Volume 46 - No. 16
April 21, 2016
by Friedrich Gomez
Bob Hope said, “No one can fool all of the people all of the time. That’s why we have two parties.” And in regards to politicians, themselves, political wit, Mark Russell, says, “If you call your opponent a politician, it’s grounds for libel.”
Well folks, it’s here. 2016 is election year and politics has permeated the American consciousness. Every hour of every day is filled with news about the front-running candidates stumping for votes and partaking of that great political tradition of slinging mud, indiscriminately, at each other’s reputation. In the race to the White House tempers have flared and physical encounters have erupted and even speeches cancelled due to the threat of civil unrest. Watching the news on television or reading the newspaper headlines it seems apparent that the political world is critically in need of anger management. The other day I saw a bumper sticker which angrily proclaimed: “People say everything happens for a reason. So when I punch you in the face, remember I have a political reason.” Wow! Such open threats fly in the face of democratic ideals, tolerance, and the First Amendment. Instead of having a clash of ideas in a civil debate, we are having a physical clash tearing away at Voltaire’s pronouncement, “I disapprove of what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” If I had the choice of attending a heavyweight boxing match or a political rally, hmm, I might opt for the heavyweight fight if I wasn’t in the mood for too much violence. I guess the heavyweight question here is, ‘What has happened to politics?’ Amidst all of this turmoil and violence, political humor – now more than ever – can be a welcomed safety valve to vent animosity and restore sanity. For it seems apparent that it is truly impossible to laugh and be angry at the same time. There is certainly no shortage of political humor to revel in, and smile and even laugh at. We Americans need to rediscover our great political sense of humor that we once prided ourselves on. “Give ‘em Hell, Harry!” President Harry Truman’s earned nickname, took political humor to a new level, “My choice early in life was between whether to be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politician. And to tell the truth, there’s hardly any difference.”
The strange world of politics has long been the target of jokes. President Ronald Reagan recognized this when he quipped, “Politics is the second oldest profession; it bears a very close resemblance to the first.” Reagan was no stranger to making political jokes, “I have wondered at times what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through Congress.” And, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”
Mark Twain (1835-1910) was a rascal in his observance of politicians: “Suppose you were an idiot. Now suppose you were a
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member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” Twain was never an admirer of deep taxes, once proclaiming, “What is the difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector? The taxidermist takes only your skin.”
A popular quote attributed to Henry Cate VII also takes a comedic swipe at politics and its practitioners, “The problem with political jokes is they get elected.” This celebrated political pun is a precursor to what satirist and American late-night television host of The Daily Show, Jon Stewart, said: “I don’t approve of political jokes. I’ve seen too many of them get elected.” Ex-marine and popular political wit, Mark Russell, has made a good living on PBS Specials and touring the nation to capacity crowds who turn out to hear his political humor. Russell is frequently
asked, “Do you have any writers?” Russell’s reply has remained unchanged, “Oh, yes. I have 535 writers. 100 in the Senate and 435 in the House of Representatives.” Mark Russell’s remark closely resembles Will Rogers’ statement, eighty-six years earlier: “I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.” Humorist Will Rogers (1879-1935) was one of America’s most beloved public figures. He travelled around the world three times and by the mid-1930s America took him to her bosom. He was many things: American cowboy, vaudeville performer, newspaper columnist and motion picture star who became the highest paid actor of his era, with 71 movies to his credit (50 silent films and 21 “talkies”). Rogers’ political wit had America bowled over with laughter, “Congress is deadlocked and can’t act. I think
‘Political Humor’ Continued on Page 2
that is the greatest blessing that could befall this country.” One of his remarks made an editor drop his hot cup of coffee, convulsing in uncontrollable laughter: “This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer.” (The Daily Telegram #1230, July 4, 1930.) Rogers was proud of his American heritage. He often quipped in variants, “I never had my Americanism doubted. My mother and my father both were part Cherokee Indian. My ancestors didn’t come over on the Mayflower, but they met the boat.” When Will Rogers died, tragically, in a 1935 airplane crash in Northern Alaska, an entire nation of Americans fell into deep mourning as if losing a family member. He was well-known as “Oklahoma’s Favorite Son,” but in reality, he belonged to America at large.
The Paper • Page 2 • April 21, 2016
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Perhaps the most famous political punch line of all time was spoken by Will Rogers: “I’m not a member of any organized political party – I’m a Democrat.” And regarding government taxation he made a whole country laugh at itself as only Will Rogers could and get away with it: “The income tax has made liars out of more Americans than golf.” Will Rogers made politics fun to read about when he began his nationally-syndicated newspaper column in December of 1921. Rogers’ funny political views became so widely popular that it became known as the “Weekly Article” and ran in every Sunday edition. The powerful New York Times newspaper saw a good thing and included Will Rogers’ funny opinions for its national readership. America felt good about itself and laughed in unison at Rogers’ hilarious political observations, “Ancient Rome declined because it had a Senate. Now what’s going to happen to us with both a House and a Senate?”
Speaking of Ancient Rome, exactly how old is political humor? And how far back does it go in human civilization? The roots of comedic commentary on politics go back at least 2,400 years, according to Robert W. Speel, professor of political science at Penn State University. But in actuality, it may trace back to even earlier beginnings. Before the written word, perhaps early drawings and rudimentary cartoons ridiculed early rulers or leaders of ancient tribes. No one knows for certain. Jessica Bloustein of Newsweek magazine made a funny (but possibly truthful) observation, “Those Paleolithic French cave paintings of horses? It’s a safe bet that at least one of them is an old-school political cartoon meaning, ‘Tribal leader Gary is a jackass.’” Thus far,
Give Us This Day Our Daily Chuckle This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy! MOISHE!
For 30 years every day old Moishe ate at "Abe's Kosher Delicatessen." Old Moishe was an honored guest and had his own reserved stool at the counter. He was loved by everyone and was generous to all the servers and staff. Abe, the owner loved Moishe too.
One day Moishe didn't show at his regular time. Abe was worried a bit as he realized Old Moishe was a widower and lived alone but then got busy and forgot about Moishe's absence.
The next day ... no Moishe ... now Abe was worried ... he phoned Moishe's number and got no answer. He even called a few local hospitals and even called Moishe's daughter in Israel to no avail.
one of the oldest surviving examples of political satire date back to Aristophanes (born c. 446 – died c. 386 BC). In ancient Greece, Aristophanes used satirical political humor to attack the top politicians of his day, such as Cleon, as well as attacking religion (his views challenged the reality of Zeus). Because of lack of freedom of speech, Aristophanes clothed his anti-political and anti-religious opinions in the form of satirical stories. His disdain for politicians was expressed in his cynical remark, “Under every stone lurks a politician.” His satirical attacks against Zeus and the pantheon of ancient gods were so powerful that it led the general population into doubting the reality of these religious figures. Politicians were often the target of Aristophanes’ observations and viewpoints. An even older source than Aristophanes is the ancient Greek storyteller, Aesop (c. 620 – c 564 BC) whose satirical political views are masterpieces: “We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.” Unlike Aristophanes, no physical writings of Aesop survives. His fables and sayings only survive in ancient sources that only credit him and his work; such sources as Aristotle, Herodotus, and Plutarch, all of whom mention Aesop with great admiration. The great Greek philosopher, Plato (c. 428 – c. 347 BC), was a master of political wit and cynicism: “Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber.” Evaluated as one of the three greatest and wisest secular thinkers in human history, Plato did not spare the political rod: “Mankind will never see an end of trouble until lovers of wisdom come to hold political power, or the holders of power become lovers of wisdom.”
In more modern times political wit and humor seem omnipresent, becoming especially visible on American television during the 1960s. Both British and
Abe couldn't sleep that night wondering what had happened. Next day again no Moishe!
Now Abe was really concerned and just as he was about to call the cops and 911 he glanced out the window and saw Moishe going into "Goldberg's Deli" across the street.
Abe took off out the door and raced across the street narrowly missing getting hit by a bus and confronted Moishe just as he was sitting down. Abe screamed, "where the hell have you been! I lost sleep and spent good money phoning around about you and what are you doing here at Goldberg's ... you know he's my worst enemy! Explain to me Moishe!" Moishe looked at Abe and said calmly, "Settle down Abraham, settle down, you'll be having a heart attack. I'll be telling you what happened okay? I went to the dentist 3 days ago and had one of those root canals. Oy the pain! The dentist gave me some pills and said: ’Moishe, for a few days eat on the other side'! How a farm kid sees things ...
Only a farm kid would see it this way!
When you're from the farm, your perception is a little bit different.
A farmer drove to a neighbor’s farmhouse and knocked at the door. A boy, about 9, opened the door. "Is your dad or mom home?" said the
American television versions of the program, “That Was the Week That Was,” was a joint poke-in-the-ribs at politics and politicians. CBS’ “The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour,” and NBC’s “Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In” often dabbled into the political arena with broad strokes of humor. In the months leading up to the 1968 presidential election, Richard Nixon appeared on Laugh-In with the catch phrase of the day, “Sock it to me.” Popular sitcoms used political humor, such as “All in the Family” (1971-1979), with brilliant actor, Carroll O’Connor (1924-2001), playing “Archie Bunker.” The smash hit show ran nine seasons, breaking new ground and making a nation laugh at real issues. One episode had Archie Bunker explode, “No bum that can’t speak poifect English oughta stay in this country . . . oughta be de-exported the hell outta here!” On another occasion, Archie gave us the benefit of his reasoning, “As our president said in his renegurial address. The guy went into the Capitol under the dome and was sellin’ the teapots on the side.” And liberals were always in Archie Bunker’s cross-hairs, “You liberals play the victim so well I’m surprised you don’t carry your own body chalk.” From “Saturday Night Live” to the real evening news and talk radio, political satire, sarcasm, cynicism, and outright humor is prevalent. Some humor may seem divisive while other forms cause serious reflection. Regarding the political wrangling over Gay Rights, comedian-actor Bill Maher weighs in with, “Let’s make a law that gay people can have birthdays, but straight people get more cake – you know, to send the right message to kids.” He pokes fun at the two main parties, “In America, if a Republican even thinks you’re calling him liberal he grabs an orange vest and a rifle and heads into the woods to kill something.” For Maher, nothing is sacred, not even the hallowed ground of religion, “I love Jesus. I just don’t like the Christians who don’t believe in what he says.”
"No, they went to town."
"How about your brother, Howard? Is he here?" "No, he went with Mom and Dad."
The farmer stood there for a few minutes, shifting from one foot to the other, mumbling to himself, when the young boy says, "I know where all the tools are, if you want to borrow one, or I can give Dad a message." "Well," said the farmer uncomfortably. "No, I really want to talk to your Dad, about your brother Howard getting my daughter Suzy pregnant".
The boy thought for a moment, then says, "You'll have to talk to my Dad about that. I know he charges $500 for the bulls and $150 for the pigs, but I have no idea how much he charges for Howard." Holy E-Mail
One day God was looking down at earth and saw all of the rascally retirees' behavior that was going on. So He called His angels and sent one to earth for a time. When the angel returned, he told God, 'Yes, it is bad on earth; 95% of retirees are misbehaving and only 5% are not.'
God thought for a moment and said, 'Maybe I had better send down a second angel to get another opinion.'
Popular Republican radio show host, Rush Limbaugh, brings some political concerns into focus with marked humor, “If Thomas Jefferson thought taxation without representation was bad, he should see how it is with representation.” Whether one accepts him or not, the reality is that Limbaugh is a popular fixture on the radio waves and has turned up the heat on alreadycombustible subjects, “Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?” Limbaugh does not balance himself on any political-correctness gymnastic high bar. Instead, he faces it straight-on, the devil can take tomorrow: “The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies.” And his definition of a bigot: “Bigot: A person who wins an argument with a liberal.” Despite all this walking over hot coals, Rush Limbaugh does not spare himself from blowing “hot air” over the airwaves, “Sorry to interrupt myself, but it’s the only way I stop talking.” When asked about his incendiary viewpoints, Rush Limbaugh serves up an answer that is, logically, hard to dispute: “It’s impossible to go through life not offending people. All you have to do is basically have an opinion on anything, and you’re gonna offend people.”
The late comedian Robin Williams poked fun at President George W. Bush and his Vice President, Dick Cheney, implying that Cheney, not Bush, was really running the country. Comedian Robin Williams dropped his political bomb: “You’ll notice that Bush never speaks when Cheney is drinking water.” Fellow comedian, George Carlin, gave politics some of the most memorable lines, “In America, anyone can become president. That’s the problem.” And Carlin’s admonishment
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So God called another angel and sent her to earth for a time.
When the angel returned, she went to God and said, 'Yes, it's true. The earth is in decline; 95% of retirees are misbehaving, but 5% are being good...' God was not pleased.
So He decided to e-mail the 5% who were good, because he wanted to encourage them, and give them a little something to help them keep going. Do you know what the e-mail said?
Okay, I was just wondering, because I didn't get one either. End of Life Planning
A father told his three sons when he sent them to the university: "I feel it's my duty to provide you with the best possible education, and you do not owe me anything for that. However, I want you to appreciate it. As a token, please each put $1,000 into my coffin when I die." And so it happened. His sons became a doctor, a lawyer and a financial planner, each very successful financially. When their father’s time had come and they saw their father in the coffin, they remembered his wish. First, it was the doctor who put 10$100 bills onto the chest of the
Chuckles Cont. on Page 6
Social Butterfly The Paper • Page 3 • April 21, 2016
Happening every other year, the Dutch Festival is a fun-filled day for all ages, preschoolers to high school seniors, to senior citizens. Admission is free, and all are welcome to enjoy the food, shopping, fun and games that take place over several acres of the Calvin Christian High School campus. For more details, call 760.489.6430, or visit www.calvinchristianescondido.org.
Evelyn Madison The Social Butterfly Email Evelyn at:
thesocialbutterfly@cox.net Meetings/Events Calendar
Dutch Festival is Saturday, April 23rd – Calvin Christian School, located at 2000 N. Broadway, Escondido, will host a day of fun for the whole community. The festival includes carnival games and prizes, shopping, auctions, petting zoos, obstacle courses, and a whole lot more in a celebration honoring their Dutch founders and the unique Dutch history of San Diego County.
Political Humor Cont. from Page 2
over political parties remains a classic, “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” And sometimes politicians need no help from humorists. One politician stated, “My opponent needs a good kick up the backside from a jackass, and damn it I’m the one to do it!”
Occasionally, political criticism can create a widely-publicized backlash. It happened with newspaper columnist and political commentator, Molly Ivins (1944 – 2007). Writing for The Dallas Times Herald, columnist Ivins criticized James M. Collins (U.S. Representative, RDallas), by stating, “If his IQ slips any lower we’ll have to water him twice a day.” Collins was gravely insulted and his supporters flooded The Dallas Times Herald with complaints. The newspaper turned the controversy into a clever publicity campaign with billboards asking “Molly Ivins Can’t Say That, Can She?” Columnist Molly Ivins came out the better.
Though they were always an unwelcomed element in politics, hecklers have elicited some of the funniest political moments on record. When four-time New York Governor, Al Smith, ran for the U.S. presidency in 1928 he ran into a heckler who yelled out, “Go ahead, Al. Tell ‘em all you know! It won’t take you long!” Al Smith shot back, “Why don’t I tell ‘em what we both know?! It won’t take any longer!” It was a classic come-back from Al Smith. However, others did not fare so well, as with aspiring U.S. presidential candidate, Theodore Roosevelt. A heckler shouted at Roosevelt, “I’m a Democrat!” Roosevelt shouted back, “May I ask the gentleman why he is a Democrat?!” The heckler obliged, “My grandfather was a Democrat! My father was a Democrat, and I’m a Democrat!” Roosevelt then yelled, “My friend, suppose your father was a jackass, what would you be?!” The heckler responded instantly, “A Republican!” Occasionally, hecklers are not needed to hamper a political figure making a speech; the politician may shoot himself in the foot, not once, not twice, but too many times. Such was the case with Vice President, Dan Quayle, who served
April & May Adoption Specials at Humane Society – Adopt a Hybrid from April 22-24; the adoption fee for all adult animals is $22 (age 7 months and older). In honor of Earth Day, you are encouraged to incorporate a hybrid into your lives, a hybrid pet, that is. The Humane Society believes all breeds are beautiful, including mixed breed or “hybrid” animals too. Then for Mother’s Day, from May 6-8, the adoption fee for all adult animals is $10. Happy Mother’s Day! Because the Humane Society thinks all moms are fabulous to your beloved animals, this one’s for you! Contact any campus: Escondido at 760.888.2275; Oceanside at 760.757.4357; or San Diego at 619.299.7012. Art Receiving on April 22-23 at EAP – The Escondido Arts Partnership is now accepting entries for Contemporary Realism. Show your artwork emphasizing realistic subjects, recognizable or not, done in a contemporary way or maybe with contemporary materials. Give reality a new look. A juried show open to all media; Juror: Don Manor. The exhibition will be held from May 13June 4; with the opening reception on May 14th from 5:30-8pm. EAP Municipal Gallery is located at 262 E. Grand Ave.,
under President George H. W. Bush. The American public seemed to relish the verbal mistakes Dan Quayle would make, causing great amusement across America. In March of 1990, at a Phoenix Republican Forum, Quayle pronounced, “If we do not succeed, then we run the risk of failure.” Speaking for the United Negro College Fund, whose slogan was “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste,” Dan Quayle gave new meaning to the slogan and made national evening news in the process: “What a terrible thing to have lost one’s mind. Or not to have a mind at all. How true that is.” Though these verbal misfirings were the height of embarrassment for the Bush administration, the general public found great amusement in such outings. Soon Dan Quayle calendars made their appearance with each month showcasing a Dan Quayle faux pas. On one occasion Vice President Dan Quayle made a live crowd chuckle to themselves and a national readership laugh out loud when he quipped, “I have made good judgements in the past. I have made good judgements in the future.” At one point Bush attempted to defuse such negative publicity only to find himself brought into the malaise when Quayle said, “This president is going to lead us out of this recovery.” Shortly after, Dan Quayle would proudly say, “We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur.” Though small segments of society wanted to halt the laughter behind Dan Quayle’s embarrassing statements, the American public was so amused that a Dan Quayle phenomena sparked across all states. Dan Quayle tshirts, watches, calendars, a Dan Quayle Joke, Song and Blooper Line was even created. And every standup comedian on television laughed their way to the bank using the vice president’s words of ‘wisdom.’ Even America’s most beloved talk show host, Johnny Carson, devoted his final monologues thanking Dan Quayle for giving him something so memorable to end his career on. One pearl of wisdom was when Dan Quayle was quoted as saying, “I love California, I practically grew up in Phoenix.” Quayle became the go-to-source for late night television hosts during his era and for national newspapers that needed an amusing storyline to factually report on. Quayle’s attempts to right a sinking ship were best left unsaid, “I deserve respect for the things I did not do.” Regardless, he refused to stop or ease up on his speak-
Escondido. Phone 760.480.4101; Gallery hours; Tuesday 11am-5pm; Thursday, Friday, & Saturday, 11am-4pm. Chamber Hosting Coffee with Councilman Masson – On Tuesday, April 26, from 7:30-8:30am, at the Escondido Chamber, 720 N. Broadway, Escondido, join in for a casual chat with local councilman John Masson. Continental breakfast will be served. Free event. Reservations requested to Claudine@escondidochamber.org, 760.745.2125, or visit the website at www.escondidochamber.org.
Senator Mark Wyland to Speak at ERWF Meeting – The Escondido Republican Women, Federated (ERWF) has invited former Senator Mark Wyland as their guest speaker for their Wednesday, April 27th luncheon. A native of Escondido, Sen. Wyland was a Fulbright Scholar and graduated from Pomona College and Columbia University. He began his government service on the Escondido Union School District Board, was later elected to the 74th State Assembly District, then elected to the 38th State Senate District in 2006 and 2010. He is currently a candidate for the State Board of Education. Also speaking will be Taylor Menconi, a senior at Escondido Charter High School, who will read her award-winning essay entitled “What the U.S. Constitution Means to Me.” She is ERWF’s 2016 Charlotte Mousel Scholarship winner and will be presented a certificate and monetary award. The meeting, open to the public, begins promptly at 11:30am at Cocina del Charro, 890 W. Valley Parkway, Escondido,
ing engagements, “The global importance of the Middle East is that it keeps the Far East and the Near East from encroaching on each other.” Once when a radio show host was told by an angry caller to stop laughing at Dan Quayle, the host said, “Don’t shoot the messenger, I just report the facts – do you want all Americans to put on ear plugs?!” The phone lines lit up all in full agreement of free speech and dictatorshipfree radio. They demanded more quotes from Dan Quayle! Quayle wouldn’t disappoint, “It isn’t the pollution that’s harming the environment. It’s the impurities in our air and water that are doing it!” Bush’s attempts to keep Quayle’s speeches short for fear of Quayle adding more faux pas into the mix, did not work. Instead, a determined Dan Quayle seemed to speak endlessly in search of a point, as one newspaper columnist put it. Soon after, Dan Quayle rambled at great length despite the admonitions to keep his speeches short: “I feel that this (1981) is my first year, that next year is an election year, that the third year is the mid-point and that the fourth year is the last chance I’ll have to make a record since the last two years, I’ll be a candidate again. Everything I do in those last two years will be posturing for the election. But right now I don’t have to do that.” His attempts to make himself respectable only heightened the confusion when he said, “I was known as the chief grave robber of my state.” The Republican Party wished for Dan Quayle not to defend them, yet he valiantly tried, “Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and a child.” In all of life, an indispensable element is our ability to laugh. To not take life too seriously, for if we ever do, it will prove our ultimate undoing, both in the spirit and in the flesh. Once we relinquish our precious capacity to laugh, at ourselves and the world around us, then we are doomed and we open the door of life wide open to the dreaded embrace of a dismal death. Laughter is our resilience, our last bastion, our final vanguard against the elements which wish to bring us to our collective knees, servile and neck extended for the executioner’s axe. In this 2016 election year, despite all our varied opinions, our opposing agendas, and our God-given privilege to vote freely – perhaps we can tolerate one another as Americans; perhaps even love one another, regardless of creed, reli-
and includes a buffet luncheon for $16. For reservations (due by April 25th), contact Val at 760.432.0816 or Rosalia at 760.489.1407.
Reminder: Human Trafficking Forum on April 28 – North County Lifeline, 200 Mission Ave., Vista, is hosting a Human Trafficking Awareness Forum, with speakers State Assemblyman Rocky Chavez, Danny Santiago, and Survivor Testimonials. Registration at 5pm; community forum from 5:30-8pm, presented in Spanish with English translation provided. For more info or to RSVP for an English translation headset, contact Oscar Gomez at ogomez@nclifeline.org or call 760.842.6526.
Civic Youth Orchestra Concert is May 1st – On Sunday, May 1st at 2pm, in the Center Theatre at California Center for the Arts, Escondido, the Civic Youth Orchestra (CYO) concert will be presented by the Hidden Valley Community Concert Association. The CYO is celebrating their 60th anniversary this year, and the HVCCA is celebrating their 70th year of presenting concerts in Escondido. All tickets are $10 in person at the box office; credit card fee and handling charge if ordered over the phone or online. The price is supporting the local youth orchestra that has rehearsals every Saturday at the Classical Academy in downtown Escondido. Country Friends Spring Luncheon – On
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gion, or political belief. Maybe even share a laugh together. In an international poll, foreigners were asked about us Americans. One of the top questions from countries of the world was, “Why do Americans laugh so loud? And why do Americans talk so loud?” The way we talk and the way we laugh often sets us apart from the rest of humanity. In the “Eastex Advocate” (November 4, 2013), writer Glen Dodson comments on Americans laughing, “It’s an American way of life. I interviewed a man many years ago who had been a POW in World War II in Germany. He said that American humor helped to lift their spirits during their ordeal. American humor though, was confusing to the enemy.” In short, it’s what makes us Americans. It’s what makes our country unique. We need to embrace our traditions, our legacy of humor, our ability to laugh the way we do. If we laugh loudly, so be it. We need the resolve to be proud of who we are, our manners, our customs, our speech pattern, and idiosyncrasies. And when embracing all these precious things which make our American heritage, we also need to embrace ourselves and each other, for we are as Abraham Lincoln once said, the last best hope of the world: “We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of Earth.” If we should ever lose our precious sense of humor then we risk the destruction of resiliency – our will-power to persevere through life’s troubled waters. Lincoln said it best, “If destruction be our lot, we ourselves must be the authors and finishers. We must live through all times, or die of suicide.” No one celebrated humor more than Abraham Lincoln. When a political adversary accused him of being ‘twofaced,’ Lincoln replied “If I had two faces, would I be wearing this one?” Lincoln knew better than most that we Americans must never lose our kinship to laughter. It is the lantern that often leads us out of darkness and despair. During his darkest hour, Lincoln knew that laughter was his last resort. He once confessed, “With the fearful strain that is on me night and day, if I did not laugh I should die.” In this turbulent 2016 race to the White House, perhaps as a nation we need to
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Local News
The Paper • Page 4 • April 21, 2016 Carlsbad’s Violent Crime Rate Dropped in 2015
On April 14, 2016, SANDAG released the “Thirty-Six Years of Crime in the San Diego Region: 1980-2015” report. As SANDAG notes and as a matter of perspective when reviewing crime rates, it is important to analyze rates over time to gain a clearer picture. Further, in 2014 the County of San Diego experienced 35 year crime rate lows. City of Carlsbad Summary
“The City of Carlsbad’s crime rate generally runs parallel to what is occurring countywide and even nationwide, just at a lower level,” said Police Department Crime Analyst Cindy Anderson. FBI Index crime rate per 1,000 population:
Like the greater majority of the county, Carlsbad’s FBI Index crime rate increased 18 percent in 2015 when compared to 2014 (17.61 to 20.84). Countywide increase ranged from 1 percent to 45 percent. The FBI index includes homicide, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny and motor vehicle theft. The Carlsbad increase was due in part to an increase in reported rape cases and in part to an increase in reported property crime. Violent crime rate per 1,000 population:
Carlsbad’s violent crime rate decreased 16 percent in 2015 when compared to 2014 (1.86 to 1.55). The decrease included homicide (1 to 0), robbery (44 to 38) and aggravated assault (145 to 101).
Rape showed an increase in reported crimes (14 to 33). Rape is a violent crime but not necessary random act.
Carlsbad’s violent crime clearance rate of 70 percent in 2015 is in the top of the county. Property crime rate per 1,000 population:
Carlsbad’s property crime rate increased 22 percent in 2015 when compared to 2014 (15.75 to 19.29). It is important to note that 2014 reflected a statistically significant 35year crime rate low in Carlsbad.
The 2015 property crime rate of 19.29 is comparable to the 2013 rate of 19.26 and the 2012 rate of 19.59.
2015 reflects a rate in line with the past seven years which represents a decline in property crime. SANDAG reports, “The 2015 (countywide) property crime rate was 6 percent higher than 2014 but was still the second lowest rate in the past 36 years.”
The property crime rate increase included burglary (331 to 366), larceny (1272 to 1627) and motor vehicle theft (128 to 141).
Stay tuned. This story is just beginning to develop. ••••• As regular readers are aware, we dine out quite often. It’s almost a requirement of the job. We are out and about talking to clients, officials, sources, friends, and even the occasional enemy.
Too Big For Her Britches Department: What San Marcos female executive is so full of herself that she assumes she rules her “empire” but is unaware that “empires” fall and, with them, the Empress?
Well coiffed, well groomed, moderately attractive . . . but with a snarl buried within her every word . . . unless dealing with her directors . . .at which time she is all smiles and curtseys.
She, who is “way too busy to bother will all these emails, so I pass them off to my assistant,” has become rather abrasive and it is telling on her staff and on those within the business community around her.
It will be interesting to check out her performance evaluation and see just what she has accomplished, or not accomplished. It is
The largest category in petty theft is thefts from vehicles. The majority of the time in Carlsbad a thief enters an unlocked vehicle or secondly, smashes the vehicle window to gain entry and steal unattended property.
The Police Department implemented numerous programs in 2015 to combat increases in vehicle crime. These programs included: Analysis directed patrol teams, bait cars, surveillance cameras, vehicle security checks, citywide signage and community education to reduce the opportunities for crime by securing vehicles and removing unattended property. “Many variables factor into why a crime rate goes up and down,” said Police Chief Neil Gallucci. “The hard working men and women of the Police Department are committed each day to addressing current crime trends and finding innovative ways to combat crime.”
Gallucci went on to say effective policing takes teamwork and the community of Carlsbad is an important part of the crime-fighting team. Gallucci encourages community members to be the eyes and ears of their community, watch out for each other, secure property and immediately call the Police Department when they see suspicious activity or crime.
The greatest increase is represented quite possible that a rude awakening will be presented to the community and that Madam’s Empire may well come tumbling down.
Man About Town
by larceny under $950 or petty theft. Which includes thefts from vehicles, thefts from stores, shoplifting and other thefts.
In the course of our travels we invariably wind up in a restaurant, often for breakfast, sometimes for lunch, occasionally for dinner. Over the 16 years we’ve owned The Paper we’ve found a large number of superb restaurants, a goodly number of excellent restaurants, and, rarely, a mediocre place. We don’t write about the mediocre or bad restaurants. We don’t see our purpose in life as beating up on a restaurant. Instead, we try to focus on the positive and promote those we feel are deserving of your patronage.
Invariably,we come to the conclusion that Escondido restaurants have generally set the bar pretty high . . . in terms of prompt service, good food and fair prices. When we dine at a mediocre place we’ll often say to our dining pal, “this would never happen at Charlies, Pegah’s, Dominic’s, The Jalapeno Grill, J&M’s ... etc.” You do not have long waits at any of the above, nor several other excellent eateries. The service is prompt, efficient, and friendly.
The food is good . . . and if it isn’t, they expect you to send it back so they can prepare it to your liking. I seldom send foods back at any of the above places. Had breakfast at Charlie’s last Thursday and, as usual, had a chance to chat with Charlie (Mitich, the owner) at some length. He pointed out that the restaurant business is good, but not great. Many challenges. Seldom do you see a new start-up. There are heavy start-up costs and with the new minimum wage of $15 per hour plus the increased cost of food . . . particularly meats, it’s tough for a new food business to make it. You have to attract patrons . . . you have to establish your menu, your ‘atmosphere,’ (is it a family restaurant? Italian, Chinese, Vietnamese?) your prices, train your staff, make solid business decisions every day. It takes a long time to recover your initial investment and to start making a regular profit. This is true for established restaurateurs . . . even more difficult for ‘newbies’ who don’t know the ins and outs, the techniques, the availability of special items and their pricing . . the task can be overwhelming.
All the more reason we can be thankful for so many great eating establishments in Escondido, San Marcos specifically, and North County generally. ••••• Speaking of food . . . and I just was . . . I had the munchies Sunday afternoon so decided to experiment. The result? Norwegian Pasghetti
Letters to the Editor
Friedrich Gomez Fan Base
To Mr. Lyle E. Davis, Editor/Publisher of The Paper.
Mr. Davis, I only wish to say we just absolutely love Friedrich Gomez' articles as I'm sure zillions of others do also! We live in Newark, New Jersey but visit San Diego often (a beautiful place!). And so we pick up The Paper and read it while we're here now. We just read his article on "The Rush for WWII German Scientists" -- truly brilliant!
Believe it or not, The Paper is widely read online on the Eastern seaboard at www.thecommunitypaper.com. We read in your publication where another admirer of Friedrich Gomez sent copies of his Disneyland articles to several different people in different states! Wow! You have a wonderful, wonderful publication, Mr. Davis. We live in New Jersey
Letters to the Editor Cont. on Page 6
ala lyle.
Boil some water. Throw a mess of spaghetti in the pot. Cook until tender (al dente for me). While water is boiling and spaghetti is cooking, you make-a you meat-a sauce. You fry up-a hamburger meat, cut him up inna small pieces . . . add one-a can of diced tomatoes . . . add one-a can of chili-con-carne. (No beans. You putt-a beans inn-a pasgetti meat sauce it turns you into a Swede. They talk-a funny.) You dice-a up about 1/2 of one-a onion. Throw him in the fryin' pan where you have all the meata sauce cooking. When the meat sauce is bubblin' you is almost done. Pour the pasghetti through a colander, then pour half into a big bowl - now you pour the meat sauce over the pasghetti . . .and you are ready to eat. (I've gone into parentheses here so you know it's me, the real lyle. I'm sure my lovely Italian accent above probably fooled you into thinking I was really some great Italian chef. But, no, it's just me. Plain ol' ordinary lyle. Did I fool you?) The nice thing about this dish is there are absolutely no calories, no sugar, no fat, and no carbohydrates. But it tastes wonderful. And if you eat a bowl of this every day (I had two) you will lose weight rapidly.
Man About Town Cont. on Page 12
The Paper • Page 5 • April 21, 2016
Superman and His KickBike
Missouri at their engineering school in Rolla, Mo., I guess maybe I did learn a bit and was quite pleased with my Graduation with a B.S degree.
I have been a paper boy more than a few times in my life . . . as a young lad and well into my middle-earlies. But those experiences can’t hold a candle to the experiences of Hal Brehe, who lives in the Palomar West Mobile Home Park in San Marcos.
hope you feel the same about me.
Particularly when you recognize that Hal Brehe is 90 years old!
I decided long ago that when doing something that I might term "dangerous" that I would be clothed in clothes that attracts the eyes of others. To accomplish this, I invested in one of those semi-transparent, half reflective, safety vests that are mostly red net, with reflective materials sewn onto the vest. In addition, when riding my 26' "Kickbike" with a 14" rear wheel. Superman Hal Brehe & KickBike (A Kickbike is an Adult Scooter Don't know, maybe I'm a bit weird, but I because of its wheel size). Over its large get to always become more efficient and more front wheel, I have mounted a folding red efficient. It's the only way I know of getting box type carrier which, interestingly enough better at anything. I guess that's just anoth- allows me to carry 200 of your masterpieces per load. The last load of 50 pieces do not er challenge. fit nicely into the flaming red colored cloth, My schooling was that of an Electrical pocket, but enough of the last 50 does Engineer. My first job, after getting my BS squeeze in the pocket to allow me to distribDegree in Electrical Engineering, back in ute the full 200 pieces which I call a "load." 1948, was with IBM, when they were huge. That was after spending 2 years and 2 days The Scooter itself is yellow, and I wear a in the US Navy, as a 2nd class Aviation riding helmet, which I painted a flourescent Electronics Technicians Mate and after the red, and I have a flashing red light, on the war went back to school at University of back side of my Safety Helmet!. My usual
Hal delivers over 800 papers every week to the residents of Palomar West and Palomar East . . . our largest mobile home park combine of all those to whom we deliver papers. Often, he finishes his route in one day! An ambitious undertaking! At the end of each week’s delivery run I get something that is neither required not expected. A memo from Hal in the form of an email.
A sampling of his messages follow and shows the kind of man he is and the attitude he carries: I love what I'm doing for you -- wonderful exercise. I really would like you to allow me to live out my life with you. I feel quite competent to do a good job with you, and I’m after the exercise. I just might as well be making a buck or two-- at the same time. I'm really happy doing your work. Think of it: here is this 90 year old old fart, working his butt off, in order to just to do something useful for somebody. I hope that you can tell that I'm feeling pretty darn good about my service to you. I only
Please note that today is Wednesday and I am completely done! Started at 9am, done before 5pm - 800 plus homes!
I'd appreciate your continued faith in me. I like doing it for you!
Married @ 24, three children. Retired @ 65 Lost my wife when I was 82, Currently 90, and attempting to remain physically active with The Paper. The Paper allows me to do this as I work towards my goal of remaining active by delivering your and my favorite, The Paper.
trousers will either be light or white, shorts in summer and long pants in winter. Under my visibility vest I wear a white tee shirt. This makes my fluorescent riding vest very noticeable.
I first deliver the 350 to Palomar West. By then, then, my Partner (caregiver for this old man) has driven her car, with the next 300 to a friend of hers home in Palomar East, where she unloads the next 300 papers from my home in Palomar West. That home becomes my "filling station" for Palomar East. So long as she gets them there before noon, I don't lose any time, for I tend to complete Palomar West by 1 pm.
Since I gave up auto driving a couple of years ago, I just Kickbike between the two Parks, and each one seperately gets my full attention! ••••• Though 90, Hal still has an eye for the ladies. And they seem to find him equally attractive. Indeed, when Evelyn and I visited him to take some photos he gave Evelyn a big hug. Later, she said, “he gives a great hug. I can see why the ladies find him attractive. ••••• I really like women and would like to have one at my side, right now! However, that probably isn't a smart thing for me to wish for, for my first & only wife, left me after being able to grow with me for 79, lets call it 80 years. I was fortunate enough after my wife died, to meet, and court another, but different woman who had already had a couple men in her earlier years. This lady was two years older than I, and I want you
Superman Cont. on Page 8
The Paper • Page 6 • April 21, 2016
Political Humor Cont. from Page 3 pause along the road and share a bit of laughter, together. ••••• About the Author: Friedrich Gomez is a prolific writer, a master researcher, and compiler of fact and fiction, putting them all together and coming up with some great storytelling. This cover story is the 37th written for The Paper by Mr. Gomez.
Letters to the Editor Cont. from Page 4
Chuckles Cont. from Page 2
As far as I'm concerned "no one is perfect," at least thus far in human history, so I'm sure Mr. Gomez is allowed to make some mistakes in life as well. Or perhaps not -- call off that firing squad (we know you're just joking). However, there is a tiny minority of people who never make mistakes and explode at those who do. There is a very funny line that says, "The people who think they are perfect really upsets those of us who really are!"
He later went on to become a member of Congress.
but have countless friends and relatives in New York as well as Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire -- all big fans of yours! So you see Mr. Davis, you have a lot of fans here on the eastern United States -- and it's unanimous that you are one smart cookie to have Friederich Gomez in your employ.
Anyway, we on the Eastern side of this great country of ours say, "Bravo Mr. Friederich Gomez, damned proud of you!" And Mr. Lyle E. Davis you are one helluva smart owner and founder of The Paper to have him! From a great constituency visiting from the East Coast, /s/Maria Elena Contreras and friends. New Jersey
The author, Friederich Gomez Mr. Gomez is a Kumeyaay Native American (thus the eagle’s feather talisman on his left ear, and his long, flowing hair; his Indian name is White Eagle.) If you will check out ths week’s Letters to the Editor you will see a number of folks who love Mr. Gomez and his work; many would love to meet him in person. We know him well and would love for him to open up and meet his fans; but, he is a shy, reluctant hero. We’ll keep working on him . . . perhaps one day we can get him to open up and meet the public. In the meantime, we look forward to more of his fascinating stories.
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2016-00012316-CU-PT-NC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Khajavi-Mahjouri, Daniel (Omid) filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Khajavi-Mahjouri, Daniel (Omid) to Proposed name Daniel Mahjouri. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: May 31, 2016, 8:30a.m., Department 26. The address of the court is: 325 S. Melrose, Vista, CA. 92081. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated April 15, 2016 /s/William S. Dato, Judge of the Superior Court 4/21, 4/28, 5/05 and 5/12/2016
Famous San Diegans ...
Hi, I just finished reading the article that Friederich Gomez did on famous San Diegans. I would first like to start off by saying that it was a great article.
I didn't know that both Miyam Bialik and Cameron Diaz are both originally from here in SD county. I would also like to suggest a rap artist, that was left out, by the name of Lil Rob. He is originally from Solana Beach. In 2005, he reached 36 on the Billboard charts with his song Summer Nights. Also, in 2006, he reached 85 with Bring Out The Freak In You. /s/Gustavo Rosales San Diego County, CA.
Updating History
Dear Editor Lyle E. Davis:
My dad is a vet (U.S. Marine Corps) and he says "Once a Marine, always a Marine." Anyway, he loves The Paper and he said you served in Vietnam, but I think my dad is mistaken. I told my dad that you use to run some San Diego radio station but he thinks I might be mistaken. So, I showed him the story on "The Beatles, Elvis, and San Diego" (3/31/16) that you ran in The Paper. In there I showed my dad where you said you were manager of KOWN radio station and that you did not serve in Vietnam. My dad already saw the article but still thinks you served in Nam (as he calls it). Can you help us sort out the confusion?
Oh yeah, my dad and his military friends are all big, big (I mean humongous) fans of writer Friederich Gomez! I love his writing too but my dad wants to meet Friederich Gomez and buy him a drink and so does my dad's marine friends. Is there any way you can forward this email to him? My dad loves all his writings, not just the military ones. I'd like to meet him myself as I have all his articles at home and so does my dad. That would really make my dad happy if he could meet Friederich Gomez. It would mean a lot to my dad if you could pass this request to Friederich Gomez. Thanks a lot.
Letters to the Editor Cont. on Page 7
deceased. Then, came the financial planner, who also put $1,000 there. Finally, it was the heartbroken lawyer's turn. He dipped into his pocket, took out his checkbook, wrote a check for $3,000, put it into his father's coffin, and took the $2,000 cash. New Term
Someone finally found a name for our election process for this year. ELECTILE DYSFUNCTION: the inability to become aroused over any of the choices for President put forth by either party in the 2016 election year. Biology
Students in an advanced Biology class were taking their mid-term exam. The last question was, 'Name seven advantages of Mother's Milk.’ The question was worth 70 points or none at all. One student, in particular, was hard put to think of seven advantages. However, he wrote: 1) It is perfect formula for the child. 2) It provides immunity against several diseases.
Creating New Sources of Water
Since agriculture in our region depends largely on imported water, I have long supported initiatives to increase local supplies, including the use of recycled water. As many of you know, while a member of the Escondido City Council, I was an early supporter of a plan to use treated wastewater to irrigate citrus and avocado groves on the city’s outskirts. This year I introduced Assembly Bill 2438 to help speed construction of recycled water pipelines along existing rights-of-way by streamlining costly, time consuming regulations that have delayed or prevented these projects statewide. AB 2438, which passed the Natural Resources Committee on April 11, is coauthored by Assemblyman Adrin Nazarian (D –Sherman Oaks). Water recycling has the greatest potential to provide muchneeded new water resources for communities throughout California. The public and pri-
3) It is always the right temperature. 4) It is inexpensive. 5) It bonds the child to mother, and vice versa. 6) It is always available as needed. And then the student was stuck. Finally, in desperation, just before the bell rang indicating the end of the test, he wrote: 7 ) It comes in two attractive containers and it's high enough off the ground where the cat can't get it. He got an A.
••••• I have a couple of good friends who are dentists who should get a kick out of this. A guy and a girl meet at a bar. They get along so well that they decide to go to the girl's place.
A few drinks later, the guy takes off his shirt and then washes his hands. He then takes off his trousers and again washes his hands. The girl has been watching him and says: "You must be a dentist."
The guy, surprised, says: "Yes .... How did you figure that out?" "Easy.." she replies, "you keep washing your hands." One thing leads to another and they make love. After it's over the girl says: "You must be a good dentist."
The guy, now with an inflated ego,
Chuckles Cont. on Page 8
vate sector, including agriculture, would benefit greatly from the availability of more reclaimed water. As an added benefit, AB 2438 will help California to meet its recycled water goal of an additional one million acre-feet by 2020.
AB 2438 will alleviate bureaucratic roadblocks many communities face when attempting to build recycled water pipelines alongside existing pipelines, usually located in paved roadways or other public rights-ofway. The bill will allow the Office of Planning and Research and the local county clerk to prepare a negative declaration, mitigated declaration or EIR as needed, in many cases eliminating or streamlining stringent environmental regulations for projects in urbanized areas. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution to California’s water-supply problems, development of local water resources should be encouraged. Going forward, passage of AB 2438 will make reclaimed water a major component in California’s longterm water solution.
The Paper • Page 7 • April 21, 2016
Letters to the Editor Cont. from Page 6
Your paper rocks our socks! Out! /s/Dann Rasmussen Escondido, California
Editor’s Note: To clarify:
I did serve in Vietnam, but not in the military. I was there in 1967 and 1968 as a civilian war correspondent representing two newspaper chains, The North Shore Group and the Hollister Press, as well as WIL Radio, St. Louis and WEEF Radio (Highland Park/Chicago). I had left the USArmy as a Specialist 4th Class, Entertainment Director, Brooke Army Hospital, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. When I served as a correspondent they gave me an assimilated grade/rank of Lt. Colonel.
(It is a much better life being a Lt. Col. than a lowly Spec 4 . . . but I found myself eating in the Enlisted Men's mess much more often than in Officer Country. Way more stories and, generally, more interesting individuals. A few exceptions. Some officers were out of this world! But the grunts were usually where the stories were.)
I did manage KOWN Radio from 1970 to 1977, was with KFMB until 1988 back in the talent arena, serving as their Traffic Reporter. We have had a great many people asking to meet Friedrich Gomez. Fact is, he's painfully shy. I even asked him to be a guest speaker at my Hidden Valley Kiwanis Club of Escondido. Hasn't accepted yet . . . but he hasn't said a firm no, either. I am forwarding this email and my response to Friedrich. Maybe it will help him to overcome his shyness.
Lots of folks, like you, would love to meet him and shake his paw. Evelyn and I know him well and absolutely love the man. He’s very special to both of us . . . and, obviously, to our readers. The A-Bomb and the Nazis
Dear Editor:
I look forward to perusing your enjoyable paper every week! I agree the Germans were far ahead on rocketry, jet aircraft, and certain other conventional weapons. But it is totally false that “...Germany was on the verge of developing the first atomic bomb”!
Yes, nuclear fission was first attained in a German laboratory, but the first operating nuclear reactor was built in Chicago. By war’s end, the German nuclear weapons effort was still in kindergarten. It never got anything close to the top priority it would have needed. Whereas in the USA, the program had the very highest priority for materials, funding and manpower. The massive American effort started in earnest 2 ½ years before the first weapon could be tested successfully – Germany would have needed at least that long.
The U.S effort was huge! Small cities [Oak Ridge, Tenn., and Richland, Wash.] were constructed from scratch to house construction workers, scientists and plant operators. At Oak Ridge, three giant totally different facilities were designed, constructed and operated, pursing three very different methods to obtain highly pure U-235 in necessary quantities. In Washington State, three very large plutonium production reactor
Letters to the Editor Cont. on Page 13
Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 3
Tuesday, May 3rd, The Country Friends will hold their Spring Luncheon at the Sheraton Carlsbad Resort & Spa, 5480 Grand Pacific Drive, Carlsbad. Registration, social time, and boutique shopping starts at 10:30am. Tickets are $75/person. Fashion show presented by CoCo Rose Beach & Resort Wear, a Bali inspired clothing and accessories line. Contact The Country Friends at 858.756.1192; 6030 El Tordo, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 922067 (for mailing: P.O. Box 142).
Library Hosts Escondido Writers Group – The Escondido Writers Group meets at the Escondido Public Library on Tuesday, May 3, 2016 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. in the Turrentine Room, 239 S. Kalmia St., Escondido. Writers of fiction, non-fiction, and memoirs are all invited to join the Escondido Writers Group for an opportunity to improve their writing by participating in monthly readings and group critiques. Participants are encouraged to bring samples of their current writing projects to share and receive constructive feedback. Pre-registration is required; register at library.escondido.org/register. This program is free and open to the public. For more information about future Escondido Writers Group meetings and other Library programs, visit library.escondido.org or contact Cecy Rayphole, Senior Library Associate, 760839-4289 or crayphole@escondido.org.
RB Woman’s Club to Hold Fashion Show – You are invited to Rancho Bernardo Woman’s Club’s annual Fashion Show, with real women as models, to be held on Thursday, May 5, at the Rancho Bernardo Inn, 17550 Bernardo Oaks Drive. Fashions from Stein Mart will be modeled by Club members providing a true picture of how the beautiful clothes look on real women. Cost is $26 at check-in. Call Fern for reservations, 760.741.6620. Deadline for reservations is 5pm, Monday, May 2nd. Membership is open to women in Rancho Bernardo and surrounding areas. For additional information, call Club President Pearl Daniels at 858.521.8422.
Rotary Club to Hold Annual Military Appreciation Barbeque – The 16th Annual Military Appreciation Barbeque, hosted by the Escondido East Rotary Club, will be held at the Escondido Kit Carson Park on Saturday, May 7, from 11am-3pm. They will be saluting military families and supporting Escondido community programs. Active Military and family are free, family pass to the BBQ; special military family raffle drawing. The public is welcome also; $20/general public/adults; $10/children under age 12; $50/family pass (2 adults, +3 children). There will be live music, kids games, auction, raffle, and food. All proceeds will be used to support programs and services for various groups in the Escondido area and through Rotary International. Contact Don Darrock at 760.489.5131 for more information. Annual Flower Show and Plant Sale - The Vista Garden Club invites you to "Islands of the World" flower show and plant sale. The 82nd standard flower show is free and open to the public. The show runs Saturday, May 7, from 2pm to 5pm an
“Mommy and Me: Mother’s Day Art Party” Benefits Youth Theatre Program – The Oceanside Theatre Company will hold a painting event for mothers and their children “Mommy and Me: Mother’s Day Art Party” from 1pm to 4pm, Saturday, May 7, at Studio 219 adjacent to The Brooks Theatre, 219 North Coast Hwy, Oceanside. To celebrate Mother's Day weekend, the general public is invited to sign up for this special event. Participants will learn to create a work of art with their special little guy or gal. The event is also suitable for best friends or siblings. Jason Adkins of Paint-A-Holics, an Arts & Entertainment Company serving San Diego County (www.paint-a-holics.com), will give step-by-step instruction for all to complete this collaborative painting in a fun party atmosphere. The painting is done on two 11" x 14" canvases that fit together to make one complete image. Snacks, desserts, bev-
‘Social Buttterfly’ Cont. on Page 8
Historically Speaking by Tom Morrow
The Attorney Who Challenged God
was a law student at the University of Chicago. Loeb was the youngest graduate ever from the University of Michigan. When asked why, Leopold told police: "The thing that prompted Dick to want to do this thing and prompted me to want to do this thing was a sort of pure love of excitement ... the imaginary love of thrills, doing something different ... the satisfaction and the ego of putting something over." It was labeled the case the "Trial of the Century" and Americans around the country wondered what could drive the two young men, blessed with everything their society could offer, to commit such a depraved act. The state's attorney told the press he had a "hanging case" for sure. Darrow stunned the prosecution when he had the killers plead guilty in order to avoid a vengeance-minded jury, placing the case before the judge. The trial turned into a long sentencing hearing in which Darrow contended, with the help of expert testimony, that Leopold and Loeb were mentally ill. Darrow's closing argument lasted 12 hours. He repeatedly stressed the under-ages of the "boy,” noting that "never had there been a case in Chicago where on a plea of guilty a boy under 21, which at that time was the marker for adulthood, had been sentenced to death."
He was America’s leading defense attorney during the first half of the 20th century, however, Clarence Darrow will long be remembered for challenging the theory of evolution.
Clarence Seward Darrow was born April 18, 1857, in Kinsman, Ohio. He was a leading member of the American Civil Liberties Union, but he was best known for two headlinegrabbing criminal cases. Called a "sophisticated country lawyer,” he remains notable for his wit, which marked him as one of the most famous American lawyers and civil libertarians until this day.
In 1894, Darrow represented noted labor leader Eugene V. Debs, of the American Railway Union, who was prosecuted by the federal government for leading the Pullman Strike of 1894. He saved Debs in one trial but could not keep the union leader from being jailed in another.
Throughout his career, Darrow devoted himself to opposing the death penalty, which he felt to be in conflict with humanitarian progress. In more than 100 cases, Darrow only lost one murder case in Chicago. He became renowned for moving juries and even judges to tears with his eloquence. Darrow had a keen intellect often hidden by his rumpled, unassuming appearance. When his name is mentioned, he’s remembered for two sensational criminal defenses. The first came in 1924, when Darrow took on the case of Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb, the teenage sons of two wealthy Chicago families. They were accused of kidnapping and killing Bobby Franks, a 14-year-old boy. Leopold was 18; Loeb, 17. Leopold
Darrow succeeded in softening Judge Caverly, who sentenced the killers to life plus 99 years.
The second sensational trial took place in 1925, when Darrow defended school teacher John T. Scopes in the State of Tennessee v. Scopes trial, better known as the "Scopes Monkey Trial." The title popularized by famed Baltimore journalist H.L. Mencken. Tennessee law forbade the teaching of the Theory of Evolution at any state-funded school, including universities. During the trial, Darrow requested that three time presidential candidate, William Jennings Bryan, a self-proclaimed expert on the Bible, be called as a witness. Bryan agreed, and Darrow made the old man look foolish, turning public opinion against the prosecution. Nonetheless, Scopes was found guilty and ordered to pay a $100 fine, later overturned by the state’s Supreme Court.
The Scopes case re-emerged during the 1950s as a fictionalized film, “Inherit the Wind,” starring Spencer Tracey as a defense attorney thinlydisguised as Darrow.
The life of Darrow was filled with so many other famous cases that space doesn’t allow for listing. Darrow died March 13, 1938, arguably the most famous, or infamous depending upon your viewpoint, attorney of the first half of the 20th century.
For a GREAT Gift anytime . . Give a gift subscription to The Paper! (760) 747-7119
The Paper • Page 8 • April 21, 2016
Superman Cont. from Page 5
to know that she was refreshing, knowledgeable and very much a woman. We had a grand time for maybe seven years when her system deteriorated and she went to a better place than this one. That was a bit over a year ago, So, here I am, once again alone. Golly, I would love to break this habit, of being alone, once again. ••••• I turn to my favorie publisher and seek his advice, in advertising to locate a still (partially) functional female, 80 thru 90, - the closer to 90 the better, who might still like to see if she is still lucky in love. The guy (the writer) would be forever grateful for suggestions from other women who would like to volunteer and would like to repeat those days of long ago -- All interested females should be aware that I'm just a home spun guy. I like, and am good at repairing and helping my partner get her house into what she wants it to be. I'll be happy to "pay my way� and work in your residence to help you make it the place you want it to be. I just happen to be one of those WWII leftovers who still relishes dancing slow and close. Having no car, I make use of my "Kick Bike" to carry and distribute. I'm a home guy, on the road, I like red as my primary color. I want to be seen when I'm riding. I have no real interest in leaving the park, so I have no car. The Kick Bike’s only drawback is that only one can ride at a time. I have found that it will move me where ever I need to go -- so what's all this business about going out? I love my home, as I will yours -- we'll have two to keep up until we elect to make it different, if ever. If you'd like to talk, face to face, -- Hey, I
Chuckles Cont. from Page 6
says: "Sure - I'm a good dentist. How did you figure that out?" The girl replies: ... "I didn't feel a thing!" YOU KNOW YOU ARE LIVING IN 2016 when...
1. You accidentally enter your PIN on the microwave. 2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years. 3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of three. 4.. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you. 5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that
don't want any surprises either. If you like to ballroom dance, you got a partner. I have some 300 CD's of danceable music from Glenn Miller on up. Should you happen to be in my age bracket, and would like to "see whats behind all that red,� let's get on with it. Looking forward to all that fun, still available to us!
I was so happy to meet your wife yesterday. I know that you are a very smart and lucky man to be fortunate enough to have such a wonderful help mate. I envy the both of you. Keep it up, whatever you to do for each other to keep your love as vibrant as it is.
Editors’s Note: Evelyn is not my wife. She is my business partner and very close friend. It was so wonderful to see you, Lyle, help your spouse when something went awry. You
Superman Cont. on Page 11
they don't have e-mail addresses, or know how to text. 6. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home to help you carry in the groceries ... 7. Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen 8. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which you didn't even have the first 20 or 30 (or 60) years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn around to go and get it 10. You get up in the morning and go on line before getting your coffee 11. You start tilting your head sideways to smile. : ) 12 You're reading this and nodding and laughing. 13. Even worse, you know exactly to
whom you are going to forward this message. 14. You are too busy to notice there was no #9 on this list. 15. You actually looked back up to check that there wasn't a #9 on this list. Beef Stew
Ever notice how beef stew always tastes better the day after it was made?
Evelyn made a great big crock put full last night; had a couple of bowls for dinner. Got up this morning and eschewed a waiting bowl of oatmeal with blueberries . . . and headed straight for the crock part. The nice warm stew I did not eschew. (I used that sentence because (a) it had a natural rhyme, and (b) it allowed me to use the word "eschew" twice in one paragraph. This, then, establishes that I ain't no dummy. I know words like "eschew." Savory broth, carrots, taters, maters, celery, onion, and big hunks of beef. Powerful good food! Even SunnyBoy, our aging cat is at my side, meowing for a taste. I gave him a couple pieces of beef and he's back for more. He doesn't have many teeth left but he shore does enjoy a good piece of beef! Now, wouldn't you know it, my two pups are also
Chuckles Cont. on Page 11
Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 7
erages, instruction, and all supplies, including two 11� x 14� canvases, are included in the ticket price. This Spring fundraiser benefits the Oceanside Theatre Company Youth Academy. Cost: $75 for two painters (all ages). For registration and more information, call 760.433. 8900 or visit www.oceansidetheatre.org.
Chocolate Lovers Unite at the Chocolate Festival – On Saturday, May 7th, from 10am-4pm, the annual Chocolate Festival will be held at the San Diego Botanic Garden. Many varieties of goodies will be created by 15-20 chocolate artisans. This is the perfect gift for Mom, the day before Mother’s Day. Demonstrations and tips on creating chocolate treats will also be featured. Shopping available from one of the vendors or from the Garden’s Gift Shops. Enjoy music from Bob Ballentine and Friends; food and coffee available. Cost: Free with paid admission or membership. Tasting tickets available for a small fee.
Escondido Library’s Teen Book Club Meeting is May 7th - Escondido Public Library’s Burritos & Book Club for teens, ages 13 to 18, meets on Saturday, May 7, from 1pm-2:30pm, in the Turrentine Room of the Library, 239 S. Kalmia, Escondido. A Girl Called Fearless, by Catherine Linka, is the selected title, and copies are available for checkout at the Information Desk or reserved using the Library’s online catalog at library.escondido.org. Also, students can check out copies from the school libraries at Escondido, San Pasqual and Orange Glen High Schools. The highlight of this month’s Book Club is a guest appearance by author Catherine Linka, who will discuss her book and answer questions. In addition to discussing this book, teens can share opinions and ideas about other books they have enjoyed and propose titles for the next Burritos & Book Club meeting. The select-
Social Buttterfly Cont. on Page 9
*( q+0)U 1t #
# #
When it comes to drug stores... The Good Old Days are Back!
For all your prescription needs, your sundries, household items, and for medical supplies of all types, including walkers, canes, orthopedic shoes, pain relievers... it’s -
909 E. Valley Parkway, Escondido
“Nami,� the friendly Pharmacist!
Lots of FREE parking in back
)RU )/,*+7 5(6(59$7,216 RU TX RU JR WR ZZZ F
The Paper • Page 9 • April 21, 2016
Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 8
ed book will be discussed at the next meeting on Wednesday, July 6th. Complimentary burritos will be provided, and all participants receive a free book or audiobook at the end of the program. This program is sponsored by Friends of the Library and Taco Bell at 1944 E. Valley Parkway. Library programs, events, and services are free and open to the public. For more information about teen programs, contact Teen Librarian Cathy Janovitz at 760.839.4283 or cjanovitz@escondido.org. Additional information about the Library can be found at library.escondido.org.
Stone Tool Workshop to be Held – On Saturday, May 7th, from 10am-2:30pm, the San Diego Archaeological Center will host a stone tool workshop featuring James Bowden. The Center is located at 16666 San Pasqual Valley Road, Escondido, 92027. Mr. Bowden has over 30 years experience in flint knapping using traditional tools and techniques. His work has been featured in publications and museum/visitor centers across the country. Part I is for beginners and focus on components that make up the Native American stone toolkit. Participants will observe, learn, and recreate stone beads using traditional techniques. Part II is for intermediate to advanced flint knappers, with instruction on advance techniques and learn to pressure flake their own tool. Previous flint knapping experience is required. Interested participants can register for Part I and/or Part II; lunch is included if you register for both parts. Tuition is $50 for the two-part workshop for students and Center members, or $60 for non-Center members (lunch provided). For one part of the workshop, cost is $25/for students and Center members, or $30/for non-Center members (specify Part I or II). Space is limited; must register in advance; purchase tickets online at www.sandiegoarchaeology.org. For more info or to register, contact Cara Ratner at cratner@sandiegoarchaeology.org or 760.291.0370.
City Seeks Youth Ambassadors - The San Marcos Youth Ambassador program was established to provide volunteer opportunities to high school students while offering assistance to city, local service clubs, charities, and Chamber of Commerce events. Students must be in grade 9, 10 or 11 when making application and must have been attending any high school in San Marcos for at least six months prior to the application process. They will serve a one-year term from July 1-June 30 and must agree to complete this term. The Ambassadors will be selected by a committee. Applicants are rated on their application, two questions and one letter of reference. Those selected receive an interview and are judged on personality, enthusiasm, ability and willingness to promote and support San Marcos. The deadline to apply is May 9 at 5pm. For the application and details, visit www.san-marcos.net/departments/community-servicesparks-recreation/volunteer-opportunities or contact hmalan@san-marcos.net.
Two Grant Opportunities Available at San Diego Foundation – The 2016 Blasker Environment Grants Program supports unique and innovative research development and applications that advance local solutions to one of our region’s most pressing challenges, climate change. Emphasis is placed on supporting students and early-career scientists. Grants will support projects that have the potential to improve the quality of life in the San Diego region and to support and encourage San Diegans to reach their full potential. There is $100,000 available in funding and the deadline for the application is Friday, May 6, 2016. For the spring 2016 Opening the Outdoors Grants program, The San Diego Foundation aims to advance community-driven efforts to develop and/or improve access to an interconnected network of natural areas, gathering places, and trails across the county so that the outdoors is easily accessible from any San Diegan’s doorstep. In a Foundation-facilitated survey, Our Greater San Diego Vision, 30,000 San Diegans from all areas of the region stated that a healthy, beautiful and accessible environment was a high priority. However, our 2010 Parks for Everyone report found that while 45% of San Diego County’s total land
area is green space, many low-income, ethnically diverse communities have limited access to parks and open spaces. There was also a strong correlation between communities with high rates of childhood obesity and low park access. Contact the San Diego Foundation for the deadline to apply.
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of San Marcos, hereinafter referred to as Agency, invites sealed bids for the above stated Project and will receive such bids in the offices of Agency (Front Counter of Public Works), at San Marcos Public Works, 201 Mata Way, San Marcos, California 92069-2918, up to the hour of 10:00 a.m., on 5/13/16 at which time they will be publicly opened. Bids received after the hour and date for the bid opening will not be accepted and shall be returned unopened. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work generally consists of parking lot modifications, building pad preparation, restroom building construction, pedestrian lighting system, mounded turf area, promenade area, irrigation system, landscaping, pedestrian pathways, drainage system, bio-retention area and other associated improvements as shown on the plans and included in the contract documents. Play equipment, restroom structure materials and trees will be owner supplied. This project is funded by a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and is a prevailing wage project. Please see attachments for further details and requirements. For questions regarding these requirements please contact Julie Magee at (760) 744-1050 ext. 3137. This project is funded by grant funding that requires the expenditure of $1,160,000 of the project by June 30, 2016. Contractors bidding the project must be able to provide means and methods to accomplish this. LOCATION OF WORK The work to be constructed is located at the Northeast corner of the intersection of Richmar Avenue and Firebird Lane in the City of San Marcos. GENERAL Copies of the Bid and Contract Documents are available for inspection at no cost to the bidder at the front counter of the Development Services Department on the first floor of City Hall, 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, California 920692918. NO BID SETS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE. In conformance with State of California Assembly Bill 2036 complete bid sets will be available electronically, at no cost, at http://www.sanmarcos.net and http://www.ciplist.com. It shall be the responsibility of the prospective bidders to download and print the bid documents for review and bid. Bidders shall also check the website for addendums which will be posted no later than 48 hours prior to the bid opening. Each addendum will include a conformation sheet indicating receipt of the addendum. This sheet must be signed and included with the bid for each addendum issued. Bids which do not include the conformation sheet(s) for each addendum, if any, may be rejected. The City of San Marcos does not warrant, represent, or guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of information provided from any third party source. The City shall not be responsible or liable in any way whatsoever for any loss or damages of whatever kind, nature, or scope, including, but not limited to, time, money or goodwill arising from errors, inaccuracies, or omissions in any documents and/or information retrieved from any third part source. Prospective bidders are encouraged to review the official version of all documents upon which they plan to rely. For a complete set of bid documents or the applicable RFP, all interested parties are directed to the City’s website at http://www.san-marcos.net or www.ciplist.com. PRE-BID CONFERENCE A mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held for this project 5/5/16. Contractors wishing to be considered for the project must attend the PreBid Conference.
Bids shall be written clearly and legibly in ink in conformance with the Instruction to Bidders. All bids shall be submitted to the Engineering Division in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside with “SEALED BID FOR CIP NO. 83001, RICHMAR PARK – DO NOT OPEN WITH REGULAR MAIL.” If using Federal Express or other such service for bid submittal, the contents of the submittal must be noted on the outside of that envelope as stated above. Each bid must be accompanied by cash, a certified or cashier’s check payable to the City of San Marcos, or a satisfactory bid bond executed by
Legal Notice Cont. on Page 10
Commercial & Residential Audio/Video Voice, Video, Data Wiring Home Theatres
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Networking / Wireless Networking Computer Services A Few of Our Satisfied Clients -
Sound Home Solutions is an authorized dealer for Sony, Samsung, LG, Yamaha, Denon, Polk and many other Audio/Video Products. We will meet or beat any retail or online distributor and if something was to go wrong with the product, we will service it for you which eliminates returns headaches.
Licensed Bonded and Insured California State Contractors license # 934820
The Paper
• Page 10 • April 21, 2016
A Weekly Memo from the Councilmembers of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders.
Mobile Home Rent Review
Olga Diaz
Council Member, Represents District 3
Escondido has a significant number of mobile home parks. There is a natural tension between residents of a mobile home park and the park owner. The park owner provides land and amenities for a monthly rent. The park resident owns and maintains the actual mobile home. Conflict arises when park owners want to raise rent for use of the
Legal Ads Cont. from Page 9
the bidder and an acceptable surety, in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the total aggregate bid amount. The successful bidder will be required to furnish and pay for performance and payment bonds acceptable to the Agency. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to the San Marcos City Charter and the San Marcos Municipal Code, payment of prevailing wages and compliance with the California Labor Code Sections 1770 et seq IS required for this project. The Contractor to whom the Contract is awarded, and any subcontractor under such Contractor, shall hereby ensure that minority and women business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids for subcontracts. Further, there shall be no discrimination in employment practices on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, age, or sex. Attention is directed to the provisions of the Bid and Contract Documents which require retention from payments to the Contractor to secure per-
formance under the Contract. Pursuant to California Public Contract Code Section 22300, and at the request and expense of the Contractor to whom the contract is awarded, acceptable securities (securities listed in Government Code Section 16430, bank or savings and loan, certificates of deposit, interest bearing demand deposit accounts or standby letters of credit) equivalent to the retention amount shall be permitted in substitution of money withheld by the Agency to ensure performance under the Contract. Such securities shall be deposited with the Agency or with a California or Federally chartered bank or savings and loan as escrow agent who shall return such securities, along with any interest thereon, to the Contractor upon satisfactory completion and acceptance of the Work by the Agency. The Agency reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularity, and to take all bids under advisement for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after the date the bids are publicly opened. All costs incurred by bidders as a result of preparing bids under this Notice Inviting Bids shall be the sole responsibility of each bidder. This Notice Inviting Bids neither creates nor imposes any obligation upon the Agency to enter
land and mobile home owners are forced to absorb costs because mobile homes are not easily moved. A history of steep rent increases to a “captive” customer base led residents to place a rent control measure on the ballot in 1988. It passed and since then the City Council has served as the Rent Review Board for mobile home parks in Escondido.
Escondido depend on the rent control law to be upheld by the City Council. Rent increases are limited to 75% of the consumer price index, or greater if based on actual expenses. Health and safety standards must be maintained for any increase to become effective. This rent review function is important and effective in protecting mobile home park residents, many of who are seniors Nearly 6,000 residents who live in on a fixed income, from mobile home units throughout unaffordable increases.
into a contract. Liquidated damages for this Project will be per the Special Provisions Estimated construction cost: $1,460,929.00 s/s Michael Edwards, Public Works Director Phil Scollick, City Clerk, City of San Marcos Dp April 21, 2016 and April 28, 2016 NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF MARTHA BARRY VIDLER 37-2015-00007605-PR-LS-CTL
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both, of MARTHA BARRY VIDLER. Petition for Probate has been filed by EDWARD DALEY COSDEN, JR. in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1409 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, Ca. 92101, MADGE BRADLEY BRANCH. The Petition for Probate requests that EDWARD DALEY COSDEN, JR. be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The peition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal repreesentative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representattive
will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed actions.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petitions and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: June 9, 2016 Time: 1:30 p.m. Dept: PC-2 Address of court: Same as noted above. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above.
You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a peson interested in the estate, you
Legals Cont. on Page 13
The Pastor Says . . .
And so in our lives as Christ followers, we live in two worlds … one heavenly and the other earthly … its joy and sorrow; light and darkness. Jesus is in ALL of it. He gets it; He came because of it.
Magnolia is pet of the week at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society. She’s a 3 year old, 14 pound, Domestic Short Hair cat.
Magnolia’s family moved to a place that doesn’t allow pets. She gets along fine with dogs and other cats, but might prefer to be the only pet in her new home. She loves being brushed, playing with feather toys, and having her head rubbed.
The $100 adoption fee for Magnolia includes medical exam, vaccinations, spay, and microchip. For more information call 760-753-6413, visit Rancho Coastal Humane Society at 389 Requeza Street in Encinitas, or log on to SDpets.org. Kennels and Cattery open 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day but Tuesday.
Agnes, an 8-year-old spayed female Chow Chow/Akita mix, is a strikingly beautiful dog who is affectionate and loves to be around her humans. She has been a little shy in our care, but still very friendly and eager to please. Her previous owner noted that she is very well-trained and knows sit, lay down, and loves to go for walks. They also said Agnes is very lovable and affectionate. Agnes is available for adoption at the San Diego Humane Society’s Escondido Campus, 3450 E. Valley Parkway. To learn more about making Agnes part of your family, please call (760) 888-2247 or visit sdhumane.org.
Pastor Sam Brumit Mission 316 Church, San Marcos, CA.
Getting through Sadder-day
Recently, we celebrated Holy Week. Looking back, that week is a dichotomy. It rendered the greatest hope of all … the opportunity to begin again through the resurrection of Jesus Christ …. against the backdrop of the pain and sorrow of humanity and the state of our world. All you have to do is to look around … watch the news or scan the headlines, listen to the radio or browse through Facebook … it’s a tough, cruel and sometimes senseless world out there.
But then Easter came … and it reminded me that there is HOPE. It’s the only hope for this world.
In between Good Friday and Easter came Saturday. Some call it “Sadder-day.” We were caught between the pain of Good Friday (and the human hardheartedness that led to it) and Sunday … where hope reigns. It’s the day that “love and sorrow met.” So if you, like me, get a bit weary on the journey … take heart. First Friday, then Saturday, but Sunday came. Because of resurrection power and third day hope, every day is Easter for each of us who can see it. Easter … 365 days a year!
One day, we’ll leave this world.
In the meantime, read “the book.” At the end of it all … we share in tremendous victory; we realize earth was but a test and heaven the reward.
You will make it through your sadder-day. When your life is transformed, hope is real; light emerges out of darkness.
The Paper
• Page 11 • April 21, 2016
A Weekly Message from the Mayor of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders.
San Marcos • Mayor Jim Desmond
Armorlite Drive overhaul is underway
A $3.3 million overhaul of Armorlite D r i v e — supported primarily by a SANDAG Smart Growth grant and developer impact fees—is underway and scheduled for completion this fall. The project will transform about a third of a mile of the road, next to the Palomar Station Apartment Community and parallel to Mission Road and the Sprinter track adjacent to Palomar College campus, into a “complete street” featuring bike and pedestrian friendly improvements that support alternative modes of transportation.
The overhaul will add a two-way cycle lane, sidewalks, two mid-block crosswalks with rectangular rapid flashing beacons, and underground storm water treatment facilities. The Armorlite improvements will also bring angled and parallel parking, pedestrian lighting, bicycle racks, and benches to the area. Detours for motorists and pedestrians will be in place during the construction period. Access to all residences and businesses will be maintained through marked detours and other traffic control measures. For the latest traffic updates, visit www.san-marcos.net/roadwork.
Escondido • Mayor Sam Abed
Mayor Sam Abed does not wish to write a weekly column to communicate with his Escondido Constituents via The Paper and its “A Letter from the Mayor” series
Chuckles Cont. from Page 8
here . . . looking at me with those pleading eyes. (Yes, I gave them each a big hunk of meat). The rest is for me. Pepper. I forgot pepper. You always want to add pepper to beef stew. Preferably, fresh ground pepper. Beef stew! Champions!
It happened at a New York Airport. This is hilarious. I wish I had the guts of this girl. An award should go to the United Airlines gate agent in New York for being smart and funny, while making her point, when confronted with a passenger who probably deserved to fly as cargo. For all of you out there who have had to deal with an irate customer, this one is for you. A crowded United Airlines flight was canceled. A single agent was re-booking a long line of inconvenienced travelers.
Suddenly, an angry passenger pushed his way to the desk. He slapped his ticket on the counter and said, "I HAVE to be on this flight and it has to be FIRST CLASS." The agent replied, "I'm sorry, sir. I'll be happy to try to help you, but I've got to help
Chuckles Cont. on Page 12
Superman Cont. from Page 8
were kind, gentle and sweet! Wow, what I wouldn't give to again experience such gentle love again. I want you to know that I'd give most anything to have such a wonderful relationship as you have with your wife! You're a very lucky guy. Enjoy it to the fullest, and make sure that you give her many, many wonderful events for her to review in her mind, as odds are, that she will outlive you. I am an a anomaly to the way things normally work out in it now being some 8 years since my wife left me. I've set forth the BREHE LAW, about long lived women. It's very easy since all females are built for two, whereas the male is only a passing Party Boy, by comparison. I reckon I'm built a tad bit different in my longevity scheme, but without a woman, this life is truly not worth living. I'm simply overwhelmed with your kindness and attention. I am flabbergasted with your enthusiasm for your product and can only say thank you for your kindness. I only hope that I might warrant your personal attention and look forward to that time when you too are rewarded for your investment in me. ••••• I LOVE YOU! (@ 90 years of age, or LESS!) (Liberties taken to apply better to "real life.") I love your lips when they're wet with wine And red with a wild desire; I love your eyes when the love light lies Lit with a passionate fire. I love your hair when the strands mash Your kisses against my face. Not for me the cold, calm kiss
Vista • Mayor Judy Ritter
Sharing the Land with Wild Animals
Coyotes are f o u n d throughout most of California and sightings in our city remind us that we still share the land with California’s wild animals. These wild animals primarily hunt rodents and rabbits for food, keeping the rodent populations under control. However, coyotes will take advantage of whatever is available, including garbage, pet food, and domestic animals. They are, by nature, fearful of humans; but when given access to human food and garbage, they may lose their natural fear. Coyotes are more active in the spring when feeding and protecting their young.
The California Department of Fish & Wildlife recommends making loud noises if followed by a coyote, or if this fails, try throwing rocks in the animal’s direction. Additional tips including keeping garbage in tightly closed containers that cannot be tipped over, removing sources of water, bringing pets in at night, and removing outside pet food.
Wildlife authorities ask those who notice a wild animal (mountain lion or other) in the area to call the Sheriff's Department at 858.565.5200 (in an emergency, call 911), as well as California Fish and Wildlife at 858.467.4201.
Oceanside • Mayor Jim Wood
Loma Alta Creek Clean Up
In celebration of Earth Month 2016, Green Oceanside will two host events, the 17th Annual Loma Alta Creek Cleanup and the 14th Annual Creek to Bay Cleanup. Volunteers can select from five Oceanside sites and will receive cleanup supplies, refreshments, community service hours and a free t-shirt or other giveaway items. Inland sites are at the following Oceanside locations: behind Smart and Final on Oceanside Blvd and I-5 (1701 Oceanside Blvd), at Mesa Drive and Vanilla Way (between El Camino real and Rancho De Oro Drive),and behind commercial buildings at Of a virgin's bloodless love' Not for me the saint's white bliss, Nor the heart of a spotless dove. But give me the love that so freely gives And laughs at the whole world's blame, With your body so mature and warm in my arms, It sets my poor heart aflame. So Kiss me my sweet with your warm wet lips Still fragrant with ruby wine, And say with a fervor born of the South That your body and soul are mine. Clasp me close in your warm smooth arms, While the pale stars shine above, And we'll live our whole lives away In the joys of a living love.
With apologies to: ELLA WHEELER WILCOX
I would like, whomever she might be, to be a "homebody." Someone like me. I'm not a spendthrift, I'm a homebody. I am relatively creative and like to work with my hands. In this large arena, I do lots and lots of
Oceanside Blvd and 1629 Ord Way. Coastal sites include Buccaneer Park at Pacific and Morse Streets and the South side of the Pier. The purpose of the cleanups is to remove trash from rivers, creeks and oceans to protect the health of humans, wildlife and the livelihoods that depend on healthy waterways. Volunteers should pre-register online at www.creektobay.org and plan to participate from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on April 23rd. For a complete listing of Earth Month activities, please visit www.GreenOceanside.org. The Green Oceanside campaign is dedicated to teaching residents and local businesses how to be better stewards of the earth.
walking. I always wear either my red or or pastel pin clouc head gear, as well as my fire engine red and reflective visibility vest. I do desire to keep living, even at my age, so I truly do not care what I look like. I just want to bee seen. So far, so good.
I have generated a name for myself, as more and more folks see me in my daily walks (minimum of 1 hour, max. of 5 hours) minimum of one walk a day, whether I'm doing free lance, or for gain. I enjoy helping others, creating things, making women happy. On that subject, most all of us males who enjoyed their home life have a big voic when their partner leaves for good -- no matter what the cause.After my wife died, some eight years ago, I have buried my first "partner" after seven years, and now, another year later, I would at least be again able to hold an honest old female's hand, to hug and kiss her, looking forward to revere her as I have all of my adult life (from my marriage when 24 years of age -- and now
Superman Cont. on Page 12
The Paper • Page 12 • April 21, 2016
Paul & Nome Van Middlesworth, The Computer Factory
A PC for the Average Home or Business User
“When buying a new computer, get as much speed and memory as you can afford.” That was the mantra when we opened The Computer Factory in 1995 and it was good advice at the time. New PC applications were popping up everywhere and hardware technology was struggling to keep up. “A new PC is obsolete by the time you get it home” was a common consumer complaint. The average PC became obsolete within two years, so if you maxed out the speed, memory and storage on your new PC you might squeeze out an extra year or two of useful life. Those days are long gone and speed and storage are often of minor concern for 90% of home and business users today. The Internet has changed everything.
Superman Cont. from Page 11 @ 90-- still yet).
Age changes things, and I am changed, but that does not prevent me from desiring a partner whom I can demonstrate love and affection. I believe that it only makes sense for me to look toward the oldest of a woman, who, like I, am aged, but who has lost only looks and other minor physical blemishes and or growths. I'm after the inner woman, one who can still laugh, smile and care. If Love is there, happiness is automatic -- or it was not love to start with.
Unfortunately I do not have another life to live but still being healthy at 90 I am not sedentary -- that's the primary reason for my delivering that greatpaper -- "The Paper." I meet people, talk to a new few each week.and feel physically good about what I do. And so there you have it . . . a look at our Superman . . . a gent who has a pretty solid outlook on life and love.
When we first met Hal I was surprised at how wiry and strong he appeared. Smooth skin . . strong handshake . . . great smile. You could have told me he was 50 and I would have believed you. We rather look forward to his emails each day, following completion of his deliveries.
We shall also be interested in how many not-so-young-anymore ladies respond to his plea for companionship. He’s a rather interesting chap.
Almost any computer built since 2007 can handle the fastest Internet speed with capacity to spare and also run the common off-line programs quite handily. Many new PC sold today are actually slower and have less storage capacity than the average PC in 2010. Computer hardware is no longer the driving force behind obsolescence, in recent years Microsoft has been the major creator of “planned obsolescence.”
Most home users have a hard time thinking of anything they do on their PCs that isn’t Internet related. Even common off-line tasks like Quicken, spread sheets, greeting cards, newsletters, learning programs, photo editing, low end games and word processing are increasingly being accomplished using “cloud” based applications on the WWW.
by phone. The “mainframe” held the programs, made the computations, stored the files and distributed the results to the “dumb terminals.” All the “intelligence” resided in the “mainframe CPU.” With a keyboard and display, a “dumb terminal” was a device that allowed the human to interact with the CPU (mainframe). Smart phones and tablets are “dumb terminals” they are a basic input/output device with a display. The Internet is the “mainframe.” It has all the intelligence, does all the work, stores all the programs and files and distributes data to your “dumb as a stump” iPhone or Android.
When you are on the Internet, your PC is also a “dumb terminal.” It is little more than an I/O device with a display. So why does the “average” user need a PC? Well PCs have big screens, comfortable I/O devices and are harder to break or lose than mobile devices. Many users also like the freedom of being able to run their programs and store their files off-line and many don’t like to be subject to the sometimes unreliable Internet.
Next week we will discuss what specific hardware is appropriate for the majority of home and business users and what to watch out for when you buy a new notebook or desktop PC.
The bottom line is that most of us could do all the things we do off line just as easily with on-line applications. As long as we have a keyboard, mouse, monitor and an Internet connection we don’t even need a PC, all we need is a “dumb terminal.” A “dumb terminal” is simply an I/O (input/output) device that communicates with a CPU. Back in the 1960 and 70s most large businesses had a CPU (mainframe computer) in a central, controlled environment. It was wired to “dumb terminals” locally and remote terminals anywhere
Man About Town Cont. from Page 4
Trust me. I'm the media.
The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consul Ifft, at Bergen, Norway. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared. Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts, which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable. I’m sorry, I neglected to mention that this report was from November 2, 1922 as reported by the AP and published in The Washington Post …
Chuckles Cont. from Page 11
these folks first; and then I'm sure we'll be able to work something out."
The passenger was unimpressed. He asked loudly, so that the passengers behind him could hear, "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM?" Without hesitating, the agent smiled and grabbed her public address microphone. "May I have your attention, please?" she began, her voice heard clearly throughout the terminal. "We have a passenger here at Gate 14 WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS. If anyone can help him with his identity, please come to Gate 14." With the folks behind him in line laughing hysterically, the man glared at the United Airlines agent, gritted his teeth, and said, "Screw You!"
Without flinching, she smiled and said, "I'm sorry sir, you'll have to get in line for that, too." ••••• When I checked into my hotel on a recent trip, I said to the lady at the registration desk, "I hope the porn channel in my room is disabled."
To which she replied, "No, it's regular porn, you sick bastard.” ••••• A buddy of mine just told me he's getting it on with his girlfriend and her twin. I asked, "How can you tell them apart?" He said, "Her brother's got a moustache." •••••
Cops never say "thanks for committing
crimes and keeping us employed." It's just plain selfish. ••••• Vincent Van Gogh’s Family Tree . . . Family Tree of Vincent Van Gogh: His dizzy aunt ————————— ——————– Verti Gogh The brother who ate prunes———— ——————- Gotta Gogh The brother who worked at a convenience store —— Stop N Gogh The grandfather from Yugoslavia —— ———————– U Gogh His magician uncle ———————— ——– Where-diddy Gogh His Mexican cousin ——————— ——————- A Mee Gogh The Mexican cousin’s American halfbrother ———— Gring Gogh The nephew who drove a stage coach — ———— Wells-far Gogh The constipated uncle —————— ——————- Can’t Gogh The ballroom dancing aunt ————— —————– Tang Gogh The bird lover uncle ——————— —————– Flamin Gogh The fruit-loving cousin —————— ——————– Man Gogh An aunt who taught positive thinking — ————— Way-to-Gogh The little bouncy nephew ————— ——————– Poe Gogh
A sister who loved disco —————— ——————– Go Gogh And his niece who travels the country in an RV — Winnie Bay Gogh
I saw you smiling . . . there ya Gogh!
Car Accidents • Slips and Falls
FREE CONSULTATION NO FEE TILL RECOVERY Workers Compensation Call Michael Majdick, 760.731.5737 Lawyer Makes House Calls Free Consultation
Bankruptcy, Trusts & Wills, Personal Injury, Real Estate Issues, Short Sales, LLC’s, Modifications, Dispute Letters, Contract Review, Notary Public, Real Estate Broker CalBre 00661666
Brian Fieldman, Esq. 760.738.1914 sdbrf@cox.net
VEHICLES WANTED! Running or not . . . Free Towing! Licensed and Bonded. We Come to You! 760.453.3322
Cleaning Services ANNA’S HOUSECLEANING • Free Estimate • Great References • 20 years Experience Call 760.738.7493
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Many years experience Excellent Long Term References 760.735.5852 CABINETS
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New or Repair, cabinets, drawers, countertops Formica, solid surface, refinish or paint, Senior Discount. Reface or New. Lic. #445779 Call Now! 760.594.0838 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT
The name of the business: Alden Logistics, located at 1025
S. Santa Fe Ave., Suite D, Vista, Ca. 92083.
This business is hereby registered by the following:
Mark Alden
2197 Winchester St.
Oceanside, CA. 92054
This business is conducted by an individual..
The first day of business was n/a.
/s/Mark Alden
This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg
4/7, 4/14, 4/21 & 4/28/2016 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT
The name of the business: N Ellee J Designs, located at
598 Silver Shadow Dr., San Marcos, Ca. 92078.
This business is hereby registered by the following:
Nancy E. Jones
598 Silver Shadow Dr.
San Marcos, CA. 92078
This business is conducted by an individual..
The first day of business was n/a.
/s/Nancy E. Jones
This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg
3/31, 4/7, 4/14 & 4/21/2016
Home Care
• Page 13 • April 21, 2016
Specializing in short and long term care assistance for all ages, with all activities of daily living, in your home. Drive to/from doctor appointments, new mommy assistance/infant care, Alzheimer patient care, general assistance before/after surgery, respite care for parents of disabled children, and much more. Rates start at $20.00 per hour for companion services.
15% off total bill with max $30 THU 7:00 FRI SAT 7:30 JAMMIN' 5-8 LAST SUNDAY 760-744-2363 MYNORTHERNSPIRITS.COM SM BLVD AT GRAND AVE SAN MARCOS, CA.
Home Maintenance Improvements JOHN the GOLD HANDYMAN I am good at Painting, Plumbing, Dry Wall Repairs, Pergo, Carpet and Tile and lots more - 27 years experience. CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATE 760.738.7493
HOME GENERAL MAINTENANCE REMODELS Bath/Kitchen Designs, Tile Installation, Electrical, Paint, Fences, Concrete. Lic#33509 760.484.1302 760.529.1239
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-009732 The name of the business: Elio’s Coring, located at 727 Galaxy Dr., Vista, Ca. 92083. This business is hereby registered by the following: Eliodoro and Ana M Zavala ReyesReyes 727 Galaxy Dr. Vista, CA. 92083 This business is conducted by a married couple. The first day of business was 9/03/1999. /s/Eliodoro Reyes This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 4/07/2016. 4/21, 4/28, 5/05 and 5/12/2016
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-007987 The name of the business: Naan N Curry Fresh Indian Fast Food, located at 2708 Loker Ave #104, Carlsbad, CA. 92010. This business is hereby registered by the following: Jaspal S. Garg 308 Sunbird Ct. San Marcos, CA. 92069 Rupal D. Patel 11967 Trail Crest Court San Diego, CA. 92131 This business is conducted by a General Partnership. The first day of business was n/a. /s/Jaspal S. Garg, Partner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 3/21/2016. 3/31, 4/7, 4/14 & 4/21/2016 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-008708 The name of the business: AmericCoat Painting, located at 155 Las Floras Dr., Spc #3, San Marcos, Ca. 92069. This business is hereby registered by the following: Joelery Ramirez 155 Las Flores Dr. Spc. #3 San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual.. The first day of business was n/a. /s/Joelery Ramirez This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 3/28/2016. 3/31, 4/7, 4/14 & 4/21/2016 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-008613 The name of the business: LCG & MCG Handman Services, LCG & MCG Housecleaner, located at 1826 Via Cuarto, Oceanside, CA. 92056. This business is hereby registered by the following: Gustavo Gallardo and Maria Petra Carolina Molina 1826 Via Cuarto Oceanside, CA. 92056 This business is conducted by an individual.. The first day of business was n/a. /s/Gustavo Gallardo This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 3/28/2016. 3/31, 4/7, 4/14 & 4/21/2016
Virginia Morenz, 92, from Rancho Santa Fe, CA., passed away on 4/13/2016 Paula C. Sherriff, 70, of Oceanside, CA., passed away on 4/13/2016
James W. Huston, 62, of Escndido, CA., passed away on 4/14/2016 Roberta L. Wilson,88, of Escondido, CA., passed away on 4/17/2016
Joyce L. Bond, 84, of Escondido, CA., passed away on 4/15/2016 Wendy A. Miyoshi, 50, of Oceanside, CA., passed away on 4/15/2016
Saburo Sumi, 83, of Murrieta, CA., passed away on 4/17/2016 Grace L. Vance, 89, of Escondido, CA., passed away on 4/18/2016
Super Soundproofing Co •Expert Products •Floor Noise Barrier •Insulation Floor and Wall Tape •Vibration Isolation Tape
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Legals Cont. from Page 10
may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for the Petitioner: DANIEL BACALSKI, JR. 402 west broadway, suite 950 SAN DIEGO, CA. 92101 619.291.6006 4/21, 4/28 & 5/07/2016
Death Notices
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Letters to the Editor Cont. from Page 7
facilities were designed and built simultaneously, plus a large first-of-a-kind remotely-operated plant to chemically separate plutonium from all other elements. At a newly-constructed site at Los Alamos, a large number of scientists and engineers designed, built and tested a number of new and unique weapon devices. The same major effort, time and priority would have been required in Germany -- and it was simply not possible. We had much larger population and material resources to draw upon. And our manufacturing, transportation and communications infrastructures were not being bombed intensely day and night!
The German atomic bomb “program” was never a realistic threat. /s/Ralph “Pete” Peters Retired California-licensed nuclear engineer
Send your Letters to the Editor to: thepaper@cox.net
We miss you – 18 years and you are still always in our hearts and thoughts! The Madison Family
Evelyn, Marty and Tyler, Monty, Marilyn, Kali, Brady, Whitney, Alisha, Marissa, Stuart, Bethany & Wesley, great grandson Casen, great granddaughter Paislee, and soon to arrive, the newest member, great grandson Brantley FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-010141 The name of the business: San Marcos Auto Specialists, Swedish Auto Specialists, Inc., located at 1568 Osage, San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is hereby registered by the following: Swedish Auto Specialists, Inc. 1568 Osage St. San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by a corporation. The first day of business was n/a. /s/Robert Carl Graefen, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 4/12/2016. 4/21, 4/28, 5/05 and 5/12/2016
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-009769 The name of the business: Wiley Construction, located at 310 Via Del Norte, Oceanside, CA. 92058. This business is hereby registered by the following: Sharon Wiley 404 N. Horn Oceanside, Ca. 92054 This business is conducted by an individual. The first day of business was 1/1/2000. /s/Sharon Wiley This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 4/07/2016. 4/21, 4/28, 5/05 and 5/12/2016
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-010672 The name of the business: Ocean Village Apartments, 3350 Harding St., Carslbad, CA. 92008. This business is hereby registered by the following: Wolfgang and Danietta Schimansky 353 Point Windemere Place Oceanside, CA. 92057 This business is conducted by a General Partnership. The first day of business was 5/30/2002 /s/Wolfgang Schimansky This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 4/18/2016. 4/21, 4/28, 5/05 and 5/12/2016
The Mighty Mojo Page The Paper
• Page 14 • April 21, 2016
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Coins & Loans
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Escondido Pharmacy and Home Health Care Always great prices and Service! Medical Supplies, Wheelchairs, Walkers 909 E. Valley Parkway
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Estate Sale Services
SoCal Estate Sale Services Do you need to sell an estate? Best Service, Maximum Profit For You! Visit socalestatesaleservices.com
Call 760.300.8225 or 760.525.8785 NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF WILMA L. MITCHELL 37-2016-00011440-PR-PW-CTL
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both, of MILMA L. MITCHELL, aka WILMA A. MITCHELL, aka WILMA ARLENE IRION MITCHELL. Petition for Probate has been filed by MICHAEL R. MITCHELLin the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1409 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, Ca. 92101, MADGE BRADLEY BRANCH. The Petition for Probate requests that MICHAEL R. MITCHELL be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The peition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal repreesentative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representattive will be required to give notice to interested persons
You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a peson interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for the Petitioner: THOMAS E. GALYEAN 739 E. Pennsylvania AVenue Escondido, CA. 92025 760.747.7500 4/21, 4/28 & 5/07/2016
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-009742 The name of the business: Sundry Rentals and Design, located at 1521 Winsome Dr., Escondido, CA. 92029. This business is registered by: Cheryl McBride 1521 Winsome Dr. Escondido, CA. 92029 Lara McBride Alexander 955 3rd Street #5 Encinitas, CA. 92024 The business is conducted by Co-Partners. First day of business n/a. /s/Cheryl A. McBride, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on April 07, 2016 4/14,4/21, 4/28 & 5/05/2016 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-009418 The name of the business: Cuts and Deals, located at 4729 Westridge DR., Oceanside, CA. 92056. This business is registered by: Donald E. George and Rutilo Wayne Reyes 4729 Westridge Dr. Oceanside, CA 92056 This business is conducted by Co-Parnters. First day of business n/a. /s/Donald E. George FThis statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on April 04, 2016 4/14,4/21, 4/28 & 5/05/2016
1215 E. Valley Parkway Escondido Where homestyle cooking is just the beginning…
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unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed actions.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petitions and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: May 19, 2016 Time: 1:30 p.m. Dept: PC-3 Address of court: Same as noted above. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above.
J&M’s Family Restaurant
Medical Supplies/Pharmacy
Nursery Outlet
www.donnadavisrealtor.com The finest compliment I can ever receive is a referral from my friends and clients.
760.500.1456 DRE#00893014
No Excuses! We Get It Sold!
Mystery Guest Identified!
Didn’t take long. It’s hard to get a Mystery Guest past Dolly McQuiston. She correctly identified last week’s mystery guest as Don Anderson, retired City of Escondido administrator and, for many years, Director of their Parks & Recreation Department.
We figured Don would be guessed fairly quickly. Seems everyone knows him. I”ve known him since he was a recreational aide for the city (about a hundred years ago). Congrats to Dolly McQuiston (again.)
Now, let’s see who can guess the new mystery guest!
Styling Salon EN Salon
Beautiful Hair Begins Here! Full Service • Styles for the Whole Family! 1348 W. Valley Parkway
Located in the Sports Autority & Mike’s BBQ Shopping Center
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-009496 The name of the business: Alternative Property Services, located at 2929 Fairview Drive, Vista, CA. 92084. This business is hereby registered by the following: Michael Martino 2929 Fairview Drive Vista, CA. 92084 This business is conducted by an individual. The first day of business was 4/05/2016. /s/Michael Martino This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 4/5/2016. 4/7, 4/14, 4/21 & 4/28/2016 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-008548 The name of the business: Mopart Wholesale, located at 930 Birch Ave., Escondido, Ca. 92027. This business is hereby registered by the following: Eric Juarez 930 BirchAve. Escondido, CA. 92027 This business is conducted by an individual. The first day of business was n/a. /s/Eric Juarez This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 3/25/2016. 3/31, 4/7, 4/14 & 4/21/2016
Who is this Gal?!
Correctly identify the lady below and we’ll make you famous world-wide! Get on your marks . . . Go!
The Paper
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-007259 The name of the business: Ruben’s Janitorial Services, located at 1043 Honeysuckle Dr., San Marcos, Ca. 92078. This business is hereby registered by the following: Ruben M Ugalde and Gloria Bustos 1043 Honeysuckle Dr. San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by a Married Couple. The first day of business was n/a. /s/Ruben M. Ugalde This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 3/14/2016. 3/31, 4/7, 4/14 & 4/21/2016
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-009361 The name of the business: Puppy Gear, located at 7750 Rancho Santa Fe Road, #102, Carlsbad, CA. 92009. This business is registered by: Ryan Trang 931 Tucana Dr. San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This Business is Conducted by an individual. First day of business 4/4/2016. Signed by Ryan Trang This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 4/4/2016. 4/7, 4/14, 4/21 & 4/28/2016
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2016-00009955-CU-PT-NC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Souhir Stephenson filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Souhir Stephenson to Proposed name Sue Stephenson. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: May 10, 2016, 8:30a.m., Department 26. The address of the court is: 325 S. Melrose, Vista, CA. 92081. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated Mar 25, 2016 /s/William S. Dato, Judge of the Superior Court 3/31, 4/7, 4/14 & 4/21/2016
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-009575 The name of the business: Sanchez HVAC, located at 1436 Phillips Circle, Vista, CA. 92083. This business is registered by: Mitchell E. Sanchez 1436 Phillips Circle Vista, CA. 92083 This Business is Conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a.. Signed by Mitchell E. Sanchez This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 4/5/2016. 4/7, 4/14, 4/21 & 4/28/2016
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-008814 The name of the business: Rheumatology and Arthritis Medical Clinic, located at 277 Rancheros Dr., San Marcos, Ca. 92069. This business is hereby registered by the following: Kayal Medical Group Inc. 1089 Brightwood Dr. San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by a corporation.. The first day of business was n/a. /s/Basma Al Nahlawi, CEO This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 3/29/2016. 3/31, 4/7, 4/14, & 4/21/2016
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-008453 The name of the business: BentleyGroup, located at 1003 La Tierra Dr., San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is hereby registered by the following: Mark Bentley 1003 La Tierra Dr. San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. The first day of business was 2/10/2011. /s/Mark Bentley This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 3/25 /2016. 4/7, 4/14, 4/21 & 4/28/2016 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-007640 The name of the business: Fitness Without Limits, located at 2418 Carriage Circle, Oceanside, CA. 92056. This business is hereby registered by the following: Bonnie Nuciforo 2418 Carriage Circle Oceanside, Ca. 92056 This business is conducted by an individual. The first day of business was n/a. /s/Bonnie Nuciforo This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 3/16/2016. 3/31, 4/7, 4/14 & 4/21/2016 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-008457 The name of the business: DW Security, located at 3157 Skyline Drive, Oceanside Ca. 92056. This business is hereby registered by the following: Dale Walton 3157 Skyline Dr. Oceanside, Ca. 92056 This business is conducted by an individual.. The first day of business was 3/25/16. /s/Dale Walton This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 3/25/2016. 3/31, 4/7, 4/14 & 4/21/2016
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-009203 The name of the business: Tint and Timber, located at 3128 Levante St., Carlsbad, CA. 92009. This business is registered by: Twigg Botanicals 3128 Levante St. Carlsbad, CA. 92009 This Business is Conducted by a corporation. First day of business 4/1/2016. Signed by Robin Mathis, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 4/1/2016. 4/7, 4/14, 4/21 & 4/28/2016 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-009412 The name of the business: Au Natural Superseed, Au Naturale Superseed, located at 2322 Pod Drive, Vista, Ca. 92084. This business is registered by: Ed and Candice Daher 2322 Pod Dr. Vista, Ca. 92084 This Business is Conducted by a Married Couple. First day of business n/a. /s/Ed Daher This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 4/4/2016. 4/14, 4/21, 4/28 & 5/05/2016
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-009667 The name of the business: Zinko Photo & Video, located at 3800 Oceanic Drive, Suite 110, Oceanside, Ca. 92056. This business is registered by: Steve K. Gibbs 3800 Oceanic Drive, Suite 110 Oceanside, CA. 92056 This Business is Conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/Steve K. Gibbs This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 4/6/2016. 4/14, 4/21, 4/28 & 5/05/2016
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-009003 The name of the business: Cornerstone Plumbing, located at 2964 Hill Valley Dr., Escondido, CA. 92029. This business is registered by: Eric Wiebel 2964 Hill Valley Dr. Escondido, Ca. 92029 This Business is Conducted by an individual. First day of business 6/14/07. /s/Eric Wiebel This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 3/30/2016. 4/14, 4/21, 4/28 & 5/05/2016
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-007604 The name of the business: Agave Short Load Concrete Mix, located at 1901 Suncrest Ave., Oceanside, Ca. 92056. This business is registered by: Araceli Preciado 1901 Suncrest Ave. Oceanside, CA. 92056 This Business is Conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/Araceli Preciado This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 3/16/2016. 4/14, 4/21, 4/28 & 5/05/2016
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-007662 The name of the business: Cole & Associates, located at 186 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd., San Marcos, CA 92078. This business is registered by: L. Cole & Associates Mobilehomes & Real Estate Inc. 186 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd., San Marcos, CA 92078 The business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 1/1/86. /s/L. Cole, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on March 16, 2016 4/14,4/21, 4/28 & 5/05/2016
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• Page 15 • April 21, 2016
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-007170 The name of the business: SSIT, Portable Target, located at 310 S. Twin Oaks Valley Road, #104, San Marcos, CA.,92078. This business is registered by: Bret and Yadhira Rotheram 649 Helmsdale Road San Marcos, CA 92069 This Business is Conducted by A Married Couple. First day of business n/a Signed by Bret Rotheram This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 3/14 /2016. 4/7, 4/14, 4/21 & 4/28/2016
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-009022 The name of the business: Stigmata Vineyard, located at 1652 Via . This business is registered by: Bret and Yadhira Rotheram 649 Helmsdale Road San Marcos, CA 92069 This Business is Conducted by A Married Couple. First day of business n/a Signed by Bret Rotheram This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 3/14 /2016. 4/7, 4/14, 4/21 & 4/28/2016
The name of the business is: Cole Realty & Mortgage, located at 186 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd., San Marcos, CA 92078. This business is registered by: L. Cole & Associates Mobilehomes & Real Estate Inc. 186 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd San Marcos, CA 92078 This business is being conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 1/1/86. /s/L. Cole, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on March 16, 2016 4/14, 4/21, 4/28 & 5/05/2016 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-007664 The name of the business is: L. Cole & Associates Mobilehomes & Real Estate Inc., located at 186 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd., San Marcos, Ca. 92078. This business is registered by: L. Cole & Associates Mobilehomes & Real Estate Inc. 186 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd San Marcos, CA 92078 This business is being conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 1/1/86. /s/L. Cole, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on March 16, 2016 4/14, 4/21, 4/28 & 5/05/2016
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-010009 The name of the business: TK Realty, located at 7166 Sitio Caballero, Carlsbad, CA 92009. This business is registered by: Tuyet-Khanh Thi Pham 7166 Sitio Caballero Carlsbad, CA 92009 The business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 8/18/2010. /s/Tuyet-Khanh Thi Pham This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on April 11, 2016
4/14,4/21, 4/28 & 5/05/2016
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-010314 The name of the business: Designed For You, located at 986 Marlin Dr., Vista, CA. 92084. This business is registered by: Janel Rae Scott PO Box 3726 Vista, CA. 92084 The business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 1/15/2010. /s/Janel Rae Scott This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on April 13, 2016 4/21, 4/28, 5/05 & 5/12/2016
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-010218 The name of the business: KRC Property Management and Real Estate, Dragan Real Estate, located at 950 Boardwalk, #202 San Marcos, Ca. 92078. This business is registered by: Ktesius Realty Corporation 950 Boardwalk, #202 San Marcos, Ca. 92078 The business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 5/8/08. /s/Richard W. Farmer, CEO This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on April 12, 2016 4/21, 4/28, 5/05 & 5/12/2016
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-010578 The name of the business: Rosati’s Pizza, located at 307 Vista Village Dr., Vista, Ca. 92085. This business is registered by: Jemej 2, LLC 634 Via Del Camp San Marcos, Ca. 92078 The business is conducted by a Limited Liabiity Company. First day of business n/a. /s/Eric Jeska, Managing Member This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on April 15, 2016 4/21, 4/28, 5/05 & 5/12/2016
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-010506 The name of the business: 24hourluv, located at 521 Calle Montecito 110, Oceanside, Ca. 92057. This business is registered by: Tieshai Lewis 521 Calle Montecito 110 Oceanside, Ca. 92057 The business is conducted by a an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/Tieshai Lewis This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on April 15, 2016 4/21, 4/28, 5/05 & 5/12/2016
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (Planning Commission)
The Planning Commission of the City of San Marcos will hold the following public hearing in the City Council Chambers located at San Marcos City Hall, 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069 at 6:30 p.m., on Monday, May 2, 2016. Project No: P16-0004: CUP 16-001 Applicant: Paul Metcalf Request: Installation of an eight (8) lane bowling alley within an existing building known as the Urge Common House. E n v i r o n m e n t a l Determination: Categorical Exemption Class CCR§15301, Class 1, Existing Facilities. Location of Property: 255 Redel Road, more particularly described as Parcel 4 of Map 2617. Assessor’s Parcel No.: 220-200-53. Further information about this notice can be obtained from Garth Koller, Principal Planner, by calling 760-744-1050 extension 3231, or via email gkoller@san-marcos.net. NOTICE: Any interested person may appeal the decision of the Planning Commission to the City Council provided the appeal fee is paid ($20 for residents; $1,155 for non-residents) and a written appeal is submitted to the Planning Division Secretary within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the decision (due no later than 5:30 PM on May 12, 2016). The written appeal should specify the reasons for the appeal and the grounds upon which the appeal is based. The City Council will then consider the filed appeal/s at a later public hearing. The Planning Division can be contacted at 760-744-1050, extension 3233 or lkiss@sanmarcos.net. The City of San Marcos is committed to making its programs, services and activities accessible to individuals with disabilities. If you require accommodation to participate in this public hearing or any other City program, service or activity, please contact the City Clerk’s office at 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos CA 92069, or call (760) 744-1050, Extension 3145. Phil Scollick, City Clerk, City of San Marcos. PD: 4/21/16.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-010545 The name of the business: Clear Path Transportation Services, located at 3127 Willow Tree Lane, Escondido, Ca. 92027 This business is registered by: William K. Storey 3127 Willow Tree Lane Escondido, CA. 92027 The business is conducted by a an individual. First day of business 4/01/2016. /s/William K. Storey This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on April 15, 2016 4/21, 4/28, 5/05 & 5/12/2016 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-008216 The name of the business: Maria’s Help/Services. located at 735 Mission Grove Place Apt 309, Escondido, Ca. 92025. This business is registered by: Maria Payan 735 Mission Grove Place Apt 309 Escondido, Ca. 92025 The business is conducted by a an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/Maria Payan This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 3/23/2016 4/21, 4/28, 5/05 & 5/12/2016
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-008203 The name of the business: La Perla Tapatia Redondo, located at 625 N. Redondo, Oceanside, Ca. 92057. This business is hereby registered by the following: ZAGA, Inc. 625 N. Redondo Dr. Oceanside, CA. 92057 This business is conducted by a corporation. The first day of business was 1/19/2005. /s/Armando Gaeta, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 3/23/2016. 3/31, 4/7, 4/14 & 4/21/2016
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of San Marcos, hereinafter referred to as Agency, invites sealed bids for the above stated Project and will receive such bids in the offices of Agency at City of San Marcos Public Works Administration, 201 Mata Way, San Marcos, California 92069, up to the hour of 10:00 a.m. on May 5, 2016, at which time they will be publicly opened at Public Works. Bids received after the hour and date for the bid opening will not be accepted and shall be returned unopened. The work to be done is described in these Bid and Contract Documents for the above stated Project. The general Scope of Work is as follows: DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work generally consists of the placement of asphaltic surface treatments of latex modified slurry seal (seal coat). Work also includes public noticing and business coordination, traffic control, surface preparation, removal and replacement of raised pavement parkers, removal of striping, removal and replacement of thermoplastic pavement legends, and placement of temporary slurry tabs. LOCATION OF WORK The work to be constructed is located along various roadways throughout the City of San Marcos. Reference Appendix A and B within Special Provisions for a detailed description and limits of the work to be done. GENERAL Copies of the Bid and Contract Documents are available for inspection at no cost to the bidder at the front counter of the Development Services Department on the first floor of City Hall, 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, California 920692918. NO BID SETS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE. In conformance with State of California Assembly Bill 2036 complete bid sets will be available electronically, at no cost, at http://www.san-marcos.net and http://www.ciplist.com. It shall be the responsibility of the prospective bidders to download and print the bid documents for review and bid. Bidders shall also check the website for addendums which will be posted no later than 48 hours prior to the bid opening. Each addendum will include a conformation sheet indicating receipt of the addendum. This sheet must be signed and included with the bid for each addendum issued. Bids which do not include the conformation sheet(s) for each addendum, if any, may be rejected. The City of San Marcos does not warrant, represent, or guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of information provided from any third party source. The City shall not be responsible or liable in any way whatsoever for any loss or damages of whatever kind, nature, or scope, including, but not limited to, time, money or goodwill arising from errors, inaccuracies, or omissions in any documents and/or information retrieved from any third part source. Prospective bidders are encouraged to review the official version of all documents upon which they plan to rely. For a complete set of bid documents or the applicable RFP, all interested parties are directed to the City’s website at http://www.san-marcos.net or www.ciplist.com. A Pre-Bid Conference will not be held for this project.
Bids shall be written clearly and legibly in ink in conformance with the Instruction to Bidders. All bids shall be submitted to the Engineering Division in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside with "SEALED BID FOR 2016 STREET SURFACE SEAL PROJECT DO NOT OPEN WITH REGULAR MAIL." If using Federal Express or other such service for bid submittal, the contents of the submittal must be noted on the outside of that envelope as stated above. Each bid must be accompanied by cash, a certified or cashier's check payable to the City of San Marcos, or a satisfactory bid bond executed by the bidder and an acceptable surety, in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the total aggregate bid amount. The successful bidder will be required to furnish and pay for performance and payment bonds acceptable to the Agency. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to the San Marcos City Charter and the San Marcos Municipal Code, payment of prevailing wages and compliance with the California Labor Code Sections 1770 et seq IS required for this project. The Contractor to whom the Contract is awarded, and any subcontractor under such Contractor, shall hereby ensure that minority and women business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids for subcontracts. Further, there shall be no discrimination in employment practices on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, age, or sex. Attention is directed to the provisions of the Bid and Contract Documents which require retention from payments to the Contractor to secure performance under the Contract. Pursuant to California Public Contract Code Section 22300, and at the request and expense of the Contractor to whom the contract is awarded, acceptable securities (securities listed in Government Code Section 16430, bank or savings and loan, certificates of deposit, interest bearing demand deposit accounts or standby letters of credit) equivalent to the retention amount shall be permitted in substitution of money withheld by the Agency to ensure performance under the Contract. Such securities shall be deposited with the Agency or with a California or Federally chartered bank or savings and loan as escrow agent who shall return such securities, along with any interest thereon, to the Contractor upon satisfactory completion and acceptance of the Work by the Agency. The Agency reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularity, and to take all bids under advisement for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after the date the bids are publicly opened. All costs incurred by bidders as a result of preparing bids under this Notice Inviting Bids shall be the sole responsibility of each bidder. This Notice Inviting Bids neither creates nor imposes any obligation upon the Agency to enter into a contract. Liquidated damages for this Project will be per the Special Provisions. Estimated construction cost: $481,000.00 s/s Michael Edwards, Public Works Director Phil Scollick, City Clerk, City of San Marcos Dp April 14, 2016 and April 21, 2016
The Paper • Page 16 • April 21, 2016
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