The Paper 01-13-22

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January 13, 2022

Volume 52 - No. 02

By Friedrich Gomez

* It shall be unlawful for a negro and white person to play together in or in company with each other in any game of cards or dice, dominoes, or checkers in private or public areas. * Separate free schools shall be established for the education of children of African decent; and it shall be unlawful for any colored child to attend any white school, or any white child to attend a colored school. * A black male cannot offer his hand (to shake hands) with a white male because it The Paper - 760.747.7119


implies being socially equal. A black cannot offer his hand or any other part of his body to a white woman, because he shall risk being accused of rape.

* Under no circumstances is a black male to offer to light the cigarette of a white female – that gesture implies intimacy. * Blacks are not allowed to show public affection toward one another in public, especially kissing, because it may offend whites.

* Jim Crow etiquette prescribes that blacks are to be introduced to whites, never whites to blacks. For standard: “Mr. Peters (the

white person), this is Charlie (the black person), that I spoke to you about.”

* Whites do not use courtesy titles of respect when referring to blacks, for example: Mr., Mrs., Miss., Sir, or Ma’am. Instead, blacks are to be called by their first names. Blacks are to use courtesy titles when referring to whites, and are not allowed to call them by their first names. * Equal but separate drinking fountains, bathing facilities, and food counters and/or restaurants are to be established between the white and negro race.

Tuskegee Airmen Continued on Page 2

THAT WAS THE AMERICA UNDER WHICH THE TUSKEGEE BLACK AIRMEN GREW UP. Incredibly, that was the bigoted and oppressive America under which the predominately Black Tuskegee Airmen grew up under, from the moment of their childbirth, along with the rest of Black America. Indeed, from the very moment when they gasped their first breath of life after being borne into the physical world, they would be ushered into a most dehumanizing world where-

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upon they would be taught, conditioned, and made to internalize into their newly-developed brain cells that: they were genetically inferior, sub-human, and second class citizens of society. Like cattle, and as with all Black generations before them, the small, fragile children destined to one day become the Tuskegee Airmen, would also be branded and labeled as inferior, and unable to attain certain levels of sophistication, such as flying airplanes. And even though it is virtually impossible for any human being to (completely) escape the most Godawful lies instilled during their most vulnerable, innocent, and formative years as children – somehow, someway – many countless BlackAmericans did just that. From the debris of their existence, they somehow morphed into a group of elite military fighter pilots.

They were called the Tuskegee Airmen of World War II.

THE BLACK TUSKEGEE AIRMEN FOUGHT A “TWO-FRONT WAR.” Against all odds: emotional, psychological, and physical, and despite all the negative, ignorant stereotyping, and the seemingly impossible oppressive social and legal barriers -- this select group of

Give Us This Day Our Daily Chuckle This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy! Problems

Everybody has their problems.

One of my cousins plays trombone for a small city orchestra with a mediocre conductor. He described some of their troubles. The conductor has been having difficulty with the basses; they are the least professional of his musicians. On the last performance of the season, Beethoven's 9th Symphony, extra effort was required from the basses at the end. Earlier that evening, the conductor found the basses celebrating one of their birthdays by passing a bottle around.

Near the end of the performance, as he was about to cue the basses, he knocked over his music stand. The sheet music scattered. As he stood in front of his orchestra, things had really gotten critical; it was the bot-

Page 2 • January 13, 2022 survival to the Oklahoma-born Olympic champion who, when the King of Sweden handed him his pentathlon and decathlon medals at the 1912 Olympic Games in Sweden and proclaimed him “the greatest athlete in the world,” said “Thanks, King.”

courageous, heroic, and pioneering Black American airmen would distinguish themselves during World War II and, in so doing, carve a most unlikely yet truly historic chapter in all American history. For almost 25 years, their story has been suppressed, and their true ledger of achievements hidden.

Ironically, the Tuskegee Airmen waged a ferocious, simultaneous battle and war on two different war fronts: one against the World War II Axis powers, and one against their own racial discrimination at home.

THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS WENT OFF THE CHART & THEIR ACCOMPLISHMENTS TAKE ONE’S BREATH AWAY! The contributions of the Tuskegee Airmen during the Second World War, often takes the breath away from historians today. Such accomplishments are extremely rare, even under the best and favorable of conditions.

As such, the accomplishments of the Tuskegee Airmen are well-beyond the scope of ‘just being rare,’ because their achievements were attained under the most adverse of conditions. Even their initial flight-training programs were purposely sabotaged in a

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tom of the 9th, no score and the basses were loaded. •••• My career plan is to become a great wit. I’m already half way there. •••• Two little boys were attending a wedding at church when one of the boys leans over and whispers, “how many wives can a man have?”

“Sixteen,” said the second boy. “Four Better, Four Worse, Four Richer and Four Poorer.” •••• Things you can say in response, literally, whenever you have nothing to say: • As the prophecy foretold. • But at what cost? • So let it be written; let it be done. • So . . . it has come to this. • That’s just what he/she/they would have said . . . • Is this why fate brought us together? • And thus I die . . . • ... Just like in my dream. • Bet that as it may, still may it be as it may be. • There is no escape from destiny. • Wise words by wise men write wise deeds with wise pen. • In this economy? • And then the wolves came. •••• Winter in the UK

The horror of it all! ABOUT 60 revellers had to drink beer and play cards for three days after they became stranded in a British pub that was cut off by snowstorms on New Year's Eve.

Jim Thorpe’s Legacy Lies Buried in a Pennsylvania Coal Town By Cecil Scaglione

JIM THORPE, Penn. — Rolling along the country roads stitched through this northeastern pocket of the Keystone State is akin to meandering through central Italy, where every hill is crowned by a town with its own version of history.

Jim Thorpe is like that. The allround all-American athlete after whom this town is named was not born here, did not attend school here, and there is no evidence he ever set foot or even drove through here. Yet this “Gateway to the Poconos,” which has been proclaimed one of the nation’s prettiest towns, owes its IT'S TIME FOR A FEDERAL BAN Thirty-three-year-old Joseph Stancato of Denver faces seconddegree assault charges after allegedly hitting another man upside the head with his banjo on New Year's Eve. •••• TOMBSTONES IN OLD CEMETARIES Old Cemeteries

A truly Happy Person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour. And, one who can enjoy browsing old cemeteries...

Some fascinating things on old tombstones!

Harry Edsel Smith of Albany, New York : Born 1903--Died 1942. Looked up the elevator shaft to see if the car was on the way down. It was. •••• In a Thurmont, Maryland , cemetery: Here lies an Atheist, all dressed up and no place to go. •••• On the grave of Ezekial Aikle in East Dalhousie Cemetery, Nova Scotia: Here lies Ezekial Aikle, Age 102. Only the good die young. •••• In a London, England cemetery: Here lies Ann Mann, who lived an old maid but died an old Mann. Dec. 8, 1767 •••• In a Ribbesford, England cemetery: Anna Wallace

This struggling little coal community was known as Mauch Chunk and East Mauch Chunk until the 1950s. A sign with that historic title still hangs from the front of its Victorian train station. Its populace had blazed through the heyday of coal and railroad expansion and was existing on those fumes of fame when Thorpe died in 1953. His widow, disappointed and disgusted when Oklahoma movers and shakers refused to establish a memorial to their renowned native son, began shopping around for a place that would welcome his remains.

The Mauch Chunk leaders heard of her efforts when she landed in Philadelphia and, desperate for new lifeblood and new business, agreed to build a memorial for her late husband and rename their town after him. They even dug up some soil from the Stockholm Olympic Stadium and used it to form a small mound at the base of his monument. Native-American tribal and family factions in Oklahoma have battled

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The children of Israel wanted bread, And the Lord sent them manna. Clark Wallace wanted a wife, And the Devil sent him Anna. •••• In a Ruidoso, New Mexico, cemetery: Here lies Johnny Yeast. Pardon him for not rising. •••• In a Uniontown, Pennsylvania, cemetery: Here lies the body of Jonathan Blake, Stepped on the gas instead of the brake. •••• In a Silver City , Nevada, cemetery: Here lays The Kid, We planted him raw. He was quick on the trigger, But slow on the draw. •••• A lawyer's epitaph in England : Sir John Strange. Here lies an honest lawyer, and that is Strange. •••• John Penny's epitaph in the Wimborne, England cemetery: Reader, if cash thou art in want of any, Dig 6 feet deep and thou wilt find a Penny. •••• In a cemetery in Hartscombe, England : On the 22nd of June, Jonathan Fiddle went out of tune.

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Social Butterfly

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Evelyn Madison The Social Butterfly Email Evelyn at:

Escondido Republican Women Federated Meeting, January 19th -ERFW meeting will be on Wednesday, January 19th, at Cocina Del Charro, 890 W. Valley Parkway, Escondido. Doors open at 11am; buffet lunch starts at 11:30am and the meeting at 11:45am. The cost for the buffet lunch is $25/person. When called regarding the meeting, please make your reservation then or return the call as soon as possible to make your reservation. There will be two Special Guest Speakers; Jovita Carranza and Jennifer Korn, that you won't want to miss. Jovita Carranza, served as the 26th Administrator of the U. S. Small Business Administration (SBA). As a member of President Trump's Cabinet, she advocated on behalf of the 30 million small businesses in

Tuskegee Airmen Continued from Page 2

futile attempt to ensure their failure. And keep in mind, all of their extraordinary and historic accomplishments during wartime, were all successfully achieved despite personal discrimination from their own country; their own White colleague pilots; along with the many military legal laws which prevented them from showing their true potential. It is no exaggeration in the least, that their achievements have become increasingly difficult to fathom, and seemingly impossible to measure, and therefore necessitating the creation of a new higher standard of excellence and point of reference by which to measure all other manifestations of greatness. Simply put, the Tuskegee Airmen stand alone, and their only frame of reference – is themselves. This, is there true story.

Come along with me now, as we journey back, back in time, to re-live those historic events in ‘real time.’

BUT BEFORE WE BOARD OUR “TIME MACHINE” LET’S GLIMPSE AN OVERVIEW FOR PROPER PERSPECTIVE & INSIGHT. Prior to all of us travelling back in time to re-live this historical event, it is necessary to see a basic overview of the Tuskegee Airmen legacy – so that insight and

America. As Administrator, she led a team of professionals dedicated to ensuring entrepreneurs located across America have the support and resources they need to start, grow, and expand their small businesses, and recover in the event of a declared disaster. Prior to leading the SBA, Administrator Carranza served as Treasurer of the United States at the U.S. Department of the Treasury under President Trump. In her role as a principal advisor to Secretary Mnuchin, Carranza focused on increasing participation in our vibrant economy by fostering financial capability and sustainability. Jennifer Korn, is currently the Deputy Political Director of Strategic Initiatives at the RNC. In the 2014 election cycle, Jennifer was responsible for spearheading a nationwide Hispanic Engagement effort helping Republicans gain the majority in the U.S.Senate, as well as assisting with Gubernatorial and Congressional wins in CO, FL, CA, AZ. TX, NM, and NV. Ms. Korn has 18 years of experience as a conservative strategist, along with managing political and issue campaigns. Previously, she served in the George W. Bush Administration as Director of Hispanic and Women's Affairs in the White House, as well as Senior Advisor to the Attorney General at the U.S. Department of Justice. She is an instructor at the Leadership Institute, teaching campaign and future candidate schools, and is a Senior Fellow at the Independent

appreciation can best be experienced as these timeline events begin to unfold before your very eyes as you step off our Time Machine and into their real world of yesteryear. In a nutshell, and nowhere complete, here is just a brief synopsis of their stellar achievements as patriotic Black-Americans who merely wished to defend their country, even though they flew the segregated skies. * In total, 992 pilots were trained in Tuskegee, Alabama, from 1941-1946. 355 were deployed overseas, and 84 lost their lives. 68 pilots were killed in action or accidents, and 32 captured as prisoners of war by the enemy. * Their limited numbers still achieved a total of 1,578 combat missions. 179 bomber escort missions, losing bombers on only seven combat missions, compared to an average of 46 bombers lost with White bomber escort pilots. The Tuskegee Airmen had a (far superior) record of protecting U. S. bombers even by ratio numbers compared to White pilots.

* 112 enemy aircraft destroyed in the air, another 150 on the ground and 148 damaged. These included three Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighters shot down, 950 rail cars, trucks, and other motor vehicles destroyed (over 600 rail cars). * Over the seas: One torpedo boat put out of action, 40 boats and various barges destroyed.

January 13, 2022

Women's Forum.

January Meeting Notice for Republican Club of North County - On Wednesday, January 19th, the Republican Club of North County (RCNC) welcomes keynote speaker, Brian Maryott, 2022 candidate for Congress in the 49th district.

Brian is a conservative businessman, elected leader and father who is running for Congress to restore common-sense representation to the 49th Congressional district. As a local elected official and former executive, Brian has proven he can work with anyone who has good ideas – he will bring that exact same approach to Congress. Please join us to hear Brian Maryott address “Issues and opportunities for the 2022 election.” Brian is a Certified Financial Planner. He steadily grew his planning business and was eventually promoted to Senior Vice President of his company where he helped manage hundreds of employees and billions in client assets. There are too many accomplishments to list here.

AWARDS AND DECORATIONS (VERY SHORT OVERVIEW). * Three Distinguished Unit Citations for aerial actions by the 99th Squadron over Sicily, Italy.

* Multiple Unit Citations for Tuskegee 332nd Fighter Group (which included 99th, 100th, and 301st Fighter Squadrons) for bomber escort missions to Berlin, Germany, during which the 100th Fighter Squadron shot down three enemy Me 262 jets. (No small feat, since Germany’s Me 262 was faster and more heavily armed than any Allied fighter, including the British jet-powered Gloster Meteor, according to modern aviation experts.) * Total of 96 Distinguished Flying Crosses, Silver Stars, 14 Bronze Stars, 744 Air Medals, and 8 Purple Hearts were awarded. An infinite number of more medals of valor would have been presented if – to reiterate – the Tuskegee Airmen were not restricted per segregation laws which precluded their true wartime ability.


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The Republican Club of North County (RCNC) believes in Republican values: individual responsibility, personal freedoms, limited government, a market economy, low taxes, and a strong national defense. RCNC meets the third Wednesday of each month at El Camino Country Club, 3202 Vista Way, Oceanside CA 92056. Doors open at 11:30am on January 19th, lunch is served at 12:00noon, and our speaker begins at 12:30pm. Cost is $25 to $30 per person depending on lunch choice. Cash or check only at the door (credit cards not accepted). For more information and lunch choices, please email RepublicanClubofNorthCounty@g or call John at 760-4976117.

Rancho Bernardo GOP Luncheon Meeting - The Rancho Bernardo Republican Women Federated invites all Republican women to our next luncheon meeting on January 21st, at 11:15am to 2pm at the Bernardo Heights Country Club, 16066 Bernardo Heights Parkway, San Diego 92128. Cost is $30.00. Our Guest Speaker will be Esther Valdes Clayton, Principal attorney at Valdes Associates, who will be speaking on our Nations Immigration Court process. Ms. Valdes has been interviewed both nationally and internationally regarding her successful advocacy and legal representation of immigrants. Please RSVP by January 14th at We wel-

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through several courtrooms to have his remains returned to the Sooner State. An appeals-court decision last year appears to have settled things by leaving matters as they lay. Visiters who pop into this forestgirdled Carbon County community mid-way between Wilkes Barre and Allentown and wish to visit the man’s memorial head across the Lehigh River about a mile north of downtown to a small park dedicated to the football Hall of Famer who was arguably the finest allround athlete in recorded history.

If they park in the lot beside the train station that debouched passengers into the heart of the commercial zone, they’re more likely to see Molly Maguires Pub and Steakhouse, a benign reminder that this is where four members of the infamous group involved in a bloody mining war were found guilty of murder and hanged in the mid-1870s. Comfortable memories of the community’s salad days are housed in the Asa Packer Mansion straddling a hill overlooking the town. Packer started out as an apprentice carpenter who opened a store in Mauch Chunk while operating a boat yard

Jim Thorpe’s Legacy Continued on Page 11

Local News

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Waldron Introduces Bill to Crack Down on Serial Shoplifters

Republican Minority Leader Marie Waldron announced legislation to impose stricter sentences on shoplifters who are repeatedly caught stealing from California businesses. AB 1597 will give prosecutors the discretion to charge thieves with three or more prior convictions for theft or receiving stolen property with either misdemeanors or felonies, restoring penalties to pre-Prop. 47 levels for repeat offenders.

“I believe in second chances,” said Waldron. “But your fourth conviction for stealing is not a mistake – it’s a lifestyle, and one that demands more serious consequences than we currently have. Our justice system needs to focus more on rehabilitation, but the lack of accountability for criminal behavior makes it harder to connect people with the services and programs they need to turn their lives around.”

In the wake of Prop. 47, a number of retailers have announced plans to shut down or slash their hours in response to “off the charts” shoplifting. The bill will ask voters to repeal a portion of Prop. 47 to allow a person with three or more convictions for petty theft, grand theft, elder financial abuse, auto theft, burglary, carjacking, robbery or felony receiving stolen property to be sentenced to up to three years in jail upon their fourth theft conviction. Oceanside Homicide

Investigation On Wednesday, January 5, 2022, at 1:49 am, Oceanside Police responded to a call from a passerby of a person laying in the roadway located at 200 Brooks Street. Officers arrived on scene and found a 27-year-old male who had sustained one gunshot wound. Officers rendered medical aid and the patient was ultimately pronounced deceased at the scene.

Detectives from the Crimes of Violence Unit responded to the scene to take the lead on this investigation. The victim’s identity is currently withheld, pending the notification of next-of-kin. This case remains an active and ongoing homicide investigation. Anyone who may have information regarding this incident is encouraged to contact Oceanside Police Detective Larry Weber at (760) 435-4619 or the Anonymous Tip Line at (760) 435-4730. San Marcos Hit and Run Suspect Sought

San Diego County Crime Stoppers and investigators with the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department want your help in finding a driver wanted in connection with a hitand-run in San Marcos.

It happened on Wednesday, January 5 just after 7:00 a.m. in the 500 block of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Rue De Valle. An 86-year-old man was crossing eastbound on the roadway when a pickup truck struck him from the side. The victim fell to the ground and was taken to a hospital with a serious head

rans still in existence.

And, oh, how I miss the Fireside Restaurant. Owned at one time by the late Bill Aste, later by Ray Alto, who currently owns La Tapatia.

The Fireside developed a huge reputaton for the best Prime Rib in town . . and Ray Alto still delivers on that promise with great Prime Rib at La Tapatia.

Man About Town

Chatting with Suzie Mitich Meleka, the always smiling hostess at Charle’s Restaurant in Escondido, and we got to talking about restaurants that have come and gone.

I vaguely remembered “Aunt Emma’s” a pancake house at the east end of the old Escondido Village Mall, she remembered Farrell’s Ice Cream Parlor at the west end of the old Escondido Villae Mall. (I, too remembered this as it was right next door to the old KOWN Radio Studios, which I managed for about seven years). I also recalled ‘Mr. Steak,” on East Valley Parkway- north side - as well as Love’s Woodpit BBQ, where Chin’s Chinese Restaurant is now located.

I LOVED Mr. Steak and regretted they went out of busines. Great steaks, geat staff, good location, everything was just right . . but, nationally, Mr. Steak fell upon hard times and wound up going out of business. I don’t believe there are any active Mr. Steak restau-

How about you? Have any great eateries from days gone by? •••• He’s one of us!

Escondido Mayor Paul McNamara confided to me that he spend a portion of his holidays being “the hand-dandy home repair man.”

He’s one of those fellas who is good with his hands and can fix most anything. He managed to spend a fair amount of time in the attic, bending his ample body into impossible twists and turns to get at a stubborn nail or screw or widget - and he got a few cobwebs in his face, a few cuts and bruises in the process, but he ‘got ‘er done!” •••• Wow! Is this my lucky day or what? I'm about to become a millionaire. This certainly sounds legit, doesn't it? Greetings.

I am Barrister morgan mehan, A personal attorney to a deceased client of mine, Who deposited the sum of $ 7.5 Million with a bank here in Togo West Africa. He died as the result of a heartrelated condition,His heart condition was due to the death of his wife and only son involve in the Air Flight

January 13, 2022

injury. The driver kept going northbound on Rancho Santa Fe Road. A surveillance camera on Rancho Santa Fe Road and Debra Place captured the pickup truck driving away shortly after the hit-and-run.

Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 3

Lo-Jack Localization On December 29, 2021, officers tracked down a stolen vehicle that was equipped with Lo-Jack. The 14-year-old driver and two other male uveniles and three female juveniles were all detained without incident. One suspect was processed at EPD before being released home. The other juveniles were released to relatives from the scene or driven home.

The Lunar New Year Celebration, Lion Dancers, will be on Tuesday, January 25th, from 7:00-8:00pm, in the Turrentine Room, and is for All Ages. Learn about the history and cultural significance of lion dancing as the Three Treasures Cultural Arts Society Lion Dance team performs a traditional dance celebrating the Lunar New Year!

come you to attend this important meeting.

Detectives are looking for a black 2010 to 2013 Chevrolet 1500 pickup truck with an extended cab. It will have a damaged side mirror on the passenger side as a part came off when the victim was sideswiped.

January Events at Escondido Library - All events generously sponsored by the Friends of the Escondido Public Library. The Library is located at 239 So. Kalmia, Escondido, 92025; Phone 760-839-4683.

Did You Know? If your child is arrested, the police can: 1. Make a record of the arrest and let your child go home. 2. Send your child to an agency that will shelter, care for, or counsel your child. 3. Make your child come back to the police station. This is called being “cited back.” 4. Give you and your child a Notice to Appear. Read the notice and do what it says. 5. Put your child in juvenile hall (this is called “detention”). Your child can make at least 2 phone calls within 1 hour of being arrested. One call must be to a parent, guardian, relative, or boss. The other call must be to a lawyer.

The Puzzle Exchange starts Saturday, January 29th. Introducing our Puzzle Exchange, located next to the Information Desk. Stop by during our open hours to swap puzzles with others in your community! Find a new challenge or work on a puzzle you wouldn't normally find. Here's How it Works: Take one, leave one. If pieces are missing, don't bring it back. We recommend using it for an up-cycled craft project! Donations accepted; Kids puzzles too. This resource won't require a library card -- borrows are on the honor system. Just take a puzzle and bring it back when you're done, or donate a used puzzle of your own.

Crashes. without any registered next of kin, I contacted you because you have the same surname with my late client. And the funds now have an open beneficiary mandate. Upon your response will give you the details. Thank You, Barr.morgan mehan Esq. Yes, yes, I hear you saying, "lyle, be careful. This sounds like a fraud!"

Well, let me tell you, I've received a number of similar emails with similar offers . . . but this fella is so erudite; so articulate, so professional in his approach that I'm sure this guy is for real. A legitimate barrister! Can you believe it? He had to go to school and everything! I'd love to stay and chat but I have to answer his email as I don't want to miss out on a sure thing. My share of $7.5 million will be substantial and I fully intend on sharing it with you. But keep it quiet. This is just between me and you.

If you'll just send me your bank account number, including routing number, I'll make sure a generous percentage of my $7.5 million share will be deposited directly into your account. Oh, you'd better give me your password as well.

l in case the bank asks any questions. Can't be too careful you know. Lots of shady people out there trying to make a quick buck. You and me . . we are the only honest ones I know. ••••

Virtual Pop Culture Panel Series: Horror! Saturday, January 29, from 4:00-5:00pm, Via Zoom. The expert panelists will discuss all things macabre in books, shorts stories, poetry, art, and film. Registration is required. This program is in partnership with The San Diego Chapter of the Horror Writers Association and Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore. Purchase books from Mysterious Galaxy. Registration required for this interactive Zoom event. Recording will be published on YouTube for public viewing after event. City of Escondido Grand Avenue Vision Project: Grand Avenue is about to undergo construction improvements! On January 10, 2022, the City began Phase 1 construction of the Grand Avenue Vision Project. Renovations include: new string lighting, sidewalk widening, new light posts, and improved parking that will increase the number of spots by implementing diagonal parking. Businesses will remain open and accessible during construction. 1/2 Price Sale in the Friends Book Shop, January 28 and 29. All items in the store 50% off marked price (25¢ minimum). Purchases made in the Friends Book Shop help sup-

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Tuskegee Airmen Continued from Page 3

ent a newer, fresher, unknown perspective of the legendary Tuskegee Airmen?”

Because their story is so well-known through motion pictures, documentaries, school books, colleges, countless newspaper and magazine articles, that there seems nothing new to report – or is there? We shall take a different look; a road less travelled; and experience a unique and perspective on the Tuskegee Airmen, and the little known surrounding, colorful events that still lay hugely unknown and less-reported, but nevertheless all of which shaped the true legacy of these airmen.

For all the Tuskegee Airmen enthusiasts who yearn for something new in the mountain of common knowledge, this just may be your cup of tea. NOW, LET’S CLIMB ON BOARD OUR TIME MACHINE & BEGIN OUR JOURNEY BACKWARD IN TIME! Come with me now, as we climb on board our Time Machine. Once onboard, buckle your seatbelts. And let us set our Time Machine dials back 81 years. Let us carefully select the Day and Month: 20 January. And now the Year: 1941.

Place: The United States of America.

YOU ARE THERE! As we step outside our Time Machine, it is Monday, January 20, 1941, and the sudden and peculiar sound of newspaper boys are heard shouting at the top of their lungs. The paperboys are hawking the news and yelling their now long-forgotten catch phrase: “EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT!” Front page news shows in bold print that 59-year-old Franklin D. Roosevelt has just been re-elected to an unprecedented third term as U. S. President. And newspaper headlines declare in bold baseball terms: “HE’S SAFE AT THIRD!”

UNDER FDR, THE U. S. MILITARY HAD AN ITCH THEY LONGED TO SCRATCH. The U. S. military had a longstanding itch which they longed to scratch: the itch was an ankle-biter which kept returning to their mindset: Shouldn’t America’s Armed Forces utilize the untapped Black manpower for flying U. S. military aircraft? Before the Tuskegee Airmen, no African-American had ever been a U. S. military pilot. In 1917, Black-Americans tried valiantly to become, at least, aerial observers, but even that notion was quickly rejected by a widely-segregated America.

They knew early-on that if they

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wished to fly military planes, they had to look elsewhere. Beyond their own American shores. And many did just that.

For example, Black-American, Eugene Bullard, served in the French Air Service during the First World War because his own country said “No.” Bullard was a resilient patriot for any Allied side that chose to fight a colorblind war against an aggressive enemy. If America wouldn’t have him, well, he’d persist overseas. And France grabbed him! He even returned to France to later serve in the infantry!

U. S. CONGRESS FINALLY PASSES NEW LAW TO ALLOW BLACK-AMERICANS TO TRAIN AS PILOTS! Such American racially-motivated rejections of patriotic World War I African-American recruits who wished to become military pilots became an ‘easier sell’ over the next two decades. The persistent Black patriotism finally impressed the U. S. Government to rethink: “These young Black patriots are willing to risk their very lives for the United States! As patriots, they won’t give up! It’s time to wake-up.” For over 22 years, Black-Americans persisted and advocated their rights to enlist and train as military aviators.

Finally, on Monday, April 3, 1939 the U. S. Congress passed Appropriations Bill Public Law 18 designating funds for training African-American pilots.

By 1940, the United States had 124 African-American pilots in the nation. Many of the applicants had already participated in the Civilian Pilot Training Program (CPTP) in December 1938. Tuskegee University had participated since 1939.

SELDOM KNOWN: FLIGHT TRAINING TESTS WERE DESIGNED TO SABOTAGE TUSKEGEE AIRMEN FOR FAILURE. Surviving Tuskegee Airmen said the standard was higher for them than it was for White pilots, and that the training was “an experiment designed to fail,” with many qualified AfricanAmerican pilots washing-out during basic and advanced training. Of the 3,000 who trained to fly at Tuskegee, only 1,000 graduated. Those who passed preliminary tests were further sabotaged by (purposely) giving inadequate and incomplete training. WHITE SEGREGATED FLIGHT TRAINING UNITS ALSO CHALLENGED TUSKEGEE AIRMEN’S MORALE. Also, neither the NAACP (National Advancement for Colored People) nor the mostinvolved Black newspapers approved of the solution of creating separate Black units because they believed that such an approach simply perpetuated segregation and discrimination.

Nevertheless, largely at the behest of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a separate training unit was created for White and Black men aspiring to become military pilots.

TUSKEGEE BLACK AIRMEN TRAINING NOT RECEIVING EXPOSURE DUE TO SEGREGATION & JEALOUSY. Although the U. S. Congress had passed the law for African-American pilot training, the program was derailed from receiving proper publicity and media exposure, no thanks to persistent segregation and rival jealousy among the White military echelon and White pilots at the Tuskegee Army Air Field. The Tuskegee Airmen Flight program needed positive media exposure to advance their cause and encourage morale as the fledgling Black airmen faced obstacles at every turn. The answer to their prayers for favorable media coverage of the Black Tuskegee Airmen came from a most shocking and unexpected source.

Indeed, the coveted answer to their prayers would come from a woman – of all people – and that historic answer would come, over 700 miles and four states away from the Tuskegee Air Field.

FIRST LADY, ELEANOR ROOSEVELT & HER SECRET PLAN THAT WOULD EMPOWER THE TUSKEGEE AIRMEN. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt woke up early, thanks to Fala, the First Family’s black Scottish Terrier, who would become world-famous in his own right as a favorite of photographers and of whom the Secret Service gave the official code name of “The Informer.” True to his code name, Fala (“The Informer”) ‘informed’ the First Lady that it was now time to wakeup, in his usual energetic style, complete with wagging tail and wet doggie kisses.

The animated dog, Fala, aroused her from sleep earlier than usual, as he wished to play. As a puppy, he was trained to sit, roll over, jump, and just be playful, and that included sometimes pulling the bed covers down with his teeth while simultaneously growling (all in fun, of course)!

The First Lady yawned and saw the Saturday morning sunlight outside the window. It was March 29, 1941. And it was a beautiful sunny, crisp day in Washington, D. C. as the weather hit 58-degrees. But this was to be no ordinary day.

First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt, had been carefully following events at the Tuskegee Air Field. She had the power and image to change things.

And she had a secret plan for the Tuskegee Airmen. A secret behind her visit that would prove historic. And she planned to deliver it, in per-

son, even if the White House Secret Service liked it or not.

Mrs. Roosevelt was a firebrand of sorts. And her past secrets and temperament caused much distress and worry for the U. S. Secret Service agents.

She intensely disliked being followed and guarded by the U. S. Secret Service, voicing that it was a hindrance to her. She often took walks without them, wearing just scarves and sunglasses as a disguise. When she insisted that the secret agents disassociate themselves from following her, they had to strike a bargain with her: If they were not allowed to shadow and protect her, then she must compromise by taking pistol shooting lessons along with the promise of always carrying her .22 calibre Smith and Wesson firearm in her purse. She agreed to the firearm shooting lessons, but secretly reneged on the other bargain: she rarely carried the loaded gun with her.

As a consequence, the head of FDR’s Secret Service, Frank J. Wilson, continued to have his agents openly, and covertly, protect her every move. They were fully-aware of her plans to travel to Tuskegee, Alabama.

They had no idea of the secret plans attached to that visit.

ELEANOR ROOSEVELT’S HIDDEN SECRET PLAN TO AID TUSKEGEE AIRMEN CAUSED NEAR-APOPLEXY FOR SECRET SERVICE! The White House Secret Service agents were fully briefed on the First Lady’s plans to tour and inspect the Tuskegee Institute and Air Field. And they were not happy about it.

The Secret Service had reason to be worried, but it had nothing to do with politics or race-relations in America. Rather, it was the difficult logistics of guarding her while she moved about in open space. Guarding the U. S. President and First Lady was no easy chore.

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s highlytrained Secret Service Agents would come to experience the full gamut of daunting challenges. After all, FDR would become the relentless target of would-be assassins who threatened to bomb his train, blowup the U. S. White House or threaten to shoot him when in plain sight.

On one occasion, on February 15, 1933, an Italian immigrant by the name of Giuseppe Zangara, stood on a chair amidst a crowd and fired a nickel-plated .32 calibre doubleaction revolver at the president. The

Tuskegee Airmen Cont. on Page 6

The Paper

Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 4

port the Library and its programs.

San Marcos Chamber January Events - Wednesday, January 19th, Coffee Connections, from 8:009:00am. Connect, Collaborate, Support, Inspire! Enjoy coffee, great conversation, build relationships, share business tips and leads.

Thursday, January 27, from 5:007:00pm, Business Mixer & Installation ouf our 2022 Board of Directors. Enjoy hors d'oeuvres, opportunity drawings, no-host bar, and an evening of cheer! Event to be held at the Twin Oaks Golf Course, 1425 No. Twin Oaks Valley Road, San Marcos 92069. For more information and/or to RSVP, contact the San Marcos Chamber, 251 North City Drive, #128, San Marcos, 92078.

Escondido Chamber News - The January Government Affairs Meeting will be Tuesday, January 18th, from 4:00-5:00pm. Special guest, Escondido Fire Chief, Rick Vogt. There is a new staff member at the Chamber. Meet Ruth Romero, the new Director of Growth and Development.

The Greater Escondido Chamber of Commerce is located at 720 No. Broadway, Escondido, 92025; phone 760.745.2125.

The Best Walk You'll Take All Year - The San Diego Humane Society invites you to join the Walk for Animals. In North County it will be at Kit Carson Park on Saturday, February 26th, and in San Diego at the Liberty Station will be on Saturday, May 7th. Registration is now open for the Walk for Animals — and we’re thrilled to share that this dog-friendly event is back in person! Join fellow animal lovers and their furry friends for the best walk you will take all year. When you register now, you can take advantage of our early bird pricing. For North County Kit Carson Park, Early Bird pricing until January 31st is $10/adults and $5/kids. For San Diego Liberty Station, Early Bird pricing until March 31st is $20/adults and $10/kids. We’re counting on you to make a difference for animals in need, so sign up today and unlock your personal fundraising tools!

Questions? Email us at Interested in sponsorship and vendor opportunities? Check out the sponsors page on our website or contact Bobbie Barnes at or 619-243-3401. San Diego Humane Society, 5500 Gaines St., San Diego, CA 92110; Phone 619299-7012. Campus Locations in Escondido, Oceanside, Ramona, El

Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 11

Page 6

January 13, 2022

Tuskegee Airmen Cont. from Page 5

shots missed but one bullet came within two feet of the president’s head!

Eleanor Roosevelt would come to know that her husband received an average of 40,000 letters a month at the White House – all threats to his life.

None of this deterred the strongwilled, often obstinate, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.

Her plans to visit remained in place.


WHY ELEANOR ROOSEVELT FELT KINSHIP TOWARDS THE TUSKEGEE AIRMEN. Flying and the subject of aviation in all its phases was in her blood.

More than any other First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt loved to fly. She was often photographed, calmly knitting, onboard various airplanes as if sitting comfortably in her own favorite White House chair. And her air travel advocacy and even her newspaper columns on airplane travel would all result in historians bestowing upon her the elite sobriquet of being the White House’s: “First Lady In Flight.”

She felt a special, personal bond and kinship to the isolated and greatly forsaken Tuskegee Airmen who were so badly treated at their training facility.

She would eventually secure very large monetary grants to support their various pilot programs.

She deeply identified with them, on many levels.

Like them, she also was an isolated pioneer of sorts: she would become the first U. S. President’s wife to often travel by airplane – without her husband! Back in her day, that was virtually unthinkable.

And she flew during a time in America when commercial air travel was still considered by many to be “potentially dangerous.”

Like them, she also was a maverick.

And as with Tuskegee Airmen, she also was an oddity: She was a woman in 1941 America who loved everything to do with avionics, types of airplanes, and even wrote about it in newspaper columns.

This was no casual gesture of goodwill plotted and carefully planned for the forsaken and struggling Black Tuskegee Airmen.

No, this was a bold, secret plan of Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, carefully crafted and duly planned.

And while her planned visit was not a secret, her attached ‘sub-plan’ that went along with it would galvanize

Tuskegee Airmen Continued on Page 7

California’s Budget Priorities

One of the main responsibilities of the State Legislature is producing a budget by the June 15th constitutional deadline that funds programs and, hopefully, makes smart investments in California’s future. Unfortunately, while we meet the deadline, expectations often fall short. Skewed priorities in past budgets have allowed problems to fester; many are now reaching the crisis stage. The Legislature re-convened for the second half of the 2021-2022 session January 3rd. Due to the magnitude of the problems we face, priority number one will be creating a budget that addresses our most pressing concerns. As Assembly Minority Leader, I recently joined Assemblyman Vince Fong, Budget Committee Vice Chair, in a letter (available here), asking the Governor to fully fund public safety, including curtailing “smash and grabs” by expanding the California Highway Patrol’s Organized Retail Theft Program. We also requested more parental control of education, more funding for highway projects to eliminate traffic congestion, reducing housing costs by streamlining barriers to construction, paying down unemployment insurance debt and eliminating tax liability for businesses that received federal COVID-relief, and address-

ing the homelessness crisis by expanding substance use disorder and mental health treatments. The supply chain crises, improvements and modernization for the state’s infrastructure, including water storage and conveyance, wildfire prevention and suppression, tax relief for hard-working Californians – these issues and more must be addressed in next year’s budget. Business as usual that continues to force taxpayers to spend more and get less must stop.

During the coming budget talks, I will be seeking commonsense solutions for long festering problems that have tarnished California’s reputation and forced thousands of businesses and individuals to pack up and leave. The Golden State can, and should be, Golden once again. An electronic version of this article is available at: Assembly Republican Leader Marie Waldron, R-Escondido, represents the 75th Assembly District in the California Legislature, which includes the communities of Bonsall, Escondido, Fallbrook, Hidden Meadows, Pala, Palomar Mountain, Pauma Valley, Rainbow, San Marcos, Temecula, Valley Center and Vista.

5th District Supervisor

Jim Desmond

Government Has Failed Our Kids When COVID-19 first came upon our radars in March of 2019, we didn’t know what the outcome would be. We didn’t know who the virus would affect, we didn’t know what the toll would be on society.

As an airline captain for over 33 years, I relied on data to safely get my passengers to their destination (I’ll admit, as an engineer, I’m a bit of a nerd when it comes to numbers.) Every day, at the beginning of the pandemic, I would sit in my office and look at the County data. It became clear to me that seniors living in senior care facilities were at the greatest risk and that those with underlying health conditions were suffering the most. As we were shutting down our schools, our entire workforce, just about every business, our beaches and parks, I became more vocal in an effort to target the vulnerable without wholesale closures. As two weeks to stop the spread turned into months, the data did start to show one glimmer of hope. Our kids were the least vulnerable. Yet, for over a year we forced them out of the classroom, out of playing sports and onto their computers. Many people, including myself

warned about the dangers for the future of our kids and now we are starting to see the ramifications of those lockdowns. Last week, The American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Children’s Hospital Association all declared a State of Emergency for children’s mental health. Suicide attempts have risen sharply among 12-17 year old’s, with the numbers of E.R. visits for suicide attempts rising 51 percent. School shootings have almost doubled since 2019. And reading and math levels have fallen to record lows. Never in our history have we protected adults at the risk of our kids, until COVID-19. We should continue to protect our most vulnerable with all the precautions necessary, but we should allow our kids to be kids. No school districts should be shutting down due to the Omicron variant, if they do, they’ll be making a grave mistake. To contact

North County Office – by appointment only 325 S. Melrose Ave., Suite 5200 Vista, CA 92081 Mon.-Fri., 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Website: Email:

The Paper

Tuskegee Airmen Continued from Page 6 THE TUSKEGEE AIRMEN’S WORLD WOULD SUDDENLY EXPERIENCE A HISTORIC & UNSCRIPTED PUBLICITY BOOST! From Washington, D. C. she would travel 765.8 miles to the Tuskegee Army Air Field in Alabama to personally deliver a most unexpected surprise of which the Tuskegee Civilian Pilot Training Program (CPTP) were so badly in need of. When she arrived at Tuskegee, Alabama, it was a perfect sunny day at 68 degrees. A picture-perfect day for flying.

She was accorded perfect decorum and courtesy as she was given a welldetailed tour of the Tuskegee Institute and the Tuskegee Pilot Training Program. The tour was in progress and going perfectly, with many questions answered, and the press corps were snapping photos and filing notes.

Then, she suddenly dropped her secret bombshell surprise! The 56-year-old First Lady of the United States, suddenly stopped and slowly turned her 5’ 11” tall frame towards the African-American chief civilian flight instructor, Charles Alfred Anderson, Sr. Locking eyes with him, she proceeded to say, as recorded by the press corps: “I always heard that Negroes couldn’t fly, and I wondered if you’d mind taking me up?”

The 33-year-old flight instructor was struck speechless, not sure if he had heard her correctly. Then the shocked look on his face melted into a joyful smile!

Yes, indeed, a most unexpected dream had materialized before the Tuskegee Flight Instructor. It was now his destiny to grab it, before minds might be changed.

In no time, Anderson (whose nickname was ‘Chief ’), maneuvered his Piper J-3 Cub airplane and eagerly accommodated her as she jumped on board, seating right smack behind him. Mrs. Roosevelt’s personal Secret Service agents had near-apoplexy!

They already had established a visual perimeter around her, as she moved here and there, all the while conducting an overview inspection of the Tuskegee Air Field. Their advance team had even scouted-out potential sniper areas at adjacent buildings where assassins might be lurking.

Now, the unscripted ‘surprise request’ greatly startled the surrounding Secret Service agents, as they communicated in animated conversation over their wireless, handheld, two-way SCR-536 radio walkietalkies.

Page 7

(To reiterate, airplane travel back then was viewed as unpredictably dangerous. To place her life in the dubious hands of a Black airplane pilot, onboard a non-commercial aircraft, when much of America was skeptical of the ability of Black men to properly master flying -- was all a dizzying cocktail of thoughts that sent the Secret Service on frantic overdrive!) Secret Service agents chattered in most urgent tones that the First Lady, code name “Rover,” was about to physically leave their periphery of protection and become aloft in uncharted skies in a most dangerous scenario!

Down through the years, various conflicting reports on the duration of her flight have ranged from 20 minutes to half-an-hour.

January 13, 2022

Historically Speaking by Tom Morrow

The Media Mogul Behind the Scenes

Around the globe William Fox’ name can be seen everywhere, but few have every heard or read about who he was. Today the multi-media entities of Fox News, Fox Network, Fox Business, Fox Sports, and, of course on the big screen, 20th Century Fox films all carry his name.

Eleanor Roosevelt was in the air for nearly a full hour, which seemed like days for the Secret Service agents who were left totally abandoned and helpless back on terra firma. This was no ordinary passenger. She relished flying, and there was no stopping her on this splendid afternoon odyssey. After landing, she cheerfully announced loudly and clearly so the press corps could hear her testimonial endorsement: “Well, you can fly all right!”

The photos were seen across America and the world, and the Tuskegee Airmen’s glorious reputation and honor were placed centre stage, in the global spotlight. They were now about to embark on re-writing aviation history.

Less than nine months later, the United States would enter World War II on December 8, 1941, and the Tuskegee Airmen and their legendary flying Expeditionary Operations Group would be ushered into the pantheon of immortality. From the major motion picture (Red Wings in 2012) to countless documentaries such as the HBO movie called “The Tuskegee Airmen” in the 1990s, as well as countless books, newspaper and magazine accounts, the Tuskegee Airmen of the U. S. Army Air Force (USAAF) have truly succeeded in capturing the imagination of the world, as well as the hearts and minds of an entire new generation, today.

EXPLOITS OF THE TUSKEGEE AIRMEN REMAINED CLASSIFIED FOR TWO DECADES. Sadly, the exploits and achievements by the Tuskegee Airmen remained classified for almost two decades after the Second World War. Dr. Daniel C. Haulman, who is head of the organizational histories at the Air Force Historical Research Agency at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, explained: “It was not until

Tuskegee Airmen Cont. on Page 10

William Fox, 1921

Fox was born Wilhem Fuchs in Tolcsva, Hungary. His family immigrated to New York when William was nine months old. As a youth, Fox sold candy in Central Park, worked as a newsboy on the streets of New York, and worked in the fur and garment industry.

In 1900, Fox purchased his first nickelodeon, a coin-operated machine showing early short films, the forerunner of what would soon be put on a theater’s big screen. Always more of an entrepreneur than a showman, Fox concentrated on acquiring and building some of the nation’s big movie theaters.

Fox created a chain of movie theaters and purchased film prints from major movie companies. He managed to successfully lease the New York Academy of Music and convert it into a movie theater. Based in New Jersey, Fox bought films outright from Long Beach, California’s Balboa Amusement for distribution in his theaters as well as rental to other theaters across the nation. In 1915, he formed the Fox Film Corporation. The company's first film studio was in Fort Lee, New Jersey, where many other early film studios were based. Fox had the money to acquire facilities and expand his production capacity. Between 1915 and 1919, he would rake in millions of dollars through movies which featured Fox Film's first breakout star Theda Bara. She was known as "The Vamp," for her performance in “A Fool There Was” (1915). In 1925, Fox purchased the U.S. rights to Tri-Ergon, a sound-on-film system, with which he created Fox Movietone News. It became the film news standard. Competing sound-on-disc technologies, such as Warner Bros.' Vitaphone, became obsolete. From 1928 to 1964, Fox’ weekly “Movietone

News” was one of the major theater newsreel series in the U.S., along with” The March of Time” (1935-1951) and “Universal Newsreel” (1929-1967).

Despite the fact his film studio was moved and based in Hollywood, Fox opted to remain in New York where he was more familiar with financiers than with either his movie makers or actors. Prominent Fox Film Corporation’s Oscar-winning actress Janet Gaynor (A Star Is Born) once acknowledged she barely knew William Fox, stating “I only met him to say ‘… how do you do.’” Gaynor said Fox would rarely visit the Hollywood studio. His films were managed by his production company. Following the 1927 death of Marcus Loew, who was head of rival MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, Fox saw an opportunity to expand his empire, so he in 1929 bought the MGM holdings from the Loew family. MGM studio bosses Louis B. Mayer and Irving Thalberg were outraged because, despite their high management position at MGM, the two moguls were not shareholders and had no corporate control. However, Mayer used his strong political connections to persuade the U.S. Justice Department to sue Fox for violating federal antitrust laws. In mid-1929, Fox was badly hurt in an automobile accident and by the time he recovered, the stock market crash that October wiped out nearly all of his fortune, ending any chance of the LoewsFox merger going through … even if the Justice Department had approved it.

The next year, during a hostile takeover, Fox lost control of his organization. In 1935, Fox Film Corporation merged with 20th Century Pictures becoming 20th Century Fox. Fox never had any involvement with the newly formed the film studio that famously bears his name. A combination of the stock market crash, Fox's car accident injuries, and government antitrust action, forced him into a protracted seven-year legal battle to stave off bankruptcy.

In 1936, during his bankruptcy hearing, Fox attempted to bribe judge John Warren Davis and committed perjury. Fox served a five-month sentence on charges of conspiring to obstruct justice and defraud the U.S. government in connection with his bankruptcy. Years after his prison release, President Harry Truman granted him a Presidential pardon.

During the height of his career the mogul personally oversaw the construction of many Fox Theatres in American cities including Atlanta, Detroit, Oakland, San Francisco and San Diego. Today, the plush San Diego theater is the concert hall for the city’s symphony orchestra. At the end of his life, Fox’ companies had an estimated value of $300 million. He personally owned 53 percent of Fox Film and 93 percent of the Fox Theaters. His death in 1952 at the age of 73 went largely unnoticed by the film industry. No one from Hollywood attended his funeral. Fox is interred at Salem Fields Cemetery in Brooklyn. Fox was married and had two daughters.

Today, his name can be seen everywhere in the television news, entertainment and sports networks as well as motion pictures, but few know where the “Fox” name came from. Now you know.

The Paper

Page 8

January 13, 2022

Se Habla Español

Over 35 years y of experience serving ving the community

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* One coupon per customer. For new patients only fo or first time use. No insurance and cash patients only. Restrictions may apply. Must M present flyer at the beginning of the appointment. Cannot be combined with any other offer f . Expires in 2 weeks. Call for more dettails. ONE OF THE FIRST PRACTICES IN SAN DIEGO TO O OFFER MEDICAL INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR SOME DENT TAL AL PROCEDURES DURES INCLUDING IMPLANTS. CALL FOR DET TAILS. AILS.

The Paper

Page 9

January 13, 2022

Palomar Health Wishes You a Happy and Healthy New Year As we welcome in 2022 and a whole new year of possibilities, we are excited to show you all that Palomar Health has to offer. We are proud to bring world-class healthcare to all of San Diego County, with exceptional providers, nurses and team members who care about our community. Palomar Health is more than just a healthcare system – we are a team of people who truly care about you, your health and treating you with compassion every day throughout the year.

The Paper

Tuskegee Airmenr Cont. from Page 7

the documents were de-classified and people could read them that the Tuskegee Airmen slowly came to the attention of the public.”

The formation of Tuskegee Airmen, Inc. was formed to publicize what they accomplished during World War II. In addition to their exploits being classified, most of the Tuskegee Airmen, like Intelligence officer, Lt. Col. Ted Lumpkin, kept their experiences to themselves. As Lumpkin expressed: “There was no real recognition that we had been overseas, other than our immediate family and friends. It eventually got to the point where most of us just did not talk about the experience at all, because no one really believed you, and it became a secret.”

It was never easy for these past heroic figures who valiantly defended America, even after the war.

After enduring years of inadequate training facilities, discriminatory policies and hostile commanders in the Army Air Force, 101 officers of the all-Black 477th Bombardment Group (who had initially trained at the Tuskegee Army Air Field in Alabama) were all arrested at Indiana’s Freeman Field Base when they refused to sign a base regulation requiring separate officers’ clubs for Black and White soldiers. The order came after 61 Black officers were arrested trying to enter the White officers’ club.

DURING BATTLE, ALL WHITE CREWS ONBOARD BOMBERS REQUESTED THE TUSKAGEE AIRMEN FOR BETTER PROTECTION. Although racial prejudice ran deep, when it came to war and all military personnel wanting to survive to see their families again, prejudice took a back seat. Since the Tuskegee Airmen had a far superior success rate in protecting U. S. bombers compared to their White counterparts, all-White crews onboard bombers often requested to be escorted by these Black Tuskegee Airmen fighter planes.

Just seeing the distinctive Red Wing insignia on escort fighter planes gave bomber crews greater relief. (“Red Wings” was a nickname acquired from the painted tails of Tuskegee fighter planes which were a distinctive deep red.)

In the final analysis, despite all the early prejudice and efforts to sabotage the Black-American pilots by purposely giving them inadequate training, they somehow persevered to become, often, superior military fliers.

From the debris of their tattered lives, they built a priceless kingdom which saved countless lives of military men – of all colors and creeds. In a world not of their making, these gallant and super-patriotic men who insisted on defending their country –

Page 10 • • January 13, 2022

did exactly that.

But they did more than that.

By proving that Black men could successfully fly sophisticated military airplanes and serve courageously in combat, the Tuskegee Airmen set the stage for the integration of the U. S. military in 1948 and the subsequent Civil Rights Movement in 1960s America. In 1948, President Harry Truman ordered integration in the military, and in 1954, the Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of Education that educational segregation was unconstitutional, bringing an end to “separate-but-equal” education. In 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, which legally ended the segregation that had been institutionalized by Jim Crow laws.

And in 1965, the Voting Rights Act halted efforts to keep minorities from voting. And the Fair Housing Act of 1968, which ended discrimination in renting and selling homes, followed. As such, the Tuskegee Airmen were more than pioneer Black aviators who changed the face of the military – they, by example – inspired change and helped reconfigure the cultural and racial landscape in America and the world.

Today, Black-American military pilots fly – not the segregated skies – but the Red, White, and Blue freedom skies of all Americans.

Friedrich Gomez, our prolific writer, does it again!

Friedrich has pretty much become our “artist in residence” as he continually turns out finely researched and very well written articles. As the editor, I have the advantage over you in that I get to read Friedrich’s submissions before anyone else! And I love it! We enjoy Friedrich as much as you do! Not incidentally, this story was Friedrich’s 192nd cover story for The Paper.

Will he reach the 200th cover story mark? We’re betting he will.

6) Footballs were not spiked or left for the referee to retrieve; they were handed to the referee. Anna Hopewell's grave in Enosburg 7) No one took a knee on the sidelines. Falls, 9) Players stood at attention during Vermont : the playing of the national anthem. Here lies the body of our Anna, 10) It's great to watch the Army Done to death by a banana. Navy game. It wasn't the fruit that laid her low, •••• But the skin of the thing that made Not sure who I'd rather sit next to her go. on an airplane, a terrorist or a •••• On a grave from the 1880s in squalling baby. Let me get back to you on that. Nantucket, Massachusetts : •••• Under the sod and under the trees, I once had an old girl friend tell me, Lies the body of Jonathan Pease. He is not here, there's only the pod, "Happy Birthday to my new man. You're Pease shelled out and went to God. the best! And I should know because I've been with a lot of other guys." For some •••• reason, it didn't last. In a cemetery in England : •••• Remember man, as you walk by, Saint Peter is sitting at the Pearly As you are now, so once was I. Gates when two guys wearing dark As I am now, so shall you be, hoodies and sagging pants arrive. Remember this and follow me.

Chuckles Cont. from Page 2

To which someone replied by writing St. Peter looks out through the Gates and says, "Wait here. I'll be right on the tombstone: back." To follow you I'll not consent, St. Peter goes over to God's chamUntil I know which way you went. bers and tells Him who is waiting for •••• Good girls are bad girls that never get entrance. God says to Peter, "How many times do I have to tell you? You can't caught. be judgmental here. This is heaven. All are •••• The other day I saw an amazing foot- loved. All are brothers. Go back and let them in!" ball game: 1) The player's hair fit under their St. Peter goes back to the Gates, helmets. looks around, and lets out a heavy 2) No tattoos could be seen. 3) There were no outlandish end sigh. He returns to God's chambers zone celebrations. 4) There was no taunting. Chuckles 5) Opposition players helped each Continued on page 13 other up after a play.

Pet Parade

Say hello to Spike Mclovin! He has a happy go lucky personality; Spike Mclovin greets everyone with a wagging tail, and believes that each day is the best day of his life. If you are looking for a companion who is ready to go on nice hikes and walks, and brings a smile to your heart each day, grab a collar and a leash and come meet Spike Mclovin! He is available for adoption at San Diego Humane Society’s Escondido Campus at 3500 Burnet Drive. To learn more about making him part of your family, please visit or call 619-2997012.

Online profile: https://www.sdhuFor Advertising or tosingle.html?petId=765381 subscribe, Call (760) 747-7119

Pet Parade

Josie is pet of the week at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society. She’s a 7-year-old, 47-pound, female, Boxer mix. Josie was transferred to Rancho Coastal Humane Society from a local rescue partner through the Friends of County Animal Shelters (FOCAS) program. She was left in their night drop. She needs a gentle home with a family that will give here time to settle in. The $75 adoption fee for Josie includes medical exam, spay, up to date vaccinations, registered microchip, and a one-year license if her new home is in the jurisdiction of San Diego Humane Society’s Department of Animal Services. For information about adoption or to become a Virtual Foster visit Rancho Coastal Humane Society at 389 Requeza Street in Encinitas, call 760-753-6413, or log on to

The Paper

• Page 11 • January 13, 2022

A Weekly Message from the Mayor of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders.

San Marcos • Mayor Rebecca Jones Safety in San Marcos

Whether you’ll be traveling for the holiday season or staying close to home, it’s always a good idea to review your home safety plan to keep you and your loved ones safe. For those who have an alarm system, we encourage you to register your alarm device with the city, for public safety purposes.

It’s a quick and easy online process that will ease your mind while you’re away from home. To register your alarm system device, visit and navigate to “How do I...” Under that drop-down menu, you’ll find “Register for My Alarm System.” Simply complete and submit the online paperwork to do your part in keeping San Marcos safe. The alarm system registration system is intended for all businesses and residents located within city limits. For more information or questions about alarm registration, please contact the Crime Prevention Division at (760) 744-1050, ext. 3111.

Escondido • Mayor Paul “Mac” McNamara Greetings Escondido,

Last week I discussed my KUSI interview. A number of folks asked about Economic Development, so I thought I would go into a little more detail about what is happening.

- Businesses and City efficiencies: We have made great progress in creating systems with new technology that make interacting with the City fast and easy for business owners. For example, we are seeing more people using our online portal to register a new business or renew a business license. New businesses in town: We continue to see new businesses of all sizes move into the City, for example we have a new eatery in downtown on Grand Avenue called Smoked and Tasty, an artisan gourmet smoked food eatery. We also have large businesses that continue to move into our industrial business park such as Motoport USA, a globally recognized company for high quality, motorcycle apparel that supplies to riders and motorcycle police all over the world. Electric Vehicles: The national group Electrify America is installing its second group of electric vehicle charging stations at the Westfield mall, the current charging stations are located near the Brigantine. This will help electric vehicle owners have a great place to stop and shop while they charge up. Auto mall: Our auto dealers continue to be successful and several are remodeling or expanding their offerings to serve the increased demand for new and used vehicles. Westfield mall: We are working with Westfield to reinvigorate the mall with some potential new tenants that we look forward to talking more about in 2022. Workforce development: As a City we are collaborating with local workforce partners like Palomar extension, the Urban Corps of San Diego County (they just opened a new education facility in our manufacturing park), CSUSM, and the trade schools to ensure our residents can find the right education programs to help advance their careers and that our businesses can find the right employees to be successful in Escondido. - Sign up for our monthly business newsletter at for more Escondido business news and updates. Stay informed, Be Kind, Remember your neighbor, and stay safe!

Vista • Mayor Judy Ritter

Stay Fit in the New Year

This past year really made us aware of how important it is to take care of our health. The New Year represents a fresh start to recommit to past goals or to lay the groundwork for something new. Many of these goals will be health and fitness related. Fortunately for us, living in a city like Vista includes taking advantage of the weather and getting out doors, which is something that can be done almost every day of the year! Walking in one of Vista’s parks, browsing downtown on Main Street, playing tennis or pickleball at Brengle Terrace or Thibodo parks, or hiking along one of our five trails can help increase physical activity, which in turn can help to improve our lives. Here’s to staying fit and healthy throughout this new year.

Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 6

Cajon and San Diego. For general information, email <> Your safety is our top priority! COVID-19 safety guidelines are subject to change and will reflect the most current recommendations from the CDC or local public health officials at the time of the event. We will continue to update you as the Walk approaches.

Carlsbad Chamber to Present "Older & Bolder Expo" - Save the Date for the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Older & Bolder Expo to be held on Saturday, February 26th. It will run from 9am to 1pm at the St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, 6628 Santa Isabel Street, Carlsbad, 92009. Free to the public.

This premiere event will feature health-related businesses, nonprofits and senior related organizations. The event is free to the public. Booth space is available for businesses interested in promoting their products or services. Register for a booth today. Contact the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, 5934 Priestly Drive, Carlsbad, CA


Carlsbad Republican Women Welcome Carl DeMaio at January Meeting - On Tuesday, January 25th, the Carlsbad Republican Women welcome keynote speaker, Carl DeMaio, Chairman of Reform CA and host of The DeMaio Report heard daily on AM-600 KOGO. Please join us to hear Carl DeMaio address “The 2022 California Elections – How Conservatives Can Organize to WIN!” This is a not-to-miss presentation. At age 23, Carl DeMaio started his first company — the Performance Institute — to provide training and consulting solutions to help financially-troubled government entities cut costs while improving performance. He turned his business success into a life-long crusade to improve the performance, transparency, efficiency, and accountability of government at all levels. He won a seat on the San Diego City Council in 2008 and helped turn the city around from the brink of bankruptcy through his “Roadmap to Recovery” reform agenda.

DeMaio continues to speak out on local issues on his radio show, providing investigative journalism and inside knowledge with an eye on solutions. Launched in 2003, Reform California is a 527 political action committee dedicated to holding state and local government accountable. The organization seeks to be the counterbalance to extreme and misguided policies that are costing taxpayers and hurting working families in our state.

CRWF’s January 25th luncheon will be held at the Holiday Inn, 2725 Palomar Airport Road, Carlsbad. Doors open at 10:30am, and the program begins at 11:00am. Cost is $32 per person. Please RSVP and pay online at Reservatons close @12 noon on Friday, January 21st. No payment at the door.

For more information, contact Kris at (760) 707-7777 or Check us out on Facebook as Carlsbad Republican Women Federated.

Jim Thorpe Legacy Cont. from Page 3

that made vessels for transporting coal along the Lehigh Canal. This led him into the mining industry and, eventually, railroading. His first link was built to Easton, Penn., and his Lehigh Valley Railroad eventually reached out to the Jersey shore. When he died in 1879, his estate was valued at $54 million.

The comfort of his life as an industrialist, congressman, candidate for governor, presidential nominee, and judge are on view for tours of the Victorian building that peers over the town to St. Mark’s Episcopal Church perched on a hill on the other side of the village. Packer was, of course, instrumental in having this Gothic landmark built. Among its eye-catching features are two vibrant Tiffany windows.

Today, the church has just a little more than 30 members. About the Author: Cecil Scaglione has a distinguished career in newspapers both in Canada and the United States.

Restaurant Guide Pick up Delivery In Room Dining


Dominic’s Gourmet Restaurant 113 E. Grand Ave Escondido, Ca.

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Cecil Scaglione

After retiring from the San Diego Union Tribune he recently moved to live in Arizona. He is a frequent contributor of articles to The Paper.

The Paper

Page 12 • • January 13, 20221

nance. Today the entire focus is on gaining and maintaining political power at any cost. Right and wrong, truth and falsehood, good and evil have all become conditional based on how they affect the single objective of winning political power and keeping it. How did the Democrat party change from being one based on fundamental human values to one based upon simply achieving political dominance? The answer lies in a historic shift in its power base.

"your friends at the computer factory" Derek, Nome Tom and Paul

What changed our Politics?

If you are old enough to remember what America was like in the 20th century you already know there has been a fundamental change in the way we do politics in America. Harry Truman, JFK, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton were the Democrats elected President since WW II. They were “old school” Democrats. In those days the difference between Democrats and Republicans at the national level was based on their respective philosophies of government regarding national and international issues. Over the past generation the national Democrat party has changed its primary focus. The driving force behind the new Democrat party is no longer based on any philosophy of gover-


Karl E. Geise 1935 - 2021

Karl E. Geise was born in ,Escondido on August 31, 1935 to Oscar and Louise Geise.

He was raised here, attending school and graduated from Escondido High School in 1953. He then attended Palomar College. He worked for his father as an electrician until he purchased Geise Electric and became an Electrical Contractor lasting for 50 years. Karl is preceded in death by his par-

American democracy can be illustrated as a steep pyramid of elected officials, and at the bottom are 500,000 elected local (city/county) officials, in the middle 19,000 elected State officials and at the top 571 elected federal officials. There is a vast difference between local and federal politicians when it comes to responsibilities as well as strategies. Unlike federal elections, in America’s cities, political party philosophies and affiliations traditionally have had little to do with governing but a lot to do with providing an organizational framework for political activity.

In America’s northern industrial cities, Democrat politicians have typically remained in control for decades, virtually eliminating opposition through the use of political power to reward supporters and punish opposition. Led by a “boss” or small group of “lieutenants” these political machines use their vast power over appointments, contract awards, law enforcement and every other form of civic service to ensure and reward loyalty. If you toe the line and contribute your “fair share” you are a happy

ents, his older brother Edwin, sonin-law George Lovejoy, and Taylor Ferch, Great Granddaughter. He is survived by his wife Lynne Geise and younger brother Leonard Geise (Chris), and children; Steven Geise (Susan), Nicky Lovejoy, Jonathan Montgomery (Kimberly), Matthew Geise (Noelle). Also surviving are Grandchildren: Karen Ferch, Joe Geise (Amy), Tim Geise (Keri), Dan Geise (Natalie), Bryce Lovejoy (Lindy), Allyson Lovejoy and Rachelle Wolf (Justin). Also surviving are 10 Great Grandchildren.

Karl loved sports. He played baseball, football, ran track during high school and college, and was on a bowling league over 20+ years. He was a standout football player in high school. As an adult he was able to continue to play softball for Grace Lutheran and St. Paul Lutheran churches in the church leagues. He enjoyed camping, fishing, traveling, and serving at his church. Karl sang in church choir for many years, served as church President, Vice President, and Trustee. As an electrical contractor he was well known for electrical installation and design in custom homes. He worked for Weir Bros., Norm Chrisman, Don Souther, Richard

camper. If you don’t contribute your “fair share” or voice opposition you may find a city health inspector at your restaurant, a code enforcement official at your job site or a tax assessor re-appraising your home. Most city residents eventually learn to get along with the system and not make waves. Technically these practices represent some degree of corruption but for the most part they are accepted as way of life in the big city and raise few question concerning legality or ethics among the practitioners or the public.

The election of Chicago politician Barack Obama marked the last gasp of the “solid south’s” Democrats who had dominated party leadership since the Civil War. Ads the Democrat power base move from the “solid South” to northern cities, so did the political philosophy of the DNC. As the functional “brain” of the Party, the DNC saw “city politics” focus on achieving political power as an alternative to the complicated use of political principles to win votes. Political philosophy became secondary as gaining and maintaining political power became the sole driving force behind Democrat strategy. Federal elected officials have nowhere near the economic and political tools possessed by local politicians to dole out rewards and retribution. Feds

are mostly legislators, not administrators and even the President is limited in his ability to use the carrot and the stick. But Pres.Obama got the process started.

By using his constitutional administrative powers Pres. Obama began the “big city” practice of selecting political appointees by party loyalty, not competence. His appointees continued the process by hiring and promoting, based not on competence or civil service performance criteria, but strictly on party loyalty. Today the fifteen federal cabinet departments share a common political appointment philosophy with “the cities” and it’s a problem for the feds. At least the political loyalists appointed to positions within the cities were typically senior professionals who knew their jobs. The incompetence of Federal appointees based on political correctness, not competence, is beginning to show in civil service and military activities.

We will continue to be a badly divided society as long as the two political parties in America regard one another as having irreconcilable differences. As long as political success is solely a win/lose effort we will not be able to focus on or solve the real issues that face our nation and planet.

Godwin and others.

Karl passed away peacefully on December 20, 2021. He will be missed by all that loved him.

Celebration of Life will be held January 22, 2022, 11:00 a.m. at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church: 1087 W. Country Club Lane, Escondido, CA 92026. Reception to follow the service. In lieu of flowers the family request donations made in Karl’s name to Rady Children’s Hospital Foundation, Dept. of Hematology/Oncology Program at

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Chuckles Cont. from Page 10

and says, "Well, they're gone."

"The guys wearing hoodies?" asked God. "No. The Pearly Gates." •••• I think I finally figured out life.

We need to think and live more like dogs.

Dogs don't know we don't live forever. Humans, which I think includes you and me, know that we all will eventually die. Dogs don't know that.

So they live for today and love you with all their heart and hope you love them back. If that happens you have (a) one happy dog, and (b) one happy human. Thus is the answer to life. Simple, yes?

You're welcome.

•••• Wise Advice from a Farmer's Wife

Whenever you return a borrowed pie pan, make sure it's got a warm pie in it. Invite lots of folks to supper. You can always add more water to the soup. There's no such thing as woman's work on a farm. There's just work. Make home a happy place for the children. Everybody returns to their happy place. Always keep a small light on in the kitchen window at night. If your man gets his truck stuck in the field, don't go in after him. Throw him a rope and pull him out with the tractor. Keep the kerosene lamp away from the milk cow's leg. It's a whole lot easier to get breakfast from a chicken than a pig. Always pat the chickens when you take their eggs. It's easy to clean an empty house, but hard to live in one. All children spill milk. Learn to smile and wipe it up. Homemade's always better'n store bought. A tongue's like a knife. The sharper it is the deeper it cuts. A good neighbor always knows when to visit and when to leave. A city dog wants to run out the door, but a country dog stays on the porch 'cause he's not fenced-in. Always light birthday candles from the middle outward. Nothin' gets the frustrations out better'n splittn' wood. The longer dress hem, the more trusting the husband. Enjoy doing your children's laundry. Some day they'll be gone. You'll never catch a runnin' chicken but if you throw seed around the back door you'll have a skillet full by supper. Biscuits brown better with a little butter brushed on 'em. Check your shoelaces before runnin' to help somebody. Visit old people who can't get out. Some day you'll be one. The softer you talk, the closer folks'll listen. The colder the outhouse, the warmer

SERVICE DIRECTORY The Paper • Page 13 • January 13, 2022 The Paper Page 13 • • July 01, 2021


Q: I'm hoping you can help me with a situation I am having with my apartment management company. I'm a college senior. I recently moved out of student housing and into my own apartment at the Allure apartment complex, which is a property of Greystar Real Estate.

My rent was $1,886 plus utilities every month, and when I got a dog in March of 2020, the rent went up by $50 a month. I've always paid my rent on time through the resident portal and I have never had any problems with the other residents or apartment management. My parents and I agreed that we would sign a year lease last February so I would not be stressed about moving during finals and the holidays of 2021. I assumed I would get a new lease notification via email or in my resident portal account, as that is how all communication with Allure has occurred.

On July 13th, I received an email from Allure that I was going month to month starting on July 13th and would now be charged an extra $157 a month. The company agreed to prorate July. A couple of hours later I received another email saying that I had been month to month since February and so they were charging me $157 a month in back rent as well. After numerous emails and attempts to resolve this issue, Allure management has sent me a notice saying I have 15 days to pay the back rent plus late fees or they will start legal proceedings. I feel like they know that hiring a lawyer is expensive, so they just think I will pay it. If there is anything you can do to assist me, I would really appreciate it. I'd like to get $1,048 in back rent removed from my account. -- Kate Syverson, Orange, Calif. A: You should have signed a new lease, which would have kept your rent payments at $1,886 plus utilities. Instead, it looks like you assumed that your rate would not change if and when you moved to a month-to-month lease. It wasn't.

Allure waited until July to adjust your monthly rental rate, but it then appears to have also retroactively adjusted your rate. It should have offered to fix the problem instead of threatening to take you to court -although, as you suggested, the threat was likely a form letter generated when your rent is overdue.

The fix for this is easy, in retrospect. Make sure that you sign all the paperwork for your apartment lease well in advance. I understand that Allure typically communicated through its website portal, but it looks like this time it didn't.

I asked Allure to review your case. "This resident did not renew her lease, so she was put on a month-tomonth status as a result of that," a spokeswoman said. "The team is going to talk to the property owner and to her and see if we can work out a resolution."


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Allure reached out to you. The blame for this is definitely shared. You know you should have been more proactive about the rental contract. But Allure should have also contacted you sooner. And that business with retroactively charging rent and then threatening you -- not a shining example of good customer service. Allure offered to split the difference with you, which leaves you with $524 due.

Christopher Elliott is the chief advocacy officer for Elliott Advocacy. Email him at or get help with any consumer problem by contacting him at



Q: We had a vacation to Tahiti booked through Orbitz. My husband recently called Orbitz to see how much it would cost to change the vacation to Aruba. Orbitz rebooked our tickets without permission.

But they didn't completely switch the vacations. Now we have flights to Aruba, but our hotel remains in Tahiti. I have tried numerous times to get this corrected with absolutely no help. I've done this through phone calls, emails, Facebook Messenger and the Orbitz website chat. The Orbitz error has cost me several hundred dollars because of change fees and penalties. Our original flight was refundable with a $250 change fee per person. Can you help us? -- Jennifer Waters, Salem, Mass.

A: Orbitz should have never changed your original reservation. I don't know why it did. I think unless we went back to the call, we wouldn't know who said what.

That's one reason I always recommend that you use the website to make any changes to your reservation with an online agency. Orbitz, like most major online agencies,

Travel Troubleshooter Continued on Page 14


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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9028755 The name of the busines: M & J Marketing; Originates, located at 2772 Roosevelt St., Unit 350, Carlsbad, CA. 92008. Registrant Information: Joan Colvin 5230 Frost Ave. Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 This business is operated by an individual First day of business 3/2/2003 /s/ Joan Colvin Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/30/2021 1/06, 1/13, 1/20 & 1/27/2022

The Mighty Mojo Page The Paper • Page 14 • January 13, 2022

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Travel Troubleshooter Cont. from Page 13

keeps a record of every click and keystroke. Also, you would have received an immediate email verifying the change to your itinerary. Whatever happened here -- and after a full investigation, that's still not entirely clear -- a lot of things went wrong. According to your account, you were on the phone with an Orbitz representative discussing flight options. You wanted to change your ticket because you were concerned that you might not get to Tahiti because of COVID testing requirements. Then the call either got cut off, or the agent hung up -- you're not sure which. A web chat or an email could have provided a paper trail. But it looks like you tried to call Orbitz after the dropped call, so there was no paper trail. Any record of the conversations would be in call center recordings that Orbitz won't let you listen to. You don't know definitely what you said, or what the agent said.

In a perfect world, you would be able to record every phone call with Orbitz and have access to the transcript. But recording a phone conversation is a hassle, and call center employees are often instructed to hang up when you tell them you're recording the call. I guess only they can record. Your vacation was part of a package, which means that you booked all of the components together, so it's even more confusing to me that Orbitz could have changed your flight but not the hotel. Yep, this one's a head-scratcher.

You could have reached out to an executive at Orbitz to find out how to fix this. I list the names, numbers and email addresses of the <a href="

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service-contacts/">customer service managers at Orbitz (Expedia)</a> on my nonprofit consumer advocacy site,

It turns out Orbitz had already offered you a credit for the price difference between the Tahiti vacation package and the one in Aruba. I contacted Orbitz, and it reviewed your case. "A refund of $1,185 was processed back to the customer’s card due to the miscommunication that occurred," a spokeswoman told me. That resolution worked for you. Christopher Elliott's latest book is “How To Be The World’s Smartest Traveler” (National Geographic). Get help by contacting him at © 2022 Christopher Elliott.

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9027737 The name of the busines: All-Pro Septic Works, located at 4260 Los Vecinos, Fallbrook, CA. 92028 Registrant Information: Douglas Wireman 4260 Los Vecinos Fallbrook, CA. 92028 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/ Douglas Wireman Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/15/2021 1/06, 1/13, 1/20 & 1/27/2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9028474 The name of the busines: Blue Monarch Hospice, located at 7220 Trade Street, Suite 245, San Diego, CA. 92121 Registrant Information: Smiling Hearts Hospice LLC 350 W. Ninth Avenue, Suite 204 Escondido, CA. 92025 This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business 5/21/2020 /s/ Gerald De La Cruz, CEO Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/28/2021 1/06, 1/13, 1/20 & 1/27/2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9027909 The name of the busines: N & T Distributing, located at 10168 Marcella Ct., Santee, CA. 92071 Registrant Information: Nicole Piccolo 10168 Marcella Ct. Santee, CA. 92071 This business is operated by an individual First day of business 12/17/20 s Nicole Piccolo Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/17/2021 1/06, 1/13, 1/20 & 1/27/2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9026787 The name of the busines: The Brim Don, located at 1605 Grand Avenue, Unit 4, San Marcos, Ca. 92078 Registrant Information: Ingrid Phillips 1093 Vega Way San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is operated by an individual First day of business n/a /s/ Ingrid Phillips Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/03/2021 1/06, 1/13, 1/20 & 1/27/2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9028550 The name of the busines: South Coast Wine Company, South Coast Wines, South Coast Wine, located at 15844 Via Del Alba, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca. 92067. Registrant Information: John Kontopuls 15844 Via Del Alba Rancho Santa Fe, CA. 92067 This business is operated by an individual First day of business n/a /s/ John Kontopuls Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/29/2021 1/06, 1/13, 1/20 & 1/27/2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9028429 The name of the busines: The Cruz Landscaping, located at 260 N. Midway Dr. #A48, Escondido, CA. 92027 Registrant Information: Rosario Vasquez Cruz 260 N. Midway Dr. #A48 Escondido, CA. 92027 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business: 1/02/2021 /s/ Rosario Vasquez Cruz Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/28/2021 01/06, 01/13, 01/20 & 01/27/2022 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9026775 The name of the busines: Lauritas Bookkeeping, located at 950 Sycamore Ave. Ste 109, Vista, Ca. 92083. Registrant Information: Laura Haro 980 Brooktree Lane Apt 138 Vista, CA. 92081 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business: n/a. /s/ Laura Haro Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/03/2021 01/06, 01/13, 01/20 & 01/27/2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9028428 The name of the busines: The Car Shop, located at 2130 La Brea St., Ramona, Ca. 92065 Registrant Information: Fernando Quiroz 2130 La Brea St. Ramona, Ca. 92065 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business: 12/01/1999. /s/ Fernando Quiroz Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/28/2021 01/06, 01/13, 01/20 & 01/27/2022 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9027668 The name of the busines: Pure Pacific Pool Cleaning, locatEd at 3631 Village Cir. Apt A, Carlsbad, CA. 92008.. Registrant Information: Andrew Nutt 3631 Village Cir Apt A Carlsbad, CA. 92008 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business: 12/06/2021 /s/ Andrew Nutt Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/15/2021 12/30/2021, 01/06, 01/13, 01/20/2022 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9027886 The name of the busines: RSchroeder Events, located at 1379 Sky Ridge Court, San Marcos, Ca. 92078 Registrant Information: Riley Schroeder 1379 Sky Ridge Court San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business 10/14/2021 /s/ Riley Schroeder Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/17/2021 12/30/2021, 1/06, 1/13 & 1/20/2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9027691 The name of the busines: iTAN Sun Spray Spa, iTAN, located at 1605A South Melrose Drive, Vista CA. 92081 Registrant Information: Kharsa Holdings, Inc 1784 La Costa Meadows Drive, Suite 101 San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is operated by a corporation. First day of business 11/28/2016 /s/ Faraje Kharsa, CEO Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/15/2021 12/30/2021, 1/06, 1/13 & 1/20/2022 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9027682 The name of the busines: Jesse’s Electric, located at 1040 Arena Cir., Vista, CA. 92083. Registrant Information: Jesus Arambula Tellez 1040 Arena Cir. Vista, Ca. 92083 This business is operated by an indidivual. First day of business 10/05/2005 /s/ Jesus Arambula Tellez Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/15/2021 1/06, 1/13, 1/20 & 1/27/2022


The Paper Page15 15 • • January July 01,13, 2021 The Paper • Page 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9027894 The name of the busines: Body Contour by MJ, located at 809A West San Marcos Blvd., San Marcos, CA. 92078. Registrant Information: Body Contour by Mj LLC 809A W. San Marcos Blvd. San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business 10/01/2021 /s/ Mitzi Jocelyn Lopez-Duarte Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/17/2021

12/23, 12/30/2021, 01/06 and 01/13/2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9027753 The name of the busines: United Unlimited, located at 6039 Doveflower Way, San Diego, CA. 92115 Registrant Information: United Unlimited LLC 2358 University Avenue #2009 San Diego, CA. 92104 This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business n/a. /s/ Quierra Snell, Managing Member Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/15/2021

12/23, 12/30/2021, 01/06 and 01/13/2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9026539 The name of the busines: Yum Yum Donuts Franchise #517H, located at 1240 E. Mission Rd., San Marcos, Ca. 92069 Registrant Information: Ruben E. Rodriguez 462 Henson Heights Dr. #101 San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business 12/01/21 /s/ Ruben E. Rodriguez Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/01/2021

12/23, 12/30/2021 & 01/06 and 01/13/2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9027922 The name of the busines: Eclipse Motors, located at 756 Avenida Leon, San Marcos, Ca. 92069. Registrant Information: Tracey D. Williams 756 Avenida Leon San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business n/a /s/ Tracey D. Williams Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/17/2021

12/23, 12/30/2021 & 01/06 and 01/13/2022 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9027014 The name of the busines: Locked Adventures, located at 844 W. San Marcos Blvd., Ste 103, San Marcos, Ca. 92078 Registrant Information: Norkus Entertainment LLC 6816 Caminito Sueno Carlsbad, CA. 92009 This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business 10/28/2016 /s/James Norkus, CEO Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/08/2021

12/30/2021, 01/20/2022



FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9026844 The name of the busines: Art to Heart Collaborations, located at 780 Butterfield Lane, San Marcos, Ca. 92069. Registrant Information: Elaine Huffman 780 Butterfield Lane San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business 12/01/2019 /s/ Elaine Huffman Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/06/2021

12/23, 12/30/2021, 01/06 and 01/13/2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9027521 The name of the busines: Waypoint Property Management, Waypoint Mortgage Lending, Military Property Management and Military Realty, located at 309 Montecito Glen, Escondido, Ca. 92025. Registrant Information: AIS Enterprise Inc. 309 Montecito Glen Escondido, Ca. 92025 This business is operated by a corporation. First day of business n/a. /s/ Jacqueline Vance, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/13/2021

12/23, 12/30/2021, 01/13/2022






The name of the busines: JCIS

Roofing, Inc., located at 500 Rancheros Dr. #17 San Marcos, CA. 92069.

Registrant Information: JCIS Roofing, Inc.

500 Rancheros Dr., #17 San Marcos, Ca. 92069

This business is operated by a corporation.

First day of business n/a

/s/ Juan Cisneros, President

Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County

Clerk/Recorder of

San Diego on 12/14/2021

12/23, 12/30/2021 & 01/06 and 01/13/2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9026737 The name of the busines: Squeeze Grip LLC, located at 2377 Buena Creek Trail, Vista, Ca. 92084. Registrant Information: Squeeze Grip LLC 2377 Buena Creek Trail Vista, CA. 92084 This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business n/a /s/ George Martin, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/03/2021

12/23, 12/30/2021 & 01/06 and 01/13/2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9028578 The name of the busines: ILD-4 Global; ILD Research Center, located at 5005 Del Mar Mesa Rd., San Diego, Ca. 92130 Registrant Information: ILD Consulting, LLC 5005 Del Mar Mesa Rd. San Diego, CA. 92130 This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business 6/15/2006 Dean Vayser, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/29/2021

1/13, 1/20, 1/27 & 2/02/2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9028752 The name of the busines: Dew Manufacturing; Custom Cycle Engineering; Dew Machine Tool; ABCO Fasteners; Horstman Engineering, located at 1970 Peacock Blvd., Oceanside, CA. 92056. Registrant Information: Intuitive Racing, Inc. 1970 Peacock Blvd Oceanside, CA. 92056 This business is operated by a corporation.. First day of business 7/03/2019 /s/ Jean Linville, Secretary Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/30/2021

1/13, 1/20, 1/27 & 2/03/2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9028740 The name of the busines: Homefront Enterprises, located at 3384 Bridle Creek Lane, San Marcos, CA. 92069. Registrant Information: David Richard and Kathleen Hofer 3384 Bridle Creek Lane San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is operated by a Married Couple First day of business 9/01/2011. /s/ David R. Hofer Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/30/2021

1/13, 1/20, 1/27 & 2/03/2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9000404 The name of the busines: DNB Associates, David Strauss, located at 1175 La Moree Rd. #94, San Marcos, CA. 92078. Registrant Information: Fred Martin Simons 1175 La Moree Rd. #94 San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business1/6/2022. /s/ Fred Martin Simons Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/07/2021

1/13, 1/20, 1/27 & 2/03/2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9000052 The name of the busines: 6 Degrees Networking, located at 4368 Temecula St., #204, San Diego, CA. 92157. Registrant Information: Ozi and the Hypeman 4568 Temecula St., #204 San Diego, CA. 92157 This business is operated by Married Couple. First day of business1/1/2022. /s/ Eric Ozarowski, Manager Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/03/2022 1/13, 1/20, 1/27 & 2/03/2022

News for the Social Butterfly? Send your press releases to:

NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF MILAN MEDICH Case No. 37-2021-000521728-PRPW-CTL SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1100 Union Street San Diego, CA. 92101 Probate, cENTRAL To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both, of Milan Medich. A petition for probate has been filed by Doris Rodic in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union Street, San Diego, CA. 92101. Central Courthouse, - Probate Division. The Petition for Probate requests that Doris Rodic be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are availalbe for examination in the file kept by the court. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: 2/03/2022 Time: 1:30 p.m. Dept: 503 Address of court: Same as noted above. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in Section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner: Andrew V Marin (SBN 329806) 304 Kalmia St. San Diego, CA. 92101 (619-821-8202) email address: Attorney for petitioner: Doris Rodic 7033 W. Forest Home Ave., Greenfield, WI 53220 (708) 280-7537 DOP: 1/13, 1/20 & 1/27/2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9000584 The name of the busines: Extravagari; Tritium, located at 858 Maryland Drive, Vista, Ca. 92083 Registrant Information: David W. Castro 858 Maryland Driv Vista, Ca. 92083 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/ David W. Castro Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/10/2022 1/13, 1/20, 1/27 & 2/03/2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9000565 The name of the busines: RC Specialties, located at 114 Swallow Lane, Oceanside, CA. 92057. Registrant Information: Ronald E. Allen This business is operated by an individual. First day of business 5/20/2014 /s/ Ronald E. Allen Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/10/2022 1/13, 1/20, 1/27 & 2/03/2022

The Paper • Page 16 • January 13, 2022

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