T&T Diploma Leaflet

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Bringing learning to life


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e k a m t a h t e Peopl nd u o r o g d l r the wo

Travel and tourism is a dynamic, fun and rewarding industry with people at its heart. It’s made up of a number of industries that fall into two main sectors: travel and tourism and passenger transport. This is a constantly evolving industry where technological, cultural, business, economic, political and environmental factors continue to transform it. This makes it a complex, stimulating and competitive industry – and one that you can help to shape. There’s a real need for motivated, creative and inspiring young people who can continue to develop this very exciting industry.

Build up essential skills and experience The Diploma in Travel and Tourism gives you a good insight into the industry. Communication, teamwork, customer service and ‘people skills’ are important here. By working both individually and in teams, you’ll become confident in dealing with customers. This is a dynamic sector where style and image play a big part. You’ll develop the relevant skills, knowledge and analytical abilities in context to make learning more interesting and motivating. 03

What will I learn? The Diploma in Travel and Tourism focuses on three main themes: • Destinations • Customer experience • Changes and trends

HoW is tHe diploma made up? Principal learning (subject learning you have to do) At the heart of the Diploma are your travel and tourism topics. These will teach you the issues that are driving and changing the industry today, how it works and what skills you need to have to work within it. 04

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Foundation Diploma (5 main topics)

Higher Diploma (7 main topics)

Advanced Diploma (8 main topics)

Planning journeys You’ll look at why people travel, modes of transport and how they interlink, key UK gateways, and sources of travel information.

Destinations You’ll learn how to use and access sources of information, how to plan itineraries, and what makes for sustainable development.

Destinations You’ll look at the world’s leading tourist destinations, how they use social and cultural features to attract tourists, and the impact and ethics of tourism.

Customer experience You’ll explore the importance of customer service and working with colleagues, and the link with personal presentation.

Changes and trends You’ll look at socio-economic and technological changes and their impact on choice. You’ll also study different buying patterns and increased independent travel.

Working in travel and tourism You’ll make personal development plans and set goals. You’ll also look at recruitment, selection and induction processes, and learn about employer and employee responsibilities.

Images and perception You’ll look at the concept of ‘image’, studying how travellers get perceptions of places and how an image can be reversed. You’ll also look at the role and influence of destination management organisations.

Destinations You’ll study worldwide destinations and visitor attractions, why visitor numbers vary, and the impact of tourism on an area. Customer experience You’ll look at the importance of customer service, different customer needs; and ways of communicating with them. Working in travel and tourism You’ll look at the range of industries in the sector, key players, employment opportunities, and where to get advice and information about career routes. Products and services You’ll work in teams to generate ideas and reach a consensus about a new product or service. You’ll also learn how to set objectives, produce a plan, identify resources and collaborate with team members.

Products and services In your team you’ll explore how to target the customer and how a product or service meets customer needs. You’ll evaluate the activity and reflect on results. The UK travel and tourism sector You’ll look at the range and role of industries in the sector, key organisations, trade and professional bodies, and national and regional development organisations. The business environment You’ll look at business functions and staff structures, as well as entrepreneurship. You’ll also look at how businesses respond to innovation and environmental pressures. Promotion and sales You’ll look at why sales are critical, as well as how and why products and services in the sector are promoted and sold. You’ll also look at the role of PR and the impact of technology.

Products and services You’ll look at ideas for business start-ups, set objectives and use project planning techniques, work to a budget, and learn how to negotiate for resources. The UK travel and tourism sector You’ll look more closely at why travel and tourism is a ‘people’ industry. You’ll also study socio-cultural awareness in a global context and leadership and communication styles. Political and economic influences You’ll explore the role of global organisations, governments, agencies, trade and professional bodies and their influence on the sector and how the sector contributes to the UK economy. Environmental influences You’ll look at what is meant by environmentally-friendly tourism and the impact of transport on the environment. You’ll also explore the pressures and problems on local infrastructures and delicate eco-systems. Technology in the sector You’ll investigate the new digital channels of distribution, the impact of technology on the customer experience, key software, and the impact of technology on transport developments. 05


Additional and specialist learning (choices you can make) At each level, you can develop your particular travel and tourism interests further by taking specialist courses relating to your chosen subject and career ambitions. You could, for example, study industry-based ICT systems, customer service or do a language course. Or you might choose a GCSE, AS or A level in, say, geography or economics, which would help you get onto a university course. You may also broaden your course by taking an additional subject that reflects your other interests and career ambitions – like a science or a creative subject. Studying a foreign language can be really beneficial in a sector with so many international opportunities. Functional skills in English, maths and ICT Like all Diploma students, you’ll develop a good standard of English, maths and ICT. These subjects are essential to succeed in any business or learning environment, whether or not you decide to continue in the travel and tourism sector.

Personal, learning and thinking skills All Diploma students will develop personal, learning and thinking skills, such as team-working, creative thinking and self-management. These are vital skills in both life and work, and will be useful to you in the future, no matter which path you take. Work experience Your Diploma will give you the opportunity to do at least 10 days’ work experience. This is a great way to use the skills you have learnt in the classroom, and experience what work is like from the inside. Student projects During your Diploma, you’ll complete a student project to demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you have learnt. It could be a written piece of work like an investigation or report. Or it could be something practical like planning a cultural or music event, or developing a marketing plan. 07

a m o l p i D a What o t d a e l l l i w

A Diploma in Travel and Tourism will give you the skills you need for either university or work, and is a first step towards a career in the sector. It could lead you to a university degree in travel and tourism operations and management, transport planning, air traffic control, adventure tourism, business studies or hospitality. 08

Alternatively, you might take a job with training or an Apprenticeship as, say, a retail travel consultant, resort representative, call centre team member, business travel assistant or airport information assistant. However, the Diploma in Travel and Tourism doesn’t mean you have to choose a career in this sector. Because a Diploma teaches a mix of subjects, it will give you the skills that will be welcomed by colleges, universities and employers, no matter what you choose to do.

e l p m a x e t n Stude What I will learn... There are several mandatory topics that I have to study as part of the course. They will teach me about different destinations and cultures, and help me relate this to my own experiences. I know that customer service is very important in travel and tourism, so I’d like to learn more about this in my work experience. In my specialist learning, I’m thinking of taking a business qualification and perhaps a foreign language too. I’m looking forward to... I’m looking forward to working with people who are actually employed in the sector and learning from their real-life experiences. I also think I’ll be able to learn more about my local area from a travel and tourism point of view.

The year is 2012. This could be the experience of one Diploma student. Meet Kazia, a Travel and Tourism Diploma student.

The future... I might go to university. But I’m also thinking about choosing a job in the airline industry, either here or overseas. This case study is an illustration of how and why a student might decide to do a Diploma. It does not refer to a real individual. 09

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d Want to fin out more? To find out more about the Diploma in Travel and Tourism, speak to your teacher or careers adviser. You can also find more information about Diplomas on these websites: www.direct.gov.uk/diplomas www.connexions-direct.com www.tandtdiploma.co.uk Downloading this leaflet If you’d like to download this leaflet, go to http://yp.direct.gov.uk/diplomas/news_and_features

Finding a course in your area If you’d like to find out where you can study for this Diploma in your area, go to http://yp.direct.gov.uk/diplomas/where_you_learn 11

You can download this leaflet or order copies online at www.teachernet.gov.uk/publications. Search using reference DCSF-00279-2009. You can also order more copies by calling 0845 60 222 60; textphone 0845 60 555 60. Please quote reference 00279-2009LEF-EN. Extracts from this document may be reproduced for non-commercial research, education or training purposes on the condition that the source is acknowledged. For any other use please contact hmsolicensing@opsi.x.gsi.gov.uk


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