KIPP LA 2013 Annual Report

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2013 Annual Report

Proving the possible in public education.

Dear Friends, It has been ten inspirational years since KIPP Academy of Opportunity and KIPP LA Prep first opened their doors to 150 families seeking a better education for their children. Today, nearly 4,000 students and alumni attend our schools or participate in our KIPP Through College program, all based on the promise that KIPP LA has made since day one: to support our students on their climb to and through college. We are thrilled to celebrate our 10th anniversary with you. Being successful in a competitive global economy requires a college degree. In high-income communities, more than 80 percent of students

Table of Contents 2 // Demographics Should Not Determine Destiny

graduate college, yet only one in ten low-income students graduates.

4 // Ten Years of Proving the Possible in Public Education

The data suggest the rate is even lower for low-income students in South

6 // Proving Character Drives Academic and Life Success

and East Los Angeles. The true achievement gap is not at the elementary, middle, or high school level—it is at college. At KIPP LA, we know it does

8 // Innovating to Expand the Possibilities

not have to be that way. With more than 75 percent of KIPP LA alumni

1 0 // Focusing on College Graduation from Day One

persisting in college, we are proving what is possible in public education.

12 // Proving the Value of Great Leadership

Our founding fifth graders are now juniors in college. Through their

14 // Proving the Power of Lasting Commitment

determination, hard work, and grit, they demonstrate each day that a student’s future does not have to be defined by his or her demographics. At KIPP LA, we are continuing to improve the educational experiences in our classrooms, introduce innovative practices, and increase the number

16 // A Proven Track Record 18 // Proving the Possible: The Next Five Years 20 // Join Us in Proving the Possible

of schools we operate to provide more students with the promise of "to

Proving the Possible. One of KIPP LA’s credos is “The actual proves the possible.” This saying, often seen in classrooms and painted on school walls, is a reflection of our optimism and determination. We believe that, with great teaching and support, all students will learn and succeed, regardless of their demographics or zip codes. As we celebrate

and through college." KIPP LA would not have been able to grow and thrive over the past ten years without the support of our team and family. We continue to rely on the generosity of our friends and donors as we grow to 17 schools, serving nearly 9,000 students and alumni by 2018. Thank you for celebrating our 10th anniversary with us; we look forward to ten more great years. Sincerely,

our 10th anniversary, we recognize the accomplishments of our schools, students, and organization. We also reflect on the continued hard work and dedication the future will require as we strive to ensure that all students receive the high-quality

Marcia Aaron

education they deserve.

Executive Director

2013 KIPP LA Schools Annual Report // 1

Approximately 640,000 students rely on the Los Angeles Unified School District to prepare them for the jobs of tomorrow. Nearly 490,000 of these students are from low-income families.1 And they are not getting the support they need to succeed. As a result, low-income students in Los Angeles are struggling:

1 in 4 high school graduates is college-ready.2

1 in 3 8th graders is proficient or advanced in algebra.1

high school students drops out.1

Successful completion of algebra in 8th grade is shown to be an indicator of college success.*

Demographics Should Not Determine Destiny.

1 in 5

The results in Los Angeles are not an anomaly. Nationally, 1 in 10 students from low-income families graduates from college.3 This has a dramatic impact on their lives and on our nation's economy.

In low-income communities across the nation, only one in ten students graduates from college. This statistic is a result of years of underserving students. The education students receive in elementary through high school is not preparing them to matriculate to college, much less preparing them to thrive and ultimately graduate. Without a college degree, young people will face an array of challenges in the future, from a higher likelihood of unemployment to a loss in lifetime

High school graduates will earn nearly $2 million less in their lifetimes than college graduates.4

High school graduates are ten times more likely to go to prison than college graduates.5

High school graduates are nearly twice as likely to be unemployed as college graduates.6

earnings. At KIPP LA, we know it doesn’t have to be this way.

1 California Department of Education, 2012 data * Report from the US Department of Education, 2006 2 LAUSD-Harvard Strategic Data Project Report, April 2013 3 KIPP Foundation Report Card, 2012 4 Report from the Center on Education and Workforce, Georgetown University, 2011

2 \\ 2013 KIPP LA Schools Annual Report

5 Report from the Center for Labor Market Studies, Northeastern University, October 2009 6 The Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2012 data

It doesn’t have to be this way. 2013 KIPP LA Schools Annual Report // 3

Our Students

Our Schools KIPP Sol Academy

Ten Years of Proving the Possible in Public Education.





Students and Alumni


Since 2003, KIPP LA Schools has been proving that ALL students can and will learn


Students Eligible for Free or Reduced Price Meals

and succeed if provided the right opportunities and support. As part of the national KIPP (Knowledge Is Power Program) network of 141 schools in 20 states and DC, we


KIPP Scholar Academy



KIPP Iluminar Academy

School Support Center

KIPP Raíces Academy

KIPP Empower Academy KIPP Academy of Opportunity


KIPP Comienza Community Prep




2013 KIPP LA celebrates ten years of proving the possible in public education in Los Angeles.





are proving what's possible for students in Los Angeles and across the country. This year marks the 10th anniversary of KIPP LA. We remember and celebrate the promise



we made to our students and families on that first day of school ten years ago and that still holds true: to put more students on the path to success to and through college.

KIPP Academy of Opportunity is named a California Distinguished School.

KIPP Philosophers Academy

African American and Latino Students

Elementary School

KIPP Sol Academy, a middle school, and KIPP Iluminar Academy, an elementary school, open in East LA.

Middle School










KIPP Academy of Opportunity and KIPP LA Prep open their doors to the first KIPPsters in Los Angeles.

The first KIPP elementary school and the first KIPP high school are founded in Houston, Texas.

KIPP Academy of Opportunity and KIPP LA Prep reach full enrollment with fifth through eighth grade.

KIPP LA Schools is founded and celebrates its first Fisher Fellow.

The first phase of KIPP LA's growth begins. KIPP Raíces Academy, the first KIPP elementary school in California, opens, and the School Support Center is established.

KIPP Academy of Opportunity is featured on NBC Nightly News as an example of “what works in education reform.”

Two new elementary schools, KIPP Empower Academy and KIPP Comienza Community Prep, are founded and become KIPP LA’s fourth and fifth schools.

KIPP Empower Academy receives national attention as the first KIPP school to operate a blended learning technology model.

4 \\ 2013 KIPP LA Schools Annual Report

KIPP LA serves 1,000 students.

KIPP Philosophers Academy and KIPP Scholar Academy, two middle schools, open in South LA.

KIPP LA Prep is named a California Distinguished School. 2013 KIPP LA Schools Annual Report // 5

Teaching Endless Possibilities.

Proving Character Drives Academic and Life Success.

Many of KIPP LA's students start at our schools with a mountain to climb, both academically and socially. At our middle schools, some students enroll with math and reading skills at a second or third grade level. At our elementary schools, many students enter lacking basic number and letter recognition skills. As a result, we know that we not only need to provide students with the knowledge to get them back on grade level, but also to foster in them the character strengths they will need to succeed. As KIPP Co-Founder Dave Levin put it, a KIPP education is 49 percent academics and 51 percent character. Tommy McConnell, fifth grade math teacher at KIPP Scholar Academy, and his student, Alon, reflect on the role of the KIPP character strengths in the classroom and beyond:

KIPP LA’s mission is to teach the academic skills, foster the intellectual habits, and cultivate the character strengths needed for our students to succeed in school, college, and the competitive world beyond. The fulfillment of that mission starts with the world-class education each student receives in their KIPP LA classrooms. Our expanded core curriculum, which includes science and social studies in addition to reading and math, is supplemented by the


arts, physical education, and enrichment, and bolstered by a rigorous and intentional focus on


Social Intelligence

character education.


6 \\ 2013 KIPP LA Schools Annual Report

Alon sixth grade Student KIPP Scholar Academy



Tommy: This is one of the

Tommy: As a teacher,

Tommy: As teachers, we are

Tommy: Learning is a series

most important traits we can



always living in the future. I

of mysteries. You start at

develop as teachers. There are

the end goal, which is to

know the work I’m doing won’t

the beginning not knowing

always challenges to overcome

and through college. My

necessarily come to fruition now.

something, and over time,

when you do hard work. For

enthusiasm for that goal

I’m laying groundwork. We have

things begin to be revealed.

our students, grit means to

is what I always have to

to communicate that optimism

You build knowledge piece by

keep doing the hard work so

model so my students

and vision to our students.


they can ultimately achieve

understand that no matter

their goals.

what happens, we are going



Alon: Tommy McConnell fifth grade math teacher KIPP Scholar Academy







to get there.







integrity. If you think about the

above and beyond when you

future, you’ll make good choices.

don’t know something, and figuring it out.

because if you work hard,

Alon: Zest means showing

Once when I was going to talk

you’ll achieve your goals. For

enthusiasm and a love for

in class, Mr. McConnell told

example, if you're taking a test

learning. You have to keep

me, “Think about what you’re

and get tired and want to give

trying to learn.

about to do.” I took his advice

up, rest your brain a little bit

by listening and making the right

and get back to work.

choice. 2013 KIPP LA Schools Annual Report // 7

Innovating to Expand the Possibilities.

In 2013, KIPP LA launched its inaugural KIPPoVate

At KIPP LA, we recognize that our job is to prepare students for careers that don’t

instructional technology projects in their classrooms. As

To maximize the positive impact


an example, students in a humanities classroom at KIPP

of instructional technology on

platform, developed by KIPP LA

Applications for Education for

Scholar Academy will create videos of their original short

student learning, KIPP LA uses

and customized for each teacher,

everything from word processing

stories using a recording booth and editing software.

a variety of data—from internal

allows students to rapidly access

to assisting students in creating

assessments to national tests—

web-based educational programs

digital portfolios. By leveraging

to ensure our students are on

and applications.

the cloud, KIPP LA can share and

exist yet. KIPP LA is leading the way in Los Angeles with cutting-edge instructional technology, ensuring that our students have essential 21st century skills. Our schools infuse technology into the classroom in meaningful and innovative ways that allow our teachers to track student growth and give students support where

Fostering Innovative Ideas competition,





Promoting a data-driven culture.

classroom practices from across our schools. Winning teachers were awarded grants to implement their

they need it the most.

Maximizing time for learning. online



Disseminating best practices. Our




track to be college-ready. These

disseminate best practices swiftly

data give our teachers a robust

throughout the organization.

picture of student achievement on a real-time basis.

Leaders in Instructional Technology

Expanding Curiosity in Every Classroom

KIPP LA is proud to be on the forefront of instructional technology innovation.

At KIPP LA, blended learning is not just a buzzword—it's a philosophy. All of

Our schools have hosted educational leaders from across Los Angeles and the

our schools infuse technology into the curriculum, allowing teachers to deliver

nation. Additionally, this year, KIPP Comienza Community Prep was featured

more personalized attention to each student. Adaptive educational software

by Silicon Schools Fund in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) about

enables students to learn at their own pace, helping them get further, faster.

effective blended learning.

Online tools allow students to explore new topics and expand their horizons,

Through our sharing of best practices and active participation in the

further developing their love of learning.

conversations around innovation, we have formed several unique partnerships. Recently, KIPP LA, in collaboration with LAUSD, Partnership for LA Schools, KIPP Empower Academy is the first school in the national KIPP

and CFY-Los Angeles, received a planning grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to implement a school design and re-launch effort focused on personalized blended learning.


network to implement a school-wide blended learning model. With an API of 991, it is the highest-performing school in LAUSD and the 10th highest-performing elementary school in California, suggesting that high-quality small-group instruction combined with targeted use of instructional technology is having a significant positive impact on student achievement.

8 \\ 2013 KIPP LA Schools Annual Report

2013 KIPP LA Schools Annual Report // 9

Brenda S. Alumna, KIPP LA Prep In her first semester of college, challenges in Brenda’s life made it difficult for her to focus on her academics, and she seriously considered taking time off. As she was weighing the possibility, she knew that the KTC team would provide support and guidance, just as they had during high school. Her KTC college placement advisor, Marisa, sat down with her over dinner and shared tips and strategies, as well as some of her own struggles while in college. Brenda persevered and is now a sophomore at Mount St. Mary’s College, a private liberal arts school in Los Angeles. She says she still has occasional challenges that cause her to consider taking time off from college, but whenever that occurs, she calls her KTC advisors and “Marisa and Lonnie help me snap out of it,” she says.

Elementary School

Focusing on College Graduation from Day One. At KIPP LA, we are striving to turn college completion from only a slight possibility to an overwhelming probability for our students. Our KIPP Through College (KTC) program

Building college-focused culture and a rigorous college-prep curriculum from the start.

Middle School Establishing a KIPP LA Through College academic and character curriculum that prepares students early on for the rigors of college and beyond.

High School Providing resources to help families navigate financial aid applications and awards.

Sending students to competitive summer programs.

Helping students find the right college match.

College Continuing support with scholarship opportunities, summer programs, and academic support through college.

supports our students starting at kindergarten and continuing through college, providing targeted services and resources to help students succeed on their journeys to college graduation. Currently, over 75 percent of KIPP LA’s college-aged alumni are persisting


in college. Developing students’ awareness of high Facilitating school and college college savings options. workshops with parents.

10 \\ 2013 KIPP LA Schools Annual Report

Finding the right high school match for each student through High School Placement.

Supporting students Curating lists of with college scholarship opportunities applications. and encouraging students to apply.

Ensuring social and academic integration into the college environment.

2013 KIPP LA Schools Annual Report // 11



Emerging Leader

Fisher Fellow

Proving the Value of Great Leadership. “Great leaders create great schools” is a KIPP adage that has been thoroughly tested at KIPP LA. Walk into any KIPP LA school and the culture, values, and rigorous focus on student achievement are palpable. While each school is inspiring and focuses on excellent teaching, each is also unique. Recognizing the importance of leadership, KIPP LA has implemented a regional Emerging Leaders program to ensure that we are identifying and developing the deep leadership potential that currently exists in our schools.

Every teacher at KIPP LA is an



The Emerging Leaders program provides

The Fisher Fellowship is a prestigious, year-

instructional leader in the classroom.

leadership skills, they are given

new school leaders, assistant principals,

long fellowship that prepares individuals to

All are dedicated to KIPP LA’s mission

expanded responsibility in fulfilling

and deans with four intensive two-day

found and lead new KIPP schools. By the



their school’s mission. Many serve



end of the program, fellows have created the

initiatives that will best facilitate

as grade level or subject chairs,

focusing on the skills necessary to

design for a new school that will open for the

student achievement.

supporting their fellow teachers and

become high-performing leaders of KIPP

following school year.

"One of my favorite activities I do in

providing professional development.


"As I spend time learning best practices

my classroom is something I call the

"I have the honor of supporting our

"As an assistant school leader, I impact

from school leaders and seeing the direct

"Freestyle Break." Students have

English and humanities teachers

students through supporting teachers,

impact great schools have on student

30 seconds to freestyle rap about



whether by facilitating professional

learning, I am constantly inspired to

anything they want from school or

receive the quality education they

development, planning conferences, or

serve the students who will walk through

in life. This activity gives them an

deserve. I also support our reading

analyzing student achievement data.

my halls next year. At KIPP LA, we are

opportunity to take a rhythm that

intervention specialist and manage

The best part about being a leader

shaping the face of public education in

many of them already know through

the after school program, which

at Comienza are the wonderful a-ha

South and East Los Angeles by serving

the music and culture of their home

allows our teachers to focus on the

moments that occur with both students

more and more students each year. We

life and community and use it in the

rigors of teaching."

and adults each and every day."

are helping to create communities where

classroom in a positive way that

Danny Herrera

Tanya Piyaratanaphipat

all students, regardless of their zip codes,

Dean KIPP Philosophers Academy

Assistant School Leader KIPP Comienza Community Prep



affirms their identity." Hoang Pham First Grade Teacher KIPP Empower Academy

12 \\ 2013 KIPP LA Schools Annual Report







have the opportunity to determine their own futures." Alice Lai Fisher Fellow KIPP Academy of Innovation (opening fall 2014)

2013 KIPP LA Schools Annual Report // 13

Angel C. Alumnus, KIPP RaÍces Academy Fifth Grade Student, KIPP Sol Academy

Proving the Power of Lasting Commitment.

While Angel didn't start at KIPP Raíces Academy until first grade, he quickly embodied the KIPPster spirit. After four years at KIPP Raíces, this fall he matriculated to middle school at KIPP Sol Academy, becoming a member of the school’s founding class of fifth graders. He is blazing the trail through middle school for his two younger brothers, who currently attend KIPP Raíces.


Perhaps the characteristic that most exemplifies KIPP LA’s work is our commitment to stay with our students all the way through college graduation. Over the past ten years, our founding fifth grade students have grown from bright ten-year-olds to juniors in college with ambitious aspirations. Our first kindergartners, who attended KIPP Raíces Academy, have been with KIPP LA for five years and are starting their first year of middle school. Two members of KIPP LA’s “oldest” classes share the way KIPP LA has shaped their expectations of themselves and their futures.

Angel remembers walking into the classroom on his first day at KIPP Raíces and meeting his teacher, Ms. Gendreau. Angel was able to make friends quickly. On that first day, he met two of his closest friends that he still has today.

Earliest KIPP Memory Alana remembers KIPP summer school where teachers told students what to expect for the year. She was nervous and scared because she was all by herself, but she soon learned more about her classmates in her homeroom through teambuilding activities.

Angel’s first experience with college was through the college-themed classrooms at KIPP Raíces. “KIPP Raíces was getting us on the right track by naming the classrooms after colleges and sharing information about each college. Each year, we had a college cheer we learned. My favorite classroom was in first grade at Tulane.”

First College Experience In fifth grade, Alana’s class took a tour of San Diego State University and the University of California, San Diego. It was the first time she had ever been to a college campus or spoken to an admissions advisor, and it made her excited to learn more.

In third grade, Angel’s class started math groups, which he thought were fun, considering math is his favorite subject. “I helped others because once the lessons were taught, I remembered what to do.” Angel acted as a tutor for his classroom, helping other students both one-on-one and in small groups. After fourth grade, Angel attended Harvard-Westlake’s summer program.

College-Prep Experiences During the school year, a Houston KIPP alumna who had just graduated from Pepperdine University spoke to Alana and her peers. Hearing about her experience showed Alana that college was a real possibility. The older KIPPster gave her encouragement and showed her the importance of working hard.

For high school, Angel would like to attend Harvard-Westlake. When thinking about college and his future career, Angel wants to figure out what is the best choice for him. He has his eye on Ivy League schools and is focusing on academics now so that he has options in the future.

Aspirations At UC Irvine, Alana is majoring in Urban Studies with a minor in Management. Her goal is to get a Master's Degree in Urban Planning and Business and go into housing and community development both domestically and abroad.


Alana H. Alumna, KIPP Academy of Opportunity Alana is a member of the founding class at KIPP Academy of Opportunity. In 2011, she graduated from King Drew Medical Magnet in Inglewood. She is now a junior at the University of California, Irvine. Alana has worked with the Cross-Cultural Center in Diversity Programs, is a Black Retention Advisor, and is a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority. 14 \\ 2013 KIPP LA Schools Annual Report

2013 KIPP LA Schools Annual Report // 15

KIPP LA Schools 2013 API Comparison*

A Proven Track Record. results. Our schools consistently outperform their neighborhood schools by



Nowhere is it more apparent that KIPP LA is proving the possible than in our

KIPP LA Schools


wide margins, and if we were a district, KIPP LA would outperform LAUSD by over 130 points on the Academic Performance Index (API). We are humbled by the hard work of our students and teachers, who take such accomplishments from possibility to reality.


749 789





KIPP Empower Academy

KIPP LA Prep is the top-

KIPP LA elementary schools

is the top-performing

performing middle school

outperform 99 percent of

school in LAUSD.

in LAUSD for the third

all elementary schools

consecutive year.

in California.

*The API is a single number (ranging from a low of 200 to a high of 1,000) that reflects a school’s performance level based on the results of statewide testing in a given school year. Its purpose is to measure the academic performance and progress of schools. California’s established target is 800.

KIPP LA Schools Outperforms District and State % of Students Proficient/ Advanced

2013 California Standards TestS


65 40

English Language Arts






58 44


English Language Arts KIPP LA 4th Grade

16 \\ 2013 KIPP LA Schools Annual Report




KIPP LA 8th Grade

37 Math









2013 KIPP LA Schools Annual Report // 17

Investing for Impact Despite California's continued under-investment in schools, KIPP LA is

Expanding Our State Impact

providing an excellent education through strategic investment and effective

differences (2010) KIPP LA SchoolsPer-pupil 2013-18 expenditures, Growth adjusted for regional cost 8,831 Ranking* Vermont 18,924 1 //

Proving the Possible: The Next Five Years. just over 150 students to a region of nine schools serving nearly 4,000 students and alumni. By 2018, we will operate 17 schools and support nearly 9,000 students and alumni as they journey to and through college. Our ambitious growth is critical to ensure that more students in South and East Los Angeles receive the high quality


education they deserve. Ultimately, we strive to close the college completion gap that exists between low-income students and their peers from more affluent communities.

# of KIPP LA Schools


Elementary School Students Middle School Students

Massachusetts Ranked 13th $13,507 Per-pupil

California Ranked 49th $8,482 Per-pupil


Nevada Ranked 50th $8,419 Per-pupil


California 8,482 49 Nevada 8,419 50 Utah 7,042 2014-15 51 11

New York Ranked 4th $16,239 Per-pupil

New Jersey Ranked 5th $15,384 Per-pupil

13,507 13 //

Over the past ten years, KIPP LA has grown from two schools serving

distribution of resources.1


New York 6,307 16,239 4 New Jersey 15,384 5,038 5 //


Vermont Ranked 1st $18,924 Per-pupil

Utah Ranked 51st $7,042 Per-pupil

$7,042 Per-pupil # 51 Ranking * Per-pupil expenditures, adjusted for regional cost differences, 2010 ^ Data for 50 states and the District of Columbia EPE Research Center, 2013



Total Expenditures: $26,695,351

Total Revenue: $27,720,591







Alumni in High School Alumni in College

College Graduates

General Purpose Funding: $10,889,932

School-Based Personnel: $12,003,471

Other State Funding: $5,336,019

Supplies & Materials: $3,448,344

Federal Funding: $2,979,545

Support Center Personnel: $2,856,442

Private Funding: $7,840,820

Operational Expenses: $3,288,285

Other: $674,275

Occupancy: $2,898,809 KIPP Empower Academy Facility: $2,200,000

18 \\ 2013 KIPP LA Schools Annual Report

2013 KIPP LA Schools Annual Report // 19

$1,000,000 or more The Eli & Edythe Broad Foundation Martha & Bruce Karsh Jean & Lew Wolff

$100,000 or more Annenberg Foundation Bloomfield Family Foundation Leslie & Steve Carlson CEDAR Foundation Doris & Donald Fisher Fund Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Nancy & Howard Marks The Arthur Rock & Toni Rembe Elementary School Growth Fund The Walton Family Foundation

$50,000 or more

Join Us in Proving the Possible. Over the past ten years, countless individuals, companies, and charitable foundations have provided critical support to KIPP LA’s schools. We are grateful for our community of donors and supporters who have joined us in our growth plan to reach even more students and families. In order for KIPP LA to continue proving the possible in public education for another ten years and beyond, the support of the Los Angeles community will become increasingly important.

20 \\ 2013 KIPP LA Schools Annual Report

Canyon Partners | Beth & Josh Friedman The John W. Carson Foundation Joseph Drown Foundation ExED Lynn & Craig Jacobson The KIPP Foundation Betsy McLaughlin Pipkin Charitable Foundation Quest Foundation

$25,000 or more Marcia Aaron Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP CityBridge Foundation | Katherine Bradley Cassandra & Brad Grey HBO | Michael Lombardo McCammack Family Foundation Eileen & Robert O'Leary The Riordan Foundation Moira & Rajath Shourie Tacori Snyder Family Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation In Honor of Martha & Bruce Karsh | Wendy & Jay Wintrob

$10,000 or more 1011 Foundation | Bobby

Kotick Anonymous Andern Educational Research In Honor of Bruce, Martha, and Katie Karsh | Debbie & Mark Attanasio Kristen & Loren Bendele Jacob Bryant In Honor of Martha Karsh | Diann Kim & John Frank Good Universe | Joe Drake & Nathan Kahane William R. Kenan Charitable Trust

Sarajane & Zac Guevara Elisabeth Shue & Davis Guggenheim Lisa & George Hess In Honor of Eli Broad | Jean & Stephen Kaplan Kayne Foundation | Suzanne & Ric Kayne Latham & Watkins LLP In Honor of Martha Karsh | Susan & Scott Lord Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim Julie & Ken Moelis Nancy & Bruce Newberg Julie Kaufer & Frank Reddick Soros Fund Charitable Foundation Stone Family Foundation | Cindy & Sheldon Stone Jeff Strnad Vistamar School | Alicia Miñana & Robert Lovelace Lawrence Witzer

$5,000 or more Atlanthub LP Ambassador Frank & Kathy Baxter Ann B. and Thomas L. Friedman Family Foundation Bank of America Carl E. Wynn Foundation In Honor of Martha & Bruce Karsh | Susie & Peter Comisar In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Doris Fisher In Memory of Dr. Donald Lubin | Diann Kim & John Frank In Honor of Martha Karsh | Marc Gamsin Nancy & Jonathan Glaser The Kenneth T. & Eileen L. Norris Foundation Joan Velazquez & Joel Kozberg In Memory of Dr. Donald Lubin | Nancy & Howard Marks Frankie & Barry Sholem Silicon Valley Community Foundation Cynthia & John H. Smet Robin A. Ferracone & Stewart R. Smith Robert "Bobby" Turner

$1,000 or more Anonymous (2) Etmny Arias-Cornejo James L. Arnone In Memory of Dr. Donald Lubin | Eliot Bencuya Meghan & Randy Bishop Margaret & Grant Cambridge Shannon M. Murphy & Marc C. Castellani Aimee & Joe Cilic

In Honor of Marcia Aaron and the KIPP LA Team | Dan Clivner Rebecca Wolf DiBiase & Daniel R. DiBiase Diane & Kendall Bishop Family Foundation Dickstein Shapiro | Robert Dickerson Cindy & Philip Feder In Honor of John Fisher | Sakurako Fisher Heather Crossner & Adam Fletcher In Honor of Martha Karsh | Hillary & Russell Fogarty Margaret Guglielmo & Mike Gaines Nancy & Greg Geiser Terry & Todd Gilman Irwin Gold Helen & Scott Graves Hainer Foundation | Julie & Anders Hainer Donald & Adele Hall Priscilla & Jamie Halper Cindy W. & David A. Hoag In Memory of Dr. Donald Lubin | Rena & Scott Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hofmann Nathan Howard Andrea & Lee Hutter Martin Jacobs In Memory of Dr. Donald Lubin | Joe Kessel In Honor of Martha & Bruce Karsh | Lily Tartikoff & Bruce Karatz In Honor of Martha Karsh | Jeffrey Karsh In Honor of Martha & Bruce Karsh | Janine & Richard Kolodny Kolodny & Anteau Adrienne LaFrenais Laidig Family Foundation | Joan Laidig Lamonica's Pizza Dough Company, Inc. | John Lamonica Heidi & Richard Landers Pamela & Ron Mass George Mihlsten Todd Molz Jane Jelenko & Judge William A. Norris Precision Event Group, Inc. | Jason Wanderer William Rothbard Alex Rubalcava Crystal & Chris Sacca Thomas Safran Ellen & Richard Sandler Mia & Mark Silverman Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP & Affiliates UTA Foundation Tari & Gary Weiss In Honor of David Bonderman | Wendy & Jay Wintrob

$500 or more Anonymous In Honor of Mary Alice Haney & Tom Davidov | Anonymous In Honor of Eli Broad | Deborah Kanter & David Bartis Jim Blechman Angelika & Bryan Bowles California Community Foundation | Terri Mosqueda Tycho Services, Inc. | Raj Chhina Robert F. Cipriano In Honor of Chet Pipkin | Riddhish Dubal James M. Filar, Jr. Judy Burns Fishman & Arnold Fishman In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Harriet & Richard Gold Karen Eshoo & John Hughes Pam & Kirk Jensen E.J. Kavounas In Honor of Martha Karsh | Judith & George Kieffer In Memory of Dr. Donald Lubin | The KIPP Foundation Chi Kim In Memory of Dr. Donald Lubin | Janine & Richard Kolodny Houlihan Lokey In Memory of David H. Karsh | Phyllis & David Lapin Sheryl & Jonathan Layne Matthew Louchheim Irving Margol Tiffany Markarian In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Suzanne J. Marks In Memory of Dr. Donald Lubin | George Mihlsten Loretta Mockler My Name My Story Foundation Carey Nachenberg Oppenheimer Brothers Foundation | Marti & Hamilton Oppenheimer Paul Rosenbaum Ellen & Mike Rosenberg Judy & Donald Simon Sarina Simon In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Dione & Joseph Smith Michael Sorensen Tishman Speyer Paul Tacorian Gail Title Avram Klein & Carol Turner Julie & Mike Wright

Champion Supporters Hall of Fame* KIPP LA Schools is pleased to honor our champion supporters who have been instrumental in fueling our growth since 2008. $20,000,000 or More Martha & Bruce Karsh $15,000,000 or More The Eli & Edythe Broad Foundation $5,000,000 OR MORE Charter School Growth Fund $3,000,000 OR MORE Doris & Donald Fisher Fund $1,000,000 OR MORE Otis Booth Foundation CEDAR Foundation

Nancy & Howard Marks The Walton Family Foundation Jean & Lew Wolff $500,000 OR MORE Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Moira & Rajath Shourie $250,000 OR MORE The Ahmanson Foundation Anonymous Bloomfield Family Foundation Leslie & Steve Carlson Joseph Drown Foundation

ExED Erika J. Glazer Family Foundation The Goldhirsh Foundation W.M. Keck Foundation The KIPP Foundation RGK Foundation Weingart Foundation $100,000 OR MORE Marcia Aaron Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP Annenberg Foundation Kristen & Loren Bendele

John W. Carson Foundation Canyon Partners | Beth & Josh Friedman Michael & Susan Dell Foundation The Eisner Foundation The Mayer & Morris Kaplan Family Foundation McCammack Family Foundation The Morgridge Family Foundation The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Quest Foundation Julie Kaufer & Frank Reddick The Arthur Rock & Toni Rembe Elementary School Growth Fund

* Reflects gifts and pledges made to KIPP LA Schools from 2008 to present.

Up to $499 1BuckStrong Jennifer Acree Andrea Akens Dominique Akens Georgina Alaniz Kathleen & Kenneth Allen Barbara & Stephen Allen In Memory of Dr. Donald Lubin | Beth Jacobsen & Alicia Alonso Kate Anderson Anonymous (6) In Honor of Mary Alice Haney & Tom Davidov | Anonymous (2) Eyvett Arias Gregory Armbrister Vicenta Arrizon Katrina Ashley Cortney Baird BDI Events | Melanie Marconi Rebecca Bendel Yasmin Best Suzanne & Frank Binswanger Blackwell Construction | Gary Blackwell Elise Blinder Aviva Bobb In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Muriel Bodek BookEnds James Booth In Honor of Martha & Bruce Karsh | Irene & Yoni Boujo Lisa & David Boyle Debbie Breckenridge LaShawn Brinson Brokers World Wide | Michael Hastings Durrell Brown Evan Brown

Brenda Smoot & Patricia Brown Kimberly Buresh Jory Burton Eric Calaman In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Judith Carroll Miguel Castaneda Ledis Castillo Jamie Chan In Honor of Sharon Deprano | John Chan Carrie Chassin Kathryn Chib Debra Choi Mary Cilic In Honor of Mary Alice Haney & Tom Davidov | Mr. & Mrs. Matt Cobb Jessica Cohn Kate Collins In Honor of Dr. Donald Lubin | Scott Compton Cassie Cope Ann Marie Coppen In Memory of Hamada Zakim | Dawn Coraci Jonathan Dambek Kim Dammann Julie Davidson Medalla Dimapindan Jelena Dobic Sylvia Dunbar Sylvia & Daniel Dworsky Khalilah El-Amin Yasser El-Gamal Fake Empire Productions Alexa Faigen In Honor of Stacey Staples | Debra & Michael Faigen In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Linda "Rusty" Feldman Grace & Glenn Files Dawn & Chris Fleischner

In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Cornelia Frame Justin Fromm Johana Galvan Joe Garcia Micah Gauntner In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Gloria & William Gilbert Greg Goldstein Brenda Gomez Rochelle Goodman Clayton Green Judith Green Barbara & Richard Green In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Arthur Greenberg Kim Hamer Joan & Charles Harker Kathleen Hartry Jennie Herriot-Hatfield & Chris Hatfield Arianna Haut In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Myrna & Uri Herscher In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Patricia Rosenburg & Bernard Heuman Kristy Hirata Roberta Holland David Holmquist Alan Howie Sarah Hughes In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Janet & Stanley Imerman La Sandra Jackson Jamie Simons & John Jay Marcus Jonsson Lisa Jorgensen Katherine & Britt Joyce

In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Christine Karger Suzi Karnatz In Honor of Martha & Bruce Karsh | Daniel Kattan Kauffman Foundation The Keiter Family Foundation | Connie & Bud Keiter Janet Jordan & Elizabeth Kenney Maggie Dahn John Kim Stephanie & Josh Kinoshita Sallie Zemlin-Kisor & Robert Kisor Carlos Lanuza Law Offices of Alexandra Leichter | Alexandra Leichter Charlene Le Karen Lee Anne Marie Leos-Gomez Morton & Myriame Leviloff Jennifer & Douglas Levitt Erika Lieser In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Barbara Linhart Stephanie Liu Wei Liu Amy Llamas Adriana Lopez In Honor of Donald Simon, Corinne Krisel, Judy Simon, Claire Hammerman | Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim Cristina Lowry In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Gloria Lushing Susan & Ron Maehl Mariella Magaña David L. Magdol Denise Maggio Rex Malott

Riley Manke ProAmeríca Bank | Roberto Manzano Margaret Maraschino Bridget C. Martens Brian Martucci Elizabeth & Brian McCabe Laquala McKinley James McKone Jose Medina Gladys Mendez Huey B. Merchant Jerome Meyer Naomi Meyer Lee & Steve Miller Barbara Montini-Scollon Shani Moore Weatherby Dawn Mora Curtis Moss III Alejandra Murillo Joyce Nakashima Karen Nakashima Jan Nash In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Sherri & Arnold Nelson Sabina Netto Susan & Arthur Nissman Laura Oates In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Jane Oristano Cara Onofre Anthony Oronoz Anita Ortiz Florence & Joseph H. Parent Alaina Pariano Stanley Penner Victoria Person Matthew Peskay Kirsten Peterson Elizabeth Petrey Askew In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Nancy & Edward Phillips Ethan Pines

Platinum Auto Collision | Suiping Yeung Dr. Barbara Polland In Memory of Dr. Donald Lubin | Dr. Barbara Polland Margo Quiriconi Justin Radell Nicole Reeder Ashley Rehkemper Erin Rehkemper Tito Rivas In Honor of Jason Roche & MKS Gear | Phyllis, John, & Jason Roche Gema Rodriguez D'Anza Smith-Rodriguez & Oscar Rodriguez Jon Roepke In Memory of Dr. Donald Lubin | Judy & Kenny Rosenthal In Memory of Dr. Donald Lubin | Sally & Richard Rosenthal In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Dr. & Mrs. Paul Rudnick Lynn Russell Tina Sachs Liz Salem Anna Salinas Adelita & Donovan Sanchez Claudia Sandoval Kyle Salyer In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Judith & Carl Schlosberg Esther Schoenfeld In Honor of LA KIPPsters | Steven Schulman Megan Scott-Kakures Nathan Selikson Ashwin Shah In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Shirely Baskin Foundation | Shirley Familian

Rachael Shrout Terri & Michael Smooke Ann Sorgen Philip Spalding Paul Sprague Michele Stanghetti Stacey & Will Staples Cindy Stokes Marjorie & Mark Steinberg Maria Sturges Bonnie Sun Mckenzie Taylor In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Ruthie & Harold Tivol Julie To View Point School | Chad Tew Jeanette Vazquez Tiffany Vergara Brent Ward Vihlene Elaine Vukadinovich Jeff Wachtel In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. William S. Louchheim | Faega & M. Wallace, MD Erin Walsh Claudine Watt Gary Weinhouse Greg Weinstein Jason Williams David Woodard YPO - WPO Tara Wujcik Chelsea Zegarski

Reflects donations made between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013; includes in-kind donations.

2013 KIPP LA Schools Annual Report // 21

Join us in proving what’s possible in public education. Our Mission

Board of Directors

KIPP LA's mission is to teach the academic skills, foster the intellectual habits, and cultivate the character traits needed for our students to thrive in high school, college, and life.

Frank Reddick, Chair

Gregory McGinity

Partner, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

Senior Director of Policy, The Eli & Edythe Broad Foundation

Vice President, Sotheby’s International Realty

Jeremy K. Rogers

Through the success of our students, the KIPP LA team and family will serve as a model of excellence and collaborate with others to raise the quality of education in Los Angeles.

Marcia Aaron, Ex-Officio Member

Co-Founder & Principal, Montana Avenue Capital, LLC

Joe Cilic, Secretary

Executive Director, KIPP LA Schools

Alex Rubalcava

Loren Bendele

President, Rubalcava Capital Management


Jeffrey Strnad

Randy Bishop CEO, Verengo Solar

Founder & Principal, Beach House Design & Development

Marc Castellani

Rebecca Wolf DiBiase

Executive Director, JP Morgan Private Bank

Managing Director of Programs, The Eli & Edythe Broad Foundation

Zac Guevara Retired; Executive Vice President, Capital International Research, Inc.

Our Schools


KIPP Raíces Academy

Martha Karsh, Chair

Nancy Marks

Attorney; Co-Founder, Clark & Karsh

Portrait Artist & Author

KIPP Comienza Community Prep

KIPP Scholar Academy

Marcus Allen

Don McCammack

NFL Hall-of-Famer

Retired; Former President, Avis Rent a Car

KIPP Empower Academy

KIPP Sol Academy

Beth Friedman

Palmer Murray

KIPP Iluminar Academy

KIPP Academy of Innovation (opening in fall 2014)

Erika Glazer

KIPP Academy of Opportunity

KIPP Los Angeles College Preparatory School KIPP Philosophers Academy

Philanthropist Activist & Philanthropist

Cassandra Grey Brand Consultant & Entrepreneur

KIPP Vida Preparatory Academy (opening in fall 2014)

Lynn Jacobson Former Chair of the Board, Brentwood School

President & Co-Managing Partner, Lourd Capital Management

Judge William A. Norris Senior Counsel, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

Chet Pipkin President & CEO, Belkin International, Inc.

Moira Shourie

Richard Lovett

Former Board Member, Marquez Charter School

President, Creative Artists Agency

Blair H. Taylor Chief Community Officer, Starbucks

Contact Us 4800 E Cesar Chavez Avenue | Los Angeles, CA 90022 | 213-489-4461 P | 213-489-4471 F | |

G /kipplaschools | U @kipplaschools

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