The Paper 01-07-21

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January 7, 2021

Volume 51 - No. 01

William Randolph Hearst Murderer?

William Randolph Hearst

Top left above, the legendary swimmng pool of Hearst Castle; left, a front view of Hearst Castle, above, a reading room/library at Hearst Castle

By Gary Womble

Almost 100 years after the fact, the November 19, 1924, death of producer-director Thomas Ince remains a mystery. Though the official cause of death was given as a heart attack, privately the rumors flew around Hollywood that newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst had shot Ince aboard Hearst’s 280 ft. steam powered yacht, the Oneida.

No coroner’s inquest into the producer’s death was ever held. The The Paper - 760.747.7119


fact that Ince’s remains were almost immediately moved from the yacht to a funeral home was in question. Upon arrival at the funeral home, Ince’s remains were immediately cremated which further muddied the waters. The cremation prevented any possibility of an autopsy or later exhumation and examination. How did Ince come to be on the Oneida? A little nautical trip from Los Angeles to San Diego was planned in celebration of Ince’s 42nd birthday. As well as Hearst, his lady-love Marion Davies, the

Marion Davies, actress and longtime companion/mistress of William Randolph Hearst

ship’s crew and a jazz band, there were fifteen guests on the yacht that day, including Charlie Chaplin and Louella Parsons. This was Louella’s first visit out to Hollywood, and at that time she was a mere Hearst employed movie columnist in New York. Due to pressing commitments in Hollywood, Ince did not make the trip down to San Diego on Hearst’s yacht as everyone else had rather he took a train down the next day and joined the party already in progress. The first stories in Hearst’s newspa-

pers about Ince’s death were outand-out fabrications it was claimed Ince had taken ill while visiting at Hearst’s ranch and had been rushed home by ambulance, dying in the bosom of his family. This story was quickly determined to be a fabrication, for too many people had seen him board the Oneida in San Diego. Rumors were further fueled by a secretary claiming to have seen a bullet hole in Ince’s head as he was removed from the ship. In time the rumors reached a high enough pitch that the district attor-

William Randolph Hearst - Murderer? See Page 2

The Paper

Hearst - Murderer? Cont. from Page 1

ney for San Diego could no longer ignore them. His investigation was curiously incomplete in that only one person was called to testify, namely Dr. Daniel Goodman. Goodman claimed that he had traveled by train with the doomed producer, that Ince had suffered heart pains during the trip, and that Ince had admitted to having had these attacks before. This was apparently enough to satisfy the district attorney who then immediately closed the investigation without pursuing it any further. No one else who had been on the Oneida was ever interviewed.

One possible reason for the D.A.’s reluctance to do more than the absolute bare minimum was the potential role alcohol might have played in the affair. Remember, this was the era of Prohibition, and drinking alcohol was against the law. It was openly known that there had been booze aboard the Oneida. If the investigation had been pursued any further, charges against someone or other would have had to been levied. And how big a fool would a D.A. have to be to bring William Randolph Hearst, one of the richest men in the United States, up on a liquor charge? Hearst was not a drinking man. He tolerated the activity in others, but even then, only so far. Weekend vis-

Give Us This Day Our Daily Chuckle This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy!

Recent allegations that I, your beloved correspondent, am a male chauvinist prompts me to step forward and acknowledge, with great pride and glee, that, indeed, the charges are true.

It amazes me how men cringe from the title that they so richly deserve and have earned over the years. When they have finally earned the sobriquet they have studied for, labored for, sacrificed for. . .and then, when someone bestows the title on them they shrink and sigh. . . ."who me? A chauvinist? Naw. . .must be some other guy"! Lets analyze life for a minute (that's about all it takes, anyway). You (if you're a guy) probably were brought up much like myself, at least philosophically. We were taught to put women up on

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itors to his fabled castle in San Simeon (La Cuesta Encantada) quickly learned that they were allowed maybe all of two pre-dinner drinks, and that one of the fastest ways to get dumped back at the train station was to be caught boozing in the mansion, on the grounds, or even in the privacy of the individual guest houses. As previously stated, Hearst’s tolerance of alcohol was extremely limited indeed.

Thomas Ince was a member of the very earliest Hollywood elite. In 1918 he founded Culver Studios and has always been considered the “father of the Western.” He still has a street named after him in Culver City which is Ince Boulevard. Culver Studios is one of Hollywood’s most historic studios. It was the site of filming for the movies “Gone with the Wind,” “Citizen Kane by Orson Welles” as well as several other classics.

The studio was owned by RKO Radio Pictures during the “Citizen Kane” production and postproduction. It is important to note here that Hearst believed that the character Charles Foster Kane was based on him. One only has to review his biography and then watch the movie to see the connection. Hearst fought to have the movie never released but lost and it became one of the greatest classics of all time. Over the decades the studio has been home to names like RKO, Howard Hughes Productions, and in 1957 Desilu

pedestals, right? And we did. Right? And, often, in spite of urselves we still leave many of them there, don't we?

I think my first inkling that perhaps women were unfairly being asked to be placed on pedestals came when I met my first girl friend. She was a frizzy red head named Dixie. She was more fun than a barrel of monkeys. Not as pretty, perhaps, but more fun.

Dixie was, well, let's say interesting. I, of course, was a very warm, caring, sensitive and understanding human being; that's what all of us men are trained to be. It goes with putting people on pedestals. One of the areas where I excelled was in overlooking certain, shall we say, failings of Dixie. She had, for example, a huge, sagging, lower lip. But I didn't mind. Her uppper lip covered it.

I took great pleasure in teaching Dixie the finer things in life. When I met her, for example, she liked to eat with her hands. That didn't bother me too much. Until we came to the soup. I won't say that Dixie wasn't intelligent. But, she's not around anymore. We had a tragic accident. One day she cleaned the wax out of her ears and her head collapsed.

Later, I was to meet another young lady. Her name was, I kid you not,

Studios. Any number of great TV shows had their home there including “The Andy Griffith Show” “Lassie,” “Hogan’s Heroes,” and “Batman.” Subsequent to Ince, owners of the studios also included Cecil B. DeMille and Howard Hughes. Ince’s mysterious death will forever be linked to Marion Davies and William Randolph Hearst, at that time America’s greatest newspaper baron and one of the most powerful men in American history. George Hearst, an industrial gold mining multi-millionaire and U.S. senator from California, gave his only child the San Francisco Examiner in 1887 in hopes that he would settle down. His son had been expelled from Harvard University for raucous behavior and worked briefly for Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World. In the next decade William Randolph Hearst spent more than $8 million of his family’s money making the San Francisco paper a success. He then challenged Pulitzer by buying the New York Journal. In their battle over Richard Outcault’s comic strip "The Yellow Kid" (the first to be printed in color), these publishers acquired the nickname "yellow journalists," referring to their sensationalism. William Randolph Hearst (18631951) built his media empire after receiving the San Francisco Examiner from his father. Hearst entered politics at the turn of the century, winning two terms to the U.S. House of Representatives, but

Leatrice Flatgard. I was reading one of my favorite books, "Did Mother Goose the Ancient Mariner?" when my door bell rang. I got up off my Tiny Tot Toilet Trainer and went to the door and there, in living color, was Leatrice together with a friend whom I shall forget forever, since he was the one who introduced us.

Leatrice was another education project. She was, literally, straight from the farm. I had to educate the poor girl in the niceties of life. I taught her, for example, that etiquette says it is perfectly all right to sop up gravy with tiny pieces of bread, but not rushing from table to table. Bad form.

As Leatrice grew older she grew. . .well, homelier. At one point in time it depressed her so that she started seeing an analyst. By this time she had gotten so homely the analyst insisted she lie face down on his couch. She had developed more chins than a Chinese phone directory. When all of my friends started calling my sweetheart a belch with legs, it kind of scared me off. Oh, we saw each other for awhile longer. But I think when I started laughing and pointing and slapping my thighs a lot and guffawing loudly every time I saw her. . .well, I think she found another fella. Well, I met a few more ladies along the way. And each of them caused

failing in his bids to become mayor of New York City as well as governor of New York. He wanted personally to lead the Democratic party to the White House, but the radicalism of his papers was a liability. They had endorsed political assassination as a "mental exercise" and printed a poem by Ambrose Bierce that joked about the death of the president. When William McKinley was assassinated by an anarchist in 1901, Hearst was blamed.

Hearst later lost much of his holdings during the Great Depression and fell out of touch with his bluecollar audience, but still headed the largest news conglomerate in America at the time of his death. In his quest for the presidential nomination on one ballot at the Democratic National Convention in 1904 he received 40 percent of the votes. This was, however, not enough to carry the day for Hearst’s presidential bid. Earlier in 1898, Hearst championed the Cuban rebels and welcomed the U.S. declaration of war against Spain. At the height of the crisis more than a million copies of the Journal were sold each day. Hearst ordered a reporter to scuttle a ship in the Suez Canal to stop the Spanish fleet and waded ashore in Cuba to accept the surrender of a group of Spaniards. In Hearst’s egomaniacal thinking, a publisher and a president had equal right to act for the nation.

Hearst - Murderer? Cont. on Page 3

me to lower the pedestal, just a tiny bit, that I had heretofor created for women everywhere. Finally, I reached the conclusion that it was probably not a wise thing to place women on a pedestal at all; for a woman is like a bird; look up to it and see what happens? ÁI finally was netted and captured by my present wife. The lady I refer to as "She Who Must be Obeyed". We have been happily married for 17 years now; (the other 13 years were only so-so).

Right now we are happily fighting. She hasn't talked to me in a month and I'm in no mood to interrupt her. I'm not sure, but I think it all started when she plopped down beside me while I was watching television and asked me if I didn't think the excitement had gone out of our marriage. "Shhh," I said, "we'll discuss it during the next commercial".

Well, I have had many opportunities to ruminate; to study the matter, as it were. And I have come to some significant conclusions that I think, modestly, are probably worthy of some type of award. I call them Lyle's Pithy Observations: a. It is important to never make love with strangers; unless, of course, they make love stranger than you do.

Chuckles Cont. on Page 5

Social Butterfly

The Paper • Page 3 • January 7, 2021


Evelyn Madison The Social Butterfly Email Evelyn at:

sci-fi classic and Adamski became an internationally known figure for his lectures and books claiming that he was the first person ever to have made contact with aliens from other planets. He became known as the father of UFOlogy and his book "Flying Saucers Have Landed" became one of several best-sellers. The film and others that followed it were all fiction, and soon scientists and researchers began calling Adamski a fraud, denounced him as a fake, and called him a master of pseudoscience.

Close Encounters in Valley Center and Pauma - The decade of the 1950s has often been described as the golden age for scifi movies and tales of flying saucers. It was also the time when Valley Center resident George Adamski gained international attention by reporting that he had encounters with aliens from outer space and published his findings in a paranormal magazine called FATE in 1951. Months later, the motion picture "The Day the Earth Stood Still" became one of the earliest sci-fi films produced by a major studio. This new year, 2021, marks the 70th anniversary of both events. The term Unidentified Flying Objects (or UFOs for short) was adopted by the United States Air Force in 1952.

The movie went on to become a

Hearst - Murderer? Cont. from Page 2

A short time later with the assistance and guidance of Julia Morgan, an architect, William Randolph Hearst built one of the most extravagant estates in the United States. Morgan, an architectural pioneer was America’s first truly independent female architect who had studied at the School of Beaux-Arts in Paris, France. She would later be the first female to win the Gold Medal awarded by the American Institute of Architects.

Building began in 1919 and continued intermittently until 1947 including Hearst buying antiquities from all over the world. Shortly after starting to build “La Cuesta Encantada” (which means Enchanted Hill), Hearst began to conceive of making the castle a museum. Among his numerous purchases were architectural elements from Western Europe, particularly from Spain. Hearst purchased over thirty ceilings, doorcases, fireplaces and mantels, entire monasteries, paneling, and a medieval tithe barn and had them shipped to his Brooklyn warehouses and transported from there to California. Much of this was then incorporated into the building of Hearst Castle. In addition, he acquired collections of conventional art and rare antiques; his collection of ancient Greek vases was one of the world's largest. Hearst initially envisioned the

Sci-fi guru George Adamski, the father of UFOlogy, had a commune in Valley Center.

That, however, did not stop Adamski from developing a cult following and an extensive lecture schedule until his death in 1974 at age 74. By that time, he had established a commune on Valley Center Road east of Cole Grade, and opened a cafe in Pauma Valley on the road to the observatory on Palomar Mountain, hinting that he was a consultant to astronomers. He referred to himself as a profesestate to become home to his family including his five sons and wife, Millicent. Although by 1925 he and Millicent became separated based on his affair with actress Marion Davies which reportedly began in 1917. Millicent (Willson) had been a vaudeville performer in New York City whom Hearst admired, and they married in 1903. Millicent became tired of her husband's longtime affair with actress Marion Davies which had become public knowledge.

Millicent established a separate life from William and had a residence in New York City as a socialite and philanthropist. In 1921, she founded the Free Milk Fund for Babies, which provided free milk to the poor of New York City for decades. She also hosted charitable fundraisers for a variety of causes, including crippled children, unemployed girls, the New York Women’s Trade League, the Democratic National Committee, the Evening Journal New York Journal Christmas Fund, and the Village Welfare of Port Washington, New York. Eleanor Roosevelt, a close friend, joined Millicent Hearst at many of these charitable events during the Great Depression. The Hearsts remained married until Williams death in 1951, she was always close to her five sons throughout her life and they generally sided with her. Millicent (Willson) Hearst died on December 5, 1974, more than two decades after the death of her husband, and was buried at the Woodlawn Cemetery in the Bronx.

sor and philosopher, although he had no formal training in that discipline. His residence was on Cool Valley Road near Cole Grade.

This cafe off SR-76 in Pauma Valley was a gathering place for followers of flying saucers.

After his death, some of his disciples established the UFO Education Center on Miller Road in Valley Center to carry on his legacy. A Federal lawsuit charged the founders with illegally using Adamski's material for their publication, "The Cosmic Newsletter." It eventually ceased to exist. Today, years after his death, Adamski remains a pop culture figure, and a foundation, based in Vista, cares for his original materials, holds the copyright for multiple documents and photographs, and sells merchandise related to UFOs. For the record, the commune site on Valley Center Road remains vacant, the home on Cool Valley Road has been replaced by a modern house, and the cafe is now a campground whose owners tease prospective vacationers with the unfounded statement, "the spot where the first documented UFO encounter took place."

Hearst financed Davies' pictures and extensively promoted her career via his newspapers and magazines. He founded Cosmopolitan Pictures to produce her films. By 1923, Davies was the #1 female box office star in Hollywood partially due to the popularity of “When Knighthood Was in Flower” released in 1922 and “Little Old New York” released in 1923. The films were both among the biggest box-office hits of 1922 and 1923.

In the Roaring Twenties and into the 1930s Hollywood parties were thrown frequently at Marion’s beach house mansion in Santa Monica and they were very extravagant. Hearst, Davies, and their San Simeon Castle were all at the center of Hollywood society. The guest list for the unending parties at either estate was comprised by most of the Hollywood stars of the period; Charlie Chaplin, Cary Grant, the Marx Brothers, Greta Garbo, Buster Keaton, Mary Pickford, Jean Harlow and Clark Gable all visited, some on multiple occasions. Political personalities included Calvin Coolidge and Winston Churchill while other Charles included notables Lindbergh and Bernard Shaw. Visitors gathered each evening at Casa Grande for drinks in the Assembly Room, dined in the Refectory and watched the latest movie in the theater before retiring to the luxurious accommodation provided by the guest houses of

The Valley Center Historical Society has collected a significant amount of materials documenting Adamski and maintains a permanent archive at the History Museum. For more information, contact the museum by mail, via email at or by calling (760) 749-2993. The museum is temporarily closed due to the pandemic, but a volunteer responds to all inquiries.

Soaring Eagles Chapter of ABWA to Meet January 7th via Zoom The first meeting of the new year for the Soaring Eagles Chapter of American Business Women's Association will be on Thursday, January 7th, via Zoom. The guest speaker, Irene Walker, will give a program on Grateful, Gratitude, Attitude. She will share a personal

Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 10

Casa del Mar, Casa del Monte, and Casa del Sol.

During the days, they admired the views, rode, played tennis, bowled, or golfed and swam in the most glamorous swimming pool on earth. While Hearst and Davies entertained, Morgan built; the castle was under almost continual construction from 1920 until 1939, with work resuming after World_War_II until Hearst's final departure in 1947. In May 1947, Hearst's health compelled him and Marion Davies to leave the castle for the last time. He died in Los Angeles in 1951. Julia Morgan died on February 2, 1957 in San Francisco, California. The Hearst family donated the castle and many of its contents to the State of California. It has since operated as the Hearst San Simeon State Historical Monument and attracts about 750,000 visitors each year. The Hearst family retains ownership of the majority of the 82,000 acres estate and, under a land conservation agreement reached in 2005, has worked with the California State Parks Department and American Land Conservancy to preserve the undeveloped character of the area. George Bernard Shaw is said to have once described “La Cuesta Encantada” as "what God would have built if he had had the money.” Davies claimed in her memoirs that she and William Randolph Hearst

Hearst - Murderer? Cont’d on Page 5

Local News

The Paper Serious Injury Traffic Collision

On December 29 at 12:41 p.m., Officers from the City of Carlsbad Police Department responded to Alicante Road south of Tanzanite Drive for a report of a vehicle collision. Upon arrival, officers located a Honda CR-V and a Dodge Durango that had been involved in a head-on collision.

A preliminary investigation showed that a male driving the Honda CR-V was travelling northbound on Alicante Road at a high rate of speed when he crossed over into the oncoming traffic lane and hit the Dodge Durango head-on. The driver of the Honda CR-V was identified as a 62-year-old male out of Carlsbad. He was transported to a local hospital with severe injuries. The driver of the Dodge Durango was identified as a 44-year-old male out of Oceanside who left the scene with minor scratches. It is unknown at this time if drugs or alcohol played a role in the collision. Escondido Union High School District Postpones “Blended Learning”

The Escondido Union High School District (EUHSD) last week announced that they are postponing a blended learning option that includes in-person classes until later in the spring semester due to a

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countywide surge in COVID-19 cases.

The district said they will offer two online learning options for the upcoming semester through the first grading period, but may return to campus later in the spring, depending on the county’s COVID19 status. All students at EUHSD are currently taking classes virtually, though the district began allowing small groups, including special education students and English learners, to return to campus in September.

The district is planning to launch a COVID-19 dashboard beginning in January to keep students, families and the community updated. Retail sale of pets ends with New Year

The prohibition of the retail sale of dogs, cats and rabbits in California took effect on January 1, 2021.

The legislation aims to end the practice of selling animals who have been bred and raised in unhealthy, inhumane conditions in out-of-state puppy mills. San Diego Humane Society sponsored AB 2152, written by California State Assemblyman Todd Gloria, now mayor of San Diego, to crack down on the puppy mill industry that supplies pet stores in our state.

soap. The shave itself was done quite well . . . and slowly. One of the benefits of an 'old fashioned shave' is that it has to be done slowly, carefully. This means that you have to just sit back and relax - something many of us don't take enough time to do. Probably took a good 45 minutes, maybe even an hour, and I was relaxed and rested when it was over.

Another departure from tradition that I don't care for - they used to finish up with a hot towel wrapped about your face - and let your facial muscles relax from the heat and moisture. I got a lukewarm towel, up by dabs by the barber Man About Town followed here and there on my face. Then, the Did something today I hadn't done traditional barber would splash on some wonderful shaving lotion and in, maybe, 30 years. you'd walk out of the tonsorial parI got a shave. A real shave. With a lor smelling like night blooming jasmine. Not here. straight edge razor. Most barbers don't do them anymore - but they are part of the training program for barbers - so, clever rascal that I am, I took myself down to the local barber and cosmetology college and had me a shave. Cost? $5. I figured I could treat myself and I was worth at least $5 (though some may differ).

Still, it was a nice experience . . . and I may go back again. $5 for a proper shave is not bad. I get so tired of these damned cheap razors, a dozen for $10 - they don't shave particularly well and I don't feel wonderful afterwards. I dislike having to shave daily - (I imagine the ladies are not all that fond of shaving their legs, armpits, etc., either). Perhaps the Indians had the right idea. They'd take two clamshells and pull every whisker on their face. I'm not quite ready to agree to that.

Things are a bit different from the old days, however. Apparently the State of California, in its infinite wisdom, has decreed no more hot, Aside from that exciting adventure soapy shaving soap. No, today they the day was pretty much routine. use a gel. Not nearly as pleasant not the same aromatic scent of hot Oh, and I forgot. I set off the burglar

January 7, 2021

Bella’s Act officially closes a loophole in AB 485, which took effect in January 2019 and made important progress, but allowed those seeking to continue to profit from imported mill-bred animals to circumvent the intent of the law. These store owners exploited a provision in the law that allowed them to sell dogs, cats and rabbits if they entered into a cooperative agreement with a shelter or rescue organization by partnering with insincere “rescues” or unsuspecting shelters. San Diego Humane Society’s Humane Law Enforcement officers ended up citing several stores for various violations including improper signage and not having a valid cooperative agreement. “With Bella’s Act going into effect, we’ll be able to end the inhumane retail sales of dogs, cats and rabbits in California once and for all,” said San Diego Humane Society Chief of Humane Law Enforcement Bill Ganley. “Pet stores will still be allowed to provide space for shelter or rescue animals and adopt them out, as long as they are sterilized and the adoption fee does not exceed $500. It is a win-win. We’ll help animals in shelters who need homes, while stopping the inhumane supply of mill-bred animals.” Animal Resuce organizations applauded the new legistlation and expressed the hope that Puppy Mills are now a thing of the past and only healthy animals will be able to be obtained

alarm at one of my attorney's office. I have a key to his office but he had installed a burglar alarm and had not yet given me the code to disarm it. So, I picked up my material, and then let the alarm siren serenade me. I decided to wait in the parking to explain to the sheriff what had happened when he arrived, but the attorney, who lives close by, returned to the office, gave me the dis-arm code and then went in to turn it off. Fortunately, I was not handcuffed by a deputy while he responded and checked out the circumstances. I only had to answer to the attorney and he not only fully understood but took the blame for not giving me the code earlier. He's a good man - young attorney - very good at what he does. He even grew a nicely trimmed beard that makes him look even more mature. He's gonna do just fine. •••• Now I Understand . . . Never cared much for Christmas after my two sons learned about Santa Claus . . . Christmas became my least favorite time of year. I dreaded it.

Then my son Kenny presented me with a granddaughter - a little over nine years ago. Alex . . . (Alexandra) is a charmer and had grandpa and grandma wrapped around her little finger. She spent Christmas Eve with us. All day. Now I understand.

Letters to the Editor Touched By a Cover Story

I want to profusely thank lyle e davis for baring his soul in writing A Christmas Story.

Life is certainly unfair at times,but hopefully this gave him a measure of peace. Sincerly,Shane Saunders San Diego County, Ca.

Throwing Bouquets

Kudos to our Escondido Mayor Paul McNamara for standing up for our local restaurants by saying that if you're going to close them down then please show me the sci-

Letters to the Editor Cont. on Page 12

Justin Salter, publisher of the Valley Cener Roadrunner and the Escondido Times Advocate, has become a cruising aficionado, before covid-19 hit he was taking two to three cruises a year.

Via Facebook, he would send us photos that make us landlubbers fairly drool at the sights of food, drink, entertainment, and scenic views. I discovered cruising several years ago after Evelyn insisted we go on one. We went on a four day cruise on the Mississippi River aboard a paddlewheel steamer . . . and I was hooked. It is a lifestyle that one only normally dreams of. Later, we went on a seven day Mexican Riviera cruise on board the Holland America cruise ship, “Oosterdam.”

Think of it ladies . . . on a cruise there are no meals to prepare, no tables to set, no dishes to wash, no beds to be made, no laundry to do, you are waited on hand and foot, you are a Queen for as long as the cruise lasts. (And gents . . . do you have any idea of how loving and affectionate that special lady in your life can be when she is pampered morning, noon, and night?) I had argued long and hard, unsuccessfully, as it turned out, that I could not possibly be away from

Man About Town Cont. on Page 7

The Paper

Hearst - Murderer? Cont. from Page 3

began their sexual relationship when she was still a teenager. Although they lived together for the next three decades in opulent homes across Southern California and Europe, they never married as Hearst's wife refused to give him a divorce. At one point, Hearst reportedly came close to marrying Davies, but decided his wife's settlement demands were too high. Although he was a notorious philanderer, Hearst was extremely jealous and possessive of Davies, even though he was married throughout their relationship. Despite their jealous attachment to one another, both Davies and Hearst had many sexual liaisons with other persons while living together in San Simeon and elsewhere. Davies had sexual relationships with fellow actors Charlie Chaplin, Dick Powell, and others. Hearst had a sexual relationship with a blonde chorus girl named Maybelle Swor. According to Davies' friend, Louise Brooks, Davies was particularly incensed by Hearst's indiscreet relations with Swor. By the late 1930’s because of the Great Depression, Hearst was suffering financial problems. Davies sold her jewelry, stocks and bonds and wrote a check for $1 million to Hearst to save him from bankruptcy.

There was speculation since the early 1920’s that Davies and Hearst had a child together sometime between 1919 and 1923. The child was rumored to be Patricia Lake, who was known to the public as Davies' niece. On October 3, 1993, Lake died of complications from lung cancer in Indian Wells, California. Ten hours before her death, Lake requested that her son publicly announce that she was not Davies' niece but rather Davies' biological daughter with William Randolph Hearst as her father. Lake had never commented on her alleged paternity in public, even after Hearst's and Davies' deaths, but did tell her grown children and friends. Lake's claim was included in her death notice, which was published in newspapers including those once owned by Hearst. Lake told her friends and family that Davies became pregnant by Hearst in the early 1920s. As the child was conceived during Hearst's extra-marital affair with Davies and out of wedlock, Hearst sent Davies to Europe to have the child in secret to avoid a public scandal. Hearst later joined Davies in Europe. Lake claimed she was born in a Catholic hospital outside of Paris in 1921. Lake was then given to Davies' sister Rose, whose own child had died at birth, and passed off as Rose and her husband George Van Cleve's daughter. Lake stated that Hearst paid for her schooling and both Davies and Hearst spent considerable time with her. Davies reportedly told Lake of her true parentage when she was 11 years old. Lake said Hearst confirmed that he was her father on her wedding day at age 17 where both Davies and

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Hearst gave her away. Neither Hearst nor Davies ever publicly addressed the rumors during their lives. Upon news of the story a spokesman for the Hearst family commented that, "It is a very old rumor, and a rumor is all it ever was.”

Marion Davies film career declined during the Great Depression as did the career of others. This even though the Great Depression brought with it the first movies in color. Some movies from this era like “Gone with the Wind” and “The Wizard of Oz” have become classics that are still in vogue today. That period was ironically similar in some ways to today’s Pandemic environment limiting what movies are being made, as well as when and where to show them. The Great Depression just like today’s Pandemic brought about a need for an escape from societal circumstances which the entertainment world provided. Fortunately, both periods have shown innovative methods for both movie production and release formats.

Following the decline of Davies’ film career, she struggled with alcoholism retiring from the screen in 1937. Davies’ problem with alcoholism seemed inappropriate due to how Hearst felt about alcohol. Although this was after the adoption of the 21st Amendment which repealed the 18th Amendment making the manufacture and sale of alcohol legal in the United States. After her retirement she devoted herself to looking after an ailing Hearst and to charitable work. She was Hearst’s steadfast companion in his declining years until his death in 1951. Twelve weeks after Hearst’s death Marion Davies’ married Horace Brown, a sea captain. They stayed married until Davies’ death due to cancer in 1961 at the age of 64. At the zenith of his career Hearst owned 42 daily newspapers, five magazines, two news services, and a film company. At the pinnacle of his wealth prior to the Great Depression Hearst was worth

Hearst - Murderer? Cont. on Page 6

Chuckles Cont. from Page 2

b. Never tell a girl that you're unworthy of her. Let her find that out later, as a surprise.

c. If you get into an argument with your lover, never let the sun set on it. Buy a sun lamp and fight all night.

Finally, for those of you who have not only reached the autumn of your years but sped by it like a diarrhetic gazelle into the blizzard of your winter years, and who have found that your love life has come to a screeching halt, let me give you comfort and solace in Lyle's homily Number 1: "People stop having sex for the same reason they stop riding bicycles--because it looks ridiculous, because they're not spry enough, or because they no longer have a bicycle." I leave you now with fond adieus as I must finish my new novel, "The Night I punched Billy Graham in the Mouth" by Dale Carnegie.

ÁIt has probably become, in the final analysis, readily apparent why I have earned the title, male chauvinist; for, you see, I have ascertained that the problem is that the weaker sex are the stronger sex because of the weakness that the stronger sex has for the weaker sex; as a corollary, you will note that it takes six men to carry a man to his grave and only one woman to put him there. This Business of . . . Farming . . .

Honorable Secretary of Agriculture Washington D.C. Dear Sir:

My friend, Ed Peterson, over at Wells, Iowa, recieved a check for $1,000.00 from the government for not raising hogs. So I want to go into the "not raising hogs" business next year.

What I want to know is, in your opinion, what is the best kind of farm not to raise hogs on and what is the best breed of hogs not to raise? I want to be sure that I approach this endeavor in keeping with all governmental policies. I would prefer not to raise razorbacks, but if that is not a good breed not to raise, then I would just as gladly not raise Yorkshires or Durocs.

As I see it, the hardest part of this program will be in keeping an accurate inventory of how many hogs I haven't raised. My friend, Peterson, is very joyful about the future of the business. He has been raising hogs for twenty years or so, and the best he ever made on them was $442.00 in 1968, until this year when he got your check for $1,000.00 for not

raising hogs.

If I get $1,000.00 for not raising 50 hogs, will I get $2,000.00 for not raising 100 hogs? I plan to operate on a small scale at first, holding myself down to about 4,000 hogs raised, which will mean about $80,000.00 the first year. Then I can afford an airplane.

Now another thing. These hogs I will not be raising will not eat 100,000 bushels of corn. I understand that you also pay farmers for not raising corn and wheat. Will I qualify for payments for not raising wheat and corn not to feed the 4,000 hogs I am not going to raise? I want to get started as soon as possible as this seems to be a good time of the year not to raise hogs and grain. Also, I am considering the "not milking cows" business, so send me any information on that too.

In view of these circumstances, you understand that I will be totally unemployed and plan to file for unemployment and food stamps. Be assured you will have my vote in the coming election. Patriotically yours, lyle e. davis

P.S. Would you please notify me when you plan to distribute more free cheese? THE GRATUITY

Took SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed) to the airport in LA last night. She's off for a three week holiday in Scotland visiting her elderly mother. Decided to give her a proper send off and visit a nice hotel located right at the Airport. We chose the Airport Marriott. As we drove up they had a doorman dressed in one of those white pith helmets such as they wear in Jamaica. "Walkom to de Marriott Hotel, my fren," he said. "Why, thank you. . .uh, er. . (looking at his name tag). ."Pepe".

"You welcome. I thin you very mush like de hotel. Ees wan berry, berry nice hotel."

$139 per night. "Well, okay," I thought, "for one night I guess we'll splurge a bit." Even if the "Jamaicaan Door Man" sounded suspiciously Hispanic.

Parking wasn't free. $8 in the parking lot or $8 valet parking. I chose valet parking. Ticked me off. I guess I'll always just be a little old country boy but dammit, seems to me if you pay $139 per night, parking ought to be free.

Chuckles Cont. on Page 7

The Paper

Hearst - Murderer? Cont. from Page 5

approximately $40 – 50 billion in 2020 dollars. In 1903 the trade unions of Los Angeles asked Hearst to begin a paper there so that workers would have a voice. He was praised by many socialists, including Upton Sinclair who compared him to Abraham Lincoln. But Hearst ultimately failed both as an entrepreneur and as a leader. He had rarely been an innovator in publishing, and others now beat him at his own game with more pictures, livelier writing, and more appealing politics. He lost touch with his bluecollar readers, denouncing the New Deal and mounting impulsive assaults on communists. He had overexpanded in the 1920s and spent recklessly on art and real estate. By 1937 he had lost control of his holdings and was forced to sell part of his art collection and he stopped construction on his fabled San Simeon estate.

Back to Ince’s death, if you accept that Ince was shot, you also must accept that it was by mistake because as the story goes Hearst had been attempting to shoot someone else. Always very possessive of his beloved Marion Davies, this extremely wealthy yet terribly insecure man had invited Charlie Chaplin along so he could observe the two together. There were rumors throughout Hollywood which Hearst had heard indicating Marion and Charlie were more than platonic friends. Chaplin's Japanese valet allegedly witnessed Ince being carried from Hearst's yacht and claimed that Ince's head was "bleeding from a bullet wound.” Screenwriter Elinor Glyn, a fellow guest at the yacht party, claimed "that everyone aboard the yacht had been sworn to secrecy, which would hardly have seemed necessary if poor Ince had died of natural causes." Years later, Chaplin's wife Lita Grey repeated claims that Chaplin had sexually pursued Marion Davies aboard Hearst's yacht and that a violent altercation of some kind had occurred. However, for whatever reason there was never any investigation or substantive evidence to support these allegations.

The rumor mill had it that Hearst found the two lovebirds in a compromising position, and that Marion’s scream brought other guests running as Hearst ran the other way to get his gun. Then in an ensuing scuffle Ince, not Chaplin, was shot and dropped dead with a bullet in his brain. It was widely known that Hearst kept a gun aboard the Oneida. Also, as D.W. Griffith remarked in later years, “All you have to do to make Hearst turn white as a ghost is mention Ince’s name. There’s plenty wrong there, but Hearst is too big to touch.” An interesting side note to this tale was that in 1996 a novel was published entitled “The Murder at San Simeon,” co-written by Patricia Hearst (William Randolph’s granddaughter) and Cordelia Frances Biddle. It is a fictionalized version of this murder,

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January 7, 2021

presenting Chaplin and Davies as lovers and Hearst as the jealous, insecure old man unwilling to share his lady love with anyone else.

What of the visiting movie columnist from New York Louella Parsons? Many did not find it much of a coincidence that soon after this incident she was awarded a lifetime contract with the Hearst corporation, and that her syndication was quickly expanded nationally. Louella was always one to know how to be on hand for a breaking story, as well as how to turn such knowledge into her own best interests. A Long Beach columnist named C.F. Adelsperger wrote, “At the risk of losing something of a reputation as a prophet, the writer predicts that someday one of the scandalscented mysteries in Hollywood will be cleared up. A District Attorney who passes up the matter because he sees no reason to investigate is the best supporter the Bolshevists could have in this country.” A strange fact about the cruise was that no accurate list of the guests on board the ship that weekend has ever been found. Thomas Ince’s funeral was held on November 21, 1924. Attendees included of course his family, Marion Davies, Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, and Harold Lloyd.

Almost immediately following Ince’s funeral William Randolph Hearst discreetly provided Thomas Ince’s widow, Nell, and their children with a generous trust fund. Although a few years later it was wiped out by the Great Depression leaving Nell and the children penniless. Nell Ince lived the remainder of her life as a taxi driver in the greater Los Angeles area. As for Marion Davies and William Randolph Hearst the entire affair eventually was reduced to a caustic joke in Hollywood as his 280 ft. yacht the Oneida became known as “William Randolph’s Hearse.”

Back to Sacramento

On January 11th, 80 Assemblymembers and 40 Senators will return to Sacramento for the new 2021-2022 legislative session, which convened Dec 7th. Hundreds of bills will be introduced over the coming weeks. Most won’t be controversial, and many will probably never become law.

Most bills must be submitted to the Office of Legislative Counsel by January 22, and February 19 is the final bill introduction deadline for this year. Bills will be referred to their respective committees for hearings in March or April, and many will be amended significantly. Legislative deadlines throughout the year must be met, and bills that don’t pass these deadlines can be held over as two year bills. Legislation with a fiscal impact greater than $50,000 for Senate bills or $150,000 for Assembly bills will be referred to the Senate or Assembly Appropriations Committee’s “Suspense Files, where bills with significant fiscal impacts receive greater scrutiny before heading to the floor for a final vote. All bills must pass through their assigned committees and house of origin by June 4; final passage by both houses is required by the time we adjourn September 10th. This final floor vote is often the only time members not assigned to a bill’s specific committees actually see the bill. The

Gary L. Womble, B.A. Purdue University, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Gold Key Honor Society M.B.A. University



Adjunct Professor Administration – University

Business Purdue

Even though the partisan makeup in Sacramento is lopsided, with 60 Democrats, 19 Republicans and 1 independent in the Assembly, and 31 Democrats and 9 Republicans in the Senate there is potential for solid bipartisan work on impactful legislation. The major problems facing our state, like EDD reform, wildfire prevention, economic revitalization and many more, impact everyone, regardless of party. Assembly Republican Leader Marie Waldron, R-Escondido, represents the 75th Assembly District in the California Legislature, which includes the communities of Bonsall, Escondido, Fallbrook, Hidden Meadows, Pala, Palomar Mountain, Pauma Valley, Rainbow, San Marcos, Temecula, Valley Center and Vista.

News for the Social Butterfly? Send your press releases to:

5th District Supervisor

Jim Desmond

Back to Basics

I think we can all agree, I’m glad 2020 is in the rearview mirror. As we head into the new year, I don’t want to dwell on the past, I want to focus on the future, by getting back to basics.

While there’s been a lot of media attention surrounding three new members joining the Board of Supervisors, my focus doesn’t change. When I ran for election in 2018, my top three priorities were, fiscal responsibility, public safety and making sure we had adequate behavioral health services, those issues haven’t changed!

About the Author

Governor will then have until October 10 to sign or veto legislation submitted to him by the Legislature. Bills that fail to pass may be held for reconsideration in 2022.

In 2020, the County of San Diego dipped into its reserve for the first time in a very long time. I’m glad we had these reserves for the COVID-19 crisis, but it’s important that we build it back up. We don’t know when the next pandemic, wildfire or catastrophe is around the corner. We must be prepared! San Diego County is one of the

safest counties in the country. That is because of the great work from our Sheriff and Police Departments. We need to continue to provide adequate funding and resources in order to maintain safety throughout our region.

When I came into office two years ago, North County was facing a behavioral health crisis with the suspension of Tri-City Hospital’s behavioral health unit and losses of other facilities and resources. Law enforcement was having to take people in crisis from North County all the way to our facility at Rosecrans in San Diego. I’m pleased to announce, we are making significant progress! Soon, North County will have the resources to tackle homelessness in our region. I think it’s vital as we say goodbye to a hectic 2020, we focus and set our sight on 2021 and get back to basics! For a great GIFT idea anytime of the year Give a gift subscription to The Paper!

Call 760.747.7119

The Paper

Man About Town Cont. from Page 4

The Paper for more than three days, because of our deadlines. Well, we were and it worked out so well that when we pulled back into San Diego Harbor, I turned to her and said, “Let’s turn around and go back out again tonight.” (The ship disembarked us, then made ready to sail again that very night for a repeat seven day trip. We didn’t go back out, of course. But the desire to do so was still there). Justin does this cruising adventure on a regular basis. Yes, I envy him. •••• My new Christmas Toy:

Santa smiled upon me and dropped a lovely gift over the holidays. An Amazon “Echo” electronic gadget that does a bit of everything. One has to merely invoke the magic words, “Alexa” to wake the machine up, followed by a question. “Alexa,” I say, “what is the population of Windom, Minnesota?” (Where I was born). Alexa promptly answers, “the population of Windom, Minnesota, is 4,650.”

Good friend, Dick Jungas, owner of California Funeral Alternatives, was born about 20 miles away from Windom - another small town named Mountain Lake, Minnesota. “Alexa,” I say, “what is the population of Mountain Lake, Minnesota?” Alexa says, “the population of Mountain Lake is about 2,100.” Smart girl, that Alexa.

(I have fun with Dick Jungas, pointing out he’s from the only town I know that has neither a mountain nor a lake but calls itself Mountain Lake.) I reckon Alexa is going to be of great help to me in researching stories that I write. •••• There was a posting on Facebook that dealt with bad dentists. I know a lot of outstanding dentists, Dr. Gary Dudar, Escondido, Drs Greg Hurt and Herb Lowe, both of San Marcos. All three of whom are good friends. Dr. Hurt is, and has been, an advertising client as well. For years.

There are many other outstanding dentists, some of whom I simply haven't met yet. But there are also bad dentists out there. You have to be very careful. There is a woman dentist in San Marcos that was spending $2500 a month advertising with us. We canceled her contract because we found she had several complaints filed against her with the California Dental Board. Outrageous treatment, particularly of elderly patients, where she would hard sell patients into hav-

Man About Town Cont. on Page 12

Page 7 • • January 7, 2021

Chuckles Cont. from Page 5

Had our choice of three restaurants. Looked over the wine list. "Ah," says I, to our waiter, "this White Zinfandel looks nice at $8 a bottle."

"Aha!", says our waiter, "we use that as industrial strength insecticide!”

"Of course," says I, "how silly of me not to notice. I'll have the $16 White Zinfandel". "Excellent choice," says our waiter, as he holds out his hand for a dollar tip.

He brought the bottle back, poured a dribble or two in my cup, I swirled it about, smelled it, acted as though I knew precisely what I was doing, and drunk it down. "Great stuff!," says I, "any more? "But of course, my fren'", and he poured SWMBO's glass half full, then mine. I believe it is against the law to pour a wine glass full of wine. He began to leave but not before holding out his hand, into which I put a dollar tip. In what seemed like merely a few seconds later he returned.

"Are Madame and the Gentlemen ready to order?"

I ordered Fillet of Harrow in Strumpet Sauce, or something similar. I don't remember what SWMBO ordered as I was too busy fishing in my pocket for a dollar tip to lay in our waiter's hand as he was getting impatient.

Our waiter then advised us that he was not, unlike the other waiters on staff, Hispanic, but was Persian (which is known today as Iranian). He then proceeded to outline all of the current problems in Iran, Iraq, the formation of Kurdistan, and that he was a refugee from Iran because he had been involved in politics, and on and on. Meanwhile, our plates were getting cold. I slipped him a two dollar tip and began to eat. As we left the restaurant and walked back to our room a young man asked me if I wanted a shoe shine. "No," says I, "as I am wearing Birkenstock sandals".

"And lovely sandals they are, sir", at which time I laid a dollar tip in his outstretched paw. The next morning we took the hotel bus to the terminal, enjoying the free ride, giving the driver two dollars as a tip for loading 2.5 pieces of luggage. I bade SWMBO farewell, gave her a hug, a wee farewell kiss, and gave

Chuckles Cont. on Page 11

Historically Speaking by Tom Morrow

The Song That Saved His Life

One of the most popular songwriters of our “Greatest Generation” was Hugh Martin, who lived out the last two decades of his life in nearby Encinitas. I’m proud to say Hugh was one of my great encounters I’ve had the privilege to know and write about during my half-century in journalism.

During this time of year, it’s fitting that I tell you part of his story. In 1944, H u g h wrote the iconic holiday song, Hugh Martin “ H a v e Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.” It was that song that placed him in the all- time most requested category. While Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas” continues to be the “bestselling” holiday song of all-time, it is “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” that, today, remains the most-played and most-requested holiday song. That music is everywhere during the holiday season. It’s used in popular-play tunes, in advertising, on radio, and television.

Hugh’s talent was so good he was hired to write the music in one of Berlin’s Broadway shows. When he asked Berlin why his name wasn’t on the theater marquee along with his, Berlin answered, “People come because of my name – who ever heard of ‘Hugh Martin?’” But, when Hugh wrote the music for the classic MGM film, “Meet Me In St. Louis,” starring Judy Garland, plenty of people heard his name. He wrote all three songs for that movie: “The Trolley Song,” “The Boy Next Door,” and “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.” But, how did “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” save his life?

It was 1944, when Hugh finished the three songs for the film and then joined the U.S. Army. He was a man who was slight in stature and far from any rough and tumble G.I. When the movie came out the song was an instant hit. It shot straight to the top of the Hit Parade. By that time, Hugh was in Europe near the front lines in the Ardennes Forest of Belgium. “Tom, I was the worst soldier to every don a uniform and carry a rifle … which I had to have help in taking apart to clean.” When the commanding general of Hugh’s unit found out he had the man who wrote the then-current hit in his command, the general ordered Hugh transferred to a Special Services unit safely behind the front lines.

“A few days after my transfer, the German Counter-offensive (‘Battle of the Bulge’) broke out with my old unit being overrun,” he told me. “Kinda ironic and lucky for me, wouldn’t you say?”

Last week I told you about the Malmedy massacres. Hugh was nearby behind the American lines, but nonetheless close to being in harm’s way. He helped in keeping up spirits and morale by singing and entertaining the troops during that last great battle of World War II.

Each year, “Meet Me In St. Louis” is among the holiday movies played on television. Right up until his death 10 years ago, Hugh continued to receive large royalty checks each year for the playing and selling of his iconic Christmas song. Popular pianist and friend Kevin Cole, who was a frequent long-time pal and visitor to Hugh’s Encinitas home, told me he could attest to the large royalty checks Hugh received each year just for that one song. “I’ve seen a few of those checks,” Kevin once told me. “They all were in the six-figure amount.”

In 2003 it was Hugh Martin who introduced Kevin, a world-renowned pianist, to Oceanside. One of the local Rotary clubs was raising money to buy instruments for an elementary school music program. Kevin gave piano concerts to raise money for the cause, all thanks to Hugh.

On Aug. 11, 2011, Hugh Martin, the man who could sing, dance, and write hit musical numbers, died at the age of 97. He was a talented, kindly man from Birmingham, Alabama, who was a good friend. I miss him -- we all should miss his talent.

CHRISTMAS MEANING – An old friend and loyal reader, the late Frank Imbilli, who was a retired Oceanside firefighter, religiously attended church every Sunday, but never missed a chance to get in a quip or two for my column. Such was the case at one Christmas mass at St. Mary’s By the Sea Catholic Church. “I go early to get my usual seat,” Frank told me. “Weather permitting the celebrating priest is outside, greeting parishioners. As I approached, I could hear that he was asking people a question.” When Frank got up to the priest, the priest asked: “Frank, what does Christmas mean to you?”

Without missing a beat, Frank replied: "It means that Santa Anita opens tomorrow.” GREAT QUOTES: “How do they know?” – Dorothy Parker, when told President Calvin Coolidge had died.

The Paper

Page 8 • • January 7, 2021


Best wishes from D Dr. Hurrt, t, Sandy, Horrtencia, tencia, Maria, Lulu and Hayate

6 6 5DQFKR QFKR 6DQWD DQWD )H )H ‡ 6DQ DQ 0D 0DUFRV RV ‡ ing more or working longer. That said, the tradeoff involved in reducing your downside risk may be worth taking, if it helps you cope better with wild market swings, as the best strategy may be one you can stick with through the inevitable ups and downs of the markets. How to Respond When Risk Tolerance Is Tested

When you begin investing, you’ll generally assess your comfort with risk, as your investment choices will be guided at least partially by your risk tolerance. But once you actually experience the ups and downs of the market, this tolerance could be tested. Risk tolerance may appear less bothersome in the abstract but seem quite different in reality. For example, you might initially think you wouldn’t be fazed by short-term market downturns, no matter how severe. However, when the financial markets really decline, as happened when the COVID-19 pandemic struck last March, you might find yourself being more concerned than you thought you would be.

Before you change your investment strategy, it's important to understand the potential tradeoffs. By limiting your downside risk by investing less aggressively, you may also limit your upside potential. You might need to change your strategy in other ways, such as sav-

Because market fluctuations are a normal part of investing, here are some additional suggestions that may help you focus on your longterm strategy.

Look past the immediate event. While the market’s pandemic-driven fall was sudden, its recovery was also fairly quick. Eight months after its March meltdown, the market had regained all the lost ground and reached a new record high. During the midst of what appears to be a real threat to your investment portfolio, it can be difficult to anticipate a more favorable environment. Yet, while past performance can’t guarantee future results, every historical market decline has been followed by a recovery.

Understand that the Dow isn’t your portfolio. When the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the other major market indexes such as the S&P 500 fall precipitously (or shoot up), it makes headlines. But the Dow and the S&P 500 only track the performance of large U.S. companies – and while their performance may be an indication of the U.S. economy, they aren’t going to track the results of your portfolio,

which should ideally include a personalized mix of large-company stocks, small-company stocks, international stocks, bonds, government securities and other investments.

Keep your emotions out of your investment moves. The market will fluctuate constantly – but you should always try keep your emotions in check. Excess exuberance when the market rises, or extreme despondency when the market falls, can lead you to make poor decisions. Specifically, we may buy when we feel good (when the markets are up) and sell when we feel badly (when markets are down). Your heart and your emotions may drive your financial goals – creating

a comfortable retirement, sending your kids to college or leaving a legacy for your family – but when you invest for these goals, you should use your head. Your risk tolerance is a key part of your investment strategy. But by taking the steps described above, you can gain a broader understanding of how risk fits into your overall picture – and a better understanding of yourself as an investor. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, Member SIPC

Citadel Penn Financial Advisor

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The Paper • Page 9 • January 7, 2021


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1 weight-driven timepiece called the lantern clock became popular in some homes of upper class families.

10 25x7

The Grandfather Clock By Jeff Figler

Have you ever walked into a house and heard majestical musical notes in the background? You ask yourself where they are coming from. Then you realize that the musical interlude might be coming from none other than a grandfather clock. Kind of an unusual name for a clock. Where did they originate? How was the name devised?

People have always searched for ways to keep track of time, and have tried to improve on methods to accurately keep time. Until the advent of mechanical clocks in medieval Europe, the methods to track time include sundials, also called shadow clocks, the hourglass, water powered devices called clepsydras, and candles.

The first mechanical clocks were developed during the second half of the 13th century, most likely by European monks. These clocks were made of heavy iron frames and gears, and did not have any dials or arms. They were often placed in the church tower and only struck bells on the hour by using the existing church bell. Later, an hour hand was added to the mechanical clocks, and other enhancements were devised allowing the clock to strike every quarter hour. By the 15th century, small domestic clocks had been made. After the 1630s, a

But it was Galileo who conceived of the major breakthrough in clock making. In 1582 he discovered that a pendulum could be used to keep time. In 1656 the Dutch scientist Huygens developed the first pendulum clock. The clock became the prototype for the modern grandfather clock. The first pendulum clocks were referred to as “wagson-the-wall” at the time, had short pendulums and were hung on a wall. These clocks were often encased in wood, such as grandfather clocks of today. Clocks devised by the invention of Huygens were so accurate that often there was only a loss or gain of a few minutes a day. Howard Miller Daniel Grandfather Clock Style Chiming Wall Clock with Pendulum, Vintage, Old World, Classic Design

By 1660 English clockmakers took Huygens’ design and introduced clocks with 6 feet long cases and ten-inch pendulums. In 1670, with the use of a pendulum that was slightly over 39 inches, now called the Royal Pendulum, Robert Hook and William Clement created the

grandfather clock. It measured over 7 feet from the floor. Handles for the minutes were soon added. Clocks became encased with glass to show the pendulum and weights. These clocks, now called grandfather clocks, were called long case clocks, or floor clocks, until the 1880s.

The golden age of long case clocks was between 1630 and 1730, and first made for royal families and nobles. However, production costs were cut down, and by 1685 long case clocks were imported into the American colonies. The term “grandfather clock” for long case or floor clocks became widespread in England and America thanks to a song composed by Henry Work in 1875. Work, an American songwriter, composed “Grandfather’s Clock,” about an old floor clock that stood in the lobby of the George Hotel in Piercebridge, North Yorkshire, England. The name stuck.

lectible. Despite sometimes the costly shipping charges. A few examples of auction sales of grandfather clocks include the following.

In 2014 a George II QuarterStriking Tall Case Clock sold for $17,500. However, a Tiffany grandfather clock with a 9-bell, Westminster and Whittington melody, sold for $50,000, while an extremely ornate figural carved oak 9 Tube grandfather clock sold for $80,000.

So it is very clear that the value of grandfather clocks can run the spectrum, often depending on how ornate they are.

There have been many improvements on keeping time, including ones to pendulums. However, nothing seems to replace the stately appearance of a grandfather clock that stands between 6 ½ feet – 8 feet tall. They are an object of beauty, and an impressive symbol of the passage of time.

Naturally, collectors are aware of how well old grandfather clocks are. The vintage clocks are very col-

Jeff Figler is a professional certified appraiser. His latest book The Picker’s Pocket Guide to Baseball Memorabilia has been #1 on Amazon. He can be reached at or at 877-4723087.

The Paper

The Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 3

family account of her emotional journey as she watches her husband descend into a man she no longer recognizes. She is the author of "Forgiving the Man Who Forgot". Her positive attitude has helped many readers focus on things they can control without withdrawing or avoiding issues that may be directly front and center in their lives. Irene shares her story hoping others can find help going through their own darkness.

*RSVP Today for Networking and Meeting. Login & Networking, 6:15pm-6:30pm; meeting and program, 6:30pm-8:15pm. Cost is $10/members; $15/guests. A Zoom link to join the meeting will be emailed to all paid registrants. For more information, visit the website at or contact Sue Punian at 760.822.2242, or In North San Diego County, the Soaring Eagles Chapter of ABWA, is the organization of choice for working women and entrepreneurs interested in connecting through networking, professional development, and business skills education.

January Fun for Kids & Teens, at Escondido Public Library Virtual Winter Activity Challenge; from January 4th to February 2nd, all ages. Register and log your activities at Storytime for all ages: Virtual PJ Storytimes, January 12th and 26th at 6:00PM, for Families Facebook & YouTube. Virtual Baby Lapsit, January 6th and 20th at 10:30AM, Birth to 3 Years Old Facebook & Instagram - Facebook & Instagram. Virtual Inclusive Art

Pet Parade

Jet: Age: 13 Years Gender: Neutered male Breed: Domestic Short Hair ID #: 703747 Adoption Fee: $65

Page 10 • • January 7, 2021

Club, January 15th at 2:00PM, All Ages - Facebook & Instagram. Virtual Toddler Tales, January 14th and 28th at 10:30AM, Walkers to 3 Years Old; join Mrs. Garcia as she reads a story, sings songs, and dances to music during this fun storytime. Craft Kits Available, while supplies last - call the Youth Services Desk at 760.839.5456, Monday-Saturday 11am-4pm. Craft kits will be available for pickup during the weeks listed: Crafts for Babies, January 19th; Crafts for Kids AND Crafts for Teens, January 11th.

R.A.T.E.D G Book Club, Ages 812, January 8th @ 3:30pm/Zoon. We are reading Animorphs Graphix 1: The Invasion by K.A. Applegate & Michael Grant, Adapted by Chris Grine. Please contact for Zoom meeting information.

The next meeting of Escondido Writers Group will be Tuesday, January 19th from 1:00-4:00pm on Zoom. Writers of all genres are invited to join Escondido Writers Group for an opportunity to improve their writing by participating in monthly readings and group critiques. Meet other writers and published authors, and learn from one another in a supportive environment. this group meets twice a month; the first meeting in January was held already.

Virtual Author Chat Series, All Ages, January 16th @ 2 PM, Facebook - Join us on Facebook for a live conversation with Pushcart Prize–nominated poet Megan E. Freeman, author of Alone. Preorder Alone from Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore;

Write On, Oceanside! Annual Literary Festival - Now thru

Grub Book Club, Ages 13-18, January 26th @ 4pm/Zoon. We are reading Scythe by Neal Shusterman. Register to receive the book and Zoom link

Did you miss one of our AMAZING events or storytimes? Do not worry! Find us on YouTube to enjoy recordings of our many storytimes and special events like Holiday Tree Trimming @EscondidoLibrary

What's Up Downtown Oceanside - Curbside Christmas Tree Recycling, through January 15th. Oceanside residents may recycle their Christmas tree curbside thru January 15th. Remove all stands and decorations before placing it next to your green waste bin on your regular collection day. Flocked trees will be collected through normal landfill service, and will need to be cut into pieces before being placed in the grey landfill bin.

The $100 adoption fee for Rafiki includes medical exam, neuter, up to date vaccinations, and registered microchip. For information about Adoption by Appointment or to become a Virtual Foster log on to

Don't forget the MainStreet Oceanside Farmers Market, every Thursday, year round. For more information on any of these items, contact MainStreet Oceanside, at 760.754.4512, or the website at MainStreet Foundation is located at 701 Mission Ave., Oceanside 92054.

There is the question of our pre-existence. Did we live before? If so, what were we?

After this – WHAT?

Rafiki is very social. Once he settles into his new home, he will be a friend for life. Rafiki means “Friend.” He was transferred to Rancho Coastal Humane Society through the Friends of County Animal Shelters program. Since his arrival, he’s been staying in the home of a trained foster care volunteer.

Oceanside Chamber of Commerce CEO Scott Ashton invited MainStreet Oceanside Executive Director Rick Wright and Main Street Program Manager Gumaro Escarcega to discuss MainStreet’s history and what the future of Downtown looks like post pandemic. Watch to learn more about MainStreet’s efforts, including the Downtown Oceanside Property and Business Improvement District, which is helping to improve and maintain our Downtown.

PAPER recently. The editor and I discussed it with respect to the reader response, which was limited. He wondered, why? I told him that I would make a few comments on the subject.

Pastor Richard Huls (Retired)

Rafiki is pet of the week at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society. He’s a 4 year old, 15 pound, male, Domestic Short Hair cat.

January 14th Online - This virtual celebration hosted by Oceanside Public Library and the Oceanside Cultural Arts Foundation will include writing contests and projects as well as a local authors showcase. Winners of contests will be announced at 11a.m. on Thursday, January 14, via Zoom.

The Pastor Says...

Pet Parade

Jet came to San Diego Humane Society after living in his previous home most of his life. He coexisted well wit.h the other resident cats and children.

Jet is currently in a foster home and his temporary family says he is a sweet boy who loves cuddling and purring. He is active and playful and loves to jump high to look outside of windows. They say he has good manners, is well trained on litter boxes and uses vertical scratch posts. Jet has received an advanced dental procedure while at San Diego Humane Society, so it is recommended he be seen by a veterinarian after adoption for a recheck. Jet is hoping to find his forever home this holiday season, so if you are interested in adopting him, please make an appointment today to speak with an adoption counselor at our Escondido Campus 619.299.7012

Escondido Public Library Events in January - 2nd Saturday Concert Series will be Saturday, January 9th with Astra Kelley, live on Facebook, 3pm to 4:30pm. Join us on our Facebook page for a live concert from Astra Kelly, a pure talent with a lyric-based, melodic sound and soaring vocals! Enjoy this live performance on Facebook at 3:00pm on Saturday, January 9th.

There are two areas which I want to address in this article, After this, WHAT?

The first is, after the virus, what? Many people are asking what will happen, now that the vaccine is available? Will it stop the virus and will we all be safe? Will the economy recover? Will there be any semblance of what used to be? Will people heal of their anger, frustration, and depression? The change will be radical and, no doubt, there will be relief, but also sadness. We have become comfortable with working at home, zoom, take-out food, less driving, and some awareness of our own psyche. We will have to wait to see what the immediate future holds. The second is, after this life, what? With all of this uncertainty about the virus, I need to respond to the article about Reincarnation, which was in the

With many funerals I conduct, I often hear it said, “The deceased has gone home.” Does this assume that one had left a place called “home” to live on earth? I have friends who believe they existed before as a general, princess, and even suggested I played a part in their lives. Then of greater interest to me is, “What will my future life be?” If I had a choice, I would want a voice like Bing Crosby, a mind like Einstein, a body like Hercules, and a spirit like St. Francis of Assisi. But if it is not to be, I will have to be satisfied with what and who I am now, warts and all. Yet, there is something to consider. In a Biblical account, there was a rich young ruler who came to Jesus with a question, “What do I have to do to have eternal life?”

He had everything, fine clothes, wealth, influence,, and achievement – but he wanted more, with all this, in the next life. Jesus told him to give everything away and follow Him.

Then he would have all he needed in this life and the next and would truly be himself. Would this be satisfying to us or desirable for a future life?

The Paper

• Page 11 • January 7, 2021

A Weekly Message from the Mayor of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders.

San Marcos • Mayor Rebecca Jones

San Marcos Community Foundation supports integral community services

In a time of unprecedented challenges, the San Marcos Community Foundation has helped provide hope and support to essential community services that keep our city strong.

The Foundation’s important grant program has provided more than $75,000 in funding within the last year and a half to local organizations ranging from the North County COVID-19 Emergency Fund and the San Marcos Prevention Coalition to the Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank and the Boys & Girls Club of San Marcos. Serving as stewards since 1988, the San Marcos Community Foundation’s mission is to enrich quality of life by providing grants to a wide variety of nonprofit groups serving San Marcos residents. To date, the Foundation has awarded more than $1.4 million to 125+ nonprofit organizations.

For more information about the San Marcos Community Foundation, or to donate, call (760) 744-1050, ext. 3100 or visit their webpage at under the “Your Government” tab.

Vista • Mayor Judy Ritter

Thank You for Shoppin g Local Despite being in the midst of a global pandemic, our Vista businesses still had plenty of things for everyone to taste, see and experience during the holiday. Thank you to those who “kept it local” by supporting our local businesses. By your actions, you are strengthening our community and stimulating our hometown economy. Many of you shopped Vista for business and personal needs by buying from local grocery stores, hardware stores, downtown boutiques, and other establishments. In addition, by ordering take-out/delivery services from our many restaurants, you are helping to keep these eateries in business and workers employed. The City is steadfast in its support of the business community, particularly our smaller businesses and will continue to identify more innovative approaches to help keep them in business.

Oceanside • Mayor Esther Sanchez

Escondido • Mayor Paul “Mac” McNamara

Due to the constraints covid19 has placed on governmental agencies, and the demands of organizing a newly elected office, we were unable to put together a column for this week's issue of The Paper.

Greetings Escondido,

So, as I stated last week, let’s begin the discussion on what the city’s or at least my resolutions/priorities are for the next year. Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten there are five of us who will eventually set these priorities. The failure of the council to give the voters a choice by not approving the 1 cent sales tax measure for the ballot, has not really manifested itself to date. But the impact is coming. We have already had some discussions about how we maintain city services with less money available. While no option is approved, in all likelihood it will be some combination of tapping into reserves and reducing some services. For some they may not notice it but others probably will. It’s a function of how much of the city’s services does one use. My concern aside from a resident feeling they are not getting their money’s worth; is the appearance it creates. For people to invest, move to, put down roots in a city they have to believe in it. The good news is that I think the new council sees that there is no free lunch in life and in two years will offer the tax option to the voters.

We hope to have a column ready for next week's issue (January 14th) and each week thereafter. We recognize the importance of keeping our constituents such as you informed and will make every effort to keep you up to date on issues about and concerning Oceanside. Thank you for your patience and Happy New Year to All!

Hope you all had a great holiday season!

Stay informed, Be Kind, Remember your neighbor, and Stay safe! Semper Fi, Mac Paul P. McNamara, Mayor of Escondido

Chuckles Cont. from Page 7

her a dollar tip. I think by now it was force of habit. I returned to hotel and checked out.

Upon checking out I examined my bill. There were five phone calls I had made, collect, to my businesses. The hotel had charged me $0.75 "access charge" for each call. Steam began to come out of my ears. Nonetheless, being the suave and sophisticated world traveler that I am I signed for the bill, and laid a dollar tip in the outstretched paw of the cashier. The valet brought me my car, naturally I put a dollar in his paw as he bade me "tu tiene muy bien dia". (Have a nice day).

I had a large bag of sunflower seeds that I had intended on eating while driving home to San Diego. They had been stolen. I was upset at hav-

ing to pay $8 for valet parking and then being ripped off for a lousy bag of sunflower seeds. But, as there was no one to give a dollar tip to, I simply came home.

I thought I had shaken off the effects of life in the big city but then the mailman came. You guessed it. As he was leaving I laid a dollar tip in his hand. He looked at me kinda funny but I couldn't help but notice that he didn't give the dollar back. Three weeks to go before I get Mary back. Think I'll send a limousine to LA to pick her up. It's probably cheaper. •••• How many of us can name all 10 of Santa's reindeer? Almost everyone knows Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph, but everyone forgets about Olive. She is only mentioned in the song about Rudolph, in the line “Olive,

Pick up

Restaurant Guide


Dominic’s Gourmet Restaurant

760.480.1704 Open 7 days a week for curbside pick-up or delivery via door-dash. Check our menu, call us. We’ll give great food and service! And now, Dine Outside with Street Side Dining the other reindeer, used to laugh, and call him names.” •••• I didn't make it to the gym today.

That makes five years in a row. •••• I just finished talking with my friend in Minneapolis. He said that since early this morning the snow has reached nearly waist high and is still falling ... His wife has done nothing but look through the kitchen window. He says that if it gets much worse,


Escondido Mike’s BBQ

760.746.4444 1356 W Valley Pkwy Escondido, CA Check our menu at our website, or just call. We’ll bring the food to your car! Open T-Thu 11am-7pm,

Fri/Sat from 11am to 8pm

he may have to let her in... ••••

The Paper

Paul & Nome Van Middlesworth, The Computer Factory

www. "San Diego's Best Computer Store 2015-2020" Union Tribune readers poll America first?

2021 starts The Computer Factory’s 26th year here at 845 W. San Marcos Blvd. While the PC industry has gone through some incredible changes in those years, our job description hasn’t really changed much at all. We provide computer solutions for home and small business users in North County. Those solutions include designing and building PCs for special application and standard workstations, configuring “enterprise” refurbs to meet user’s particular needs and the upgrade and repair of customers existing PCs to meet ever changing applications requirements. Our job is to give our customers all the information that they need to make good, informed decisions on the com-

Notes from Pala Casino

Pala Casino is doing something right! Very right!

They are providing top entertainment for an entertainment starved public. All safety protocols enforced so you can feel safe at a Pala Casino event but now they are offereing free covid 19 and antibody testing! Just call 760.292.6111 to make an appointment. These tests are available to the general public. Testing is offered from 11am to 3pm, subject to change.

Tickets for any upcoming concerts are available and events at the Pala Privileges Center, by calling 1-877-WIN-PALA and asking to be transferred to the Privileges Center. Our main concert areas are the Events Center and Starlight Theater. While visiting Pala, you can purchase tickets at the Pala Box Office with no service charge

Page 12 • January 7, 2021

puter hardware they need to accomplish what they want to do. It’s as simple as that. High end applications like video editing, solids modeling or high end gaming require a “design conference “with the user and that might take several design iterations to get it exactly right. Our standard “Computer Factory” PCs ($500-$600) are built to “enterprise workstation” standards, ASUS motherboards, Samsung SSDs and quality components throughout are nothing like the cheaply constructed “retail” PCs from HP and Dell that price compete on the shelves in the Big Box stores. If you are considering adding or replacing a home or business PC, try this. Summarize what you want your next computer to do, jot it down. Then bring your old PC in to our shop with your notes. We will evaluate your existing PC to determine whether it can be upgraded to meet your needs. While we are checking out your old PC we can show you our stock of new PCs and “enterprise” notebooks, desktops, micro’s and ALL-in Ones. We can provide prices on data transfers, upgrades etc. Then back to your old PC we can tell you whether or not it could be upgraded to handle your present and future needs and what that would cost. If your PC was manufactured in the past 10 years it likely has some trade– in value. Your old PC may be of little value to you but for a cash-strapped student or a senior who only needs a PC to stay connected to family, it could be a genuine blessing. There is also something else to think about. In the past two decades American Companies like Dell, HP and others have eagerly off-shored American jobs to China. Today these two industrial giants are little more

Man About Town Cont. from Page 7

ing implants, gold crowns, and she did not do a proper dental work up to justify such dental procedures (and were later to have been found to be unnecessary).

She want before the licensing board and instead of pulling her license to practice dentistry, they put her on probation! Infuriated me!

She is still practicing today.

We will not accept her advertising. I do not want our readers to suffer bad dentistry and great financial loss because of her. Believe me, it hurt to cancel a $2500 monthly income source . . . but you have to do the right things in life . . . even if they cost you. That's why I sleep very well at night. We always try to do what's right. •••• I know a lot of other folks are probably Merry and warm and happy and glad it's the holiday season. Not me.

I sit here shivering in our bitterly cold 64 degree weather, watching innocent little children out in their yards, playing with their Christmas toys in this terrible weather. Why,

than distributors for Chinese computers. They no longer design, manufacture and test the products with their logos. Even the distribution and maintenance has been handed off to third parties. The problem is not the Chinese people. Like us they are hard working intelligent family oriented folks. The problem is that the Chinese government views The USA is an economic competitor that must be defeated at any cost. Whether or not China will replace America as the World’s foremost economic power may be a problem for our new President, but we as consumers should not help China do it. When you buy a new Dell or HP computer you are sending a significant portion of the price you pay to support a government that openly seeks America’s economic downfall. You don’t need to do that. If you really want

a shiny, new PC you could have us build you one. We make every effort to avoid sourcing components from mainland China. But well over 90% of small business and home users don’t need a new PC. Their needs can be easily accommodated with high quality “enterprise refurbs.” Buying a “refurb” instead of a new “retail” PC benefits the user and the USA in several ways. The user gets a PC with higher quality, reliability and performance for about half the price of a “retail HP/Dell.” 100% of the purchase price stays right here in America, none goes to China and the user is free to spend the other half of their savings to boost America’s economy. It is really a win/win scenario. So pop in any time and we’ll help you save America, one computer at a time.

845 W. San Marcos Blvd., San Marcos, CA.

the day after Christmas I nearly broke out in tears at the pitiful sight of the neighbor kids trying to put on a happy face as they played with their new toys but still were sweltering in the winter heat of 83 degrees. Life just ain't fair.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if this afternoon we were to suffer from a blinding snowstorm, icy sleet and rain.

I'm going to go see if any stores here sell ear muffs, mufflers (which folks out here call 'scarves', and mittens. I've given up years ago on finding galoshes. I asked for them several years ago at a local store and the idiot thought I wanted some type of pastry. I'm going off to sit in my gloomy and glum corner and hold a pity party And you're not invited. I vant to be alone. ••••

Letter to the Editor Cont. from Page 4

ence and data to back up this decision. Bravo! So proud of him! As our mayor was quoted, "If you want me to follow the science then show me the data proving your point." Mayor McNamara is a true blessing in our lives! Our numbers out here are strong and powerful and we shall make certain "Mac" remains our Mayor, you can bet the farm on that! Because he understands what is truly happening when he said "We are in a situation where these decisions affect the livelihood of many of our small businesses. If we ask them to sacrifice, in fairness then we owe them guidance." Also we agree with previous emails to The Paper in support of 5th District Supervisor Jim Desmond who is wonderful! As well as Assembly Republican Leader Marie Waldron of the 75 Assembly District. Thank you Mr. Lyle E. Davis (Owner/Publisher of The Paper) for having these 3 individuals as weekly columnists in The Paper. Also, if we're going to suffer under this lockdown, please continue to publish cover stories from Friedrich Gomez. I've read of the countless fan mail he continues to receive in your Letters to the Editor column and we wish to add our family, social group, neighbors and many friends to Friedrich Gomez's constantly expanding army of follow-

Letters to the Editor Cont. on Page 13


Letters to the Editor Cont. from Page 12 ers! We simply adore him!

Mr. Davis, please listen to us, your loyal readers! -From Arlene Ann Tibbets, family and friends, Escondido, Vista, Oceanside. Another Fan . .

Thank you Lyle and Pala Casino.

Lyle, 2020 was the worst year of our lives. But you were always there for us every Thursday in the form of The Paper. With the world unpredictable and our future uncertain, The Paper was always there. Constant, predictable, and reliable, you were always there for us Lyle, in the form of The Paper.

Every Thursday you came through and gave us amazing cover stories, chuckles, and a Window to the World with political columnists, pastors, and current events with the Social Butterfly, all coming into our homes. Each time my wife or I return home from our Thursday shopping, the first thing family and friends yell out is: "Did you bring The Paper?!!"

Thank you, Lyle. Our many U. S. Marine Corps friends and families (active & retired) all asked me to add their "thanks" as well.

Also we are thankful for Pala Casino, especially now during these stressful times of isolation and separation from loved ones. We agree with the Letter to the Editor from Arlene Tibbets (12/24/20) about Pala Casino being an "Alternate universe of sanity." To be honest, none of our family and friends were interested in casinos. But The Paper changed all of that. Like many others, we only became interested in Pala Casino only after reading various cover stories by Friedrich Gomez that were related to upcoming Pala Casino Tribute Concerts! Gomez's fascinating stories on the Beach Boys & California Culture, The Rat Pack, and The Day the Music Died, etc. led us into becoming huge Pala Casino fans today!

Like your other letter writers, we spread the word about Pala to other families, and the word kept spreading! If Friedrich Gomez (who is our favorite writer) was the sparkplug for Pala Casino, then you Lyle were the engine which drove his cover stories to all of us, via The Paper. As with countless others, we treasure The Paper. And we treasure you, Lyle. I salute you, Sir. You never, ever let us down! Semper Fi.

Patrick Flannigan & His Big Irish Clan & two Irish Setter dogs. North San Diego County

A Regular Fan . . .

I applaud The Paper for adding Oceanside's newly-elected Mayor Esther Sanchez to your weekly forum of four North County Mayors.

We're very grateful that The Paper affords us voters the opportunity to hear these mayors each week and their various opinions on social issues as well as their priorities in making plans that will improve our respective cities. The Paper is the only publication which has 4 weekly mayors, 4 pastors, and weekly civic/political/and current events published in the weekly "Social Butterfly Column" by Evelyn Madison. Especially when Ms. Madison prints fundraisers for worthy charities such as Rady Children's Hospital, senior benefit banquets, as well as significant & educational historical timelines in North County every week! Noteworthy is her column's recent promotion to "Fight Human Trafficking," which is in this week's current issue of The Paper (Dec. 31, 2020). Plus, you have Tom Morrow and Friedrich Gomez as your top notch writers.

A personal comment on you Mr. Lyle Davis, owner/publisher of The Paper: Your story writing is among the finest I've ever seen. Your past stories on Doing Time in the County Jail (11/19/20), To Live and Die in Dixie (12/17/20), and A Christmas Story (12/24/20) are most remarkable achievements in journalism. I taught English & Creative Writing in my younger years, and I must say, Mr. Davis, you are extremely gifted! I would rate "A Christmas Story" as, perhaps, your finest work -- thus far! Keep those stories coming!

And of course Mr. Tom Morrow and our Friedrich Gomez are wondrous gifts you have spoiled us with. --

/s/ Arlene Anne Tibbets family & friends, North San Diego County.

• Page 13 • January 7, 2021


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The Paper • Page 15 • January 7, 2021


A Way of Life

Baha’is have been described as a kind, gentle people. Would you like to know more? Call anyone listed here from your city/neighborhood. Baha’is Believe:

• all humanity was creat-

ed by one God and is part of one human race

• the purpose of life is to know and worship God,

to acquire virtues, to promote the oneness of

humankind and to carry forward



advancing civilization

• work performed in the

spirit of service is a form of worship

• the soul, created at the moment of conception, is destined by God to reach



where it will continue to

progress until it attains the presence of God.

Be a guest of Bahai’s! Learn more about what we believe. Visit one of our meetings. Call a Baha’i in your city for more information!

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9020665 The name of the business: Sharon Kay Siron Legal Services, located at 2337 Altisma Way, Carlsbad, Ca. 92009. Registrant Information: Sharon Kay Siron 2337 Altisma Way Carlsbad, CA. 92009 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 1/1/1983 /s/ Sharon Kay Siron Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/16/2020. 12/31/2020, 01/07, 01/14 & 02/21/2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9020947 The name of the business: Oscar’s Mexican Food, located at 225 S. Rancho Santa Fe, San Marcos, CA. 92078. Registrant Information: Oscar Castro Davila 556 Starstone Pl. San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 9/8/1992 /s/ Oscar Castro Davila Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/22/2020. 12/31/2020, 01/07, 01/14 & 02/21/2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9020958 The name of the business: Innerscape Wellness, located at 187 Calle Magdalena, Ste. 208, Encinitas, Ca. 92024.CA. Kathleen Marie Van Riper 2012 Shadytree Lane Encinitas, Ca. 92024 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/ Kathleen Marie Van Riper Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/28/2020. 01/07, 01/14 01/21 and 01/28/2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9020905 The name of the business: California Backflow Specialist, located at 1701 Alta Vista Dr., Vista, Ca. 92084.. Registrant Information: Daryl Guthridge, Inc. 1701 Alta Vista Dr. Vista, Ca. 92084 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 8/25/91. /s/ Daryl Guthridge, President /Sole Owner (S Corp) Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San 1iego on 12/21/2020. 01/07, 01/14 01/21 and 01/28/2021

Rancho Bernardo -

Chris or Azar Weixelman 1.858.759.8075 Escondido Sandy Coleman, 760-747-0049 San Marcos Gary L. Veale 760.304.6924

Vista Judy Maddox 1.760.598.7240 Celia Taghdiri 1.760.727.6264

Oceanside Dick or Patty Yant 1.619.985.9977 or 1.760.433.4447

The Paper a onestopshop for Legals!

STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME #2020-9019844 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME: G&V Group; Gniocchi, located at 301 Island Way, # 3, Oceanside, Ca. 92058. The Fictitious Business Name referred to above was filed in San Diego County on 11/04/2019 and assigned file no. 2019-9026702 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IS BEING ABANDONED BY: Giacomo Giovanetti 301 Island Way, Unit 3, Oceanside, Ca. 92058. This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1000). /s/ Giacomo Giovanetti This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on . 12/5/2020. 12/24, 12/31/2020 and 01/07 and 01/14/2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9019718 The name of the business: Touch Stone Masonry, located at 2439 Mountain Crest Glen, Escondido, CA. 92027. Registrant Information: JLN Masonry, Inc. - Greg L. Fridell 2439 Mountain Crest Glen Escondido, Ca. 92027 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 8/1/2015. /s/ Greg L. Fridell, Vice President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/02/2020. 12/17, 12/24, 12/31/2020 and 01/07/2021 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9019748 The name of the business: Infinity Scope; Infinity Scope and Grumpy Chef, located at 18275 Reata Way, San Diego, Ca. 92128. Registrant Information: Infinity Scope 18275 Reata Way San Diego, Ca. 92128 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 10/30/20. /s/ Abdul Rahman Ibrahim, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/03/2020. 12/17, 12/24, 12/31/2020 and 01/07/2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9020465 The name of the business:West Coast Sterile, located at 780 Calle De Soto, San Marcos, CA. 92078. Registrant Information: Grzegorz Adam and Eve Alice Sieminski 780 Calle De Soto San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by a Married Couple. First day of business n/a.. /s/Grzegorz Adam Sieminski Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/11/2020. 12/24, 12/31/2020 & 1/7 & 1/14/2021. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9019783 The name of the business: Lincoln Realty Associates, located at 1864 Jardine Court, Vista, Ca. 92081. Registrant Information: Kenneth Roger Snyker 1864 Jardine Court Vista, Ca. 92081 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business .9/1/1994. /s/ Kenneth Roger Snyker Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/03/2020. 12/24, 12/31/2020 & 1/7 & 1/14/2021.

To place Legal Ads Call The Paper 760.747.7119

The Paper

Page 16 • January 7, 2021


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