Basta palet na candela na playa
Coronacion di Prins Willem-Alexander
lo costa shete miyon Euro
Exitoso biahe di promocion di Aruba Tourism Authority, Soul Beach Productions y Insel Air cu lo baytuma lugarnameina Aruba cutaSoul Beach Music Festival. Nos isla rumanCuraçao ya conoce e concepto di Soul Beach caba y mescoscu aña pasa, Insel Air -como aerolinea exclusivo di SBMF den e regio di Caribe- tin un charter di Curaçao y a expande su halananpapromove e evento na St. Maarten y Surinam tambe.Expectativa tapayena e cuponancutin destina pa e dos mercadonanaki. Insel Air lo baytahopi activo den e lunanancubin y lo baytin varios oferta paCuraçao, St.Maarten y Surinam.
Recientementerepresentante di Aruba Tourism Authority Sra. Amayra Boekhoudt, Soul Beach Productions Sr. Mark
Soul Beach Music Festival: Manera a wordo anAdkins y Sr.Karl Welch Surinam y Curaçao. uncia anteriormente, hunto cu represent- E biaheakitabatapa- e aña akiSoul Beach ante di Insel Air Sr. promove Aruba como Music Festival lo bayta Trevor Nisbeth a haci- destinacionturistico di 22 pa 26 di mei riba unbiahe di promo- como tambe papro- e beach banda di Nikcion pa St.Maarten, move e mega evento ky Beach y lo presen-
ta e mesun concepto di 5 dia di actividad paentretene e “Soul Beach Followers” y nos hendenan local. Durante dia lo baytin diferente “beachparties” naMoomba Beach y Baby Beach. Diabierna 24 di mei lo tumaluga e “comedynight” cue conocido “All-StarComedyheadliner” Sinbad, huntocu su “funky band” riba e scenariopaentretene tur e amantenan di “comedy”. Diasabra 25 di mei lo tin como artista principal e ganador di 3 GrammyAwardMotownRecordingArtistNE-YO cutin varios hit cuta zona na Aruba. Diadomingo 26 di mei lo cera cuD’Angelocu lo presenta su coleccion di musica dancepop y R&B. Tur dos artista lo presenta cu un banda completo cunanbailarinananpa duna tur presente un show unico.
Avion di Warda Costa a intercepta barco cu 500 kilo abordo Siman pasa, e avion Dash-8 di Marina Real a capta un accion riba laman di un transaccion di droga y a meld esaki na Warda Costa Americano, cu a bin mesora y a intercepta esakinan. prome Abordo, cu e tripulante a sink e boto a logra haya 500 kilo di
droga. E miembronan di tripulacion a keda aresta. Pa no strobe e investigacionnan no a publica esaki mas prome. E cooperacion entre Marina Real y “ Joint Interagency TaskForce South”, a logra dal e baho mundo duro atrobe cu e logro aki.
Coronacion di Prins Willem-Alexander
lo costa shete miyon Euro 30 di april awor, Prins Willem-Alexander lo wordo corona Rey di Hulanda, e expectativanan na Hulanda y nos den Reino ta uno masha grandi mes, debi na e hecho cu ta prome biaha cu nos generacionnan lo mira un Rey wordo corona, despues di mas di 100 a単a y pico. E ultimo Rey tabata Willem de Derde. Dia 30 di april awor, na Amsterdam, Hulanda lo celebra e coronacion aki cu un paseo di e famia Real completo den boto riba Ijsselmeer. Burgermeester di Amsterdam, Eberhard van der Laan a duna di conoce awe
mainta na medionan di communicacion na Hulanda na Amsterdam. E expectativa pa e dia aki ta uno masha grandi mes. Sigur Gobernador di Aruba Fredis Refunjol lo ta presente na Hulanda cu su distinguida esposa Claret. No ta conoci si Prome Ministro Eman y un delegacion lo ta bai ta presente tambe. Tampoco ta conoci si aki na nos isla lo ta bai ta un dia extra special debi na e coronacion historico aki.
Cu escolta bon arma a hiba fugitivo peligroso bek prison KIA
Despues cu e team di Aresto a drenta accion diamars marduga y logra captura e fugitivo peligroso Johannes Span Ospino a cuminsa e trabounan pa investiga unda
e tabata full e siman. Pasa di 10 or di mainta e van di transporta detenido di CEA, hunto cu e auto di K9 Unit y e van special di KIA cu urgencia y personalnan bon arma
a escolta e auto di transporta detenido di CEA pa prison KIA unda aki e fugitivo Johannes lo ta bek na KIA.
Dos boto a dal den otro riba lama
Riba lama na altura di Varadero, un accidente a tuma lugar entre dos boto cu a dal den otro y a solicita e Polis di Maritimo, cu a bin tuma declaracion di e suce-
dido. E polisnan a bin controla e da単o haci na e boto y aki a tuma declaracion for di ambos partido y no tabatin persona ningun herida.
Trahadornan di KIA a welga paso nan no ta accepta cu miembro di Management Team a agredi nan colega
Diamars mainta un grupo di cuidador di preso cu ta cay bou di e sindicato di TOPA a welga unda nan a mustra nan disgusto y no ta tolera e maltrato cu un di nan coelga a haya di parti di un personal di Management Team di KIA. A entrevista Sr. Rene Bernabela di sindicato TOPA y e la comenta cu e pasenshi di e trahadornan di KIA a
caba y dialuna TOPA tabatin un reunion cu Sr. Wijlenberg na Centro di Informacion na Balashi y a papia riba e topico di e miembro di Management Team cu a agredi un miembro di sindicato TOPA y riba e topico aki TOPA a kere cu lo bay yega un solucion satisfactorio riba esaki pero pa Sr. Rene Bernabela a resulta di un ba単o di awa frieu
unda a resulta cu e miembro di Management team a keda na pia di trabou y esun mes cu a keda agredi a keda manda cas. Ta resulta cu e trahador cu a keda agredi a haya un carta di parti di Gobierno caminda den e carta ta skirbi pa e situacion di KIA fria y restablece bek e por bin traha bek y ta pidiendo pa overplast e trahador aki pa un
otro departamento. Sr. Bernabela a bisa cu esaki ta kibra tur regla cu tin y locual cu conoce den ley di ambtenaar y esaki no ta aceptabel den e caso aki. Articulo 48 den e ley di LMA ningun momento a keda aplica pa tur dos trahador. Sr. Bernabela a bisa si a cuminsa cu un investigacion den bon marcha e ora ey ningun di e dos trahadornan no por ta na pia di trabou y no por ta asina cu un trahador cu ta miembro di TOPA bay cas y esun cu a causa e problema cu ta miembro di Management Team si a keda na pia di trabou. Na momento cu TOPA a informa Minister via e
KIA director di KIA Sr. Wijlenberg pa reuni cu e situacion aki unda diamars mainta mester a sinta cu Minister Dowers y na yegada na Bestuurskantoor, Sr Bernabela a keda informa cu ningun momento Minister Dowers ta wardando sindicato TOPA pa cu un reunion. Cu esaki diamars mainta sindicato TOPA a informa e trahadornan cu ta miembro di TOPA unda nan a haya cu awa a pasa hari単a y trahadornan di kia a bisa ta basta y aki a sali afo y riba dje a bin mas di 13 punto dilanti unda palca di overtime cu tin lunas cu no ta keda paga.
Ciclovia banda di lama tabata un exito pa prome biaha Durante di siman tras di lomba a tuma lugar e prome ciclovia banda di lama. E prome tabata na Baby Beach. Den un entrevista cu Minister di Deporte Richard Visser el a splica cu movecion y deporte ta e cosnan di mas importante pa nos salud. E mandatario a splica cu pa e motibo aki Gobierno ta organisa tur sorto di actividad pa stimula
movecion y deporte bou di nos hendenan. E personal si IBISA ta yuda cu guia den e aspecto aki y ta participa den e actividadnan pa duna e hendenan informacion encuanto dnan salud. Deporte y movecion ta bon pa hendenan di tur edad y pa e motibo aki ta purba na stimulaparticipacion di nos grandinan tambe. E plannan ta pa tur luna or-
Minister Dowers a reuni cu representantenan di TOPA
Diamars atardi Minister di Husticia y Ense単ansa, Arthur Dowers a reuni cu representantenan di sindicato TOPA, den representacion di empleadonan di KIA. E miembronan y dirigente di TOPA a presenta un lista di 13 punto di atencion, cual un pa un a wordo trata durante e reunion aki. Entre otro e trahadonan di Korrektie Instituut Aruba (KIA) a presenta nan preocupacionnan concerniendo nan posicion huridico y e infrastructura di e facilidad. Minister Dow6
ers a tuma nota di tur e puntonan y a bisa cu, entre otro, e lo bay atende cu e diferente departamentonan concerniendo e posibel solucionnan, incluyendo Directie Financien tocante e overtime di e empleadonan di KIA. A keda palabra cu diahuebs sindicato TOPA lo reuni cu e management team di KIA tocante e 13 puntonan di atencion pa wak con leu a yega y kico ta e siguiente pasonan cu mester y/of por tuma.
ganisa actividadnan deportivo y cada biaha lo ta na un otro localidad. Lo bai tin 9 evento riba diferente beach tur ron di nos isla y ademas di esaki lo bai tin diferente caminata y otro eventonan. IBISA tin un schedule traha pa full e anja caba, pues por check kico tin tur siman riba nan website pero tambe den medionan di comunicacion. Minister Richard Visser a
splica cu ta importante pa muchanan move sikiera un ora pa dia y adultonan mester tin un minimo di 150 minuut pa siman na movecion y esaki ta yuda hopi banda di tuma medicina y haci dieetnan. Importante ta pa mehora e calidad di bida. Ciclovia ta consisti di actividadnan gratis y ta pa henter famia.
10 tourbus nobo lo bin cu ruta exclusivo pa San Nicolas Minister di Turismo, Transporte y Labor Otmar Oduber a informa cu ya caba a tuma e decision cu lo duna permiso pa 10 tourbus nobo opera caminda cu nan lo tin e ruta exclusivo di San Nicolas. Por bisa cu e mandatario a comenta cu el a reuni cu San Nicolaas Business Aassociation y a tuma e decision aki mirando tur e proyectonan tumando lugar pa expande e fluho di tursimo pa San Nicolas. Mirando tur e atraccionnan cu tey caba na San Nicolas y mas aun mirando e Museo di Carnaval, Community Museum, Museo di Deporte, entre otro, cu ta bay habri pronto pariba di nos isla, Minister di Transporte a tuma e decision conhuntamente cu Gobierno di Aruba pa percura pa duna 10 permiso di TO (tour operator) -verguningen. Normalmente e tournan cu ta wordo organiza ta sigui e ruta cu ta sali for di waf na Playa y ta bay bishita Casibari, Ayo Rock Formation, Noord y Paradera, pero cu no ta cruza e frontera pa pasa den San Nicolas. E mandatario a indica cu ta bay designa 10 di e permisonan aki cu un ruta exclusivo pa San Nicolas pa asina saca e turistanan di crucero di dia of anochi pa hibanan pariba di nos isla. Atraves di e Fondo di Mehoracion di Producto Aruba, un biaha mas lo duna e sosten necesario na San Nicolas Business Association pa por adkiri, wanta, gara, brasa e 10 tour operators aki pa sigui bin cu turistanan pariba di nos isla, Minister Oduber a duna di conoce. Esaki ta wordo haci cu conviccion y mirando e reaccion cu tabatin cu e oficina di turismo. Awe esnan cu a cuestiona e pakico lo mester un oficina di Tursimo chikito na San Nicolas y si esaki ta wega politic a ripara cu e oficina chikito aki tabata un paso grandi pa duna informacion na e parti pariba di nos isla.
Ricibie tur atardi den bo inbox door di manda un email pa Of download nos app for di
E unico corant Arubano di atardi, obtenibel electronicamente tur caminda!
En el marco del Mes de la Patria El Consulado General de la República Dominicana celebra las festividades del 169 aniversario de Independencia Nacional junto al bicentenario del natalicio de Juan Pablo Duarte, por lo que felicita a la comunidad dominicana residentes en la isla de Aruba. El gesto se enmarca en las actividades conmemorativas que inicio este 27 de febrero con una ceremonia donde se co-
eva el nombre del fundador de la nación dominicana, ubicada en la calle Leeuwenhoek Straat esquina Hospital Straat, frente al Hospital Viejo, en Oranjestad, la capital de Aruba. Además de los miembros de la representación oficial dominicana en Aruba, al acto asistieron las autoridades consulares, las principales figuras del gobierno de la isla, el ministropresidente de Aruba,
locaron u n a ofrenda floral, que dejará formalmente iniciada las diferentes c e l ebraciones q u e t e n dremos por ser el Año del Bicentenario del Natalicio de Juan P a b l o Duarte, está pautada inic i o a las 9:30 de l a mañana, en la plaza que ll-
M i k e Eman y el excelentísimo gobernador Freddy Refunjol . La señora cónsul, Joseline Rosario de Rosa, dio un discurso central del acto donde resaltaron los valores patrios del pueblo dominicano y lo que signifi-
ca la gesta histórica que le proporcionó la libertad que hoy disfrutamos, gracias a la lucha de los hombres y mujeres, encabezados por
los padres de la patria, Juan Pablo Duarte Diez, Matías Ramón Mella y Francisco del Rosario Sánchez.
Homber di edad haya benta abou despues di a bebe basta pilder
Ayera mainta un persona pasando banda di Imeldahof a topa cu un homber benta abou pabou di e caminda y a baha wak pero a topa cu no ta reacionando mucho bon y a raporta na Polis. E patruya di Noord di biaha a yega wak e situacion di e homber di edad benta
banda di e yerbanan y a solicita ambulance cu maximo urgencia, pero a dura mas di 30 minuut pa yega na e sitio. Varios mirones a yega cerca. E homber aki lo a bebe algun pilder cu a ocasiona esaki. Ambulance a presenta despues di rato y a hiba e homber pa Eerstre Hulp.
Chauffeur a laga su auto Colorado total loss
Ayeranochi den e lorada skerpi di Calabas pa Jaburibari un accidente basta fuerte a keda registra. Un auto a dal frontal cu un mata di kwihi y e chauffeur a resulta herida. Polis di Noord y esnan di trafico a presenta cu urgencia na e sitio y topa cu un chevrolet colorado blanco mey mey di caminda y e chauffeur cu kap na cabes. A conta cu e la perde control pa via di un cacho preto cu a crusa su dilanti. E
auto a keda total los. Ningun persona no a kere e storia di e cacho preto cu e homber a menciona pa despues di algun rato un cacho preto cu bruin a yega na
e sitio y keda den bisindario di unda e accidente a tuma lugar. Personal di Ambulance a presenta y aki a hiba e victima pa Eerste Hulp.
Hugo Themen ta na Congreso Panamericano na Houston, Texas
Dia21pa24 di februari 2013 a tuma lugar na e Houston, Texas, USAe Congreso Panamericano di e FEDERACION PANAMRICANA DE LEVANTAMIENTO DE PESAS.Esaki a tuma lugar den e George R. Brown Convention Centerpega cu Hilton Hotel naunda tur e paisnan a hospeda. Pa Aruba a participa Sr. Hugo Themen como delegado. Na e congreso tabatatin 25pais presente cuta: Aruba, Argentina, Barbados, Brasil, Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Curacao, Estado Unidos, Ecuador, El Salvador, Chile, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras,Panama, Paraquay, Puerto Rico, Peru, Nicaragua, Republica Dominicana, Uruquay, Venezuela y Estado Unidos. For di Hungriatawata presente Sr. Tamás Aján Presidente di Internacional WeightliftingFederation y su
secretaria Sra. Eva Moska. Miembro di IWF Executive Board Sr. DragomirCioroslan for di Merca. Agenda di congreso ordinario di e Federacion Panamericano de Levantamiento de Pesas tabata lo siguiente: 1. Palabra di Bon Bini di Sr. William Ozuna Presidente di FPLP. 2. Lista di paisnan
presente 3. Informacion di Presidente, 4. Informacion-
di Secretario General, 5. Informacion di Secretario, 6. Informacion di Tesorero, 7. Informacion di Comité Tecnico, 8. Infomacion di
Ratificion di Miembronan di FPLP, 10. Caso Federacion de Lev. De Pesas de Ecuador,11. Revisar lo referido a la clasificación Panamericana y Centroamericana en Venezuela, 12. Congreso Eleccionario de la IWF, 13. Presentacion di Risto Sport, 14. Informacion de Panamericano Venezuela, 15. Informacion de Panamericano Peru, 16. Informacion de Panamericano Estados Unidos, 17. Informacion de Panamericano Mexico, 18.Presentacion de compañías de manufacturas de Barras Eleiko y Uesaka, 19, Varios, 20. Clausura. DiComité Medico, 9. Informa- rectiva di Aruba Amateur cion Comité Cientifico, 9. WeightliftingAssociationkier a gradici e Federacion de Levantamiento de Pesas di Estados Unidos y del Comité Olimpico de los Estados Unidos cu a paga tur gastonan di viaje y estadiapa tur delegadonan y ta tambe tamanda palabra di gradicimentonaSr. Hugo Themencu a participana e Congreso Panamericano de Levantamiento de Pesas
Yankees won’t pursue Johnny Damon CLEARWATER, Fla. -Forget about a Johnny Damon, Part II, happening in the Bronx this year. New York Yankees GM Brian Cashman put a pretty definitive "No" on the idea that Damon could serve as a short-term replacement for the injured Curtis Granderson on Tuesday, saying, "It's just not something we're going to pursue." Damon lobbied for the job on ESPN New York 98.7 FM's "The Michael Kay Show" on Monday, offering to play for the minimum major league salary.
"Have me for six weeks and send me on my merry way," Damon said. But Cashman dropped the hammer on that idea after the Yankees lost to the Phillies 4-3 on Tuesday afternoon. "He's just not going to fit our needs," Cashman said. "It's the same reason we didn't bring him in last year. We need somebody who can play the outfield every day." Cashman repeated he would try to fill the vacancy from within the organization, with veterans Matt Diaz and Juan Rivera and
possibly one of the kids: Melky Mesa, Zoilo Almonte, Ronnier Mustelier or Adonis Garcia. "We're going to evaluate what we have in camp," Cashman said. "I'm not looking outside at this stage. My first response, always, to a loss, is to make sure we don't have what we need right here in front of us." Cashman said he had not been contacted by Damon, but had received a text from Scott Boras inquiring about the Yankees' interest, if any, in his client.
"I responded to him the same way I responded to you guys," Cashman said. Damon came to the Yankees in 2006 after having been a member of a Boston Red Sox team that overcame an 0-3 deficit in the 2004 ALCS and went on to win its first World Series in 86 years. Damon, 39, batted .285 with 77 home runs in four seasons as a Yankee and his .364 batting average in the 2009 World Series was instrumental in the Yankees winning their 27th world championship. But he and the Yankees
parted ways that offseason. In the ensuing three seasons, Damon's batting average declined from .271 with the Detroit Tigers in 2010 to .261 with theTampa Bay Rays in 2011 to .222 with the Cleveland Indians, who released him midway through the 2012 season. He has been a part-time outfielder since 2009. "Listen, I love Johnny Damon," Cashman said. "He was a great Yankee, has a World Series ring to show for it, and it was a good marriage while we had it. But that was a while ago."
Mike Trout’s girth doesn’t faze boss TEMPE, Ariz. -- Mike Scioscia's daily media briefing Tuesday might as well have been sponsored by Jenny Craig. Los Angeles Angels center fielder Mike Trout, the 2012 American League Rookie of the Year and runner-up to Miguel Cabrera in the MVP race, weighed a reported 241 pounds upon arrival at spring training -- about 10 to 15 pounds heavier than last season. The increased bulk has earned Trout some jibes on Twitter and sparked some concern among fantasy owners that his speed
game might suffer as a result. It has also been a topic of discussion among bloggers and sports talk radio callers in Southern California. But his manager is unfazed. As Scioscia told reporters at Tempe Diablo Stadium on Tuesday morning, Trout's young body is still evolving. "He's 21 now, so the weight is not a concern,'' Scioscia said. "You don't know how much a body is going to fill out. He's running great. He feels great. He's not too far from where he played last year. Every-
thing he has is muscle. His body [composition] is still terrific, from what the trainers tell me. "If a player is 28 and he comes in a little heavier, it's probably more of a concern. These young kids in our lineup are still growing -- particularly the kids from Latin America. They'll start to fill out quicker because of diets and strength and conditioning.'' Trout addressed the issue during his introductory news conference with teammates Josh Hamilton and Albert Pujols on Valen-
tine's Day. He said he typically loses 5-10 pounds in spring training, so he made it a point to come to camp a little heavier. "I know where I need to be to start the year,'' Trout said. Trout will be a pivotal player in the Angels' bid to rebound from a disappointing season and make the playoffs. Last year, despite adding Pujols to the lineup through free agency, the Angels started 7-15 and never fully recovered. They finished third in the AL West at 89-73 and fell short of the postseason.
Trout hit .326 with 30 homers, 129 runs scored, 49 stolen bases in 54 attempts and a 10.7 wins above replacement despite getting off to a slow start because of illness and injury. He dealt with a bout of shoulder tendinitis and a virus that sapped him physically for much of spring training. "Mike had this viral thing and he was 20 pounds lighter. I wish some of us could get it,'' Scioscia joked. "I'd take that 20-pound virus for a couple of days. But it hasn't come around my way yet.''
LeBron James has 40 points, 16 assists as Heat win 12th straight MIAMI -- Heat coach Erik Spoelstra summed up the efforts of LeBron James and Dwyane Wade in three words: "Video game numbers," he said. Both put up monster stat lines. And Miami needed them. James scored 40 points and added a career-high 16 assists, Wade had 39 points, and the Heat pushed their winning streak to 12 games by outlasting the Sacramento Kings 141129 in double overtime on Tuesday night. "Some great stat lines tonight," James said. "But I'm happy I was able to do what I did and help our team win." Great stat lines might be calling it an understatement. Consider: • A season high in scoring for James, who capped off the best shooting month of his career. • A season high in scoring for Wade, who tied a career best with 19 field goals. • A 36-point night for the Kings' Marcus Thornton, the most by any non-starter in the NBA this season. • The 141 points tied a Heat franchise record, set in 1991. • Add James' assists to the mix, and he put up the NBA's first night of at least 40 points and 16 assists since April 1994. The man who did it then? None other than Phoenix guard Kevin Johnson, now, ironically enough, the mayor of Sacramento. And for February, James finished 139 for 217 from the floor, that 64.1 percent clip the best of his career for any month. "It was a great atmosphere," said Thornton, who made 11-of-18 shots, including 8 of 12 from
3-point range. "To be able to take that team to two overtimes just shows the testament of us growing. A team like that -- championship team -- they play great together. Obviously, I hate losing but it was a great effort by us." Ray Allen added 21, Chris Bosh finished with 15 and Chris Andersen had 10 for the Heat, who remained six games clear of secondplace Indiana in the Eastern Conference standings. Miami's 12-game winning streak is the longest in the NBA and matches the second-longest in franchise history. Tyreke Evans scored 26 points for Sacramento.DeMarcus Cousins finished with 24 points and 15 rebounds, John Salmons added 15 and Isaiah Thomas 14 for the Kings, who lost their sixth straight. "They've got a couple of guys that can turn the notch up pretty quickly," Kings coach Keith Smart said. "LeBron and Dwyane played an incredible game. It took a Superman-type game from both of those guys." Smart said before the game that sometimes "great teams get a little bored with the regular season and they need something to get them going." The Heat didn't seem to be bored by the second overtime. After a late non-call that James wanted, he simply seemed mad. James scored inside to open the second extra session, yelling "and one" at referees as his way of insisting he was fouled as well. But after one sensational sequence, the game was pretty much sealed. Thornton had a chance to
give the Kings the lead after a Heat turnover, but his shot at the rim was blocked by Wade, who came down and set up James for a 3-pointer -- a five-point swing, in essence, and the Heat had a 131-127 lead. James scored again, then added two free throws and found Bosh for a dunk and 10-point lead with 1:29 remaining. "It's tough but this is a loss I consider a good loss," Cousins said. "Our effort tonight was incredible. We come out and play like that every night, we can beat a lot of teams." Sacramento fell to 1-17 against Miami since March 2004. James was perfect in the second overtime: 3-for3 from the field, 4-for-4 from the line. He had more points (11-5), rebounds (30), and assists (3-1) in the final five minutes than the Kings had combined. "No matter what their record is, they made plays just like us. They gave everything they had and more," James said. The Heat missed key free throws late in both regulation and the first overtime -- Wade missing a pair with 21 seconds left in the
fourth, and James missed one of two with 29.3 seconds left in the opening extra session. Those two free throws were the only ones Wade was awarded all night. "I knew we came out a little flat and they came out so free," Wade said. "So I told myself to be a little aggressive and kept us afloat a little bit. And in the overtime, LeBron got going a little bit. We kept going to him and he delivered." In the first OT, the Kings had a chance for the late lead and potentially the win, but Thomas had a layup blocked by Bosh, and Allen grabbed the rebound for the Heat with 5.7 seconds left. Miami put the ball in Wade's hands, and he found James near the basket. James' shot missed, and he complained he was fouled by Salmons on the attempt. Referees disagreed with that, but after a lengthy review to determine possession, they awarded Miami the ball with 0.4 seconds remaining. It was much ado for nothing, as Bosh's shot sailed long and the teams went to double overtime. The game was tied at 92
midway through the fourth before Wade -- with six points and an assist -- led a 13-4 run that looked like it would give Miami breathing room. Miami was up 10596, and still led 112-104 when James scored with 1:40 remaining. Sacramento roared back, scoring the final eight points of regulation. Thornton hit a pair of 3-pointers, the second coming with 23 seconds left to get the Kings within 112-110. And after Wade missed a pair of free throws, Cousins grabbed an offensive rebound and laid it back with 8.5 seconds remaining to knot the game at 112-all. Out of a timeout, the Heat went to Wade, whose stepback 20-footer bounced off the rim as time expired, sending it to overtime. They were just getting started. And when it was over, the Heat streak survived. "We're coming together," James said. "We're doing it the right way. We're executing offensively. We're sharing the ball. And we're not getting rattled. We've been in some crazy games. We just stay the course and figure out a way to get the victory."
Expansion di General Aviation y facilidad di screening di maleta ta importancia pa desaroyo di nos aeropuerto y turismo Minister Otmar Oduber durante presentacion di e dos proyectonan nobo na Aeropuerto Interncional di Aruba, a duna di conoce cu hopi biaha tabata para na aeropuerto y tabatin hopi embeyecimento, hopi factor di loke ta haci di nos aeropuerto uno mas servicial, den un ambiente hopi mas colorido caminda tur gates tin pantaya y balinan nobo, lo cual ta contribui na un producto di un calidad hopi mas halto. Di otro banda, tin e proyectonan cu a wordo inaugura diamars mainta, cual ta di sumo importancia tambe pa desaroyo di nos aeropuerto y nos isla. Esaki mirando cu maneho di Gabinete Mike Eman, atraves di entre otro Minister di Transporte Otmar Oduber, ta pa nos isla bira un hub, lo cual ta haci cu funcionamento por ta mas eficaz den nos region. “Maneho cu tabatin pa cu aerolineanan, manera Insel Air, Tiara Air, den
futuro Aruba Airlines tambe y otronan ta pa nan por funciona y usa Aruba como un hub. Mi ta kere cu e inversion cu a wordo haci di mas o menos 1 miyon Florin, pa e facilidad di screening di maleta, ta crea servicio na e usuario cu no tin nodo di piki maleta dos biaha, por atrae mas tanto di e tipo di negoshinan aki pa aeropuerto di Aruba”, Minister Otmar Oduber a duna di conoce. Pa loke ta trata e di dos proyecto, e mandatario a duna di conoce cu un di e manehonan cu a wordo estableci desde 2009 tabata pa mira Aruba crece pa loke ta trata e servicio di charter, particularmente for di Venezuela. E tempo ey tabatin e restriccionnan di Gobierno Venezolano cu no tabata permiti e vuelonan aki y cu a conduci cu na 2009 Aruba a perde mas cu 5 mil stul. Cu insistencia na 2010 a logra bolter e pensamento cu tabatin pa cu Aruba, mercado di
charter a habri bek for di Venezuela. “Awe, e proyecto aki tabata un consecuencia natural di dje. Para pa mira un expansion di un aeropuerto cu cada biaha cu tin Semana Santa of un puente na Venezuela nos ta core bin akinan pasobra sea nan ta cera nos aeropuerto, contra nos boluntad tin biaha, tin biaha nos mes ta cerele pa motibo di e trafico pisa. Pami awe ta un alegria di mira un inversion di casi 20 miyon Florin cu ta wordo haci cu forza propio di aeropuerto di Aruba, pa expansion di algo cu Gobierno tambe ta haya hopi importante, cu a conoce un desaroyo sumamente positivo y cu a conduci tambe como cifran-
an di Venezuela en particular di riba 28% den ultimo 2 aña y mey”, Minister Oduber a expresa. E expansion aki lo trese cune cu lo bay tin un total di 25 posicion adicional na e parti zuid di aeopuerto pa avionnan por para, lo cual ta un adelanto hopi grandi pa loke ta trata General Aviation, specialmente den e periodonan druk. Intencion awor aki ta pa bay Brasil y otro mercadonan pa usa Aruba como un puente pa nos isla gana cune. “Mas avion y avioneta yega Aruba ta significa cu mas turista nos tin cu ta contribui na nos pilar economico”, Minister Otmar Oduber a duna di conoce.
Resultado di e di dos ‘Gran Dictado di Papiamento’
Diasabra 23 di februari 2013 a tuma luga e di dos ‘Gran Dictado di Papiamento’ na Cas di Cultura. A cuminsa cu actividad aki aña pasa y e aña aki cu a keda proclama Aña di Papiamento no por a laga e actividad aki un banda. Comision Aña di Papiamento cu sosten di Departamento diCultura, Departamento di Enseñansa Aruba, Grupo di Corector Papiamento y Fundacion Lanta Papiamento a uni un biaha mas pa realisa e magno evento aki. Minister di Economia, Asunto Social y Cultura Sra. HooyboerWinklaar a habri e anochi aki den e sala di exposicion di Cas di Cultura saludando tur e participantenan y deseando nan hopi exito cu e dictado.
Despues a sigui e dictado den e sala di exposicion yena cu participante. Esaki a demostra cu tin un interes grandi pa nos idioma Papiamento. E aña aki 56 persona a tuma e reto di participa na e dictado cual riba su mes no tabata nada facil. Participante di varios nacionalidad y hende di tur edad cuminsando for di 10 aña, a midi nan conocemento di skirbi un bon Papiamento den 6 frase pica. E aña aki e autor Quito Nicolaas a skirbi e texto di e dictado y Ramon Todd Dandaré a tuma na su encargo pa lesa esaki. Por a nota con e participantenan tabata den un tension y concentracion completo pa haci nan maximo esfuerso pa sobresali den e competencia
aki. E publico presente den e sala grandi tambe por a sigui e dictado den e sala grandi como cu Cas di Cultura a percura pa imagen riba un pantaya grandi y zonido for di e sala chikito. Mientras un team di docente, trahado di Departamento di Enseñansa y corectordi Papiamento tabata haci e trabou di coreccion di e dictado, e programa a sigui den sala grandi. E artista hoben Eleen Rasmijn compaña pa Siegfried Harms a presenta un poesia ritmico cu yama “ Papiamento” compaña pa Taissia Aileine (baile) Luis Fernando Restrepo (pintura) y Germine Acosta (teatro); tur esaki bou di encargo di Jhon Freddy Montoya. Rachel Kraaijvanger a deleita e publico cu su bunita canto na Papiamento. Osvaldo Correa tambe a presenta e obra ‘Regla cuenta’ cu cual el a gana aña pasa den Arte di Palabra. Despues a sigui presentacion di un buki nobo di Sr. Napoleon ‘Poy’ Wester. E obra ta titula ‘Recuerdonan pa keda’ y e ta trata un compilacion di varios obra di Sr. Napoleon ‘Poy’ Wester. Poy a haya inspiracion pa com-
pone poema riba celebracion di fecha natal di su coleganan como recuerdo. Despues el a cuminsa haya peticion pa skirbi pa otro evento tambe, p.e. Dia di Tata, Dia di Mama, terminacion di trabou, reconocimento di calidad, Siman di Housekeeping. Dia di Himno y Bandera, mensahe di Pasco y Aña Nobo y pa varios encuentro chistoso cu e bishitantenan. Tambe Poy a skirbi pa recorda algun difunto. Prome cu a anuncia esnan cu a gana den e competencia di dictado, Ramon Todd Dandaré a trata hunto cu e participantenan y publico presente e frasenan di dictado. Despues a anuncia e ganadonan di e di dos “Gran Dictado di Papiamento”: na di tres luga a keda Sr. Angelo Angela, na di dos luga Sr. Frank Williams y na prome luga Sra. Mayra de Graaff, cu por cierto aña pasa caba tawata den e ganadonan. Masha masha pabien na tur esnan cu a participa y tambe na e ganadonan. E comision organisado ta spera cu otro aña tur e participantenan di e aña aki lo participa atrobe y cu mas hende mas hende lo tuma e reto di participa.
Entrada hudicial na Seru Papaya
Awe den oranan di mardu- bitante lo ta meti den cosga Team Policial a haci un nan ilicito y a hibe warda pa entrada hudicial na Seru sigui cu e investigacion. Papaya. Nan a drenta e cas ya cu ta sospecha cu e ha-
Caso di hogamento na Mambo Beach
Hendenan cant’I lama a descubri un curpa ta drief den lama y a notifica polis di biaha. E curpa tabata 14
drief na altura di Mambo Beach y hendenan presente a purba di trece e curpa tera. Segun prome infor-
menan ricibi, e victim lo a haci mas investigacion y a bula for di un flote y algo a constata cu e victima ta di bai malo y el a fayece. TOD nacionalidad Jamaikino tabata na e sitio pa asina
Burico no ta dal dos biaha den e mesun baranca
Ora bo ta di malo, asta papel muha ta cortabo. Dialuna den oranan di atardi un accidente a tuma luga entre un auto di famia y un jeep na altura di Ser’I Loraweg pega cu Makrostore. E accidente tabatin basta daùo material y CRS mester a atende cu esaki. Remarcabel den e accidente aki ta cu e Jeep, ora cu nan a caba di regal nan asuntonan, a subi
caya bek y ni dos minuut despues a bolbe hay’e envolvi den un accidente cu un otro auto di famia cu no a spera cu e Jeep lo subi caminda. E auto di famia a perde control y bai dal riba un palo di luz. A pidi asistencia di ambulance pa dos dama cu a keda herida y tabatin mester di asistencia medico
Papa Benedicto 16 ta admiti cu ta tin momento duro
Mayan Papa Benedicto 16 ta baha oficialmente y lo mester bai escohe un Papa nobo, pa sigui dirigi e catoliconan na Roma y rond mundo. “ Cosnan tabata turbulent, hopi biento fuerte y
momentonan duro,� Papa Benedicto 16 a duna di conoce awe. Miles di fielnan a aclomera awe na e Plaza San Basilico na Roma, Italia pa despedi di Papa.
Desde awe Miami ta conta cu dos FiveStar Resorts
E prestigioso Forbes Travel Guide Annual Star Awards a subi e categoria di dos resort na Miami, Florida, di categoria cuater pa cinco. Nan ta Madarin Oriental na Brickell y Acqualina Resorts na Sunny Isle Beach
Un billionario di Australia lo construi un replica di Titanic
E billionario di Australia, Clive Palmer a dicidi cu eta bai traha un replica di e barco crucero Titanic, solamente elo aĂąadi mas boto di salbabida. Tur cos lo ta identico na esun prome cu 16
a sink na 1912 y na unda 1502 pasahero a perde nan bida den awanan di ijs. E costo pa construe Titanic dos, lo tau no astronomico, pero e billionario no ta fija riba e costo, esei lo ta di
menos, segun Clive Palmer ta nabegando riba lama na a indica. Si tur cos bai bon 2016. e replica di Titanic aki lo