Continued on Page 2 The
Volume 52 - No. 31 August 11, 2022 By Friedrich Gomez
There is an amusing grandparent anecdote where grandpa and grandma stop by a roadside restaurant to enjoy lunch before continuing their journey to visit their grandkids. There at the lunch table grandma forgets her sunglasses, which she doesn’t remember until she and grandpa are back on the freeway. This causes grandpa to start fussing and complaining as he tries to find a place to turn back around. Grandpa’s complaining soon stops as they drive into the restaurant parking lot. As they both get out of the car, grandpa mumbles to himself, “Well, I guess while I’m in there I might as well get my hat.” The story always makes me chuckle. Everyone has fond, loving memories of their grandparents and for good reason – they often bring laughter and sunshine to an often dark GRANDPARENTworld.
RAISING GRANDKIDS. There is little doubt that grandparents are often indispensable, even life-saving elements in our lives. Their values Gramps N’ Grannies and teachings often affect us throughout our respective lifetimes; their wisdom even shapes us for the better and helps us find our true selves and our rightful place in the world we live. You are never truly alone, when you have grandma and grandpa to guide you. That grandparents play an integral part of our lives is not just a fanciful exercise in sentiment and nostalgia – it’s just plain fact.
POPULATION ON THE RISE. Grandpas and grandmas are making big history right now. According to the New York Times and U. S. Census Bureau, there are more grandparents in America than ever before. As a matter of fact, the grandparent population explosion in the U. S. has risen by 24 percent since the year 2001. And this year, in 2022, the ranks of grandparents is currently at a historic 77 millionGRANDPARENTSstrong!

Gramps N’ Grannies Cont.
the Midwest in search of employment, little Oprah remained on a Mississippi farm where she was raised by her beloved grandmother, Hattie Mae Lee. There she stayed until age 6 until her grandma fell ill and Oprah had to be sent to Milwaukee to be with her But,mother.itwas Oprah’s grandmother who left a life-saving foundation: “It is the reason why I am where I am today because my grandmother gave me the foundation for success that I was allowed to continue to build upon.”
wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy!
PEOPLE REARED BY GRANDPARENTS. There is a lengthy list of famous individuals who were raised by their grandparents, such as with the mighty literary giant, Maya Angelou (19282014), Pulitzer Prize nominee and recipient of dozens of awards and over 50 honorary degrees. The celebrated writer/poet who was abandoned by her parents and raised by her grandmother, said: “I loved
Chuckles Cont. on Page 11 by their grandparents. This list includes former U. S. President, Barack Obama, who said of his grandmother who passed away on the eve of his election day, “And while she’s no longer with us, I know my grandmother is watching, along with the family that made me who I am.”
PERSON BELOW WAS REARED BY A GRANDPARA.ENT?Melanie Trump B. Oprah Winfrey C. Hillary Clinton If you selected “B” above, Oprah Winfrey, you are right on the button. The importance of having a grandparent is crystallized in Oprah Winfrey’s own words, “It actually probably saved my life.” Mighty powerful words from Winfrey, but it rings of truth. When Oprah’s mother relocated to from Page 1 Because more and more grandparents are raising their grandchildren in America today, and this means that grandparents are, literally, helping to shape our future world. Today, grandparents (by themselves) are raising over 12 million of their own wholengthyGRANDPARENTS.U.havearenotgrandfathersbytheirgrandparentsendsDespiteselves.astep-inhaveInlevel.thattheirpasthisgrandchildren,thanLEVEL.GRANDPARENTgrandchildren!POVERTYYes,moregrandparentseverbeforeareraisingtheirbut,thesadpartofledgeristhat1outof5grand-andgrandmasthatarerearinggrandchildrenhaveincomesfallwellbelowthepovertyotherwords,forwhatlittletheyinmoney,grandparentsoftentoreartheirgrandchildrenatgreatfinancialsacrificetothem-theirownstrugglestomakemeet,financiallyspeaking,areoftentherewhengrandchildrenareabandonedtheirtrueparents.Assuch,andgrandmothersareonlytruetreasuresinlife,theysometimesthelastbesthopeweforsurvival.S.PRESIDENTSREAREDBYThereisalistoffamousindividualswere,atleastpartially,reared make me a poster boy -- for birth control. •••• For sale: an antique desk suitable for lady with thick legs and large drawers.
Gramps N’ Grannies Cont. on Page 3 One year they wanted to
It was during Oprah Winfrey’s most formative and impressionable years that she grew to what she is today: “My grandmother taught me to read, and that opened the door to all kinds of possibilities for me. And had I not been with my grandmother . . . I probably would not have had the foundation that I had.”
TheC.B.A.PARENT?ElvisPresleyMarilynMonroeCarolBurnettcorrectanswer is “C,” Carol Burnett, and that’s no laughing matter. Contrary to her comedy career which tickled an entire crowd? If you took all the ones in every crowd and put them in another crowd, will there be one in that Whycrowd?are there Interstate Highways in WhyHawaii?dowe drive on parkways and park on driveways? Why is brassiere singular and panties plural? Why is it that when they show a computer ad they show computers and when they show a car ad they show cars but when they show a condom ad they show people playing Newtennis?Career as a Songwriter. . .I have the titles. . .I needs some lyrics. The titles are: Our Cow Gave No Milk So We Had to Sell Him She Criticized My Apartment So I Kocked Her Flat They Hadn't Ought To Have Gone Ahead and Did It like They Went On and Done It Because They Knowed They Did Them Kind of Things Before! When You Say You Love Me, You're Full of Prunes, 'Cause Living With You is the Pits. My John Deere Was Breaking Your Field, While Your Dear John Was Breaking My Heart I Wanted Your Hand in Marriage but All I got Was the Finger Take your tongue out'a my mouth, I'm kissing you good bye "You're The Reason Our Baby's So "Don'tUgly" Cry On My Shoulders Cause Your Rustin' My Spurs" "How Can I Miss You If You Won't Go Away?" "I Fell In A Pile Of You, And Got Love All Over Me" "I'm So Miserable Without You, It's Like Having You Here" "If You Don't Leave Me Alone, I'll Go And Find Someone Else Who "MyWill"Every Day Silver Is Plastic" "Oh, I've Got Hair Oil on My Ears, and My Glasses are Slipping Down, but Baby I Can See Through You." "They May Put me in Prison, but They Can't Stop My Face from Breakin' Out." Lyle's Wisdom: Anytime a woman suffers in silence, she'll have plenty to say about it later. wit,
The Paper Page 2• August 11 2022 my grandmother. I try to be the same kind of grandparent I had. My grandmother was the best.”
•••• Four-poster bed, 101 years old. Perfect for antique••••lover. Wanted. Man to take care of cow that does not smoke or drink. LOST DOG 3 Legs. Blind in Left Eye. Missing Right Ear. Tail Broken. Recently castrated. . . . Answers to the name of "Lucky" The List of questions that demand answers. . . Did Adam and Eve have navels? If a cow laughed, would milk come out of her nose? If you have 24 odds and ends on a table, and 23 fall off, what do you have left, an odd or an end? You know how most well labelled packages say "Open Here". What is the protocol if the package says, "Open Somewhere Else"? When they finish making styrofoam what do they package it in? Why is it that when you transport something by car, it's called a shipment, but when you transport something by ship, it's called a cargo? Why is there always one in every My wife is such a bad cook, if we leave dental floss in the kitchen the roaches hang themselves. I'm so ugly I stuck my head out the window and got arrested for moonIing.know I'm not sexy. When I put my underwear on I can hear the Fruitof-the-Loom guys giggling.
Also, former president Bill Clinton’s own grandparents took over his care when his father died in a car Undercrash.thetutelage of his grandparents, a young Bill Clinton discovered an early love of education and by the age of 3, he was already counting and reading. “My grandparents had a lot to do with my early commitment to learning,” Clinton has often said. Little did these grandparents know at the time, that they were shaping destiny at the potter’s wheel, that they were raising future leaders of FAMOUSAmerica!
In 1993, Angelou recited her poem “On the Pulse of Morning” at President Bill Clinton’s inauguration, the first poet since Robert Frost to recite a poem at a presidential Someinauguration.namesand stories of famous people who were reared by their grandparents may well surprise, or perhaps even shock you, in realising just how valuable America’s population of grandpas and grandmas truly are. Let’s see if you can correctly guess the names of prominent individuals who were reared by their grandparWHICHents.
Give Us This Day OurChuckleDaily This week, a compendium of
I'm so ugly my father carried around a picture of the kid that came with his wallet. I'm so ugly my mother had morning sickness AFTER I was born. Once when I was lost, I saw a policeman, & asked him to help me find my parents. I said to him, "Do you think we'll ever find them?" He said, "I don't know kid. There's so many places they can hide."
Nicholson received a call from the Time Magazine staff asking him to verify their findings of his ‘parents’ actually being his grandparents. Since Nicholson was completely unaware of the true identity of his grandparents, he flatly denied the Adding‘rumour.’to the rumour was Time Magazine’s allegation that not only were Jack Nicholson’s ‘parents’ really his grandparents but, also, the bombshell allegation that his ‘sister,’ June, was in fact not his sister at all – but, his biological mother! When Time Magazine first asked Jack Nicholson these deeply personal questions in 1974, Nicholson was already 37 years old and his ‘sister,’ June, (his actual mother) had already passed away back in Although1963. the actor was completely unaware of these facts at the time, he was sufficiently bothered and curious enough from Time Magazine’s queries to make a call of his own. Jack Nicholson called the husband of his other ‘sister,’ Lorraine, (which in truth was his aunt) to ask pertinent questions on his upbringing. Jack’s surviving ‘sister,’ Lorraine, knew the real truth, and finally broke the incredible news to actor Jack Nicholson. The tale of the tape was finally made clear: Jack’s ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ were, truthfully, his grandparents. Jack’s ‘sister’ named June, was in fact his mother, making his other surviving ‘sister,’ Lorraine, his true aunt! But, why the charade in the first Theplace?reason for the fabrication was that Jack Nicholson’s real mother, June, had become pregnant with Jack when she was only 16 (some sources say 18) and being unmarried at the time as well as unable to responsibly raise him alone, she gave him over to her parents to rear.
The Republican Club of North County (RCNC) believes in Republican values: individual responsibility, personal freedoms, limited government, a market economy, low taxes, and a strong national defense. RCNC meets the third Wednesday of each month at El Camino Country Club, 3202 Vista Way, Oceanside CA 92056. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. on August 17th and the meeting starts promptly at 12:00 noon. Cash or check ONLY at the door (credit cards not accepted). For more information and lunch choices, call or text Barbara at (760) 2129995. The Road to Oz is in Valley Center: The road to "Oz" is in North County. The community of Valley Center might seem like an unusual place to find connections to "The Wizard of Oz," but the local History Museum is exhibiting documents and photos with links to the rural town. Unknown to most, there were two movie versions of the film, both of which have Valley Center connections. In 1925, local resident Sam Zimbalist, a longtime MGM producer, edited the first film. The better-known 1939 version featured local resident Jack Haley as the Tin Man. An then unknown actor named Oliver Hardy was the Tin Man in 1925. Valley Center also has an area often referred to as the Wizard of Oz neighborhood in which streets carry such names as The Yellow Brick Road, Wizard Way, Dorothy Lane and Emerald City Drive. For more information and to view the exhibits, visit the Valley Center History Museum at 29200 Cole Grade Road. Hours are 12 noon to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Admission is free. The museum web site is MGM producer Sam Zimbalist of Valley Center edited the 1925 version of "The Wizard of Oz."
Gramps N’ Grannies Cont. on Page Oodles6Cont. on Page 10 Oodles! Looking for things to do? Places to go? Check out Oodles every week for listings of civic and service club meetings throughout our area. Have an event you need publicized? Email it to: If you submit photos do NOT embed them! Send as jpg, tif, or pdf attachments only. Simple press releases are the best: who, what, where, when, why. Please, no brochures or flyers. Keep it simple. You’ll get more ink!
The great comedy star, Carol Burnett, never let herself forget the grandma that barely had enough money to take her to the movies each and every week. Little did her Nanny know at the time that her little giggling grandchild seated by her side would, someday, grow up to become one of history’s mightiest purveyors of laughter and joy. All thanks to grandma, of course.
Both of her parents were alcoholics who were completely unfit to raise her. After her parents divorced, little Carol moved in with her grandmother, Mabel Eudora White, whom she affectionately called “Nanny.”
Oodles! N’ Cont. from Page 2
In 1974, during the premiere of Jack Nicholson’s movie, Chinatown, Time Magazine decided to do a cover story on the popular actor. The magazine’s researchers uncovered the fact that Nicholson’s ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ were in reality, his grandma and grandpa!
The Paper • Page 3• August 11, 2022 the 2020 book reminding us all that “voting is both an honor and a privilege!”
C. Johnny Depp If you guessed Jack Nicolson, you’re right!
campaign. His goal as a City Councilman is to maintain the character and values in the district, expand public safety, and provide wise governance to the residents.
Jack’s grandparents agreed to raise Jack as a son, pretending to be hisreal parents, so that his mother nation, Carol Burnett lived a most unhappy, traumatic upbringing.
When Carol Burnett’s grandmother died, a part of Carol went with her. In an episode titled, “Intimate Portrait,” Carol Burnett tearfully recalled how she held her beloved grandmother’s hand in the final moments in the hospital. Burnett simply ended her sentence with, “And then she squeezed my hand –and died.”
Despite her beloved Nanny’s death – who was the pivotal life force that raised her from a small little girl –Carol would continue a special connection with her grandmother. Even after her grandmother had passed away, during the run of The Carol Burnett Show, Carol continued the tradition of ending each program by looking into the camera lens and tugging her ear. She still wanted to tell her grandma that all was well, and that she still loved WHICHher.
They lived in a boarding house near Burnett’s mother, in a very poor section of Hollywood, EveryCalifornia.week, Carol Burnett’s grandma would somehow save up enough money for them to go to the movies together. It was there, sitting in a dark theatre with her Nanny where that little girl, Carol Burnett, discovered her love of Inentertainment.time,Burnett would emerge as one of Hollywood’s greatest and most cherished comedy legends of But,all-time!she never forgot her Nanny. Carol Burnett developed a special secret code of tugging at her ear lobe at the end of every televised Carol Burnett Show. The famous tugging of her left ear was Carol’s gesture to her grandma watching at home that meant: “All is well, I love you.”
In the case of movie actor, Jack Nicholson, there were some pretty unusual circumstances in his upbringing. One might even say bizarre. Nicholson was reared by both grandparents but he always thought they were, literally, his parents – a secret that was hid from him until he was 37 years old!
Rick recentlyRobinson,retiredOceansideFireChief,isrunningforOceansideCityCouncilDistrict2.Rickwillpresenthisplatformandkeyissuesinhis
Republican Club of North County welcomes Author Twila Le Page-Hughes and Oceanside City Council Candidate Rick Robinson! On Wednesday, August 17th, the Republican Club of North County (RCNC) welcomes two important speakers to our monthly meeting! Twila Le Page-Hughes is the author of “Why Your Vote Matters,”
Carlsbad’s “State of the City:” We are 2 weeks away from one of our largest events of the year. Join other impactful leaders in our city to discuss the state of the Carlsbad and plan for a successful future. This year’s special State of the Community event will include a keynote by our very own Mayor Matt Hall before he retires this Friday,year.
August 19, 11 AM – 2 PM Westin Carlsbad Resort & Spa 5480 Grand Pacific Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 August is National Make-A-Will Month — a month to think about our futures and how to best protect them. Just as you’ve provided compassionate care to animals in need, I hope you will consider doing the same for yourself, your loved ones and your future by creating your free estate plan this month. FreeWill has helped more than 500,000 people complete their wills — at no cost. This Make-AWill Month, join them in taking control of your future. Because no

Man About Town Mayor from 2012-2018, and was elected to her first term as Mayor in In2018.addition to her role as Mayor, Rebecca represents San Marcos on the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Board of Directors where she advocates for transportation solutions that benefit San Marcos residents! Since being elected Mayor in 2018, Rebecca has prioritized public safety, promoted clean streets and parks, and ensured financial responsibility. San Marcos now enjoys the lowest crime rate in the city’s history, new parks and improved infrastructure, and a balanced budget. Rebecca is dedicated to maintaining safe neighborhoods and schools for all. Recognized by the Red Ribbon Commission in 2016 with the Excellence in Prevention Advocacy Award, she effectively championed the creation of ordinances to restrict tobacco sales to San Marcos youth. She also led efforts to prevent the sale of dangerous drugs like Spice and Bath Salts in San Marcos. Additionally, under Rebecca’s leadership, the San Marcos Fire Department has achieved a Class One Public Safety Rating. Ensuring our homes and businesses are safe from the threat of fire is one of her top Sincepriorities!Rebecca began serving as Mayor, the city has built or rebuilt 10 parks, including a Purple Heart monument and trail that honors our
Question # 2 : It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counted. Here are the facts about the three candidates. Who would you vote Candidatefor? A Associates: with crooked politicians, and consults with an astrologist. He has had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day. Candidate B : He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college, and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.
The allegations – 34 in all – are detailed in the Department’s Notice of
By passing Proposition 103 in 1988, California voters mandated a 20 percent “good driver discount” for consumers who maintain a safe driving record. The Department’s investigation found that Mercury attempted to evade the requirements of Proposition 103 by steering good drivers into a higher-priced plan.
Candidate C : He is a decorated war hero. He is a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never The Paper Endorsements: Last week we strongly endorsed the re-election of 5th District Supervisor Jim Desmond and Escondido Mayor Paul “Mac’ ThisMcNamara.week The Paper strongly endorses the re-electionn of San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones. We have known Mayor Jones for a number of years and have followed her legislative career with great interest and admiration; so much so that we endorsed her in all of her runs for City Council and for Mayor of San Marcos. We continue to be impressed with Mayor Jones. She has served San Marcos for over 16 years . . . she served on the City Council from 2007 to 2018, serving as Vice
“Failing to sell good drivers the lowest priced policy for which they qualify is illegal, and my Department will act on behalf of consumers and pursue the maximum penalties against Mercury for acting in bad faith,” said Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara. “My message to Mercury and other insurance companies that try to evade the law is clear: unfair and illegal practices will not be tolerated and I will fight to ensure consumers get the discounts they are entitled to under the law.”
Woman With Bomb, Outstanding Warrant Arrested After Traffic Stop Melissa Vasquez, who faces multiple felony counts, was pulled over in Escondido Monday night. Officers took a 35-year-old woman into custody in North County on Monday night after they said they found an explosive device in her car. Melissa Vasquez, who had an outstanding warrant and was riding in her gray Chevy by herself, was pulled over by Escondido Police at about 8:50 p.m. near the Jack in the Box in the 200 block of Felicita Avenue, investigators said. After she was taken into custody, police found the "small explosive" under her seat and called out the bomb squad, who disabled the device, which police said "was capable of releasing Vasquez,shrapnel."who is being held at the Vista Detention Facility, is not eligible for bail. She faces two felony charges — for transportation/selling of a controlled substance, which was what the warrant was for, and possession of an explosive device in public. She is due in court in Vista on Thursday. Escondido Police, Fire Departmeent and Dixon Lake Rangers Save Family from Drownin Saturday, EPD assisted Park Rangers along with Escondido Fire in a rescue from Dixon Lake. At approximately 6:30am a family of four found themselves in deep water after their boat capsized. A quick response and great teamwork, led to a safe and successful rescue.
The Paper • Page 4• August 11, 2022 Local News
Letters to the Editor
on Page 6
The Fentanyl Story Dear Mr. Lyle E. Davis, I loved your Fentanyl news coverage story (8/4/22 issue of The Paper)! Titled "Cops Ain't Supposed to Cry," it was the most powerful and brilliant news reporting I've ever seen on t.v. or any newspaper -- by far! The U. S. media is supposed to educate us and raise awareness, but often they bore us to tears with poor communication skills and the over-burden "dead hand of research." Mr. Davis, you are not only a great publisher, editor, and founder of The Paper, but you're a most gifted writer who invigorates and "brings to life" important social issues in a way that deeply touches us and even brings tears to our eyes! Also, congratulations to Evelyn Mercury Insurance illegally steered ‘good drivers’ toward higher-priced policies, Department alleges in major legal action Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara announced a major legal action against Mercury Insurance for violating consumer protection laws, including by selling Mercury’s highest-priced policy to “good drivers” instead of the lowest-priced policy for which good drivers qualify. This legal enforcement action comes after a Department investigation found numerous areas where Mercury’s business practices harmed policyholders across its private passenger auto, homeowners, commercial auto, and commercial multi-policy lines of insurance.
Man About Town Cont.
Question # 1: If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded. and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion? Read the next question before looking at the response for this one.
after Mercury previously paid a $27.6 million fine in August 2019 that was levied by the Department of Insurance, the largest fine against a property and casualty insurer in Department history. The California Supreme Court upheld the Department’s action finding Mercury charged consumers unapproved and unfairly discriminatory rates. Like that case, the Department’s latest legal action against Mercury also alleges numerous violations of Proposition 103, passed by the voters in 1988 to allow the Insurance Commissioner to protect consumers from excessive and unfairly discriminatory rates.
Assemblymember Marie Waldron Secures $2 Million in State Funding for the San Marcos Fire Department , Assemblymember Marie Waldron (RValley Center) visited San Marcos Fire Station #3 to present the San Marcos Fire Department with check for $2 million dollars from the state budget to help fund two projects. San Marcos’ Mayor Rebecca Jones, along with members of the City Council, came to support this important accomplish“Thesement. funds will help make significant improvements to the stations,” said Waldron. “The San Marcos Fire Department is a crucial asset in protecting the public. I am happy to support them to get the needed funding to continue the good work they do.” Assemblymember Marie Waldron, RValley Center, represents the 75th Assembly District,.
Letters to the Editor Cont. on Page
veterans and active-duty serviceMayormembers.Jones is a strong supporter of small businesses in San Marcos and believes that a healthy business community is an important part of a dynamic and thriving community. She works to streamline city planning processes so that small businesses can open quickly and are set up for success. During the COVID19 Pandemic, Rebecca worked with the city to provide $3,000,000 in relief funds to keep local businesses Bothafloat. the San Diego County Sheriff’s Association and San Marcos Fire Department are endorsing Rebecca as the candidate running for Mayor that they have the confidence in to keep our city safe. The Paper is proud of San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones and proudly, and strongly, endorses her for reTheelection!Paper will be endorsing othere candidates, including those running for city councils in a number of North County cities. Those endorsements will follow the filing deadline for City Council seats later this month. Our endorsements are based on our knowledge of, and esperience of working with, various candidates. Of those candidates we do not know, we research their records and accomplishments. We may or may not conduct personal interview with candidates and/or proponents/opponents of certain issues. TOUGH QUESTIONS
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The Paper Page 5• • August 11, 2022 12:54 PM

While on a location film-shoot in Mexico, Jack received a call that his ‘sister’ June had just passed away. He never knew, at the time, that he was once talking and holding his mother in his arms for the final time. When he last saw her alive at the hospital, the truth was one-sided: He looked lovingly at his ‘sister,’ while her eyes were secretly seeing her son for the last Today,time.
in 2022, the now 85-yearold actor Jack Nicholson – the most nominated male actor in the history of the Academy Awards –has never played a movie role that was more surprising and dramatic than his real-life upbringing! WHY GRANDPARENT POPULATION IS NOW AT ITS HIGHEST IN HISTORY. One reason for the grandparent explosion is that more people are becoming grandmas and grandpas at much younger ages now. Of all adults age 30 and older, 37 percent are grandparents. GRANDPARENT HUMOR IN OUR LIVES. Grandparents can often be the most fun to be with, especially as babysitters. A famous comic once said no one, not even mom or dad, are smarter than grandpa and grandma. That’s because mom and dad were raised and taught by them. And as one humourist recounted, grandparents can still trick our parents. He cites the following humorous anecdote which never fails to make his audiences howl with laughter: A little boy accompanies both his grandparents on their doctor’s appointment. In the follow-up hearing test, the doctor said both grandparents still had perfectly normal hearing because of their new hearing aids. “I’ll bet your family is happy to hear about your perfect hearing,” the doctor asked them. That’s when grandpa said, “Oh, we haven’t told them, yet. We both just sit around and listen to the conversations. I’ve changed my will three times, already!” OUR LAST BEST HOPE. It doesn’t really matter if the storyline is apocryphal or not. The gist of it all is, that grandpa and grandma are truly indispensable in bringing laughter and joy into our lives. Also, in the bright sunlight of truth, grandparents often hold the nucleus of our great country – the fami-
We Must Meet Basic Needs Water, food, shelter, these are basic needs for people to live. But in the modern world, there’s a fourth item for that list – electrical power. Technology runs almost everything, and most technology requires power. Medical devices, communication devices and connection to the rest of the world, has become reliant on power. Thanks to amazing technological advancements, some vehicles no longer need gasoline, but they still need electricity. But, we now face the reality that supply of electricity is not keeping up with demand, for a variety of reasons. Power outages like we have not seen in the past are expected, and moving forward into the future, until supply can meet and exceed the increasing demand. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) has warned that two-thirds of the U.S. could experience blackouts this sumLastmer.
The Paper Page 6 August 11, 2022 and federal laws/protections that already mandate safe workplaces, and subjects employers to lawsuits if they replace absent Finally,workers.despite bi-partisan efforts by the Problem Solvers Caucus, there will be no suspension of the gas tax and don't expect any rebate for California seniors who rely solely on their Social Security benefits to survive these out-of-control inflationary Criticaltimes. issues like these often fly under the public’s radar. For better or worse, there is much more work to do before session ends August 31st.
As soon as construction is completed and the San Marcos Dental Clinic is once again open and welcoming back dental patients we will be sure to let you know. We are regular patients there, too. Love all the dentists and staff!
cheated on his wife. Which of these three candidates would be your choice? Decide first . . NO PEEKING. Scroll down for the response Candidate A is Franklin D. CandidateRoosevelt B is Winston Churchill Candidate C is Adolph Hitler And, by the way, on your answer to the abortion question: If you said YES, to abort the baby, you just killed Beethoven. Pretty interesting isn't it? Makes a person think before judging someAndone. finally, can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics :
Man About Town Continued from Page 4 Gramps N’ Grannies Cont. from Page 3 Gramps N’ Grannies Continued on Page 8
week, the Wall Street Journal published a piece titled, “America’s New Energy Crisis” in which it outlined how we’ve gotten into this situation. One part stood out to me from the arti‘Ascle, U.S. power supplies tighten, developers are struggling to build these projcould continue her promising dancing career without inviting scandal at the time. This family secret was hidden from Jack Nicholson until he uncovered his real parentage during his late 30s. To this day, Jack Nicholson’s biological father remains a mystery, though there have been several unconfirmed guesses. Nicholson, himself, says he does not know nor does he care to ever find out who his real father was.
More work to do We’re in the last month of a two-year legislative session. During August, we’ll be voting on approximately 1,200 bills, over 500 in the Assembly and about 700 in the TheseSenate. include my AB 2768, which addresses the critical shortage of psychiatric beds by leading to the development of a real-time, internet-based app providing information on available beds/facilities to serve mentally ill patients in emergency rooms and in ambulance transport. With 31 counties reporting a shortage of behavioral healthcare workers, I joined Senator Scott Weiner as co-author of SB 964 to deal with the shortage through increased funding and enhanced UC degree programs. Other bills I support include AB 2617 that encourages more dual enrollment programs for high school students, increasing graduation rates and reducing costs for students. I also support AB 2705 requiring more robust wildfire protection for future master planned communities without undermining current projects or housing construction. Another bill, SB 717 will identify hurdles to broadband access, and reduce regulatory and permitting barriers preventing wireless services from expansion or upgrades. Problematic bills include SB 1105 establishing a San Diego County housing agency which would be able to raise taxes/fees without voter approval. And SB 1044 identified as a “Job Killer” by CalChamber, allows employees to walk off their jobs simply by alleging they feel unsafe. The bill overrides multiple state 5th District Supervisor Jim Desmond ects quickly enough to offset closures of older plants, in part because of supply-chain snarls. Another reason: It takes longer to approve their connections to the existing electricity grid. Such new requests neared 3,500 last year compared with roughly 1,000. Typical time needed to complete technical studies needed for that grid approval is now more than three years, up from less than two in 2015.’ I’m all in favor of green energy, but we must do it while balancing our future needs with our current needs. I’m going to try and work with our state officials to speed up the approval time and keep some of our older technologies online until they are no longer needed. A crisis is brewing as electricity rates skyrocket and power outages are on the horizon, we must do something quickly. To contact North County Office – by appointment only 325 S. Melrose Ave., Suite 5200 Vista, CA Mon.-Fri.,920818:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
• 29 Have been accused of spousal abuse • 7 Have been arrested for fraud • 19 Have been accused of writing bad checks • 117 Have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least two ( 2 ) busi•nesses3 Have done time for assault • 71 Can not get a credit card due to bad credit • 14 Have been arrested on drugrelated charges
• 8 Have been arrested for •shoplifting21Are currently defendants in •lawsuits84Have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year . . . Can you guess the name of which organization it is? Give up Yet? It is the 535 members of the United States Congress. This is the same group that cranks out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line. •••• Long time good friend and loyal advertiser, Dr. Greg Hurt and his San Marcos Dental Center are taking a breather for most of August. Seems major remodeling is needed and it was felt that the construction crews working within the dental clinic would be distracting to the dental clinic’s patients. San Marcos Dental Clinic takes great pride in ensuring their patients have a relaxing visit whenever treated so they decided it was best to close the clinic until the end of August or early Sepetermer.
Assemblymember Marie Waldron, R –Valley Center, represents the 75th Assembly District in the California Legislature, which includes the communities of Bonsall, Escondido, Fallbrook, Hidden Meadows, Pala, Palomar Mountain, Pauma Valley, Rainbow, San Marcos, Temecula, Valley Center and Vista.

We’ve Lost the ‘Beaver’s Older Brother For those of us older than 40, we lost a TV icon this past a week. Tony “Wally Cleaver,” Dow, the “Beaver’s” older brother, succumbed to cancer at age 77. If you’ve never “left” it to ‘The Beaver,’” then this column may not register in your memory bank. Some 40 years ago I was a feature writer for the old Escondido Times Advocate. I and T-A photographer Dan Rios had the good fortune to meet and interview both Dow and Jerry Mathers, who played “The Beaver.” From 1957 to 1963, their weekly family sit-com was in most living rooms across the nation. The show has run continuously in syndication somewhere in the world ever Anthonysince.Lee Dow was born April 13, 1945. From his “Leave it to Beaver” role he went on to be a film producer, director and sculptor. Dow portrayed Wally Cleaver in the iconic television family sitcom from 1957 to 1963. In 1989, Dow reprised his role as Wally in a television movie, “The New Leave it to Beaver,” Dow was the son of Muriel Virginia (Montrose), a stuntwoman in westerns, and John Stevens Dow, a designer and contractor. In his youth, Tony Dow trained as a swimmer and was a Junior Olympics diving champion. With a little stage acting and two television pilots as his only acting experience, Dow's career began when he went on an open-casting call and landed the role of Wally Cleaver for “Leave It to Beaver.” With the exception of the television pilot, for the show's entire run, from 1957 to 1963, Dow played the older son of June (played by Barbara Billingsley) and Ward (played by Hugh Beaumont) Cleaver, and the older brother of protagonist Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver (played by Jerry After”Mathers).Leave it to Beaver,” Dow appeared on other television shows, including “My Three Sons,” “Dr. Kildare,” “The Greatest Show on Earth,” “Never Too Young, and on five episodes of “Mr. Novak” in three different roles. From 1965 to 1968, he served in the U.S. National Guard, interrupting his acting career. On his return to acting, he guest-starred on the television series “Adam-12,” “Love, American Style,” “Knight Rider,” “Square Pegs,” “The Mod Squad,” “The Hardy Boys” and During“Emergency!”the1970s, Dow continued acting while working in the construction industry, and studying journalism and filmmaking. In 1977, he parodied his role as Wally from” Leave it to Beaver” in “The Kentucky Fried Movie,” with Jerry Zucker playing FromBeaver.1983 to 1989, Dow reprised his role as Wally Cleaver in a reunion television movie and a subsequent sequel series, The “New Leave It to Beaver,” for which Dow wrote an episode in 1986. In 1987, he was honored by the Young Artist Foundation with its Former Child Star Lifetime Achievement Award for his role as Wally Cleaver. In 1989, Dow made his debut as a director with an episode of “The New Lassie.” It was followed by episodes of “Get a Life,” “Harry and the Hendersons,” “Coach,” “Babylon 5,” “Crusade,” and “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.” Dow served as the visual effects supervisor for “Babylon 5.” In 1996, he provided visual effects for the Fox television movie “Doctor Who”. In 1995, Dow also co-produced “The Adventures of Captain Zoom in Outer Space,” and in 1996, “It Came from Outer Space II.” In addition to acting, directing, producing and writing, Dow also was a sculptor, creating abstract bronze sculptures. He said about his work: "The figures are abstract and not meant to represent reality, but rather the truth of the interactions as I see and feel them. I find the wood in the hills of Topanga Canyon and each piece evolves from my subconscious. I produce limited editions of nine bronzes using the lost wax process from molds of the original burl sculpture." In December 2008, Dow was chosen as one of three sculptors to show at the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts exhibition, located in the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris, France. He represented the United States delegation, which was composed of artists from the Karen Lynne Gallery. His abstract shown at the Parisian shopping mall was titled "Unarmed Warrior," a bronze figure of a woman holding a Inshield.the 1990s, Dow revealed he had suffered from clinical depression. He subsequently starred in self-help videos chronicling this battle, including the 1998 video “Beating the Blues.” Dow also was hospitalized with pneumonia in 2021. My 1979 interview of Dow and Mathers was during the last stop in a 16-month dinner-theater production at Sebastian’s Playhouse in San Clemente. Earlier this year (2022), Dow was diagnosed with liver cancer and on July 27, he passed at his home in Topanga Canyon, at the age of 77. “Leave it to Beaver” has been dubbed in 20 different languages and like “I Love Lucy,” continues to be one of TV’s most successful re-run productions that will entertain families for years to come.
The Paper Page 7 August 11, 2022
Q: British Airways canceled my recent flight from Boston to London. The airline said it canceled the flight because of "operational constraints." British Airways sent me an email promising to "do everything we can to get you where you need to be." I asked the airline for a refund. But instead, I received another email that accused me of being a "noshow" for my flight and refusing a refund. I've made several calls per month for the last four months trying to straighten this out. Finally, I received an email from British Airways that said per its fare rules, it could not offer a refund. But British Airways canceled my flight. Doesn't it owe me a refund? -Carrie Christensen, Pittsfield, A:Mass.Itmost certainly does. If an airline cancels a flight, it owes you a full and prompt refund under its fare rules and federal regulations. British Airways can't keep your money under any circumstances. I'm kind of shocked that your refund request dragged on this long. I reviewed the correspondence between you and British Airways. The facts were clear: You received an email from British Airways that said, "We're sorry your flight has been canceled due to operational constraints." And you sent that email to the airline when you requested your refund. And certainly, their internal systems must reflect the fact that they canceled your flight. How much more do they need? You did a terrific job of keeping all of your records with the airline. If only British Airways had paid attention to its records, then you wouldn't have a complaint at all. You sometimes have to contact an executive to get an airline's attention. I list the names, numbers and email addresses of several British Airways executives on my consumer advocacy site, I think a quick, polite message might have gotten this resolved. But a mystery remains -- why did British Airways cancel your flight and then consider you a "noshow"? To find out, I contacted the airline directly on your behalf. It looks like your flight wasn't canceled after all. British Airways generated the cancellation notice by mistake. The airline agreed to issue a full Christopherrefund.Elliott's latest book is “How To Be The World’s Smartest Traveler” (National Geographic). Get help by contacting him at ©
Tr avel Troubles hooter Proble m Solved
Tony Dow
Q: I purchased a Samsung 980 Pro SSD solid state drive from a local Micro Center and registered the product with my Samsung account. I sent Samsung the solid state drive (SSD) to update the firmware under my warranty. Samsung confirmed that it received the SSD and said it would take four days to complete the process. But the company never returned the SSD or gave me a refund. It's been more than a month. Can you help me? -- Kay Talley, Santa Ana, Calif. A: Something has gone seriously wrong with your return. Samsung should have acknowledged your drive and updated the firmware in the time period it promised. Your case is what I like to call a black hole return: You send a product to the company -- and it does nothing. Black hole returns are one of the most vexing consumer problems I've ever encountered. How can a company accept a return and then stop communicating with you? And I also wonder what would happen if the roles were reversed. What if a company sent you something and you failed to acknowledge it or pay for it? Corporate America would have a hissy fit. You kept excellent records of your return, including a paper trail of your electronic chats with Samsung. Good job! It shows your repeated efforts to get Samsung to reveal the whereabouts of your SSD and to return it. The trail ends with you contacting the Better Business Bureau and connecting with someone from Samsung who promises a speedy resolution. "We're just waiting for the system to finalize everything for you to receive the electronic coupon," he says. "I'm still going to continue to follow up with you just in case you have further questions, or you can reach me directly at my office." But nothing happened after that. And that's when you contacted me. Black Hole cases are challenging. If a company doesn't acknowledge a return, it's considered lost. At that point, you have to file insurance claims. If you don't have proof of your return, you could be out of luck. Fortunately, you kept your UPS receipt -- again, good job. I list the email addresses and phone numbers for Samsung's customer service managers on my consumer advocacy website, I think a brief, polite email to one of them might have resolved this missing return case. But you've been more than patient. I contacted Samsung on your behalf. A representative reached out to you and promised a refund. A day later, Samsung finally refunded you for your SSD. Christopher Elliott is the chief advocacy officer for Elliott Advocacy. Email him at or get help with any consumer problem by contacting him at This story originally appeared in the Washington Post.
HistoricallySpeaking by Tom Morrow

GRANDPA AND HIS LITTLE GRANDDAUGHTER. Here is a popular story that captures the essence of neglect in the final years of grandparents. It also bears witness to unswerving love between a grandparent and his tiny granddaughter. The storyline often rings of Theretruth.was an elderly grandpa who, in his greener years, was very handsome, strong, and keen of mind. He was once a young military man who had saved many lives out in the battlefield. He stood straight and tall and his strength and decency and sense of fair play were wellrespected during his courageous defense of our country.
on Page 13
Gramps N’ Grannies Cont. from Page 6 lies – together by stepping in and raising their grandchildren when Theynecessary.often prevent abandoned grandkids from suffering life-long trauma by stepping in and rearing them with total love and acceptance. When divorce, drug addiction, or death takes parents away, it is often grandpa and grandma who stand in the doorway with wide, opened arms for their grandchilThedren.Associated Press reports that more and more grandparents are raising their grandchildren and that number is increasing. As Maria Moissades, head of the Massachusetts’ Office of the Child Advocate sadly reveals, in 2022 there is a growing number of children abandoned by parents because of parental addiction to various drugs today, from alcohol to prescription drugs, and from heroin to crack cocaine and everything in between. She further testifies: “You’ve got grandparents who thought they were going to spend their retirement fishing and traveling. Now they’re raising as many as five grandkids.”
Today, more and more grandparents are becoming the safety net, the last best hope by stepping in and – at a great financial sacrifice to themselves – giving all they have to love, care, and raise another generation of innocent children. And sadly, 1 out of 5 grandparents that are raising their grandchildren today are, themselves, well below the poverty level. And yet, for all they do and sacrifice, grandparents in their old age, are not always shown reciprocation which they richly deserve. Instead, they are often neglected, abused, and forced into nursing homes, often against their own will. It is there, in these nursing homes where they often spend their final hours, rarely visited -- if visited at all.
The Paper Page 8 August 11, 2022
However, as with all things in life, he began to falter to the onslaught of the years. He soon became frail and weak and vulnerable in his Gramps N’ Grannies Cont.

The Paper Page 9 August 11, 2022 Over35yearsofexperienceservingthecommunity BRIGHTENYOURSMILEforspringtime Over 35 yearsy of experience servving the community Se Habla Español YOUUR SMILE DentalMaC MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED 24 Hour Emergen CallodayalldTenterrcos cy Dentist y! 34-43(760) 7 NO INSURANCE NO PROBLEM for 311 162 S. RanchcoSan Mar M spring time ho Santa Fe Rd., os, CA 92078 For Cleaning with Re Hygenist & Denta $89 ATATIENEWSPECIALPAP combined with any other offer flyer at the beginning of the app cash patients only. Restrictions ma For new patients only for first time ed Lim ff alegisterExam 9 LSENT Expires in 2 weeks. ointment. Cannot be ay apply. Must present use. No insurance and TimeLimitedOff Restrictions may app Includes Implant Fixture, Custom Implant Abutm $1995 Starting At AL $ /m PREMIUM DENTTA fer ply. Must present flyer ment, and Crown. New Patient Limited Time offer ACKAGE $54 monthly CredovedOn Appr with up to 60 month financing IMPLANT PPA $2 ALLCRC any other offer the beginning of the appo cosmetic crowns. Restrictio New Patients Only New C dit g. 200 Off ROWNSCOSMETIC Offer expires in 2 weeks. intment. Cannot be combined with ons may apply. Must present flyer at Cosmetic Crown. Save $200 on new * One coupon ONE OF THE . For new patients only foper customer C E FIRST PRACTICES IN SAN DIEGO TO or first time use. No insurance and cashfeCannot be combined with any other off NCE COVO OFFER MEDICAL INSURA . M. Restrictions may applypatients only e detes in 2 weeks. Call for mor. Expirer AL PROCEDVERAGE FOR SOME DENTTA esent flyer at the beginning of tMust pr tails. DURES INCLUDING IMPLANTS. CALL he appointment. AILS.L FOR DETTA © 2022 San Diego Gas & Electric Company. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC & 211 PARTNERING FOR YOUR SAFETY We all need a little help sometimes. During wildfire season, some of us need a little more help. That’s why SDG&E® is working with 211 San Diego to help provide additional customer assistance if a Public Safety Power Shutoff is necessary. To get connected to community, health, social and disaster services, please call 211 or visit 9:17 AM

What can we say alwaysoflow!handsomeHe’sLightning?aboutonefel-Heisfullenergyandready to go, just as his name implies! He really enjoys going for nice walks and being with his people. He would love to be the only furry love in your life because he wants all your attention to himself. Lighting will be an electric addition to your family!
Continued on Page 12
Righteous Rain was transferred to Rancho Coastal Humane Society from a local rescue partner through the Friends of County Animal Shelters (FOCAS) program. He spent some time in foster care, trying to gain weight. He likes playing with his toys and when he wants attention, he “talks” like most Huskies do. The $145 adoption fee for Righteous Rain includes medical exam, neuter, up to date vaccinations, registered microchip, and a one-year license if her new home is in the jurisdiction of San Diego Humane Society’s Department of Animal Services. For information about adoption or to become a Virtual Foster visit Rancho Coastal Humane Society at 389 Requeza Street in Encinitas, call 760-7536413, or log on to Open 11 to 4 Friday through Monday, and by appointment Wednesday and Thursday. to Editor to Editor Cont.Oodlesfrom Page 3 today," along with economic hard times where vacationing is a most painful reminder when we struggle to put food on our table, and these damned pandemics (new Covid strains, Monkey Pox, etc.) have once again placed us right back to square one in our social existence. Keep writing Lyle, we need you, along with Cecil Scaglione, Friedrich Gomez. But please, no more travel pieces of where to vacation. Many Americans are on the verge of homelessness, struggling with bills, rent, while 1 in 6 kids go to bed hungry in America today (over 15 million children are living in "food insecure /s/homes.")Maria
profile: mal-single.html? mix.male,53-pound,year-old,He’sSociety.HumaneCoastalRanchoatofRainRighteousispettheweekyoura4-Husky
Cont. from Page 4 Letters
An Interesting Quiz
The Paper Page 10• • August 11 2022 Pet Parade Pet
Cottrell former Officer of Marines Vietnam era Absolutely brilliant, brilliant Fentanyl cover story! Lyle, you have an unprecedented skill in delivering an emotional message that hits us right in the solar plexus!! Your style of presentation shames the big league media who fail miserably in pedestrian, tedious, "assembly line" messages that lack vigor, creative writing skills, which are necessary in capturing public awareness. This is when The Paper is at its best, with absolutely nothing that compares to you! Keep writing Lyle, we NEED you! Leave the travelogue stories (places to visit, etc.) out because it's just too painful in the face of "nightmares and cancelled flights across the nation matter the value or nature of your assets, creating a plan: Helps you care for and protect your loved Empowersones. you to make important decisions, on your own terms. Gives you an easy way to support the animals you love by including San Diego Humane Society in your Joinwill. the Make-A-Will Movement I hope you take the time to be a steward of your own future, just like you’ve helped shape the future for so many animals — and for our organization. Together, we can make a difference and create a more humane San Diego for all!
To Lyle: Congratulations on your continuing work. My wife, Nancy, and I always look forward to picking up a new edition at the Escondido Public Library. I did paraphrase the "Irish Taxi" joke myself after reading it and then offended my friend (and his coaddressees) to whom I sent it to also. "Poor judgment" is my middle name. I do recall something a man whom I admire had said a long time ago. "Don" was confronted by someone who criticized one of his decisions. His reply, upon admitting his mistake, was, "If I was perfect, I'd be crucified". I was shocked at the time but he was absolutely correct! I recall it often. Keep up the good work with the Chuckles! I'm on your side. Finally, many kudos to Friedrich Gomez. This man is a inexhaustible fountain of writing talent! He may be a bit unconventional, but so was Jesus Christ (hallowed be His name). I look forward to his many well written and well researched articles. TerrenceGodspeed!C.
He is available for adoption at San Diego Humane Society’s Escondido Campus at 3500 Burnet Drive. To learn more about making him part of your family, please visit or call 619-299Online7012.
Oodles Continued on page 11
Subject: A Navy Seal Who am I, read down... A Navy Seal WasFacts:born on September 14, 1978, in Jacksonville, Florida. [1] He is of Italian descent. [2] His family moved to Orlando, Florida, before relocating to Dunedin, Florida, when he was six years old. [3] In 1991, he was a member of the Little League team from Dunedin National that made it to the Little League World Series in Williamsport, (4]Pennsylvania.Aftergraduating from Dunedin High School in 1997, he attended Yale University. He was Captain of Yale's varsity baseball team and joined the Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity. [5] On the Yale baseball team, he was an outfielder; as a senior in 2001, he had the team's best batting average at [6].336.He graduated from Yale in 2001 with a B.A. Magna Cum Laude in [7]History.Hethen spent a year as a History Teacher at the Darlington School. [8] He attended Harvard Law School, graduating in 2005 with a Juris Doctor Cum Laude. [9] He received his Reserve Naval Officer's commission and assignment to the Judge Advocate General's Corps (JAG) in 2004 at the U.S. Naval Reserve Center in Dallas, Texas, while still a student at Harvard Law School. [10] He completed Naval Justice School in 2005. [11] Later that year, he received orders to the JAG Trial Service Office Command South East at Naval Station Mayport, Florida, as a Prosecutor. [12] In 2006, he was promoted from Lieutenant, Junior Grade to Lieutenant. He worked for the Commander of Joint Task Force-Guantanamo (JTFGTMO), working directly with detainees at the Guantanamo Bay Joint Detention Facility. 13] In 2007, he reported to the Naval Special Warfare Command Group in Coronado, California, where he was assigned to SEAL Team One and deployed to Iraq with the Troop surge as the Legal Advisor to the SEAL Commander, Special Operations Task Force-West in Fallujah. [14] He returned to the U.S. in April 2008, at which time he was reassigned to the Naval Region Southeast Legal [15]Service.The U.S. Department of Justice Madison ("Social Butterfly" columnist) who is retiring after 23 amazing, dedicated years for The Paper. Your writer, Friedrich Gomez, whom I spend almost every day with (including taking him to my UCSD classes & surfing!) says that Evelyn Madison was really the "engine" that drove and kept The Paper together. Is that true, Mr. GodDavis?bless you Mr. Lyle E. Davis for using your popular weekly magazine,The Paper, as a viable platform to make our world better, brighter, better informed, and wiser!Emailed from Kimberly Hastings, Oceanside, CA. Farewell Dear Lyle and also, Evelyn; To Evelyn first; A while ago I offered to take a more flattering photo, gratis, for The Paper. I had no response so I withdrew the offer. I will miss the Social Butterfly column. I retired 4 years ago at 70 and was completely 'burned out' in business; I understand how the effort put into The Paper can be exhaustive and earn a well deserved retirement. Best wishes, you'll be missed!
Elena-Hauser family & relaOceanside/Vista/tives Escondido
Erin DirectorMiserlisofPhilanthropy and Gift 619-243-3443Planning 2023 Photo Fundrasiser: There’s just ONE month left to enter our 2023 Photo Fundraiser contest! Don’t wait until the last minute — now’s the perfect opportunity to share your pet’s photo and tell the world why your best friend is speBackcial. by popular demand! We have three categories to enter: Dogs, Cats and Other Pets, giving you and your pet more chances to win awesome prizes! When you enter the Photo Fundraiser contest, your pet will be in the running to win a coveted model-of-the-month spot in our beautiful 2023 calendar! The best part? Every entry and vote supports the work of San Diego Humane Society and makes a lifesaving difference for animals in need. So don’t miss the chance to make your furry friend (or your scaly sidekick!) a star while saving animal lives! Please visit our website for full details about the contest, including how to select the best photo of your pet. Enter today to make a big difference for our community’s most vulnerable aniTogethermals. we can create a more humane San Diego one adorable pet photo at a time.
Escondido Library Events: 2nd Saturday Concert: Duo Divas Tribute Saturday, August 13, 2022 • 3:00–4:30 p.m. Turrentine Room • All ages A Sensational Barbra Streisand & Julie Andrews Tribute Show with Rick James as the “Sinatra Tribute Piano Player” will take you back in time to the greatest classic movie music, with fun and lively interactive duets, colorful costumes, friendly banter, storytelling & captivating music. Pacific Coast Harmony Special Guest Night: Pacific Coast

CRWF’s August 23rd luncheon will be held at the Holiday Inn, 2725 Palomar Airport Road, Carlsbad. Doors open at 10:30 a.m. and the program begins at 11:00 a.m. Cost is $32 for CRWF members/$37 for non-members. Please RSVP and pay online
Chuckles Cont.;atreservationscloseatnoonTuesday,August16th.Nopay-acceptedatthedoor.Forinformationorquestions,emailCheckoutonFacebookasCarlsbadWomenFederatedorInstagram
books are provided with music to help guests sing along. Music reading skills are not required. Learning the music is significantly aided by professionally created audio tracks.
Pacific Coast Harmony is an a cappella ensemble based in Encinitas, California, under the direction of Bonnie McKibben, an award-winning director, quartet champion, and recording artist. For more information, visit or call (619) 427-6669.
San Marcos • Mayor Rebecca Jones
The 7th annual San Marcos Double Peak Challenge is just around the corner on Sept. 24 – are you ready?! The trail reaches the highest point in North County. Get ready for a celebration of outdoor recreation by lacing up your shoes and training to #ReachThePeak this summer! Is the full 10K a bit too far? The series also has a 5K Fun Run and a Kid’s Trail Trot for younger racers, with overall and age group awards. You can also volunteer to cheer racers on! A pre-race warm-up, ample aid stations and professional photography along the way round out this fun (and challenging) event. Adults can also look forward to tasting local San Marcos brews at the beer garden. Proceeds will benefit the San Marcos community through two important non-profit organizations – the Friends of San Marcos Parks & Recreation and The Boys and Girls Club of San Marcos. Visit to sign up for this unforgettable experience. Time to train for the Double Peak Challenge!
This is a great opportunity for people who love to sing to enjoy some fun, inclusive musical activities. Visitors may just enjoy watching the rehearsal or are welcome to join Guestin.
the Quality of Life going down?”
The Paper • Page 11• August 11
A Weekly Message from the Mayor of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders. Vista • Mayor Judy Ritter For over 30 years, the City’s Culture Caravan travel program has offered unique travel experiences to destinations all over Southern California and beyond. With an emphasis on day trips, the McClellan Senior Center organizes the trips and takes care of details such as transportation, tickets, delicious meals, and wonderful volunteer guides. Plan a day trip or your next vacation with the Culture Caravan. If you are interested in active adult group travels give the Senior Center a call at 760.639.6160.
Carlsbad Republican Women welcome CA State Senate candi date Matt Gunderson and CA State Assembly candidate Dan Downey on August 23rd! On Tuesday, August 23rd, the Carlsbad Republican Women proudly welcome two Republican candidates for office in 2022! Matt Gunderson is running for the newly-designated CA State Senate District 38. Gunderson will a present a “Campaign Update and the March to November!” Dan Downey is running for the redistricted CA State Assembly District 77. Downey will present “Why is the Cost of Living in CA going up, but
Lyle's Observation: When someone says "She's not really beautiful but she has a great personality and a fine mind," that means she's an authentic dog with fat ankles. Lyle's Homily: It always pays to be sincere, whether you mean it or not. A wise old philosopher, it may have been I, the Santayana of Nietzche Street, once said: "People who think they know it all enrage those of us who really do. . . ." And finally, (and I really mean it this time!). . Lyle's Opinion: A psychiatrist is a man who tells you things about yourself you already suspect, in words you don't understand, and at a price you can't afford. His game is psychiatry, which hinges on casting intellectuFor
(760)InformationAdvertisingortosubscribe,Call747-7119 al spells, reciting incantations, and finding parents guilty.. . . . .
Lyle's corollary: Love means never having to say you're (a) ruptured; (b) swaybacked; (c) eviscerated; or (d),asI gently release your tiny, clenched, koala bear hands I bid you adieu and turn back to my home at the State Home for the Quaint.
Cont.Oodlesfrom Page 10 Harmony, an award-winning 4-part harmony a cappella ensemble, is hosting a special guest night Monday August 22, from 7 to 9:30 p.m. in Pappas Hall, below the church at Saints Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church, 459 Manchester Ave., Cardiff, CA.
• Mayor Paul “Mac” McNamara Greetings Escondido, As some of you may know, I am the vice chair at LAFCO (Local Agency Formation Commission.) Supervisor Jim Desmond is the chair. If you are not familiar, “LAFCOs were established in 1963 and responsible under State law to facilitate orderly growth and development in the most efficient manner possible while protecting against the premature conversion of agricultural and open-space resources in all 58 counties in California.” What they actually do is the following: Incorporate cities and form special districts, Annex and detach lands to cities and special districts, Activate or deactivate special districts’ service powers, Consolidate two or more cities or special districts into one, Merge special districts into cities, Disincorporate cities and dissolve special districts, Authorize cities and districts to provide new or extended services outside their boundaries by contracts. They clearly have a lot of say over land management and growth. They also produce a thing called a Municipal Service Review (MSR.) We, the commission, just approved going forward on the proposed MSR for Escondido, meaning what areas they are going to analyze. You can find out what LAFCO will be looking at for Escondido by simply going to their website, and look under Meetings and the Agenda for the August 1st meeting. Once done, and this is the important part, you can give input before anything is finalized. Please take a look and don’t be shy about giving your opinion. Robust debate, I think, helps us to the best decisions even if there is compromise. Stay informed, Be Kind, Remember your neighbor, and Stay safe! Semper Fi, Mac Paul P. McNamara Mayor of Escondido
Speaking of the Senior Center, did you know about the YANA or You Are Not Alone program? It is a free service to Vista residents. The Vista Sheriff’s Senior volunteer patrol provides checks on a senior or disabled person living alone. Call 760.940.4551 for more information about the YANA program. Caravan Adventures from Page 2
Mayoral Election Forum pre sented by Escondido Republican Club: The Escondido Republican Club (TERC) meeting will be on Monday, August 15 at the American Legion hall at 230 E. Park Ave. in Escondido. Check-in begins at 11:30 AM, and there is no fee to attend. We have our own spacious private meeting room. We have a very special Mayoral Election Forum this month. All three announced candidates, including the current mayor, Paul McNamara, Escondido Union High School Board member Dane White, and Rincon Water Board member Inki Welch, will present their views AND answer questions from the audience. The meeting will begin promptly at

God Bless America! Angelo Caruso San Marcos, CA. Praise for The Computer Factory Mr. Davis, Just want to give praise to Paul and Nome (Van Middlesworth) about the refurb computer I bought from The Computer Factory years ago.
703,000 pets have found their forever homes since the first Clear The Shelters in 2015. For more information about participating animal shelters, rescues and local adoption events visit or the Spanish-language site'
God bless America! Angelo Caruso From Supervisor Jim Desmond lyle Earlier-- today, I stood alongside Borrego Springs residents and San Diego County community members, all who have the same message, ‘No More Sexually Violent Predators in San Diego County.’ It's not right for the State and Liberty Healthcare to hold these trials during these summer months when most of Borrego Springs is out of town. As I mentioned on the news this morning, once Borrego Springs is filled with Sexually Violent Predators, they're going to continue to look for other communities in San Diego County. We must keep fighting these proposed placements and I'm going to work with our State legislators to see if there's something we can do to house these SVP's on State prison grounds. These people should not be allowed to terrorize any more people. Earlier in the morning, I was on the media with Terrie Kellmeyer, who lives right across the street from this proposed placement. Terrie has three kids including two who are deaf. It's heartbreaking to hear her story and what her family is having to go through.
Continued on page 13
Letters to the Editor
I have had 2 episodes, A couple days ago, a fatal virus tried to hijack my computer while I was searching for a recipe. Both episodes I had to force a shutdown and my computer was restored thanks to the security systems that were installed in my computer.
The refurb computers that The Computer Factory sell are as good, or better, than the new computers sold in big box stores!
The Computer Factory 845 W.
The Paper Page 12• • August 11, 2022
Letters to the Editor Cont. from Page 10 WWW, we’re offering it for $790 to our first “enterprise” system buyer on ThoughFriday. we are emphasizing portables this week, don’t forget that we build standard home and business worksta tions and specialty PCs for any appli cation. We also have a large stock of All-in-One and desktop PCs and we do repairs and upgrades on all Windows LastPCs. but not least, we offer trade-in value on your old PC.
Laptops galore! We are in the process of exploring a new relationship with a reliable source of PC and peripheral products. We can’t talk about it yet, but the immediate result is that we are now able to offer Windows based, high quality, late model “Enterprise” grade mobile PCs at incredibly low prices. “Enterprise” PCs are the ones purchased in large quantities by corporations, governments and school systems. If you are considering the purchase of a portable PC for home, business or school you need to check us out. We’ve often talked about the difference between these “Enterprise” refurbs and the “Retail” PCs sold in “big box” Estores like Best Buy, Walmart and Costco. The big difference is that the “The Paper” hits the streets we will have most of our 14 and 15 inch “Enterprise” PC s ready to go. We have a special “bonus” waiting for the first customer who buys one or more “Enterprise” PCs. As part of the pack age deal we got a brand new, still in the box ASUS 15 inch gorgeous ivory VivoBook. In our opinion ASUS is still the best quality PC on the market. It has Windows 11 Home, an 11th gen i7 CPU, 16GB of DDR 4 RAM, a 500GB SSD, Harman Kardin sound system and all the bells and whistles. Selling for over a $1000 in stores and on the specifications for “Enterprise” PCs are developed by the same computer professionals (ITs) that service and maintain the PCs and their networks. Their specifications emphasize quality, reliability and performance and include multi-year manufacturer’s warranty. By contrast, the “retail” versions of the same big three name brands Lenovo, HP and Dell are built as cheaply as possible because the average “retail” customer has no way to judge quality, reliability and performance. They are “price Desktop,shoppers.”ALL-in-Ones and other immobile PCs suffer less from low quality components than portables because they are immobile. With portables it’s a completely different story. Because portables get banged around in movement they are far more likely to suffer damaged with cheap “retail” components. Lighter weight is often considered to be a positive attribute by naïve retail shoppers so the major brands keep making outer cases thinner and more flimsy. This results in cracked screens, broken hinges, separation and a myriad of other problems. Ports and connections on the low end motherboards pull loose and the strain relief connections on the AC power adapters fail. We see all of these problems because standard “retail” warranties are only one year. The extended warranties offered for a price by retailers are a joke, often they involve shipping the PC to a repair depot that takes weeks to accomplish the simple repair that could have be done by a local shop in a matter of minutes. This new relationship is in its infancy and future weeks should allow us to provide more products and related commodities. By the time this issue of San Marcos Van than is NBC / Telemundo “Clear the Month. our Rancho Coastal Humane Society at 389 Requeza Street in Encinitas is joining paws with NBC and Telemundo television stations more than 1,000 animal shelappointed him to serve as an Assistant U.S. Attorney at the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Middle District of [16]Florida.He was assigned as a Trial Defense Counsel until his honorable discharge from active duty in February [17]2010. He concurrently accepted a reserve commission as a Lieutenant Commander in the Judge Advocate General's Corps of the US Navy [18]Reserve.He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, and the Iraq Campaign Medal. [19] He represented Florida's 6th Congressional District in the US House of Representatives from 2013 to the way, the former Navy Lt., is Ron DeSantis, Gov. of Florida.
Zante’s Cr itter Cor ner ters and rescues across the US and Puerto Rico to find loving homes for pets during the “Clear the Shelters” pet adoption and donation Therecampaign.are13 participating organizations here in San Diego County. More
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That’s when the little girl stopped and looked up and said, “I’m making wooden bowls for you Mommy and Daddy, so when you both grow old.”
13.Ifyouare50orover,howtoprotectyourselffromaheartattackor stroke.Mosttennisteacherscharge you$50-$100foronehour.Thisisfor allthepeoplewhowanttofeelyounger andhavefunplayingtennis,thank you. JohnWilson
autumn years. He no longer stood straight and sure as the mighty oak tree he once resembled. Instead, he now walked slower and more unsteady with every step. However, some things never Hechanged.stillsaluted the American flag whenever he saw it, or stood up as best he could whenever he heard our National Anthem. His frame was no longer straight, but stooped and hunched heavily over his cane. But, he stood nonetheless. He was now an old man. Because of his frail years, the former proud father and military man was placed in the care of his son and daughter-in-law with whom he lived, along with his grandchild, aged 5. He often held his granddaughter, sang “Hickory, Dickory, Dock” and recited other nursery rhymes with her. At times the little girl would sing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” to her grandpa and sometimes her heavy eyelids would close as she would gently lay her small head on grandpa’s chest, and there she would nap. Safely in his arms. But at the supper table, grandpa would often drop food from his plate onto his lap or, worse, onto the floor. You see, his soldier-like hands sometimes shook with feebleness. Sometimes he would accidentally spill his glass of milk, causing his son and daughter-in-law to look at each other with great annoyance. Whenever mishaps occurred, they began to scold him loudly, to be more careful. Though he was old and couldn’t help himself, inside of his trapped body, he still possessed a sharp mind and he felt sorry and ashamed of himself. His son and daughter-in-law made it clear that he was an unwelcomed burden to the family. Especially at However, thing never changed. His little granddaughter never saw him as anything less than the wisest and most important hero in her life. She loved saying the ABCs for him because he cared enough to hear them over and over again, and never got tired of hearing them. When she would finish, grandpa would always laugh and clap his hands. Grandpa was special that way. Sometimes they would even play hide-and-go-seek together. The little granddaughter felt so special and so happy to have grandpa Oncearound.more at the dinner table, grandpa tried his utmost to keep the peas from rolling off his spoon, but, they still dribbled onto the kitchen tile below. Scolded to be more careful, they finally decided to have grandpa eat by himself in the kitchen corner, on a small table. And to make certain he didn’t break any of his daughter-in-law’s fragile dishes, his porcelain plate was now replaced with a wooden bowl. All seemed to be back to normal. But, scraps of food from grandpa’s wooden bowl would, somehow, still continue to find its way to the floor. His little granddaughter noticed as grandpa sat, alone, away from his family, that he often had a tear in his eye. Then, one day it happened. When the family was eating their supper, the little girl was on the floor beside her grandpa’s chair, gathering pieces of food scraps that grandpa had dropped off his wooden bowl. Seeing their daughter this way, her parents quickly grew upset with her. Both grandpa’s son and daughter-in-law abruptly got up from the dinner table and loudly asked their 5-year-old daughter: “What are you doing with those scraps?!”
12.Whatmaterialforyoutouseto preventyoufromgettingsick,over200 diseases.
11.Whatmusclesgettightwhenyou runandhowtotweakthem.
Letters to the Editor Cont. from Page 12 Gramps N’Grannies Cont. from Page 8 SERVICE DIRECTORY The Paper • Page 13 August 11, 2022 Cleaning Services JUNE, THE CLEANING LADY “When all you want is a thoroughly clean house” Many years experience Excellent References 760.735.5852 HOME GENERALREMODELSMAINTENANCE Bath/KitchenDesigns,Tile Installation,Electrical,Paint,Fences,Concrete.Lic#33509 760.484.1302 760.529.1239 Cabinets by 760.594.0838Archie NeworRepair,cabinets,drawers,countertopsFormica,solidsurface,refinishorpaint,SeniorDiscount. RefaceorNew. Lic.#445779 Call Now! 760.594.0838 Home CareCABINETS HomeImprovementsMaintenanceEscondidoexperience.CaregiverCAREGIVERwith5yrsAvailablefororSanMarcosClients.AskforJackiephone7604739447References. JohnWilsonisaskingyoutosendhim avalidcheckfor$100.MailittoJohn Wilson,Box347,ValleyCenter,CA. 92082. Besuretoprintyournameand addressontheenvelopesoIcansend youacopyof "Tennis Improvements."$300to$400value for only $100. For your $100 investment you will get the following: 1.HowtoHittheBall. 2.Noprofessionaltennisplayerhas donethis.Thesixtargetsyouhitto. Nooneknowswheretheyare. 3.Whatareaofthetenniscourtdo youstayin.4.Howyouhitthatserve. 5.Howandwhentohitshotsjustover thenet. 6.Howandwhentohitshotsnearthe baseline. 7.Threekindsofserveandwhereto placeyourhandonthehandle. 8.Locationwhereyoustandwhenyou serve. 9.Powerorplacement?Whichone shouldyouuse?
Often out of the mouths of babes, comes the expected truth. From that day onward, as the story goes, grandpa always ate at the dinner table – with the rest of the famAndily. whatever mishap he may have had, he was never again scolded, but smiled upon. And the little girl noticed that she never again saw a tear in grandpa’s eyes. But, she did notice a twinkle in his eyes. As well as a big smile, whenever he looked, lovingly, in her direction. God bless our grandparents, verily, they are true treasures in our lives. Our FriedrichWriter-in-Residence,Gomez,(above)has yet another outstanding cover story both in this week’s issue as well as in many other upcoming issues. Keep reading The Paper and never miss one of Friedrich’s Cover Stories!
I want to thank the community for coming together and now we will await the judge’s ruling.
/s/ San Diego County District 5 Supervisor Jim m/http://www.supervisorjimdesmond.coDesmond

The name of the business: CWC Computing; CWC Imagery; CWC Digital Imagery, located at 218 Country Place, Escondido, CA. 92026. Registrant Information: Charles Wheatley Cleveland 2168 Counry Place Escondido, CA. 92026 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/ Charles Wheatley Cleveland Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego, on 7/15/2022 7/21, 7/28, 8/04 & 8/11/2022
The name of the business: Too Many Projects, located at 1312 Rock Springs Rd., San Marcos, CA. 92069 Registrant Information: Robert Burns 1312 Rock Springs Rd. San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business 7/27/2022. /s/ Robert Burns Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego, on 7/27/2022 8/04, 8/11, 8/18 & 8/25/2022 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT2022-9016083
The Mighty Mojo PageThe Mighty Mojo Page The Paper • Page 14 • August 11, 2022 PLUMBING Escondido760.745.1697Coin& Loan, Inc. 241E.GrandAvenue Coins•Gold•Silver•Vintage Watches InsuranceCoins & Loans Printing ALOHA PRINTING Topgradeprintingofalltypes,brochures, letterhead,posters banners,businesscards. (760) 471-1006 Pool Service “Perfection is the Start” Call TODAY for a FREE 888.769.9144Quote! Visitusonlineat: Home Care Services Trained Experienced Insured Bonded 760.990. CARECONCIERGE4289PLANS Solar and Roofing 75yr old woman w/MS in wheelchair seeking live-in care provider in Escondido. This would be primary/only residence of care provider. Shifts are 5 evenings a week but would need to sleep at apartment all 7 nights weekly. Compensation includes private bed, bath, utilities, cable and internet in a 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment. Male or female apply. No pets or children. Must pass IHSS background check and have valid DL. Leave 760-666-5555Message HELP WANTED The Paper prettymuchsellsitself!Youhavefascinatingcoverstories,brilliantlyillustrated.Youhavegreatcolumnswithabroadspectrumof informationfromPaulVanMiddlesworthoftheComputerFactory,famed columnist,TomMorrow,thelatestinstate-of-the-artdentistryfromDr. GregoryHurt...WeeklyLettersfromtheMayorsofEscondidoSan Marcos,andVista...weeklyobservationsoflocalgossipbytheareasnoop, “The Man About Town,” ...and,ofcourse, The Social Butterfly. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT2022-9016854 The name of the business: My Legacy E/C; My Legacy Essence; My Legacy Clothing, located at 30012 Old Hwy 395, Escondido, Ca. Registrant92026. Information: Elzo 30012AlvesOld Hwy 395 Escondido, Ca. 92026 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business 7/26/2022. /s/ Elzo Alves Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego, on 7/26/2022 8/04, 8/11, 8/18 & 8/25/2022
The name of the business: The Cutest Thing Ever, located at 339 Marcos St., #122, San Marcos, Ca. 92069. Registrant Information: Marisela Castaneda 339 Marcos St. #122 San Marcos, CA. 92069 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business 7/27/2022. /s/ Marisela Castaneda Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego, on 7/27/2022 8/04, 8/11, 8/18 & 8/25/2022
The name of the business: Pars Auto Service, located at 207 E. Valley Parkway, Escondido, Ca. 92025. Registrant Information: John Sohrabi 263 Glendale Ave. San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business 7/22/2022. /s/ John Sohrabi Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego, on 7/25/2022 8/04, 8/11, 8/18 & 8/25/2022
ATTACHMENT TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME (JCFORM #NC-120) Due to the COV ID-19 pandemic, which poses a substantial risk to the health and welfare of court personnel and the public, rendering presence in, or access to, the court’s facilities unsafe, and pusuant to the emergency orders of the Chief Justice of the State of California and General Orders of the Presiding Department of the San Diego Superior Court, the following Orde is made: NO HEARING WILL OCCUR ON THE DATE SPECIFIED IN THE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. The court will review the documents filed as of the date specified on the Order to Show Cause for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-120). If all requirements for a name change have been met as of the date specified, and no timely written objection has been received (required at least two court days before the date specified), the Petition for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-100) will be granted without a hearing. One certified copy of the Order Granting the Petition will be mailed to the petitioner. If all the rquirements have not been met as of the date specified, the court will mail the petitioner a written order with further directions.If a timely objection is filed, the court will set a remote hearing date and contact the parties by mail with further directions. A RESPONDENT OBJECTING TO THE NAME CHANGE MUST FILE A WRITTEN OBJECTION AT LEAST TWO COURT DAYS (excluding weekends and holidays) BEFORE THE DATE SPECIFIED. Do not come to court on the specified date. The court will notify the parties by mail of a future remote hearing date.Any Petition for the name change of a minor that is signed by only one parent must have this attacchment served along with the Petition and Order to Show Cause, on the other nonsigning parent, and proof of service must be filed with the Court.
The name of the business: Strong Tower Construction, located at 278 Espanas Glen, Escondido, Ca. 92026. Registrant Information: Cesar O. Arias-Avila and Wendy A. Arias 278 Espanas Glen Escondido, CA. 92026 This business is operated by a a Married Couple. First day of business 7/15/22 /s/ Cesar O. Arias-Avila Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego, on 7/15/2022 7/28, 8/04, 8/11 & 8/18/2022

The name of the business: The SDtician Skin Studio, located at 4161 Oceanside Blvd #29, Oceanside, Ca. 92056 Registrant Information: Cameron Barker 1070 Bellingham Dr. Oceanside, Ca. 92057 This business is operated by an Firstindividual.,dayof business 7/13/22. /s/ Cameron Barker Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego, on 8/11,7/25/2022,8/18,8/25 & 9/01/2022
The name of the business: Banyan Tree Compass Academy-North; Banyan Tree Learning Center, located at 3505 Cannon Road, Oceanside, Ca. Registrant92056. Information: Banyan Tree Educational 2675ServicesRosecrans Street San Diego, Ca. 92106 This business is operated by a Firstcorporation.dayofbusiness 01/01/2010 /s/ Nanci Engle, CEO Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego, on 7/22/2022 7/28, 8/04, 8/11 & 8/18/2022
The name of the business: SD Hair Extensions Studio; SD Hair Extensions; SD Demolition Service Company, located at 2151 Newcastle Ave., Cardiff, CA. 92007 Registrant Information: Slavic Gold LLC 2151 Newcastle Ave. Cardiff, Ca. 92007 This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business 7/11/2022 /s/ Alena Sysoyev, Manager Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego, on 7/21/2022 7/28, 8/04, 8/11 & 8/18/2022
The name of the business: G&M Ranch, located at 1380 El Paseo, Vista, CA. 92084 Registrant Information: La Masseria, LLC 24361 El Toro Road, Suite Laguna220 Woods, CA. 92637 This business is operated by a Limited Liability of business /s/6/01/2022JoeFerrucci, Managing FiledMemberwith Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San onDiego,7/13/2022 7/28, 8/04, 8/11 & 8/18/2022
The court may decide against you wihtout you being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. Youhave30calendardays afterthisSummonsand legalpapersareservedon youtofileawritten responseatthiscourtand haveacopyservedonthe plaintiff.Aletterorphone callwillnotprotectyou. Yourwrittenresponsebut beinproperlegalformis youwantthecourttohear yourcase.Theremaybea
NOTICECALIFORNIA,SUPERIOR00015540-CU-FR-NCCASESUMMONSNO.37-2022-COURTOFCOUNTYOFSANDIEGONORTHERNDIVISION325S.MelroseVista,Ca.92081760.201.8094TODEFENDANT: Volodymyr Meinychuk aka Vladimir Meinychuk, dba SDC, SD Construction, San Diego Construction, and DOES 1-25. ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: Bryan and Yana Ridge NOTICE! are being sued. courtformthatyoucanuse foryourresponse.Youcan findthesecourtformsand moreinformationatthe CaliforniaCourtsOnlineSelf HelpCenter( countylawlibrary,orthe countycourthousenearest you.Ifyoucannotpaythe filingfee,askhecourtclerk forafeewaiverform;ifyou donotfileyourrespnseon time,youmaylosethecase bydefault,andyourwages, money,andprepertymaybe takentwithoutfurtherwarningfromthecourr. Thereareotherlegal requirements.Youmay wanttocallanattorneyright away.Ifyoudonotknowan atorney,youmaywantto callanattorneyreferral service.Ifyoucannotafford anattorney,youmaybeeligibleforfreelegalservices fromanonprofitlegalservicesprogram.Youcanlocate thesenonprofitgroupsat theCaliforniaLegalService Website( theCaliforniaCourtsOnline Self-HelpCenter(,orby contactingyourlocalcourt orcountybarassociataion. NOTE:Thecourthasa statutorylienforwaivedfees andcostsonanysettlement orarbitrationawardof $10,000ormoreinacivil case.Thecourt’slienmust bepaidbeforethecourtwill dismissthecase. Thenameandaddressof thecourtis:SanDiegoCountySuperior Court325So.MelroseDrive Vista,CA.92081 NorthernDivision Thename,addressand telephonenumberofplaintiff’sattorney,orplaintiff wihtoutanattorneyis: BryanRidgeandYana Ridge 701BandakCourt SanMarcos,Ca.92069 Phone: 909.200.0761 Dated:4/27/2022 ByV.Navarro,Deputy 7/28,8/04,8/11&8/18/2022
The Paper Page 15• April 14, 2022 LEGALS The Paper • Page 15 • August 11, 2022 Know What? You could own this space. It’d be all yours. And over 20,000 readers each week would be able to read about what a nice person you are, and what a nice business you have. It’d be a nice littleWe’
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2022-00029311-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Arnold Oscar Babcock, Jr. filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Arnold Oscar Babcock, Jr. to Proposed name of David Singson Jackson. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
NOTICE OF HEARING: Sepember 13, 2022, 8:30 am, Dept. 61 The address of the court is: Central Division, Hall of Justice, 330 W. Broadway, San Diego, CA. 92101. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated July 26, 2022. NO HEARING WILL OCCUR ON ABOVE DATE - SEE Judge/s/ATTACHMENT.MichaelT.SmythofheSuperior Court 8/04, 8/11, 8/18 & 8/25/2022
The name of the business: Amorcito Corazon, located at 2117 Logan Ave., San Diego, CA. Registrant92113.
Only the Best and the Brightest Read ThePaper To read or not to read: that is the quesWhethertion. 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous forOrtune,to take arms against a sea of trouTobles.sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may Whencomewe have shuffled off this mortal Mustcoil, give us pause: there's the respect Thus conscience does make cowards of us Butall; give me my Paper and I shall read . . . for ‘tis timely . . .and I shall flee to where the mind doth andtravelrest. That quiet rest that seeks us all. Tis a goodly Paper, that I read it often and I learn toYourwrite. friend Wm. Shakespeare “I learned how to write by reading The Paper!”
People tell me I’m a great writer. I suppose that’s true. Whatever it is that I am, I owe to The Paper. My friends and I never miss an edition. We absolutely love the Chuckles Column. And the Cover Stories? Listen, I avidly devour each week’s cover story. What great research! Listen . . . you wanna write like me? Read The Paper! It’s free!
The name of the business: Del Sol Pools, located at 1509 Old Creek Ct., Cardiff, CA. 92007. Registrant Information: Gerrod Ian and Erin Wenona 1509RabakOld Creek Ct. Cardiff, CA. 92007 This business is operated by a Married Couple First day of business n/a /s/ Erin Wenona Rabak Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego, on 7/13/2022 7/21, 7/28, 8/04 & 8/11/2022
The name of the business: SMIUSA, located at 2121 Skyview Glen, Escondido, CA. Registrant92027. Information: Martha Garcia 2121 Skyview Glen Escondido, CA. 92027 This business is operated by a an Firstindividual.dayofbusiness 7/14/2022 /s/ Martha Garcia Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego, on 7/14/2022 7/21, 7/28, 8/04 & 8/11/2022
The name of the business: Valley Professional Center, located at 28743 Valley Cener Rd., Valley Center, CA. 92082 Registrant Information: Roy 28743Johnson,ValleyCenter Rd., #B, J. Steven McHale 28743 Valley Center Rd, #C Valley Center, Ca. 92082 David Edwards 28743 Valley Center Rd. #F, Valley Center, Ca. 92082 Mary Spencer, 18675 Avenida Cordillero San Diego, Ca. 92128 Jose Rua 1922 Grove Place Escondido, CA. 92027 This business is operated by a General Partnership First day of business 6/01/1986 /s/ David Edwards Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego, on 7/27/2022 8/04, 8/11, 8/18 & 8/25/2022
The name of the business: Mirjana’s Alterations, located at 750 E. Valley Parkway, Escondido, Ca. 92025 Registrant Information: Rijka Milovanovski 1412 Westwood Pl. Escondido, CA. 92026 This business is operated by an Firstindividual.,dayof business n/a. /s/ Rijka Milovanovski Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego, on 8/11,7/21/2022,8/18,8/25 & 9/01/2022 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME2022-9017380STATEMENT
The name of the business: Pier View Chiropractic, located at 225 N. Horne St., Oceanside, CA. Registrant92054 Information: Gonzalez Chiropractic 225CorporationN.Horne St. Oceanside, Ca. 92054 This business is operated by a Firstcorporation.dayofbusiness 7/12/2022 /s/ Robert H. Gonzalez, FiledPresidentwith Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego, on 7/13/2022 7/21, 7/28, 8/04 & 8/11/2022
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2022-00029311-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Arnold Oscar Babcock, Jr. filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Arnold Oscar Babcock, Jr. to Proposed name of David Singson Jackson. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Sepember 13, 2022, 8:30 am, Dept. 61 The address of the court is: Central Division, Hall of Justice, 330 W. Broadway, San Diego, CA. 92101. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated July 26, NO2022.HEARING WILL OCCUR ON ABOVE DATE - SEE ATTACH/s/MENT.Michael T. Smyth Judge of the Superior Court 8/04, 8/11, 8/18 & 8/25/2022 name the business: Krupa Law Group, located at 3138 Roosevelt Street. Suite O, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008. Lori Lee Krupa 4844 Baroque Terrace Oceanside, Ca. by a an 10/04/2017 /s/ Lori Lee Krupa Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego, on 7/01/2022 7/21, 7/28, 8/04 & 8/11/2022
Registrant Information:
STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME #2022-9015749 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME: Gonzalez Total Care Chiropractic, located at 225 N. Horne St., Oceanside, Ca. 92054 The Fictitious Business Name referred to above was filed in San Diego County on 05/24/2022 and assigneed file no. 2022-9011923 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IS BEING ABANDONED BY: Robert H. Gonzalez 3419 Don Alvarez Carlsbad, CA. 92010 This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1000). /s/ Robert H. Gonzalez This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County 7/13/2022 7/21, 7/28, 8/04 & 8/11/2022 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME2022-9014747STATEMENT
The name of the business: D.I. Express Waste Management Co. located at 5045 Corinthia Way, Oceanside, CA. 92056. Registrant ThisOceanside,5045DominiqueInformation:ItzenCorinthiaWayCa.92056businessisoperated by a an Firstindividual.dayof business 7/15/2022 /s/ Dominque Itzen Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego, on 7/15/2022 7/21, 7/28, 8/04 & 8/11/2022
The name of the business: Kartuz Greenhouses located at 1408 Sunset Drive, Vista, CA. Registrant92081. Information: Robert Eugene Lafond 1408 Sunset Drive Vista, Ca. 92081 This business is operated by an Firstindividual.dayof business 7/01/2022 /s/ Robert Eugene Lafond Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego, on 7/15/2022 7/28, 8/04, 8/11 & 8/18/2022
The name of the business: Shangaani Transportation, located at 991 Postal Way #14, Vista, CA. 92083. Registrant Information: Omar Mohamed Umiye 991 Postal Way #14 Vista Ca. 92083 This business is operated by an Firstindividual.,dayof business n/a. /s/ Omar Mohamed Umiye Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego, on 8/11,8/02/2022,8/18,8/25 & 9/01/2022
The name of the business: Dulce Vida Natural Sport, located at 1011 S. Santa Fe Ave., Suite C, Vista, Ca. 92083. Registrant Information: Dulce Vida Natural, LLC 1234 N. Santa Fe Ave., #118-166 Vista, CA. 92083 This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business 6/1/22 /s/ Oscar R. Redondo, Managing Member Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego, on 6/28/2022, 7/21, 7/28, 8/04 & 8/11/2022
Information: Xochitl Perez Arango 3919 Las Cruces Ave. San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is operated by an Firstindividual.dayof business 7/18/2022 /s/ Xochitl Perez Arango Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego, on 7/18/2022 7/28, 8/04, 8/11 & 8/18/2022
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME2022-9013644STATEMENT The name of the business: Zindor, located at 1468 Sundance Way, Oceanside, CA. Registrant92057. Information: DeAnna DiRocco 1468 Sundance Way Oceanside, CA. 92057 This business is operated by an Firstindividual.dayof business 5/24/2022 /s/ DeAnna DiRocco Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego, on 7/14/2022 7/21, 7/28, 8/04 & 8/11/2022
92057 This business is operated
Firstindividual.dayof business

The Paper • Page 16• August 11, 2022