January 09, 2020
Volume 50 - No. 02
By Pete Peterson
Rich people it’s been said, are different from you and me. Well, maybe not you, since you’re one of the rich ones, but certainly me. This is particularly true when it comes to childcare as we shall see – rich people face challenges Joe and Harriet Lunchbox need not face. In addition to seeing their child off to school mornings and to afternoon soccer practice, the Christmas party and the school play and the sleep overs and the doctor’s and dental appointments like the average kid, The Paper - 760.747.7119
email: thepaper@cox.net
the wealthy parent must deal with issues of security – kidnapping, extortion - and keep their child free from those who prey on the wealthy.
Raising a child successfully as a rich person is not as easy as it sounds. (I agree. Make me rich so I can make a first-class comparison.) Still, most of us are content to follow the adage, education leads to success. Along these lines, several years ago a tongue-in-check advisory ran with the ideas that the success of your child began with get-
ting him or her into the right preschool so they could get into the right grade school, which gave them a leg up at getting into the right high school which could lead to admission to a prestigious Ivy League school. Remember that? Silly then, and silly now. But it makes a point.
While it’s true that educational achievement opens doors for kids later in life and increases the person’s chances for prosperity and happiness, much water flows under that bridge. It is also true that out-
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standing athletic skills, and I do mean outstanding, give that rare and special child a chance to make more dough more quickly than an educated person can accumulate in a lifetime. But unless your offspring has a dead eye jump shot or bends a soccer ball better than Becket, higher education is still the most dependable avenue to success. Survey after survey has shown that the aspirations of the middle class has always been toward education, education, education. First, comes
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schooling, then other goals like marriage and family can be pursued. But that’s not the way of the rich. Mega Rich Hopes vs Working Affluent
A survey of the mega rich by the Connecticut firm Prince & Associates (www.hsgrove.com), shows that barely more than half of those surveyed with a net worth of at least $10 million said educational achievement was an expectation for their kids; thirty-three per cent said they expected their kids to one day get married and forty-six percent hoped for the blessings of grandchildren someday.
Compare these findings to the "working affluent" (those with assets between $1 million and $10 million); 84% surveyed cited educational achievement for their kids as a Number One priority; 74% cited marriage after education as important but not imperative and 71% wanted grandchildren to dote on.
Russ Alan Prince, who runs the firm that tracks the habits of the rich, says the superrich simply don't view education as the be-all-end-all panacea that the middle class does, mostly because their wealth and connections open doors for their kids that the less wealthy need to pry open with hard work and deter-
Give Us This Day Our Daily Chuckle This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy!
I decided early on to teach my kids about taxes.
So I always ate 30% of their ice cream. •••• My doctor expressed concern about my high blood pressure. I told him, "next time don't leave me in the waiting room for two hours.•••• "CHURCH LADIES WITH TYPEWRITERS They're Back! Those wonderful Church Bulletins! Thank God for church ladies with typewriters. These sentences actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.
"Being erudite doesn't necessarily make you smarter or richer," says Prince. "Also, school brand means less to the upper crust. (though the recent controversy showing the super wealthy paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to send their kids to USC, Harvard and other elite colleges would seem to fly in the face of this finding), the brand of the school is not important to the mega rich,” according to Prince. Happiness is also not a universally agreed upon expectation for the mega rich, as one would imagine. Just 85% of respondents cited happiness as a goal for their offspring, compared to 99% of those of the working affluent. A Challenge to the Mega Rich
The survey seems to show that kids are a challenge for the mega rich. "Parents want their children to grow up and have a lifestyle like theirs, but sometimes motivating them to move in that direction becomes a real issue," Prince says, conjuring the stereotype of the preppy ne'er-do-well. “More than one of our surveys show that when kids have access to a lot of money, it seems their parents tend to dote on them less. Some parents even express down right hostility toward their children and some view them as necessary evils." Wow! Nearly two-thirds of the 296 affluent parents who responded to
The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on the Water.'The sermon tonight:'Searching for Jesus.'
Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands. Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help. Miss Charlene Mason sang 'I will not pass this way again,' giving obvious pleasure to the congregation. For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.
Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get.
Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days. A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.. •••• At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be 'What Is Hell?' Come early and listen to our choir practice. Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterio-
Prince's survey send their kids to public school, and Prince says many of those families moved into top public-school districts to do so. The survey covers families nationwide, but respondents tend to be clustered on the coasts and in major urban centers, where taxpayer-financed public schools in wealthy communities can compete effectively with top private schools. It’s Not Easy Being a Rich Kid
The mega rich send more kids to public schools than to private institutions, though the numbers are far more even, 55% go to public schools vs. 44% to private or religious schools. A more telling statistic is there are 49 million public school students in the United States vs. 5 million private school kids.
Naturally, the rich tend to supplement the educational experience of their little ones with expensive enrichment activities - music, horseback riding, dance – even private tutoring sessions. Also, the superrich take on average, more vacations than lesser mortals, giving their kids an additional opportunity to experience new cultures and new environments. My wife and I were driving in Europe last summer. On two separate occasions we encountered a group of 5 well-dressed American teenagers - 3 girls and 2 boys - we estimated to be 12 to 18 years in age. They were accompanied by 3 very attentive females and a super
ration of some older ones.
Scouts are saving aluminium cans, bottles and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children.
Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered..---------------------The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility.
alert male. At a famous ice cream shop in St. Remy, France, we met again. My wife spoke with a young lady we assumed correctly to be of college age. “My father is in the business,” she said. (That’s code for show biz.) They were from Brentwood, California. “We’re traveling to Paris via way of Spain, Herzegovina, Croatia and Italy. We travel as a family somewhere every year. Last year it was Upper New York state, Maine, Canada, Labrador, Iceland and Newfoundland. I’ll fly out tomorrow for Mills College (New York) Rush Week.” This young lady exuded class and confidence. Her makeup was a bit thick for her age, but her brown eyes sparkled. “I’d love to talk with you about makeup and skin care,” she said to my wife, “since you look fabulous. But, if we talk too long, my bodyguard will intervene.” Just then, one of the attentive females walked up. “Say goodbye, Myrna. We must go. You have tests to finish today.” As I said, the rich do things differently. Nannies, Values and The Rich
According to Prince & Associates, “It seems the teaching of values to
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Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.
The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new campaign slogan last Sunday: 'I Upped My Pledge Up Yours. •••• I don't think i'll ever be "over the hill."
The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.
I'm too damned tired to climb it. •••• I just finished talking with my friend in Minneapolis. He said that since early this morning the snow has reached nearly waist high and is still falling ... His wife has done nothing but look through the kitchen window.
The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.
That makes five years in a row. •••• After a tiring day, a commuter settled down in her seat and closed her eyes.
The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 PM .. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.
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Pot-luck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow.
This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.
Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM . Please use the back door.
He says that if it gets much worse, he may have to let her in... •••• I didn't make it to the gym today.
As the train rolled out of the station, the guy sitting next to her pulled out his cell phone and started talking in a loud voice: "Hi sweetheart. It's
Social Butterfly
The Paper • Page 3 • January 09, 2020
performing his own original compositions with the ambition to create a more loving and peaceful world. 2nd Annual Wellness Fair - start your New Year, New You with the wellness fair on Saturday, January 11, from 10:30am 1pm, for all ages, in the Turrentine Room. Start your new year with walking your way to better health and get information about keeping you and your family healthy. Join us and visit with local community health partners.
Evelyn Madison The Social Butterfly Email Evelyn at:
Vista Friends and Newcomers Meeting Today, Thursday, January 9, at 9:30am, the Vista Friends and Newcomers will hold their Membership Coffee meeting at Pegah's Kitchen, 945 S. Santa Fe Ave., Vista. The program will be a Chinese Auction with many fun and interesting items. This is a breakfast meeting, so one must purchase breakfast. Come learn what the Vista Friends is all about and have an enjoyable morning meeting new friends. Questions; call 760.758.4120.
Winter Reading Challenge, Book Club, and More at Escondido Public Library Read to earn prizes in the Winter Reading Program for Babies, Kids, Tweens, Teens, and Adults, from January 6-January 31. Fill out the back of a tracking sheet to track your progress; tracking sheets available at the Youth Services desk or displays in the Library. The 2nd Saturday Concert Series presents Louis Landon, on Saturday, January 11, from 3pm-4:30pm, in the Turrentine Room, suitable for all ages. Solo piano concert by Steinway Artist Louis Landon,
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the mega rich child is frequently done by someone other than the parent. That’s why nannies who speak more than one language – particularly French, Spanish or Greek - are in such demand. Political viewpoints, patriotic lessons, love of country are often left up the individual to acquire on their own, if ever acquired. The same with religious training, unless the kid goes to a parochial school. Nannies often are expected to teach manners, etiquette and other life skills.”
Virtually 100% of the Working Affluent parents surveyed by Prince’s organization say teaching values is part of being a parent. Conversely; 88% of the superrich responded that values are learned from family, friends, schoolteachers, sports coaches and yes, hired consultants, including nannies and house keepers. Let’s assume you are eighteen and older, speak English and one other language fluently, and being a nanny is up your alley. Vacationing in Spain sounds like fun. As does luxury travel and eating ice cream in sunny France. The pay is certainly good. The hours? Not so great. Responding to every waking whim of a Hollywood 3-year-old rug rat is a tough gig. Establishing discipline, dispensing medications, bandaging cuts, soothing egos,
The Lunar New Year Celebration: Lion Dancers, will be held on Thursday, January 23, from 6:30pm to 7:30pm, in the Turrentine Room, and is for all ages. Learn about the history and cultural significance of lion dancing as the Three Treasures Cultural Arts Society Lion Dance team performs a traditional dance celebrating the Lunar New Year.
The Movie Matinee "The Peanut Butter Falcon" will be on Saturday, January 25, from 3:30pm - 5:30pm, in the Turrentine Room, for all ages (13+); children should be accompanied by a parent or guardian. This movie, in a modern-day Mark Twain fable, a young man with Down Syndrome and a pro-wrestling dream (Zack Gottsagen) runs away from a residential nursing home and meets a small time outlaw on the run (Shia LaBeouf). They join forces and find an adventure of a lifetime on a stolen fishing boat. All events are free and open to the public; programs sponsored by Friends of the Escondido Public Library; 239 So. Kalmia St., Escondido 92025; 760.839.4684; website www.escondidolibrary.org. Hours are Sunday, 1pm-5pm; Monday-Friday, 9:30am-7:00pm; Saturday, 9:30am6:00pm. Renew materials online or by phone at 760.738.0249. The Library will be closed Monday, January 20th - Martin Luther King Holiday.
LIFE Lecture Series Continues - The LIFE lecture series continues on January 10th at 1:00pm at Mira Costa College, 1
wiping away tears, solving family spats all call for flexibility, unflagging energy, good listening skills and a great organization. There are study schedules to follow, protocol to implement and dress standards to maintain. A delicate balance of Mary Poppins and Mrs. Doubtfire. But, consider this: top-flight nannies often earn $185,000 or more for their tight-lipped services - it seems what the nanny sees, stays with the nanny.
A former nanny now writing of her 23 years serving A-List families, has this to say. “On the outside it all looks pretty glamorous. Yet, there are three major challenges every nanny faces that no school or education can prepare you for. One, is the husband. They often turn to nanny seeking solace and sexual comfort. Second, is the wife’s lover – and almost all the women I worked for had lovers – somehow, these individuals feel entitled to sexual favors doled out by the nanny. Then there are other staff members to deal with-the jealousy from those who may not see the ‘imperial couple’ regularly can be intense. The stress of entertainment gossip can be fierce, and the competition among staff members is often over-whelming. The salvation of the good nanny is the child.” She adds with a smile. “When the family you work for goes on vacation, you go along. You work. They play.” Money, Money, Money
Barnard Drive. The first speaker is Jonathan Schwartz discussing Seniors’ Achievable Goals to Age Well. After intermission with refreshments, Heather Sorgine will speak on Oceanside’s Green Kitchen at 2:30 p.m. A $1.00 parking permit is available at Lot 1 A. Visit miracosta.edu/life or call 760-757-2121. DAR Chapter Meeting is Saturday, January 11 - The Santa Margarita Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, will meet Saturday, January 11, at the El Camino Country Club in Oceanside. A 9:30am breakfast buffet will be followed by a program from Ryana Goldberger about Camp Kangaroo, a place designed for grieving children. A business meeting will follow where delegates to March’s DAR State Conference will be elected. The DAR is open to any female eighteen years of age or older who is lineally descended from an ancestor who aided in some way the fight for independence in the American Revolution. Visit www.santamargarita.californiadar.org
Art at the EAP - The Escondido Arts Partnership Municipal Gallery thanks the artists, patrons, volunteers, and jurors for a wonderful 2019! We are looking forward to an exciting 2020 starting with the first exhibition of the new decade - Wood: A Furniture Show XI. Brian and Nancy Murphy of Murphy's Fine Woodworking are presenting the exhibition for the 11th year in a row. The Mingei International Museum has contributed a stunning tiger wood rocking chair by Wendell Castle to be exhibited in the Wood XI show. Because of the popularity of this event, this exhibition will be on display for almost two months, from January 10 to February 21st. Please join us at the Opening Reception during Second Saturday Artwalk January 11th. Concurrent exhibitions include a new "Mini" Mingei International Museum exhibit of traditional Huichol bead and yarn art. In the Interspace Gallery, the PhotoArts Group are in Black & White. Expressions gallery hosts wonderful hand
It’s good to know that the woman packing lunches for Angelina Jolie’s brat pack or burping Beyonce’s baby, Blue Ivy, is raking in more than your average hedgefund analyst. You can join this elite group according to Celebrity Staffing Services’ Glenda Ross. Her agency has assisted the likes of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, Lisa Marie Presley and Prince in finding new nannies and assessing others.
Ms. Ross says if you’re hired as a nanny, you can expect a six-figure salary, a personal automobile, comfortable living quarters and yearly bonuses, often $10,000 or $20,000. Parents like Jay-Z and Beyoncé are likely to dole out such benefits to two or three nannies each year according to Ross due to their extensive travel schedules, special security needs and other demands. That could wind up sucking upwards of $500,000 per year out of Mr. and Mrs. Carter’s undoubtedly overflowing bank account. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt fork over just shy of 10 mil annually for their nanny services, according to their tax filings. Not Your Mother’s Babysitters
These well-compensated professionals aren’t your average babysitter. Celebrity parents seek nannies who speak multiple languages as we’ve seen. A recently desired skill is being fluent in American Sign
loomed fiber pieces from Jean Degenfelder. Gallery Too features Susan Salazar, Carol Mansfield and Lisa Bryson. Renee Richetts' space has The Wanderer, journeys into the new decade! In the artist studios and hall walls are Bob Barry, Virginia Cole, Martita Foss, Daniel Hernandez, Bettina Heinz, Robert Rose and Woody Woodaman. (art made now, by our friends, family and community.. essential for life. Save the date! March 28th, Panache, Gala Art Auction Fundraiser. Celebrate art and the 25th year of the Escondido Arts Partnership with live and silent art auctions, auctioneer Dallas Woodring, musicians, tasty food and libations.
Volunteers mark your calendars for the annual Volunteer Appreciation party Saturday, February 8th in the evening. More details to come. Are you an artist or simply love the arts? Your membership opens the door to programs that enrich and inspire the community. Please find the form on the website members page or sign up in the gallery. Meet the artists at the opening receptions during Second Saturday Artwalk, January 11th, 5:30pm to 8pm. The Gallery is located at 262 E. Grand Ave., Escondido; phone 760.480.4101; mail@escondidoarts.org; hours are Tuesday 11am - 6pm, and Thursday thru Saturday, 11am - 4pm.
January Events at San Diego Botanic Garden - The Annual Meeting is Saturday, January 18th, 10am, Ecke Building at San Diego Botanic Garden, 230 Quail Gardens Drive, Encinitas. SDBG members & public free; RSVP required as space is limited. Come hear how your contributions have helped the Garden grow, and hear a lecture on "Ginkgo: The Tree that Time Forgot" by the Sir Peter Crane, one of the most famous botanists in the world, knighted in England for his contribution to botany. RSVP required. Info:
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Language - since it is now in vogue to teach children to sign needs, they cannot speak, such as ‘hot,’ ‘help,’ ‘water’ and other simple requests. Most successful nannies, and yes, most candidates are women - must pass background checks, drug tests and behavioral assessments to be even considered worthy of stepping into a celebrity’s home. Nannies for super-rich families must look like they have it all: designer clothes, private jet travel, and experience relaxing by the pool at exotic resorts … there is a catch, right? Candi Vajana, of “Funny Nanny” fame has worked with wealthy families for more than ten years. After 2 years of training, she took her first job as a live-in. She was only 19 at the time. But her training couldn't prepare her for what was to come. Now, she's sharing her thoughts on the myths and facts of what it's like to work for the super-rich … and whether it's as glamorous as it seems. She shares her reaction to five myths. Myth One: As we’ve seen, when the family vacations in swanky locations, you vacation with them.
Fact: True, you’re on the yacht off the coast of France, but you’re on call 24 /7! As Vajana explains – “You go to the places the family does, but you rarely see anything since you are changing the baby’s
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Local News
The Paper • Page 4 • January 09, 2020 Fatal Accident in Escondido
The California Highway Patrol said that a driver who drove too fast for conditions came to a turn and was unable to complete the manuever. In the ensuing crash five young men who had been riding in the open bed of the truck were ejected. Seven youths involved in the accidentally were injured, one fatally.
Their pickup, a Toyota Tundra, overturned in San Pasqual Valley, according to the California Highway Patrol.
Five of the 17-and 18-year-old boys riding in the open truck bed were thrown out as the pickup rolled off the road. One of them, age 18, suffered major injuries and later died at a hospital, CHP Officer Kevin Smale said. The driver, 18, and a passenger in the truck cab, age 17, suffered minor injuries. They are both from Escondido. The single-vehicle crash was reported about 2:40 a.m. after the driver turned left from northbound Summit Road onto Old San Pasqual Road, east of Escondido.
Smale said the youth was going too fast on the curve and lost control of the truck. It flipped onto its left side, ejecting the riders in the back. Then the truck slid off the right side of the roadway, landing on its
wheels in thick weeds.
The truck bed passengers included 17-year-olds from Escondido, San Marcos and Encinitas and an 18year-old from Valley Center. They all were taken to a hospital with minor to moderate injuries, Smale said. He said an investigating officer tested the driver and found no evidence that he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Political Battle Heating up in Race for 76th Assembly District
Democrat incumbent District 76 Assemblywoman Tasha Boerner Horvath has challenged Republican candidate for the seat, Melanie Burkholder’s use of the title “Doctor” on the ballot saying her doctorate in Christian counseling does not qualify her to represent herself as a medical doctor.
The San Diego County Medical Society also challenged Burkholder’s ballot designation. “Ms. Burkholder is not a physician, dentist, or veterinarian, and lacks medical training in any of those fields,” according to the Medical Society’s statement. The Republican candidate’s website and campaign material identify her as “Dr. Melanie Burkholder ... a decorated Secret Service agent, mental health counselor, and proud wife and mother.”
"Why, yes it is citizen. Are you a law abiding citizen?" "Um, yeah."
"And do you promise to always make your mum proud and do the right thing? And to love your country and to always follow the law."
Last Friday I got a call from a woman. I answered and she said, "Is this Batman?" "Why, yes, yes, it is," I answered.
"Could you talk to my son? We saw your picture in The Paper and he's been bugging me saying I should call the phone number you listed and see if he could talk to Batman."
"Sure, be happy to," I said, "put him on." "Hi, is this Batman."
The issue first arose when Burkholder had stated in a July 1 radio broadcast that parents had the right to refuse to vaccinate their children and that government overstep their grounds when they seek to enforce this rule.
Several spokesmen andagencies cited Burkholder’s statement as shockingly reckless for someone with no medical training to take such a postion. There is no jurisdiction in the United States in which Ms. Burkholder could accurately identify as a doctor, according to several critics.
The 76th Assembly District covers much of coastal North County, including Encinitas, Carlsbad, Oceanside, Vista and Camp Pendleton. A Sacramento Superior Court judge agreed and has ordered 76th Assembly District candidate Melanie Burkholder not to identify herself as a “doctor” in her ballot statement for the March 3 primary election. to pay tribute to the folks who make sure we are promptly and courteously treated whenever we dine out. The wait staff.
We frequent Charlie’s Restaurant in Escondido, among others, and are proud to give a salute to the ladies who give us great service year in and year out. At Charlie’s Restaurant the superb wait staff includes Chris, Traci, Tina, Chandra, Sue, Cindy, Cecilia and Mary.
Man About Town
A couple weeks ago I designed an ad with a headline that read "An Urgent Plea from Batman!" along with a photo of Batman. It was an ad urging people to subscribe to The Paper.
Duane Dichiara, a spokesman for Burkholder’s campaign, said Monday that she will continue to identify herself as a doctor, even if not allowed to list the title on the ballot. “She is on TV and radio all the time as Dr. Melanie Burkholder.”
"Um, yeah." "Okay, name?"
At J&M’s Restaurant, also in Escondido, we adorde Kim and Judith.
"Bobby. Robert, but everyone calls me Bobby."
"Well Citizen Bobby, I'm honored to have a chance to meet you, even if only by phone. I have to run now as a crimefighter's work is never done. Remember, be a good boy and follow the law! Batman out." "Okay. Thanks."
I love it when a plan works. •••• 2020 seems as good a time as any
There are others, of course, and we shall recognize them as well, in due course. Think of it . . . these waitresses and waiters are on their feet for hours at a time, always rushing, seldom able to take much of a rest break; in spite of the hard work and tremendous pressure they are under to ensure happy patrons they always manage to provide top service and smile through it all, even though their feet hurt, their bodies are almost exhausted, and often have problems outside the restaurant such as sick children, or hubbies, or financial pressures, problems you never hear about and, still, they
Letters to the Editor Progress? Could Be!
Lyle, eight weeks ago, back on October 24, 2019, you ran a story in your Man About Town column concerning a 90-year-old Korean War Veteran by the name of Don Campbell. As the story goes, Mr. Campbell has been an Escondido resident for for 70 years and a regular patron of Denny's Restaurant, eating there two to three times a week. As related in your column, for the past 30 years, Mr. Campbell was denied the use of his AARP discount card each time he presented it. The AARP discount is 15% and as you stated in your column back then, "Normally, Denny's offers the
Letters to the Editor Cont. on Page 5
press on, delivering great service.
Being on a wait staff has to be one of the most difficult jobs on the planet. It’s hard work and the best way we can say “thank you,” is to be mighty generous when it comes to leaving a tip. I always tip minimum of 20%, sometimes more. These ladies and gents deserve it and more.
A Happy, Happy New Year to all the hard working members for the food and restaurant industry in North San Diego County!
Some of the Best Kept Dining Secrets of North San Diego County . . . .those in on the secrets may be reluctant to share them for fear of attracting too many diners . . . thus delaying the delivery to their dining table of mouth watering treats. The secreet is . . . soups! A superbly prepared soup can often serve in and of itself as a complete meal, particularly when well prepared and generous in the serving amount.
Our job, of course, is to inform, thus we offer the following favorites of ours:
Man About Town Cont. on Page 8
The Paper • Page 5 • January 09, 2020
Nannies Cont. from Page 3 diaper, making snacks for the children and doing you’re all to see your employees enjoy their time in the sun.” Myth Two: Summer nannies make insane amounts of money.
Fact: True. In many cases, a highpriced and highly skilled nanny can bring home more than a pediatrician.
She explains: “A nanny works yearround often earning a 6-figure income. Like many jobs, the higher the salary, the higher the expectations and higher the demands. There’s a lot of pressure on the nanny, especially on summer vacations. You’re expected to do more than just be a babysitter. You’re constantly travelling, thus the children’s clothes must be packed for the appropriate climate, which means clothes shopping and often you must see that the child has the proper vaccinations or immunizations, as well as planning tours and other activities – being careful to coordinate the child’s schedule with others. Maybe one child is sick and is throwing up while the other wants to play or explore. They must be seated, seat belt in place on the plane. on time, regardless of the uncomfortable moments that must be overcome.” She points out sometimes your
Letters to the Editor Cont. from Page 4
AARP discount to every person with a AARP card. They have no posted or written policy on the changes to how the card should be presented." As further related in your column: "Mr. Campbell was told he would not get the discount because his card did not have a strip. On his second visit, with a new card with the strip, he was told it did not have a bar code on the card. On the third visit, after ensuring his card had a strip, a bar code, and his insurance number, he was told by the manager that his AARP card was an insurance card and thus could not be honored. On each occasion, Escondido resident and realtor Patti Thompson, with her husband, spoke with the manager, Missy. She would not budge. AARP card denied. For a $1.50 discount." Lyle, as you lamented in your column, "Probably not the wisest public relations investment Denny's has ever made." Well, shortly after the story broke in your Man About Town column, something deep inside me told me that this local story will, in time, just probably "die on the vine" after the dust settles. Yes it was on Facebook and yes people voiced their anger, but once again, such an incident goes unnoticed by corporate offices who often are completely unaware of "provincial, localized misrepresentations, literally thou-
employer will go through your personal items from hairbrushes to underwear, to ascertain no contraband or illegal drugs are being transported from one foreign country to another. Also, in travel there are frequently cramped sleeping arrangements, non-private bathing times so that privacy for toileting and other personal issues goes down the drain. “Bigger paychecks come with greater responsibilities. So consider the workload that a pay raise entails.” Myth 3: Nannies for the super-rich get a super-rich lifestyle to match.
Fact: Although they make more money, summer nannies for the mega-rich generally aren’t living as the Kardashians or the Trumps. Vajana adds, “Instead of feeling like a celebrity, some nannies feel lonely, isolated and over-worked. Most are bound by strict confidentiality agreements (Non-disclosure Agreements), with their employer. You may meet presidents, dine with royalty, be invited to play tennis with an Academy Award winning actor, but this must remain confidential. It’s as if you are invisible, and only your passport reveals the foreign countries you’ve visited and your memory is the only record of the sights you’ve seen. You may attend very important events, but your name won’t be on the guest list. Why? Because you are truly there for the kids. They are your
sands of miles away."
As a military veteran myself (4 years in the U. S Navy), I wanted more than just a temporary public outcry. I wanted Denny's moversand-shakers to be made aware of this. Otherwise, at least for me, it's just a lot of "saber rattling" with nothing 'in concrete done.' So, I sent copies of your Man About Town column to Denny's Corporate Chain of Command in Spartanburg, South Carolina which is 2,332 miles away from Escondido. Copies went specifically to John C. Miller (Denny's CEO & President), F. Mark Wolfinger (Executive VP * Chief Operating Officer), Michael L. Furlow (Sr. VP & Chief Information Officer), Ms. Jill A. Van Pelt (Senior VP & Chief People Officer), as well as others, including many VFW Posts here in Escondido. Along with each copy of your Man About Town column, I also sent a short memo to each Denny's Restaurant Corporate person which stated: "Is this how Denny's Restaurants treat our senior war veterans?" In addition to that, I listed for them to see that I had also sent the same information to all the major print and visual media (which included the Man About Town column). They saw that copies went out to: The Washington Post in Washington, D. C., CBS News, NBC News, San
Letters to the Editor Cont. on Page 6
first and last consideration. You’re the help. Sometimes that may hurt your sense of pride, but maybe by taking a private jet to New York for lunch and another to San Francisco for dinner, with the children of course, you’ll feel a little better.” Myth 4. Summer nannies get personal time off during their family’s vacation.
Fact: Not true. Most high net families on vacation expect the nanny to do more, not less. You must supervise swimming lessons for the children or skiing lessons (at some resorts both the same day), coordinate meal schedules, study time and handle disciplinary problems. This means more work and longer working hours. But if you’re lucky, you’ll have appealing kids, lots of adventures and experience different cultures. The great money makes it all worthwhile as does the fact that one week you’re in Antarctica and the next Africa or Spain.” Vajana relays the story that one summer she was on vacation with a family that spent most of the time at sea. “I was either in the water or on the boat. There was no place else to go. That was challenging to keep the kids entertained, yet not intrude on the adults. You have to learn to go with the flow.” Myth 5: It’s a fabulous life.
Fact: The level of satisfaction one gets from being a nanny depends on how one perceives the family, par-
Chuckles Cont. from Page 2
Eric. I'm on the train."
"Yes, I know it's the six thirty and not the four thirty, but I had a long meeting." "No, honey, not with that blonde from the accounts office. With the boss." "No sweetheart, you're the only one in my life. Yes, I'm sure, cross my heart."
Fifteen minutes later, he was still talking loudly, when the young woman sitting next to him had enough and leaned over and said into the phone, "Eric, turn that phone off and come back to bed." Eric doesn't use his cell phone in public any longer. LIFE GETS BETTER WITH AGE I've learned that I like my teacher because she cries when we sing "Silent Night." Age 5
I've learned that our dog doesn't want to eat my broccoli either. Age 7 I've learned that when I wave to people in the country, they stop what they are doing and wave back.
ticularly the kids, that you work for. Again, she explains: “The thing most rewarding for me was being able to travel to new places with the children and see their eyes open to new cultures and lifestyles. It was also great to see them develop and grow, be awed and express a sense of wonder as only a little person can. And, my world was broadened as well. Being a nanny allowed me to live in six countries on two different continents. I’ve learned to speak two languages fluently, (and dabble in a few more). I’ve built on these experiences and I’m able to live among and connect with, a variety of people. This has allowed me to succeed as both a Human Resources director and teacher.” (Professions she now follows.) Not All Employers Are Likable
A friend has a family member who is a celebrity nanny. She served a famous governor and found him boorish and demanding. No one could talk to the governor without pervious approval; in approaching him, a respectful distance had to be maintained. And never ever walk behind him. (These restrictions must not have applied to the housekeeper, since she bore his child.) In contrast, his wife, born to riches and sent to all the right schools, was a delight to serve.
As we know, the rich do things differently.
Age 9
Nannies Cont. on Page 6
I've learned that just when I get my room the way I like it, Mom makes me clean it up again. Age 12 I've learned that if you want to cheer yourself up, you should try cheering someone else up. Age 14 I've learned that although it's hard to admit it, I'm secretly glad my parents are strict with me. Age 15
I've learned that silent company is often more healing than words of advice. Age 24 I've learned that brushing my child's hair is one of life's great pleasures. Age 26 I've learned that wherever I go, the world's worst drivers have followed me there. Age 29
I've learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it. Age 30 I've learned that there are people who love you dearly but just don't know how to show it. Age 42 I've learned that you can make some one's day by simply sending them a little note. Age 44
Chuckles Cont. on Page 12
The Paper • Page 6 • January 09, 2020
Nannies Cont. from Page 5 This same lady also served as a nanny for Tim Allen of "Last Man Standing" fame. Her impression of him? He was kind, caring and generous. Another couple she served, from China, impressed her so much she became a nanny after a surrogate mother bore their child. In return, they frequently flew her to San Francisco and other places, wining and dining her at no expense, even taking her on vacations. Still want to be a nanny?
No degree is required, but an associate degree or specialized certification in early childcare development may help get that first assignment. CPR and first aid certification are commonly required. Each family will have their own expectations for a nanny's previous childcare experience. Most are typically required to be at least 18 years old, and must pass a rigorous health examination, possess up to date immunizations and test negative on tuberculosis and drug tests. A clean criminal background is also required. Successful candidates. it goes without saying, should also have strong communications and instructional skills. Patience? You bet. That and stamina are keys to success since dealing with high energy children is not easy work. Nanny School Graduate? Go to the Head of the Line
For those who have decided on a career as a nanny, there are many training courses available. Although some employers prefer practical experience – Jamie Fox, Tim Allen and Ice Tea are in that school - earned certifications and professional instruction is recommended by most Nanny Placement firms. The American Council of Nanny Schools and the Newborn Care Specialist Association (NCSA) are industry watch dog organizations that require newly certified nannies to meet certain requirements.
Most nanny training programs include classroom instruction in child development, nutrition, family dynamics, safety, play activities, first aid and CPR. These classes vary in length and in depth, as well as cost – but expect to spend a pretty penny if you enroll. (Say something north of $5,000.00.) Supervised hands-on training with children are offered only by registered Nanny Schools. The key to nanny training is the practical education on the ins and outs of family dynamics. Most prepare students for a high-income career in less than a year. Another key to career success according to those who have been there, is to register with an agency, which
Nannies Cont. on Page 7
Letters to the Editor Cont. from Page 5
Diego local television news, the San Diego Union Newspaper, the Veterans of Foreign Wars main office headquartered in Washington, D. C. and many, many other entities.
Lyle, thanks to your Man About Town column which was sent "out of Escondido" over 2300 miles away so that it would truly resonate with Corporate Heads in the print and visual media, along with Denny's Corporate giants, along with various Escondido VFW Posts, so that all of them would be made aware of this 'public-relations nightmare' -- things were finally changed. For the better. AARP card holders are no longer "hassled" over trivial things which sent Mr. Don Campbell on a "wild goose chase" in first place, such as (1) being denied his AARP discount card for not having a strip, (2) then again for not having a bar code,and (3) then being denied because his AARP card was an insurance card after all, and on and on and on.
Now, Denny's accepts these AARP cards without the 'circus runaround' which 90-year-old Korean War Veteran, Don Campbell, had to (unnecessarily) endure. It speaks highly of Denny's Corporate Offices that they became aware of this embarrassing fiasco and made things right. It was no fault of Denny's Corporate Headquarters that this faux pas transpired. To their credit, this has been rectified. Today, 1,593 Denny's Restaurants all across the United States made it clear that this scenario would not be repeated (or tolerated). This even includes Denny's Restaurants around the world: Puerto Rico (11 restaurants), Guam (2), Chili (1), Canada (60), Mexico (5), Costa Rica (3), Honduras (2), El Salvador (1), the United Kingdom (1), and New Zealand (8). I personally called various Denny's Restaurants, randomly, from Chula Vista to Oceanside to Escondido and I'm pleased to say "Thanks, Lyle, for giving this embarrassing incident a happy ending via exposure in your Man About Town Column." It's one thing for a newspaper or magazine to report the news, it's entirely different for a weekly publication such as yours to actually "change laws" for the better. Not only here in Escondido -- but across the United States and even around the world! The Paper did just that. Sincerely, Friedrich Gomez
2020 will be an important year for California
The State Legislature returns January 6 to complete the 20192020 session. 80 Assemblymembers and 40 Senators will gather in the State Capitol to begin work on some of the most consequential issues that have ever faced California. It’s likely that around 3,000 bills will be introduced over the next few weeks. All legislation must be submitted to the Office of Legislative Counsel by January 24 so that bill language can be drafted by the final introduction deadline on February 21. Bills must be passed to the alternate House by May 29, and all work must wrap up August 31st, when we finally adjourn.
Major issues include wildfires – prevention, aftermath, homeowners insurance, home hardening/safety, the related issues of energy and utilities, and the state’s role in helping to solve these monumental problems. More policy issues include the environment, health care, Medi-Cal expansion, fallout from passage of AB 5 and the Dynamex decision, their impact on employment and the gig economy. Other issues include privacy rights under California’s Consumer Protection Act, cannabis, vaping, housing and homelessness, local
government and taxes, Prop. 13 and split-roll proposals, public safety, prison closures, highway funding, water …. it’s a very long list. Unlike Washington D.C. there is little rancor in Sacramento. We often disagree, but we get along at the personal level. Since most of these problems impact everyone regardless of party, non-partisan solutions can be achieved. Many bills in Sacramento pass with wide, bi-partisan support. It is important for legislative representatives to hear from constituents regarding these proposals and other issues. Please contact me at: https://ad75.asmrc.org/
As Minority Leader, I am looking forward to working with my legislative colleagues as we addresses major policy issues and problems that will impact California for decades to come. Next session will be productive and very consequential. Assembly Republican Leader Marie Waldron, R-Escondido, represents the 75th Assembly District in the California Legislature, which includes the communities of Bonsall, Escondido, Fallbrook, Hidden Meadows, Pala, Palomar Mountain, Pauma Valley, Rainbow, San Marcos, Temecula, Valley Center and Vista.
5th District Supervisor
Jim Desmond
As we head into 2020, I want to let everyone know about the resources we have for the people of San Diego County. First, if you still have that Christmas tree and need to get rid of it, we are here to help. If you have a real tree, make sure to dispose of it in the proper way. Leaving your old, dry tree or wreaths lying in your backyard can spark fires. Make sure to check with your waste hauler or visit the County’s website, wastefreeSD.org to find a tree drop-off site near you. Also, as we continue to get muchneeded rain in San Diego County, it’s good to know where you can get free sand and bags. The County and CAL Fire will be providing free sand and bags to resident in unincorporated communities and areas at numerous location around the County. Here are just a few of the places you can go: De Luz: 39524 Daily Road, Fallbrook, CA 92028 P: 760-728-3140 *(Not staffed 24/7), De Luz: 39431 De Luz Road, Fallbrook, CA 92028 P: 760-7282422, Fallbrook: 4375 Pala Mesa Drive, Fallbrook, CA 92028 P: 760723-2024, Valley Center: 28205 N. Lake Wohlford Road, Valley Center, CA 92082 P: 760-7517605,
One of the most important services we have is in connection with Live
Well San Diego. By dialing 2-1-1 you will be connected with a variety of service providers including the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency, San Diego Gas & Electric and a variety of other resources. 2-1-1 operates 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. It provides free, confidential help to over 6,000 services, resources and programs through their database. It’s a great tool to have through our County. As always, if you have any local issues, please reach out to my office. Call 619-531-5555 or email me at Jim.Desmond@sdcounty.ca.gov and we will be sure to help you out.
Supervisor Jim Desmond To contact
North County Office – by appointment only 325 S. Melrose Ave., Suite 5200 Vista, CA 92081 Mon.-Fri., 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Website: www.supervisorjimdesmond.com
Email: Jim.Desmond@sdcounty.ca.gov
The Paper • Page 7 • January 09, 2020
Nannies Cont. from Page 6
helps find and place the qualified nanny in jobs (usually in the $25$45 per hour range.) While everyone agrees that a direct recommendation is the best way to gain a placement, these come only after one is established in the field. (Nannies do talk. A recent morning at a park in Hollywood served as a gathering for at least twenty nannies and their charges.) The nannies we spoke with strongly suggested an agency instead of answering online ads to find a position.
Finally, it’s refreshing to learn- in a world where jobs are quickly disappearing, never to be seen again due to automation and out-sourcing – a problem no politician will touch – the projected need for newborn care specialists is highly sought after in every city, village and hamlet. This demand will continue since, as of this writing, no automated system has been developed to change a diaper and wipe and powder a new born’s butt. It may happen, but not yet. (If such a device is developed, this Ol’ Boy don’t wanna know about it!) The rich it has been said, are different from you and me. When it comes to childcare this is true. Becoming a nanny is a valid and appealing career option. Oh, to be forty again! (Pete Peterson can be reached at www.rlpetepeterson.com)
Our Pete Peterson, a prolific writer and and distinguished Marine (He was an Honor Guard for years; he’ll be back with more great stories, very soon!
Letters to the Editor are always welcome. Try to keep them to 250 words or less. Email them to:
Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 3
Information for all Classes: http://www.sdbgarden.org/classes.htm Every Saturday in January, 9:30am10:30am; Yoga in the Garden. Bring your own mat. SDBG members $20; non-members $24. Tuesday, January 12, 9am12pm, Succulent Wall Planter; learn basics of planting a 10" x 20" vertical living wall; Members $110; non-members $116 (materials included. Saturday, January 18, 9am12pm, Photography Fundamentals & Creative Controls, for beinning and intermediate camera enthusiasts interested in learning more about camera functions. Digital, film and cell phone users will benefit from this class. Members $65; nonmembers $78. Sunday, January 19, 10am12pm, Orchid Kokedama Workshop, a traditional Japanese Living Art form using moss as a container for a plant. Learn skills and make your own. Members $20; non-members $24, plus a $38 student materials fee paid directly to instructor. Saturday, January 25, 9am-3pm, 12" Open Heart Succulent Wreath made with clippings from the garden. Members $75; nonmembers $90, includes all materials.
Historically Speaking by Tom Morrow
J.P. Morgan: The Nation’s Banker & Entrepreneur
John Pierpont Morgan, Sr., one of America’s most powerful entrepreneurs and financiers, twice saved the federal government’s financial system, as well as creating a number of giant corporations such as U.S. Steel, General Electric and AT&T, through his many acquisitions and consolidations.
Docent Training; first class, Thursday, January 30, 9:30am-1pm, at Larabee House. $60 fee for 9 classes. Pre-requisites are required. Check website or contact Jill Gardner at jgardner@sdbgarden.org for more info. I n f o : http://www.sdbgarden.org/docent.htm.
Performance Poet Karla Cordero Launches Writers Read 2020 Season at Fallbrook Library - Writers Read at Fallbrook Library, a free monthly author series with open mic, will launch its 2020 season on Tuesday, January 14, with a visit from award-winning performance poet Karla Cordero. Cordero will read from her new collection, “How to Pull Apart the Earth” (NOT A CULT, 2019), a 2019 San Diego Book Award winner and a finalist for the 2019 International Book Awards. The reading is 6:00pm to 7:30pm, and begins with open mic. A descendant of the Chichimeca peoples from Northern Mexico, Cordero is a Chicana poet, educator, activist, and two-time Pushcart nominee, raised along the borderlands of Calexico, California. She teaches creative writing and composition at San Diego City College and MiraCosta College, and she is the author of the chapbook, “Grasshoppers Before Gods” (Dancing Girl Press, 2016). Copies of “How to Pull Apart the Earth” will be available for sale and signing, as
Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 8
At the depths of the “Panic of 1893,” the Federal Treasury was nearly out of gold. Morgan devised a plan for the federal government to buy gold from him and some European investors. He used an old civil war statute that allowed him and associate investors to sell 3.5 million ounces of gold directly to the U.S. Treasury. This maneuver restored the treasury’s surplus in exchange for a 30-year bond issue. The episode saved the U.S. Treasury but hurt President Grover Cleveland's political standing. It was a big issue in the election of 1896, when banks came under a withering attack from Democrat candidate William Jennings Bryan.
To counter Bryan’s attacks and maintain the status quo in business, Morgan, Carnegie, and Rockefeller, along with some other Wall Street bankers donated heavily to Republican candidate William McKinley. Accordingly, McKinley was elected in 1896 and reelected in 1900. By 1900, Morgan’s firm was one of the most powerful banking houses 5in the world, focused especially on reorganizations and consolidations. Example: he financed the creation of the Federal Steel Company, then merged it with Carnegie’s and other steel businesses to form the powerful U.S. Steel Corporation.
Events: daily, now to early April, 9am5pm, Sculpture in the Garden exhibition showcases 10 sculptures that are available for purchase. Free with paid admission or membership. Info: http://www.sdbgarden.org/sculpture.htm
Attend the COGG Meeting on 1/14 to Hear Speaker Carl DeMaio - Please note: COGG is changing the venue for monthly meetings to the Country Club of Rancho Bernardo, 12280 Greens East Road, Rancho Bernardo 92128, starting with this meeting. The speaker, who hardly needs an introduction, is Carl DeMaio, who has been very active in civic and political activities in San Diego for years. He is running for Congress in San Diego's 50th District and surely deserves our respect and consideration. Please attend on the 14th and give him an enthusiastic welcome. His campaign theme is: He is a proven fighter who will shake up Congress - to fight unfair tax hikes, cut wasteful spending and secure our border. Carl knows how to reform government - and he has built an entire business and political career on making broken government programs work again for the people. Doors open at 11:30am and sit down for lunch at 12noon. Meeting concludes at 1:30pm. Cost of the luncheon for non-members is $35/person. Contact blawson@san.rr.com or 858.217.6996 for more information.
financial interest from investors to the businesses he took over.
Through his genius for finance, Morgan was undoubtedly the most powerful and important of all those who built America.
Morgan, born April 17, 1837, dominated corporate finance and industrial consolidation in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He played an important role in the formation of General Electric, U.S. Steel, International Harvester, AT&T, and a number of other leading companies, which continue to be part of the backbone of American industry.
During the early part of the 20th century at the height of Morgan's career, he and his partners directed a banking coalition that stopped the national “Panic of 1907.” He was the leading financier of the so-called Progressive Era, and his dedication to efficiency and modernization helped transform modern-day American business. Because he wielded so much financial power Morgan was dubbed one of the so-called “robber barons” along with Cornelius Vanderbilt, John D. Rockefeller, and Andrew Carnegie.
Morgan learned at an early age how to make money. At 26, during the American Civil War, in an incident known as the “Hall Carbine Affair,” young Morgan financed the purchase of 5,000 rifles from a U.S. Army arsenal at $3.50 each, which he then resold to a U.S. field general for $22 each.
Morgan’s process of taking over troubled businesses and reorganize them became known as "Morganization." He re-organized business structures and management in order to return them to profitability. Morgan’s reputation as a banker and financier also helped bring
The “Panic of 1907” was another financial crisis that nearly crippled the American economy. Major New York banks were on the verge of bankruptcy and there was no mechanism to rescue them, until Morgan stepped in to help resolve the problem. He had the secretary of the U.S. Treasury earmark $35 million of federal money for deposit in New York banks. Morgan then called a meeting at his New York mansion with the nation's leading financiers and forced them to come up with a plan to meet the national crisis. Morgan’s team of financial executives re-directed money between banks, secured further international lines of credit, and bought up the plummeting stocks of healthy corporations.
In 1913, banking and financial leaders in Washington realized the nation couldn’t afford to let such a crisis ever happen again because it was unlikely there would be another Morgan to come to the nation’s rescue, so a plan was devised that resulted in the creation of today’s Federal Reserve System. Since then, no one has risen to J. Pierpont Morgan’s level of financial power. Morgan died in Rome, Italy, in his sleep in 1913 at the age of 75, leaving his fortune and business to his son, John Pierpont Morgan, Jr. When he died, his estimated fortune was about $80 million, prompting Rockefeller to comment: "… and to think, he wasn't even a rich man." COURT QUERY -- Judge: "Mr. Quinn, I have reviewed this case very carefully, and I've decided to give your wife $775 a week."
Husband: "That's very fair, your honor, and every now and then I'll try to send her a few bucks myself."
The Paper • Page 8 • January 09, 2020
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* One coupon per customer. For new patien nts only for first time use. No insurance and cash patients only. Restrictions may ay apply. Must present flyer at the beginning of the appointment. Cannot be combined with any other offfer fer. Expires in 2 weeks. Call for more details. ONE OF THE FIRST PRACTICES IN SAN DIEGO TO OFFER MEDICAL INSURA INSURANCE NCE COVERAGE FOR SOME DENTAL DENT TAL AL A L PROCEDURES INCLUDING IMPLANTS. CALL FOR DETAILS. DET TAILS. AILS.
Man About Town Cont. from Page 4
I’ve known about these delicious soups for sometime but recently, during the Thanksgiving holiday I had a cup of Charlie’s delicious Turkey Noodle Soup. It was so good I ordered a second cup! And then a third cup to take home. Rich, meaty, tasty, filling.
Several days later I had a cup of their Cream of Tomato soup . . . again a superb treat. I had a second cup.
It was then I decided it was time. Time to announce to the world the secret to superb dining. Order a soup from Charlie’s! The Soup Lineup From Charlie’s Restaurant in Escondido
Monday - Cream of tomato and vegetable Tuesday - same Wedneday - Cream of Brocolli or Vegetable or Turkey Noodle Thursday Split Pea or Navy Bean Friday Navy Bean or Clam Chowder Saturday - same Sunday - Split Pea or Vegetable
J&M’s Resaturant, on East Valley Parkway also has excellent soups.
I love their lentil soup, their split pea soup, and their barley beef soup. We’ll do a wee bit more research on the J&M soups and report back with a bit more thorough menu review. I love chili!
So far, the best chili I’ve found is from Wendy’s. I love it so much I usually oder two large servings and take it home with me. At least one of the soup cartons has been emptied by the time I arrive home. It’s that good! Lots of meat!
Howaboutyou? Do you have a favorie soup? A favorite restaurant where you know you’re always gonna get a soup that has been prepared for The Food Gods? Let’s hear about them and we will dash out to sample them and report back to our readers.
(This is the real reason I got into the newspaper business. I get to meet celebrities, I get press passes for exciting events, I dine out a lot, often with clients ... so I get to know the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to food emporiums. Fortunately, most of them are good! Stay tuned. Will keep you up to
The Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 7
will sticker copies of some of the book’s illustrations.
Fallbrook Library is located at 124 S. Mission Road, between Alvarado and Fig Streets. The February 11 Writers Read will feature Anthony Award-winning crime novelist Matt Coyle, of Escondido. For more information, contact K-B Gressitt at kbgressitt@gmail.com or 760-522-1064.
Public Feedback Forum - Shaping our Aging Community - On Wednesday, January 15, from 8:30am to 11am, the Gloria McClellan Center will host a Public Feedback Forum "Shaping our Aging Community," at the Center at 1400 Vale Terrace Drive in Vista. The County of San Diego wants to hear from you. Older adults 60+, caregivers, and those with disabilities are invited. Share your thought and ideas on how we might shape our community for people as they age and give us feedback on needed services and programs. Refreshments will be served. To learn more or to RSVP (requested), visit www.aisevents.org or call 858.505.6433. The Center is a one-stop hub of services that range from lunch, travel/trips, transportation, exercise, classes, clubs, and various other activities for Vista's older adult community. NARFE Meeting January 15, 2020 - The next meeting of NARFE (National Active and Retired Federal Employees) Palomar Chapter 455, will be held at l:00pm on Wednesday, January 15. All current and retired federal employees [and significant others] are invited to attend. Meeting to be held at Charlie’s Family Restaurant, 210 N. Ivy St., Escondido (corner of Ivy & Pennsylvania) from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Each person attending, who desires to have lunch, is responsible for ordering off the menu and paying his/her own check. The luncheon will normally start at 1:00pm, with the program and business meeting
from 1:45± - 3:00pm. For more information on NARFE, you may access our website at www.narfe.org or call (760) 5665980 and ask for Bob.
Matinee Movie at McClellan Center in Vista - The Gloria McClellan Center will screen a new movie release Friday, January 17, at 1:00pm at 1400 Vale Terrace Drive in Vista. Please call 760-643-5282 for the movie title or log onto www.gmacvista.com. Free movie and refreshments. Closed captioning for the hearing impaired. The Center is a onestop hub of services that range from lunch, travel/trips, transportation, exercise, classes, clubs, and various other activities for Vista’s older adult community. Tea by the Sea 2020 - St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center (SMSC), a nonprofit organization that serves more than 400 adults with developmental disabilities, will partner with The Marine Room to host the 6th annual Tea by the Sea at the Marine Room on Saturday, January 18, from 11am to 2:30pm. Tea by the Sea will feature an arrangement of delectable food paired with beautiful oceanfront views to benefit SMSC’s art program. Barbara Menard and Maureen King will serve as this year's Honorary Co-Chairs. During the event, guests will be treated to complimentary champagne, a signature cocktail, hors d’oeuvres, a silent auction, live music and a menu from The Marine Room’s Executive Chef Bernard. Ticket prices for Tea by the Sea are $135 per person or $1,350 per table of ten and can be purchased at www.stmsc.org.
St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center is a nonprofit organization serving more than 400 adults with developmental disabilities through nationally recognized, innovative programs. Its mission is to educate and empower individuals with developmental disabilities to realize their full potential.
Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 9
The Paper • Page 9 • January 09, 2020
The Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 7
Developmental disabilities include autism, Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy and other cognitive disorders for which there are no cures.
Cowboy Jack Performing in Carlsbad On Sunday, January 19, Cowboy Jack will be performing at the Carlsbad Marathon from 6:45am to 8:30am, at 8000 Carlsbad Blvd. (and La Costa Avenue), Carlsbad 92011. Call 760.692.2900 for more information. Contact him at www.Inmotionevents.com; www.hankshow.com; or https://www.facebook.com/events/767241 283798111/ Then on Tuesday, February 11th, Cowboy Jack is performing from 12:45pm to 1:30pm at the Rancho Carlsbad Clubhouse, 5200 El Camino Real, Carlsbad 92010; call 760.438.0332. Cowboy Jack sings vintage country music with acoustic guitar and harmonica covering Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, Willie Nelson, and more. Check it out on www.hankshow.com or Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/events/223326 8753642040/. Contact him at hankshow.com or hankshow@cox.net.
Escondido Library Foundation Donates NEW AWE Early Learning Stations/Tablets - The Escondido Library Foundation has generously donated six new AWE Early Learning Stations and six new AWE Early Learning Tablets to the Escondido Public Library!
The stand-alone stations have the latest educational software, a touchscreen interface and are bilingual in English and Spanish. These AWE Early Learning Stations and Tablets support school readiness and literacy in the community. The tablets are useful for a more hands- Escondido on learning experi- Library ence for families Foundation diswhen they visit the plays library. The tablets AWEstations and are for use inside tablets with the library with a Escondido valid library card. Public Library The six tabletop Youth Services stations are now Staff. available for use in Left to right: the Youth Services Jack Anderson, Department and the Eveleen six tablets are Crouthamel, expected to be Shirlie Downey, available at the Marta Youth Services Palmerton, and desk by the new Cristina year. The gift of Coleman. the 12 devices doubles the Library’s inventory of these valuable literacy tools for children. g
Teepee Mystery in Valley Center - The teepee, a Native-American shelter dating back centuries, is traditionally made of animal skin such as buffalo hide. But these twin teepees in Valley Center are made of concrete, and have been a mystery for years to researchers at the Valley Center Historical Society. They are now trying to solve the puzzle. Who built them, and when, and for what purpose? Located at 34301 Valley Center Road, the two white painted concrete structures feature a door and a window-like opening on the side. For years they shared a parcel with the Moravian Church of 1891, the second oldest extant church in Valley Center until it was razed in 2018. At the time, the church was known as Rincon Chapel. However, it is believed that the church had no connection to the teepees. Clues as to the origin of the teepees can be sent via email to museum@vchistory.org or a message can be left at (760) 7492993. See photo at right:
Random Memories from Life in California
It's been a good life since moving to California. We grew up in Omaha, five years in the Chicago area, coming to California in 1968. That makes Californian.
In 1969 Mary and I decided to take a scuba diving course and earned our scuba diving certificate. The final dive of the course was an ocean dive at Morro Bay, on the central coast. We put on our neoprene wet suits, fins, tanks, masks, weight belts (to counteract the buoyancy of the wet suits and let us descend) and headed out from the beach.
We were only about 10 yards off the beach when I noticed Mary was having difficulty and in some distress. I alerted the Divemaster and he swam over to her and escorted her to shore. Someone had put way too much lead weight on Mary's weight belt and it had been dragging her underwater. Some of the weight was removed and the dive began again.
We explored the beautiful world of the underwater ocean . . . saw hundreds of fish, beautiful orange/gold Garibaldi (a protected species; you can't hunt them or molest them) . . . lots of beautiful rock formations, kelp beds . . . and we found both lobster and abalone. Of the two, even back then, abalone was far more expensive to buy in a store or restaurant. We just helped ourselves. After the dive we gathered together in a pine grove on the beach. We'd pop out the abalone meat from their shells, throw them in a skillet with plenty of butter, opened a bottle of Dago Red wine, and sat around the campfire, enjoying the aroma of the pines, the wood fire, and the salty ocean air.
That's still one of my favorite memories of scuba diving . . . a good day of diving, sharing fresh caught abalone and a glass or two of Dago Red wine in a peaceful beach setting.
Mary did not pursue scuba diving . . . but I did. My cousin, Doug, had also become certified and he and I became diving buddies. (You NEVER dive alone. Diving buddies are critically important to each other).
We did beach dives, we did boat dives; I dived off of Catalina Island, off San Clemente Island . . . all super experiences. One day we were headed out for Cortez Banks, a prime dive spot for huge lobster, about 10 miles out into the ocean; weather came up and we diverted to the lee side of San Clemente Island. I got seasick repeatedly while on the boat in such choppy waters . . . but once I got my tanks on and went over the side, I was fine. In the water I just enjoyed life . . . no seasickness. We were diving with two or three SEAL team members. They exercised "controlled breathing" so could stay down much longer than we amateurs; they also dived deeper and found lots of lobster. We would burn up a tank of compressed air in, maybe, 20-30 minutes. They'd be able to stay down 45 minutes plus.
Because I'd get seasick again once I got back on the boat I couldn't wait for my air tanks to be recharged so I could get back in the water and avoid being sick. I'm lucky I didn't hurt myself because I think I made four dives that day. We were diving in about 30-45 feet of water and you're not supposed to make a lot of dives as breathing compressed air, at depth, can result in you acquiring "the bends." I lucked out and even managed to avoid getting seasick on the boat trip back to the docks. On one occasion, my very best friend forever, Carl Reynolds, came out to San Diego for a visit. We rented him some scuba gear (he said he was experienced) and we went for a dive at La Jolla Cove, a marine sanctuary in La Jolla, CA. and a very popular dive spot . . . plenty of Garibaldi, plenty of lobster, lots of seaweed, lots of underwater caves to explore . . .
We entered the cove and began our dive. We were down for about five minutes when I noticed Carl was having some difficulty. He was not as experienced as I thought and I thought it prudent to cut the dive short. We went back to the beach and just lounged around. He had done some lake diving but never in the ocean and the depths and currents just overwhelmed him and he had become a bit disoriented. No matter. We loved talking to each other and cracking each other up. Never had a better friend than Carl. Loved the guy. Still do. He passed away from that damned cancer about six or seven years ago. Still miss the rascal. I have long since given up scuba diving. Though it is an absolutely delicious sport it is also a lot of work. For every hour underwater you will likely have spent two hours preparing for the dive. As I am basically a lazy guy I decided to give up diving.
While visiting back in Omaha I stayed with Gary Evans and his wife, Chuckie. I had mentioned my interest in flying and planned to get my pilot's license. Gary said, "You'll never do it. You'll never get your private pilot's license. Too much work, too much time, too expensive." Harumph!
I'll show him, I thought.
Sure enough, about two years later I had my private pilot's license and made sure to rub it in every time I talked to Gary. (I still stay with Gary and Chuckie whenever I head back home.) I enjoyed flying. I was managing KOWN, the Escondido radio station, and come lunch time I remember inviting Ross Allie, one of my salesmen, to join me for lunch . . . but I didn't tell him we were gonna fly over to Catalina Island for lunch. We boarded the Cessna 150 and headed down the runway. I heard a clapping noise and said, "oh, crap!"
"Don't say, 'oh, crap!" a terrified Ross said. We got airborne, leveled off, and I discovered the clapping noise was a loose strap hanging outside the door and the windstream would slap it against the fuselage. I opened the door, pulled the strap in; no more problem. Ross was relieved. We saw several gray whales migrating south for Scammon's Lagoon in Mexico where they would both give birth and/or breed for future generations. We enjoyed the big, white puffy clouds set against a blue sky; life was good and the scenery wonderful. It was a pleasant flight.
The airport at Catalina Island is on top of a mountain and is angled upwards. It's a fairly small strip. You descend, land, and roll out while going uphill. At the end of the runway is a sloped bank; at the bottom of the bank was (then) the remains of an aircraft that had crashed. Keeps you on your toes. We went to the Airport in the Sky, ordered a couple of Buffalo Burgers and then made the return flight home. While I still have my pilot's license I haven't flown as pilot-in-command for, probably, 25 years. Whenever I go to an airport and smell the AvGas and see all the pretty planes I kinda get the urge to fly again.
I quit flying because they passed a biannual review where a pilot has to renew his license every two years (a program I totally support. If you're gonna fly, particularly in the San Diego Air Corridor, where there is heavy aviation traffic. You also should get training in mountain flying). Back then, I didn't have the money to fly as often as I thought I should (once a week, minimum). Today I can afford to fly every week but I don't have the time. (Theoretically, I should have lots of time because I'm in what, for most people, is the 'retirement years.') I don't plan to ever retire. I enjoy what I do way too much. Oh, I may wind up selling The Paper . . . but I'll find something else to do.
I have also flown through the air without benefit of an aircraft. I decided to take up skydiving and made five jumps, all static line.
To this day my best jump was my first one. When you exit the aircraft and the chute opens (hopefully) you search for your target . . . your drop zone. It is normally a large circle of pea gravel, maybe 25-30' wide; in
Random Memories Cont. on Page 10
The Paper • Page 10 • January 09, 2020
Random Memories Cont. from Page 9
the center is a pie plate. That is your target.
I landed about 5' away from the pie plate. Never came that close again. On one occasion my Program Director, Clip Helps, decided he'd try skydiving. He regretted his decision almost instantly but had made the commitment.
When you land from a parachute jump you are supposed to face into the wind; it softens your landing and gives you more directional control; it also makes it easier to collapse your chute, dumping all the air out of it, folding it, and returning to the drop zone. Clip made his jump and we could see that he was landing with the wind at his back instead of facing it. He made it down and the chute dragged him for about 100-150 feet, face first in the black dirt, before he was finally able to collapse the chute. When he approached us at the drop zone his face was black as a picaninny; his great big smile with big white teeth showed up just fine. He was laughing, "I didn't care whether I landed into the wind or not. I just knew the chute was open and I was gonna make it down. And I did." Clip never jumped again.
After my fourth jump we were standing around the drop zone watching all the other jumpers come
One jumper came down way too fast. His chute didn't open. He hit the ground and his body bounced up about five feet . . . above the dust cloud created from his body's impact with the ground. The drop zone closed, medical examiner came out and examined the body and removed same.
I made one more jump that day just to prove to myself that I could still do it. But I never jumped again. We found out later that the jumper owed $100,000 in gambling debts; had a double indemnity insurance policy which paid out $200,000. His gambling debts were settled and his family had $100K . Still, a tough way to settle a gambling debt. I'm sure there must be another California memory or two resting in this ancient mind of mine. I'll try to resurrect them and will tell another tale or two at another time. Meantime, Hope you all celebrated and had a Happy New Year's Eve!
Letters to the Editor? We Love ‘em! Send ‘em to: thepaper@cox.net
Pet Parade
Contact Contactlyle e davis @ 760.747.7119
The Pastor Says...
Pastor Hal Seed New Song Community Church, Oceanside, CA.
Puppy is pet of the week at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society. She’s a 3-1/2 year old, 10 pound, female, Domestic Short Hair cat. That’s right. It’s a cat named Puppy. She was transferred to Rancho Coastal Humane Society through the Friends of County Animal Shelters (FOCAS) program. Puppy is a sweet cat who likes to greet guests with a soft “Meow” when they walk into the room.
The $100 adoption fee for Puppy includes medical exams, vaccinations, spay, and registered microchip. For more information call 760-753-6413, visit Rancho Coastal Humane Society at 389 Requeza Street in Encinitas, or log on to SDpets.org.
Thelma is a 9-year-old cat looking for a home.
She is very sweet and just wants a snuggle buddy. She loves gentle petting and can be a real purr bug. Thelma was originally picked up as a stray. Since we don't know her history, we can't say for sure if she gets along with other animals. But we recommend slow introductions to any resident pets.
Someone wants Thelma to find a home so much, they have already paid her adoption fee. Come visit our Escondido Campus to see if Thelma is the kitty for you! Her (waived) adoption fee includes her spay, current vaccinations, permanent microchip identification, a certificate for a free veterinary exam and waived enrollment fee for medical insurance from PetFirst. Thelma is available for adoption at San Diego Humane Society’s Escondido Campus at 3500 Burnet Drive. To learn more about making her part of your family, please call (619) 299-7012.
Your Best New Year’s Resolution
Want to take a positive step towards prolonging and improving your life in 2020? This may surprise you, but medical and psychological research suggest the best step you can make in personal quality of life improvement is attending church on a regular basis. You read that right.
Google, “the benefits of church attendance.” What you find is mindblowing. Secular studies show that regular church : 1. Live seven-and-a-half years longer than those who don’t. 2. Are 56% more likely to have an optimistic life outlook than those who don't. 3. Are 27% less likely to be depressed. 4. Are 35% less likely to get
divorced. 5. Have higher average levels of commitment to partners, higher levels of marital satisfaction, less thinking and talking about divorce, and lower levels of negative interaction. 6. Achieve higher grades, practice better time management, and experience a better sex life. Church attendance has benefits that cascade into just about every area of your life.
Back in the 1950’s and 60’s, church attendance was as American as apple pie. It wasn’t an option, it was something you did. Today, Sundays are full of options. The beach, the NFL, the golf course, the Internet, and kids’ sports all compete with “church time.” More and more people are choosing these alternatives to church. And more and more people are wondering why life isn’t working so well for them.
There’s something you can’t see, touch, taste or smell about church attendance that makes it the most powerful investment of your week. Something about being in church makes us better and qualifies us for the blessings of God. Unless you understand this, you can spend a lot of time messing around with ways to make your life better, when the real solution is to start with God and his church.
The Paper
• Page 11 •
January 09, 2020
A Weekly Message from the Mayor of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders.
San Marcos • Mayor Rebecca Jones Climate Action Plan Update
The City of San Marcos adopted its Climate Action Plan (CAP) in 2013 which sets targets for Greenhouse (GHG) emissions reductions for years 2020 and 2030. Subsequent to the City’s adoption of its CAP, the State of California adopted SB 32, which sets stricter GHG emission reductions targets for year 2030. The City initiated the CAP update process to be consistent with the State’s requirement. The main elements of the updated CAP will include: • GHG emissions inventory and projections • GHG reduction targets for year 2030 and measures and actions to achieve the target reductions • A monitoring strategy • A development review checklist and Implementation cost analysis The City held three public workshops in May 2019, to engage the community in the CAP update process. The City is anticipating to release a draft of the updated CAP by January, 2020, and to conduct formal Planning Commission and City Council hearings in Spring 2020 for its adoption. Partial funding for the CAP update is provided through SANDAG’s Energy Roadmap Program. For more information about the currently adopted CAP and the update to the CAP, along with a community engagement summary report, visit www.san-marcos.net/climate.
Escondido • Mayor Paul “Mac” Mcnamara Greetings Escondido,
Well, it’s the new year and everyone is making resolutions and plans for what they hope to accomplish. I’m not different from anyone else. I have my resolutions to live a healthier life style like most of you, but I also have some Mayoral areas of focus as well. So here’s a few from my list –
Narrative – continue to promote the narrative that Escondido is a great place to live, work, invest and raise a family. Why, because it is and for too long, we’ve talked about and emphasized negatives that every city deals with way beyond their importance. Economic Development – We’ve (city staff and myself) have been working on bringing new areas of business into the city. The effort has shown promise and is worth pursuing this year. It is still too early to discuss with detail.
Committees – Continue to work with and strengthen the committees we’ve formed for better community interaction, feedback, and transparency that deal with Housing, Community, Public Safety, Budget, Art and Culture and many others. Consider making a resolution to attend one of the meetings in area that interests you. Semper Fi, Mac Paul P. McNamara, Mayor of Escondido, pmcnamara@escondido.org
Sales-Career Opportunity
The P a p e r o f f e r s t h e rig h t c a n d i d a t e a n abo v e - a v e r a g e - e a r n in g s s a l e s - c a re e r oppo r t u n i t y. Yo u w i l l recei v e o n - g oi n g t r a i n in g , p ro m o t i o n a l op p o r t u n i t i e s , a n d ot h e r a d v a n t a g e s . Thi s i s a c a l l - i n t e n sive, s e r v i c e - o r i e n t e d posi t i o n . Yo u w i l l b e conn e c t i n g i n t e l l i g e n t bu s i n e s s o p e r a t o r s with a rece p t i v e - b u t - o f t e n har d - t o - re a c h a u d i ence.
Our n e w s p a p e r i s w e l l rece i v e d b y re a d e r s who p o s s e s s h i g h e rthan-average
d i s posable incomes, a n d who demand goods a n d service of high quality.
Advertisers appreciate our c ommunications v e h i cle because it prov i d e s interesting, comm u n ity-involved journ a l i s m that attracts an a t t e n tive, loyal readership.
We’ll help you get o r i e n ted and started in t h is high-earnings c a re er in the intrigui n g f i eld of advertising sales. To apply, please email your resume to: thepaper@cox.net
Vista • Mayor Judy Ritter
Stay Fit in the New Year
For many of us the new year represents a fresh start to recommit to past goals or to lay the groundwork for something new. Many of these goals will be health and fitness related. Fortunately for us, living in a city like Vista includes taking advantage of the weather and getting out doors, which is something that can be done almost every day of the year! Walking in one of Vista’s parks, browsing downtown on Main Street, playing pickleball at our new courts at Brengle Terrace or Thibodo parks, or registering for an exercise or yoga class through the City’s Recreation Department can help increase physical activity, which in turn can help to improve our lives. Visit VistaRecreation.com to learn about classes that fit yours and your family’s lifestyle. The website includes a list of City parks and trails as well as an interactive walking map through downtown Vista. Here’s to staying fit and healthy throughout the year!
Oceanside • Mayor Peter Weiss
The City of Oceanside will be starting a Food Scraps recycling Program for all businesses in 2020. The Food Scraps Recycling Program is mandatory for all businesses and will require all food scraps and food soiled papers be placed in a new bin separate from trash bins.
The bins, technical assistance and training are provided free of charge by Waste Management and the City of Oceanside. There is a new Food Scraps Recycling Program fee that is based on the amount and frequency of your food scrap recycling bin and is set at 75% of the trash fee. This program will reduce the amount of material a business sends to the landfill, therefore trash fees may decrease. This mandate will help Oceanside meet a new state law that requires cities to implement programs to reduce and recycle food scraps. The law requires a 50% reduction of organic material entering landfills by 2020.
Wedding? Quinceaneras? Reception? Birthday party? Recital? Church Event?
First you need to pick your date, then your venue! The Clubhouse of the Escondido Woman’s Club is the place to be! 751 No. Rose, Escondido Large kitchen and stage Maximum 170 people 24-hour insurance required Call 760.743 9178
The Paper • Page 12 • January 09, 2020 about two years.
Paul & Nome Van Middlesworth, The Computer Factory
www. thecomputerfactory.net "San Diego's Best Computer Store 2017-18" Union Tribune readers poll Twenty Five and counting..
That’s right, 2020 marks the start of our 25th year right here at the corner of Bent Avenue and San Marcos Blvd. A lot has changed since The Computer Factory took over the old San Marcos Library site in 1995, especially in the retail part of the computer industry. In earlier days there were one or two PC stores in every shopping center. The “nerds” who open PC stores share a common fallacy and fate with “cooks” who open restaurants. The fallacy is that enjoying a hobby (computers or food) is sufficient to ensure commercial success, it isn’t. Their shared fate is an average business lifespan of
Chuckles Cont. from Page 5
I've learned that the greater a person's sense of guilt, the greater his or her need to cast blame on others. Age 46 I've learned that children and grandparents are natural allies. Age 47
I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. Age 48 I've learned that singing "Amazing Grace" can lift my spirits for hours. Age 49
I've learned that motel mattresses are better on the side away from the phone. Age 50 I've learned that you can tell a lot about a man by the way he handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights. Age 51
I've learned that keeping a vegetable garden is worth a medicine cabinet full of pills. Age 52
I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you miss them terribly after they die. Age 53 I've learned that making a living is not the same thing as making a life. Age 58
While the independent PC stores popped up and down like toilet seats, deep pocket corporate computer stores like PC Club, Egghead and Gateway Country also came and went in the strip malls. Big Box electronics giants like Incredible Universe, Good Guys and Comp USA were decimated by competition from the warehouse giants like Costco and Internet behemoth Amazon. PC brands like Gateway, Compaq, Packard Bell and E-machine simply disappeared. Dell and HP gave up designing and manufacturing “American” PCs and, like Apple, simply became distributors for foreign computer manufacturers. Only their “pasted on” logos were American. Staples and Office Depot have been in decline and closing stores for years. Best Buy has been closing stores and hanging on since their revenues along with worldwide PC sales peaked a decade ago.
trumpet the triumph of E-commerce, Amazon and WalMart over the Mom and Pop stores that once formed the commercial core of small town America.
There have been a lot changes since we opened in 95 and not all are easy to swallow, but we tend to agree with Tony Robbins who said “Change is inevitable, progress is optional.” To us, that means change is neither good nor bad, it’s what you make of it. You get to choose and we choose to look at the positive side. As the dust clears, we’re still standing and so are our pals a mile up the road at J&B Computer. Our friendly rivalry spans over 20 years. If we two aren’t the oldest and best PC
stores in San Diego, then who is? Another thing we noticed is that those “Millennials” that we’ve been chipping away at for the past several years are getting gray streaks and beginning to sound a lot like us. They’ve grown up to smell the coffee and now they’re chipping away at the “younger” generation. Life’s a circle. Every day we get to help our friends and neighbors stay connected. We get to repair and upgrade computers, match people up with the systems they need to get things done and we get to build very cool new computers to conquer any kind of application. But best of all we get to see old friends and meet new friends every day. It just doesn’t get any better than that.
Here in San Marcos, Fry’s Electronics, our local fossil from the “Big Box” age, still opens the doors each day to reveal empty shelves and a surly skeleton crew. A couple of blocks down the street, Best Buy’s “Geek Squad” piles up single star Yelp and Google reviews as they torment their shrinking list of victims. Throughout our town the empty first floor storefronts underpinning modern apartment complexes and the “for lease” signs in strip mall windows
I've learned that if you want to do something positive for your children, work to improve your marriage. Age 61 I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance. Age 62
I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back. Age 64
I've learned that if you pursue happiness, it will elude you. But if you focus on your family, the needs of others, your work, meeting new people, and doing the very best you can, happiness will find you. Age 65 I've learned that whenever I decide something with kindness, I usually make the right decision. Age 66 I've learned that everyone can use a prayer. Age 72
I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one. Age 82 I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love that human touchholding hands, a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back. Age 90
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn. Age 92 •••• IT'S TIME FOR A FEDERAL BAN Thirty-three-year-old Joseph Stancato of Denver faces second-
degree assault charges after allegedly hitting another man upside the head with his banjo on New Year's Eve. •••• TOMBSTONES IN OLD CEMETARIES
A truly Happy Person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour. And, one who can enjoy browsing old cemeteries... Some fascinating things on old tombstones!
Harry Edsel Smith of Albany, New York : Born 1903--Died 1942. Looked up the elevator shaft to see if the car was on the way down. It was.
In a Thurmont, Maryland, cemetery: Here lies an Atheist, all dressed up and no place to go. On the grave of Ezekial Aikle in East Dalhousie Cemetery, Nova Scotia: Here lies Ezekial Aikle, Age 102. Only the good die young. In a London, England cemetery: Here lies Ann Mann, who lived an old maid but died an old Mann. Dec. 8, 1767
In a Ribbesford, England cemetery: Anna Wallace The children of Israel wanted bread, And the Lord sent them manna. Clark Wallace wanted a wife, And the Devil sent him Anna.
In a Ruidoso, New Mexico, cemetery: Here lies Johnny Yeast. Pardon him for not rising.
In a Uniontown, Pennsylvania, cemetery: Here lies the body of Jonathan Blake, Stepped on the gas instead of the brake. In a Silver City, Nevada, cemetery: Here lays The Kid, We planted him raw. He was quick on the trigger, But slow on the draw. A lawyer's epitaph in England : Sir John Strange. Here lies an honest lawyer, and that is Strange.
John Penny's epitaph in the Wimborne, England cemetery: Reader, if cash thou art in want of any, Dig 6 feet deep and thou wilt find a Penny. In a cemetery in Hartscombe, England : On the 22nd of June, Jonathan Fiddle went out of tune.
Anna Hopewell's grave in Enosburg Falls, Vermont : Here lies the body of our Anna, Done to death by a banana. It wasn't the fruit that laid her low, But the skin of the thing that made her go.
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Letters to the Editor?
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All inventory is currently in storage. Great at-home, in-garage or storefront business.
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JOHN the GOLD HANDYMAN I am good at Painting, Plumbing, Dry Wall Repairs, Pergo, Carpet and Tile and lots more - 27 years experience. CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATE 760.738.7493
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Room for Rent For Single Via Rio Ave., Oceanside Kitchen & Living Room Privileges Utilities included. $750 Mo. $200 Deposit Call 760.439.1301
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• Page 13 • January 09, 2020
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• Page 14 • January 09, 2020
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Bankruptcy, Trusts & Wills, Personal Injury, Real Estate Issues, Short Sales, LLC’s, Modifications, Dispute Letters, Contract Review, Notary Public, Real Estate Broker CalBre 00661666
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J&M’s Family Restaurant
1215 E. Valley Parkway Escondido
COLEMAN MOVING FAMILY OWNED Since 1979 BBB Insured Low Rates. CT #189466 760-746-1153
#2020-9000180 The name of the business, Western Mutual
Where homestyle cooking is just the beginning…
Developmen, located at 929 Orchid Way, Carlsbad, Ca. 92011.
This business is registered by: Edward J. and Laura J.
929 Orchid Way
Have Items for the Social Butterfly? Email them to: thesocialbutterfly@cox.net
Carlsbad, Ca. 92011 This business is conducted by a Married Cuple First day of business 12/17/2019 /s/ John, Chisholm, Feehan Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/17/2019
The name of the business, Roy’s Refurb
The name of the business, K. C.
The name of the business, Sawyer Rae
Internet Sales, located at 720 Hillward
Productions Wedding and Event Planners,
located at 1642 Lisa Ave., Vista, Ca. 92084. This business is registered by:
Street, Escondido, CA. 92027.
The name of the business, Rebate Real
This business is registered by:
Estate, Rebate Real Estate 4U, located at
Roy Alan Asaro
1755 Elevado Rd., Vista, CA. 92084.
Ca. 92054.
720 Hillward Street
This business is registered by:
This business is registered by:
Escondido, Ca. 92027
located at 528 South Coast Hwy, Oceanside,
Linda Shirley Birdsall
John, Chisholm, Feehan conducted
individual. 31430 Melvin St.
Vista, CA. 92084
Menifee, CA. 92584
an individual.
First day of business 5/17/1996.
/s/Keith Allan Comey
First day business 10/31/2014
Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg
/s/ Linda Shirley Birdsall
Jr., County
Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County
/s/ Roy Alan Asaro conducted
Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder
San Diego on 12/03/2019 01/02
Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/11/2019
01/02, 01/09, 01/16 & 01/23/2020
Theodore Roosevelt's ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907
'In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American ... There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag ... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English ... And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.' Theodore Roosevelt 1907
individual. San
Clerk/Recorder of
1755 Elevado Rd. Vista, Ca. 92084
First day of business 10/01/19.
This business is conducted by
Keith Allan Comey 1642 Lisa Ave.,
12/26/2019, 01/02, 01/09 & 01/16/2020
01/02, 01/09, 01/16 & 01/23/2020
STATEMENT OF WITHDRAWAL FROM PARTNERSHIP OPERATING UNDER FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME #2020-9000119 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME OF PARTNERSHIP: The Rutic Garden Box. THE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME REFERRED TO ABOVE WAS FILED IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 12/5/018 and assigned File No. 2018-902925. THE FOLLOWING GENERAL PARTNER HAS WITHDRAWN: Linda Berry Jenerette 2153 Silverado Street San Marcos, Ca. 9<None>078 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). /s/ Linda Berry Jenerette This statement was filed with David Butler, County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 1/03/2020. 1/09, 1/16, 1/23 & 1/30/2020
First day of business 1/03/2020. /s/ Edward J. Scarpelli Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/03/2020 1/09, 1/16, 1/23 & 1/30/2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9029679 The name of the business, Village Voice, O.H. Village Voice, located at 4037 Arcadia Way, Oceanside, CA. 92056. This business is registered by: Ocean Hills Journalism Club 4037 Arcadia Way Oceanside, Ca. 92056 This
corporation. First day of business 7/22/1996. Gerhard A. Baur, Treasurer Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/16/2019 12/19, 12/26/2019, 01/02 & 01/09/2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9029045 The name of the business, Los Cabos Mexican and Seafood #2, 601 N. Broadway, Suite D, Escondido, CA. 92025. This business is registered by: Arturo Pena Estrada 32856 Whitehaven Ct. Menifee, CA. 92584 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 12/6/19. /s/Arturo Pena Estrada Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/6/2019 12/19, 12/26/2019, 01/02 & 01/09/2020
The Paper
#2019-9028777 The name of the business, Alterations located
Santa Fe Rd., Suite 103, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. This business is registered by: Hafifa Sharify 602 Chesterfield Circle San Marcos, CA. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/ Hafifa Sharify Filed
Diego on 12/03/2019 12/19,
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9030141 The name of the business, MyKey Locksmith Services, My Key Locksmith Services, Mykey Locksmith Services, Mikey Locksmith Services, located at 1335 Mimosa Ct., Escondido, CA. 92027. This business is registered by: Michael Daaniel Garcia 1335 Mimosa Ct. Escondido, Ca. 92027 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/ Michael David Garcia Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/20/2019 01/02, 01/09, 01/16 & 01/23/2020
#2019-9029568 The name of the business,
Bright North Accounting,
located at 325 Carlsbad
The name of the business,
W. P. Plumbing, located at
Carlsbad, CA. 92008. This
7104 Mimosa Dr., Carlsbad,
registered by:
My Local CFO
Wesley Neil Pashong
Carlsbad, CA. 92008 business
7104 Mimosa Dr. Carlsbad, Ca. 92011
First day of business n/a.
First day of business n/a.
Secretary Filed
registered by:
2087 Westwood Dr. This
CA. 92011.
County of
Diego on 12/13/2019
/s/ Wesley Neil Pashong Filed
12/26/2019, 01/02, 01/09 and 01/16/2020
Diego on 12/12/2019 01/02,
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9029898 The name of the business, Enjoy Comfort While You Clean, located at 1595 ArcherRd.,San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is registered by: Ramona Marie and Timothy Paul Probasco 1595 Archer Rd. San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by a Married Couple. First day of business 12/15/2019 /s/ Timothy Paul Probasco Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/18/2019 12/26/2019, 01/02, 01/09 and 01/16/2020
#2019-9029475 The name of the business, Humming located
Hippies, 14443
Road, Valley Center, Ca. 92082. This
registered by: Tara Christine Tellez 14443 Tyler Road Valley Center, Ca. 92082 This
individual. First day of business n/a. /s/ Tara Christine Tellez Filed
Ernest Jr.,
County of
Diego on 12/12/2019 01/02,
• Page 15 • January 09, 2020
The name of the business, Art and Culture, located at 259 Carissa Dr., Oceanside, CA. 92057. This business is registered by: Roberto Diaz Jacobo 250 Carissa Dr. Oceanside, CA. 92057 This business is conducted by an individual. First
5/15/12. /s/Roberto Diaz Jacobo Filed
Ernest Jr.,
County of
Diego on 12/12/2019 1/09, 1/16, 1/23 & 1/30/2020. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9030662 The name of the business, Global Provisions, located at 65015 Via Dos Valles, Rancho Santa Fe, CA. 92067 This business is registered by: Richard James Valentin 11733 Stoney Peak Dr. #125 San Diego, Ca. 92128 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 12/30/19. /s/Richard James Valentin Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/30/2019 1/09, 1/16, 1/23 & 1/30/2020. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9000091 The name of the business, Inland Inspection Service, located at 18218-131 Paradise Mt. Rd., Valley Center, CA. 92082 This business is registered by: Patricia Lee Kidd 18218-131 Paradise Mt. Rd. Valley Center, CA. 92082 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 6/01/2004. /s/Patricia Lee Kidd Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 01/02/202 1/09, 1/16, 1/23 & 1/30/2020.
#2019-9028767 The name of the business, Vista
located at 245 Main St., Vista, CA. 92083. This
registered by: Vista Village Realty, Inc. 245 Main St. Vista, CA. 92083 This
corporation. First
11/08/2019 /s/
President Filed
Ernest Jr.,
County of
Diego on 12/03/2019 12/26/2019, 01/02, 01/09 and 01/16/2020
#2019-9030102 The name of the business, Tania
Translations, 1379
at .,
Escondido, Ca. 92026. This
registered by: Tania Britto and Ricardo Bier Amaral 1379 McLane Ln. Escondido, Ca. 92026 This
conducted by a General Partnership. First day of business n/a. /s/ Tania Britto Amaral Filed
Ernest Jr.,
County of
Diego on 12/20/2019 01/02,
To place Legal Ads Call The Paper 760.747.7119
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9029152 The name of the business, Wildflower Studio LLC, located at 2151 Island Shore Way, San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is registered by: Wildflower Studio LLC 2151 Island Shore Way San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business 10/1/2014. /s/ Michelle Dransart, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/09/2019 01/02, 01/09, 01/16 & 01/23/2020
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9029399 The name of the business, Stellar Strategist, located at 1930 W. San Marcos, Blvd., #258, San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is registered by: Jannine Oberg 1930 W. San Marcos Blvd.,#258 San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 12/10/2004. /s/Jannine Oberg Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/11/2019 12/19, 12/26/2019, 01/02 & 01/09/2020
#2019-9029426 The name of the business, Aerials Equip, located at 1549 Morenci St., San Diego, CA. 92110. This business is registered by: Trevor Ray Hall 1549 Morenci St. San Diego, CA. 92110 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/Trevor Ray Hall Filed
Ernest Jr.,
County of
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9000060 The name of the business, Hydroland Development Consulting, located at 728 Palomino Court, San Marcos, CA. 92069. This business is registered by: Ricardo Alzaga 728 Palomino Court San Marcos Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 2/28/14.. /s/Ricardo Alzaga Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 01/02/2020 1/02, 1/09, 1/16, & 1/23/020. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9028867 The name of the business, Pacific Home Repairs & Handyman Services, located at 656 Jacks Creek Rd., Escondido, Ca. 92027. This business is registered by: Salvador Agustin 656 Jacks Creek Rd. Escondido, Ca. 92027 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 12/04/19. /s/Salvador Agustin Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/04/2019 1/09, 1/16, 1/23 & 1/30/2020.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9030255 The name of the business, Curry & More Indian Bistro, located at 113 S. Las Posas Rd, Ste 111, San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is registered by: OM SM Kripa, Inc. 113 S. Las Posas Rd., Ste 111 San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business n/a. /s/ Sunil Malhotra, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/23/2019 1/09, 1/16, 1/23 & 1/30/2020. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9030256 The name of the business, Curry & More Indian Bistro, located at 113 S. Las Posas Rd, Ste 111, San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is registered by: Shree SM Kripa, Inc. 113 S. Las Posas Rd., Ste 111 San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 10/16/16. /s/ Sunil Malhotra, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/23/2019 1/09, 1/16, 1/23 & 1/30/2020.
Diego on 12/12/2019 12/19, 12/26/2019, 01/02 & 01/09/2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9028096 The name of the business, SDNCKG, located at 3332 Camino Coronado, Carlsbad, CA. 92009. This business is registered by: Carol M. Myers 3332 Camino Coronado Carlsbad, CA. 92009 Tina Rounsavell 13141 Tawny Way Poway, CA. 92064 Mary Van Orsol 1806 Fuerte St. Fallbrook, CA. 92028 Sydnie Wauson 3839 Vista Campana S. Oceanside, CA. 92057 Laura Brubaker 3980 Torrey Hill Lane San Diego, CA. 92130 Sue Zois 3917 Caminito Del Mar Surf San Diego, CA. 92130 This business is conducted by an Unincorporated Associations-Other than a Partnership. First day of business 2/18/2010. /s/ Carol M. Myers, General Partner Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/21/2019 12/19, 12/26/2019, 01/02 & 01/09/2020
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9030598 The name of the business, Pamela Renee, located at 436 Paseo Del Norte, Escondido, Ca. 92026 This business is registered by: Pamela Renee Miller 436 Paseo Del Norte Escondido, CA. 92026 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 12/30/19. /s/ Pamela Renee Miller Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/30/2019 1/09, 1/16, 1/23 & 1/30/2020.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9029484 The name of the business, White Canvas Collaborative, located at 4878 Portmouth Bay Ct., Oceanside, Ca. 92057. This business is registered by: Maintenance Required LLC 4878 Portsmouth Bay Ct. Oceanside, Ca. 92057 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Co. First day of business n/a. /s/ Welssa Ushara, Manager Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/12/2019 1/09, 1/16, 1/23 & 1/30/2020.
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that IDS Real Estate Group and the City of San Marcos (City) request proposals from qualified contractors for the above stated project. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The Work includes retrofitting & replacing of site and building lighting and refinishing of affected surrounding surfaces. The work will occur at Creekside Marketplace, 553595 Grand Avenue, San Marcos, CA. Contractors must meet or exceed the specifications and requirements stated in the Request for Proposal (RFP). CONTRACT TERM The Contractor shall diligently and continuously prosecute the work to completion, which shall be no later than June 30, 2020. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL: All proposals must be received by the project construction manager no later than 12:00 p.m. on Friday, January 31, 2020. Late proposals will not be accepted. Electronic submittals are acceptable and preferable, but facsimile submittals are not acceptable. Proposals should be addressed to IDS Real Estate Group, Attn: Construction Manager, 629 J Street, Suite 204, San Diego, CA 92101. Electronic submittals shall be sent to: cmaurer@idsrealestate.com PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING AND SITE WALK: A mandatory pre-submittal meeting has been scheduled at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, January 17, 2020, meeting at Creekside Marketplace west of the Hobby Lobby store. The purpose of the pre-submittal meeting is to discuss the Scope of Work included in the RFP and answer questions proposers have relating to the RFP and/or the Contract. A mandatory site walk of the project will immediately follow the pre-submittal meeting. All proposers must attend the pre-submittal meeting and site walk. Failure to attend either of these events shall be cause for rejecting proposals. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL: A complete RFP package is available for download electronically from https://spaces.hightail.com/spa ce/ZUIwpeVlLK It is the responsibility of the proposer to download and carefully review the contents of all documents provided in this RFP, including the addenda and any exhibits attached thereto. Proposers must provide a response to all components specified in this RFP. Incomplete proposals, proposals containing errors or inconsistencies, failure to comply with the submission requirements contained in the RFP, or other process or content errors or deficiencies may constitute cause for rejection. Submission of a proposal indicates acceptance by the proposer of the conditions contained in the RFP and the attachments thereto, unless clearly and specifically noted in the proposal and confirmed in the Contract executed between the Owner and the selected service provider. IDS Real Estate Group reserves the right to retain all proposals submitted and to use any idea(s) in a proposal regardless of whether that proposal is selected. PREVAILING WAGE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to the San Marcos City Charter and the
San Marcos Municipal Code, payment of prevailing wages and compliance with the California Labor Code Sections 1770 et seq is required for this project. The Contractor will be required to comply with all of the terms and conditions (including State General Prevailing Wage requirements) prescribed for Contractor performing public works construction projects. The California Department of Industrial Relations determines the general prevailing wage rates for the State and are available at the DIR website, http://www.dir.ca.gov, or from the City of San Marcos’ City Clerk Office. DIR REGISTRATION Under (SB 854), “contractors” are required to register with the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) on an annual basis (July 1-June 30). All contractors and subcontractors submitting bids will be required to have registered in advance with the (DIR) and must meet the minimum program qualifications necessary to be eligible to work on public works projects pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5 and Public Contract Code Section 4104. PD: 01/02 and 01/09/2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
#2019-9030178 The name of the business, Dood’s Deli, Dood’s Deli and Cafe, located at 938 S. Andreasen
Escondido, CA. 92029. This
registered by: Tots and Eggs, LLC 938 S. Andreasen Dr., #A Escondido, CA. 92029 This
conducted by a Limited Liability Company First day business n/a. /s/ Christopher S. Nelson, President Filed
Ernest Jr.,
County of
Diego on 12/20/2019 01/02,
#2019-9029931 The name of the business, Smart Microbials, located at 806 Twin Oaks Valley Rd.,
92069. This
registered by: Alfonso Garcia 2121 Skyview Glen Escondido, CA. 92027 This
individual. First day business 1/12/19. /s/ Alfonso Garcia Filed
Ernest Jr.,
County of
Diego on 12/19/2019 01/02,
01/23/2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9000211 The name of the business, Semper Fi Fund, Amierica’s Fund, located at Santa Margarita Rd., H49, Camp Pendleton, CA. 9055. This business is registered by: Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund Santa Margarita Rd., Bld H-49 Camp Pendleton, CA. 92055 This business is conducted by a corporaton. First day business 5/02/2012.. /s/ Thomas Benoit, Chief Finance Officer Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/03/2020 01/09, 01/16, 1/23 & 01/30/2020
The Paper • Page 16 • January 09, 2020