February 3, 2022
Volume 52 - No. 05
By Friedrich Gomez
America’s courageous and elite K-9 ‘soldiers’ during the Vietnam conflict – those four-footed heroes which saved thousands of American lives in all branches of the U. S. military – were cruelly abandoned by the U. S. Defense Department after the war ended: A clear violation which the U. S. military now clearly confesses, “was a violation of the ‘Leave No One Behind’ regulation.”
It’s exactly 53 years ago, and the year is 1969. CPL John Flannelly, a 20year-old from Massachusetts always
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had dogs when he was growing up. But he was not prepared for the harsh conditions of Southeast Asia, nor what was about to happen to him.
When he first stepped off his plane in Saigon, the intense humidity and heat that greeted him was like someone placing a pillow over his face, making breathing, at times, a chore. His U.S. Marine Corps fatigues didn’t make things cooler, by any stretch. Flannelly was soon assigned to the United States Marine Corps Scout Dog Platoon. His partnered-dog was a German shepherd named “Bruiser.” Little did Flannelly know that his entire life would totally
change. He says, with his thick Boston accent: “They had told me that this was gonna be my new best friend and that I probably would get closer to him than any human being I had ever known in my entire life. And they were right.”
Flannelly and Bruiser went through a highly-intense training program and their combined working skills – and instincts – would become one. They worked together in perfect synch. Their bonding and interaction was so finely-tuned as to be reduced to quick automatic reaction, as opposed to second-hand thinking. “I was closer to
that dog than most people are with their wives and children. I mean, we were inseparable.” But, it wasn’t all emotion, loyalty, and dedication. It was an indescribable, melding of skills. Bruiser was a “scout” dog. He had graduated with high honours, even impressing his hard-nosed Marine dog trainers. Flannelly and Bruiser had trained together to communicate with rudimentary body language that the average person cannot see, much less, interpret. Bruiser had an arsenal of body language which Flannelly keenly watched in order to keep his entire pla-
Vietnam K-9 Soldiers Abandoned Continued on Page 2