Financial statement 2011

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AWEPA Financial Report 2011

Production Notes Text AWEPA Staff Editing Martin Smeding, Erick Hoekzema, Theo Kralt, Alizia Kamani Photos AWEPA Staff, Mr. Krzysztof Białoskórski Auditors Stolwijk Chartered Accountants and Tax Consultants Design/Layout Alizia Kamani Printing Keizer en van Straten AWEPA International Prins Hendrikkade 48-G 1012 AC Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel +31 20 5245678 Fax +31 20 6220130 ©AWEPA 2012

Cover Photos Top: Meeting of the AWEPA Partnership Council in Midrand, South Africa, November 2011 Bottom: MPs exchanged views on the practice of FGM/C with villagers in Filli in the municipality of Ouahihouya, Burkina Faso

Contents Acronyms


Message from the Chief Administrative Officer Endorsement of AWEPA Governing Council Independent Auditor’s Report


Note A: Accounting Principles




Note B: Balance Sheet as of 31 December 2011


Note C: Statement of Income and Expenditure 2011


Note D: Explanatory Notes of Balance Sheet as of 31 December 2011 13 Note E: Explanatory Notes of Income Account 2011


Explanatory Notes of Expenditure Account 2011


Overview of Activities 2011 Donors 2011



AWEPA Management Team and President at the Dublin Donor Forum, May 2010. Back Row L-R: Dr. Jeff Balch, Director Research and Evaluation; Mr. John McKendy, Director Programme Development; Mr. Theo Kralt, Chief Administrative Officer. Front Row L-R: Ms. Marion Verweij, Head of President’s Office and Communications Department; Minister of State Ms. Miet Smet, President of AWEPA; Ms. Jessica Longwe, Director Partner Relations; Ms. Geertje Hollenberg, Deputy Director.

Acronyms ADA

Austrian Development Agency


Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa


Amsterdam Institute for International Development


Association of European Parliamentarians with Africa


Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs


United Nations Office in Burundi


Chief Administrative Officer


Monetary and Economic Community of Central Africa - Parliament


Deepening Democracy Programme


Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs


East African Legislative Assembly


Economic Community Of West African States - Parliament


European Foundation for Quality Management


European Union


Foreign and Commonwealth Office (United Kingdom)


Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (Germany)


Information and Communications Technology


Millennium Development Goals


Mobilising Parliaments for NEPAD


Members of Parliament


Nationale Commissie voor internationale samenwerking en Duurzame Ontwikkeling


New Partnership for Africa’s Development


Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation


Official Development Assistance


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development


Pan-African Parliament


Network of Women Parliamentarians of Central Africa


Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum


South Africa Provincial Legislatures


Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation


Swedish International Development Agency


South Sudan National Legislative Assembly


United Nations Development Programme


United Nations Population Fund


United Nations Children’s Fund


Working Party on Aid Effectiveness

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AWEPA Financial Report 2011

Message from the Chief Administrative Officer A Year in Reflection 2011 was a challenging year as the impacts of the European financial crisis were felt across the development sector. Reduced financial resources and economic insecurity led many organisations to re-evaluate budgets, administration and expenditures. With the support of our Members and hardworking staff, AWEPA succeeded in renewing funding from past donors and establishing new funding and partnerships, giving us renewed hope and motivation to continue our mission of strengthening democracy in Africa. The following financial summary indicates that in 2011 AWEPA has seen financial growth and has concurrently placed considerable effort in increasing its specific project expenses while decreasing its overhead. Within the programmes and contracts the coverage of basic costs is under pressure. 2011





Expenditure: Specific Project Expenses Basic Project Expenses

€6.066.629 €2.216.627

€4.962.248 €2.416.761

With a result of € 6.441 total financial reserves have more or less remained the same. Donor Forum Recommendations In early 2011, with the liquidity crisis on the horizon, AWEPA turned its focus towards meeting the recommendations which evolved out of the 2010 Donor Forum. The recommendations called for more financial transparency, multi-annual funding, a renewed strategic vision, and the harmonization of donor requirements. Although most of the recommendations were met with success, harmonizing donor requirements will take longer to achieve.

We’re “Committed to Excellence”! Increasing the quality of our work, as well as streamlining internal procedures, was a major goal for AWEPA in 2011. Working alongside with the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), the organisation concentrated on the following areas: 1. A new Strategic Vision 2012 - 2016 2. A new Management Overview 3. A new Human Resource Policy The AWEPA Strategic Vision 2012 – 2016 was discussed with the African Partners (composed of representatives from regional parliaments in Africa) during the Partnership Council meetings held in 2010 in Brussels and again in 2011 in Midrand, South Africa. On 3 February 2012 the AWEPA Executive Committee approved the new Strategic Vision. To view the Strategy Vision please visit AWEPA was awarded with the ‘Committed to Excellence’ validation in November 2011 after careful assessment of these three projects by EFQM officers. Africanisation For some years AWEPA has pursued a policy of Africanisation. AWEPA has offices in Cape Town, Maputo, Kinshasa, Bujumbura, Kigali, Arusha, Kampala, Nairobi and Juba, with a total of 35 staff who are employed to implement national, bilateral and regional programmes. In addition to the local offices, the Amsterdam and Brussels offices operate the cross-cutting thematic programmes in close cooperation with the colleagues in the African offices. On behalf of AWEPA, I would like to thank all our donors for their constant support of our important work, and to our partners and staff for their continued dedication to the mission of AWEPA to promote parliamentary democracy in Africa.

Mr. Theo Kralt, MSc Chief Administrative Officer

AWEPA Financial Report 2011

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Endorsement of AWEPA Governing Council

19 July 2012, Amsterdam To the AWEPA Governing Council Members Subject: Financial Statement 2011, Association AWEPA Dear Governing Council Members, I, the undersigned Ms. Katherine Bulbulia, discussed the AWEPA Financial Statement 2011 and additional documents with Mr. Theo Kralt, CAO of AWEPA. The 2011 Financial Statement has been audited by Mr. J.C.A. Lemkes, RA (Chartered Accountant) of Stolwijk Registered Accountants and Tax Advisors. On 3 July 2012, the audit was discussed with AWEPA’s President Minister of State Ms. Miet Smet, AWEPA’s CAO and Senior Financial Officer. The figures showed that the total income of 2011 amounted to €8.327.073, an increase of €992.649 from 2010. The 2011 year closed with a €6.441 gain. Total financial reserves have more or less remained the same. Based on the financial information presented in consultation with Mr. Kralt, I, the undersigned, am fully satisfied that the 2011 financial figures are in order and advise the AWEPA Governing Council members to submit their approval. Kind regards,

K. Bulbulia AWEPA Governing Council Member

2011 AWEPA Governing Council at the Polish Presidency for the European Union Council Seminar on African Development Cooperation Strategies Towards the Millennium Development Goals - Lessons from the New EU Member States, Warsaw, July 2011 Page 8

AWEPA Financial Report 2011


To: Governing Council Members of Awepa We have audited the accompanying financial statement 2011 (notes A to E) of Association Awepa, Amsterdam, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2011, the state income and expenditure for the year then ended and the explanatory notes, comprising a summary of the accounting policies and other explanatory information. Management’s responsibility Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Netherlands. Furthermore management is responsible for such internal control as it determines is necessary to enable the preparation of the financial statement that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statement based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Dutch law, including the Dutch Standards on Auditing. This requires that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion with respect to the financial statements In our opinion, the financial statement gives a true and fair view of the financial position of Association Awepa as at December 31, 2011 and of the result for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Netherlands. De Meern, 19 July 2012

AWEPA Financial Report 2011

Page 9

Note A: Accounting Principles The following summary of accounting principles is intended as a guide to the correct interpretation of the financial statement Balance Sheet General Assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are translated in Euros at year-end exchange rates. Assets and liabilities are stated at nominal amount, unless otherwise mentioned. Fixed Assets Fixed assets are stated at purchase price, less depreciation on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of these assets, which are five years for furniture and three years for computers and vehicles. Grants and Sundry Receivables These amounts are shown at nominal value. Liquid Assets Liquid assets are included in the balance sheet at nominal value. Short-Term Liabilities These commitments display the owed liabilities within one year. Statement of Income and Expenditures General Income and grants and expenses are allocated to the period they relate to. Income and Grants These amounts are all related to the calendar year 2010 and to the project expenses made for that calendar year.

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AWEPA Financial Report 2011

Note B: Balance Sheet as of 31 December 2011 Note B

Balance Sheet as of 31 December 2011 Assets (in â‚Ź) 2011 Fixed Assets

2010 288.536


Currents Assets Grants receivable Sundry receivables

1.529.333 140.051

677.763 163.144 1.669.385


Liquid Assets Cash in hand Bank

95.106 862.984


16.774 1.523.522 958.090




Liabilities (in â‚Ź) 2011


Equity fund Association Fund Reserves for Special Purposes Investments & Depreciations Exchange differences Decentralisation fund ICT/Electronic Data Processing Programme development Organizational readjustment Short-Term Liabilities Amounts to be paid Taxes Grants received in advance


AWEPA Financial Report 2011

394.949 38.405 50.839 40.000 115.000 645.182 38.336 1.593.300




388.509 40.501 40.000 115.000 194.011 31.275 1.808.753




Page 11

Note C: Statement of Income and Expenditure 2011 Note C

Statement of Income and Expenditure

(in â‚Ź)



Income and Grants



Specific Project Expenses





Basic Project Expenses 1.583.652


Office expenses

Salaries and other staff expenses



Depreciation fixed assets



General expenses



Interest Extraordinary Profits and Losses Changes made to Reserves for Special Purposes


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AWEPA Financial Report 2011

Note D: Explanatory Notes of Balance SheetNote D Note D Explanatory Notes of Balance Sheet as of 31 December 2011 Explanatory Notes of Balance Sheet as of 31 December 2011 as of 31 December 2011 Assets (in â‚Ź) Assets (in â‚Ź)

Fixed Assets Fixedvalue Assets Book January 1

2011 2011

Book value January 1 year Investments during the Investments during the year Depreciation

2011 2011


2010 2010 70.000 70.000-


23.422 23.422 -

189.534 189.534 807.000

AIID Belgium Belgium DDP


807.000 55.109 55.109 163.215

DDP Danida Mozambique Danida DiakoniaMozambique Diakonia FCO FCO Flanders



163.215 66.177 66.177 60.229

48.09048.090 12.145

105.577 193 193 1.529.333

3.555 3.555 677.763

60.229 12.300 12.300 105.577

SIDA Various Various

179.150 179.150 145.208 145.208 87.763

87.763 250250236.845

250 288.536 288.536

Book value December 31

Currents Assets

2010 2010

181.335 129.394 129.394 250

Depreciation Correction investment Correction Book valueinvestment December 31

Currents Assets Grants Receivable Grants Receivable ADA

236.845 236.845 181.335

12.145 --



Deposits rent Interest Interest Office costs

17.550 17.550 5.882 5.882 52.229

16.341 16.341 3.853 3.853 15.671

Travel costs Insurance costs Insurance costs Suspense accounts African Offices

9.331 1.525 1.525 35.405

10.676 2.256 2.256 96.001

OtherSundry receivables Total Receivables Total Sundry Receivables

913140.051 140.051

1.464 163.144 163.144

General provision for bad debts General provision for bad debts Total Grants Receivable Total Grants Receivable


Sundry receivables Sundry Depositsreceivables rent

Office Rent costs Rent Travel costs

52.229 13.317 13.317 9.331

Suspense accounts Advances personnelAfrican Offices Advances personnel Other receivables

Liquid Assets

Liquid Assets Cash in Hand Cash in Hand Amsterdam

Amsterdam Foreign offices Foreign offices Total Cash in Hand Total Cash in Hand Bank Bank Bank Amsterdam office Bank office Bank Amsterdam foreign offices Bank foreign offices Total Bank Total Bank

Total Liquid Assets Total Liquid Assets

AWEPA Financial Report 2011


15.671 12.965 12.965 10.676

35.405 5.726 5.726 913-

2011 2011

96.001 3.916 3.916 1.464

2010 2010 2.100 2.100 93.006 93.006 95.106 95.106

1.676 1.676 15.098 15.098 16.774 16.774

401.168 401.168 461.816

593.467 593.467 930.055 930.055 1.523.522

461.816 862.984 862.984

958.090 958.090


1.540.296 1.540.296

Page 13

Liabilities Liabilities (in (in â‚Ź) â‚Ź) Equity Fund Equity Fund

Association fund Association fund Association fund January 1 Association fund January 1 Mutations reserves special purposes Mutations reserves special purposes Result Result Association fund December 31 Association fund December 31

2011 2011

2010 2010 388.509 388.509 6.441 6.441 394.949 394.949

97.562 97.562 242.723 242.723 48.223 48.223 388.509 388.509

Note: The addition to the Association fund is related to the adjustments of the following Reserves for special Note: The addition to the Association fund is related to the adjustments of the following Reserves for special purposes: Investments and Renovations, Decentralisation fund and Programme development. We evaluated the purposes: Investments and Renovations, Decentralisation fund and Programme development. We evaluated the necessity and purpose of the amounts this evaluation we concluded that at year-end 2010 these amounts in fact necessity and purpose of the amounts this evaluation we concluded that at year-end 2010 these amounts in fact were provided for in these Reserves for special purposes. Based on "General financial reserves" and therefore were provided for in these Reserves for special purposes. Based on "General financial reserves" and therefore taken into account in the Association fund taken into account in the Association fund

Reserves for Special Purposes Reserves for Special Purposes

Investments & Depreciations Investments & Depreciations Reserve January 1 Reserve January 1 Addition to equity Addition to equity Reserve December 31 Reserve December 31

2011 2011

2010 2010 38.405 38.405 38.405 38.405

130.000 130.000 130.000130.000-

Exchange Differences Exchange Differences Reserve January 1 Reserve January 1 Adjustments Adjustments Reserve December 31 Reserve December 31

40.501 40.501 10.338 10.338 50.839 50.839

45.186 45.186 4.6854.68540.501 40.501

Decentralisation Fund Decentralisation Fund Reserve January 1 Reserve January 1 Addition to equity Addition to equity Reserve December 31 Reserve December 31


77.723 77.723 77.72377.723-

40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000

40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000


35.000 35.000 35.00035.000-

115.000 115.000 115.000 115.000

175.000 175.000 60.00060.000115.000 115.000

ICT/Electronic Data Processing ICT/Electronic Data Processing Reserve January 1 Reserve January 1 Adjustments Adjustments Reserve December 31 Reserve December 31 Reserve Programme Development Reserve Programme Development Reserve January 1 Reserve January 1 Addition to equity Addition to equity Reserve December 31 Reserve December 31 Partial Organisational Development Partial Organisational Development Reserve January 1 Reserve January 1 Adjustments Adjustments Reserve December 31 Reserve December 31

Page 14

AWEPA Financial Report 2011

Short-Term Liabilities



Amounts to be paid Partner organization



Project expenses



Holiday allowance



Audit and advice





Staff costs Others Total Amounts to be Paid Taxes









Grants Received in Advance ADA Belgium Benin















Irish Aid



Luxemburg UNFPA



Netherlands total






SIDA Various



European Commission


Switzerland SDC






Others Total Grants Received in Advance

Total Short-Term Liabilities







Commitments Not Shown in the Balance Sheet: Obligations arising from rental agreements amount to â‚Ź130,000 a Commitments NotofShown in the Balance Obligations arising from rental agreements amount to â‚Ź 130,000,year; the duration the contracts differs Sheet: between 1 and 5 years. a year; the duration of the contracts differ between 1 and 5 years.

AWEPA Financial Report 2011

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Note E

Note E: Explanatory Notes of Income Account 2011 Explanatory Notes of Income Account 2011 (in €)

in € Grants

Explanatory Notes of Income Account 2011 (in €) 2011

Income and grants, spent in country/programme:


Note E




61.976 830.681 184.416 61.976 300.000 184.416 313.818 300.000 950.200 313.818 11.295 950.200 564.994 11.295 1.533.292 564.994 149.464 1.533.292 193.921 149.464 34.304 193.921 53.445 34.304 186.302 53.445 282.115 186.302 686.360 282.115 125.885 686.360 1.101.104 125.885 1.101.104 205.005 558.498 205.005 8.327.073

688.513 297.133 440.580 297.133 317.388 440.580 691.476 317.388 691.476 923.892 895.412 923.892 233.298 895.412 233.298 126.485 128.817 126.485 210.892 128.817 1.019.675 210.892 117.939 1.019.675 859.423 117.939 13.725 859.423 315.040 13.725 54.736 315.040 7.334.424









1.541.105 393.480 168.083 1.541.105 185.643 168.083 62.418 185.643 62.418 44.216 451.671 44.216 451.671 19.061 174.328 19.061 11.295 174.328 392.659 11.295 392.659 150.421 150.421 1.085.432 271.731 1.085.432 271.731 500.000 500.000 137.919 750.522 137.919 1.297.193 750.522 193.598 1.297.193 74.761 193.598 109.289 74.761 192.042 109.289 28.968 192.042 6.969 28.968 84.268 6.969 84.268 8.327.073

1.422.760 323.517 101.795 1.422.760 101.795 276.766 262.205 276.766 86.696 262.205 886.223 86.696 325.794 886.223 47.007 325.794 257.800 47.007 257.800 79.640 13.725 79.640 68.989 13.725 133.452 68.989 170.463 133.452 163.197 170.463 221.180 163.197 73.495 221.180 59.771 73.495 50.000 59.771 50.000 500.548 886.367 500.548 287.495 886.367 54.677 287.495 113.944 54.677 184.491 113.944 134.366 184.491 135.152 134.366 135.152 12.909 7.334.424-



Aid Effectiveness Income and grants, spent in country/programme: Benin Aid Effectiveness Burundi Benin Core funding Burundi Democratic Republic of Congo Core funding EALA - East African Legislative Assembly Democratic Republic of Congo Gender Programme EALA - East African Legislative Assembly Millenium Development Goals Programme Gender Programme Mozambique Millenium Development Goals Programme MPN - Mobilising Parliaments for NEPAD Mozambique PAP - Pan African Parliament MPN - Mobilising Parliaments for NEPAD Republique Congo PAP - Pan African Parliament RFPAC - Network Parliamentary Women Central Africa Republique Congo Rwanda RFPAC - Network Parliamentary Women Central Africa SAPL - South Africa Provincial Legislatures Rwanda Somalia SAPL - South Africa Provincial Legislatures Stability Pact Somalia Sudan Stability Pact TMF Africa Regional + Europe Sudan Uganda TMF Africa Regional + Europe Various Uganda Total Various

Income and grants received from:


Austria - ADA Income and grants received from: Belgium - Ministry of Foreign Affairs Austria - ADA Belgium - Flanders Belgium - Ministry of Foreign Affairs Denmark - Danida Belgium - Flanders Denmark - DDP Uganda Denmark - Danida Denmark - Danish Embassy Maputo Denmark - DDP Uganda Germany - GTZ Denmark - Danish Embassy Maputo European Commission - Nairobi Germany - GTZ European Commission - Khartoum European Commission - Nairobi Finland - Finnish Embassy Maputo European Commission - Khartoum Ireland - Irish Aid Finland - Finnish Embassy Maputo Luxembourg UNFPA Ireland - Irish Aid Netherlands - AIID Luxembourg UNFPA Netherlands - DGIS Netherlands - AIID Netherlands - Embassy Pretoria Netherlands - DGIS Netherlands - Embassy Nairobi Netherlands - Embassy Pretoria Netherlands - Embassy Khartoum Netherlands - Embassy Nairobi Netherlands- Min. of Foreign Affairs Netherlands - Embassy Khartoum Norway - Embassy Dar es Salaam Netherlands- Min. of Foreign Affairs Norway - Embassy Khartoum Norway - Embassy Dar es Salaam Norway - Embassy Maputo Norway - Embassy Khartoum Portugal - IPAD Norway - Embassy Maputo Spain Embassy Moz. Portugal - IPAD Sweden - Diakonia Spain Embassy Moz. Sweden - SIDA Sweden - Diakonia Sweden - Swedish Embassy Nairobi Sweden - SIDA Switzerland - SDC Sweden - Swedish Embassy Nairobi Switzerland - SAPL Switzerland - SDC United Kingdom - Foreign and Commonwealth Office Switzerland - SAPL United Kingdom - NRIL - Natural Resources Ltd. United Kingdom - Foreign and Commonwealth Office United Kingdom - AGRA United Kingdom - NRIL - Natural Resources Ltd. UNDP United Kingdom - AGRA Others UNDP Total Others

Total16 Page









AWEPA Financial Report 2011

Particulars of Expenditure Account 2011 2011 (in €) Specific Project Expenses

The following specification of the specific project expenses can be made: Project implementation and monitoring The following specification of the specific project expenses can be made: Experts consultants Specificand Project Expenses Project implementation and monitoring Facilities and The followingmaterials specification of the specific project expenses can be made: Experts and consultants Specific Project Accomodation, foodExpenses andand permonitoring diem Project implementation Facilities and materials The following specification of the specific project expenses can be made: Travel Experts and consultants in € Specific Project Accomodation, foodExpenses and per diem Project implementation andnarrative monitoring Publication, reporting Facilities andevaluation materials and Travel The following specification of the specific project expenses can be made: Experts consultants Administration and financial Specificand Project Accomodation, foodExpenses and perreporting diem Publication, evaluation and reporting Project implementation andnarrative monitoring Facilities and materials Salary and other Expenses of the specific project expenses can be made: Travel The following specification Administration and financial reporting Experts and consultants Accomodation, food and per diem reporting Office Publication, evaluation and narrative ProjectExpenses implementation and monitoring Salary and other Expenses Facilities and materials Other costs: Investment Parliamentary building Travel Administration and financial reporting Experts and consultants Office Expenses Accomodation, food and per diem Other costs: other Publication, evaluation and narrative reporting Salary and other Expenses Facilities and materials Other costs: Investment Parliamentary building Travel Total Administration and financial Office Expenses Accomodation, food and perreporting diem Other costs: other Publication, evaluation and narrative reporting Salary and other Expenses Other costs: Investment Parliamentary building Travel Total Administration and financial reporting Office Expenses Other costs: other Publication, evaluation and narrative reporting Salary andand other Expenses Salaries other staff expensesbuilding Other Investment Parliamentary Totalcosts: Administration and financial reporting Office Expenses Other costs: other Salaries and fees Salary andand other Expenses Salaries other staff expensesbuilding Other costs: Investment Parliamentary Totalsecurity Social and pensions Office Expenses Salaries and fees Other costs: other Temporary workers Salaries and other staff expensesbuilding Other costs: Investment Parliamentary Totalsecurity Social and pensions Education Salaries and fees Other costs: other Temporary workers Salaries and other Staff charged to staff donorsexpenses Totalcosts Social security and pensions Education Salaries and fees Other expenses Temporary workers Salaries and other Staff charged to staff donorsexpenses Totalcosts Social security and pensions Education Other expenses Salaries and fees Temporary workers Salaries and other Staff charged to staff donorsexpenses Totalcosts Social security and pensions Education Other expenses Salaries and fees Temporary workers Office expenses Staff charged to donors Totalcosts Social security and pensions Education Other expenses Office rent Temporary workers Office expenses Staff Totalcosts charged to donors Cleaning Education Office rent Other expenses Other housing expenses Office expenses Staff charged to donors Totalcosts Cleaning Telephone Office rent expenses Other expenses Other housing expenses Office Computer expenses Total expenses Cleaning Telephone expenses Office rent and expenses Stationery office supplies Other housing Office expenses Computer expenses Cleaning Postage expenses Telephone expenses Stationery Office rent and office supplies Other expenses office expenses Officehousing expenses Computer expenses Postage expenses Cleaning Telephone expenses Office & gen.exp. charged to projects Stationery supplies Office rent and office office expenses Other housing expenses Total Computer expenses Postage expenses Cleaning Office & gen.exp. charged to projects Telephone expenses Stationery and office supplies office expenses Other expenses Totalhousing Computer expenses Postage Office & expenses gen.exp. charged to projects Telephone expenses Stationery and office supplies Depreciation fixed assets Other expenses Total office Computer expenses Postage expenses Office & gen.exp. charged to projects Vehicles Stationery and office Depreciation fixedsupplies assets Other expenses Total office Inventory Postage expenses Vehicles Office & gen.exp. charged to projects Reconstruction building Depreciation fixed assets Other Total office expenses Inventory Hardand software Vehicles Office & gen.exp. charged to projects Reconstruction building Depreciation fixed assets Upgrading administration Total Inventory Hard- and software Vehicles Depreciation costs charged to projects Reconstruction building Depreciation fixed assets Upgrading administration Total Inventory Hard- and software Depreciation costs charged to projects Vehicles Reconstruction building Depreciation fixed assets Upgrading administration Total Inventory Hardand software Depreciation costs charged to projects Vehicles Reconstruction building General Upgrading administration Total expenses Inventory Hard- and software Depreciation costs charged to projects Bank expenses Reconstruction building General expenses Upgrading administration Totaland software Exchange differences HardBank expenses Depreciation costs charged to projects Insurance General Upgrading administration Total expenses Exchange differences Audit fees costs charged to projects Bank expenses Depreciation Insurance General Advice Total feesexpenses Exchange differences Audit fees Bank expenses Provision for bad debts Insurance General expenses Advice fees Exchange differences Internal projects Audit fees Provision for bad debts Bank expenses Insurance Car expenses General expenses Advice fees Internal projects Exchange differences Audit expenses fees Other expenses Provision for bad debts Bank Car expenses Insurance Advice fees Int. project exp. charged to projects Internal projects Exchange differences Other expenses Audit fees Total Provision for bad debts Car expenses Insurance Int. project Advice fees exp. charged to projects Internal projects Other expenses Audit Totalfees Provision for bad debts Car expenses Int. project Advice fees exp. charged to projects Internal projects Changes reserves for special purposes Other Totalexpenses Provision for bad debts Car expenses Int. project exp. charged to projects Investments & Depreciations Internal projects Changes reserves for special purposes Other expenses Total Difference of Exchange Car expenses Investments & Depreciations Int. project exp. charged to projects Organisational Readjustments Changes reserves for special purposes Other Totalexpenses Difference of Exchange Total Investments & Depreciations Int. project exp. charged to projects Organisational Readjustments Changes reserves for special purposes Total Difference of Exchange Total Investments & Depreciations Organisational Readjustments


Particulars of Expenditure Account 2011 2011 (in €) 1.133.937




2010973.681 66.954 522.905 973.681 2010 1.628.688 66.954 522.905 1.124.914 973.681 2010 1.628.688 66.954 152.499 522.905 1.124.914 973.681 14.450 2010 1.628.688 152.499 66.954 522.9051.124.914 14.450 973.681 1.628.688 152.499 66.954522.905 212.4331.124.914 14.450 973.681 1.628.688 265.725152.499 522.905 212.433 1.124.914 4.962.248 14.4501.628.688 265.725 152.499 212.4331.124.914 4.962.248 14.450 265.725 152.4992010 212.433 4.962.248 14.450 265.7251.366.155 2010212.4334.962.248 253.085 1.366.155 265.7254.350 2010 212.433 4.962.248 253.085 18.340 1.366.155 265.725 4.350 2010 62.1244.962.248 253.085 18.340 1.366.155 116.922 4.350 2010 62.1241.696.729 253.085 18.340 116.922 1.366.155 4.350 2010 62.1241.696.729 253.085 18.340 116.922 1.366.155 4.350 2010 62.1241.696.729 253.085 18.340 116.922 115.985 4.350 2010 62.1241.696.729 13.575 18.340 115.985 116.922 36.384 2010 62.1241.696.729 13.575 79.724 115.985 116.922 36.384 2010 46.494 1.696.729 13.575 79.724 115.985 12.599 36.384 201046.494 13.575 9.211 79.724 12.599 115.985 36.384 56.667 201046.494 9.211 13.575 79.724 12.599115.985 56.667 36.384 370.639 46.494 9.211 13.575 79.72412.599 56.667 36.384 370.639 46.494 9.21179.724 12.599 2010 56.667 370.639 46.494 9.211 11.10612.599 201056.667 370.639 14.979 9.211 11.10623.407 2010 56.667 370.639 14.979 11.51111.106 23.407 2010 26.761 370.639 14.979 11.511 11.10623.407 2010 26.761 87.763 14.979 11.511 11.10623.407 2010 26.761 87.763 14.979 11.51111.106 23.407 2010 26.761 87.763 14.979 11.511 12.443201023.407 26.761 87.763 3.655 11.511 12.44343.425 2010 26.761 87.763 3.655 64.804 12.44343.425 2010 87.763 3.65564.804 12.443 201043.4253.655 123.868 64.804 12.44312.295201043.425 123.868 3.655 64.804 1.14112.443 12.295 43.425 123.868 3.6551.141 64.804 261.631 12.29543.425 123.868 1.141 64.804 261.631 12.295123.868 2010 1.141261.631 12.295 2010123.868 1.141 261.631 4.68512.295 60.0002010 1.141 261.631 4.68564.685-60.0002010 261.631 4.68564.68560.000-

Explanatory Notes of Expenditure Account 2011 Particulars of Expenditure Account 2011 2011 (in €) 1.133.937 2.044.342


1.412.709 1.133.937 Particulars of Expenditure Account 2011 2011 (in €) 2.044.342

Changes reserves for special purposes

Difference of Exchange Total

AWEPA Financial Report 2011 Investments & Depreciations Organisational Readjustments Changes reserves for special purposes

Difference of Exchange Total Investments & Depreciations Organisational Readjustments

146.368 587.439 1.412.709

1.133.937 2011 2.044.342

146.368 587.439 285.742 1.412.709 1.133.937 2.044.342 45.282 146.368 285.742 587.439 72.112 1.412.709 1.133.937 45.282 2.044.342 338.698 146.368 285.742 587.439 72.112 1.412.709 6.066.629 45.282 2.044.342 338.698 146.368 285.742 72.112 1.412.709 6.066.629 45.282 338.698 146.368 285.742 2011 72.112 6.066.629 45.282 338.698 1.554.520 285.742 2011 72.112 6.066.629 317.538 45.282 1.554.520 338.698 6.254 2011 72.112 6.066.629 317.538 14.227 1.554.520 338.698 6.254 2011-420.367 6.066.629 317.538 14.227 1.554.520 111.480 6.254 2011-420.367 1.583.652 317.538 14.227 111.480 1.554.520 6.254 2011 -420.367 1.583.652 317.538 14.227 111.480 1.554.520 6.254 2011 -420.367 1.583.652 317.538 14.227 111.480 127.813 6.254 2011-420.367 1.583.652 14.775 14.227 127.813 111.480 44.748 2011 -420.367 1.583.652 14.775 71.891 127.813 111.480 44.748 2011 53.717 1.583.652 14.775 71.891 127.813 12.514 2011 44.748 53.717 14.775 8.068 71.891 12.514 127.813 44.748 55.029 2011 53.717 8.068 14.775 71.891 -72.916 12.514 127.813 55.029 44.748 315.639 53.717 8.068 14.775 -72.916 71.891 12.514 55.029 44.748 315.639 53.717 8.068 -72.916 71.891 12.514 2011 55.029 315.639 53.717 8.068 -72.916 15.744 12.514 2011 55.029 315.639 11.202 8.068 15.744 -72.916 26.071 2011 55.029 315.639 11.202 44.982 15.744 -72.916 26.071 2011 31.396 315.639 11.202 44.982 15.744 -10.588 26.071 2011 31.396 118.807 11.202 44.982 -10.588 15.744 26.071 2011 31.396 118.807 11.202 44.982 -10.588 15.744 26.071 2011 31.396 118.807 11.202 44.982 -10.588 13.151 26.071 2011 31.396 118.807 -10.338 44.982 13.151 -10.588 38.664 2011 31.396 118.807 -10.338 78.330 13.151 -10.588 38.664 2011 118.807 -10.338 78.330 13.151 2011 38.664 -10.338 72.730 78.330 13.151 13.463 2011 38.664 72.730 -10.338 78.330 1.616 13.151 13.463 38.664 -9.088 72.730 -10.338 1.616 78.330 198.528 13.463 38.664 -9.088 72.730 1.616 78.330 198.528 13.463 -9.088 72.730 2011 1.616 198.528 13.463 -9.088 38.405 2011 72.730 1.616 198.528 10.338 13.463 38.405 -9.088 2011 1.616 198.528 10.338 48.743 38.405 -9.088 2011 198.528 10.338 48.743 38.405 -

2011 10.338 48.743 38.405 2011 10.338 48.743 38.405 -

2010 4.68564.685201060.0004.68564.685-60.000-

Page 17

Overview of Activities 2011


AWEPA INSTITUTIONAL PROGRAMMES AWEPA INSTITUTIONAL PROGRAMMES Date Location Activity Date Location Activity Name/Description Name/Description AWEPA AWEPA INSTITUTIONAL INSTITUTIONAL PROGRAMMES PROGRAMMES Date Location Activity Date Location ActivityName/Description Name/Description Date Location Activity Parliament of National Programme Date Location ActivityName/Description Name/Description Parliament of Mozambique Mozambique National Assembly Assembly Programme Parliament of National Programme ofMozambique Mozambique NationalAssembly Assembly Programme 55Parliament -9 Helsinki Exchange visit -9 Feb Feb of HelsinkiNational ExchangeProgramme visit to to the the Finish Finish parliament parliament (CADRES) (CADRES) Parliament Parliament ofMozambique Mozambique NationalAssembly Assembly Programme 55-9 Helsinki Exchange -9Feb Feb Helsinki Exchangevisit visitto tothe theFinish Finishparliament parliament(CADRES) (CADRES) 26-30 Sep Oslo Exchange parliament (CADHL) 526-30 Helsinki Finish (CADRES) Sep Oslo Exchange visit visit to to the the Norway Norway parliament (CADHL) 5-9 -9Feb Feb Helsinki Finishparliament parliament (CADRES) 26-30 Oslo Exchange 26-30Sep Sep Oslo Exchangevisit visitto tothe theNorway Norwayparliament parliament(CADHL) (CADHL) 30 May -1 Jun Quelimane Follow up seminar on the exchange visit to the 26-30 Sep Oslo Exchange visit to the Norway parliament (CADHL) 30 MaySep -1 Jun Quelimane Follow up seminar on Norway the exchange visit to the Finish Finish Parliament Parliament (CADRES) (CADRES) 26-30 Oslo Exchange visit to the parliament (CADHL) 30 Quelimane Follow 30May May-1-1Jun Jun Quelimane Followup upseminar seminaron onthe theexchange exchangevisit visitto tothe theFinish FinishParliament Parliament(CADRES) (CADRES) Oct Maputo Norway parliament 30 May -1 Jun Quelimane Follow up seminar on the exchange visit to the Finish Parliament (CADRES) Oct Maputo Follow up seminar on the exchange visit to the Norway parliament 30 May -1 Jun Quelimane Finish Parliament (CADRES) Oct Maputo Follow Oct Maputo Followup upseminar seminaron onthe theexchange exchangevisit visitto tothe theNorway Norwayparliament parliament Jun Regional transfer Replaced by Exchange Oct Maputo Follow seminar on the visit Norway Jun Sep Maputo Regional seminar on Cash transfer (CASGA) (CASGA) Replaced byparliament Exchange visit visit to to Sapin, Sapin, Cape Cape Verde Verde or or Portugal Portugal Oct-- Sep Followup upseminar seminaron onCash theexchange exchange visitto tothe the Norway parliament Jun Maputo Regional Jun--Sep Sep Maputo Regionalseminar seminaron onCash Cashtransfer transfer(CASGA) (CASGA)Replaced Replacedby byExchange Exchangevisit visitto toSapin, Sapin,Cape CapeVerde Verdeor orPortugal Portugal Mar May Needs Assessment for MPs Jun Maputo Regional seminar Cash transfer Mar May Maputo Needs Assessment for MPs Jun---Sep Sep Regional seminaron on Cash transfer(CASGA) (CASGA)Replaced Replacedby byExchange Exchangevisit visitto toSapin, Sapin,Cape CapeVerde Verdeor orPortugal Portugal Mar Maputo Needs Mar--May May Maputo NeedsAssessment Assessmentfor forMPs MPs 33Mar -- 44 -May Workshop on Mar Maputo Needs for May Maputo Workshop on law law drafting drafting (CASGA) -May May NeedsAssessment Assessment forMPs MPs(CASGA) 33--44May Maputo Workshop May Maputo Workshopon onlaw lawdrafting drafting (CASGA) (CASGA) Namaacha (CACDHL) 3Nov Maputo Workshop Nov Namaacha Workshop on on law law drafting drafting (CASGA) (CACDHL) 3--44May May Maputo (CASGA) Nov Namaacha Workshop Nov Namaacha Workshopon onlaw lawdrafting drafting (CACDHL) (CACDHL) 13-14 Maputo CAPLCS Nov Namaacha Workshop (CACDHL) 13-14 July Maputo Workshop on on law law drafting drafting for for CAPLCS Nov July Namaacha (CACDHL) 13-14 Maputo Workshop 13-14July July Maputo Workshopon onlaw lawdrafting draftingfor forCAPLCS CAPLCS 25-29 Jul Nampula Constituency 13-14 Maputo Workshop law 25-29 Jul Nampula Constituency work 13-14July July Maputo Workshopon onwork lawdrafting draftingfor forCAPLCS CAPLCS 25-29 Nampula Constituency 25-29Jul Jul Nampula Constituencywork work Aug Maputo Exchange visit to 25-29 Nampula Constituency Aug Maputo Exchange visitwork to Botswana, Botswana, Ghana Ghana or or Tanzania Tanzania on on the the agriculture agriculture legislation legislation (CADRES) (CADRES) 25-29Jul Jul Nampula Constituency work Aug Maputo Exchange Aug Maputo Exchangevisit visitto toBotswana, Botswana,Ghana Ghanaor orTanzania Tanzaniaon onthe theagriculture agriculturelegislation legislation(CADRES) (CADRES) Jun Legislative Research (CADRES) Aug Maputo Exchange to Ghana Jun Sep Maputo Legislative Research (CADRES) Aug-- Sep Exchangevisit visit toBotswana, Botswana, Ghanaor orTanzania Tanzaniaon onthe theagriculture agriculturelegislation legislation(CADRES) (CADRES) Jun Maputo Legislative Jun--Sep Sep Maputo LegislativeResearch Research(CADRES) (CADRES) 21 22 Mar Maputo Workshop on law drafting (CADRES) Jun --Sep Legislative (CADRES) 21 - 22 Mar Maputo Workshop on law drafting (CADRES) Jun Sep LegislativeResearch Research (CADRES) 21 Maputo Workshop 21--22 22Mar Mar Maputo Workshopon onlaw lawdrafting drafting (CADRES) (CADRES) 23 May Agriculture 21 22 Maputo Workshop (CADRES) 23 May Maputo Workshop on on law Agriculture Legislation 21--24 --24 22Mar Mar lawdrafting draftingLegislation (CADRES) 23 Maputo Workshop 23-24 -24May May Maputo Workshopon onAgriculture AgricultureLegislation Legislation 29 March Round table discussion for Parliament 23 Maputo Workshop on Agriculture 29 March Maputo Round table discussion forLegislation Parliament and and civil civil society society 23-24 -24May May Workshop on Agriculture Legislation 29 Maputo Round 29March March Maputo Roundtable tablediscussion discussionfor forParliament Parliamentand andcivil civilsociety society 28 --March 29 Seminar on 29 Maputo Round discussion 28 29 Jun Jun Maputo Seminar on budget budget 29March Roundtable table discussionfor forParliament Parliamentand andcivil civilsociety society 28 Maputo Seminar 28--29 29Jun Jun Maputo Seminaron onbudget budget 26Second Table 28 29 Maputo Seminar on 26April Maputo Second Round Table discussion discussion for for Parliament Parliament and and civil civil society society 28--April 29Jun Jun SeminarRound onbudget budget 26Maputo Second 26-April April Maputo SecondRound RoundTable Tablediscussion discussionfor forParliament Parliamentand andcivil civilsociety society 27-28 June Seminar on role specialized in budget oversight 26Maputo Second discussion for Parliament civil 27-28 June Maputo Seminar on the theTable role of of specialized committees in budget oversight for for parliamentary parliamentary staff staff 26-April April SecondRound Round Table discussion forcommittees Parliamentand and civilsociety society 27-28 Maputo Seminar 27-28June June Maputo Seminaron onthe therole roleof ofspecialized specializedcommittees committeesin inbudget budgetoversight oversightfor forparliamentary parliamentarystaff staff 23-25 parliamentary work staff aspects) 27-28 June Maputo Seminar budget 23-25 Feb Maputo Seminar on on the parliamentary work for forcommittees staff (( legal legalin aspects) 27-28Feb June therole roleof ofspecialized specialized committees in budgetoversight oversightfor forparliamentary parliamentarystaff staff 23-25 Maputo Seminar 23-25Feb Feb Maputo Seminaron onparliamentary parliamentarywork workfor forstaff staff((legal legalaspects) aspects) Jan -- Dec Training relations, protocol, events and parliamentarian 23-25 Feb Maputo Seminar on parliamentary for ((legal Jan Dec Maputo Training in public relations,work protocol, events andaspects) parliamentarian image image for for 23-25 Feb Seminarin onpublic parliamentary work forstaff staff legal aspects) Jan Maputo Training relations, protocol, events Jan--Dec Dec Maputo Trainingin inpublic publicstaff relations, protocol, eventsand andparliamentarian parliamentarianimage imagefor for parliamentarian in provinces parliamentarian staff in the theprotocol, provincesevents Jan Maputo Training relations, Jan--Dec Dec Maputo Trainingin inpublic publicstaff relations, protocol, eventsand andparliamentarian parliamentarianimage imagefor for parliamentarian provinces parliamentarian staffin inthe the provinces 55 -- 88 Jul Paris Participation on AWEPA staff in Jul Paris Participation on staff AWEPA staff in the the working working party party meeting meeting parliamentarian in the provinces parliamentarian staff in the provinces 55--88Jul Paris Participation Jul Paris Participationon onAWEPA AWEPAstaff staffin inthe theworking workingparty partymeeting meeting Jul Maputo Training of on parliamentary broadcasting 511 Paris Participation on in party 11 Jul Maputo Training of journalists journalists onstaff parliamentary broadcasting 5---817 817Jul Jul Paris Participation onAWEPA AWEPA staff inthe theworking working partymeeting meeting 1111--17 Maputo Training 17Jul Jul Maputo Trainingof ofjournalists journalistson onparliamentary parliamentarybroadcasting broadcasting 26 Aug Quelimane Provincial on between women 11 17 Maputo Training journalists on broadcasting 26 -27 Aug Quelimane Provincial seminar on interaction interaction between women parliamentarians parliamentarians in in cabinet cabinet and and women women of of civil civil society society 11---27 17Jul Jul Maputo Trainingof ofseminar journalists onparliamentary parliamentary broadcasting 26 Quelimane Provincial 26-27 -27Aug Aug Quelimane Provincialseminar seminaron oninteraction interactionbetween betweenwomen womenparliamentarians parliamentariansin incabinet cabinetand andwomen womenof ofcivil civilsociety society 11 15 Maputo Training of trainers of NA 26 Aug Quelimane Provincial between 11 15 Jul Jul Maputo Training ofseminar trainerson ofinteraction NA 26---27 -27 Aug Quelimane Provincial seminar on interaction betweenwomen womenparliamentarians parliamentariansin incabinet cabinetand andwomen womenof ofcivil civilsociety society 1111--15 Maputo Training 15Jul Jul Maputo Trainingof oftrainers trainersof ofNA NA 19-Aug Inauguration of Parliament Training 11 Maputo Training NA 19-Aug Maputo Inauguration of the theof Parliament Training Centre Centre 11--15 15Jul Jul Trainingof oftrainers trainers of NA 19-Aug Maputo Inauguration 19-Aug Maputo Inaugurationof ofthe theParliament ParliamentTraining TrainingCentre Centre Jan -- Dec Training in for of 19-Aug Maputo Inauguration of Training Centre Jan Dec Maputo Training in documentation documentation for staff staff of provinces provinces 19-Aug Inauguration ofthe theParliament Parliament Training Centre Jan Maputo Training Jan--Dec Dec Maputo Trainingin indocumentation documentationfor forstaff staffof ofprovinces provinces Oct correspondents from the press cabinet Jan Maputo Training staff provinces Oct Maputo Training in in documentation correspondents from theof press cabinet of of NA NA Jan--Dec Dec documentationfor for staff of provinces Oct Maputo Training Oct Maputo Trainingin incorrespondents correspondentsfrom fromthe thepress presscabinet cabinetof ofNA NA Mar Purchase desktops for Oct Maputo Training correspondents from the Mar Maputo Purchase desktops for National National Assembly Oct Trainingin in correspondents fromAssembly thepress presscabinet cabinetof ofNA NA Mar Maputo Purchase Mar Maputo Purchasedesktops desktopsfor forNational NationalAssembly Assembly 8-July Maputo Workshop on Drafting law CADRES Mar Purchase for Assembly 8-July Maputo Workshop on Drafting law CADRES Mar Purchasedesktops desktops forNational National Assembly 8-July Maputo Workshop 8-July Maputo Workshopon onDrafting Draftinglaw lawCADRES CADRES Nov Evaluation workshop with (1 8-July Maputo Workshop law CADRES Nov Maputo Evaluation workshop with stakeholders (1 national national workshop) workshop) 8-July Workshopon onDrafting Drafting lawstakeholders CADRES Nov Maputo Evaluation Nov Maputo Evaluationworkshop workshopwith withstakeholders stakeholders(1(1national nationalworkshop) workshop) Jan-Dec Programme Development, Monitoring, Evaluation/ Report Nov Maputo Evaluation workshop with stakeholders (1 national Jan-Dec Maputo Programme Development, Monitoring, Evaluation/ Report writing, writing, External External Communication Communication and and Administration Administration Nov Evaluation workshop with stakeholders (1 nationalworkshop) workshop) Jan-Dec Maputo Programme Jan-Dec Maputo ProgrammeDevelopment, Development,Monitoring, Monitoring,Evaluation/ Evaluation/Report Reportwriting, writing,External ExternalCommunication Communicationand andAdministration Administration Jan-Dec Maputo Programme Jan-Dec Maputo ProgrammeDevelopment, Development,Monitoring, Monitoring,Evaluation/ Evaluation/Report Reportwriting, writing,External ExternalCommunication Communicationand andAdministration Administration Parliament Parliament of of Mozambique Mozambique Decentralised Decentralised Cities Cities Programmes Programmes Parliament of Decentralised Cities Programmes Parliament ofMozambique Mozambique Decentralised Cities Programmes 25 -- 28 Marrupa Seminar to stimulate 25 28 Apr Apr of MarrupaDecentralised Seminar toProgrammes stimulate interaction interaction between between municipal municipal organs organs and and civil civil society society in in local local government government Parliament Cities Parliament ofMozambique Mozambique Decentralised Cities Programmes 25 Marrupa Seminar 25--28 28Apr Apr Marrupa Seminarto tostimulate stimulateinteraction interactionbetween betweenmunicipal municipalorgans organsand and civil civilsociety societyin inlocal localgovernment government 15 18 Jun Ribáué Seminar to 25 Apr Marrupa 15 18 Ribáué Seminar to stimulate stimulate interaction interaction between between municipal municipal organs organs and and civil civil society society in in local local government government 25--28 28Jun Apr Marrupa 15 Ribáué Seminar 15--18 18Jun Jun Ribáué Seminarto tostimulate stimulateinteraction interactionbetween betweenmunicipal municipalorgans organsand and civil civilsociety societyin inlocal localgovernment government 27 30 Sep Úlonguè Seminar to stimulate interaction between municipal organs and civil society in local government 15 18 Jun Ribáué 27 30 Jun Sep Úlonguè Seminar to stimulate interaction between municipal organs and civil society in local government 15 - 18 Ribáué 27 Úlonguè Seminar 27--30 30Sep Sep Úlonguè Seminarto tostimulate stimulateinteraction interactionbetween betweenmunicipal municipalorgans organsand and civil civilsociety societyin inlocal localgovernment government 12 Macia Seminar 27 30 Sep Úlonguè 12 15 Sep Macia Seminar to to stimulate stimulate interaction interaction between between municipal municipal organs organs and and civil civil society society in in local local government government 27---15 30Sep Sep Úlonguè 12 Macia Seminar 12--15 15Sep Sep Macia Seminarto tostimulate stimulateinteraction interactionbetween betweenmunicipal municipalorgans organsand and civil civilsociety societyin inlocal localgovernment government 14 17 Nov Massinga Seminar 12 Macia 14 17 Nov Massinga Seminar to to stimulate stimulate interaction interaction between between municipal municipal organs organs and and civil civil society society in in local local government government 12--15 15Sep Sep Macia 14 Massinga Seminar 14--17 17Nov Nov Massinga Seminarto tostimulate stimulateinteraction interactionbetween betweenmunicipal municipalorgans organsand and civil civilsociety societyin inlocal localgovernment government 31 -- 33 Sep Namaacha Seminar 14 -Aug Massinga 31 Sep Namaacha Seminar to to stimulate stimulate interaction interaction between between municipal municipal organs organs and and civil civil society society in in local local government government 14Aug -17 17Nov Nov Massinga 31 Namaacha Seminar 31Aug Aug--33Sep Sep Namaacha Seminarto tostimulate stimulateinteraction interactionbetween betweenmunicipal municipalorgans organsand and civil civilsociety societyin inlocal localgovernment government 28 -Aug Mueda Seminar 31 --33Sep Namaacha 28 - 31 31 Mar Mar Mueda Seminar to to stimulate stimulate interaction interaction between between municipal municipal organs organs and and civil civil society society in in local local government government 31Aug Sep Namaacha 28 Mueda Seminar 28--31 31Mar Mar Mueda Seminarto tostimulate stimulateinteraction interactionbetween betweenmunicipal municipalorgans organsand and civil civilsociety societyin inlocal localgovernment government 22 Sep Gorongosa Seminar 28 31 Mueda 22 24 Sep Gorongosa Seminar to to stimulate stimulate interaction interaction between between municipal municipal organs organs and and civil civil society society in in local local government government 28---24 31Mar Mar Mueda 22 Gorongosa Seminar 22--24 24Sep Sep Gorongosa Seminarto tostimulate stimulateinteraction interactionbetween betweenmunicipal municipalorgans organsand and civil civilsociety societyin inlocal localgovernment government 13 Gondola Seminar 22 24 Sep Gorongosa 13 15 Oct Gondola Seminar to to stimulate stimulate interaction interaction between between municipal municipal organs organs and and civil civil society society in in local local government government 22---15 24Oct Sep Gorongosa 13 Gondola Seminar 13--15 15Oct Oct Gondola Seminarto tostimulate stimulateinteraction interactionbetween betweenmunicipal municipalorgans organsand and civil civilsociety societyin inlocal localgovernment government 27 30 Jun Alto Molócué Seminar 13 Gondola 27 30Oct Jun Alto Molócué Seminar to to stimulate stimulate interaction interaction between between municipal municipal organs organs and and civil civil society society in in local local government government 13--15 15 Oct Gondola 27 Alto Seminar 27--30 30Jun Jun AltoMolócué Molócué Seminarto tostimulate stimulateinteraction interactionbetween betweenmunicipal municipalorgans organsand and civil civilsociety societyin inlocal localgovernment government Jun -30 Maputo Training Secretary General all 27 Jun Alto Seminar to municipal Jun - Sep Sep Maputo Training for Secretaryinteraction General of ofbetween all Municipalities Municipalities 27--30 Jun AltoMolócué Molócué Seminarfor tostimulate stimulate interaction between municipalorgans organsand and civil civilsociety societyin inlocal localgovernment government Jun Maputo Training Jun--Sep Sep Maputo Trainingfor forSecretary SecretaryGeneral Generalof ofall allMunicipalities Municipalities 30-June Maputo Round discussions for Assemblies, Jun Training for General of 30-June Maputo Round table discussions for Provincial Provincial Assemblies, Municipalities Municipalities and and State State organs organs (Maputo) (Maputo) Jun--Sep Sep Trainingtable forSecretary Secretary General ofall allMunicipalities Municipalities 30-June Maputo Round 30-June Maputo Round table tablediscussions discussionsfor forProvincial ProvincialAssemblies, Assemblies,Municipalities Municipalitiesand andState Stateorgans organs(Maputo) (Maputo) Jun -- Jul Beira Round 30-June Maputo (Maputo) Jun Jul Beira Round table table discussions discussions for for Provincial Provincial Assemblies, Assemblies, Municipalities Municipalities and and State State organs organs (Beira) (Beira) 30-June Maputo (Maputo) Jun Beira Round Jun--Jul Jul Beira Round table tablediscussions discussionsfor forProvincial ProvincialAssemblies, Assemblies,Municipalities Municipalitiesand andState Stateorgans organs(Beira) (Beira) 30-July Nampula Round table discussions for Provincial Assemblies, Municipalities and State organs (Nampula) Jun Jul Beira (Beira) 30-July Nampula Round table discussions for Provincial Assemblies, Municipalities and State organs (Nampula) Jun - Jul Beira (Beira) 30-July Nampula Round 30-July Nampula Round table tablediscussions discussionsfor forProvincial ProvincialAssemblies, Assemblies,Municipalities Municipalitiesand andState Stateorgans organs(Nampula) (Nampula) Jul Maputo Workshop to harmonize training methodologies 30-July Nampula Round for Assemblies, Municipalities Jul Maputo Workshop todiscussions harmonize AWEPA AWEPA training methodologies 30-July Nampula Round table table discussions forProvincial Provincial Assemblies, Municipalitiesand andState Stateorgans organs(Nampula) (Nampula) Jul Maputo Workshop Jul Maputo Workshopto toharmonize harmonizeAWEPA AWEPAtraining trainingmethodologies methodologies Jan Maputo Programme Development, Monitoring, Evaluation/ Report Jul Workshop harmonize training methodologies Jan Dec Maputo Programme Development, Monitoring, Evaluation/ Report writing, writing, External External Communication Communication and and Administration Administration Jul -- Dec Workshopto to harmonizeAWEPA AWEPA training methodologies Jan Maputo Programme Jan--Dec Dec Maputo ProgrammeDevelopment, Development,Monitoring, Monitoring,Evaluation/ Evaluation/Report Reportwriting, writing,External ExternalCommunication Communicationand andAdministration Administration Jan Maputo Programme Jan--Dec Dec Maputo ProgrammeDevelopment, Development,Monitoring, Monitoring,Evaluation/ Evaluation/Report Reportwriting, writing,External ExternalCommunication Communicationand andAdministration Administration Parliament Parliament of of Mozambique Mozambique Decentralised Decentralised Government Government Provinces Provinces Programme Programme Parliament of Decentralised Government Provinces Programme Parliament ofMozambique Mozambique Decentralised Government Provinces Programme 17 -- 19 Nampula Provincial Seminar on Functioning 17 19 Mar Mar of Nampula Provincial SeminarProvinces on the the Basic Basic Functioning of of Provincial Provincial Assemblies Assemblies -- Nampula Nampula Parliament Decentralised Government Programme Parliament ofMozambique Mozambique Decentralised Government Provinces Programme 17 Nampula Provincial 17--19 19Mar Mar Nampula ProvincialSeminar Seminaron onthe theBasic BasicFunctioning Functioningof ofProvincial ProvincialAssemblies Assemblies--Nampula Nampula 9 11 Mar Quelimane Provincial Seminar on the Basic Functioning of Provincial Assemblies 17 19 Mar Nampula Nampula 917- -1119Mar Quelimane Provincial Seminar on the Basic Functioning of Provincial Assemblies -- Zambézia Zambézia Mar Nampula Nampula 99--1111Mar Quelimane Provincial Mar Quelimane ProvincialSeminar Seminaron onthe theBasic BasicFunctioning Functioningof ofProvincial ProvincialAssemblies Assemblies--Zambézia Zambézia May Aug all Provinces Need Assessment Assemblies 9May Quelimane Provincial Seminar on the -Mar Aug all Provinces Need Assessment for Provincial Assemblies of 9--1111-Mar Quelimane Provincial Seminarfor onProvincial theBasic BasicFunctioning Functioning ofProvincial ProvincialAssemblies Assemblies--Zambézia Zambézia May all Need May--Aug Aug allProvinces Provinces NeedAssessment Assessmentfor forProvincial ProvincialAssemblies Assemblies 22 -- 23 Jun Chimoio Provincial Seminar on Interaction between May --Aug all Need Assemblies 22 23 Jun Chimoio Provincial Seminarfor onProvincial Interaction between Provincial Provincial Assembly, Assembly, other other state state organs organs and and civil civil society society May Aug allProvinces Provinces NeedAssessment Assessment for Provincial Assemblies 22 Chimoio Provincial 22--23 23Jun Jun Chimoio ProvincialSeminar Seminaron onInteraction Interactionbetween betweenProvincial ProvincialAssembly, Assembly,other other state stateorgans organsand andcivil civilsociety society Sep Nampula Provincial 22 Chimoio Sep Nampula Provincial Seminar Seminar on on Interaction Interaction between between Provincial Provincial Assembly, Assembly, other other state state organs organs and and civil civil society society 22--23 23Jun Jun Chimoio Sep Nampula Provincial Sep Nampula ProvincialSeminar Seminaron onInteraction Interactionbetween betweenProvincial ProvincialAssembly, Assembly,other other state stateorgans organsand andcivil civilsociety society 15 -16 Inhambane Provincial Sep Nampula 15 -16 Jun Jun Inhambane Provincial Seminar Seminar on on Interaction Interaction between between Provincial Provincial Assembly, Assembly, other other state state organs organs and and civil civil society society Sep Nampula 15 Inhambane Provincial 15-16 -16Jun Jun Inhambane ProvincialSeminar Seminaron onInteraction Interactionbetween betweenProvincial ProvincialAssembly, Assembly,other other state stateorgans organsand andcivil civilsociety society 9 10 Maputo Provincial 15 Inhambane 915---16 10 Jun Jun Maputo Provincial Seminar Seminar on on Interaction Interaction between between Provincial Provincial Assembly, Assembly, other other state state organs organs and and civil civil society society -16 Jun Inhambane 99--10 Maputo Provincial 10Jun Jun Maputo ProvincialSeminar Seminaron onInteraction Interactionbetween betweenProvincial ProvincialAssembly, Assembly,other other state stateorgans organsand andcivil civilsociety society 21 22 Jul Pemba Provincial 921 Maputo 22Jun Jul Pemba Provincial Seminar Seminar on on Interaction Interaction between between Provincial Provincial Assembly, Assembly, other other state state organs organs and and civil civil society society 9---10 10 Jun Maputo 21 Pemba Provincial 21--22 22Jul Jul Pemba ProvincialSeminar Seminaron onInteraction Interactionbetween betweenProvincial ProvincialAssembly, Assembly,other other state stateorgans organsand andcivil civilsociety society 17 18 Beira Provincial 21 Jul Pemba Seminar state organs and civil society 17 18 Nov Beira Provincial seminar seminar on Interaction between Provincial Assembly, other state organs and civil society 21-- 22 22Nov Jul Pemba Seminaron onInteraction Interactionbetween betweenProvincial ProvincialAssembly, Assembly,other otherstate stateorgans organsand andcivil civilsociety society 17 Beira Provincial 17--18 18Nov Nov Beira Provincialseminar seminaron onInteraction Interactionbetween betweenProvincial ProvincialAssembly, Assembly,other otherstate stateorgans organsand andcivil civilsociety society 17 Beira Provincial 17--18 18Nov Nov Beira Provincialseminar seminaron onInteraction Interactionbetween betweenProvincial ProvincialAssembly, Assembly,other otherstate stateorgans organsand andcivil civilsociety society Page 18

Donor(s) Donor(s) Donor(s) Donor(s) Donor(s) Donor(s) Finland Finland Finland Finland Danida, Finland Danida, Diakonia/SIDA, Norway Norway Finland Diakonia/SIDA, Danida, Danida,Diakonia/SIDA, Diakonia/SIDA,Norway Norway Finland, Danida, Diakonia/SIDA, Norway Finland, Danida, Diakonia/SIDA, Diakonia/SIDA, Norway Danida, Danida, Diakonia/SIDA, NorwayNorway Finland, Finland,Danida, Danida,Diakonia/SIDA, Diakonia/SIDA,Norway Norway Finland, Finland, Danida, Danida, Diakonia/SIDA, Diakonia/SIDA, Norway Norway Finland, Finland,Danida, Danida,Diakonia/SIDA, Diakonia/SIDA,Norway Norway Danida, Norway Finland, Danida, Danida, Diakonia/SIDA, Norway Norway Finland,Diakonia/SIDA, Danida,Diakonia/SIDA, Diakonia/SIDA, Norway Danida, Danida,Diakonia/SIDA, Diakonia/SIDA,Norway Norway Diakonia/SIDA, Norway Danida, Diakonia/SIDA, NorwayNorway Danida,Diakonia/SIDA, Diakonia/SIDA, Norway Diakonia/SIDA, Diakonia/SIDA,Norway Norway Danida, Diakonia/SIDA, Diakonia/SIDA, Norway Danida, Diakonia/SIDA, Norway 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AWEPA Financial Report 2011

21 --- 22 22 Jul Jul Pemba Provincial seminar seminar on on Public Public Finances Finances (Planning (Planning and and Budgeting), Budgeting), Cabo Cabo Delgado Delgado 21 22 Jul Pemba Provincial seminar on Public Finances (Planning and Budgeting), Cabo Delgado 21 Pemba Provincial 21 - 22 Jul Pemba Provincial seminar on Public Finances (Planning and Budgeting), Cabo Delgado 21 22 Jul Pemba Provincial seminar on Public Finances (Planning and Budgeting), Cabo Delgado 21 Pemba Provincial 21---22 22Jul Jul Pemba Provincialseminar seminaron onPublic PublicFinances Finances(Planning (Planningand andBudgeting), Budgeting),Cabo CaboDelgado Delgado 29----22 30Jul Sep Maputo Provincial seminar seminar on on Public Public Finances Finances (Planning (Planning and and Budgeting), Budgeting), Maputo Maputo 29 30 Sep Maputo Provincial seminar on Public Finances (Planning and Budgeting), Maputo 21 Pemba Cabo Delgado 29 30 Sep Maputo Provincial 29 - 30 Sep Maputo Provincial seminar on Public Finances (Planning and Budgeting), Maputo 29 30 Sep Maputo Provincial seminar on Public Finances (Planning and Budgeting), Maputo 29 Maputo Provincial 29---30 30Sep Sep Maputo Provincialseminar seminaron onPublic PublicFinances Finances(Planning (Planningand andBudgeting), Budgeting),Maputo Maputo 27 --- 28 28 Sep Sep Quelimane Provincial seminar seminar on on Public interaction between provincial assembly, other other state organs organs and and civil civil society, society, Zambézia Zambézia 27 28 Sep Quelimane interaction between provincial assembly, other state organs and civil society, Zambézia 29 30 Maputo Provincial Finances (Planning and Budgeting), Maputo 27 Quelimane interaction between provincial assembly, state 27 - 28 Sep Quelimane Provincial seminar on interaction between provincial assembly, other state organs and civil society, Zambézia 27 28 Sep Quelimane Provincial seminar on interaction between provincial assembly, other state organs and civil society, Zambézia 27 Quelimane Provincial 27---28 28Sep Sep Quelimane Provincialseminar seminaron oninteraction interactionbetween betweenprovincial provincialassembly, assembly,other otherstate stateorgans organsand andcivil civilsociety, society,Zambézia Zambézia Jan- 28 Dec Maputo Programme Development, Monitoring, Evaluation/ Report writing, External Communication and Administration Administration Jan -- Dec Dec Maputo Programme Development, Monitoring, Evaluation/ Report writing, External Communication and Administration 27 Sep Quelimane Provincial seminar on interaction between provincial assembly, other state organs and civil society, Zambézia Jan Maputo Programme Development, Monitoring, Evaluation/ Report writing, External Communication and Jan - Dec Maputo Programme Development, Monitoring, Evaluation/ Report writing, External Communication and Administration Jan Dec Maputo Programme Development, Monitoring, Evaluation/ Report writing, External Communication and Administration Jan Maputo Programme Jan---Dec Dec Maputo ProgrammeDevelopment, Development,Monitoring, Monitoring,Evaluation/ Evaluation/Report Reportwriting, writing,External ExternalCommunication Communicationand andAdministration Administration Jan - Dec Maputo Programme Development, Monitoring, Evaluation/ Report writing, External Communication and Administration Parliament of of Mozambique Mozambique Political Political Party Party Programme Programme Parliament of Mozambique Political Party Programme Parliament Parliament of Mozambique Political Party Programme Parliament of Mozambique Political Party Programme Parliament of Mozambique Political Party Programme Parliament of Mozambique Political Party Programme 14 -15 -15 Nov Nov of Mozambique MaputoPolitical Party International conference on on Relationship Relationship between between MPs MPs and and their their political political parties parties 14 -15 Nov Maputo International conference on Relationship between MPs and their political parties Parliament Programme 14 Maputo International conference 14 -15 Nov Maputo International conference on Relationship between MPs and their political parties 14 -15 Nov Maputo International conference on Relationship between MPs and their political parties 14 Maputo International 14-15 -15Nov Nov Maputo Internationalconference conferenceon onRelationship Relationshipbetween betweenMPs MPsand andtheir theirpolitical politicalparties parties 22-15 23Nov Mar Maxixe Regional seminar seminar south on on effective political communication strategies 22 -- 23 23 Mar Maxixe Regional seminar south on effective political communication strategies 14 Maputo International conference oneffective Relationship between MPs and their political parties 22 Mar Maxixe Regional south political communication strategies 22 - 23 Mar Maxixe Regional seminar south on effective political communication strategies 22 23 Mar Maxixe Regional seminar south on effective political communication strategies 22 Maxixe Regional 22---23 23Mar Mar Maxixe Regionalseminar seminarsouth southon oneffective effectivepolitical politicalcommunication communicationstrategies strategies 11-12 May Nampula Regional seminar seminar north north on on effective effective political political communication communication strategies strategies 11-12 May Nampula Regional seminar north on effective political communication strategies 22 - 23 Mar Maxixe south 11-12 May Nampula Regional 11-12 May Nampula Regional seminar north on effective political communication strategies 11-12 May Nampula Regional seminar north on effective political communication strategies 11-12 Nampula Regional 11-12May May Nampula Regionalseminar seminarnorth northon oneffective effectivepolitical politicalcommunication communicationstrategies strategies Jan ---May Dec Maputo Programme development/M&E Jan Dec Maputo Programme development/M&E 11-12 Nampula Regional seminar north on effective political communication strategies Jan Dec Maputo Programme development/M&E Jan - Dec Maputo Programme development/M&E Jan Dec Maputo Programme development/M&E Jan Maputo Programme Jan---Dec Dec Maputo Programmedevelopment/M&E development/M&E Jan - Dec and Maputo Programme development/M&E Research and Publications Publications Research and Publications Research Research and Publications Research and Publications Research Researchand andPublications Publications May Maputo Electoral Law Law Political Political Process Process Bulletin Bulletin May Maputo Electoral Research and Publications May Maputo Electoral May Maputo ElectoralLaw LawPolitical Political Process ProcessBulletin Bulletin May Maputo Electoral Law Political Process Bulletin May Maputo Electoral May Maputo ElectoralLaw LawPolitical PoliticalProcess ProcessBulletin Bulletin Sep Maputo Electoral Law Law Political Political Process Process Bulletin Bulletin Sep Maputo Electoral Law Political Process Bulletin May Sep Maputo Electoral Sep Maputo Electoral Law Political Process Bulletin Sep Maputo Electoral Law Political Process Bulletin Sep Maputo Electoral Sep Maputo ElectoralLaw LawPolitical PoliticalProcess ProcessBulletin Bulletin Feb Maputo Political Process Bulletin I Feb Maputo Political Process Bulletin I Sep ElectoralProcess Law Political Process Bulletin Feb Maputo Political Bulletin II Feb Maputo Political Process Bulletin Feb Maputo Political Process Bulletin Feb Maputo Political Feb Maputo PoliticalProcess ProcessBulletin BulletinIII Jul Maputo Political Process Process Bulletin Bulletin III Jul IIII Feb Maputo Political Jul Jul Maputo Political Process Bulletin II Jul Maputo Political Process Bulletin Jul Maputo Political Jul Maputo PoliticalProcess ProcessBulletin BulletinIIIIII Jan Dec Maputo Programme development/M&E Jan Dec Programme development/M&E Jul Maputo Political Process Bulletin II Jan -- Dec Programme development/M&E Jan Dec Maputo Programme development/M&E Jan Dec Maputo Programme development/M&E Jan Maputo Programme Jan---Dec Dec Maputo Programmedevelopment/M&E development/M&E Jan - Dec Parliament Maputo Pan-African Parliament Programme Programme development/M&E Pan-African Parliament Programme Pan-African Programme Pan-African Parliament Programme Pan-African Parliament Programme Pan-African Parliament Programme Pan-African Parliament Programme 14-15 March March Parliament Joint Meeting Meeting of of the the Bureau, Bureau, Bureaus Bureaus of of Permanent Permanent Committees, Committees, Regional Regional Caucuses Caucuses and and the the Secretariat Secretariat South Africa 14-15 March Joint Meeting of the Bureau, Bureaus of Permanent Committees, Regional Caucuses and the Secretariat South Africa Pan-African Programme 14-15 Joint South Africa 14-15 March Joint Meeting of the Bureau, Bureaus of Permanent Committees, Regional Caucuses and the Secretariat South Africa 14-15 March Joint Meeting of the Bureau, Bureaus of Permanent Committees, Regional Caucuses and the Secretariat South Africa 14-15 Joint Meeting South 14-15March March Joint Meetingof ofthe theBureau, Bureau,Bureaus Bureausof ofPermanent PermanentCommittees, Committees,Regional RegionalCaucuses Caucusesand andthe theSecretariat Secretariat SouthAfrica Africa th th th 14-22March March Ethiopia 14-22 Ethiopia 14-15 Joint Meeting of the Bureau, Bureaus of Permanent Committees, Regional Caucuses and the Secretariat South Africa 4 Meeting of Government Experts on the Legal Instruments on the Transformation of the AU Commission into into th 4 Meeting of Government Experts on the Legal Instruments on the Transformation of the AU Commission into 14-22 March Ethiopia th Meeting of Government Experts on the Legal Instruments on the Transformation of the AU Commission 44thth 14-22 March March Ethiopia Meeting of Government Experts on the Legal Instruments on the Transformation of the AU Commission into 14-22 Ethiopia Meeting of Government Experts on the Legal Instruments on the Transformation of the AU Commission into 14-22 Ethiopia 14-22 March March Ethiopia 444ththMeeting of Government Experts on the Legal Instruments on the Transformation of the AU Commission Meeting of Government Experts on the Legal Instruments on the Transformation of the AU Commission into the AU Authority and on Review of the Protocols relating to the PAP and the African Court on Human and into the AU Authority and on Review of the Protocols relating to the PAP and the African Court on Human and the AU Authority and on Review of the Protocols relating to the PAP and the African Court on Human and 14-22 March Ethiopia 4 Meeting of Government Experts on the Legal Instruments on the Transformation of the AU Commission into the AU Authority and on Review of the Protocols relating to the PAP and the African Court on Human and the AU Authority and on Review of the Protocols relating to the PAP and the African Court on Human and the theAU AUAuthority Authority andon onReview Reviewof ofthe theProtocols Protocolsrelating relatingto tothe thePAP PAPand andthe theAfrican AfricanCourt Courton onHuman Humanand and Peoples’ Rights. and Peoples’ Rights. Peoples’ Rights. Peoples’ Rights. the AU Authority and on Review of the Protocols relating to the PAP and the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights. nd nd Peoples’ Rights. Rights. nd 7-9 April April Kenya 7-9 Kenya Finance Retreat of of the the African African Union Union Commission Commission ndFinance Finance Retreat of the African Union Commission 22Peoples’ 7-9 Kenya nd Retreat 2Peoples’ nd Rights. 7-9 April April Kenya nd Retreat of the African Union Commission 7-9 April Kenya nd Finance Finance Retreat of the African Union Commission 7-9 Kenya 7-9April April Kenya Finance Retreat of 222Women’s Finance Retreat ofthe theAfrican AfricanUnion UnionCommission Commission 2 nd Caucus Meeting 16-May South Africa Africa Women’s Caucus Meeting 16-May South Africa 7-9 April Kenya Finance Retreat of the African Union Commission 2 Women’s Caucus Meeting 16-May South Women’s Caucus Caucus Meeting Meeting 16-May South Africa Africa Women’s 16-May South Women’s 16-May South Women’s Caucus Caucus Meeting Meeting 16-May South Africa Africa 14-15 July July Burkina Faso Regional Consultative Consultative Dialogue Meetings Meetings on on the the Review Review of of the the Protocol Protocol to to the the Treaty Treaty establishing establishing the the African African 14-15 Burkina Faso Regional Dialogue Women’s Caucus Meeting 16-May South Africa 14-15 Burkina Faso Regional Dialogue 14-15July July Burkina Faso RegionalConsultative Consultative DialogueMeetings Meetingson onthe theReview Reviewof ofthe theProtocol Protocolto tothe theTreaty Treaty establishing establishingthe theAfrican African 14-15 July Burkina Faso Regional Consultative Dialogue Meetings on the Review of the Protocol to the Treaty establishing the African 14-15 Burkina Regional Meetings the Review of to Treaty African 14-15July July BurkinaFaso Faso RegionalConsultative Consultative Dialogueto Meetings on the Review ofthe the Protocol tothe the Treaty establishing the Africanand Economic CommunityDialogue relating to the PAP PAPon and the ratification ofProtocol the African African Charter onestablishing Democracy,the Elections and Economic Community relating to the PAP and the ratification of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections Economic Community relating the and the ratification the Charter on Democracy, Elections 14-15 July Burkina Faso Regional Consultative Dialogue Meetings on the Review of theof Protocol to the Treaty establishing the Africanand Economic Community relating to the PAP and the ratification of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Economic Community relating to the PAP and the ratification of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Economic EconomicCommunity Communityrelating relatingto tothe thePAP PAPand andthe theratification ratificationof ofthe theAfrican AfricanCharter Charteron onDemocracy, Democracy,Elections Electionsand and Governance Governance Governance Economic Community relating to the PAP and the ratification of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance Governance Governance Governance Capacity Building workshop workshop on on Climate Climate Change Change 25-27 July July South Africa Africa Capacity Building workshop on Climate Change 25-27 July South Africa Capacity Building 25-27 South Governance Capacity Building workshop on Climate Change 25-27 July South Africa Capacity Building workshop on Climate Change 25-27 July South Africa Capacity 25-27 South CapacityBuilding Buildingworkshop workshopon onClimate ClimateChange Change 25-27July July SouthAfrica Africa 21-22 July July Botswana Committee on Trade, Trade, Customs and Immigration Matters workshop workshop on on Integration Integration Efforts Efforts 21-22 July Botswana Committee on Trade, Customs and Immigration Matters workshop on Integration Efforts Capacity Building workshop onand Climate Change Matters 25-27 South Africa Committee on Customs Immigration 21-22 Botswana 21-22 July Botswana Committee on Trade, Customs and Immigration Matters workshop on Integration Efforts 21-22 July Botswana Committee on Trade, Customs and Immigration Matters workshop on Integration Efforts 21-22 Botswana Committee on Trade, Customs and Immigration Matters 21-22July July Botswana Committee on Trade, Customs and Immigration Mattersworkshop workshopon onIntegration IntegrationEfforts Efforts in the African Continent in the African Continent in the African Continent 21-22 July Botswana Committee on Trade, Customs and Immigration Matters workshop on Integration Efforts in the African Continent in the African Continent in Continent inthe theAfrican African Continent 26-July Poland Polish Presidency of the the Council Council of of the the EU EU Seminar: Seminar: African African Development Development Cooperation Cooperation Strategies Strategies towards towards the the 26-July Poland Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU Seminar: African Development Cooperation Strategies towards the 26-July Poland Polish Presidency of in the African Continent 26-July Poland Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU Seminar: African Development Cooperation Strategies towards the 26-July Poland Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU Seminar: African Development Cooperation Strategies towards the 26-July Poland Polish of the Seminar: African Cooperation 26-July Poland PolishPresidency Presidency ofthe theCouncil Council of theEU EUfrom Seminar: African Development CooperationStrategies Strategiestowards towardsthe the Millennium Development Goals –––of Lessons from the New New EUDevelopment Member States Millennium Development Goals Lessons from the New EU Member States Millennium Development Goals Lessons the EU Member States Millennium Development Goals – Lessons from the New EU Member States 26-July Poland Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU Seminar: African Development Cooperation Strategies towards the Millennium Development Goals Lessons from the New EU Member States Millennium Development Goals Millenniumplanning Development Goals–––Lessons Lessonsfrom fromthe theNew NewEU EUMember MemberStates States 20-21 Sept Sept South Africa Africa Secretariat planning workshop 20-21 Sept South Africa Secretariat planning workshop 20-21 South Secretariat workshop Millennium Development Goals – Lessons from the New EU Member States 20-21 Sept South Africa Secretariat planning workshop 20-21 Sept South Africa Secretariat planning workshop 20-21 South Secretariat 20-21Sept Sept SouthAfrica Africa Secretariatplanning planningworkshop workshop 2011 Women’s Women’s Platform For Action Action In In Africa: Africa: Women, Women, Peace Peace And And Security Security In In Africa Africa 29-30Sept Sept South Africa Africa 2011 Platform For 29-30 Sept South Africa 20-21 Secretariat planning workshop 2011 Platform For 29-30 Sept South 2011Women’s Women’s Platform For Action ActionIn InAfrica: Africa: Women, Women,Peace PeaceAnd AndSecurity Security In InAfrica Africa 29-30 Sept South Africa 2011 Women’s Platform For Action In Africa: Women, Peace And Security In Africa 29-30 Sept South Africa 2011 Women’s Platform For 29-30 Sept South Africa 2011 Women’s Platform ForAction ActionIn InAfrica: Africa: Women, Women,Peace PeaceAnd AndSecurity SecurityIn InAfrica Africa 29-30 Sept South Africa Launch of the the booklet booklet "Abandoning "Abandoning Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Guidelines for Parliamentarians Parliamentarians 30-sepSept South Africa Africa Launch of the booklet "Abandoning Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Guidelines for 30-sep South Africa 2011 Women’s Platform For Action InFemale Africa: Genital Women, Peace And Security In Africa for 29-30 Launch of Mutilation/Cutting: Guidelines 30-sep South Launch of the booklet "Abandoning Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Guidelines for Parliamentarians Parliamentarians 30-sep South Africa Launch of the booklet "Abandoning Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Guidelines for Parliamentarians 30-sep South Africa Launch 30-sep South Launchof ofthe thebooklet booklet"Abandoning "AbandoningFemale FemaleGenital GenitalMutilation/Cutting: Mutilation/Cutting:Guidelines Guidelinesfor forParliamentarians Parliamentarians 30-sep SouthAfrica Africa Joint Meeting of the Bureau, Bureaus of Permanent Committees, Regional Caucuses and the Secretariat Secretariat 8-9 Oct South Africa Joint Meeting of the Bureau, Bureaus of Permanent Committees, Regional Caucuses and the Secretariat 8-9 Oct Oct South Africa Africa Launch of the booklet "Abandoning Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Guidelines forand Parliamentarians 30-sep Joint Meeting of the Bureau, Bureaus of Permanent Committees, Regional Caucuses the 8-9 South Joint Meeting of the Bureau, Bureaus of Permanent Committees, Regional Caucuses and the Secretariat 8-9 Oct South Africa Joint Meeting of the Bureau, Bureaus of Permanent Committees, Regional Caucuses and the Secretariat 8-9 Oct South Africa Joint 8-9 South JointMeeting Meetingof ofthe theBureau, Bureau,Bureaus Bureausof ofPermanent PermanentCommittees, Committees,Regional RegionalCaucuses Caucusesand andthe theSecretariat Secretariat 8-9Oct Oct SouthAfrica Africa Presentation on Aid Effectiveness to PAP Plenary by Hon. Prof. Ben Turok, MP, South Africa 11-Oct South Africa Presentation on Aid Effectiveness to PAP Plenary by Hon. Prof. Ben Turok, MP, South Africa 11-Oct South Africa Joint Meetingon ofAid theEffectiveness Bureau, Bureaus of Permanent Committees, Regional Caucuses and the Secretariat 8-9 Oct Presentation to PAP Plenary by Hon. Prof. Ben Turok, MP, South Africa 11-Oct South Africa Presentation on Aid Effectiveness to PAP Plenary by Hon. Prof. Ben Turok, MP, South Africa 11-Oct South Africa Presentation on Aid Effectiveness to PAP Plenary by Hon. Prof. Ben Turok, MP, South Africa 11-Oct South Africa Presentation 11-Oct South Presentationon onAid AidEffectiveness Effectivenessto toPAP PAPPlenary Plenaryby byHon. Hon.Prof. Prof.Ben BenTurok, Turok,MP, MP,South SouthAfrica Africa 11-Oct SouthAfrica Africa Participation at at AWEPA AWEPA Partnership Council 1-Nov South Africa Africa Participation at AWEPA Partnership Council 1-Nov Presentation on Aid Effectiveness toCouncil PAP Plenary by Hon. Prof. Ben Turok, MP, South Africa 11-Oct South Participation Partnership 1-Nov Participation at AWEPA Partnership Council 1-Nov South Africa Participation at AWEPA Partnership Council 1-Nov South Africa Participation 1-Nov South Participationat atAWEPA AWEPAPartnership PartnershipCouncil Council 1-Nov SouthAfrica Africa Participation at AWEPA Partnership Council 1-Nov South Africa The South Africa Provincial Legislatures (SAPL) Support Programme The South Africa Provincial Legislatures (SAPL) Support Programme The South Africa Provincial Legislatures (SAPL) Support Programme The South Africa Provincial Legislatures (SAPL) Support Programme The South Africa Provincial Legislatures (SAPL) Support Programme The Africa Legislatures (SAPL) Support Programme TheSouth South AfricaProvincial Provincial Legislatures (SAPL) Support Programme 20-21 Jan Africa Western Cape Committee Section workshop workshop on on Standard Standard Operating Operating Procedure Procedure WesternLegislatures Cape 20-21 Jan Western Cape Committee Section workshop on Standard Operating Procedure Western Cape The South Provincial (SAPL)Cape Support Programme 20-21 Jan Western Committee Section Western Cape 20-21 Jan Western Cape Committee Section workshop on Standard Operating Procedure Western Cape 20-21 Jan Western Cape Committee Section workshop on Standard Operating Procedure Western Cape 20-21 Western Western 20-21Jan Jan WesternCape Cape Committee CommitteeSection Sectionworkshop workshopon onStandard StandardOperating OperatingProcedure Procedure WesternCape Cape 26-28 Jan Gauteng SADC Women's Workshop on Transformational Leadership 26-28 Gauteng SADC Women's Workshop on Transformational Leadership 20-21 Jan Western Cape Committee Section workshop on Standard Operating Procedure Western Cape 26-28 Gauteng SADC 26-28 Jan Jan Gauteng SADC Women's Women's Workshop Workshop on on Transformational Transformational Leadership Leadership 26-28 Jan Gauteng SADC Women's Workshop on Transformational Leadership 26-28 Gauteng SADC 26-28Jan Jan Gauteng SADCWomen's Women'sWorkshop Workshopon onTransformational TransformationalLeadership Leadership Climate Change Regional Regional Seminar Seminar 28 Feb FebJan Mar Western Cape Cape Climate Change Regional 28 Feb Mar Western Cape 26-28 Gauteng SADC Women's on Transformational Leadership Climate Change 28 ---- 2222 Mar Western Climate ChangeWorkshop Regional Seminar Seminar 28 Feb Mar Western Cape Climate Change Regional Seminar 28 Feb Mar Western Cape Climate 28 Western ClimateChange ChangeRegional RegionalSeminar Seminar 28Feb Feb---222Mar Mar WesternCape Cape Women's Caucus Workshop 17-20 Mar Kwazulu Natal Natal Women's Caucus Workshop 17-20 Mar Kwazulu Natal Climate Change Regional Seminar 28 FebMar - 2 Mar Western Cape Women's Caucus Workshop 17-20 Kwazulu Women's Caucus Workshop 17-20 Mar Kwazulu Natal Women's Caucus Workshop 17-20 Mar Kwazulu Natal Women's 17-20 Kwazulu Women'sCaucus CaucusWorkshop Workshop 17-20Mar Mar KwazuluNatal Natal 5-6 May May Free State State Inter-Provincial Staff workshop on on Ethics Ethics and and Accountability Accountability 5-6 May Free State Inter-Provincial Staff workshop on Ethics and Accountability Women's Caucus Workshop 17-20 Mar Kwazulu Natal 5-6 Free Inter-Provincial Staff workshop 5-6 May Free State Inter-Provincial Staff workshop on Ethics and Accountability 5-6 May Free State Inter-Provincial Staff workshop on Ethics and Accountability 5-6 Free Inter-Provincial 5-6May May FreeState State Inter-ProvincialStaff Staffworkshop workshopon onEthics Ethicsand andAccountability Accountability 1-2 Aug Aug Limpopo Limpopo Policy-Analysis Policy-Analysis and Public Public Participation Workshop 1-2 Aug Limpopo Limpopo Policy-Analysis and Public Participation Workshop 5-6 May Free State Inter-Provincial Staff workshop on Ethics and Accountability 1-2 Limpopo Limpopo and Participation Workshop 1-2 Aug Limpopo Limpopo Policy-Analysis and Public Participation Workshop 1-2 Aug Limpopo Limpopo Policy-Analysis and Public Participation Workshop 1-2 Limpopo Limpopo 1-2Aug Aug Limpopo LimpopoPolicy-Analysis Policy-Analysisand andPublic PublicParticipation ParticipationWorkshop Workshop North West/Limpopo West/Limpopo members oversight workshop AugAug North West West North West/Limpopo members oversight workshop Aug North West 1-2 Limpopo Limpopo Policy-Analysis and Public Participation Workshop North members oversight workshop Aug North North West/Limpopo members oversight workshop Aug North West North West/Limpopo members oversight workshop Aug North West North Aug North NorthWest/Limpopo West/Limpopomembers membersoversight oversightworkshop workshop Aug NorthWest West Free State/ Northern Cape and North West Aug Northern Cape Free State/ State/ Northern Cape Cape and North North Westworkshop Aug Northern Cape North West/Limpopo members oversight North West Northern and West Aug Northern Cape Aug Northern Cape Free Free State/ Northern Cape and North West Free State/ Northern Cape and North West Aug Northern Cape Aug Northern FreeState/ State/Northern NorthernCape Capeand andNorth NorthWest West Aug NorthernCape Cape Free Interprovincial SeniorCape Managers’ training on Leadership, Leadership, Ethics Ethics and and Change Change Management Management 1-2 Sept Sept Northern Cape Cape Interprovincial Interprovincial Senior Managers’ training on Leadership, Ethics and Change Management 1-2 Sept Northern Cape Free State/ Northern and North West Aug Senior Managers’ training on 1-2 Northern Interprovincial Senior Managers’ training on Leadership, Ethics and Change Management 1-2 Sept Northern Cape Interprovincial Senior Managers’ training on Leadership, Ethics and Change Management 1-2 Sept Northern Cape 1-2 Northern InterprovincialSenior SeniorManagers’ Managers’training trainingon onLeadership, Leadership,Ethics Ethicsand andChange ChangeManagement Management 1-2Sept Sept NorthernCape Cape Interprovincial Inter-Provincial Human Resource Managers Forum on Organisational Development 14-15 Sept Eastern Cape Inter-Provincial Human Resource Managers Forum on Organisational Development 14-15 Sept Eastern Cape Interprovincial Senior Managers’ training on Leadership, Ethics and Change Management 1-2 Sept Northern Cape Inter-Provincial Human Resource Managers Forum on Organisational Development 14-15 Sept Eastern Cape Inter-Provincial Human Resource Managers Forum on Organisational Development 14-15 Sept Eastern Cape Inter-Provincial Human Resource Managers Forum on Organisational Development 14-15 Sept Eastern Cape Inter-Provincial 14-15 Eastern Inter-ProvincialHuman HumanResource ResourceManagers ManagersForum Forumon onOrganisational OrganisationalDevelopment Development 14-15Sept Sept EasternCape Cape Sep Sept Free State State Provincial Members Members workshop onManagers Ethics and andForum Accountability Sep Free State Provincial Members workshop on Ethics and Accountability Inter-Provincial Human Resource on Organisational Development 14-15 Eastern Cape Sep Free Provincial workshop on Ethics Accountability Sep Free State Provincial Members workshop on Ethics and Accountability Sep Free State Provincial Members workshop on Ethics and Accountability Sep Free Provincial Sep FreeState State ProvincialMembers Membersworkshop workshopon onEthics Ethicsand andAccountability Accountability 21-Oct Northern Cape Public Hearing on ODA Oversight 21-Oct Northern Cape Public Hearing on ODA Oversight Sep Free State Provincial Members workshop on Ethics and Accountability 21-Oct Northern Cape Public Hearing on ODA Oversight 21-Oct Northern Cape Public Hearing on ODA Oversight 21-Oct Northern Cape Public Hearing on ODA Oversight 21-Oct Northern 21-Oct NorthernCape Cape Public PublicHearing Hearingon onODA ODAOversight Oversight 12-13 Oct Oct Western Cape Cape Orientation of new new SALGA Executive Committee Committee members members on on their their representation representation role role in in Parliament Parliament (NCOP) (NCOP) 12-13 Oct Western Cape Orientation of new SALGA Executive Committee members on their representation role in Parliament (NCOP) 21-Oct Northern Cape Public Hearing on ODA Oversight 12-13 Western Orientation of SALGA Executive 12-13 Oct Western Cape Orientation of new SALGA Executive Committee members on their representation role in Parliament (NCOP) 12-13 Oct Western Cape Orientation of new SALGA Executive Committee members on their representation role in Parliament (NCOP) 12-13 Oct Western Cape Orientation of new SALGA Executive 12-13 Oct Western Cape Orientation of new SALGA ExecutiveCommittee Committeemembers memberson ontheir theirrepresentation representationrole rolein inParliament Parliament(NCOP) (NCOP) Public Hearing Hearing on ODA ODA Oversight 15-Nov LimpopoCape Public Hearing on ODA Oversight 15-Nov Limpopo Public on Oversight 15-Nov Limpopo 12-13 Oct Western Orientation of new SALGA Executive Committee members on their representation role in Parliament (NCOP) Public Hearing on ODA Oversight 15-Nov Limpopo Public Hearing on ODA Oversight 15-Nov Limpopo Public 15-Nov Limpopo PublicHearing Hearingon onODA ODAOversight Oversight 15-Nov Limpopo 6-9 Dec North West Inter-Provincial Members workshop on Ethics, Accountability and Oversight Inter-Provincial Members workshop on Ethics, Accountability and Oversight 6-9 Dec North West Public Hearing onMembers ODA Oversight 15-Nov Limpopo 6-9 Dec North West Inter-Provincial workshop on Ethics, Accountability and Oversight 6-9 Dec North West Inter-Provincial Members workshop on Ethics, Accountability and Oversight 6-9 Dec North West Inter-Provincial Members workshop on Ethics, Accountability and Oversight 6-9 North Inter-Provincial Members workshop on Ethics, Accountability and 6-9Dec Dec NorthWest West Inter-Provincial Members workshop on Ethics, Accountability andOversight Oversight (Limpopo, North West, Eastern Eastern Cape, Free State and Mpumalanga) Mpumalanga) (Limpopo, North West, Cape, Free State and (Limpopo, West, Cape, State and (Limpopo,North North West,Eastern Eastern Cape, Free State andMpumalanga) Mpumalanga) 6-9 Dec North West Inter-Provincial Members workshop onFree Ethics, Accountability and Oversight (Limpopo, North West, Eastern Cape, Free State and Mpumalanga) (Limpopo, North West, Eastern Cape, Free State and Mpumalanga) (Limpopo, North West, Eastern Cape, FreeRegion State and Mpumalanga) Support to the Pact of Stability, Security and Development for the Great Lakes Region (GLR) Programme Support to the Pact of Stability, Security and Development for the Great Lakes (GLR) Programme Support to the Pact of Stability, Security and Development for the Great Lakes (GLR) Programme (Limpopo, North West, Eastern Cape, FreeRegion State and Mpumalanga) Support to the Pact of Stability, Security and Development for the Great Lakes Region (GLR) Programme Support to the Pact of Stability, Security and Development for the Great Lakes Region (GLR) Programme Support to of and for Lakes Region Programme Support tothe thePact PactKinshasa ofStability, Stability,Security Security andDevelopment Development forthe theGreat Great Lakes Region(GLR) (GLR) Programme 25 26 May May Kinshasa Executive Committee meeting meeting for the the preparation of the the Kampala Plenary Plenary Session Session 25 26 May Executive Committee meeting for the preparation of the Kampala Plenary Session Support to the Pact Kinshasa of Stability, Security and Development for the Great Lakes Region (GLR) Programme 25 ---- 26 Executive Committee for preparation of Kampala 25 26 May Kinshasa Executive Committee meeting for the preparation of the Kampala Plenary Session 25 26 May Kinshasa Executive Committee meeting for the preparation of the Kampala Plenary Session 25 Kinshasa Executive 25--26 26May May Kinshasa ExecutiveCommittee Committeemeeting meetingfor forthe thepreparation preparationof ofthe theKampala KampalaPlenary PlenarySession Session 11 -13 -13 Dec Kampala 2nd Plenary Plenary Session of ofmeeting the FP-ICGLR FP-ICGLR 11 -13 Dec Kampala 2nd Plenary Session of the FP-ICGLR 25 - 26Dec May Kinshasa Executive Committee for the preparation of the Kampala Plenary Session 11 Kampala 2nd Session the 11 -13 Dec Kampala 2nd Plenary Session of the FP-ICGLR 11 -13 Dec Kampala 2nd Plenary Session of the FP-ICGLR 11 Kampala 2nd 11-13 -13Dec Dec Kampala 2ndPlenary PlenarySession Sessionof ofthe theFP-ICGLR FP-ICGLR 11 -13 Dec of Kampala Parliament of Rwanda Rwanda Programme 2nd Plenary Session of the FP-ICGLR Parliament of Rwanda Programme Parliament Programme Parliament of Rwanda Programme Parliament of Rwanda Programme Parliament of Programme Parliament ofRwanda Rwanda Programme Evaluation Jan July of Kigali Evaluation of of the the Senate Senate activities activities 2003-2011 2003-2011 Jan July Kigali of the Senate activities 2003-2011 Parliament Rwanda Programme Evaluation Jan ---- July Kigali Jan July Kigali Evaluation of the Senate activities 2003-2011 Jan July Kigali Evaluation of the Senate activities 2003-2011 Jan Kigali Evaluation Jan---July July Kigali Evaluationof ofthe theSenate Senateactivities activities2003-2011 2003-2011 8 -9 March Kigali Conference with Speaker of CEPGL on Peace, Peace, Security Security and and Economic Economic integration integration 8 -9 March Kigali Conference with Speaker of CEPGL on Peace, Security and Economic integration Jan -March July Evaluation ofwith theSpeaker Senate activities 2003-2011 8 -9 Kigali Conference of CEPGL on -9 March Kigali Conference with Speaker of CEPGL on Peace, Security and Economic integration 88-9 -9 March Kigali Conference with Speaker of CEPGL on Peace, Security and Economic integration 88 Kigali Conference -9March March Kigali Conferencewith withSpeaker Speakerof ofCEPGL CEPGLon onPeace, Peace,Security Securityand andEconomic Economicintegration integration 28 June Kigali Seminar with parliamentarians on viral hepatic 28 June Seminar with parliamentarians on viral hepatic 8 -9 March Kigali Conference with Speaker of CEPGL on Peace, Security and Economic integration 28 June Seminar with parliamentarians on viral hepatic 28 June Kigali Seminar with parliamentarians on viral hepatic 28 June Kigali Seminar with parliamentarians on viral hepatic 28 Kigali Seminar 28June June Kigali Seminarwith withparliamentarians parliamentarianson onviral viralhepatic hepatic July Kigali Workshop onparliamentarians competition and and on consumer protection 88 July July Workshop on competition and consumer protection 28 June Kigali Seminar with viral hepatic 8 Workshop on competition consumer protection July Kigali Workshop on competition and consumer protection 88July July Kigali Workshop on competition and consumer protection 88 Kigali Workshop July Kigali Workshopon oncompetition competitionand andconsumer consumerprotection protection 15 17 July Musanze Training of AMANI Forum members on the concept of of conflict conflict 15 17 July Musanze Training of AMANI Forum members on the concept of conflict 8 July Kigali Workshop on competition and consumer protection 15 -- 17 July Musanze Training of AMANI Forum members on the concept 15 17 July Musanze Training of AMANI Forum members on the concept of conflict 15 17 July Musanze Training of AMANI Forum members on the concept of conflict 15 Musanze Training 15---17 17July July Musanze Trainingof ofAMANI AMANIForum Forummembers memberson onthe theconcept conceptof ofconflict conflict 29-July July Kigali 15th Conference Conference ofForum the Rwanda Rwanda Women Parliamentary Forum 29 July Kigali 15th Conference of the Rwanda Women Parliamentary Forum 15 17 July Musanze Training of AMANI members on the concept of conflict 29 Kigali 15th of the Women Parliamentary Forum 29 July Kigali 15th Conference of the Rwanda Women Parliamentary Forum 29 July Kigali 15th Conference of the Rwanda Women Parliamentary Forum 29 Kigali 15th 29July July Kigali 15thConference Conferenceof ofthe theRwanda RwandaWomen WomenParliamentary ParliamentaryForum Forum 16-Sept Kigali General Assembly of the AfricanWomen Parliamentarian Network Against Corruption Corruption (APNAC) (APNAC) 16-Sept Kigali General Assembly of the African Parliamentarian Network Against Corruption (APNAC) 29 July 15th Conference ofof the Rwanda Parliamentary Forum 16-Sept Kigali General Assembly the African Parliamentarian Network Against 16-Sept Kigali General Assembly of the African Parliamentarian Network Against Corruption (APNAC) 16-Sept Kigali General Assembly of the African Parliamentarian Network Against Corruption (APNAC) 16-Sept Kigali General 16-Sept Kigali GeneralAssembly Assemblyof ofthe theAfrican AfricanParliamentarian ParliamentarianNetwork NetworkAgainst AgainstCorruption Corruption(APNAC) (APNAC) Oct Kigali Contribution to the the Rwanda Parliament Open days days 44 Oct Oct Kigali Contribution to the Rwanda Parliament Open days 16-Sept General Assembly ofRwanda the African Parliamentarian Network Against Corruption (APNAC) 4 Kigali Contribution to Parliament Open Oct Kigali Contribution to the Rwanda Parliament Open days 44Oct Oct Kigali Contribution to the Rwanda Parliament Open days 44 Kigali Contribution Oct Kigali Contributionto tothe theRwanda RwandaParliament ParliamentOpen Opendays days 4 Oct Kigali Contribution to the Rwanda Parliament Open days

AWEPA Financial Report 2011

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Page 19



Workshop on ICT Project Law


15 - 17 Nov


Induction courses of new Senators


Benin Observation Mission of Presidential election 3 - 14 Mar


Observation Mission of Benin Presidential election by Belgian parliamentarians


Support to Parliaments of Burundi Programme 14-Jan


16-17 Feb


Round Table organised by ADC-IKIBIRI from abroad, on "how to step forward after the Burundian contested election" Training workshop on legislative redaction techniques and on governmental action monitoring

03-08 Mar


Observation mission of the presidential election in Benin


07-08 April


National meeting of the senators and communal counsellors on the state of decentralization process


16 June


Parliamentary day on national strategies on good governance and on struggle against corruption


7-8 July


25 June - 12 July


Information and debates days on transitional justice and on the functioning of a Truth and Reconciliation Commissionof the AWEPA work in Burundi from 2006 to 2011 Evaluation



5-9 Oct


Recruitment process meeting for the new AWEPA Bujumbura representative


10-11 Nov


Provincial meeting of the senators and the communal counsellors




Information day on the report of the technical committee in charge of the implementation of the transitional justice mechanisms in Burundi Parliament of the Republic of Congo (RC) Programme


18 - 19 Aug



Seminars on Gender equality and the role of MPs in the achievement of MDGs 4 and 5

Parliament of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Programme 25 - 29 Jan


Seminars with women, local elected and staff members of the Kasa誰 Oriental Provincial Assembly


24 Mar


Workshop on Gender Equality


28 - 31 Mar


Seminars with women, local elected and staff members of Equateur Provincial Assembly


26 - 28 April


Visit of a delegation of the DRC Parliament to Rwanda


24 May


Workshop on the role of parliamentarians in the fight against corruption


16-17 June


Seminar with members of the administration on the Parliament work


27 - 29 June

Seminars with women, local elected and staff members of the Katanga Provincial Assembly


21-22 July

Lubumbashi, Kipushi Kinshasa

Forum on Security during the 2011 elections


6 - 7 Sept


Seminar with members of the administration on the Parliament work


10 - 14 Oct


Study visit of 8 members of the administration to the Belgium Parliament on Budget


13 - 19 Oct


Seminars with women and staff members of North Kivu Provincial Assembly



DRC Provinces

Observation Mission of DRC Presidential and legislative elections by Belgian parliamentarians


Support Programme to Network of Women Parliamentarians of Central Africa (RFPAC) 3-5 May


25-26 July


Regional Meeting of the RFPAC on health care and birth control, and on the role of women in climate changes RFPAC work meeting with its president in the margin of the AWEPA EU-conference on African Development Cooperation Strategies Towards the MDG


Parliament of Uganda Programme Jan-Mar


Review of Staff Performance Appraisal Instrument


10-21 Jan


Staff training on new approaches to public administration and civil service management in the 21st century


29 Jan


National Symposium on Electoral Democracy in Uganda, phase II




Staff training in accountability, budget tracking and public expenditure monitoring




Staff training in Monitoring and Evaluation and Review of the Parliamentary Research Service Manual


8 Feb


Staff training in report writing skills for selected departments of Parliament


1-4 Feb-7-9 Mar


Staff training in effective record management


28 Feb -3 Mar


Staff training in change management


13- 15 Apr


Induction Workshop for Members of the Uganda Parliamentary Press Association (UPPA)


9 May-20 June


Production of the Record Management Manual


6-8 Jun


Internal Orientation for Members of the 9th Parliament


13-17 Jun


Dissemination workshop for the Performance Appraisal Instrument


20 - 24 Jun


General Induction of the 9th Parliament


4-5 Aug


Induction and Capacity Building session for the shadow cabinet


5-6 Aug


Induction of UWOPA members in gender mainstreaming, compiling the common, Gender legislative priorities for the 9th Parliament and strategic plan for UWOPA 2011-2016


8 - 11 Aug


Staff training for the redeployed and promoted staff of Parliament


11-30 Sep


Printing of the common Women Legislative agenda


12 - 30 Sep


Printing of the Common Women Legislative Agenda


27 - 30 Sep


Training of Parliamentary staff (supervisors) in objective staff performance evaluation


3-5 Nov


Orientation workshop for the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Equal Opportunities

DDP Danida Huggo

4-5 Nov


Journeying to Effective Women Representation in the 9th Parliament: Induction Training of Women MPs


11 Nov


UWOPA Maternal Health and Cancer Training


24-26 Nov


Induction Workshop for the Committee Members on National Economy


7 Dec


Sensitization workshop for MPs on the ICGLR process and protocols


8-11 Dec


Short Training Programme on Knowledge Management in a Digital Era


Page 20

AWEPA Financial Report 2011

An Empowered and Effective East African Legislative Assembly: EALA Capacity Development Programme Jan


ATNR Committee workshop on Renewable Energy in East Africa

Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway

4-6 Feb


ATNR Committee workshop on Renewable Energy in East Africa

Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway

13-16 Mar


Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway

23-26 Apr


RACR Committee workshop on conflicts/challenges related to implementation of Common market protocol GP Committee workshop for formulating strategies to combat youth unemployment in EA

20-25 Mar


Staff attachment at Uganda National Assembly

19-26 Jun


4 Staff attachment at Kenya National Assembly

Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway

29 Jun - 3 Jul


Symposium 10th EALA Anniversary

Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway

19-26 Jul


MSc Security Management

Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway

3-6 Jul


Planning workshop by House Business Committee

Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway

18-20 Aug


GP Committee workshop focusing on policies and strategies on education, research, science and technology in EA

Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway

2-8 Oct


LRP Committee: Validation Workshop of the Human Rights Status and Issues in the EAC

Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway

16-19 Oct


CTI Committee: Stakeholder Workshop on Anti-Dumping and Quality Assurance in East Africa

Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway

17-19 Oct


ATNR Committee Workshop on Tourism and Conservation: status of implementation of cooperation and Issues in the EAC

Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway

23-26 Oct


Accounts Committee training on skills to appreciate Audited Accounts and their Presentation

Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway

26-29 Oct


RACR Committee: Workshop on Conflicts/Challenges related to the Implementation of The Common Market Protocol

Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway

27-30 Nov


Inter-Parliamentary Relations Seminars ‘Nanyuki’

Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway

30 Nov -1 Dec


MDG Seminar on HIV/AIDS



Arusha, Nairobi

Production of EALA newsletter

Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway



Steering Committee workshop for Nanyuki and related events

Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway



Donor committee meeting

Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway



Convene meetings of the EAC Bureau of Speakers

Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway



Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway



GP Committee Workshop on Policies and Strategies on Education, Research, Science and Technology in East Africa AWEPA EU Presidency seminar: participation by EALA



ATNR Committee: meeting to conclude on the trans-boundary ecosystems bill 2010


Partner States

ATNR public hearing on Polythene Material Bill

Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway



Convene meetings of the EAC Bureau of Speakers

Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway


South Africa

Participation at AWEPA Partnership Council


Arusha, Kampala Processing proceedings of the SSNLA and production of the EALA Hansard

Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway Irish Aid/SIDA/Norway

Capacity Building Programme for the Southern Sudan National Legislative Assembly and the Ten State Assemblies 15 Nov- 10 Dec 10


Nov 2010- Jan 2011 Kampala

Recruitment of Staff for the New Programme for the SSNLA


Procurement of Vehicles and Office Equipment


9 - 11 Feb


Performance Management Training Workshop for Senior Managers of the SSNLA


24- 25 Feb


Customer Care and Front Management Course for Staff of the SSNLA


1- 4 March


Policy and Budget Analysis Training for SSNLA Staff


9 - 11 March


Logistics and Financial Management Course for SSNLA Staff


14 - 19 March


Purchase and Supply of Assorted Books and Reference Material to SSNLA


13 - 26 March


Hansards Editors Training Theory and Practical for staff of the SSNLA


30 - 1 April


Strategic Management/Planning Workshop for the Leadership and Management of the SSNLA


6 - 8 April


Training on Parliamentary Research Methods for Staff of the SSNLA


11 - 13 April


Workshop for Members of the Committee on Legislation and Legal Affairs SSNLA


17 - 20 May


Result Oriented Management and Accountability Workshop for Senior Staff of the SSNLA


12 - 19 May


SSNLA Delegation to the 21st Session of the ACP - EU joint Parliamentary Assembly


17 - 20 May



20 - 25 June



9 June- 7 July


Training on Management of Parliamentary Committees for Office Managers and Assembly Secretaries in the SSNLA Attachment of Members of Parliament of the SSNLA to the Induction Programme of Members of Parliament of Uganda Production of the Guide for Visitors to the SSNLA (Information Brochure on the Legislative Process Chart)

24 - 30 July

Cape Town

Study Visit by Six Senior Staff of the SSNLA to the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa


18 - 29 July


Attachment of the Deputy Clerk, Parliamentary Affairs to the National Assembly of Kenya


9 - 12 Aug


Training on Needs Assessment/Evaluation for the SSNLA


24 - 27 Aug


Workshop for the Presentation of the first Draft Strategic Plan 2011-2016 for the SSNLA


23 - 26 Aug


Engaged consultant to develop Recruitment and Selection Policy for the SSNLA


6 - 9 Sept


Workshop to Disseminate and Submit the Training Needs Assessment Report


5 - 23 Sept


Publication of Handbook on Operation of Parliamentary Committees


19 - 24 Sept


Community Outreach action/visit to Western Equatoria State by the Members of Parliament of the SSNLA


29 Sept- 1 Oct


Training of Chairpersons and Deputy Chairpersons on Management of Parliamentary Committees


21 - 24 Sept


AWEPA Engaged a consultant to Develop a training and Development Policy for the Staff of the SSNLA


5 - 7 Oct


A dissemination and Submission Workshop of the recruitment and Selection Policy for SSNLA


4 - 7 Oct


Development of Performance Management Policy (AWEPA Engaged a consultant to develop this policy for the SSNLA


AWEPA Financial Report 2011

Page 21

9 - 15 Oct


Attachment/Study visit of Senior Staff of SSLA to the Parliament of Zambia


17-22 Oct


A course on Legislation and Bills Scrutiny for all Members of Parliament of the SSNLA


19-21 Oct


A workshop for the Dissemination and Submission of the Training and Development Policy Report was conducted for the Members of Staff of SSNLA Attachment/Study visit of Senior Staff of the SSNLA to the National Assembly of Kenya


30 Oct - 5 Nov


10-12 Nov


10-12 Nov


7-12 Nov


17-23 Nov


A workshop for the Dissemination and Submission of Performance Management policy was conducted for Members of Staff of the SSNLA A workshop on Modernizing of the Management/Human Resources function at the SSNLA ( Staff and Clerks attended this workshop) Outreach visit of SSNLA Members of Parliament to the Committee (Committee on Legislation and Legal Affairs) Community Outreach action/visit by the SSNLA Parliamentary Women's Caucus(Juba Town)

17-24 Nov


Participation of delegation of the SSNLA at the ACP/EU JPA Assembly Africa Chapter, in Lome Togo




Purchase and Supply of Assorted Books and Reference Material to SSNLA




Lunch of the Strategic plan 2011-2016 for the SSNLA


27 Nov - 20 Dec


AWEPA Engaged a consultant to provide Technical Support for Budget oversight and Scrutiny to the SSNLA


Feb - Dec


AWEPA facilitated Media action for the SSNLA


AWEPA facilitated the Drafting of Private Members Bills for SSNLA (The Administration of the Assembly Bill 2011, The South Sudan Revenue Authority Bill 2011)


Feb - Dec



Activity Name/Description


Strengthening Regional Parliaments towards Achieving The Millennium Development Goals Programme Result area 1: Development Policy and Legislation on MDGs 25-27 Jul South Africa Thematic Workshop PAP


30 Aug-1 Sep

South Africa

Regional MDG Seminar SADC-PF


27 Oct

Equatorial Guinea Nigeria

Thematic Workshop CEMAC-P


Thematic Workshop ECOWAS-P



Thematic Workshop EALA


1 -2 Dec

Result area 2: Enhanced Oversight of MDG policies 17 Oct South Africa Training oversight & MDGs PAP 28-29 Oct 1-2 Dec

Equatorial Guinea Burundi


Training oversight & MDGs CEMAC-P


Training oversight & MDGs EALA


Result area 4: Strengthened Institutional Capacity 18 Feb Namibia Strategic Planning Meeting SADC-PF


8 Apr

South Africa

Strategic Planning Meeting PAP


17 Oct

Equatorial Guinea Burundi

Strategic Planning Meetings CEMAC-P


14-16 Nov

Strategic Planning Meeting EALA


6-7 Dec


Strategic Planning Meeting ECOWAS-P


The Role of Parliament in the New Aid Architecture: A Focus on the SADC Region - Aid Effectiveness Programme 3-5 May


SADC Regional Seminar: Parliamentary Engagement to Make Development Aid More Effective: A Focus on Evidence Legislative Principles for Development Effectiveness

15-16 April


Budgetary Oversight Training Workshop - Mozambique


1 Dec


Portuguese Translation and Printing of Aid Effectiveness Publication



Evidence of Strengthened Parliamentary Oversight



Monitoring Reports on Selected SADC Countries are Compiled and Distributed


7-8 July


SADC Parliamentary participation in the Working Party on Aid Effectiveness


Engaging Parliamentarians in the Changing Aid Architecture - Aid Effectiveness Programme Jan-June


Target Country Research and Drafting of National Progress Assessments


Parliamentary ODA Oversight Project - Aid Effectiveness Programme 26-28 Feb


Public Hearings (Upper Manya Krobo, Yilo Krobo and Dangbe West)


3-7 Aug


Public Hearings (Kpomassè, Bohicon, Parakou)


15-19 Sept


Public Hearings (Iringa, Njombe)


11 Oct


Public Hearings (Cabo Delgado Province)


18 Oct


Public Hearings (Gaza Province)


26 Oct


Public Hearings (Zambezia Province )


21 Oct

Northern Cape

Public Hearings South Africa


15 Nov


Public Hearings South Africa


20-21 Oct


Joint Monitoring Team Exercise - ODA Oversight - Benin


19 Dec


Joint Monitoring Team Exercise - ODA Oversight - Mozambique


18-22 Nov

Dodoma, Iringa

Joint Monitoring Team Exercise - ODA Oversight - Tanzania


23 Nov

Cape Town

Final workshop on ODA Oversight - South Africa


20-21 Oct


Final workshop on ODA Oversight – Benin


19 Dec


Final workshop on ODA Oversight – Mozambique


AWEPA Financial Report 2011

Page 22

7-8 7-8 Sept Sept 18-20 18-20 Nov Nov

Koforidua Koforidua Dodoma Dodoma

Final Final workshop workshop on on ODA ODA Oversight Oversight – – Ghana Ghana Final workshop on ODA Oversight – Final workshop on ODA Oversight – Tanzania Tanzania

Miscellaneous Miscellaneous -- Aid Aid Effectiveness Effectiveness Programme Programme 3-7 Oct Oct Paris Parliamentary Participation Participation in in WP-EFF WP-EFF Plenary Plenary and and Side Side Meetings Meetings 3-7 Paris Parliamentary 28 Nov Nov Busan HLF-4 Parliamentary Parliamentary Forum Forum 28 Busan HLF-4 Harnessing Harnessing the the Powers Powers of of Parliament Parliament to to Promote Promote Sustainable Sustainable and and Green Green Economic Economic Development Development in in South South Africa Africa 28-29 Oct Cape Town National Consultative Seminar on Climate Change and COP17 28-29 Oct Cape Town National Consultative Seminar on Climate Change and COP17 29 OctOct- 55 Nov Nov 29 June -- 23 23 Dec Dec 11 June

London, London, Edinburgh Edinburgh Cape Town Town Cape

A study study visit visit by by aa delegation delegation of of the the Steering Steering Committee Committee on on Climate Climate Change Change A (South (South African African Parliament) Parliament) to to the the UK UK and and Scottish Scottish Parliaments Parliaments Research Research (A (A comparative comparative Study Study on on Parliamentary Parliamentary work work on on Climate Climate Change: Change: Selected Selected case case studies studies in in Europe, Europe, Asia Asia and and Africa) Africa)

DMFA DMFA via via AIID AIID DMFA via DMFA via AIID AIID UNDP Trust Trust Fund Fund of of the the WP-EFF WP-EFF UNDP UNDP Trust Trust Fund Fund through through UNDP the the OECD, OECD, ADA, ADA, SIDA SIDA FCO FCO FCO FCO FCO FCO

Public Hearings in Tanzania, Parliamentary ODA Oversight Project, Iringa, Njombe, Tanzania, September 2011

AWEPA Financial Report 2011

Page 23

Donors 2011 We would like to thank all the donors who have contributed to AWEPA programmes.

Page 24

AWEPA Financial Report 2011

Back Photo Polish Presidency for the European Union Council Seminar on African Development Cooperation Strategies Towards the Millennium Development Goals - Lessons from the New EU Member States, Warsaw, July 2011

AWEPA International

Prins Hendrikkade 48-G 1012AC Amsterdam, the Netherlands t: +31 20 524 5678 f: +31 20 622 0130 e:




South Africa


Southern Sudan





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