Volume 45 - No. 16
by lyle e davis
It was a sunny afternoon on that 9th day of November, 1975.
The captain and crew of the Edmund Fitzgerald knew full well that November is referred to as “The Month of Storms” on the Great Lakes but, at the time, under the warming sun, they didn’t seem to be too concerned.
Little did the 29 man crew know that they would soon face one of the biggest and worst storms that their Captain had ever seen. Nor would they know that they would soon perish beneath the cold, angry waters of Lake Superior and become part of a legend.
The legend of the Edmund Fitzgerald remains the most mysterious and controversial of all shipwreck tales heard around the Great Lakes. Her story is surpassed in books, film and media only by that of the The Paper - 760.747.7119
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April 16, 2015
Winds are at 52 knots, with waves ten feet in height.
Titanic. Canadian folksinger Gordon Lightfoot inspired popular interest in this vessel with his 1976 ballad, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald." The 729 foot Edmund Fitzgerald left Superior, Wisconsin, heavy with 26,918 long tons of iron ore (taconite) pellets. She was bound for the steel mills of Zug Island, just off Detroit. Shortly after leaving, she made radio contact with the Arthur M. Anderson, a sister ship, soon to leave the same port, and bound for the steel mills of Gary, Indiana.
Eyewitnesses recall that it was an unseasonably beautiful day, and recall seeing the Fitz pass with off duty staff sunning themselves on the Fitz's always pristine decks. They were the last from shore to see the ship afloat. On November 9 at 7 pm the National Weather Service
Gordon Lightfoot, singer/songwriter, whose song “Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” has become a classic.
(NWS) issued a gale warning for Lake Superior. In a gale, the wind speeds range from 34-40 knots. At about 2:00 am November 10 the NWS upgraded the gale warning to a storm warning (winds 48-55 knots) with a prediction of "northeast winds 35 to 50 knots becoming northwesterly 28 to 38 knots on Monday, waves 8 to 15 feet." November 10 - 1:00 AM Weather report from the Fitzgerald. The report from the Fitzgerald shows her to be 20 miles south of Isle Royale.
Her Last Voyage Continued on Page 2
7:00 AM - Weather report from the Fitzgerald. Winds are at 35 knots, waves of ten feet. This is the last weather report that the Edmund Fitzgerald will ever make. 3:15 PM - Captain Jesse Cooper, (J.C.) of the S.S. Arthur M. Anderson watches the Fitzgerald round Caribou Island and comments that the Fitzgerald is much closer to Six Fathom Shoal than he would want to be. 3:20 PM - Anderson reports winds coming from the Northwest at 43 knots.
3:30 PM - Radio transmission between the Fitzgerald and the Anderson. Captain McSorley (C.M.) to Captain Cooper (C.C.):
C.M.: "Anderson, this is the Fitzgerald. I have sustained some topside damage. I have a