The Paper 01-27-22

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January 27, 2022

Volume 52 - No. 04

By Friedrich Gomez

Close your eyes for a moment and try to imagine a world where it was actually against the law for you to listen to a revolutionary new sound in music. History teaches us that there truly was a time in many foreign lands where these ‘imaginary laws’ really existed.

And that it was really against the law for human beings to listen to an emerging new genre of music, mysteriously known as “rock ‘n’ roll” – a so-called dangerously decadent Western influence from the United States.

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There were deeply ingrained cultural values in foreign lands which opposed it. Paramount concern was that this strange music would corrupt the emerging younger generations – the very future of these countries.

AS LAWS CONTINUED TO SUPPRESS ROCK ‘N’ ROLL, THE MORE CURIOUS THE MASSES BECAME. The repressed people, literally billions of them in scattered countries, were naturally curious of America’s newest musical invention.

Why is it forbidden when rumour has it that it is popular in other lands?

Whispers and hushed voices quietly spoke of what they had truly heard.

The rumours were enticing, and aroused much curiosity, despite the labeling of this American import as being “Forbidden Fruit.”

Or even imagined.

And what does it truly sound like, if it is so different, yet dangerous?

As with any governmental laws, a black market emerged, and some segments of citizenry heard these strange sounds from underground sources for the very first time in their lives.

America’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Continued on Page 2

It was unlike anything they had ever heard before.

New rumours spread at the market places, school yards, on the streets, and while commuting on trains, buses and even around the family dinner table at the end of the day. FINALLY, PUBLIC SUSPICION: ARE WE BEING LIED TO BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT? Some first-

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