elementary Davis, M Elementary Dawes Math and Science Elementary de Diego Community Elementary de Dominguez Elementary de Lafayette Elementary Decatur Elementary Dett Elementary Dever Elementary Dewey Fine Arts Elementary Disney Magnet Elementary Dixon Elementary Drummond Magnet Elementary Dumas Technology Elementary Eberhart Elementary Edgebrook Elementary Edison Park Elementary Edison Regional Gifted Center Ericson Magnet Elementary Erie Charter School Elementary Everett Elementary Evers Elementary Fairfield Elementary Faraday Elementary Farnsworth Elementary Field Elementary Finkl Elementary Fiske Language Elementary Franklin Fine Arts Magnet Elementary Funston Elementary Galapagos Charter Elementary Gale Community Elementary Galileo Math & Science Magnet Elementary Gallistel Language Elementary

Garvey, MM Elementary Gary Elementary Gillespie Elementary Gladstone Elementary Goldblatt Elementary Goodlow Math & Science Magnet Elementary Goudy Elementary Green Elementary Gregory Elementary Gresham Elementary Guggenheim Elementary Gunsaulus Magnet Elementary Haines Elementary Hale Elementary Hamilton Elementary Hamline Elementary Hampton Fine Arts Elementary Hanson Park Elementary Hawthorne Magnet Elementary Hay Community Elementary Hayt Elementary Healy Elementary Hedges Elementary Hendricks Community Elementary Henry, P Elementary Herzl Elementary Hibbard Elementary Hitch Elementary Hoyne Elementary Hughes Language Elementary Hurley Elementary Infinity Math, Science & Technology HS Inter-American Magnet Elementary Irving Elementary Jackson, M Elementary Jahn Language Elementary Jamieson Elementary Jenner Arts Elementary Joplin Elementary Juarez Community HS Jungman Elementary Kellogg Elementary Kelly HS Kelvyn Park HS Kenwood MS/HS Kilmer Elementary Lane Tech HS Langford Community Academy Lara Elementary LaSalle II Magnet Elementary LaSalle Magnet Elementary Legacy Charter Elementary Lewis, L Elementary Lindblom Math & Science MS/HS

Lloyd Elementary Locke, A Charter Elementary Locke, J Elementary Lorca Elementary Lowell Elementary Lyon Elementary Madero MS Manley HS Mann Elementary Marconi Community Elementary Marquette Elementary Marsh Elementary Marshall MS May Community Academy Mayer, O Magnet Elementary McAuliffe Elementary McClellan Elementary McCormick Language Elementary McKinley Evg McPherson Elementary Metcalfe Math & Science Elementary Mireles World Language Elementary Mitchell, E Elementary Monroe World Language Elementary Montifiore Special Elementary Morgan Park MS/HS Morrill Math & Science Elementary Mozart Elementary Mt. Greenwood Elementary Mt. Vernon Elementary Murphy Elementary Murray Language Academy Nash Elementary Near North Special Ed Elementary Neil Elementary New Field Elementary Newberry Math & Science Magnet Elementary Nicholson Technology Academy Nightingale Elementary Nixon Elementary Nkrumah Charter Elementary Nobel Elementary Noble Street Charter - Rowe-Clark Elementary North Lawndale Charter College Prep HS North River Elementary Northside College Prep HS Northside Learning Center HS Northwest Middle School Ogden Intl. Gifted Elementary Oriole Park Elementary Otis Intl. Language Elementary O’Toole Elementary Palmer Elementary Parkside Community Academy

Pasteur Elementary Thorp, O Math & Science Magnet Elementary Peirce International Elementary Univ. of Chicago Charter School - Donoghue Penn Elementary UNO - de las Casas Elementary Pershing East Magnet Elementary UNO - Veterans Memorial Elementary Pershing West Magnet Middle School Urban Prep Charter Academy for Young Men Perspectives Charter Calumet Academy MS Volta Elementary Perspectives Charter HS of Technology Von Humboldt Elementary Perspectives Charter Math & Science HS - IIT Von Steuben Metropolitan Science HS Piccolo Specialty Elementary Wadsworth Elementary Pickard Elementary Ward, J Elementary Pilsen Community Elementary Washington Elementary Pirie Elementary Webster Elementary Polaris Charter Elementary West Park Fine Arts & Technology Elementary Pope Elementary Westcott Elementary Portage Park Elementary Whitney Young Magnet MS/HS Powell Elementary Whitney, E Elementary Price Elementary Whittier World Language Elementary Pritzker, AN Regional Gifted Elementary Yale Elementary Prussing Elementary Yates Elementary Reinberg Elementary Young Elementary Revere Elementary Zapata Elementary Rickover Navy Academy HS Robinson Elementary Ryder Elementary Ryerson Elementary Sabin World Language Elementary Salazar Bilingual Elementary Saucedo Math & Science Elementary Sauganash Elementary Sawyer Elementary belmont avenue Scammon Elementary Schmid Elementary Schubert Elementary Schurz HS kinzie street Seward Elementary Sheridan Math & Science Elementary Shields Elementary cermak road Shoop Math, Science & Technology Elementary Skinner Classical Elementary Smyth Magnet Elementary South Shore Fine Arts Elementary Spry Community Elementary 55th street Stagg Elementary Stevenson Elementary Stevenson MS Stewart, G Elementary 83rd street Stock Elementary Stockton Elementary Stowe Elementary Sutherland Elementary Swift Specialty Elementary Talcott Elementary Taylor, D Elementary Thorp, J Elementary


volunteer leaders & staff committee chairpersons Phyllis Chambers

small grant observation coordinators

Action Research Leadership Institute

Pam Hay

Tricia Hagenah

Louellen Murray

Small Grants

Louanne Holland

Eloise Neidhardt

Character Education

Margie Rogasner

Katie Kennicott

Nancy Saladino

Study Group Team Members

Carole Pyle Study Group Coaches

Chris Santiago Fund for Teachers

small grant subject area review coordinators Maryam Brown Mary Beth Canfield Tracie Clisby Polly Ho Louanne Holland Shirley Jaffee Michal Miller Heather Moore Susan Nelson Angie Pilgrim Susan Rohrman Nancy Saladino Laura Watson

study group liaisons

Kathy Acles Tai Basurto Jennifer Franklin Katie Lyons Marsha Nathan Margie Rogasner Emily Schwartz

Mehret Asgedom

Sara Simon

Mary Beth Canfield

Monica Sims

Jennifer Choy

Margo Sorgman

Jennifer Franklin David Hannsberry

staff Amy Sheren

Louanne Holland

Executive Director

Pamela Howard

Sarah Rossi

DawnLynne Kacer Katie Kennicott Mishawna Manning Gloria Mhoon Dara Milner

Program Director

Sarah Hoppe Program & Outreach Coordinator

Nedranae Hunt Grants Coordinator

Andrea Schuster Development Coordinator

Debra Miretzky

Jennifer Cofsky

Amy Roberts-Paeth

Summer Intern

Catherine Rowbotham

Kate Hagenah

Sue Schafer Andrea Schuster Margo Sorgman Diane Sotiros Jean Spencer Laura Watson Zaneta Zak


workshop committee

Spring Intern

Elizabeth Stark Ketchum Fall Intern

volunteer corps Kathy Acles * Heidi Albert Macus Alonso Mark Anderson * ^ Carolyn Arnolds Hntsa Asgedom Mehret Asgedom * Venki Ayalur ^ Annette Bacon Jan Bail Leslie Baldacci ^ Patricia Ball Asha Banthia ^ Jeremy Baskin * Tai Basurto Renee Bearak Tom Beck Marty Behn Rebecca Berger Ann Bjerke ^ Pamela Blackwell ^ Judy Block * Mary Jane Boris Julia Brown Maryam Brown * ^ Michele Buttermore Wiley Caldwell * Mary Beth Canfield * Lisa Caputo Love ^ Ann Carr Richard Carr Georgeanne Chalmers Phyllis Chambers * ^ Tannaz Chapman ^ Patrick Charles * Jennifer Choy * Tracie Clisby * Jackie Cofsky Jennifer Cofsky Karen Cofsky Sherry Cohen John Cooksey Marilyn Cushing Andrea Damenti Cathy Davis Lindsay Davis Vera Davis Helga de Bontin Sarah Deetjen Adam Dell ^ Zachary Dickerson ^ Robin Dillow Jennifer Dixon ^ Alan Duff ^ Brian Duwe * ^ Rachel Eddington ^ Antoinette Edmonds Polly Eldringhoff ^ Shanti Elliott Susan Elliott Simintha Esson Kristen Evans

Kris Fishman Marianne Flanagan Jennifer Franklin * Ashlee Gabrysch Jenny Garcia Nancy Garfien Robert J. Gariano * Carla Garner Graham Gerst * ^ Patricia Ginnis Susan Gold Irene Goldfarb Kate Hagenah Tricia Hagenah * ^ David Hannsberry * Callie Hardin Judy Harmon Kamesa Harold Robert Hartfield Pamela Hay * Allison Henry ^ Jadan Hicks Torrence Hinton ^ Polly Ho * Louanne Holland * Bob Horne * ^ Pamela Howard * Wendy Jackson Richard M. Jaffee * Shirley H. Jaffee * Jeannie James * Debby Jannotta * Edgar D. Jannotta * Barbara Javaras Eric Johnson ^ Nadjela Johnson Nathan Johnson Shelena Johnson DawnLynne Kacer * Colleen Kamin Kavita Kapadia Matsko ^ Pat Kenney Katie Kennicott * ^ Elizabeth Ketchum Polky Kibler Susan Kieffer-Barone Timothy Knight Christina Korbakis ^ Karen Kovach-Webb ^ Kevin Krakovsky ^ Ray Kulpa Shari Kvam Kari Lehman Christopher Lin ^ Dabney Lyles Katie Lyons * Mishawna Manning * Patti Mapes Carmen Martin Lynn Mathias Cedric McCay Karen McCracken

Jo Anne McDonald Gloria Mhoon * Karen Miller Michal D. Miller * Renee Miller Dara Milner * Debra Miretzky * Margaret Mitchell ^ Sheila Mitchell Heather Moore * ^ Louellen Murray * Laurie Nasky Marsha Nathan * Drew Navolio Eloise Neidhardt * Susan Nelson * Vicky Nelson Pat O’Donnell Wande Olude Ted Oppenheimer ^ Georgy Ann Peluchiwski Amy Petersen Matt Phelan Angela Pilgrim * ^ Aileen Primack Carole Pyle * Gretchen Quinn Merrilee Redmond Marcey Regan Marjurie Ribeiro Amy Roberts-Paeth * Anthony Robinson ^ Dana Robinson Margie Rogasner * Christopher Rohn ^ Susan Rohrman * Laurie Rose Catherine Rowbotham * Danielle Royster Mike Saladino Nancy Saladino * Cecilia Salvatore Chris Santiago * Sue Schafer * Marion Schmidt Linda Schmitt Tim Schott ^ Marc Schulman ^ Andrea Schuster * Emily Schwartz * Kristen Senior Brianne Shally Daila Shefner Jozel Shwatal Maxine Simmons Monica Sims * Sara Simon * Monica Sims * ^ Rikara Skaggs Erica Smith Margo Sorgman * Diane Sotiros *

Jean Spencer * Beth Spurgeon Melissa Stenger ^ Lisbeth Stone Arshia Sultan Gayle Sundt Jane Thain Liz Thomas Natasha Thompson Barbara Traverso Amy Tse Ann Turner ^ Richard Turner ^ Susan Van Hooser Vasilya Waddell Jean Waller Joe Walsh Alex Washington * ^ Laura Watson * ^ Jason Waugh ^ Michelle Weitz Carol Wetmore Laurie Whitmer Linnea Wilson Steve Wilson * Alicia Winckler Shiela Yessenow Zaneta Zak * E. Yeliz Zurawic ^ * Volunteer Leader ^ FFT Selection Committee Member


individual & family foundation contributors July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011

$35,000 +

Mary Beth and Phil Canfield Tricia and Will Hagenah

$25,000 +

Anonymous Sheila and Bob Berner Ann and Richard Carr Juli and David Grainger Bev and Warren Hayford Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Jaffee Jeannie and Ed James Mr. and Mrs. Edgar D. Jannotta, Sr. Susie and Dick Kiphart Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Krehbiel Holly and John Madigan Alexandra and John Nichols Arthur C. Nielsen, Jr. Cathy and Bill Osborn Diana and Bruce Rauner J. Christopher and Anne N. Reyes Foundation Joyce and Donald Rumsfeld Foundation Patrick G. & Shirley W. Ryan Foundation Kathleen and Jim Skinner Sue and Steve Wilson

$10,000 +

Phyllis and Bill Chambers Sonja and Conrad Fischer Foundation Foley Family Foundation Christy and Graham Gerst Virginia and Gary Gerst Becky and Lester Knight Mr. and Mrs. John H. Krehbiel Katherine and Norman Olson Peter Jay Sheren

$5,000 +

Mr. Mark Anderson Vernon Armour Robert F. Barry and Marcella B. Barry Gift Fund Judy and P.D. Block III Mrs. Edward A. Brennan Jo and Wiley Caldwell Douglas R. and S. Leigh P. Conant Cookie Jar Foundation James and Catherine Denny Foundation Yasmina and Brian Duwe Jennifer and Scott Gwilliam Louanne and Bill Holland Kelly and Robert Horne The Jannotta-Pearsall Family Fund Kaplan Foundation Fund Morris Kaplan and Dolores Kohl Kaplan Pat and Mike Koldyke Martha and John Mabie Oppenheimer Family Foundation Mrs. Carole Pyle


Sue and Bud Selig Mr. and Mrs. Harrison I. Steans Helen and Richard Thomas

$2,500 +

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gariano The Charles Jacob Foundation Shirley Jaffee’s Children and Grandchildren Mr. and Mrs. Archibald McClure Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Miller J.B. & M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation Devanee and Alex Washington

$1,000 +

Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bachmann Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bacon Barbara Bere’ Mr. and Mrs. James R. Boris Debbie and Larry Brady Carrie and Patrick Charles Sharon and George Collias Michelle L. Collins Stanton R. Cook Mr. and Mrs. E. David Coolidge, III Liz and Kent Dauten Mrs. Clarissa Y. Downey Fairfield and Arthur DuBois Mr. and Mrs. James J. Glasser Dr. and Mrs. Larry Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Gregoire Jean and Don Haider Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Hill Groupon Campaign Kathleen and Paul Hull Heidi and Dan Jaffee Mr. and Mrs. Silas Keehn The Anne Marie Kempczinski Foundation King Family Foundation Dr. Alan and Dee Dee Klein Elizabeth E. LaMotte Janet and Don Levy Mr. and Mrs. John S. Lillard Amy and Don Lubin Eileen and Jim McKinney Ruthie and Alan McNally Louise and Jack Mills Louellen and Tim Murray Jane and Hank Pearsall Sandra and Michael Perlow Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peterson Marlene Welsh Phillips Angie and Greg Pilgrim Betsey and John Puth Kirsten and Chris Santiago Mr. and Mrs. F. Eugene Schmitt Carol and Gordon Segal Linda and Stan Sher Sagalyn Family Fund

$500 +

Janice and Richard Bail Renee Bearak Cheryl K. Beebe and James A. Grimm Nancy and George Bodeen Sally Campbell Karen and Tom Cofsky Kathryn and J.S. Cole Marge and Lew Collens Mr. and Mrs. Byram Dickes Mrs. Jean H. Downey Murrell Duster Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Edelman Enivar Charitable Fund Barbara and Ira Eichner, in honor of Shirley Jaffee and Debby Jannotta Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fesmire Suzanne Flavin Barbara E. Franke Drs. Nancy and Stan Handmaker Mrs. Margaret S. Hart Pam and Jeff Hay Lynn and Philip Hummer Ms. Patricia J. Hurley Judy and Verne Istock Ms. Nancy E. Jaffee and Mr. William T. Patterson Meghan and Peter Jannotta Ashley and Michael Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Michael Keiser Patricia Kilduff Marvin Kocian Michigan City Education Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Larry McCracken Kelly McGrail and Jeff Goulette Jane and Bruce McLagan Dara and Ross Milner Mr. and Mrs. Newton N. Minow Morrison Family Charitable Trust Clare Muñana Marsha Nathan Mr. and Mrs. John S. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Petrie The Robbins Family Joan H. and Robert R. Rudolph Suzanne T. Smart Liz Stiffel Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Q. Sylvester III Lynne and David B. Weinberg Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Edward Yalowitz

$250 +

Anonymous Susan D. Bowey Anne L. Bryant Carney Family Foundation Stacey and Christopher Caywood Dottie and Jim Currie Lynn Donaldson Joan and Robert Feitler

Sally and Jack Foster Patty Eylar & Charles Gardner Ethel and Bill Gofen Gloria and Bill Gray Mary and Richard Gray Jean and John Greene Raynelle and Robert Heidrick Mrs. Peter Husting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kasten, II Karie and David Katz Connie and Dennis Keller Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lillard Ann and John McDermott David and Carolyn Nahrwold Philip R. and Marianne D. Nielsen Ady and Harry B. Rosenberg Madeline and Michael Rosenberg Valerie Rumsfeld-Richard and Paul Richard Mr. and Mrs. John Siragusa Dr. Barbara O. Taylor Tria and Carson Thomas Glen and Nancy Traylor Joan W. Ward Laura and Bob Watson Joan and Bob Zabel

$100 +

Anonymous (2) Mrs. Edwin A. Bergman The Robert Thomas Bobins Foundation Patricia A. Bonness Maryam Brown Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bunn, III Georgeanne Chalmers Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark Constance and Thomas Cole Mrs. Edwin W. Darby Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Darnall Monique and Thomas Demery William J. Devers, Jr. Connie and Peter Dickinson Sharon Partington Dixon Robert E. Don Sara and Tom Donahoe Mr. and Mrs. Ray Drexler Kathryn and Al Duff Polly M. Eldringhoff Kristen Evans Anne and Dwight Fawcett Mr. and Mrs. John N. Fix Rivka Garver Mr. Raymond E. George, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dilip Ghate Annemie Gramm Dr. and Mrs. Frank Guthrie Mrs. David Harvey, in honor of Jeannie James Lee and Arthur Herbst Sheila and Robert Hulseman Ms. Rosemary Isono Katherine and Jerry James Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Jannotta, Jr. Nathan Johnson

Mr. Len Judy DawnLynne Kacer, in honor of Allen and Connie Kacer Mr. Charles Katzenmeyer Blair and Bill Lawlor Mr. and Mrs. John G. Levi Mrs. Frank Little Lisa and Michael Loftis Emily and John MacEntee Laura and Craig Martin Andrew W. McGhee Mrs. Corinne McGrail Jay McGreevy Diane M. McKeever and Eric Jensen Sheila and Harvey Medvin Dr. and Mrs. E.D. Murphy Joseph Nogal Joy and Rich O’Connell Jill and Fred O’Connor Diane and James Otis

Nancy and Tom Pardo Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Perkins Mr. David D. Peterson Arch Pounian Gretchen and Vincent Quinn Carol and Fred Rakowsky Joan and Alan Ramsay Merrilee Clark Redmond Dede and Tom Reedy Gloria and Sheldon Rosing Hon. Ilana Rovner Kathy and Tom Rutherford Jean Sampson Santa Fe Waldorf School, in honor of Joyce Rumsfeld Mrs. Lloyd Schuster Barbara and Wally Scott Daila Shefner Paul E. Sheren Monica Sims Joyce and Roy Skoog

Carrie and Doug Stone Sara and Blake Swift Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wasserman Mrs. Edward Anderson Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williamson Mrs. Ann S. Wolff Suzanne and David Zesmer

under $100

Anonymous (2) Kathy Acles Lindi Butler-Walton Michele Buttermore Ms. Mary Pat Carr Marilyn Cushing Shoushig and Richard Dagdigian Rachel Dose Irene Goldfarb Judy and George Harmon Melanie Hauck Barbara Kariotis Javaras Jill Knopic

The Farah Family Mary H. Marks Barbara and Lyman Missimer Kate E. Mitchell Sheila K. Mitchell Anna Kangllos Moreno Eloise and Dick Neidhardt Harland W. Oates Dr. Ann O’Connell Marjorie S. Rogasner Robert Sharp Jean and Bernard Trager Jean Waller Mary M. Walther

corporate & foundation contributors July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011

$35,000 +

$10,000 +

Anonymous Fund for Teachers Lloyd A. Fry Foundation Polk Bros. Foundation

Helen Brach Foundation The Brinson Foundation The Northern Trust Company Rush University Medical Center Sage Foundation Tawani Foundation William Blair & Company

$25,000 + Abbott Laboratories Aon Foundation CME Group Foundation Crown Family Philanthropies Exelon Corporation Illinois Tool Works Inc. Malott Family Foundation Molex Oil-Dri Corporation of America Peoples Gas Schwarz Supply Source Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP Target

$5,000 + Anonymous GTCR

$1,000 + Ariel Capital Management Chicago Board Options Exchange Cole Taylor Bank Wynnchurch Capital

$100 + Mesirow Financial HPL&S, Inc.


financial highlights 1% 12%

income Individual and Family Foundations






25th Anniversary


Investment Income / Miscellaneous Total Income

Individual and Family Foundations Foundations




25th Anniversary Contributors

$1,580,381 6%

expenses Small Grants


Fund for Teachers


Study Groups


Teachers Network Leadership Institute Program Expenses

Program Expenses


$636,825 $131,034

25th Anniversary Event Expenses


Total Expenses


Net Income


Investment Income/ Miscellaneous



Administrative / Fundraising Expenses


Administrative/Fundraising Expenses 25th Anniversary Event Expenses


Based on unaudited financial reports for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011.

in-kind contributors Adler Planetarium | Adobo Grill | Adventure Stage Chicago | Aidan & Associates, Certified Public Accountants | Albert Whitman & Company | American Theater Company | AW Design Studio, LLC | B Organized | Leslie Baldacci | Bobtail Ice Cream | Broadway in Chicago | Catalyst Chicago | Changing Worlds | Cheetah Gym | Chicago Area Writing Project | Chicago Bears | Chicago Blackhawks | Chicago Bulls | Chicago Children’s Museum | Chicago Children’s Theatre | Chicago History Museum | Chicago Humanities Festival | Chicago New Teachers Center | Chicago Photography Academy | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Sky | Chicago Symphony Orchestra | Chicago White Sox | Chicago Wolves | Constitutional Rights Foundation | Daniel’s Discriminating Floriculture | Davinci Restaurant Group | Dick Blick Art Materials | Dolores Kohl Education Foundation | Education Depot | Eli’s Cheesecake | Embracing Your Future | Fashion Fair Cosmetics | The Field Museum | Forest Preserve District of Cook County | Four Seasons Hotel | Fullline Printing | Garfield Park | Conservatory Alliance | Goodman Theatre | GTCR | Haemonetics | Heritage Optical | High Jump Chicago | HomeMade Pizza Company | Illinois Department of Natural Resources | Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center | The Illinois Writing Project | International House of Blues Foundation | Shirley and Dick Jaffee | Joffrey Ballet Company | Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet | Katie and Red Kennicott | Lawry’s Restaurants, Inc. | Lewis University | Lookingglass Theater Company | Marbles the Brain Store | Massa & Company Information Architects | Massage Envy | Mitchell Dental Spa | Museum of Contemporary Art | National Louis University | NEIU’s Chicago Teachers’ Center | North Park University | Open Books | Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum | Peoples Gas | Potbelly Sandwich Works | Project Play | Prometheum Technologies, Inc. | Resource Center of Chicago | Catherine Rowbotham | | School Specialty | Andrea Schuster | Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP | Special Olympics Illinois | Starbucks | Storybuilders | Strack & Van Til | Taproot | Target | Trader Joe’s | TRU | TW Knight Photography | UIC Center for Economic Education | Vaughan’s Hospitality Group | Wrigley Company Foundation |


board of directors as of June 30, 2011

founder Joyce Rumsfeld

directors Mark Anderson GTCR

chairperson C. Graham Gerst Global IP Law Group, LLC

Judy Block Maryam Brown Integrys Energy Services

vice chairperson Mary Beth Canfield vice presidents, development Shirley Jaffee Debby Jannotta

Patrick Charles Zurich Financial Services

Murrell J. Duster Northeastern Illinois University

Brian W. Duwe Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP

secretary Carole Pyle

Louanne Holland

treasurer Chris Santiago

William Blair & Company


Molex, Inc.

executive committee members at large Wiley N. Caldwell Phyllis Chambers Robert J. Gariano Robert Gariano Associates, LLC

Robert D. Horne Dodge Capital, LLC

Jeannie James Shirley Ryan Pathways Center for Children

Stephen Wilson CF Industries

Edgar D. Jannotta Frederick A. Krehbiel Donald G. Lubin Sonnenschein Nath and Rosenthal

Arthur C. Nielsen, Jr. The Nielsen Company

Angela Pilgrim Monica Sims Pershing West Middle School

Harrison I. Steans Financial Investments Corporation

Alex Washington Wind Point Partners

life directors John B. Foster Mary Galvin Josephine B. Minow Newton Minow


400 north michigan avenue suite 720 chicago, illinois 60611 p: 312.670.2323 f: 312.670.2029

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