The Paper 01-25-18

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January 25, 2018

Volume 48 - No. 4

By Friedrich Gomez

Whether one believes in UFOs or extra-terrestrial spacecraft is not relevant here. The question is, can such mysterious anomalies such as UFOs (unidentified flying objects) on our military defense radar screens be mistaken for incoming enemy ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles)? The The Paper Paper -- 760.747.7119 760.747.7119

email: email:

Officially, that question has long been answered by world governments: Yes, these UFOs have caused great international concern, confusion, and near-panic within the international strategic military defenses around the globe. Considering that such repercussions have already proved dangerous between nucleararmed nations on 24/7 alert against

any pre-emptive missile attack, this unexplained UFO situation demands serious contemplation. Because the risk of accidentally triggering a massive nuclear war and the total end of human existence on Earth is greatly at stake. UFOS ON RUSSIAN RADAR

ALMOST TRIGGERED MILITARY RESPONSE. In the past, there have been several internationally-tense moments of concern, such as in 1982, when the Russian military picked up a formation of UFOs heading straight in their direction! Russian paranoia had them view these fast-moving targets as possible incoming American ICBMs in a

Can UFO’s Cause Nuclear War? - See Page 2

The Paper • Page 2 • January 25, 2018

Can UFO’s Cause War? Cont. from Page 1

probable nuclear preemptive (first strike) attack against the country of Russia.

The Russian military machine has only precious seconds to determine if a ‘nuclear launch retaliation’ signal should be enacted! There is no time for a formal bureaucratic discussion with the Kremlin. It is a military axiom that the first strike by any nuclear-armed nation is the most advantageous one in any theoretical thermonuclear war. A preemptive nuclear attack has the greatest margin of victory, even though such a devastating exchange would be costly on both sides. With key ground-command-posts immediately destroyed as first-priority targets, these radar missile-launch sites must be trained to act autonomously to ensure survival, at best.

UFO VELOCITIES RESEMBLE ICBMs. When the Russian military radar shields were tracking these 1982 UFOs, the incoming UFO formation was moving at speeds and ‘directional movement’ exactly matching airborne missiles, which further heightened the Russian alertresponse military system. Then, suddenly, the UFOs broke formation and veered sharply off path and away from south-central Ukraine, the very area they were quickly descending on! (The sovereign state of Ukraine is bordered by Russia to the east and northeast and

Give Us This Day Our Daily Chuckle This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy!

These are great. We need Burma Shave signs again! A man, a miss, A car a curve. He kissed the miss, And missed the curve. Burma Shave

I'm sure that Burma Shave actually saved some lives. People laughed and then were more careful! It was a REAL "service" to America, even though it was an advertisement and it was one of the RARE "really useful" ones!

For those who never saw any of the Burma Shave signs, here is a quick lesson in our history of the 1930's and '40's. Before there were interstates, when everyone drove the old 2-lane roads, Burma Shave signs would be posted all over the countryside in farmers' fields. They were small red signs with white letters. Five signs, about 100 feet apart, each containing 1 line of a 4 line couplet and the obligatory 5th sign advertising Burma Shave, a popular shaving cream.

still maintains a Russian naval base there.)

RUSSIA VOICES DEEP CONCERNS OVER UFOs TRIGGERING NUCLEAR WAR. In a most extraordinary expression of concern, the Russians published an article titled, “UFOs and Security,” (translated here from the original Russian), which appeared in the official Soviet Military Review. Michael C. Luckman, from the Directory of the New York Center for UFO Research, called the Russian statement on UFOs and security, “An extraordinary admission that UFOs are real.”

For nuclear-equipped nations, there is no greater height of concern and urgency than to eliminate any accidental launch of nuclear weapons on a massive, global scale – a true life possibility that, in the past, were almost instigated by the mysterious presence of UFOs on our combat defense systems.

This was far from being the first UFO encounter which pushed us to the very brink of World War III. That the heads of Russia, China, and the United States have already come dangerously close to suspecting incoming UFO formations as a squadron of enemy ICBMs – all have been kept highly classified to deter widespread public alarm and panic in these three superpower nations.

U. S. PRESIDENT HAS ONLY MINUTES TO RESPOND TO UFOS. As if UFO confusion with the threat of a missile attack were not DON'T STICK YOUR ELBOW OUT SO FAR IT MAY GO HOME IN ANOTHER CAR. Burma Shave




enough to worry over, adding to the crushing dilemma is the critical time factor. The leaders of all 3 major nuclear governments have only precious minutes to decide how to respond. This, obviously, includes the leader of the Western World, the U. S. President.

Whether China or Russia is making a legitimate mistake regarding confusing UFOs with a U.S. missile attack, or if they are intentionally launching a first-strike against the United States, the U.S. President must always be prepared to make the gravest of decisions -- on very short notice. Missiles launched from Russia, for example, would give the president approximately 20 minutes (at most) to make a decision for a full retaliation with thermonuclear missiles. This small window of time would involve a quick consultation with the head of the U. S. Strategic Command. However, to make an already-horrific scenario worse, the president might have as little as 5 minutes to respond, if missiles were launched from Russian submarines in the western Atlantic.

America’s Star Wars EW (Early Warning) satellites would detect Russian ICBMs less than 3 minutes after they were launched and targeting America’s mainland. In addition to the 3-minute alert from our earlywarning satellite shield, America’s premier radar tracking network, NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command), would afford their own personnel only a crucial, additional 3 minutes to scramble and LED TO A WARMER HEMISPHERE. Burma Shave






Do these bring back any old memories? If not, you're merely a child. If they do - then you're old as dirt.

quickly analyze and re-check all radar sensors to make certain – if an actual nuclear missile attack is raining down on American soil! There is, simply, no room for error.

It is a harrowing decision, because the balance of human civilization as we know it, is at stake! Such a hasty decision to launch a full retaliatory missile attack runs the risk of killing, literally, hundreds of millions of innocent people -- by mistake! As one high-ranking Air Force officer commented on the U. S. launching nuclear-tipped missiles: “Once they’re gone, they’re gone!”

UFOs PUT STRESS ON RUSSIA, CHINA, AND U. S. MILITARY DEFENSE SYSTEMS. Bruce Blair, an ex-Minuteman launch officer has gone on record emphasizing the tremendous stress-level that such a real, or mistaken, Russian attack, places on our military infrastructure, such as our “Command and Control Systems.” That UFOs invade international air space and then often ‘buzz’ (or fly at close quarters) to our sensitive, high-security military installations, creates extra havoc and, sometimes, dangerous internationallytense moments of “launch or not-tolaunch” nuclear missile scenarios.

THE U. S. PRESIDENT’S SECRET BRIEF CASE. It was a crisis of another sort that gave birth to “The Nuclear Football.” The ‘football’ dates back to Dwight D. Eisenhower,

Can UFO’s Cause War? Cont. on Page 3

LIKE ME! I loved reading them.

This is too true to be funny .

The next time you hear a politician use the Word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about whether you want the 'politicians' spending YOUR tax money. A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, But one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of its releases. A billion seconds ago it was 1959.

A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.

A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.

A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it. As I get older

#1 - I talk to myself, because there are times I need expert advice. #2 - I consider "On Trend" to be the clothes that still fit. #3 - I don't need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off.

#4 - My people skills are just fine. It's my tolerance for idiots that needs work.

#5 - The biggest lie I tell myself is, "I don't need to write that down. I'll remember it."

Chuckles Cont. on Page 7


Social Butterfly

The Paper • Page 3 • January 25, 2018

760.745.2125. Highlight your business achievements and services to a group of professionals from various industries. The speaker will be Channa Kelly, LNHA, LMFT, Executive Director of Vista Del Lago, a 98bed Assisted Living Memory Care Community responsible for overseeing administrative affairs, financial, clinical staffing, personnel, and medical care. She is passionate about caring for seniors with dementia, and has served the senior adult population since 2006. She holds a Masters of Arts degree in Marriage and family therapy, specializing in geriatrics. She also has a nursing home administrator’s license, a Residential Care facility for the Elderly Administrator license as well as a teaching certificate – English as a foreign language.

Evelyn Madison The Social Butterfly Email Evelyn at: Meetings/Events Calendar

Openings on the Sunset Strummers Ukulele Group - Do you play the ukulele or would you like to learn? The Sunset Strummers Ukulele Group has openings. Beginning classes held at the Gloria McClellan Center, 1400 Vale Terrace Drive in Vista, on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30am. Intermediate and performing classes held Mondays and Thursdays at 10:00am. No charge for class/lessons. Call or email Eleanor at 760-630-1422 or for information prior to coming to class.

Escondido Chamber’s “Wake Up Escondido” is Tomorrow – Friday, January 26th, from 7:15am-9am, mix, mingle and network with Chamber members as you enjoy breakfast at this monthly event at J & M’s Family Restaurant, 1215 E. Valley Parkway, Escondido. Cost is $13/members; $20/future members/guests. RSVP/Register at the Chamber,

Can UFO’s Cause War? Cont. from Page 2

but its more current usage became evident in the aftermath of the “Cuban Missile Crisis,” when John F. Kennedy, and our military network, became increasingly concerned over a possible Soviet preemptive nuclear missile strike from Cuba, just 90 miles off our shores.

However, due to high-level secrecy of the time, the UFO phenomena also played a key role in the critical need to create the nuclear football. UFOs were viewed during the John F. Kennedy administration as an extreme danger of accidentally triggering an all-out nuclear war between the Soviet Union and the United States. In a recently declassified memorandum dated November 12, 1963 and stamped “TOP SECRET,” Kennedy sends a message to the Central Intelligence Agency under the subject: “Classification Review of All UFO Intelligence Files Affecting National Security.” President Kennedy’s memo raised grave concerns over UFO activity which could endanger world peace by being mistakenly identified as incoming nuclear ICBMs, for both the Soviet Union and the United States. Kennedy proposes a mutual program of recognition of UFOs between both countries and ends his memorandum with: “This will help mission directors in their defensive responsibilities.”

Sadly, before Kennedy’s UFO program could be initiated, he would be assassinated 10 days after submitting the above CIA memo.

RB Chorale Begins Rehearsals – Sing with the RB Chorale! They will begin rehearsals on January 30th to prepare for our Spring Scholarship Award show Broadway USA! Shows will be held on Saturday and Sunday, June 9th and 10th at the Poway Center for the Performing Arts. Pat Bean will again direct a spectacular show full of familiar songs both old and new. As always, Broadway and show tunes will be featured along with incredible performances by the scholarship finalists. The Chorale is open to anyone who loves to sing. We are especially seeking male voices, although everyone is welcome to join. No auditions are held, but attendance at weekly rehearsals is expected. So if you love to sing and have Tuesday evenings free, come join this all-volunteer group of over 120 voices who really know how to put on a show. Rehearsals are held every Tuesday starting January 30th from 79pm at Painted Rock Elementary School, 16711 Martincoit Road in Poway. Please arrive by 6:30pm so you can meet us, have your questions answered, and register. Note that in order to sing in the June shows, you must join the RB Chorale by the rehearsal on February 20th. For more info about joining the chorale, visit the website at or send an email to Grandmothers Club Meeting/Potluck Luncheon –will be at 12noon on Thursday,

The legacy of UFOs, nevertheless, played a necessary role (which was cloaked in secrecy at the time) in the creation of the U. S. President’s Atomic Football, which remains a mainstay, to this day. Wherever the president goes there is always an armed presidential military aide close by who carries, at all times, a black briefcase that contains a book of nuclear codes in the event of a preemptive nuclear strike against the United States while he is away from fixed command centers. This allimportant briefcase is referred to in a variety of vernacular such as, the “Nuclear Football” or “Atomic Football,” or “The Button,” and “The President’s Emergency Satchel.” It weighs approximately 45 pounds and has a small antenna protruding near the bag handle, according to Bill Gulley, the former director of the White House Military Office. The aide with the ‘football’ occasionally attaches it, physically, around his waist with a security cable. No chances are risked – the aide who is entrusted with the atomic football has undergone the nation’s highest and most rigorous background check, known as “Yankee White.” The nuclear football, itself, is a complicated mechanism containing retaliatory options and codes for the Emergency Alert System, with classified site locations for all our nuclearlaunch areas, including our nuclear subs, which have nuclear warheads. Aside from ground and air-launch capability, our nuclear-strike submarines, such as the Ohio-class variety, remain a most effective deterrent against any preemptive strike against us. The Ohio-class guided-missile nuclear submarine is referred to as

February 1st, at the Carefree Ranch Mobile Home Park, 211 N. Citrus Avenue, Escondido. Attendees are encouraged to bring a dish to share plus their own eating utensils. Attendees do not need to be grandmothers to join. Call Elda at 760.746.0215 or Kathy at 818.219.3040.

Center to Hold Hearing Screenings/Hearing Aid Cleanings – The Gloria McClellan Center will hold free hearing aid screenings and hearing aid cleanings with Dr. Michael Ambrose on Thursday, February 1st, 9:30–11:30am. An appointment is required and can be made by calling 760-643-5288. Space is limited. The Center is located at 1400 Vale Terrace Drive in Vista. Carlsbad Chamber Complimentary Seminar & Lunch – “Take your golf tournament to the next level” – learn the secrets to planning a successful fundraising tournament, with speaker Phil Immordino, President of the Golf Tournament Association of America, on Thursday, February 1st, from 8am-1pm (breakfast and lunch included), at The Crossings at Carlsbad. Contact the Chamber for more information/reservations. Save the Date for the 2018 Annual Red, White & Business Awards Dinner to be held on Friday, March 16, 6pm, at the Park Hyatt Aviara Resort, 7100 Aviara Resort Drive, Carlsbad, 92011. For more information, contact the Chamber at 5934 Priestly Drive, Carlsbad, 92008.

Center to Hold Super Bowl Pre-Game Luncheon Party - The Gloria McClellan Center will hold a “Super Bowl Pre-Game Luncheon” at noon February 2nd at 1400 Vale Terrace Drive in Vista. There will be a showing of sports clips and playing games at 11:00am. Lunch is oven fried chicken, potato salad, baked beans, a roll, and an apple. Alternate menu is lentil soup, fruit with cottage cheese on romaine, and an apple. Wear your favorite football jersey! Suggested donation is $4 for those 60 and older, and an $8 charge for those younger than 60. Reserve by 2:00pm one day prior at (760) 643-5288.

“The Ultimate Beast,” and for good reason. One sub is capable of taking out entire countries, by itself! To expound, one Ohio-class nuclear sub, for example, has the launch-power of 5,000 Hiroshima bombs! That is enough to not only turn entire countries into ash, but enough overkill to make the rubble bounce, multiple times! That the U.S. has 18 sister ships, all Ohio-class nuclear submarines with this capability -- and all are virtually undetectable, even when ‘running silent,’ at a high tactical speed -- renders any first-strike intention as suicidal for any aggressor!

All of this, as well as airborne command posts (SAC) are at the president’s disposal, which illustrates the unlimited power that any U.S. President possesses at the crossroads of decision-making which could invoke World War III.

Nonetheless, it is a horrific scenario to be avoided at all costs. A scenario that UFOs have come close to triggering.

UFOs ARE SECRETLY A REQUIRED STUDY BY MAJOR NATIONS. That UFOs have already caused great international concern has made their study a requirement for all nuclear-armed nations. America, China, England, France, Israel, and Russia have, for years, secretly conducted research programs regarding UFOs and their possible threat to our security, as well as causing confusion and anxiety amongst co-existing countries on planet Earth.

Country Friends 1st Annual “Giving Hearts” Dinner/Dance – On Friday, February 2nd, from 6-10pm, the Country Friends will hold their 1st Annual “Giving Hearts” Dinner/Dance, at the Fairbanks Ranch Country Club, 15150 San Dieguito Road, Rancho Santa Fe, 92067. At 6pm will be a Champagne Reception, Meet & Greet on the Red Carpet with Eileen Finney as Joan Rivers. A three-course dinner with fine wines will be at 7pm; and at 8pm the presentation of 2018 Chosen Charities. At 9pm there will be dancing on the Sunset Terrace. The event will be emceed by Andrea Naversen. Cocktail attire. Tickets $250; all proceeds from the Giving Hearts event will benefit the Country Friends Legacy Campaign. The Country Friends is a 501(c)3 Non Profit Corporation. For reservations and information, contact Donna Ahlstrom, Events Manager, The Country Friends, 858.756.1192, ext. 4. North County Aviculturists Meeting - will be held on Saturday, February 3rd at 7pm, at the Vista Masonic Lodge, 761 Eucalyptus, Vista 92084. The North County Aviculturists, for pet bird owners and breeders, will present David Benites, canary expert and official show judge. He will be displaying his beautiful birds and explaining how the various color mutations happen. Find more information at www.ncabirdclub.comDavid Benites, canary expert and official show judge. He will be displaying his beautiful birds and explaining how the various color mutations happen. Find more information at

Palomar Health Cooking Classes for February are Canceled – With regret, due to the nature of this flu season, we have decided to wait another month before launching our cooking series. The diabetes cooking class is scheduled for March 6 in Poway, and March 8 in Escondido, and the gastrointestinal health class will be April 3 in Poway, and April 5 in Escondido. To register, visit or call 800628-2880.

Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 9

One official Russian UFO research program ran from 1978 to 1990. Some Russian UFO studies date much older than that; some are still in existence under classified status.

The motivation behind all major countries plunging into secret UFO research programs are all based on inter-country suspicions, military paranoia, and hostile mindsets. As one Pentagon official stated: “Much of the motivation for this interest (of UFOs) was the worry that the strange things being reported in the sky might be Soviet – or today, Russian or Chinese – aircraft.” However, in the possibility that UFOs might be more than just unidentified flying objects, but, conceivably inter-planetary spacecraft from another world, then the Russian UFO guidelines clearly state (translated from Russian): “In the case of verifying actual paranormal (or space alien intelligence), any acquired extraterrestrial technology is to be applied for military use.”

SAN DIEGO’S 2004 UFO ENCOUNTER RAISES CONCERN. Just last month, on December 20, 2017, famed American astrophysicist, Neil de Grasse Tyson, appeared on a CNN interview (which can be viewed today on YouTube) and voiced concern over the celebrated 2004 UFO encounter over San Diego, California that was recently declassified, stating: “It’s a flying object and we don’t know what it is. I would hope somebody’s checking it out. I

Can UFO’s Cause War? Cont. on Page 5

Local News

The Paper • Page 4 • January 25, 2018 Serious Injury Hit & Run Accident in Escondido

On January 11, 2018 at about 8:44 AM, a delivery driver was struck while walking in the parking lot of the CVS Pharmacy at 1560 W. Valley Pkwy in Escondido. The victim was transported to a local hospital for treatment of serious injuries sustained in the collision. The victim is in stable condition at this time.

4407, or email

To report any suspicious activities in your neighborhood, you may contact the Police Department directly, or you may make an unidentified call on our Anonymous Tip Line at 760743-TIPS (8477) or via our Web site at Sheriff ’s Department Reports Stabbing in Vista

A 19-year-old man was seriously injured in a stabbing in Vista early Saturday, sheriff ’s officials said.

The driver of the suspect vehicle fled the scene and has not been located. The vehicle may have been taken to a place of repair or parked in a residential neighborhood. The suspect vehicle is believed to be a blue early 2000’s possible 2005 two-door Ford Focus hatchback or similar. The top photograph is the suspect vehicle at the time of the collision which shows damage to the windshield and hood.

The Escondido Police Department is asking the public’s assistance in locating the driver of this vehicle. If you have any information or were a witness to the collision please contact Escondido Police accident investigator Officer Mike Nelson at 760-839-

Man About Town

Growing Up . . .

I grew up in a place called Omaha, Nebraska. The city was named after a local Indian, Barney Omaha, in recognition of his many contributions to modern day society which included his building of, and dedication to the city, of both Fontanelle Hotel and Fontenelle Park, named after a distant cousin who had earned many merit badges for scalping.

But that was long before my time. I lived in Omaha long after the tents and wikiups and hogans of the Indian were gone. We lived in a very hoity toity part of Omaha called Benson, a northwestern suburb. Benson also had a high school which some very creative person had named Benson High School. Being in the hoity toity part of Omaha it attracted a great many rich kids.

My family and I were not rich, but middle class. My valet, for example,

The assault was reported about 1:20 a.m. on North Santa Fe Avenue near a gas station at Indian Rock Road. The victim was found with several stab wounds. He was taken to a hospital in critical condition, authorities said. No suspect released.



Carlsbad Moves Forward With Lifeguard Program

Lifeguards will return to Carlsbad’s northern beach next summer under an expanded interim in-house program, while the city looks for bids from other agencies that might take over the fledgling marine safety service. The city launched its first pilot beach lifeguard program last year on

was not particularly well trained, not even knowing how to mix a decent martini (sniff). I only had one valet, most Benson High School students had at least two. Unlike many other of my fellow students, I did not have an entourage. Couldn't afford it, being of modest means.

I recall many a morning when my baby blue T-Bird would face the daunting challenge of climbing the steep hill on Maple Street from about 69th to 63rd, before finally reaching that lovely level stretch of land through downtown Benson. I have to compliment my chauffeur, Nicky, for the always comfortable, sometimes very scenic drives. I always enjoyed viewing the colorful Benson Baptist Church (where I was later to marry a Countess from Scotland, the lovely Mary (sorry, don't quite recall her last name. I'm bad on names). I also recall the excitement as I passed Kremer Funeral Home, the Benson Post Office, Steve's Grill, Feierman Jewelers, and the Benson Theater (where we used to always scrape together $0.09 cents for every Saturday morning and see both cartoons as well as exciting adventure movies, including my favorite hero, Lash Larue). Those were wonderful times.

Arriving at Benson High School, I was met every morning by a smiling John "Pinky" Aronson, the Vice Principal, who would open the door to my T-Bird, shake my hand, wave at Nicky, and welcome me to the school. I remember one day I suggested to my fellow classmates that we all honor "Pinky" Aronson by dressing in completely pink clothing. I wore pink trousers, pink socks, a pink shirt, white belt and white shoes. I was a sight to behold. The entire school turned out in pink that day.

nearly a mile of previously unprotected shoreline after large numbers of rescues and near-drownings in 2016 raised concerns. Some Carlsbad City Council members said at a meeting Tuesday that they would prefer for the city to jump right in and start its own permanent lifeguard program, but they agreed to consider offers from other agencies that might be able to do it better or at a lower cost. The council voted unanimously for the interim program that would allow the city to explore all its options.

Almost six of the city’s seven miles of beach are owned by the California Parks and Recreation Department, and those beaches are watched by state lifeguards.

Letters to the Editor Loved the story!

To Editor of The Paper.

However, the northern mile nearest the Oceanside border is considered private property.

As a Missouri transplant (the "Show Me State" and home to Harry S. Truman), I've now been a San Diego North County resident for some 10 years now.

The state parks department, the city of Encinitas, and the Orange County lifeguard department have all indicated they would be interested in providing lifeguard services to Carlsbad.

One 87-year-old woman looks forward to The Paper every Thursday,

Until last summer, the northern beach had never had lifeguards, though guards from the nearby state beach will respond in an emergency.

Mr. Aronson, I'm sure, was amused.

As we walked together up the sidewalk leading to the building I was often approached by other students who did not have transportation and had to walk to school. They would compliment me on my T-Bird and mention how it would be nice if, maybe sometime, I could give them a ride, seeing as how I was going in the same direction. I always made it a point to shake their hand or give them a friendly wave, show a warm smile and say, "what a perfectly grand idea. Do let me give it some thought and get back to you!" (I have always found it to be a good idea to treat those of a different social class kindly. Even though a majority of us were middle class, some of these forsaken kids didn't have so much as a valet to their name. I tried to brighten their lives by being kind to them and favoring them with, at the very least, my wonderfully contented smile).

I soon joined the rest of those from my social class and we would tell marvelously funny stories, describe our valet's hilarious shortcomings and/or great accomplishments. Being of modest means, my valet, Nicky, had to double as my chauffeur. Several times I thought of giving Nicky notice but she was such a strikingly lovely creature that I found it hard to part with her. Besides, she was often of great comfort to me in times of sorrow, like when our cook would forget both Brie and a sufficient amount of caviar in my box lunch she had prepared for me daily. Nicky (short for Nicole) would put her arms around me and murmur soft things in my ear. I always felt so much better; sometimes, to the point of skipping school for several hours to be with Nicky, the more to enjoy her comforting.

I not only take The Paper to disabled people and people in hospitals, but, I often read it to them. Stories that make us fall in love again with life and our imaginations are forever young again.

Letters to the Editor Cont. on Page 8

In late morning I would always head for gym class, presided over by Art Harris, our football coach. Mr. Harris was a strapping 3' tall but he was a human dynamo, often running around in circles, clapping his hands and yelling, "Let's go! Let's go!" to no one in particular. I was very fond of Mr. Harris, however. I suppose it might have been because I went to him one day, very sad, and told him my favorite pet rabbit, which I had called "Bunny" had passed away. I suggested to Mr. Harris that we might memorialize Bunny by naming the school, and in particular, its football team, the Benson High School Bunnies. Mr. Harris slapped his thighs, and exclaimed, "that's a wonderful idea! It shall be done!" And so, to this day, members who attended, and who still attend, my alma mater, are known as The Benson High School Bunnies.

All good things, however, must come to an end. After four years of absolute bliss, my high school days came to an end. I graduated (flipped my tassle, as we say) and went on to a brilliantly successful career in business and also became a highly successful and adored international spy. That, too, is all behind me now. Nicky is still with me. She stays in the spare bedroom here at the Madison Mansion, still chauffeurs me about town, still mixes me my martinis, still performs as a valet, and is always there to offer me comforting words, thoughts and deeds whenever mean ol' Evelyn says or does something to wound my sensitive ego.

Man About Town Cont. on Page 9

The Paper • Page 5 • January 25, 2018

Can UFO’s Cause War? Cont. from Page 3

would hope there is a program of our defense department to make sure they (UFOs) do not pose a threat.”

Neil de Grasse Tyson’s viewpoint pertained to a Pentagon’s UFO file (video) which was just released a few weeks ago by the U. S. Defense Department, in December of 2017. U. S. Navy pilot, Commander David Fravor, a veteran flier for 18 years, along with another pilot, Lt. Comdr. Jim Slaight, were sent to encounter a UFO off the coast of San Diego in November, 2004. An Operations officer onboard the San Diego-based, USS Princeton, a deadly Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser, hailed Fravor on his F/A-18 Super Hornet radio asking: “Are you carrying any weapons?” Both pilots answered in the negative – they were not carrying any weapons for possible hostile engagement. Fravor’s radio reply was: “Only two CATM9s.” (The CATM-9s that Fravor referred to are only dummy missiles which cannot be fired since the two pilots were only on a training exercise.) The question from the guidedmissile cruiser was followed by a directive for both pilots to approach the UFO. The cruiser’s orders were in Navy vernacular: “Well, we’ve got a real-world vector for you,” after which both pilots were instructed to make their approach to a “merge plot” -- the vicinity of the UFO. The USS Princeton had been secretly tracking various UFO activities off the San Diego coastline for two weeks. The San Diego warship is

In less than 2 seconds, it was gone! You’re talking 50 miles of clear visibility and this thing just disappeared in seconds!”

ferociously armed and battle-tested with formidable naval guns, anti-air, anti-surface, and anti-submarine missiles along with surface-to-surface launch capability and a phalanx of other unknown, classified firepower. As such, the Princeton was concerned over any possible hostile aircraft activity, including the UFO, over its home-port of San Diego, which she is diligently trained to protect at all costs.

When both pilots returned to the aircraft carrier, USS Nimitz, he replied to his fellow pilots: “I have no idea what I saw. It had no plumes, wings or rotors and outran our F-18s.” That was back in 2004.

Since the declassified documents and UFO video were released by the U. S. Pentagon just last month, U. S. Navy Commander, David Fravor, has been more open on his mysterious UFO encounter off San Diego’s coastline. When Fravor was recently asked on network TV how fast he calculated the UFO’s airborne speed to have been, the veteran military flier answered: “Well, way beyond supersonic! Like a bullet out of a gun!” Under further questions from his TV interview Favor clarified: “No human physiology could’ve survived the ‘G-force’ of that speed.”

According to the Princeton’s secret surveillance, the UFOs popped onto their radar scans at 80,000 feet, then suddenly dive-bombed towards San Diego’s ocean waters, finally stopping and hovering above the water at approximately 20,000 feet. At all times, the UFOs were “locked-on” by the Princeton’s radar, a previous step to unleashing any lethal firepower.

By the time both Navy pilots merged close to the UFO, it was now hovering just 50-feet above the water, as if studying something below the ocean’s surface. With the ocean waters churning beneath the UFO object, Fravor got a clear view: “Getting a great, clear look at it, now. It’s about 40’ long.” Then Fravor’s voice crackled over the radio transmission: “Look at that thing! It’s rotating!”

Looking back on it, 13 years after the incident, Commander David Fravor is now more certain of what he saw that sunny San Diego day: “Something not from the Earth,” he said with conviction.

Though famed astrophysicist, Neil de Grasse Tyson, does not yet subscribe to inter-planetary visitors, his admonition bears repeating here: “It’s a flying object and we don’t know what it is. I would hope somebody’s checking it out. I would hope there is a program of our defense department to make sure they do not pose a

The UFO propulsion confused both pilots. As Fravor stated, it just didn’t seem possible, at least by any known earthly standards, for such an airborne craft to maneuver and hover the way it did. Fravor explained: “It’s not possible with technology today. It has no exhaust, vapor trail, or (discernable) internal propulsion.

H althiest Year Ever! Make 2018 Your He

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1. If UFOs are unexplained natural phenomena, we must develop a better science to distinguish UFOs from the threat of incoming ICBMs. This is of the highest priority since it involves preserving world peace.

2. If UFOs prove to be of otherworldly origin and of intelligent design, then any such mechanics and knowledge would be applied for military use. As self-serving as this may sound, military strategist state the paramount importance for any nation to gain a superior military advantage whenever the opportunity presents itself. In today’s world, UFOs have emerged as a real, major, contemporary concern, causing added tension and suspicion between today’s already-hostile-and-suspicious nations.

Especially when UFOs are picked up on radar over “sensitive installations and nuclear bases.” Declassified documents show that UFOs have caused havoc and alarm for U.S.– Canada radar (NORAD) which is our early-warning radar screen that protects us from unprovoked airborne attack. Squadrons of UFOs have shown up as radar blips, and tracked at missile-speeds (exceeding) 18,000

Can UFO’s Cause War? Cont. on Page 6

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Whether UFOs are unexplained natural phenomena, or extraterrestrial in origin, nuclear nations, today, have two primary points of interest:

st (Wed.) January 31 - 6:30 pm

!!!!!Iff you have any other questions n or location, or aboutt scheduling , e anything els just call BJ or Val, my assistants. They will be more h ppy to talk with you about h n ha tha the FREE WORKSHOP. You can help yourself and others learn how to be healthy, and it’s E. entirely FREE

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Inspirational Health Talk with New Paradigms on: 1. Lower back pain, hips, knees, feet pain, leg cramps, restless leg syndrome 2. Auto accidents/injuries, neck pain, shoulders/rotator cuff pain 3. Peripheral neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy, numbness, tingling, burning, painful feet, chronic neck & back pain, stroke cases 4. Dizziness/vertigo, loss of balance, loss of equilibrium, frequent urination 5. Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, IBS, early-stage alzheimer’s 6. Insomnia, migraine headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome 7. Disc herniation, sciatica, arthritis, spinal stenosis, spinal disc decompression, scoliosis 8 Faiiled back or neck surgery, 8. acid reflux, hiatal hernia 9. High blood pressure, diabetes, prostate, erectile dysfunction 10. Sleep apnea, snoring 11. Bladder incontinence, thyroid disorders, weight gain 12. Weight Loss, 15~30 lbs. in 1 mo. !

The Paper • Page 6 • January 25, 2018

Can UFO’s Cause War? Cont. from Page 5

mph. Our military defense network does not take kindly to such UFO intrusions over sensitive airspace! Especially if such incoming objects resemble ICBMs!

THE LAST RESORT. In a worstcase scenario, if global nuclear war is triggered by UFO confusion over our radar tracking from land, sea, and satellite, the president must be kept informed at all times, depending on the level of airborne alert. On more dire occasions, the president would be taken aside by the ‘carrier’ of the ‘nuclear football’ (described earlier in this article) and the briefcase opened. The president would then quickly review/evaluate the ‘attack option,’ which could range from a single surface-to-air anti-missile launch or multiple ICBM retaliatory launches -again, depending on the perceived incoming attack scenario. The U.S. has a ‘two-man rule’ in place, and while only the president can order the release of nuclear weapons, his order must be confirmed by the Secretary of Defense, or the hierarchy of succession, if the Secretary of Defense is killed. Before the order can be processed by the military, the president must be positively identified using a special code issued on a plastic card, nicknamed the “biscuit.” During their presidencies, both Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan preferred to carry the code card, or biscuit, in their pockets. Only briefly, in the past, were presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and more recently, Bill Clinton, separated from the ‘football,’ but such scenarios have since been rectified by newly-placed measures and safeguards. It should be noted that on more dire occasions, the ‘football’ has been ‘accessed’ due to UFO manifestations on NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command). NORAD conducts aerospace warning, aerospace control, and maritime warning in the defense of North America, guarding against any real, or suspected, airborne attack. UFOs have caused great concern to defense networks from the world’s superpower nations. In short, UFO sightings are a growing concern from the standpoint of national security.

For matters of clarification, initially, the term UFO was defined in its acronym as any ‘unidentified flying object,’ a definition which could apply to any airborne object that cannot be positively identified or explained. However, down through the years “UFO” has become collectively acceptable as “colloquially synonymous” with extraterrestrial (ET) spacecraft.

In one respect, the public-demand to have the U.S. Government divulge all revelations regarding any possible UFO technology or related research in Area 51, is an unrealistic request, in the name of national security. However, on the other hand, some measure of truth is, rationally, insisted upon, especially when dealing with public safety. For example, another near-air-collision occurred over the U.K. which, allegedly, involved a UFO. The encounter involved an A320 Airbus over British airspace en

route to Glasgow (Scotland) Airport, with a full load of passengers onboard. The near-collision occurred at an altitude of 4,000 feet when an object passed about 300 feet underneath it. The incident, which involved 150 passengers onboard, was officially recorded on the cockpit transcript: Airbus: “Glasgow approach.” Tower: “Pass your message.” Airbus: “Er, yeah . . . we just had something pass underneath us quite close and nothing on TCAS, have you got anything going on in your area?” Tower: “Uh, negative . . . we’ve got nothing on radar and we’re not talking to any traffic either.” Airbus: “Er . . . not quite sure what it was but it definitely, uh, was quite large and it’s blue and yellow.” Tower: “Ok, that’s understood, er do you have an estimate for the object’s altitude?” Airbus: “Maybe er, yeah we were probably about um, four hundred to five hundred feet above it, so its altitude was probably about threeand-a-half thousand feet.”

This close-encounter could have proved deadly for all onboard! The airbus took quick, evasive action with whatever they physically encountered in their airspace. The abrupt and sudden maneuver by the Airbus proved a most serious and frightening experience, especially its passengers! Search action was taken with no results and the A320 pilot stated his intention to file a report to Airprox, which investigates near-air-collisions, including UFOs. Interestingly, many passengers saw the object speed off, even though air traffic control reported no trace or presence of any large objects in the area at the time of the incident, which was classified as a “Close Encounter, Category One.” However, an interesting clue surfaced later during the ongoing investigation. Radar operators at Prestwick, about 30 miles southwest of Glasgow had picked up a UFO about 1.3 nautical miles east of the Airbus A320’s position, only 28 seconds earlier. Could it be that such aircraft, if extraterrestrial in origin, can use a radar stealthcloaking technology, as we currently employ in our stealth aircraft today, which are created from our own Area 51 located in the Nevada desert?

The right for the public to know something of these phenomena is, in such cases as cited above, certainly justified. In 2012, the head of the National Air Traffic Control Services disclosed that they detected, on average, one UFO every month. As such, Dr. David Clarke, a Sheffield Hallam academician, who is the UFO consultant for the National Archives, said, “The aviation authorities obviously think this is something they should continue to look into and if you are a regular air traveler, you are likely to agree.” Again, in this regard, air travelers certainly have the right to know more about UFOs since they can directly affect their public safety.

THE LEGACY OF UFOs. Sightings of UFOs that are thought to be of extraterrestrial origins have been reported by extremely reliable sources, such as by astronauts, U.S. Presidents, or foreign leaders. It is


The Lilac fire burned 4,100 acres and destroyed 157 structures in the Bonsall and Fallbrook areas. Among these were 75 homes located in Rancho Monserate, a close-knit community that saw almost one-third of its homes destroyed.

As a result of the Lilac, Thomas and other recent fires, new legislation is being introduced in Sacramento to assist the rebuilding process. For my part, I have introduced legislation to assist homeowners in Rancho Monserate and similar common interest developments throughout the state when they seek to obtain loans for rebuilding. Additional bills under consideration would allow insured homeowners to combine coverage for unused structures to help cover costs of rebuilding an underinsured primary structure. Other bills would clarify the scope of coverage for additional living expenses (ALE), and extend the time to rebuild and collect full replacement costs from 24 to 36 months after a declared disaster. Legislation has also been proposed to require insurers to provide “Replacement Cost

Estimates” for new residential insurance policies and at each annual renewal, clarify the rights of insured homeowners regarding replacement costs, expand coverage for debris removal, and provide greater transparency for policy holders. These bills have just been introduced, and final bill language, committee assignments and hearing dates are still being developed.

In addition to state efforts, more federal help is also on the way. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has announced that residents impacted by the Lilac Fire may apply for disaster assistance. FEMA grants can include funds for home repair, rent and uninsured property loss. You can register online at or by calling 1-800-621-3362. Minority Floor Leader Marie Waldron, R-Escondido, represents the 75th Assembly District in the California Legislature, which includes the communities of Bonsall, Escondido, Fallbrook, Hidden Meadows, Pala, Palomar Mountain, Pauma Valley, Rainbow, San Marcos, Temecula, Valley Center and Vista.

a well-known fact that the term ‘foo fighter’ was in broad use by our Allied pilots during World War II. These strange UFOs were variously described in the skies in both the European and Pacific Theaters of Operations. ‘Foo fighter’ was the designated terminology by the U.S. 415th Night Fighter Squadron, as well as other segments of operation, to describe aerial phenomena from that period. Foo fighters began to be formerly reported by our Allied airplane pilots from about November 1944 onward. Interestingly, Allied and Axis forces suspected these Foo fighters to be secret weapons from the enemy. Conversely, the German and Japanese pilots thought these extraordinary Foo fighters to be of American or British origin. These aerial anomalies were never fully explained by our military intelligence and have, for the most part, been kept highly classified, to this day.

article reported “Foo fighters” that looked like “balls of fire” and followed USAAF night fighters for over a month! Scientists tried to explain them away as “illusions, probably caused by afterimages of dazzle from flak bursts.” Such rationalizations were not accepted by the general public, and especially not by experienced fighter pilots who were tooexperienced in dealing with such flimsy explanations.

On January 15, 1945, Time Magazine ran a “Foo Fighter” story which dazzled its readership. The

Can UFO’s Cause War? Cont. on Page 7

Foo fighters were first encountered by Allied Forces flying over Germany in 1944, whereby fighter pilots reported them as, “fast-moving round objects,” that appeared to be following and ‘toying’ with their aircraft. These same airmen, consistently, reported that these UFOs flew in formation and behaved, “As if under intelligent control, but they never displayed hostile behavior. However, they could not be outmaneuvered or shot down.” (Associated Press correspondent, Bob Wilson, December, 1944.)

The alleged retrieval of alien technology from the so-called flying saucer crash site near Roswell, New Mexico, is a very muddled and conflicting story. Nevertheless, the late Lt. Colonel Phillip J. Corso, U.S. Army, and President Eisenhower’s science advisor, and member of the National Security Council (in the 1950s), and who was assigned to Research and Development at the Pentagon, confirms in his memoirs that there was a UFO crash, near Roswell, New Mexico; that he was involved in “reverse engineering” whereby alien technology was “decoded” for U.S. industry, at large. According to Corso, “Artifacts harvested from the spacecraft led to today’s integrated circuit chips, fiber optics, lasers, and stealth technology.” (“The Day After Roswell,” Pocket Books, 1997, with William J. Birner.) Many other high-ranking people have broken their silence on the erstwhile taboo subject of UFOs and extraterrestrial life forms and spacecraft. In 1971, Apollo 14 Astronaut, Capt. Edgar D. Mitchell

The Paper • Page 7 • January 25, 2018

Can UFO’s Cause War? Cont. from Page 6

said, “We all know that UFOs are real. All we need to ask is where do they come from?” In a letter to the United Nations, in 1978, Mercury 7 Astronaut, Col. Gordon Cooper wrote: “I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets and are obviously more advanced than we are . . .” In a memorandum written on July 10, 1947, and released under the Freedom of Information Act, FBI director, J. Edgar Hoover, expressed a complaint that the U.S. Army denied the FBI access to crashed UFOs. In part, he states: “We must insist upon full access to disks recovered. In the case of the Army, they grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination.” Former USSR leader, Mikhail Gorbachev was quoted as saying, “The phenomenon of UFOs does exist, and it must be treated seriously.” (Soviet Youth Magazine, May 4, 1990.) President Richard Nixon was more blunt, “I’m not at liberty to discuss the government’s knowledge of extraterrestrial UFOs at this time. I am still, personally, being briefed on the subject.” It has been postulated, that if the United States government does, indeed, have physical information of UFO vehicles and their occupants, this information would exist at the very highest possible level of security, even more so than our nuclear or atomic weaponry. On November 20, 2003, between 9:00 and 9:20 a.m., radar from the FAA and NORAD detected unknown radar targets referred to as UFOs within restricted airspace above the White House and President George W. Bush and First Family were ordered to evacuate to an underground bunker below the White House. NORAD scrambled two U. S. fighter aircraft to engage but the UFOs had “shot-off.” Fox News, Reuters, and CNN covered the story.

And so it remains, a most delicate and terrible threat which UFOs present to our very existence, all muddled and mysteriously cloaked beneath the veil of secrecy. Nonetheless, several prominent leaders such as Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter have gone on record as having experienced UFOs. However, others have remained tight-lipped. When George W. Bush was asked on an episode of TV’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live” show if he had ever seen a UFO, Bush’s reply was short and curt: “I’m not telling you anything!”

PROBLEMS OF A DIFFERENT SORT. In the final analysis, if UFOs are just that, unexplained but natural phenomena, then we must quickly find a resolution to distinguish them from enemy blips on our radar. If, on the other hand, UFOs prove to be space craft from another planet, then perhaps we should pay heed to scientist Stephen Hawking who warns us all: “Intelligent space aliens could destroy humanity.” The famous British scientist expresses his fears that such a race of super-advanced space aliens might just wipe out the human race in the same manner a human might think nothing of wiping out a colony of ants. Hawking cites human history as a lesson: “If you look at history, contact between

humans and less intelligent organisms have often been disastrous from their point of view. Encounters between civilizations with advanced versus primitive technologies have gone badly for the less advanced. A civilization reading one of our messages (sent out into space) could be billions of years ahead of us. If so, they will be vastly more powerful, and may not see us as any more valuable than we see bacteria.” On that cheery note, I’ll simply let our readership decide for themselves. But, as one BBC interviewer said of Stephen Hawking’s scary remarks: “Now that’s a bedtime story for the kids!”

Historically Speaking by Tom Morrow

First contract for Whitney as a firearms manufacturer for the U.S. government was in 1798. Whitney has often been incorrectly credited with inventing the idea of interchangeable parts, however, the idea predated Whitney, and his role in it was one of promotion and popularizing, not invention. Successful implementation of the idea eluded Whitney until near the end of his life. The Inventor Who Enhanced America’s Industrial Revolution

Eli Whitney was one of America’s most important inventors -= and he did considerably more than invent the cotton gin.

Frederick Gomez - his 92nd story for The Paper!

Whitney was born Dec. 8, 1765, in Westborough, Mass., and was bestknown for inventing the cotton gin, which strengthen the South cotton industry, but it enhanced slavery. This was one of the key inventions of the Industrial Revolution and shaped the economy of the South. But, Whitney was far more valuable to America as a gun developer and manufacturer.

Chuckles Cont. from Page 2

#6 - I have days when my life is just a tent away from a circus.

#7 - These days, "on time" is when I get there.

#8 - Even duct tape can't fix stupid - but it sure does muffle the sound.

#9 - Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes, then come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller? #10 - Lately, I've noticed people my age are so much older than me. #11 - "Getting lucky" means walking into a room and remembering why I'm there. #12 - When I was a child, I thought nap time was punishment. Now it feels like a mini vacation. #13 - Some days I have no idea what I'm doing out of bed.

#14 - I thought growing old would take longer. #15 - Aging sure has slowed me down, but it hasn't shut me up. #16 - I still haven't learned to act my age.

The other day I saw an amazing football game:

1) The player's hair fit under their helmets. 2) No tattoos could be seen. 3) There were no outlandish end zone celebrations. 4) There was no taunting. 5) Opposition players helped each other up after a play. 6) Footballs were not spiked or left for the referee to retrieve; they were hand-

Chuckles Cont. on Page 11

infringement lawsuits consumed the profits and his cotton gin company went out of business.

During the Revolutionary War, Whitney operated a profitable nail manufacturing operation in his father's workshop. He was just 14. Whitney turned his attention to making muskets for the newly formed U.S. Army. He continued making arms and inventing other tools until his death in 1825.

Whitney solved another big problem. In order to have a firearm, one had to assemble three separate parts: barrels, locks, and stocks. Whitney made the three components interchangeable. Along the way, an old familiar saying, “…it’s all there – lock, stock and barrel was created. But, Whitney didn’t invent the idea, which went back as far as the Punic war. In the closing years of the 18th century, Whitney visited Georgia where it was a magnet for New Englanders seeking fortunes. There he developed the idea for the cotton gin. Because of the social and economic impact for the South, his cotton gin invention enhanced slavery, The word “gin” is short for “engine.” The cotton gin was a wooden drum stuck with hooks that pulled the cotton fibers through a mesh. The cotton seeds would not fit through the mesh and fell outside. Whitney got the idea by observing a cat attempting to pull a chicken through a fence, but could only pull through some of the feathers.

Whitney could not build enough gins to meet demand, so gins from other makers found ready sale. Ultimately, patent

Congress voted for legislation that would use $800,000 in order to pay for small arms and cannons in case war with France erupted. They offered a $5,000 incentive with an additional $5,000 once that money was exhausted for the person that was able to accurately produce arms for the government. Because the cotton gin had not brought Whitney the rewards he believed he would get, he accepted the contract. Although the contract was for one year, Whitney did not deliver the arms until eight years later in 1809 using multiple excuses for the delay. Recently, historians have found that during 1801--1806, Whitney took the money and headed into South Carolina in order to further profit from the cotton gin.

When the government complained that Whitney's price per musket compared unfavorably with those produced in government armories, Whitney was able to calculate an actual price per musket by including fixed costs such as labor, insurance and machinery, which the government had not taken into account. He thus made early contributions to both the concept of cost accounting, and the concept of the efficiency of private industry.

Whitney invented important tools such as the first milling machine in 1818. But research by historians have determined no one person can properly be described as the “inventor” of the milling machine. Whitney died of prostate cancer on Jan. 8, 1825, in New Haven, just a month after his 59th birthday. He left a widow and four children. During the course of his illness, he invented and constructed several devices to mechanically ease his pain. These devices, drawings of which are in his collected papers, were effective but were never manufactured for use of others due to his heirs' reluctance to profit on "indelicate" items. The Eli Whitney Students Program and the Yale University's admissions program for non-traditional students, is named after Whitney.

Tom Morrow's books are available at in soft-cover or via Kindle E-mail.

The Paper • Page 8 • January 25, 2018

D ing Dini g Out Out Ou ut aviiing ngs ggs Can You Sell? If So . . . let’s talk.

We love Seniors, Retired Military, Women, most any age or gender . . . . if you can sell, you can not only earn a handsome income but be part of a fun paper that delivers special features, great humor, and local commentary by columnists who really know their stuff. If you’re interested . . . send us your resume’. No phone calls please.

We have a compensation plan where you can write your own ticket to success. Email your resume to: or fax to: 760.741.7800.

Would you like to work with/for The Paper? Job openings include sales, drivers (to deliver The Paper) and, possibly, writers. Drop us a note at: Who knows? You might find a whole new career!

Letters to the Editor Cont. from Page 4

says "It's what keeps me alive! I don't wish to miss out on another adventure."

Your story on the dog that saved his owner took my breath away. The current one on women inventors made me damn right proud to be a woman! Whether we all laugh or cry or wonder at the world about us, it is all part of life and The Paper brings it to all to us, wrapped liked a beautiful Christmas present, or like a flying carpet to momentarily take us away from our old age, our aches and pain, or sadness at living in isolation.

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Now, I even read these stories to my grandchildren even though they are half-grown! As I look all about me and see all these precious souls so happy, I can't help wonder: "What in God's name would we good folk do without The Paper?" May the Good Lord bless you for all the wonders you may not see every day, but all the wonders that you have created!

/s/The Grace Family, of Poway, California, 92064. Hi,


I cannot stop crying after reading this story! It is beautiful and well written. Friedrich Gomez did a

wonderful job representing this beautifully talented creature and his master Kevin. I just had to reach out and say Hello and Thank you for your story! I love dogs & cats and I know those doggies can be very smart and alert to things before we are. I also think I recognized Mr. Gomez, did he happen to work for Walmart at one point in his life? In San Marcos? A familiar face to me. Just wondering, just loved the story Friedrich! Thank you so much for this paper! Renee Browne San Diego County

Have Items for the Social Butterfly? Email them to:

The Paper • Page 9 • January 25, 2018

Man About Town Cont. from Page 4

Mrs. Madison recognizes that Nicky is simply my valet, nothing more, (at least, that's what she believes) someone with whom I would find living life to be particularly difficult. Nicky was even with me during my exciting and adventuresome years as an international spy. But that, as we say, is another story.

Buy me a drink sometime . . . maybe I'll tell you. (Some parts, however, are still classified. Those parts would take two drinks).

Have Items for the Social Have Items for the them Social Butterfly? Email Butterfly?to: Email them to: Have Items for the Social Butterfly? Email them to:

Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 3

Upcoming San Marcos Events – Nominations and applications are now being accepted for the Spring 2018 class of the Citizens Water Academy. It includes two weekday classroom sessions and one weekend classroom session and facilities tour. The next Academy dates and times are Thursday, March 1st, 5-8:30pm; Wednesday, March 7th, 5-8:30pm; and Saturday, March 17th, 7:30am to 2pm. Nominations are due by February 5th and applications are due by February 12th. For more information, go to Item #2: The 4th Annual State of the City Address and Chamber Business Recognition Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, March 7th, from 11am-1:30pm, at California State University San Marcos, University Student Union Ballroom. The San Marcos Chamber’s Board invites you to Join Mayor James Desmond and the City Council members, the Chamber’s Board, VIPs, and members of the local business community for this highly-visible and informative annual luncheon expected to draw up to 400 community advocates. Mayor Desmond’s annual State of the City Address is a focal point of the annual luncheon where he details the City’s 2017 accomplishments and future goals. Register by February 1st to take advantage of great rates: Chamber members, $75; General admission, $95. Table Sponsor: $750 (members only); Table Sponsor $950 (general business). Reserved table for 8 in VIP seating area; company logo displayed on table. Refund fees apply – no refunds after February 1st. Advance registration required; space and reservations accepted until full. Other sponsorship opportunities available. For more information, contact Melanie Jamil, Director of Events, 760.744.1270, ext.14, or email or visit the San Marcos Chamber website. Alliance Meeting and Training Coming Up – On Thursday, February 8th, from 8:3010am, the Alliance Quarterly Meeting will be held at North County Lifeline, Sage Room,

200 Michigan Avenue, Vista. All are welcome! Come to hear all the events that the Alliance and its committees have planned for 2018. For questions about the Alliance, contact the Coordinator, Marylynn McCorkle at or call 760.529.9979,ext. 216. Free Training for Alliance Members: The Alliance for Regional Solutions will be holding a Mental Health First Aid Training on Tuesday, March 6th, from 8am-5pm, at the Vista Community Clinic, Women’s Center, Classroom 2, 1000 Vale Terrace Drive; park in parking structure on Williamston, basement or 3rd floor. RSVP is a must because of limited space. The Mental Health First Aid Training Program is an 8-hour certification course designed to give participants the tools to respond to psychiatric emergencies until professional help arrives and to improve people’s mental health literacy. Contact Marylynn McCorkle, 760.529.9979, ext. 216, or

Estate Planning for You and Your Pets – You are invited to attend a complimentary Estate Planning Seminar, for you, your family and your pets. Several topics will be covered to optimize your planning, including Pet Trusts and planning for the care of your pets after you are gone; Wills and trusts; retirement and tax planning strategies; liquidating securities and real estate without paying capital gains tax; taking IRA distributions while paying little or no income tax; supporting the animals being cared for by San Diego Humane Society. The guest speaker will be Mark Drobny, Attorney at Law, Master of Laws, Certified specialist, Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law, The State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization. The Estate Planning Seminars will be held on two days: Thursday, February 8, 6-8pm, Encinitas Community Center, 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive, Rm. 120, Encinitas, 92024; dinner provided. The other will be on Saturday, February 10, 9-11am, S.D. Humane Society, 5500 Gaines St., San Diego 92110; Continental breakfast provided; optional campus tour at 11am. RSVP by Wednesday, January 31st. To register by phone: call 619.243.3443. For more information about making a gift through your will or trust, con-

tact Joseph Passaretti, Director, Estate and Gift Planning, S.D. Humane Society, 619.243.3443; Oceanside’s Tri-City Inline Hockey League Celebrates 25th Birthday - TriCity Inline Hockey League (TCIHL), an Oceanside based non-profit organization, celebrates its 25th anniversary. It has been popularizing the sport of roller hockey in Oceanside-Carlsbad-Vista and surrounding area since 1993. To commemorate the special occasion and further promote the development of youth inline roller hockey in North County San Diego, they will hold Roller Hockey Clinics, a series of free events for children and youth players ages 5 through 17, at 9am to 1pm on Saturdays, February 3, 10, and 17, at the roller hockey rink at the Martin Luther King Jr. Park at 4300 Mesa Drive in Oceanside. The program consists of free skating lessons, fun games, drills, and scrimmage. Beginners and experienced players are welcome. Rink activities will take place from 9am to 10:30am for mites and squirts, and from 10:30am to 12pm for peewees and bantams. First time skaters will also be able to borrow used protective gear and equipment at the site for use on a first-come-first-served basis including inline roller skates and hockey sticks. (February 17th clinic will also have an optional group outing in the evening to see a game of San Diego Gulls vs. Ontario Reigns with an opportunity to “high-five” the Gulls team. Last time, when TCIHL celebrated a special occasion, it brought over 130 of its league members to the Gulls.) The three clinics will coincide with optional inperson registration for TCIHL’s Spring2018 Season. With registration now open, families may sign up their child to play in a division of mites (8 & under), squirts (10 & under), peewees (12 & under), or bantams (17 & under). Assessments are February 20th and 22nd. Practices – held either Tuesdays or Thursdays - begin the week of February 27. Games begin March 2nd and 3rd (on

Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 10

The Paper

• Page 10 • January 25, 2018

A Weekly Memo from the Councilmembers of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders. Olga Diaz

Council Member, Represents District 3

Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 9 Fridays for Bantams and Saturdays for all other divisions), concluding with playoffs, then championships May 20th. Registration fee for new players is $84 or $30 for goalies ($25 jersey fee already included, $14 additional AAU insurance fee will be charged if the player does not have it already). TCIHL’s 25th Anniversary Season Opening will take place at the same rink 9am to 3pm on March 3rd, with all-day raffle bidding for great prizes, inexpensive Chick-fil-A sandwiches and shaved ice offered right at the rink, and the fun Chuck-a-Puck contest for the audience before each game (throw a puck from the bleachers, hit the center of rink the closest, and win a percentage of the cash purse, cost: $1 per puck or $5 for 6 pucks). Admission for TCIHL games is always free to spectators. TCIHL was the first inline roller hockey league in California sanctioned by USA Hockey. See newspaper articles with photos that stretch back 25 years all the way to when TCIHL was founded by Blue Gomez and Rose Cully at ?menuid=45&url=tcihl. The league currently offers two seasons per

Walking Escondido

I walk a three mile route around my neighborhood for fitness. I leave my phone at home at home and use the time to think about much of nothing. On my route, I pass a park, a high school, a church and residential homes. I admire the nice yards and take notice of the unkempt yards. year (Mar-June & Sept-Dec) with clinics, tournaments, and pick-up play between seasons. TCIHL’s mission is to stress the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, scholastic achievement, integrity, respect for authority, and to promote the game of inline hockey in North County San Diego. To achieve this objective TCIHL provides a supervised program under the rules and regulations of AAU/USA Roller Sports. Please see website for more information including league history, player clinics, season details, and registration. Questions may be addressed to or call 760-282-4452.

S.D. County Republican Women Meeting February 12 – The San Diego County Federation of Republican Women will hold their General Meeting on Monday, February 12th. The guest speaker will be Janet Levy speaking on Stealth Jihad and the Infiltrators. Janet Levy, MSW, MBA, is a political activity, writer, public speaker, and world traveler. She has contributed to several publications and served as an investigative reporter for Full Disclosure Network. She has been a guest on several radio programs, including the Center for Individual Freedom, Alan Jones, Tammy Bruce, and others. As a staunch advocate for preservation of constitutional freedoms, she has worked with vari-

As hard as I try not to turn my walk into work, I simply cannot ignore that there are missing sidewalks and crumbling roads. Segments of my route offer no room for pedestrians to walk safely out of traffic. Nice drivers slow down and swing wide into the oncoming lane to make way around pedestrians. Often I just have to stop and wait for traffic to pass before I resume my walk on the roadway. ous organizations and government representatives to stem the incursion of Islamic Shariah law into the American justice system, and has presented seminars on the effect of Shariah law on women, the global jihad, the Islamist infiltration of American society and institutions, and illegal immigration. In 2007, Ms. Levy was a media guest of the Joint Task Force – Guantanamo Bay detention facility in Cuba. She blogs at The meeting will be at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 2270 Hotel Circle North, San Diego, 92108. Cost is $30; includes parking. Registration opens at 9:15am; meeting at 10am. All members welcome. Contact Wendy Wolfe at 619.448.4617 or or register online ($1 added to cover PayPal fees) Registration deadline is February 7th. Lunch payment options: 1. Mail checks in advance to Wendy Wolfe, 23145 Stokes Road, Ramona, CA 92065. 2. Pay at the door with cash or check (by check, payable to SDCFRW, please have check prepared prior to arrival and indicate your club). 3. Clubs paying with one check for all mem-

As a City Councilmember, I have brought this up and repeatedly to no avail. I need help from residents to do something about this. If you want to help, please take a walk around your neighborhood and note any deficiencies in sidewalks or streets. Send me an email with your comments to I will set up a meeting for interested folks to organize around this simple idea – sidewalks in 2018!

bers, mail check as in #1 above, with a list of members for whom payment is being made. A reservation made is a reservation paid. NCHS To Celebrate President/CEO Irma Cota’s Legacy with Farewell Gala After 20 rewarding years, Irma Cota will be retiring from NCHS but her legacy of service will always remain. On January 12, 2018, Irma Cota retired as President and CEO of North County Health Services (NCHS) where she has led since 1997, effective March 30, 2018. When Irma arrived at NCHS she embodied a passion and commitment to make healthcare accessible to as many individuals as possible, regardless of their background. As a result of this public sense of responsibility she worked tirelessly to expand NCHS services throughout North County and now in Riverside as well. For the last twenty-one years Ms. Cota has led multiple

The Pastor Says . . .

Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 13

page in our book of life.

Long ago the Old Testament Prophet Isaiah wrote to the people who were captive in Babylon. They were exiled from their homes, lands and customs. He told them to REMEMBER that God had been with them. He told them to FORGET past glories and past failures (like your 2017 resolutions)

Thor is pet of the week at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society. He’s a 2 year old, 12 pound, Domestic Short Hair cat with a red Tabby coat.

If you were going to draw him in a comic, he would look like a smaller version of Garfield. Thor is very friendly and he loves to explore. He might like living with some older kids. Thor was transferred through the FOCAS program. The $100 adoption fee for Thor includes medical exam, vaccinations, neuter, and microchip. For more information call 760-7536413, visit Rancho Coastal Humane Society at 389 Requeza Street in Encinitas, or log on to

Dakota, a 10-year-old Domestic Short Hair mix, is looking for a loving home to call her own. She may be a bit shy at first, but once she gets to know you, she is a wonderful, loving companion. She enjoys getting petted and spending time with her human friends.

Dakota would love a mellow home where she can spend her golden years relaxing in her bed and being adored by her new family.

Her adoption fee includes her spay, permanent microchip identification, current vaccinations, 30 days worry free insurance from Trupanion Insurance and a certificate for a free veterinary exam! Dakota is available for adoption at San Diego Humane Society’s Escondido Campus at 3450 E Valley Parkway.

To learn more about making her part of your family, please call (760) 888-2275.

Pastor Tom Fry (Retired) Church of the Nazarene

Every January there is a subtle change in the parking lots around North County. It’s almost impossible to find a parking space around a gym or fitness center, but there is lots of space around pizza parlors, donut shops and fast food joints.

The cause is directly attributed to the two most common New Year’s Resolutions: exercise more and eat less. By now, those changes are beginning to right themselves and any day now the pattern will self adjust to what it was before the new year.

We make New Year’s Resolutions because we want to look better and live longer. We want to be better. We want to be different. We want something NEW. The New Year is an unspoiled

Then He told them, “I am about to do a new thing” Isaiah 43:19 (NRSV). God has something new in mind for you. Isaiah goes on in that verse, “I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” God has something more for you in 2018 than fewer donuts and more sit ups. He says He will do things you can hardly imagine.

The way things have been is not the way things will always be. The things you thought would never happen are about to happen. Like roads in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, God will give us hope and joy and strength in ways we cannot even imagine. On that same drive around town, I noticed that there is plenty of room in all the church parking lots.

Be different. Be better. Be adventurous. Let God do something new in your life.

The Paper

• Page 11 • January 25, 2018

A Weekly Message from the Mayor of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders.

San Marcos • Mayor Jim Desmond

Best of San Marcos Online Photo Contest

The City of San Marcos is hosting its annual “Best of San Marcos” online photo contest now through Monday, Feb. 26.

submit one image that captures the spirit of San Marcos – its people, parks, programs or other points of interest.

Winning entries may be published in the San Marcos 360 News and Recreation Guide, marketing With San Marcos’s amazing materials, social media and city topography, stunning landscapes and website. Photos will be accepted online active community, this is a great only between Jan. 8 and Feb. 26. opportunity to capture all the best the San Marcos has to offer. For details and application, visit Amateur and professional photographers are encouraged to News for the Social Butterfly? Send your press releases to:

Escondido • Mayor Sam Abed

Mayor Sam Abed does not wish to write a weekly column to communicate with his Escondido Constituents via The Paper and its “A Letter from the Mayor” series

Chuckles Cont. from Page 7

ed to the referee. 7) No one took a knee on the sidelines. 9) Players stood at attention during the playing of the national anthem. 10) It's great to watch an Army Navy game. Tour of London

A Texan was taking a taxi tour of London and was in a hurry. As they went by the Tower of London the cabby explained what it was and that construction started in 1346 and it was completed in 1412.

The Texan replied, "Shoot, a little ol' tower like that? In Houston we'd have that thing up in two weeks!"

The cab passed the House of Parliament next, the cabby stating that it started construction in 1544 and was completed 1618. "Boy, we put up a bigger one than that in Dallas and it only took a year!"

As they passed Westminster Abbey the cabby was silent.

"Whoa! What's that over there?" asked the Texan.

"Darned if I know, wasn't there yesterday..."

Haircuts - The Difference Between Men and Women Women's version: Woman2: Oh! You got a haircut! That's so cute! Woman1: Do you think so? I wasn't

sure when she was gave me the mirror. I mean, you don't think it's too fluffy looking? Woman2: Oh God no! No, it's perfect. I'd love to get my hair cut like that, but I think my face is too wide. I'm pretty much stuck with this stuff I think.

Woman1: Are you serious? I think your face is adorable. And you could easily get one of those layer cuts - that would look so cute I think. I was actually going to do that except that I was afraid it would accent my long neck. Woman2: Oh - that's funny! I would love to have your neck! Anything to take attention away from this two-byfour I have for a shoulder line.

Woman1: Are you kidding? I know girls that would love to have your shoulders. Everything drapes so well on you. I mean, look at my arms - see how short they are? If I had your shoulders I could get clothes to fit me so much easier. Men's version:

Man2: Haircut? Man1: Yeah.

Meet The Parents

A girl asks her boyfriend to come over Friday night to meet, and have dinner with her parents. Since this is such a big event, the girl announces to her boyfriend that after dinner, she would like to go out and make love for the first time. The boy is ecstatic, but he has never had sex before, so he takes a trip to the pharmacist to get some condoms.

Vista • Mayor Judy Ritter Curious about a certain issue and not sure where to go to get the facts? Want to find out what your city government is up to? Here are some easy ways to find what you’re looking for: • Sign up for the weekly e-news highlighting City Council decisions, upcoming projects and more. • Subscribe to receive agendas for upcoming City Council meetings • Bookmark the city’s online news room, Vista News • Download the City’s mobile app: Access Vista from the Apple Store or the Google Play Store. • Pick up a copy of OUR VISTA the City’s

Staying Connected

residential magazine in city facilities or the Vista Library. • Learn about new development around town and sign up for notices on Planning Commission meetings • Follow the city on social media, including Facebook and Twitter for quick updates and news.

Sign up for the e-news or announcements on the City’s website at and click on E-News & Notices to select the type of news you want to receive. Sharing information about the City’s programs, projects, services is important so that everyone can be more informed and more engaged.


The Oceanside Public Library and North County African American Women’s Association invite the public to a special free performance entitled “History of Black Music: From Negro Spirituals to Porgy and Bess,” on Saturday, February 3, at 7:00 p.m., at the Sunshine Brooks Theatre, 217 North Coast Highway in downtown Oceanside. A unique and unforgettable journey through history, the program features awardwinning soprano Yolanda Mitchell West and baritone Michael Paul Smith, one of Southern California’s premier soloists, who has per-

He tells the pharmacist it's his first time and the pharmacist helps the boy for about an hour. He tells the boy everything there is to know about condoms and sex.

At the register, the pharmacist asks the boy how many condoms he'd like to buy, a 3-pack, 10-pack, or family pack. The boy insists on the family pack because he thinks he will be rather busy, it being his first time and all. That night, the boy shows up at the girl's parents house and his girlfriend meets him at the door. "Oh, I'm so excited for you to meet my parents, come on in!" she says.

The boy goes inside and is taken to the dinner table where the girl's parents are already seated. The boy quickly offers to say grace and bows his head. A minute passes, and the boy is still deep in prayer, with his head down. 10 minutes pass, and still no movement from the boy. Finally, after 20 minutes with his head down, the girlfriend leans over and whispers to the boyfriend, "I had no

formed with opera companies and symphonies around the world. Vocals will be accompanied by piano, and by a lecture on the subject. The evening opens with a spoken word performance by accomplished poet Eileen Carole.

This event kicks off Black History Month. Visit the Library’s website at or through Eventbrite at to reserve a seat. This free program is made possible through the support of The Friends of the Oceanside Public Library in partnership with the North County African American Women’s Association. idea you were this religious."

The boy turns, and whispers back, "I had no idea your father was a Pharmacist." Grandfathers can be wrong even when they are right!

A lesson for all you granddads. We can get into trouble even when we try to do right.

Five year old Hunter was staying with his grandfather for a few days. He'd been playing outside with the other kids, when he came into the house and asked, 'Grandpa, what's that called when two people sleep in the same bedroom and one is on top of the other?' Grandpa's daughter-in-law had always insisted that her children always must be told the truth and never the wild tales that grandpa liked to tell.

Grandpa was a little taken aback as to why any 5 year old would even ask such a question. Perhaps it would be

Chuckles Cont. on Page 12

The Paper • Page 12 • January 25, 2018

Paul & Nome Van Middlesworth, The Computer Factory

www. "San Diego's Best Computer Store 2016" Union Tribune readers poll

“Smart” home and “nasty” crooks

We decided to pass up the CES show in Las Vegas this year. Several events conspired to help us make this decision not the least of which was the Flu epidemic sweeping the country. It was the first time in the past seven years that we have missed CES. Although we didn’t attend the show, as members of the press we do get all of the product bulletins and press releases associated with the CES. In the last few weeks before the show we get twenty to fifty press releases each day. That gives us plenty of exposure to what is happening in consumer electronics.

Chuckles Cont. from Page 11

best after all to abide by Hunter's mother's wishes and just tell him what it is really called and let his mother explain about the bird and bees.

This year we are particularly interested in “smart home” products. Computer/Internet linked home and small business systems like security alarms, cameras and access and temperature controls once cost thousands of dollars and required licensed contractors to install and monitor. Today these products are available to home and small business owners as retail kits at a fraction of the old costs. Assisting small business and home customers with set up and maintenance of “Smart” systems is a natural extension of our on-site services. By law, in California, on-site jobs with installation and material costs over $600 require a licensed contractor, that means big bucks. We anticipate being able to keep costs well below “contractor” levels. Most set-up and installations should require less than $200 in labor. So if you are thinking about the new “smart” features for your home, ranch or business, let’s talk about it. We may be able to save you a pile of money. We continue to see “Phishing” attacks from criminals claiming to represent government agencies and reputable corporations. I myself got three robot-calls last week claiming that IRS officials were on the way to arrest me for tax fraud. They told me my only chance to avoid prison was to “call this number.” I didn’t call and I’m still free. When you get a “call this number,” whether by phone or on screen, don’t do it. If you really enjoy talking to criminals you can call them just for fun and simply calling them won’t endanger you but understand that you are talking to criminals. Have fun if you will, but never give them any information and never ever let them

Death Notices

'Well, Hunter, it's called "sexual intercourse".

A few minutes later he came back in and said angrily, "Grandpa! Andrew's mom wants to talk to you. She says you're wrong! It's called Bunk Beds."

Guadalupe Ortiz, 87, of San Marcos, Ca., passed away on January 17, 2018

Letters to the Editor?

Just this week SBC Global customer service gave one of our customers a telephone number to call for help with her computer. It was a fraud and her PC is in now in our shop for repair. AT&T and other reputable companies employ with third party contractors in “low rent countries” like India and The Philippines to handle their service calls. These contractors may collaborate with criminals by referring unsuspecting customers to fraudulent sites. Be wary of third party referrals. You should assume that anyone who requests access to your PC is a criminal. When you let them in, the first thing they do is open a back door to your PC. They then may try

Marjorie J. Brown, 85, of San Diego, Ca., passed away on January 11. 2018

Ronald J. Burgess Jr., 58, of Vista, Ca., passed away on January 17, 2018

to con you into paying for “clean up” or other services but it really doesn’t matter what you do, they now own your PC. They are now able to sell access to your PC to the highest bidder. If you have let anyone access your PC, you need to take corrective action. Waiting and hoping for the best is a bad option. Even when you don’t detect their presence, they may be mining information and feeding it to criminal network servers. The only way to be free of them is to reinstall your PC’s operating system. If we do that here at the Computer factory it will cost you $105. If we also need to save and reinstall your user files the total will be $150. This is chump change compared to the risk of leaving you PC exposed.

Funeral Directors and Funeral/Cremation Services California Funeral Alternatives

Wilma G. Drain, 93. of Escondido, Ca., passed away on January 11, 2018.

'Oh, OK' said Little Hunter, and went back outside to play.

access your PC.

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Transportation not included Serving San Diego and surrounding counties

We love ‘em! Drop us a note with your thoughts to:

We want to hear your thoughts; so do your neighbors and fellow readers!

Have Items for the Social Butterfly? Email them to:




Car Accidents • Slips and Falls

FREE CONSULTATION NO FEE TILL RECOVERY Workers Compensation Call Michael Majdick, 760.731.5737 Lawyer Makes House Calls Free Consultation

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Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 10

expansion projects for existing NCHS facilities as well as the build-out of new facilities. In total, today, NCHS operates thirteen health centers serving more than 65,000 patients and 314,000 visits in 2017. Under her leadership, NCHS has also been the recipient of countless awards and supports a workforce of more than 700 individuals. Irma leaves behind a legacy founded on the principle belief that healthcare is a right, not a privilege. Growing up as a migrant worker, Irma helped support her family by picking carrots and tomatoes in the fields, she never dreamed that she would one day lead a large non-profit healthcare organization that would help many of the same people she was working with each day. Please save the date as we plan to celebrate Cota’s retirement, her legacy and her countless contributions as a public health champion on Saturday, February 17th at the Sheraton Carlsbad Resort & Spa, 5480 Grand Pacific Drive, Carlsbad 92008. For ticket information go to Or, for more updates about Cota and her retirement, follow NCHS on Facebook, Instagram, and #EndOfAnIrma.

Sorority to Hold Queen’s Court Luncheon - The Hidden Valley Vista Council of Beta Sigma Phi International will hold a Queen’s Court Luncheon, “QUEEN OF HEARTS,” on Saturday, February 24th, beginning at 11am at Sundance Mobile Home Park Clubhouse, 2250 North Broadway, Escondido, 92026. All Beta Sigma Phi’s – active, inactive, on leave, transferees, and guests are invited to make a reservation by calling Bev at 858-692-0222. RSVP by February 20th. Guests pay $5/per person. Chapters will be crowning their queens and enjoying friendships. Beta Sigma Phi is a social, cultural, and philanthropic International Sorority, headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri, with chapters throughout the world. If you are interested in belonging to a special organization and make many new friends, call Bev at 858-6920222. Escondido State of the City Address – Open to the public, and you’re invited to the Escondido Mayor’s Annual State of the City Address to be held on Wednesday, February 28, at the Conference Center of the California Center for the Arts, Escondido, 340 N. Escondido Blvd. Registration starts at 7:30am; the program at 8am, with Mayor Sam Abed and the City Council, in partnership with the Escondido Chamber of

• Page 13 • January 25, 2018

Cleaning Services ANNA’S HOUSECLEANING • Free Estimate • Great References • 20 years Experience Call 760.738.7493

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Call 800.783.3127 or 760.424.2400 24 hours/day 7 days/week.

Commerce. The program is free without breakfast or $20 with breakfast that starts at 7:30am. For information and reservations, call 760.839.4631 or visit If you are interested in a table sponsorship, contact the Escondido Chamber at 760.745.2125 or email For more information about the event, call 760.839.4631.

Contemporary Women to Participate in Local Art Festival - Members of GFWC Contemporary Women of North County (CWONC) are very artistic volunteers -crafters, photographers and our artists work in all types of mediums, water color, pencil and oil. CWONC members will be sharing their talents at the upcoming GFWC Palomar District Art Festival on February 27th at Templars Hall, Old Poway Park, Poway. For Festival information, visit and click on ART FESTIVAL (Quick Links). Visit for information about the club. DAR Chapter Learned About the Community Classroom Committee - The Santa Margarita Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, held their first meeting of 2018. Regent, Alida Woodward, and members welcomed Lillian Leslie, Director

Home Maintenance Improvements

JACK OF ALL TRADES HANDYMAN SERVICES Creative solutions for your home. "Honey-Dos", plumbing, electrical, welding, irrigation. Patrick 760-468-4449

HOME GENERAL MAINTENANCE REMODELS Bath/Kitchen Designs, Tile Installation, Electrical, Paint, Fences, Concrete. Lic#33509 760.484.1302 760.529.1239

Home Maintenance Improvements

JOHN the GOLD HANDYMAN I am good at Painting, Plumbing, Dry Wall Repairs, Pergo, Carpet and Tile and lots more - 27 years experience. CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATE 760.738.7493

Room for Rent

Room for Rent Utilities and food included $700 per month 760. 744.4495 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT

#2017-9030881 The name of the business: Nana’s Corner, Pro Stitch Art, located at 2129 Coast Ave., San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is registered by Trinity Hill Group, LLC 2129 Coast Ave. San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business was 3/25/2003. /s/ Robert T. Dingman, Jr., Member Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 12/21/2017. 1/04, 1/11, 1/18 & 1/25/2018.

Community Classroom Committee. This committee was established at the national level to encourage participation in local school classrooms. In attendance was Colleen Mitchell, a 5th grade teacher at Camp Pendleton’s North Terrace School, who spoke about the need for assistance in the classroom. Regent Woodward volunteers in her classroom on a weekly basis, assisting the students with their reading. The chapter has adopted Mitchell’s class and donates needed supplies such as art material and books to help supplement items low in the education budget of the school. Education of our young people is paramount for the DAR and this is just one of many ways that the chapter fulfills this quest. The DAR is open to any female eighteen years or older who is lineally descended from a patriot who assisted in some way in America’s fight for independence in the American Revolution. Visit

Oceanside Senior Anglers - The Oceanside Senior Anglers has awarded That Boy Good! Restaurant as their “2017 Restaurant of the Year.” Each month after the club's meeting, about 25 members will go out to lunch at a different, locally-owned restaurant in Oceanside. At the club's December meeting, members voted on their top three favorite lunch spots for the year.

Alida Woodward, Colleen Mitchell, Lillian Leslie

District XIV, who spoke about the new


Super Soundproofing Co •Expert Products •Floor Noise Barrier •Insulation Floor and Wall Tape •Vibration Isolation Tape

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#2017-9031261 The name of the business: Farkas Store Equipment by Jeff, located at 1336 Enchante Way, Oceanside, Ca 92056. This business is registered by Jeffery Milton Frazier 1336 Enchante Way Oceanside, Ca. 92056 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/ Jeffery Milton Frazier Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 12/28/2017. 1/04, 1/11, 1/18 & 1/25/2018.

NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF JOHN R. DOMINGUEZ Case No. 37-2017-00017684-PR-LA-CTL To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both, of John R Dominguez. A Petition for Probate has been filed by Peligrina A. Lime in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union Street, San Diego, CA., 92101, Central Courthouse.. The Petition for Probate requests that Peligrina A. Lime be appointed as personal representatives to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representattive will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed actions.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: 2/13/2018 Time: 11:00 a..m. Dept: PC1 Address of court: Same as noted above. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in Section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statues and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a peson interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. In Pro Persona Peligrina A. Lime 2332 Monte Vistra Drive Vista, Ca. 92084 619.481.7674 1/25, 2/01 & 2/08/2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT

#2017-9030840 The name of the business: Campos Janitorial, located at 856 Vale View Dr., Vista, Ca. 92081 This business is registered by: Alex Campos 856 Vale View Dr. Vista, Ca. 92081 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/ Alex Campos Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 12/27/2017. 1/18/, 1/25, 2/01 & 2/08/2018

Legals 760.747.7119

The Mighty Mojo Page The Paper




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• Page 14 • January 25, 2018



Indian Store

1950 Hacienda Dr. Vista





The name of the business: Dr. Diesel,

located at 930 Brooktree Lane #61,

Vista, Ca. 92081.

This business is registered by:

Alejandro Yepez Labastida

930 Brooktree Lane #61,

Vista, Ca. 92081

This business is conducted by an indi-


First day of business: 1/17/18.

/s/ Alejandro Yepez Labastida

Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr.,



Clerk/Recorder of San Diego

on 1/17/2018

01/25, 2/01, 2/08 & 2/15/2018

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2018-9001257 The name of the business: RPB Screens, located at 1046 Ponderosa Ave., San Marcos, Ca., 92069. This business is registered by: Adam Paul Bavario 1046 Ponderosa Ave., San Marcos, Ca., 92069. This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business: n/a. /s/ Adam Paul Bavario Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 1/16/2018 01/25, 2/01, 2/08 & 2/15/2018


Legal Services

3643 Grand Avenue, Suite A San Marcos, CA. 92078 Trusts & Estate Planning Free Consultation

Brian Fieldman, Esq. 760.738.1914

Medical Supplies/Pharmacy

Escondido Pharmacy and Home Health Care Always great prices and Service! Medical Supplies, Wheelchairs, Walkers 909 E. Valley Parkway


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2018-9001653 The name of the business: Heroes, located at 2018 Main St., Julian, Ca., 92036 This business is registered by: BCZ Enterprises, LLC 1510 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd San Marcos, Ca., 92069 This business is conducted by aLimited Liability Company First day of business: n/a /s/ Lisa Brice, Managing Member Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 1/19/2018 1/25, 2/01, 2/08 & 2/15/2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2018-9001366 The name of the business: Investment Consulting, located at 1286 Discovery St., Unit 6, San Marcos, Ca., 92078 This business is registered by: Dutch Saunders 1286 Discovery St., Unit 6 San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business: n/a /s/ Dutch Saunders Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 1/17/2018 1/25, 2/01, 2/08 & 2/15/2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2018-9031097 The name of the business: TMC Graphix, located at 1196 Caminito Amarillo, San Marcos, CA. 92069. This business is registered by: Thanda Marie Canizales 1196 Camnito Amarillo San Marcos, Ca. 92069. This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business: 12/27/17 /s/ Thanda Marie Canizales Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 12/27/2018 01/04, 01/11, 01/18 & 01/25/2018

TV, Internet, Phone and Cell Phone Experts Save on TV, Internet, Phone and Cell Phone Costs!

Specializing Electric & Plumbing, Ceiling Fan Special. Home Repairs. Free Estimates. 760.799.5963

Lawyer Makes House Calls Free Consultation

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2018-9001835 The name of the business: The Manor House, located at 2082 Vista Valle Verde Dr., Fallbrook. Ca. 92028 This business is registered by: Dynamic FPC Design., Inc. 2082 Vista Valle Verde Dr., Fallbrook. Ca. 92028 This business is conducted by a corporation First day of business: n/a. /s/ Beth E. Broussard, Vice President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 1/22/2018 01/25, 2/01, 2/08 & 2/15/2018

Mobile Gunsmithing

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#2018-9001058 The name of the business: Easy Choice Wireless, Jaguar Mobile, located at 5621 Palmer Way, Carlsbad, Ca., 92008. This business is registered by: VTG Mobile Inc. 5621 Palmer Way, Carlsbad, Ca., 92009. This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 9/01/2017. /s/ Robert Feasel, COO Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 1/12/2018. 1/18, 1/25, 2/01 & 2/08/2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT



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J&M’s Family Restaurant 1215 E. Valley Parkway Escondido Where homestyle cooking is just the beginning…


Retirement Community

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2018-00002686-CU-PT-NC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Amanda Russell filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present names: Amanda Renee Russell and Sophia Renee Russell, respectivelly, to Proposed names Amanda Renee Ross and Bo Renee Ross, respectively. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: March 6, 2018, 8:30a.m., Department 26. The address of the court is: San Diego Superior Court, North County Division,325 S. Melrose, Suite 1000, Vista, CA. 92081. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated 1/18/2018. /s/Robert Dahlquist, Judge of the Superior Court 1/25, 2/01, 2/08 & 2/15/2018

#2018-9000326 The name of the business: Your Mobile Massage, located at 1074 Robertson Dr., Escondido, Ca., 92025. This business is registered by: Jessica Lyn Stanton 1074 Robertson Dr. Escondido, Ca. 92025 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a /s/ Jessica Lyn Stanton Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 1/04/2018. 1/11, 1/18, 1/25 & 2/01/2018

NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF DAVID GRANT CREMER aka DAVE GRANT CREMER IMAGED FILE Case No. 37-2018-00000813-PR-PW-CTL ROA #1 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both, of David Grant Cremer aka Dave Grant Cremer A Petition for Probate has been filed by Susan M. Cremer in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union Street, San Diego, Ca. 92101, Central Courthouse. The Petition for Probate requests that Susan M. Cremer be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate.The will and codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal repreesentative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representattive will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed actions.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: 2/27/18 Time: 11:00 a..m. Dept: 504 Address of court: Same as noted above. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in Section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statues and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a peson interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petioner: H. Christopher Heritage 777 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, Suite 328 Palm Springs, Ca. 92262 760-325-2020 1/25, 2/01 & 2/08/2018

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The name of the business:, located at 2132 Sunset Dr, Escondido, CA. 92025. This business is registered by: Curtis Mark Foster 2132 Sunset Dr. Escondido, CA. 92025 This business is conducted by an individual First day of business: 12/1/17. /s/ Curtis Mark Foster Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 12/18/2017. 1/11, 1/18, 1/25 & 2/01/2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT


The name of the business: Bloom Boutique, located at 1691 Melrose Drive, #140, San Marcos, Ca 92078 This business is registered by: MadKat Couture Inc 1691 Melrose Drive, #140 San Maros, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business: 1/3/2018 /s/ Rejeme Wagner, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 1/3/2018 1/11, 1/18, 1/25 & 2/01/2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT


The name of the business: Your 5 Star General Store, located at 5968 Black Rail Road, Carlsbad, Ca., 92011. This business is registered by: William DePace 5968 Black Rail Road, Carlsbad, Ca., 92011. This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business: 4/12/2012 /s/ William DePace Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 1/14/2018 1/25, 2/01, 2/08 & 2/15/2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT


The name of the business: DeLauder, located at 465 Ammunition Road, Fallbrook, Ca., 92028 This business is registered by: Daniel Parker DeLauder 910 Heather Dr. Vista, Ca., 92084 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business: n/a /s/ Daniel Parker DeLauder Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 1/05 /2018 1/25, 2/01, 2/08 & 2/15/2018

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2017-00049977-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Mohammad Houman Nasri Ghajari filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Mohammad to Ghajari Nasri Houman Proposed name Houman Nasri Ghajari. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: 2/08/2018, 10:30 a.m., Department 27. The is: court the of address Department 903, 9th Floor, Central Courthouse, 1100 Union Street, San Diego, CA. 92101. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated 12/27/2017. /s/ Jeffrey B. Barton, Judge of the Superior Court 1/04, 1/11, 1/18 and 1/25/2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT

#2018-9000027 The name of the business: Apptacular Studio, located at 11884 Candy Rose Way, San Diego, Ca., 92131. This business is registered by: Zachary Paul Jensen 11884 Candy Rose Way San Diego, Ca. 92131 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business: n/a. /s/ Zachary Paul Jensen Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 1/02/2018. 01/11, 01/18/, 01/25 & 02/01/2018.

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The name of the business: MLT Services, located at 3950 Kenwood Drive, Spring Valley, Ca. 91977 This business is registered by: Martine and Tanya Diana McCurley 3950 Kenwood Dr. Spring Valley, Ca., 91977 This business is conducted by a Married Couple. First day of business: 8/01/2017 /s/ Martine Martinez Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 12/13/2017 12/21, 12/28/2017, 1/04 & 1/11/2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT

#2017-9031013 The name of the business: Mission Star Realty, located at 5178 Alamosa Park Drive, Oceanside, Ca. 92057 This business is registered by: Mission Star Realty, Inc, 5178 Alamosa Park Drive Oceanside, Ca. 92057 This business is conducted by a corporation First day of business: 2/21/2013 /s/ Norma Sanabria, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 12/26/2017. 01/11/, 01/18, 01/25 & 2/01/2018. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT


The name of the business: Streaming Arrow Records, LLC, located at 3210 Grey Hawk Ct., Carlsbad, Ca. 92010. This business is registered by: Streaming Arrow Records LLC 3210 Grey Hawk Ct. Carlsbad. Ca. 92010 This business is conducted by a Limmited LIabillity Company. First day of business: n/a /s/ Brandon Foley, Manager Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 1/2/2018 1/11, 1/18, 1/25 & 2/01/2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT

#2018-9000240 The name of the business: BCG ELECTRIC, INC., located at 524 Golf Glen Drive, San Marcos, Ca., 92069. This business is registered by:BCG Electric, Inc. 524 Golf Glen Drive San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by a corporation First day of business: 1/2/2016 /s/ Bennett Craker II, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 1/03/2018. 01/11/, 01/18, 01/25 & 2/01/2018. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT


The name of the business: Continental Cleaners #6, located at 1815 E. Valley Pkwy, Suite3, Escondido, Ca. 92025. This business is registered by: North County Cleaners, Inc. 755 N. Quince St. Suite A Escondido, Ca. 92025 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business: 8/14/2013 /s/ Dan Tran, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 1/5/2018 1/11, 1/18, 1/25 & 2/01/2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT


The name of the business: Ja’Marie Photography located at 773 Ball Ave. Escondido, Ca., 92026 This business is registered by: Kimberly M. and Jevaras C. Barber 773 Ball Avenue Escondido, Ca. 92026 This business is conducted by a Married Couple. First day of business: 12/6/2017 /s/ Jevaras C. Barber Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 12/6/2017 1/04, 1/11, 1/18, & 1/25/2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT


The name of the business: Majestic Cleaners, located at 1116 Sycamore Avenue, Suite1, Vista, Ca. 2081This business is registered by: North County Cleaners, Inc. 755 N. Quince St. Suite A Escondido, Ca. 92025 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business: 9/10/2009 /s/ Dan Tran, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 1/5/2018 1/11, 1/18, 1/25 & 2/01/2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT


The name of the business: Continental Cleaners #36, located at 755 N. Quince St., Suite A, Escondido, CA. 92025. This business is registered by: North County Cleaners, Inc. 755 N. Quince St. Suite A Escondido, Ca. 92025 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business: 7/27/1999 /s/ Dan Tran, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 1/5/2018 1/11, 1/18, 1/25 & 2/01/2018

• Page 15 • January 25, 2018


#2018-9000075 The name of the business: Traci Chester Counseling Services, located at 1882 W. El Norte Pkway C11 & C12, Escondido, Ca., 92026 This business is registered by: Traci Davis Chester 1540 Stevenson Ct. San Marcos, Ca., 92069 This business is conducted by an individual. /s/ Traci Davis Chester First day of business: 4/01/2017 Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 1/02/2018. 01/11, 01/18/, 01/25 & 02/01/2018.

NOTICE OF INTENDED DECISION (Administrative) The Planning Division Manager of the City of San Marcos has considered the proposed project and does intend to APPROVE the Director’s Permit DP17-0018 on February 5, 2018. Project No.: P17-0029/DP170018 Applicant: West Health Request: A Director’s Permit to allow the operation of a nonprofit Adult Daycare PACE (Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) facility on a 0.93 acre property within an existing 20,156 square foot building and proposed 1,542 square foot exterior courtyard with associated parking in the Commercial (C) zone. Environmental Determination: Categorically Exempt (EX 17017) pursuant to Section 15301 (“Class 1”) of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), in that the project will consist of a negligible expansion to allow a new occupancy consisting of minor interior improvements and exterior alterations. Location of the Property: 1706 Descanso Avenue, more particularly described as: Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 8165, in the City of San Marcos, County of San Diego, State of California, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, December 14, 1978. Assessor’s Parcel Number: 219-117-44-00 Further information about this notice can be obtained from Susan Vandrew Rodriguez, Associate Planner, by calling 760-744-1050 extension 3237, or via email at NOTICE: Any interested person may appeal the decision of the Planning Division Manager to the Planning Commission provided the appeal fee is paid ($20 for residents; $1,155 for non-residents) and a written appeal is submitted to the Planning Division Secretary within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the decision (due no later than 5:30 PM on February 15, 2018. The written appeal should specify the reasons for the appeal and the grounds upon which the appeal is based. The City’s Planning Commission will then consider the filed appeal/s at a later public hearing. The Planning Division can be contacted at 760-744-1050, extension 3233 or The City of San Marcos is committed to making its programs, services and activities accessible to individuals with disabilities. If you require accommodation to participate in any City program, service or activity, please contact the City Clerk’s office at 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos CA 92069, or call 760-744-1050, extension 3145. Phil Scollick, City Clerk, City of San Marcos. PD: 01/25/18.

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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (Planning Commission)

The Planning Commission of the City of San Marcos will hold the following public hearing in the City Council Chambers located at San Marcos City Hall, 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069 at 6:30 p.m., on Monday, February 5, 2018. Project No: P16-0005: DA16001, TSM16-001, CUP17-004, GV17-005 (Fenton – Discovery Village North) Applicant: H.G. Fenton Company Request: This action consists of a Development Agreement (DA16-001) to rescind and terminate Development Agreement (DA91-05) associated with the adopted Scripps Heath Care Campus Specific Plan (SHCCSP) located on 80 acres on both sides of the future Discovery Street road alignment. Removal of the Development Agreement is needed in order to proceed with entitlements on the site. Entitlements include; Tentative Subdivision Map (TSM16-001) with the intent to create 12 new lots for future development on 87.46 acre site. The project site would be graded to create building pads on the north side of the future Discovery Street within the University District Specific Plan. Pending the TSM approval, in addition to building pads this site would install drainage infrastructure and build roads. A 15.5 acre portion of the site, consisting of the San Marcos Creek, will remain in open space. A Conditional Use Permit (CUP17-004) is requested to allow the operation of a temporary rock crusher and a Grading Variance (GV17-005) to allow slopes to exceed 20 feet in height. Pending review and approval under a future Site Development Plan, this site could be used for office flats, townhouse flats, freeway commercial, future park site and a potential elementary school per the adopted University District Specific Plan. Discovery Street would be constructed as part of this action from Bent Avenue to Twin Oaks Valley Road. Environmental Determination: The project is within the scope of the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the University District Specific Plan and the 2014 and 2017 Addendum to the FEIR for the University District Specific Plan (State Clearinghouse No. 2008101083) pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Location of Property: The project site is located directly east of Bent Avenue and north of the proposed extension of Discovery Street, more particularly described as All or Portions of Lots 1 and 2 of Block 67, and Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 of Block 63 of Rancho Los Vallecitos De San Marcos, according to Map Thereof 806 and Parcel A of Map No. 16595. Assessor Parcel Numbers: 221080-18, 221-080-24, 221-08019, 221-080-11, 221-070-20, 221-142-07, 221-080-23, 221080-12, 221-070-19-00 Further information about this notice can be obtained from Joseph Farace, Principal Planner, by calling 760-7441050 extension 3248, or via email NOTICE: Should the City Of San Marcos Planning Commission recommend approval of this project to the City Council, the project will be automatically forwarded to the City Council and scheduled for a future public hearing. The public hearing will be noticed consistent with the requirements of California Government

Code Section 65090 et al and Chapter 20.505 of the Zoning Ordinance regarding Public Hearings. The Planning Division can be contacted at 760-744-1050, extension 3233 or The City of San Marcos is committed to making its programs, services and activities accessible to individuals with disabilities. If you require accommodation to participate in this public hearing or any other City program, service or activity, please contact the City Clerk’s office at 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos CA 92069, or call (760) 744-1050, Extension 3145. Phil Scollick, City Clerk, City of San Marcos. PD: 01/25/18 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (Planning Commission)

The Planning Commission of the City of San Marcos will hold the following public hearing in the City Council Chambers located at San Marcos City Hall, 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069 at 6:30 p.m., on Monday, February 5, 2018. Project No: P16-0037: GPA17003, SPA16-002, TSM16-003, SDP17-006, GV17-004, MND16-001 (Fenton – Discovery Village South) Applicant: H.G. Fenton Company Request: Planning Commission recommendation to the City Council to construct up to a maximum of 220 condominium single-family homes on 39 acres within the Scripps Health Care Campus Specific Plan, proposed as Discovery Village South. A General Plan Amendment (GPA 17-003) is required to change the land use from Scripps Health Care Campus Specific Plan to Discovery Village South Specific Plan. A Specific Plan (SP 16-002) and Site Development Plan (SDP 17006) would be required to establish the development design standards; a Tentative Subdivision Map (TSM 16-003) would be required to establish up to 220 residential condominium lots; and a Grading Variance (GV 17-004) would be required to allow slopes to exceed 20 feet in height. Under the proposed Discovery Village South Specific Plan, the proposed residential development introduces two housing product types. “Type A” is a compact singlefamily detached home with two stories (35-foot maximum height). “Type B” is a singlefamily detached home, designed in a motor court configuration with two-stories (35foot maximum height). The project site would be accessed by two street connections to Discovery Street, an un-built section of the City’s Mobility Element, which would be constructed concurrent with the grading of the proposed project. The extension of Discovery Street was previously approved for development (with a certified Environmental Impact Report (EIR)) under the University District Specific Plan Area, as a part of the Discovery Village North Project (immediately north of the proposed project site). The proposed homes would not be completed until a large portion of the Discovery Street extension is completed. Other uses proposed within the project site include natural open space, recreational space, community amenity space, and associated circulation, which would be dispersed throughout the community. A homeowners’ association (HOA) would maintain these common recreational areas, and proposed private streets.

Environmental Determination: A Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND16-001) was prepared for this project and circulated for public review pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Location of Property: The project site is located directly southeast of Bent Avenue and the proposed extension of Discovery Street; it is bounded on the west by Craven Road, the south by the Discovery Meadows development, and to the southeast by the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, more particularly described as All or Portions Of Lots 1 and 2 of Block 67, and Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 of Block 63 of Rancho Los Vallecitos De San Marcos, according to Map Thereof 806 and Parcel A of Map No. 16595. Assessor Parcel Numbers: 221-080-18, 221-080-24, 221-080-19, 221080-11, 221-070-20, 221-14207, 221-080-23, 221-080-12, 221-070-19-00 Further information about this notice can be obtained from Joseph Farace, Principal Planner, by calling 760-7441050 extension 3248, or via email NOTICE: Should the City of San Marcos Planning Commission recommend approval of this project to the City Council, the project will be automatically forwarded to the City Council and scheduled for a future public hearing. The public hearing will be noticed consistent with the requirements of California Government Code Section 65090 et al and Chapter 20.505 of the Zoning Ordinance regarding Public Hearings. The Planning Division can be contacted at 760-744-1050, extension 3233 or The City of San Marcos is committed to making its programs, services and activities accessible to individuals with disabilities. If you require accommodation to participate in this public hearing or any other City program, service or activity, please contact the City Clerk’s office at 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos CA 92069, or call (760) 744-1050, Extension 3145. Phil Scollick, City Clerk, City of San Marcos. PD: 01/25/18 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT

#2017-9000169 The name of the business: G.I.G. Music Lessons, located at 1437 Cresthaven Place, Oceanside, Ca., 92056 This business is registered by: Charles L. Triplett, Jr. 1437 Cresthaven Place, Oceanside, Ca., 92056 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business: 2/29/13 /s/ Charles Triplett, Jr. Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 1/03/2018. 01/11/, 01/18, 01/25 & 2/01/2018. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT

#2018-9029945 The name of the business: JB Landscape, located at 7384 Altiva Pl., Carlsbad, Ca.. 92009 This business is registered by: James Dean Baumbach 7384 Altiva Pl. Carlsbad, Ca. 92009 This business is conducted by an individual. /s/ James Dean Baumbach First day of business: 2/6/15 Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 12/08/2018. 01/04, 01/11/, 01/18 & 01/25/2018. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT

#2017-9030765 The name of the business: VKeepers, V-Keepers of San Diego, located at 656 Wildflower Place, Escondido, Ca. 92026 This business is registered by Randi Marie Lyons 656 Wildflower Place Escondido, Ca. 92026 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 10/01/2017 /s/ Randi Marie Lyons Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 12/20/2017. 1/11,1/18, 1/25 & 2/01/2018

The Paper • Page 16 • January 25, 2018

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