The paper 06 04 15

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Volume 45 - No. 22

by lyle e davis

Most of us turn away in revulsion when we hear of, or worse, see the atrocities committed by members of ISIS/ISIL. “Barbaric!” we say. But, wait.

It’s not really Muslims who are doing this . . . but the extremists who use Islam as a religious support to accomplish what they want to accomplish. We wouldn’t do anything like that, would we? Or would we?

We are doing it today. Have been for hundreds of years.

The White, Anglo-Saxons within our nation also have their extremists. Chief of which, and most well known, is the KKK, the Ku Klux Klan.

Recently, an interesting discussion developed locally on Facebook. Two images, one of a gathering of Ku Klux Klan members, and the second a portrayal of ISIS terrorists . . .

June 04, 2015

are one that spreads antiIslamic rhetoric, wake yourself up and stop the prejudice.”

Mr. Willey makes a good point. But at least one local, Stephen Siaw, former candidate for the Escondido City Council, argued: “You people need to stop smokn' weed! if you think there is some kind of equivalency here you’re just high!” He then posted a link to a video showing ISIS terrorists beheading people

Willey responds: “The "equivalency" is that you cannot link an extremist organization to a particular religion just because they claim to champion that religion. The KKK claimed to be a Christian organization and killed (included beheading, hanging, lynching, burning, women and children) people that did not fit their white-Protestant ideal. That there are some Muslim extremists that do the same does not implicate the whole of the religion anymore than the atrocities committed by the KKK cowards implicate Christians.”

Stephen Siaw, you are missing the point entirely.. The comparison is between the KKK and Christianity vs. Extremist Muslims and Islam. The point is the the KKK r e p r e s e n t s Christians as much as an organization like ISIS represents Islam.” Denim Dave Ferguson chimed in on the Facebook discussion:

“The KKK is exactly like RADICAL MUSLIMS. They both kill innocent people that don’t believe as they do. Both organizations are completely radical and filled with hate and ignorance.” Mr. Willey added:

Brian Willey of Escondido, commented on the above images: “There are around a billion-anda-half Muslims in the world. If their religion were about killing non-Muslims, the world would be a much different place. If you The Paper - 760.747.7119


“I wonder how the Christians justified the Crusades, the Inquisition? You survived living with them. Let's not even mention that Afghanistan is a breeding ground for extremists and is not representative of the whole of the

Muslim population. I have survived living among friends and coworkers that are Muslim. How should we explain that? Ignorance breeds fear, breeds hate, breeds death. I will repeat, you don't judge a population by their most extreme examples. Denim Dave Ferguson added:

“We have many Muslim friends. They want the same things we want. Freedom to live and free to practice their religion without fear. The United States was founded on freedom of religion. In God we trust specifies no reli-

gion!” And thus began the discussion/debate . . . and our curiousity level was raised. Each party in this Facebook discussion makes valid points, though there are some divergent opinions. First, we agree with Mr. Willey that ISIS no more represents the Muslim community than the KKK represents the Christian community.

We agree with Mr. Siaw when he points out the greater degree of barbaric treatment of innocents as well as military oppo-

KKK . . . ISIS . . . a discussion Continued on Page 2

The Paper • Page 2 • June 04, 2015

‘KKK . . ISIS’ Cont. from Page 1

nents; the KKK, never known for less than hostile attention to its opponents, doesn’t even come close to ISIS in terms of severity of punishment, torture, and murder they visit upon anyone who happens to be in their way. Mr. Ferguson seems to sum up the situation pretty much on target.

A good, healthy, though sometimes painful discussion on Facebook that makes one take a look at the two parties under discussion. Let’s take a look at the KKK.

What, if any, impact does the KKK have in California? In Southern California? Years ago we had an avowed member of the KKK living in Fallbrook; Tom Metzger. While here, Metzger raised hell. A lot.

He organized a “Klan Border Watch,” designed to catch Mexican illegals; he became the Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon for California. He was in the news quite often. He had his own public access tv show. Metzger has since moved to near Warsaw, Indiana.

The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), or simply "the Klan," is the name

Give Us This Day Our Daily Chuckle This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy! Grandpa and the IRS

The IRS decides to audit Grandpa, and summons him to the IRS office. The IRS auditor was not surprised when Grandpa showed up with his attorney. The auditor said, 'Well, sir, you have an extravagant lifestyle and no full-time employment, which you explain by saying that you win money gambling. I'm not sure the IRS finds that believable.' ‘I'm a great gambler, and I can prove it,' says Grandpa. 'How about a demonstration?'

The auditor thinks for a moment and said, 'Okay. Go ahead.'

of three distinct movements in the United States. They first sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South during the Reconstruction Era, especially by violence against African American leaders. It ended about 1871. The second was a very large, controversial, nationwide organization in the 1920s that especially opposed Catholics. The current manifestation consists of numerous small unconnected groups that use the KKK name. They have all emphasized racism, secrecy and distinctive costumes. All have called for purification of American society, and all are considered part of right-wing extremism. The current manifestation is classified as a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center. It is estimated to have no more than between 5,000 and 8,000 members nationwide as of 2012.

The Klan was pretty much brought to its knees by attorney Morris Dees, who founded the Southern Poverty Law Center in 1971 as a civil rights law firm, based in Montgomery, Alabama. The SPLC's litigating strategy involves filing civil suits for damages on behalf of the victims of hate group harassment, threats, and violence with the goal of financially depleting the responsible groups and individu-

Grandpa says, 'I'll bet you a thousand dollars that I can bite my own eye.' The auditor thinks a moment and says, 'It's a bet.'

Grandpa removes his glass eye and bites it. The auditor's jaw drops.

Grandpa says, 'Now, I'll bet you two thousand dollars that I can bite my other eye.' Now the auditor can tell Grandpa isn't blind, so he takes the bet.

Grandpa removes his dentures and bites his good eye. The stunned auditor now realizes he has wagered and lost three grand, with Grandpa's attorney as a witness. He starts to get nervous.

'Want to go double or nothing?' Grandpa asks 'I'll bet you six thousand dollars that I can stand on one side of your desk, and pee into that wastebasket on the other side, and never get a drop anywhere in between.' The auditor, twice burned, is cautious now, but he looks carefully and decides there's no way this old guy could possibly manage that stunt, so he agrees again. Grandpa stands beside the

als. Successful verdicts ripped apart the Klan’s Treasury as they had to pay damages and costs of litigation. Eventually, they were left, essentially, broke.

During the tenure of Bull Connor as police commissioner in the city of Birmingham, Klan groups were closely allied with the police and operated with impunity. When the Freedom Riders arrived in Birmingham, Connor gave Klan members fifteen minutes to attack the riders before sending in the police to quell the attack. When local and state authorities failed to protect the Freedom Riders and activists, the federal government established effective intervention.

Part of the KKK’s enduring draw is that it refers not to a single organization, but rather to a collection of groups bound by use of now-iconic racist symbols — white hoods, flowing sheets, fiery crosses — and a predilection for vigilante violence. The groups also built sizable followings during the 1960s, in reaction to the rising Civil Rights Movement. Various incarnations have continued to mobilize since — often through blended affiliations with neoNazi, neo-Confederate, and Christian Identity organizations — but in small numbers and without significant impact on mainstream politics. A greater number of KKK

desk and unzips his pants, but although he strains mightily, he can't make the stream reach the wastebasket on the other side, so he pretty much urinates all over the auditor's desk.

The auditor leaps with joy, realizing that he has just turned a major loss into a huge win. But Grandpa's own attorney moans and puts his head in his hands. 'Are you okay?' the asks.


'Not really,' says the attorney. 'This morning, when Grandpa told me he'd been summoned for an audit, he bet me twentyfive thousand dollars that he could come in here and pee all over your desk and that you'd be happy about it!' I keep telling you! Don't Mess with Old People!

organizations exist today than at any other point in the group’s long history, but nearly all of these groups are small, marginal, and lacking in meaningful political or social influence.

By most straightforward measures, the KKK appears a failed social movement. Despite the Klan’s political inroads during the 1920s, when millions of its members succeeded in electing hundreds of KKK-backed candidates to local, state, and even federal office, the group proved unable to preserve its influence at the ballot box beyond that decade.

The Ku Klux Klan, which just a few years ago seemed static or even moribund compared to other white supremacist movements such as neo-Nazis, has experienced a surprising and troubling resurgence due to the successful exploitation of hotbutton issues including immigration, gay marriage and urban crime. Klan groups have witnessed a surprising and troubling resurgence by exploiting fears of an immigration explosion, and the debate over immigration has in turn helped to fuel an increase in Klan activity, with new groups sprouting in parts of the country that have not seen much activity. New groups have appeared, causing racial tensions in com-

‘KKK . . ISIS’ Cont. on Page 3

second man, "It's your turn. What is three times three"?

"Tuesday," replies the second man. The doctor shakes his head sadly, then asks the third man, "Okay, your turn. What's three times three"? "Nine," says the third man.

"That's great!" says the doctor. "How did you get that"?

"Simple," he says, "just subtract 274 from Tuesday." The Toilet Seat

My wife, Julie, had been after me for several weeks to varnish the wooden seat on our toilet. Finally, I got around to doing it while Julie was out. After finishing, I left to take care of another matter before she returned.

Three elderly men are at the doctor's office for a memory test.

She came in and undressed to take a shower. Before getting in the shower, she sat on the toilet. As she tried to stand up, she realized that the not-quitedry epoxy paint had glued her to the toilet seat.

"274," came the reply. The doctor rolls his eyes and looks up at the ceiling, and says to the

‘Chuckles’ Cont. on Page 3

Good Memory

The doctor asks the first man, "What is three times three"?

About that time, I got home and realized her predicament. We both pushed and pulled

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‘KKK . . ISIS’ Cont. from Page 2

munities previously untroubled by racial issues. They hold antiimmigration rallies and recruitment drives and distribute racist literature with a new emphasis on the immigration issue, and Hispanics.

Photos from the Wild, Wild West Bat Masterson

The KKK’s emphasis on violence and intimidation as a means to defend its white supremacist ends has been the primary constant across its various “waves.” Klan groups increasingly are cooperating with neo-Nazi groups.

The basic ideology of the Ku Klux Klan today is not very different from that of many other hard-core white supremacist groups, such as neo-Nazis.

In California there are only two known branches of the Klan, the Kalifornia Knights of the Ku Klux Klan - and the White Legion Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Both are small groups. One recruiting message from the Kalifornia Knights:

“The Northern California KKK are looking for good christians with a strong moral character to join the Old Empire. In northern CA we have two active Dens-Central CA/Bay Area (Cole Younger Bushwacker #901) and Sacramento (William Ide Klavern #902). We meet biweekly discussing American Protestant and Confederate history, have regular BBQ's, and are politically active. If any white patriots want to learn more, please PM me for a free info pack.” A little closer to home, in Orange County, CA., the White Legion Ku Klux Klan also is online with a recruiting message: “Were (sic) a new group looking for dedicated man and woman not just sunshine patriorts (sic) people with the honest intent to do something positive for there (sic) race nation and faith for the battle to secure our race and the future of our white children we would like to get something going in calif to protest illegals any one interested in our group can contact us at white legion ku klux klan.” The largest Klan organization is called Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which is also known as the Knight's Party, and it's based in Harrison, Ark.

Each year, the Knight's Party holds an annual congress, called the Faith and Freedom Conference. It is usually held outside of Harrison on a Klan member's property. Most attendees come with their whole families, and some camp outside the conference compound for the weekend. The KKK does not seem to pose much of a contemporary problem. ISIS, on the other hand, appears here to stay. Extremism will likely stay as well.

Queen of the Wild West

Myra Belle Shirley, better know as Belle Starr earned her title as Queen of the Wild West. After Belle died, her daughter Flossy moved to Wichita and opened the finest brothel in town. Family descendants of Belle Starr still live in the area today.

Old West gunfighter Bat Masterson. was a colorful figure - an army scout, gambler, buffalo hunter, frontier lawman in Dodge City, and eventually a US Marshall. He was friends with Wyatt Earp, and had visited Wyatt in Tombstone, Arizona, shortly before the showdown at the OK Coral. Later in life, after the West had been tamed, he settled in New York City, and worked as a sports editor for the New York Morning Telegraph.

Born Christopher Carson in Kentucky, ran away from home and traveled to Taos, New Mexico, where at 17 he began to make his living as a trapper, hunter, and guide. Carson led U.S. explorer John C. Frémont on three expeditions through the Rocky Mountain region. Accepting a commission as a colonel in the U.S. Army in 1861, Carson fought against Native American and Confederate forces. He had worked as an apprentice to a Missouri saddle maker when he was fourteen years old.

He neither read nor wrote, but was fictionalized as a hero in many novels.

He married Josefa Jaramillo in February 1843. The couple had eight children. He served in the American Civil War under the leadership of James Buchanan.

without any success whatsoever. Finally, in desperation, I undid the toilet seat bolts. Julie wrapped a sheet around herself. I drove her to the hospital emergency room. The ER Doctor got her into a position where he could study how to free her (Try to get a mental picture of this.).

Julie tried to lighten the embarrassment of it all by saying, “Well, Doctor, I'll bet you've never seen anything like this before."

The Doctor replied, "Actually, I've seen lots of them...... I just never saw one mounted and framed." How children perceive their Grandparents ...

Tom Horn

Kit Carson

‘Chuckles’ Cont. from Page 2

Thomas "Tom" Horn, Jr. was an American Old West lawman, scout, soldier, hired gunman, detective, outlaw and assassin. He was known to have killed many people . . . usually by ambush and shooting them in the back. On the day before his 43rd birthday, he was hanged in Cheyenne, Wyoming, for the murder of Willie Nickell.

Wyatt Earp

Wyatt Berry Stapp Earp was an American gambler, Pima County, Arizona Deputy Sheriff, and Deputy Town Marshal in Tombstone, Arizona, who took part in the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, during which lawmen killed three outlaw cowboys.

Earp was at various times lawman, gambler, businessman, miner, boxing referee. He became manager of the Oriental Saloon in Tombstone, Arizona, entitling him to receive one-quarter interest in its faro concession.

‘Photos from the West’ Cont. on Page 9

1. She was in the bathroom, putting on her makeup, under the watchful eyes of her young granddaughter, as she'd done many times before. After she applied her lipstick and started to leave, the little one said, "But Grandma, you forgot to kiss the toilet paper good-bye!" I will probably never put lipstick on again without thinking about kissing the toilet paper good-bye. 2. My young grandson called the other day to wish me Happy Birthday. He asked me how old I was, and I told him, 80. My grandson was quiet for a moment, and then he asked, "Did you start at 1?"

3. After putting her grandchildren to bed, a grandmother changed into old slacks and a droopy blouse and proceeded to wash her hair. As she heard the children getting more and more rambunctious, her patience grew thin. Finally, she threw a towel around her head and stormed into their room, putting them back to bed with stern warnings. As she left the room, she heard the three-year-old say with a trembling voice, "Who was THAT?"

4. A grandmother was telling her little granddaughter what her own childhood was like. "We used to skate outside on a pond. I had a swing made from a tire; it hung from a tree in our front yard. We rode our pony. We picked wild raspberries in the woods." The little girl was wide-eyed, taking this all in. At last she said, "I sure wish I'd gotten to know you sooner!" 5. My grandson was visiting one day when he asked, "Grandma, do you know how you and God are alike?" I mentally polished my halo and I

‘Chuckles’ ‘Cont. Cont. on Page 5

The Paper • Page 4 • June 04, 2015 Man arrested in Florida for January 2014 Threats to Escondido Charter School

On January 16, 2014, Escondido Police received reports of an on-line threat against Escondido Charter High School. Specifically, the anonymous suspect threatened to shoot mass casualties at the school the following day. The suspect fraudulently used the name of a student in the threat. Escondido Police investigators quickly ruled that student out as a suspect. As a result, all Escondido Charter campuses were closed as a precaution.

Escondido Police Detective Damon Vander Vorst was assigned the case as the department’s computer crime investigator. The investigation led to a possible suspect living in Miami, Florida. Detective Vander Vorst worked with the San Diego District Attorney’s CATCH Team (Computer and Technology Crime High-Tech Response Team), The Federal Bureau of Investigation including both San Diego and Miami field offices, The Southern District of Florida US Attorney’s Office, and the City of Miami Police Department to locate the suspect. The Miami-Dade States Attorney’s Office issued a war-

Man About Town

Local News

rant for 18 year old Fernando Morales who was subsequently arrested on May 20, 2015, for felony charges related to the Escondido Charter High School mass shooting threat which closed all three campuses on January 17, 2014. Morales is a resident of Miami and has no known connection to Escondido. FBI CyberIntrusion Task Force, the City of Miami Police Department and the Miami-Dade States Attorney’s Office facilitated Morales’ arrest. Escondido Police Chief Craig Carter stated this is a great example of the hard work and relentless commitment of all the agencies involved that helped bring closure to this case. Carter added that this should serve as message that if you threaten children and schools, you will be identified, located and arrested. Felony Charges to Include: - Fraudulent Use of Personal Identification - Unlawful use of two-way Communication Device Sobriety Enforcement Results Escondido

On Friday, May 29th, the Escondido Police Department conducted a DUI Sobriety/Driver’s License Checkpoint in the area of

pletely remodeled it, changed the menu and proceeded to attract patron after patron, all of whom enjoyed fine food and great prices . . . and great service. The formula worked so well he then bought the restuarant at 9th & Redwood, and, again, remodeled, restructured the menu and now patron after patron is visiting and fining delicious food, excellent pricing and superb service.

This was my week to visit some of my favorite restauranteurs.

We noticed an interesting link to each of these folks. Each of them was an immigrant from another country

Centre City Pkwy and Decatur Way.

Following are other results from this event: • 1,371 vehicles drove through the checkpoint. • 725 vehicles were screened in primary. • 3 FST’s were conducted, resulting in 0 DUI arrests • 39 vehicles were sent to secondary screening (drivers who could not produce a driver’s license or who were suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs) •16 total citations were issued during the checkpoint. (1 for suspended license and 12 for unlicensed driver, 8 for no insurance.) • 3 vehicles were impounded • 7 vehicles were released to the owner or a designated driver • Educational material was distributed regarding DUI problems. Serious Injury Accident Escondido

On Monday, June 1st, at about 9:37 pm, responders from the Escondido Police and Fire Departments were dispatched to the 400 block of E. Washington Avenue regarding a serious injury collision involving two vehicles. Officers

‘Local News’ Cont. on Page 13

As you can see, Ava G., newest member of The Paper, also found Fred to be a warm and friendly fella. ••••• Another immigrant who has done quite well for himself, also in the food service industry, is good friend Charlie Mitich, originally from Yugoslavia, but known locally as the genial owner of Charlie’s, a great family restaurant in Escondido As you read this, Charlie will likely just be returning from Las Vegas, where he and his wife got away for a three day vacation at the successor to the old Sahara Hotel. As a former client, they comped him a room for three nights as well as a $75 food credit.

All have succeeded.

We stopped to visit Fred Soleimani, proud new owner of not one, but two restuarants in North County, Pegah’s Kitchen in Escondido at 9th & Redwood, and Pegah’s Kitchen in San Marcos at Mission and Mulberry. Fred and his wife, Sara, emigrated from Persia and ran a successful restaurant in Kansas City, Kansas, before moving west to California. One year ago they bought the San Marcos restaurant, com-

Letters to the Editor Harumph!

Paul Van Middlesworth’s column in The Paper deserves considerable respect for his knowledgeable discourse on Microsoft, computers in general and occasional forays into other subjects. I also have kind remarks for The Computer Factory and for Nome, Paul’s better half, as they served me quite well in the past. However, I don’t understand Paul’s obvious distaste for Apple products and computers in particular. My experience over time with MS Windows computers was replete with necessary upgrades and numerous replacements of var-

‘Letters to the Editor’ Cont. on Page 5

Charlie enjoys driving to and from Vegas . . . and enjoys the food and shows. Neither he or his wife are much for gambling. We’ve been encouraging Charlie to get away more often. He’s a seven day a week kinda guy and that’s fine . . . but now and then it’s good to take a break. It will be good to see Charlie back at Charlie’s Restaurant, presiding over his food empire. ••••• Yet another immigrant who has succeeded is George Papoutsis. He came over from Greece with no money but a whole lot of grit and determination. . . his two hands, and a willingness to work, work, work and save, save, save.

Fred Soleimani, owner of Pegah’s Kitchens, Escondido and San Marcos George Papoutsis, owner of George Burgers

Charlie Mitich, owner of Charlie’s Restaurant

Finally, he had saved up

‘Man About Town’ Cont. on Page 13

The Paper • Page 5 • June 04, 2015

‘Chuckles’ Cont. from Page 3

said, "No, how are we alike?'' "You're both old," he replied.

6. A little girl was diligently pounding away on her grandfather's word processor. She told him she was writing a story. "What's it about?" he asked. "I don't know," she replied. "I can't read."

7. I didn't know if my granddaughter had learned her colors yet, so I decided to test her. I would point out something and ask what color it was. She would tell me and was always correct. It was fun for me, so I continued. At last, she headed for the door, saying, "Grandma, I think you should try to figure out some of these colors yourself!" 8. When my grandson Billy and I entered our vacation cabin, we kept the lights off until we were inside to keep from attracting pesky insects. Still, a few fireflies followed us in. Noticing them before I did, Billy whispered, "It's no use Grandpa. Now the mosquitoes are coming after us with flashlights."

9. When my grandson asked me how old I was, I teasingly

replied, "I'm not sure."

"Look in your underwear, Grandpa," he advised. "Mine says I'm 4 to 6."

10. A second grader came home from school and said to her grandmother, "Grandma, guess what? We learned how to make babies today." The grandmother, more than a little surprised, tried to keep her cool. "That's interesting," she said. "How do you make babies?"

"It's simple," replied the girl. "You just change 'y' to 'i' and add 'es'." 11. Children's Logic: "Give me a sentence about a public servant," said a teacher. The small boy wrote: "The fireman came down the ladder pregnant." The teacher took the lad aside to correct him. "Do you know what pregnant means?" she asked. "Sure," said the young boy confidently. “It means carrying a child."

12. A grandfather was delivering his grandchildren to their

‘Chuckles’ Cont. on Page 7

‘Letters to the Editor’ Cont. from Page 4 ious vital parts.

Interestingly, the 27” iMac I purchased in 2009 runs both Microsoft applications as well as those from Apple and, with only one exception, has required no physical repairs. (Apple phoned me once and I accepted an offer at their expense to replace a hard drive they suspected might be defective though I had experienced no problems). Also, to date occasional minor glitches have been resolved at no expense through Apple Care.

Van Middlesworth is correct in that many can assemble and perhaps repair a P/C. One can’t do that with an Apple, but why should I care? Overall I have been happier with my iMac performance than I was with my series of MS Windows computers and that’s all that really counts. /s/Sid Colquitt Escondido, CA.

Hello! You Mean We Have to Pay Extra for Desalinated Water?

Is everyone ready for a substantial cost increase in their water bills? We Carlsbad residents will get dinged the most,

as our city (water) has committed more "skin" to the game. The rest of the schmucks of North County, will soon be "happily" paying the "unknown" higher price for their monthly water allotment. All this "shiny new water," without fully utilizing the valuable, but wasted, resource: Municipally-treated waste water----dumped daily into the blue Pacific! BTW: Our regional water board, contracted for the "desal" water, without giving the ratepayers a vote, to accept or reject, the Poseidon package. Sadly, that's how it's done in America, these days. /s/G. Lance Carlsbad, CA.



A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that the percentage of teens using e-cigarettes tripled from 2013 to 2014. This startling statistic begs the question: where are teens getting e-cigarettes? Although California is one of 42 states that prohibit the sale of e-cigarettes to minors, easy access remains a problem - and

‘Letters to the Editor’ Cont. on Page 7


Social Butterfly The Paper • Page 6 • June 04, 2015

the topic is “The Amazing Alphabet”. Check her website for more into. Free parking, snacks, guest fee $5; wear a name tag for free prize drawing. Visit or email

Evelyn Madison The Social Butterfly Email Evelyn at:

Meetings/Events Calendar

San Marcos Farmers Market on Sunday, June 7th – A knife sharpening event will be held at the San Marcos Farmers Market on Sunday, June 7th, at Old California Restaurant Row parking lot, 1020 W. San Marcos Blvd. Also there will be the ArtWalk and car show. Bring your knives, scissors, garden tools, hobby tools, etc, and let Carl Garlick from Fine Edge Sharpening take care of all your household tools. Carl has a special fine grit machine. Fine Edge's motto is "Let me help you keep your edge!” For more information contact Market Manager, Christy Johnson 760.580.0116.

North County African Violet Society to Meet – On Tuesday, June 9th, the San Diego North County African Violet Society will meet at Weidner’s Gardens in Leucadia. If you wish to carpool, meet in the Vista Library parking lot at 10:15am; arrive in the back of Weidner’s Gardens at 10:30-10:45am. At 11am Evelyn Weidner will give a presentation. At 11:30am the club will give three plants to Evelyn and the two owners, and Barbara Conrad will give a brief potting demonstration. There will be a potluck luncheon at 11:45. At 12:15, cleanup lunch and look around the gardens. Evelyn is offering a 10% discount to members of the club if you choose to buy any plans or fertilizers. There will be no meeting in July. Contact Pauline Mueller, 760.433.4641 or email Figurative and Portrait Painter to Demo at EAA Meeting - The Escondido Art Association (EAA) is pleased to host renowned figurative and portrait painter, Richard Stergulz, as the demonstration artist at their members June 10th monthly meeting to be held from 7-9pm at the Park Avenue Community Center, 210 Park Avenue, Escondido. Richard graduated from the American Academy of Art in Chicago in 1983, and after a 12-year successful career as a commercial artist there, he moved to CA. He works primarily in oil on masonite board. His works hang in galleries in Santa Monica, Idylwild and Vista, and his paintings have won numerous awards from Best of Show to People's Choice. The EAA, a non-profit 501c(3) art organization promoting the arts in North County San Diego, invites guests to attend for a fee of $5. Visit the EAA website

El Camino Quilt Guild to Meet on June 11 – On Thursday, June 11, at 9:30am, the El Camino Quilt Guild will meet at the North Coast Church in the Edge Building, 2405 N. Santa Fe, Vista. Doors open 9am. This will be a Trunk Show by Jean Impey “Inspirations”. The workshop is Friday, June 12, at Quilt in a Day;

Senior Anglers to Meet on June 12 - The Escondido Senior Anglers meets regularly on the 2nd Friday of each month at the Park Avenue Community Center, 210 Park Ave, Escondido. The guest speaker will be member Ron Parker who will present a photo series of various types of fish caught by members over the years followed by a short "Guess the Fisherman or Lady Fisher" in their younger days. This promises to be a fun and entertaining presentation. This energetic over-50 crowd of men and women participate in both fresh & saltwater fishing, youth trout derbies, various picnics, RV camp-outs, and other community service events. Meetings are free of charge and guests are always welcome. Shirts and shoes are required. You may be a lucky winner of one of the door prizes, and you will probably be home by noon unless you care to join others for lunch (Dutch-treat Separatechecks) at one of the local restaurants that sponsor the club.

Pacific Belles Chorus Show, June 13th – The Pacific Belles Chorus of Sweet Adelines International proudly invites you to their annual June show “Home of the Brave” at 1pm, on Saturday, June 13, at the Park Avenue Community Center, 210 Park Avenue, Escondido. Patriotic and barbershop style songs will be presented by the Chorus. In addition PBC’s quartets “Twice as Nice” and "Q plus 1" will entertain. Pacific Belles Chorus' scholarship winner, Sarah Jaka, a voice student at Palomar College, will be introduced and perform. An ice cream soda treat will be served to the audience at the end of the show. Tickets are $15/adults, $10/high school students, $5/children under 12, and will be available at the door. For more information, call Frances, 954.647.7332 or Neva, 760.439.8639.

Russian Musicians in Concert in Carlsbad – Saturday, June 13th, at 2pm, LYRA, a community of Russian professional musicians and students at Saint-Petersburg Conservatoire, with choir and ensemble singing, will present a concert at the Holy Cross Episcopal Church, 2510 Gateway Road in Bressi Ranch. The event is free. For more information, call 760.930.1270.

DAR Meeting on Saturday, June 13 – The Santa Margarita Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), will meet Saturday, June 13, at the El Camino Country Club in Oceanside. Major Dennis McKee, USMC (ret), will speak on Vietnam/Presidential Mission. The chapter is registered as a Vietnam War Commemorative Committee with the Department of Defense and will be honoring some Vietnam veterans that day. The DAR is open to any female 18 years of age or older who is lineally descended from an ancestor who assisted in some way in the patriots fight for independence in the Revolutionary War. Visit

LSM Democratic Club Meeting on June 13th - The June meeting of the Lake San Marcos Democratic Club will be held on Saturday, June 13th, at 1pm; social time 12:30pm. The featured speaker, Herbie Smith, will speak on the PACE Promise San Marcos program that was created to build pathways from high school to college to career for families in the San Marcos Unified School District while creating opportunities to overcome financial barriers to post-secondary education. Herbie, an employee of the SMUSD since 2006 after graduating from Humboldt

State University with a degree in Communication. During that time, he has worked in various jobs, and as of January 2014, took on the role of Executive Director of the PACE Promise program. The meeting will be held at the Gallery, next to the previous Pavilion location at 1105 La Bonita Dr., San Marcos. Check the website at for directions, call 760.743.2990, or email

Kids in the Garden Class is Saturday, June 13th – “Drawing and Watercolors in Nature” is the title of the Kids in the Garden Class from 10am to 12noon at Alta Vista Botanical Gardens. Also, attendees will check on the growing edibles and plant more veggies, emphasizing hands-on discovery and fun. Class fee is $5/child for two hours; fees support the development of the Alta Vista Children’s Garden. Accompanying adults pay $3 Garden entry fee. Registration includes visit to the Children’s Garden. Pre-register by email to or call 760.822.6824. Alta Vista Botanical Gardens is located at 1270 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista, at the top of the hill inside Brengle Terrace Park. Visit the website at for more information.

Home Firearm Safety/Basic Handgun Class - A monthly 3-hour familiarization and safety class is offered for anyone anticipating the purchase of, or who already own, a handgun. The class is offered Sunday, June 14, from 2pm-5pm at the Escondido Fish and Game Association’s shooting range east of Lake Wohlford, at 16525 Guejito Road and Lake Wohlford Road. Participants learn the basics of handguns, home firearm safety and responsibility of firearm ownership. Handguns and ammunition are provided for the class but participants

California’s Special Districts; an Example of Good Governance

Thousands of special districts exist throughout California, delivering needed local services that most of us take for granted. Without them, many services would be lacking and state and local government would be more costly and much less efficient.

Voters have created 2,160 independent special districts to serve specific needs that might otherwise be unavailable. Special districts deliver and treat wastewater for 30 million people, provide fire and emergency protection for 11 million, operate more than half of California’s critical access hospitals and provide irrigation water for 90 percent of our farmland. Financed through property taxes, efficient management of limited taxpayer dollars is a hallmark of special districts. Unique among public agencies, the number of special districts has actually been reduced by more than 7 percent over the past 20 years through voluntary closures and consolida-

are encouraged to bring their own handgun if they already own one. Cost is $60/person; to register, call Jack at 760.746.2868.

TERC’s Meeting is Monday, June 15 – The Escondido Republican Club’s (TERC) next meeting will feature a representative for Freedom Dogs as the guest speaker on Monday, June 15th. Freedom Dogs’ mission is to speed the recovery and enhance the lives of wounded military heroes through the use of specialty-trained service dogs. A nonprofit organization, it is devoted to serving wounded members of the military who are attempting to return to civilian life. The trainers and service dogs provide physical and emotional support, helping warriors to successfully make this challenging transition. The meeting is held at Cocina del Charro, 890 West Valley Parkway, Escondido. Check-in at 11:30am; buffet lunch 11:45; meeting at 12noon and concludes at 1pm. Reservations are required. Cost is $14/person; RSVP to 760.480.8300. For more info about TERC, visit

“Spread a Little Love” – is the theme of the San Marcos-Vista Christian Women’s Club luncheon on Monday, June 15, at 11am at the Broken Yolk Café, 101 S. Las Posas Road, San Marcos. Cost of the luncheon is $18/person. The speaker, Nancy Sherman from Huntington Beach, will add “Love and Laughter” to our lives as she shares her experiences in life and tells how she found her adoptive parents and how she overcame stress with success. A special feature will be a display of jewelry and accessories from Creations with Sparks by Shanthra Sparks, “Love that Look.” Entertainment will

‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 8


Concentrating on specific, local needs, special districts are often more transparent and responsive forms of government than the large, betterknown bureaucracies that usually receive more notoriety. Special districts are governed by elected boards of directors, and must report annually to the State Controller’s office. To ensure transparency, all financial reports are posted on the Controller’s website, as well as local county websites.

At a recent special district panel discussion in Sacramento, I was very pleased to hear from general managers, board members and other stakeholders who shared their insights and concerns about this irreplaceable but rarely acknowledged form of local government. California’s special districts are efficient, cost-effective, responsive and transparent. If only the entire state could be run this well.

The Paper • Page 7 • June 04, 2015

‘Chuckles’ Cont. from Page 5


home one day when a fire truck zoomed past. Sitting in the front seat of the fire truck was a Dalmatian dog. The children started discussing the dog's duties. "They use him to keep crowds back," said one child.

The government can literally claim everything you own: Your home, Social Security check, CD’s, Investments, everything. Wiped Out! Revocable Living Trusts don’t help! There are strategies to protect you from financial disaster even if you don’t have or don’t qualify for nursing home insurance. Over 30 years of legal experience.

"No," said another. "He's just for good luck.”


‘Letters to the Editor’ Cont. from Page 5

Escondido is not immune.

A recent survey conducted by Vista Community Clinic observed 136 Escondido businesses selling e-cigarettes and tobacco products. Among them, 65 percent sold at least one type of e-cigarette. In addition, 91 percent of gas stations and 73 percent of convenience stores sold e-cigarettes, and these stores are often visited by teens.

To combat youth access, more than 100 cities and counties in California have adopted a local tobacco retail licensing (TRL) ordinance, including four cities in San Diego. Under a TRL ordinance, the city or county government requires all businesses to obtain a license in exchange for responsibly selling tobacco products. This includes checking for valid IDs and posting age-of-sale warning signs. Retailers must also pay a fee, with revenues dedicated to law enforcement programs that protect youth from illegal tobacco sales.

A strong TRL ordinance, paired with local education and dedicated funds for enforcement, has been proven effective in decreasing rates of illegal tobacco sales to minors across the state. Of course, not all retailers illegally sell e-cigarettes to minors, but a TRL ordinance requires all retailers to act responsibly – ultimately creating a safer retail environment for everyone. /s/Gena Knutson, Escondido, CA.

Dog Lover

My husband really enjoys your paper. Thank you! Was glad to see your animal information in several of your issues too - kudos!

Marilyn Shea Attorney

I've been working with animal shelters and animals for over 15 years being an animal communicator besides being a copywriter for advertising agencies since 1986. I'd love to submit articles if you'd allow me?

Thanks for any consideration! And thanks for such a wonderful paper!! Cindy Richardson San Diego County, CA.

Editor’s Note: Sure, submit. We look at all submissions. Can’t guarantee publication but will guarantee we’ll at least take a look. Send submission via email to: Fire Department Negligence?

Dear Sir,

In your published letter, you state that you have been admonished by medical professionals to go to the emergency room if your blood sugar is over 400. You choose to ignore this advice because it would inconvenience you. You say you will agree to them responding to your doorstep between midnight and 1 A.M. only if they respond without lights and siren which increases their response time and then complain that they took too long. By doing this, you are tying up the primary units for tens of thousands of citizens who can experience an emergency, (non-breathing infant, fire igniting in the home of a sleeping family, vehicle accident, etc.) for an even longer period of time because you want your whims catered to in a "low key manner.”

When they arrive, you basically tell them you just want to be told what you already know, you are experiencing a hyperglycemic episode, but you don't want any treatment. Paramedics cannot administer insulin, only physicians.

‘Letters to the Editor’ Cont. on Page 11

A third child brought the argument to a close. "They use the dogs," she said firmly, "to find the fire hydrants."

13. A 6-year-old was asked where his grandma lived. "Oh," he said, "she lives at the airport, and when we want her, we just go get her. Then, when we're done having her visit, we take her back to the airport." 14. Grandpa is the smartest man on earth! He teaches me good things, but I don't get to see him enough to get as smart as him!

15. My Grandparents are funny, when they bend over, you hear gas leaks and they blame their dog. Signs of the Times

Sign over a Gynecologist Office: "Dr. Jones, at your cervix."

Historically Speaking by Tom Morrow

The Battle of San Jacinto

Nearly every American has heard of “The Alamo,” but other than being a car rental agency, few know it’s an old Spanish mission located in downtown San Antonio where the 1836 Texas Revolution began against Mexico.

At the Alamo, the Texans were badly outnumbered and under siege by Mexican Gen. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna’s 6,000plus troops, making it impossible for the 200-odd Texas defenders to prevail. All were eventually killed. A smaller contingent of 300 Texas militia at Goliad was slaughtered by Santa Anna after they had surrendered. The Alamo and

In a Podiatrist's office: "Time wounds all heels."

On a Septic Tank Truck: “Yesterday's Meals on Wheels”

At an Optometrist's Office: "If you don't see what you're looking for, you've come to the right place." On a Plumber's truck: "We repair what your husband fixed."

On another Plumber's truck: "Don't sleep with a drip. Call your plumber." At a Tire Shop in Milwaukee : "Invite us to your next blowout." On an Electrician's truck: "Let us remove your shorts."

In a Non-smoking Area: "If we see smoke, we will assume you are on fire and take appropriate action." On a Maternity Room door: "Push. Push. Push."

At a Car Dealership: "The best way to get back on your feet - miss a car payment." Outside a Muffler Shop:

‘Chuckles’ Cont. on Page 11

Goliad became rallying cries that fueled the revolution. The battles at the Alamo and Goliad kept Santa Anna’s troops engaged giving valuable time for Sam Houston to gather and train his growing Texas army.

The climactic Battle of San Jacinto was fought on April 21, 1836, in what is present-day Harris County, Texas. It was the decisive battle of the revolution. Santa Anna had sent most of his troops back toward Mexico, leaving less than 1,500 with him. His victories at the Alamo and Goliad left Santa Anna over-confident. Houston’s rag-tag Texas Army of some 900 farmers, ranchers, cowboys, shopkeepers, and adventurers surprised the Mexican during siesta time. The Texans won a fight that lasted a mere 18 minutes. More than 600 Mexican soldiers were killed and another 700 captured. Only nine Texans died. Santa Anna was captured the following day when he was discovered hiding as a common soldier among his POW troops. Santa Anna signed the peace treaty with Houston, which forced the entire Mexican army leave Texas.

‘Tom Morrow’ Cont. on Page 9

The Paper • Page 8 • June 04, 2015

‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 6

be some “Love Songs” by Dr. Brinetta P. Thomas. Bring a friend and enjoy this special program. The club has no membership or dues. All ladies are invited and encouraged to make reservations by June 11. Walk-ins welcome. The luncheon is sponsored by Stonecroft Ministries/Christian Women’s Club. For more info, visit For reservations, call Donna at 760.432.0772 or Martha at 760.471.7059. Alliance for Regional Solutions Announces Workshop - for the San Diego Forward: The Regional Plan, and your feedback is important. Learn about the draft plan and give SANDAG feedback. Hosted by Alliance for Regional Solutions, the workshop will be a presentation followed by a panel discussion and interactive activities. It will be on Tuesday, June 16, from 10am-12noon at the North County Lifeline office, 200 Michigan Avenue, Vista. Refreshments will be provided. RSVP to Marylynn McCorkle at or 760.489.6380, ext. 216. For more info on San Diego Forward, visit Happy Hour Politics Meeting on June 17 – Join Happy Hour Politics (HHP) on Wednesday, June 17th, to meet Michael Page, US Border Patrol Agent with the Information and Communication Division, and is the Border Community Liaison Agent in charge of the northwestern part of the San Diego Sector. He currently works at the I-5 Checkpoint in San Clemente. Hear about the Border Patrol, its operations, and the problems/concerns facing these agents on a daily basis, for our Patrol Officers at the San Diego border, the busiest in the nation. HHP events are held

the third Wednesday each month from 5:30-7:30pm, at The Crossings, 5800 The Crossings Dr., Carlsbad. Cash cover charge of $20 includes appetizers; drinks available for purchase. For more info, contact Melanie Brukholder at 307.690.7814 or RSVP by June 10th. HHP is a satellite club of Carlsbad Republican Women Federated (CRWF).

History Center Happenings in June – Looking for a place to volunteer? The History Center would love to talk to you if you have 3 hours, once a month (or more) to help out. Call 760.743.8207. On Tuesday, June 16, 6pm, meet downtown at the NE corner Grand at Broadway for the monthly walking tour – you’ll probably notice a thing or two you’ve never noticed before. Then on Friday, June 26, at 5pm, plan on attending the Annual Meeting and enjoy a catered BBQ dinner, get a brief update on the Center, and listen to Rhapsody, a wonderful singing group. Tickets are $20/person; RSVP no later than June 23rd. Just for fun, western attire is appropriate. Movies in the Park are back, thanks to sponsor, Rotary Club of Escondido, and partner, Escondido Recreation; activities start at 7pm on Saturday, June 27; The Boxtrolls airs at dusk. Bring low-backed chair or blanket, cash for the snack bar and a sweater and you’ll be set for fun. EHS Exhibit; from photos to a band uniform, leather football helmet to class rings, Escondido High School memorabilia is being showcased all month long, Tuesday thru Saturday, 10am-4pm. When you shop on, go to this link Amazon Smiles and pick the Escondido History Center as your recipient and a small donation will be made to the Center every time you shop Amazon. Visit the website EscondidoHistoryCenter for more information. The Center is in Grape Day Park, 321 N. Broadway,

Meetings, weddings, quinceaneras, birthdays, receptions, craft shows, recitals, religious services, concerts, fund raisers, seminars, and other special events and occasions.

The Escondido Woman’s Club

Maximum 170 people Full use of kitchen and stage 24-hour insurance required Hourly rentals include House Manager, table setups and guards for all weddings and other parties. Call 760.743.9178 for information. (Leave a Message. Someone will return your call soon!)

Escondido. Call 760.743.8207.

Humane Society Fun Events for June – Each year hundreds of kids join in for Animal Adventure Camp during summer. Games, crafts and hands-on animal activities all help children develop respect and a positive attitude toward all living beings. These camps will be held at Escondido, Oceanside and San Diego campuses. Register online. Pet Loss Support Group sessions, led by a licensed social worker, and open to those ages 10 and up, including pet parents who are considering/preparing for euthanasia; at Oceanside Campus on Thursday, June 25, 6:30pm. RSVP Online. Doggie Café: socialize with other dog lovers and their dogs; complimentary desserts and dog treats provided; at Oceanside Doggie Café on Friday, June 12, 6pm. RSVP Online. Fur Fix Thursdays at Oceanside

Campuses, every Thursday from 35pm. Pet and play with cute and cuddly animals, or make toys for the animals. Contact the Campuses for more info. Father’s Day Wag and Walk at Oceanside Harbor on Sunday, June 21, from 8-10am, is a fitness adventure for canines and their humans; provides people and pets exercise, socialization, and fun. Check the Campuses for more info. Training Classes are fun, affordable classes and workshops to address a variety of needs for companion animals, based on positive reinforcement. Head Start at Oceanside Campus on Saturday, June 13, 11:30am. 2016 Calendar Photo Contest; Get your pet in the running to be a model-of-the-month in the wall calendar, and your chance to

‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 10

Hi Neighbor,

In 46 years in the law business I can say I have seen it all-Divorces, Adoptions, Business, Auto Accidents, Dog Bites, Defective Home Construction, Workers’ Compensation, Libel-Slander, etc. Small cases and huge-tragic quadriplegic injury cases (gun shot wounds). I have been a Judge in the Superior Court, Municipal Court, Workers’ Compensation, Arbitrator, Mediator, etc. I have taken care of thousands and thousands of satisfied clients.

Law Offices of Anthony Abbott

375 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. Suite 105, San Marcos

Telephone: (760) 471-2322 Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

The Paper • Page 9 • June 04, 2015

‘Tom Morrow’ Cont. from Page 7

The ultimate goal for most Texans was to join the United States, but before President Andrew Jackson and other Washington leaders would entertain such a move, Texas would have to free itself from Mexico. In 1845, Texas became a state with the proviso it could leave the union at anytime. It’s the only state with such a provision in its state constitution. One of the more intriguing stories regarding the Texas Revolution has to do with a 21year-old beauty by the name of Emily D. West. Her legendary activities during the Texas Revolution have come to be identified with a popular folk song.

West was born a free AfricanAmerican woman of mixed race in Connecticutt. Five days prior to the Battle of San Jacinto, West and other Texas residents were kidnapped by Mexican cavalry and forced to travel with Santa Anna.

According to legend, when Houston’s army attacked, Santa Anna was caught frolicking in bed with the oliveskinned beauty. This has never been substantiated, but the account was written by author William Bolliart, a story reportedly given him by Sam


In 1956, Emily West’s legend emerged, suggesting she fit the description of the girl in the popular folk song "The Yellow Rose of Texas." The story has continued to grow and taken hold as a part of the state’s history. But, most historians have rejected that story, nonetheless, the Battle of San Jacinto is helped being kept alive by this entertaining legend.

One footnote to the Texas Revolution story has become legend. Whether it is true is arguable, but the song “The Yellow Rose of Texas” refers to a beautiful light-skinned African-American woman who supplied Houston with valuable military intelligence. As the story is told, The Rose seduced and ingratiated herself into Santa Anna’s bed, putting him off guard. As the legend goes, it was “The Yellow Rose’s” amorous talents that gave Houston the surprise advantage. True or not, the Rose has become one of the legendary heroes of the Texas Revolution for her part in the ultimate victory.

Subscribe to The Paper! Call 760.747.7119

Escondido, CA—In a 2002 issue of Neurosurgical Focus, a peerreviewed article was published by a Dr. Michael D. Martin, MD et al. in which the third sentence states: “The disc itself is active tissue that contains significant mechanisms for self-repair.” That article was published by a neurosurgeon and written directly for neurosurgeons.

“The Disc Itself Is Active Tissue...”

So what does that really mean to us? It tells us that the disc itself does have a God-given ability to heal and repair if provided the proper mechanisms for self-healing. There is a specific mechanism inherent in each of the spinal discs called the “pump mechanism of disc nutri-tion” (see Fig 1). When this mechanism is not working properly, the spinal discs will begin to die causing bulges, herniations, and eventually spinal stenosis.

The spinal disc is one of the very few tissues in the body that does not have a direct blood supply for circulation. The only way that the disc gets the circulation of water, oxygen and nutrients for self-repair is via this specific disc pump mechanism. What happens when you decrease cir-culation in any type of tissue, whether it be animal tissue, plant tissue or human tissue? Exactly, it begins to become weak and begins to degenerate.

Symptoms Are NOT The Problem

Now the symptoms of pain, numbness,

‘Photos from the West’ Cont. from Page 3 Geronimo

Geronimo was a prominent leader of the Bedonkohe Apache who fought against Mexico and Texas for their expansion into Apache tribal lands for several decades during the Apache Wars. Wikipedia June 16, 1829, Arizona Died: February 17, 1909, Fort Sill, OK Full name: Goyahkla Buried: Beef Creek Apache Cemetery, Fort Sill, OK Buffalo Bill Cody

William Frederick "Buffalo Bill" Cody was an American scout, bison hunter, and showman. He was born in the Iowa Territory, in Le Claire but he grew up for several years in his

brown leaves are the plant’s problem? Of course not, the leaves turning brown is just a condition that is telling you that there is something wrong with the plant. The plant is unhealthy and needs water and nutrients. You could spray paint the leaves green but it just covers up the condition. The underlying problem still exists and will continue to produce brown leaves until you fix the actual problem. and tingling that most experience with bulging, herniated or degenerative discs are NOT the problem. The definition of a symptom: “something that indicates the existence of something else.” It is just like the dashboard of your car telling you that something is wrong (brake lights out, engine needs checked, overheating, etc.) Those lights that appear in your car dash are NOT the problem. You can remove the lights surgically or put a piece of duct tape over the lights but the problem will NOT be fixed...the problem is still present.

Let’s take a look at a plant for example...if the leaves on a plant begin to turn brown, would you say that the

father's hometown in Canada Born: February 26, 1846, Le Claire, IA Died: January 10, 1917, Denver, CO Full name: William Frederick Cody Spouse: Louisa Frederici Cody (m. 1866–1917)

Calamity Jane

‘Photos from the West’ Cont. on Page 12

extent of your disc damage for only $70. This examination will consist of a detailed neurological evaluation, extensive orthopedic testing, and a detailed analysis of the findings of your evaluation. He will sit down with you and go over your condition with you in complete detail. You will know exactly what is causing all your pain (or other symptoms).

In your spine, when the pump mechanism of disc nutrition fails, the disc will begin to de-generate and become weak. This weakness in the disc is what produces the bulging, herniated, and degenerative discs.

The treatment that is provided at Dr. Heilman’s Spine and Neuropathy Care Center in Escondido is revolutionary and is specifically designed to artificially re-create the pump mechanism in the discs which allows the spinal discs to heal and repair. The best part of the treatment is that it uses no drugs, no injections, and no surgery. Plus it’s painless and many patients relax and fall asleep while undergoing the treatment. The amount of treatment needed to allow the discs to heal and repair varies from person to person and can only be determined after a detailed neurological and orthopedic evaluation. We do NOT accept everyone for treatment and will let you know if we can accept your case for treatment. Dr. Stephen Heilman, DC at the Spine and Neuropathy Care Center in Escondido, CA will do a spinal disc severity examination to determine the

Dr. Stephen Heilman, DC

Dr. Heilman will be offering this spinal disc severity examination from now until Friday, June 12th, 2015.

Call 760-480-4480 to make an appointment to determine if your spinal discs can be treated.

NOTE: Dr. Heilman’s Spine and Neuropathy Care Center is located at 700 W. El Norte Pkwy in Escondido immediately East of Interstate 15 at the intersection of Seven Oaks.

The Paper

• Page 10 • June 04, 2015

A Weekly Memo from the Councilmembers of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders. Olga Diaz

Council Member, Represents District 3

‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 8

win fun prizes. Last day to make your pet a star is August 31st. Negroni Week, a global fundraiser that celebrates the classic cocktail at participating restaurants, bars and retailers – during the week June 1-7, Vintana Wine & Dine at 1205 Auto Park Way, Escondido, is participating and $1 from every Negroni bottle of Compari or Negroni-related items sold will go to the Humane Society. Contact the Campuses at Oceanside 760.757.4357; Escondido 760.888.2275; or San Diego at 619.299.7012.

Preschool Summer Program in Vista – The Lambs of Faith Early Childhood facility located at 700 E. Bobier Dr. in Vista, a nationally accredited preschool, offers a sevenweek summer session beginning June 17th, with two different options including Son-shine Camp and

Jake is pet of the week at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society. He’s a 10 year old, 13 pound, Blue, Domestic Short Hair.

Jake has a sweet personality and stunning good looks. He and his best friend, Maxine, arrived at RCHS when their owner died. Jake and Maxine can be adopted together or separately. They have lived with a large dog in the past. The $100 adoption fee for Jake (or Maxine) or $125 for both includes medical exam, vaccinations, spay and neuter, and microchip. For more information call 760-753-6413, visit Rancho Coastal Humane Society at 389 Requeza Street in Encinitas, or log on to Kennels and Cattery open 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day but Tuesday.

A New Perspective on Gardening

This year, I tried growing tomatoes. It sounded like a good idea, charming even. How hard could it be?

My beautiful tomato plants seemed to get lazy. From start to finish, the entire effort produced exactly three tiny tomatoes. All of that effort for three tomatoes! I might have done something wrong but mostly I realized how grateful I am to our local farmers. They make it look so easy at the Farmer’s Market, with their giant piles of beautiful organic produce. How do they do it?

one of the most bountiful regions in the United States generating 5.1 billion dollars annually. Get a behind-thescenes look by signing up for the 6th annual Farm Tour Day on June 20, 2015. Enjoy a guided walking tour led by farmers themselves. Learn more and register on-line by visiting

I bought good soil, used a large pot, spaced the seeds as recommended and watered daily. The first sprouts were exciting to see – I even took pictures! When the plants grew taller, I added a wire trellis. Soon I saw flower buds. Then something went wrong. Near perfect weather makes San Diego I’ll be there – taking notes.

Kindergarten Boot Camp. The focus of Son-shine Camp is on fun and social development with weekly themes, cooking, music, science, outdoor discoveries, and art. Kindergarten Boot Camp is offered for all children who are entering Kindergarten or Junior Kindergarten in the fall, and is a bridge from our play-based program into the more academic setting of Kindergarten. The focus is on small group work, worksheets, phonics, handwriting, and math, including the use of manipulatives. The hours for preschool summer are 8:30am-11:30am. Extended Care will be available from 7am-5:30pm. Registration forms are available in the preschool office or on the website at For more information on the Center and enrollment, contact the director, Mary Wolfinbarger, at 760.724.7700 or (License 372000902) S.D.




Sophie, a 4-year-old Domestic Short Hair, is a lovely little kitty looking for a special family to call her own. After she was relinquished because her previous family was moving and could not take her with them, Sophie has done an excellent job showing her caregivers what a lovable companion she is. She is a little unsure in new surroundings, but once she gets her bearings, she’s an engaging and adaptive cat. In her previous home, Sophie had the chance to meet small children, cats and dogs and is friendly with everyone. She is well behaved at the veterinarian’s office and while traveling. With her gorgeous features and easy-going disposition, she is sure to fill her new family’s home with endless love and happiness! Sophie is available for adoption at the San Diego Humane Society’s Escondido Campus at 3450 East Valley Parkway. To learn more about making her part of your family, please call (760) 888-2275.

Events/Classes – 1. Now thru Labor Day, September 7, daily from 9am5pm, free admission for active-duty, National Guard and Reserve military members and up to 5 immediate family members. Info: 2. Saturday, June 13, 1:30-4pm, free with paid admission or membership – Food and Wine Pairing with the Opera Singing Chef, featuring chicken wings, tamales, brownies, and singing during each course included. Info: 3. Saturday, June 20, 10am4pm, free with paid admission or membership; small fee for crafts, is the Fairy Festival. Celebrate at the annual Fairy Festival; family friendly event with entertainment. Info: tm. 4. Now thru Monday, July 13, daily 9am-5pm, free with paid admission or membership; the Annual lung Hsiang Exhibit and Sale, features original Chinese Brush Paintings. Info

m. 5. Each Thursday, now to August 27, 4:30pm-8pm, free with paid admission or membership; Thursday Family Fun Nights. Pack up the kids and enjoy outdoor fun with live, kidfriendly entertainment each Thursday from 6-7pm. Info: t.htm. For additional information and location, call the San Diego Botanic Garden at 760.436.3036

EcoVivarium Opens in New Location in Escondido – San Diego County’s Living Museum, EcoVivarium, has found a permanent location at 136/138 So. Juniper St., Escondido. They have long been an education resource for students and teachers to ignite a passion for learning through the exploration of the world, our environment and our culture. Using reptiles, amphibians, arthropods, and invertebrates as

The Pastor Says . . .

Pastor Richard Huls, Retired Yours For The Asking

There is a wonderful paragraph entitled JUNE in “The Vision Of St. Launfal” by James Russell Lowell, which impresses me. I would like to share it with you as this article will be printed in June. It is not only thoughtful but also spiritual. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Earth gets its price for what earth gives us; The beggar is taxed for a corner to die in, The priest has his fee who comes and shrives us, We bargain for the graves we lie in; At the devil’s booth all things

‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 13

are sold, Each ounce of dross costs its ounce of gold; For a cap and bells our lives we pay, Bubbles we buy with a whole soul’s tasking; ‘Tis heaven alone that is given away, ‘Tis only God may be had for the asking; No price is set on the lavish summer; June may be had by the poorest comer.

I have often heard it said that the best things in life are free. But is this true? My father, a man of wisdom and experience, told me repeatedly “that there is no free lunch and that everything has a price.” I have come to that conclusion when it involves human beings, When it comes to God, however, and His creation, it is different. A sunrise or sunset, dancing clouds on a windswept day, a glowing moon on a star filled night, a gentle rain, or the magic of a blooming flower are all gifts given freely and are ours for the asking. And the most important of all is what James Lowell has shared so powerfully, ‘Tis heaven alone that is given away, ‘Tis only God may be had for the asking. Pastor Richard Huls

The Paper

• Page 11 • June 04, 2015

A Weekly Message from the Mayor of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders.

San Marcos • Mayor Jim Desmond

Rock, Blues and BBQ Festival planned for June 5

The San Marcos Rock, Blues and BBQ Festival will return to Walnut Grove Park on Friday, June 5, from 5 to 9 pm and Saturday, June 6, from 12 to 8 pm for two days of soulful music and tasty BBQ. The annual event, co-presented by the City of San Marcos and Allen’s Wrench, will feature music from acoustic guitar to Chicagostyle old school blues, to rock of the ‘60s and ‘70s. Bands slated to play at the festival include Surf’s Up, Missy Anderson, Bill Magee Blues, Stoney B Blues, Woodstock Mud, Earl Thomas and Craig’s Band.

In addition, the Friends of San Marcos Parks and Recreation will sponsor a beer and wine garden. Local beer from Stone Brewery, Markstein Beverage Co. and more will be for sale. For ticket prices and additional information visit


Escondido • Mayor Sam Abed

Mayor Sam Abed has decided to not communicate to his Escondido Constituents via The Paper and its “A Letter from the Mayor” series

‘Chuckles’ Cont. from Page 7

"No appointment necessary. We hear you coming." In a Veterinarian's waiting room: "Be back in 5 minutes. Sit! Stay!"

At the Electric Company "We would be delighted if you send in your payment. However, if you don't, you will be."

In a Restaurant window: "Don't stand there and be hungry; come on in and get fed up." In the front yard of a Funeral Home: "Drive carefully We'll wait." At a Propane Filling Station: "Thank heaven for little grills."

And don't forget the sign at a CHICAGO RADIATOR SHOP: "Best place in town to take a leak." And the last............




Sign on the back of another Septic Tank Truck: "Caution - This Truck is full of Political Promises."

‘Letters to the Editor’ Cont. from Page 7

Physicians don't come to you, you have to go to them. You then insult and defame the Captain in The Paper by calling him sardonic, disrespectful, and sexist. You then theorize about experiencing a heart attack. If you began to suffer heart attack symptoms, would you have allowed these men to treat, or would going to the E.R. still be too much of a bother for you? I think the most pathetic part is when you reference a legal firm filing legal action. You sound like a little boy saying "My big brother is gonna beat you up." Then, like the Wizard of Oz hiding behind the curtain, you retreat to your keypad and monitor to pontificate in this letter about what others should or shouldn't do in regard to dialing 911 for emergency assistance.

Where did you get your M.D. or Law Degree? I hope its not too late to get your money back because you don't sound very authoritative in regard to medicine or civil law. I think living a Walter Mitty existence is a better fit for you so you can malign men and women who risk their lives daily to save others while sitting on a comfy seat.

Vista • Mayor Judy Ritter

New Park Amenities Coming

Over the next 18 months, the City of Vista’s parks and facilities will receive major upgrades, including $5.5 million in improvements to 10 different parks. Funds from Park Development fees from construction in the city, as well as General Fund monies, will provide amenities which include: new shade sails; rubberized play surfaces and playground equipment; refurbishing restroom facilities, replacing parking and facility lights; and upgrading park landscaping and irrigation. For more information, please contact the Engineering Department at 760.639.6111. Upcoming Park Improvements

Shade sails: Brengle Terrace,

Wildwood, Luz Duran, Breeze Hill and Shadowridge. • New Dog Park: Bub Williamson. • Outdoor park improvements: Breeze Hill, Shadowridge, Buena Vista Ball Fields, Luz Duran, and Bub Williamson. • New restroom facility: Buena Vista. • Replacement of tennis/baseball lights: Thibodo. • Updated parking lot lights, replacement of gazebos, picnic structures: Brengle Terrace Park • New hillside seating at Moonlight Amphitheatre • New turf at Sports Park baseball warm up area • Two new skate parks

Oceanside • Mayor Jim Wood

14th Annual Filipino Cultural Celebration

The FilipinoAmerican Cultural Association of North San Diego County along with the Oceanside Public Library invites you to the 14th annual Filipino-American Cultural Celebration, taking place on Saturday, June 6th, at the Oceanside Civic Center Library and Plaza located at 330 North Coast Highway.

This year’s theme is “The Philippines: The Jewel of Southeast Asia.” Beginning at 10:00 am and continuing until 4:30 pm, the day is sure to please as visitors will experience the colorful sights, sounds and the delicious foods of the Philippines. Traditional Fil-

Please do not bother Chief Lowry with any more of your contrived, self absorbed, and ill informed musings. He is overseeing a very busy fire department that is protecting all of us, if you let them do their job, 24 hours a day. In Utmost Sincerity,

/s/Jerry Juergens San Diego County, CA.

Editor’s Note: First, thank you for writing. However, you have several errors of fact within your comments. 1) I did not agree to be seen “only if they came without lights or sirents.” I merely requested that . . . and I saw them only upon the insistence of the dispatcher. 2) I did not tell them I did not want treatment. I told them I agreed to have the paramedic evaluate me based on the

ipino pageants will take place at various times throughout the day.You can explore the Filipino arts and crafts exhibit, and books and materials on Filipino culture will be available to check out at the library.

Children will be invited into the Courtyard for free craft programs as well as special story times, and parents and grandparents are encouraged to participate in the activities! This fun-filled event is free for all ages and open to the public. Please visit for more information about the event, to learn more about FACO, or to simply donate or volunteer. recommendation of the dispatcher. 3) I had called 911 for advice. I agreed to have the paramedics come and evaluate me at the insistence of the dispatcher. Upon arrival, there was no evaluation, no taking of vital signs, nothing. That’s where I believe the negligence occurred and a retired emergency physician agrees. You always check vital signs on any patient you respond to. 4) I regret you did not pick up on the tongue in cheek reference to the law firm of “Dewey, Cheatham and Howe.” Say it out loud a couple times, perhaps you’ll then get the intended message. I do not intend on filing suit. It was merely an observation as to potential legal liabilites for apparent negligence in not following protocol. But, again, thank you for taking the time to write.

The Paper • Page 12 • June 04, 2015 has no champion like the “fanbois.” There are no Samsung, Dell or HP cults. These companies face the cold, steely-eyed glare of skeptical buyers, critically evaluating the technological and practical worth of competing products, all with the same OS (operating systems) and applications.

Paul & Nome Van Middlesworth, The Computer Factory

How does Apple do it? Conclusion

Last week we asked how Apple blends its small but passionate “fanbois” cult, its unique operating system (iOS) and the total control over its products to create its present success, and can it last?

The “cult” helps Apple in several ways. They line up to buy Apple’s newly released products creating a bandwagon mentality. They believe that whatever Apple offers is the best there is and worth whatever Apple wants to charge for it and they assume that any problems or deficiencies in the product are unavoidable and not Apple’s fault. They are generous and vocal in their devotion to Apple products and influence the purchasing decisions of friends, family and acquaintances to a degree that far outweighs their number. The competition

‘Photos from the West’ Cont. from Page 9

This photograph was taken in 1895, and shows Calamity Jane.

Martha Jane Canary or Cannary, better known as Calamity Jane, was an American frontierswoman and professional scout known for her claim of being an acquaintance of Wild Bill Hickok and fighting Indians. Born: May 1, 1852, Princeton, MO Calamity Jane was a colorful figure from the Old West. In later years she was a member of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. Calamity Jane died on this day, August 1, in the year 1903. She was buried next to Wild Bill.

Since Apple products (PCs, tablets and smart phones) have their own unique OS and applications, there is no head to head competition with the other industry leaders in the product arenas they share. Apple is free to set their prices based on whatever the market will bear. Apple’s profit margins are many times those of their competition.

Having ownership and complete control over the OS and applications make integrating hardware and software design an easy job for Apple. Conversely Apple’s competition has little control over the OS they get from Google or Microsoft or the thousands of developers creating applications. That makes hardware/software integration more complicated. The downside for Apple comes from the fact that there are many more engineers and developers designing applications and hardware for Android and Windows than there are for iOS. In the long run Apple invariably falls behind in product and applications technology. It is a pattern that’s all too familiar with Apple products Their new products are well received at

endary African-American Wild West marshal who arrested 3,000 outlaws and killed 14 men. Bass Reeves was born a slave in 1838 and later broke from his owner to live among Native Americans. Reeves became a Deputy U.S. Marshal in 1875 at the age of 38. During his 32-year career as a Deputy Marshal he arrested 3,000 felons, killed 14 men and was never shot. Born: July 1838, Paris, TX Died: January 12, 1910, Muskogee, OK Wild Bill Hickok

Bass Reeves

introduction and lead the industry (in the USA) for a year or two, then competitive technology pushes past them and they start to lose market share. Apple loyalists will continue to buy Apple products regardless of the technology so sales eventually stabilize at some lower level (like Macs and Tablets) and Apple cash cows the products indefinitely.

Apple’s spectacular profits today are driven almost solely by iPhone sales. Apple PC sales are stagnant and iPad sales have fallen for the past five quarters. The worldwide demand for smart phones has grown so fast that iPhone sales have continued to rise even as Apple loses market share to Android smart phones. The huge surge in iPhone sales over the past two quarters has been a result of iPhone users pent up demand for a large screen iPhone. Apple held off releasing large screen models for years in order to protect iPad sales. The release of large screen iPhones last Fall created a large but unsustainable bubble in iPhone sales and profits. Worldwide Smart phone sales are expected to slow in 2015 as markets become saturated. So with their flagship product, the iPhone, on the downward slope, what will drive Apples future growth? Certainly not the

Deadwood, South Dakota. At the time the cards he was holding were a pair of black aces and a pair of black eights -since known as the dead man's hand. James Butler Hickok —known as "Wild Bill" Hickok—was a folk character of the American Old West. Some of his exploits as reported at the time were fictionalized, but his skills as a gunfighter and gambler were well recognized.

Born: May 27, 1837, Troy Grove, IL Died: August 2, 1876, Deadwood, SD Height: 6' 0" Buried: 1879, Mount Moriah Cemetery

Judge Roy Bean

The real-life Django: The leg-

August 2, 1876. Frontiersman "Wild" Bill Hickok is shot from behind and killed while playing poker at a saloon in

Phantly Roy Bean, Jr. was an eccentric U.S. saloon-keeper and Justice of the Peace in Val Verde County, Texas, who called himself "The Law West of the Pecos". Born 1825, Mason County, KY Died: March 16, 1903, Langtry, Texas

iWatch. It’s years late to the “wearable technology” scene and offers nothing new. Even the “fanbois” are tepid on the iWatch. The original “Fanbois” from the 1980s are pushing into their 60s now and later generations are not nearly as committed. The Apple cult is an American phenomenon with little impact outside the USA. The Androids hold only a small lead over iPhones sales in the USA but Androids outsell iPhones ten to one in the rest of the world. While the USA is still the World’s largest technology product market, the rest of the world is catching up rapidly and China may pass us this year. Apple’s markets are shrinking. Has Apple reached its peak and started the long slide into oblivion like so many once high flying companies? Probably not, Apple is not a manufacturer or wedded to home grown technology. Apple is a “marketing company” with one hundred and fifty billion dollars in the bank. While Apple’s current products are in decline and will likely have a near term negative effect on earnings and stock prices, Apple has the money and the smarts to reinvent themselves and continue to thrive. What’s next for Apple? Who knows, maybe they’ll even come up with something we can sell here at The Computer Factory.

Legal Notices

NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF MORRIS M. ROSSENFELD Case No. 37-2015-00013936-PR-PW-CTL To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both, of MORRIS M. ROSSENFELD aka MORRIS MAYNARD ROSSENFELD Petition for Probate has been filed by Braeden Blunt in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1409 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, CA. 92101, Madge Bradley Bldg. Central.. The Petition for Probate requests that AVRAM J. ROSSENFELD be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The peition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal repreesentative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representattive will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed actions.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petitions and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: 6/25/15 Time: 1:30 pm. Dept: PC2 Address of court: Same as noted above. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a peson interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for the Petitioner: John Smylie 3643 Grand Avenue San Marcos, Ca. 92078 (760) 727.4248 5/28, 6/04 & 6/11/2015


Cleaning Services ANNA’S HOUSECLEANING • Free Estimate • Great References • 20 years Experience Call 760.738.7493

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‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 10

Animal Ambassadors, the highly trained staff and docents lead participants through a hands-on experience that promotes a better understanding of value, complexity and fragility of the natural world. EcoVivarium will continue to provide school educational programs, field trips, hands-on exhibitions, community outreach, and awareness programs. The new location will allow for the development of full-time exhibits which can also be enjoyed by the general public. Beginning in July, EcoVivarium will be hosting numerous mini-camps, family events and educational programs for all ages. Phase 2 is the opening of the museum, slated for the Fall 2015, and will feature live exhibits and interactive opportunities for visitors to enjoy. Private events including birthday parties, meetings and educational programs may be scheduled by calling Susan Nowicke at 760.975.9690. More information is available at

‘Local News’ Cont. from Page 4

arrived on scene and found a gray Toyota Corolla and a black motorcycle blocking the eastbound lanes.

Preliminary investigation indicates the driver of the Toyota, 33-year-old Hana Azzam Aliesa of Escondido, was driving westbound on Washington Avenue in the number one lane. She began a left turn into a private property parking lot and crossed directly into the path of the eastbound motorcycle. The rider was identified as 24-year-old Jesse Robert Maxwell of Escondido. Maxwell was unable to stop in time to avoid colliding into the passenger side of the Toyota. Maxwell sustained significant injuries and was transported to Palomar Hospital by Escondido Fire Paramedics for treatment. Aliesa and her male passenger were uninjured and remained at the scene. Alcohol

‘Local News’ Cont. on Page 14

• Page 13 • June 04, 2015


RELATIONSHIP IN TROUBLE? Get the help you need now. COUNSELING | MEDIATION CLASSES:ANGER MANAGEMENT PARENTING | RELATIONSHIPS The Optimize Center 350 W. 9th Avenue, Suite 101 Escondido, CA 92025 760.747.8686


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Death Notices

•Expert Products •Floor Noise Barrier •Insulation Floor and Wall Tape •Vibration Isolation Tape

Yolanda Lucia Espinoza, 65, of Escondido, CA., passed away on May 23, 2015.


Mary Ann McLain, 86, of Valley Center, CA., passed away on May 28, 2015.

Super Soundproofing Co

Call 760.752.3030 Free Advice 455 East Carmel St. San Marcos, CA.

MY DOG ATE THE COUCH UPHOLSTERY STUDIO 3643 Grand Avenue #C San Marcos, CA. 92078 760.659.6990 CONTACT: ERIC DUVALL

such a success. He is typical of the hardworking emigrants who came to this country and worked hard to make things happen . . . and they succeeded.

A tip of the old chapeaux to Fred, Charlie, and George, fine examples of what it takes to succeed in business. ••••• And speaking of business, we have a new addition to the family of The Paper, and she’s out for your business.

And, if you haven’t been to George’s in awhile, you might not recognize it. All modernized, a drive-thru facility, the interior with colorful wall murals, marble floors, great architecture, bright and airy, all designed and the construction overseen by George himself. Clearly, he is proud of his “baby” that has grown to be

Kenneth Steven Baumgartner, 70, of Escondido, CA., passed away on May 31, 2015.

Richard Ralston, 88, of Escondido, CA., passed away on May 30, 2015.

Arrangements handled by: California Funeral Alternatives Escondido, Poway FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT


The name of the business: Senior Care Options, Senior Options, located at 1848 Kerisiano Way, Oceanside, CA. 92054, is hereby registered by the following:

Cathleen P. Ellis

Oceanside, CA. 92054

This business is conducted by an individual.

The first day of business was 05/13/15.

/s/Cathleen P. Ellis, Owner

This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg

Jr., County


Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on

5/21, 5/28, 6/4 and 6/11/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-010903 The name of the business: Wild Thistle Enterprises, LLC, located at 3602 Kings Ave., Oceanside, CA. 92056, is hereby registered by the following: Wild Thistle Enterprises, LLC 3602 Kings Ave. Oceanside, CA. 92056 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. The first day of business was n/a. /s/Jennifer Lindsey, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 4/23/15 5/14, 5/21, 5/28 and 6/04/2015

‘Man About Town’ Cont. from Page 4

The food and service are so good, and have been for years and years, that George is now retired. Oh, he comes into the restaurant and has coffee and visits with life-long friends, but the day to day managment had been turned over to son and daughter, Frixos and Tasia.

Mary Louise Rogers, 95, of Escndido, CA., passed away on 5/30/2015.

1848 Kerisiano Way

HOME GENERAL MAINTENANCE REMODELS Bath/Kitchen Designs, Tile Installation, Electrical, Paint, Fences, Concrete. Lic#33509 760.484.1302 760.529.1239 $3,000 and opened George Burgers in 1976, an iconic pleasure palace for some of the best hamburgers in all of San Diego County. And have you ever found better french fries than at George’s? He is known for delicious, juicy hamburgers and top drawer french fries.

Monica Morales, 50, of San Marcos, CA., passed away on May 24, 2015.

Meet Ava G. A real firecracker and a “people person!” She’ll make your business grow! FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-013351 The name of the business: Noemi Z. Munoz dba Mass Mikes Pizzeria, located at 1158 W. San Marcos, Blvd., San Marcos, CA. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: Noemi Z Munoz 501 N. Escondido Blvd., #2 Escondido, CA. 92025 This business is conducted by an individual. The first day of business was n/a. /s/Noemi Z. Munoz

This statement was filed with Ernest Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of Diego County on 5/19 /15. 5/21, 5/28, 6/4 and 6/11/2015

J. San

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-012558 The name of the business: Perfection Carpet Cleaning, located at 903 Raintree Pl, #101, Vista, CA. 92084, is hereby registered by the following: David Vizcaino 903 Raintree Pl, #101 Vista, CA. 92084 This business is conducted by an individual. The first day of business was n/a. /s/David Vizcaino, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/11/15 5/14, 5/21, 5/28 and 6/04/2015

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2015-00015743-CU-PT-NC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Jennifer Kim Burks filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Jennifer Kim Burks, to Proposed name Jennifer Kim Ankcorn. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: July 7, 2015, 8:30a.m., Department 26. The address of the court is: North County Division, Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA. 92081. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated May 12, 2015. /s/William S. Dato, Judge of the Superior Court 5/14, 5/21, 5/28 and 6/04/15 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2015-00011698-CU-PT-NC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Danielle Marie Groen filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Danielle Marie Groen, to Proposed name Danielle Marie Stanard. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: June 16, 2015, 8:30a.m., Department 26. The address of the court is: North County Division, Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA. 92081. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated April 8, 2015. /s/William S. Dato, Judge of the Superior Court 5/14, 5/21, 5/28 and 6/4/15

The Mighty Mojo Page The Paper

Accupuncture/Pain Management

• Page 14 • June 04, 2015

DMV Services/Insurance TriColor Insurance


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Chair Repair

Coins & Loans

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Custom T-Shirts

‘Local News’ Cont. from Page 13

or drugs do not appear to be factors in the collision.

The traffic investigation is ongoing and is being conducted by Officer Mike Nelson of the Traffic Division. Anyone with information on this case is encouraged to call Officer Nelson at (760) 839-4407 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-013164 The name of the business: Sunny Fresh & Peacock Cleaners, Inc., located at 7040 Avenida Encinas, #112, Carlsbad, CA. 92011, is hereby registered by the following: Sunny Fresh & Peacock Cleaners, Inc. 7040 Avenida Encintas #112 Carlsbad, Ca. 92011 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was n/a. /s/Jungnim Lim, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/18/15 5/21, 5/28, 6/04 & 6/11/15 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-012894 The name of the business: Palomar Mountain Premium Waters, located at 1270 W. Mission Ave., Escondido, Ca. 92029, is hereby registered by the following: Palomar Mountain Premium Spring Water, LLC 1270 W. Mission Ave. Escondido, Ca. 92029 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company.. First day of business was 6/01/05. /s/Conrad Pawelski, CFO This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/13/15 5/21, 5/28, 6/04 & 6/11/15

Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment “91% patient satisfaction rating!" Gary Loos, DC 1645 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. Ste 102 San Marcos, CA 92078 760-761-4436

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John Smylie Law Offices 3643 Grand Avenue, Suite A San Marcos, CA. 92078 Probate and Business Law

J&M’s Family Restaurant

Medical Supplies/Pharmacy



Escondido Pharmacy and Home Health Care Always great prices and Service! Medical Supplies, Wheelchairs, Walkers 909 E. Valley Parkway


Nursery Outlet Nursery Outlet

Hanging Baskets of Flowers, cacti, succulents, eggs, produce!. . 906 E. Buena Creek Road (West of Twin Oaks Road) 760.802.0772

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-012125 The name of the business: Quality Sheet Music, located at 563 Lawndale Place, San Marcos, CA. 92069. This business is hereby registered by the following: Robert and Sonia Bautista King 563 Lawndale Place San Marcos, CA. 92069 This business is conducted by a Married Couple. First day of business was January 1, 2015. /s/Robert King This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/05/2015. 5/14, 5/21, 5/28 & 6/04/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-012505 The name of the business: Emmaya Media, located at 555 Avenida Aguila, San Marcos, CA. 92069, is hereby registered by the following: Loktapp Mikaela Svanberg-Akesson 555 Avenida Aguila San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual. The first day of business was 5/08/2015. /s/Loktapp Mikaela Svanberg-Akesson This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/08/15 5/14, 5/21, 5/28 and 6/04/2015

Letters to the Editor? We Love ‘em! Send ‘em to:

1215 E. Valley Parkway Escondido Where homestyle cooking is just the beginning…

The lady above is obviously beautiful - will most likely be known by someone in a business environment. We’ll give new clues each week. Carol Drake, Escondido, correctly identified our previous image as Rorie Johnston, President and CEO of the Escondido Chamber of Commerce.

Now with TWO great locations to serve you!

Pegah’s Kitchen

The newest Pegah’s Kitchen in Escondido at 912 S. Redwood Street 760.739.9265 and in San Marcos, Pegah’s Kitchen 576 E. Mission 760.744.3710 Family Owned and Operated since 1987!

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-012688 The name of the business: A Frame of Art, located at 310 Via Vera Cruz, Suite 112, San Marcos, Ca. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: Richard and Helen Tjaden 310 Via Vera Cruz, Ste 112 San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by a Married Couple. First day of business was 10/01/2009. /s/Helen M. Tjaden This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/12/15 5/21, 5/28, 6/04 & 6/11/15

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2015-00017800-CU-PT-NC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner John Michael Barter filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: John Michael Barter, to Proposed name John Michael Taylor.

THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the

name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: July 14, 2015, 8:30a.m., Department 26.

The address of the court is: North County Division, Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA. 92081. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated May 28, 2015. /s/William S. Dato, Judge of the Superior Court 6/04, 6/11, 6/18 & 6/25/2015


The Paper

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-011044 The name of the business: PCO Audio, located at 1835A S. Centre City Pkwy, #445, Escondido, CA. 92025, is hereby registered by the following: Paul Ornelia 2265 Charise St. Escondido, CA. 92025 This business is conducted by an andividual. First day of business was 4/01/2015. /s/Paul Ornelia This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 4/24/15 5/14, 5/21, 5/28 & 6/04/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-012101 The name of the business: Aloha Printing, located at 133 Newport Dr., Ste B, San Marcos, CA. 92069. This business is hereby registered by the following: Aloha Enterprises, Inc. 133 Newport Dr. Ste B San Marcos, CA. 92069 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 5/5/2015. /s/George Burrola, CEO This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/05/2015. 5/14, 5/21, 5/28 & 6/04/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-013386 The name of the business: Marketing Services, located at 2588 Ingleton Ave., Carlsbad, CA. 92009, is hereby registered by the following: Jodi Johnson 2588 Ingleton Ave. Carlsbad, CA. 92009 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 1/01/2015. /s/Jodi Johnson, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/19/2015. 5/21, 5/28, 6/04 & 6/11/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-012830 The name of the business: California Progressive Engineering, located at 1304 N. Melrose Dr., Ste 1, Vista, CA. 92083. This business is hereby registered by the following: Ronald R. McCracken 4588 Foxtail Ct. Oceanside, CA. 92056 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 5/13/2015. /s/Ronald R. McCracken This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/13/2015. 5/21, 5/28, 6/04 & 6/11/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-013436 The name of the business: Bloom Auto Sales, located at 1734 W. Mission Rd. Escondido, CA. 92025. This business is hereby registered by the following: Majjaan Auto Sale, Inc. 1947 Camino Vida Roble Carlsbad, CA. 92008 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was n/a. /s/Rashid Karimi, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/19/2015. 5/28, 6/04, 6/11 & 6/18/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-012854 The name of the business: B&B, located at 1850 Bienvenida Circle, Carlsbad, CA. 92008. This business is hereby registered by the following: Rocky Butler 1850 Bienvenida Circle Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Rocky Butler This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/13/2015. 5/21, 5/28, 6/04 & 6/11/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-012853 The name of the business: PPG Landscapting, located at 243 Pala Vista Dr., #19, Vista, Ca. 92083. This business is hereby registered by the following: Francisco Pozos Gomez & Rosa I. Munoz 243 Pala Vista Dr. #19 Vista, CA. 92083 This business is conducted by a General Partnership. First day of business was 2/13/13. /s/Francisco Pozos Gomez This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/13/2015. 5/21, 5/28, 6/04 & 6/11/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-012669 The name of the business: Oak Mortgage, Welcome Mat Realty, located at 208 Violet Ave., San Marcos, Ca. 92078. This business is hereby registered by the following: Oak Creek Investments 208 Violet Ave. San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 1/20/1980. /s/David R. Mugg, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/12/2015. 5/21, 5/28, 6/04 & 6/11/2015


NOTICE TO RESPONDENT: Robbie E. Castell You are being sued.

Petitioner’s name is: Eugene K. Horton

You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are served on you to file a Response (form FL-120 or FL-123) at the court and have a copy served on the petitioner. A letter or phone call or court appearance will not protect you. If you do not file your Response on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage or domestic partnership, your property, and custody of your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs.

If you want legal advice, contact a lawyer immediately. You can get information about finding lawyers at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center., at the California Legal Services Website (, or by contacting your local county bar association.

NOTICE: The restraining orders on page 2 are effective against both spouses or domestic partners until the petition is dismissed, a judgment is entered, or the court makes further orders. These orders are enforceable anywhere in California by any law enforcement officer who has received or seen a copy of them. FEE WAIVER: If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the filing clerk for fee waiver form. The court may order you to pay back all or part of the fees and costs that the court waived for you or the other party. 1. The name and address of the court are SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, 325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA. 92081-6651.

2. The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner’s attorney, or the petitioner without an attorney, are: Eugene K. Horton, 276 N. El Camino Real, Space 231, Oceanside, CA. 92058-1773. 760..757.8908 Date: February 10, 2015, Clerk, by /s/ T. Angulo, Deputy

NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You are served as an individual. 5/14, 5/21, 5/28 & 6/4/2015


Starting immediately you and your spouse or domestic parnter are restrained from: 1. removing the minor children of the parties from the state or applying for a new or replacement passport for those minor children without the prior written consent of the other party or an order of the court; 2. cashing, borrowing against, canceling, transferring, disposing of, or changing the beneficiaries of any insurance or other coverage, including life, health, automobile, and disability, held for the benefit of the parties and their minor children; 3. transferring, encumbering, hypothecating, concealing, or in any way disposing of any property, real or personal, whether community, quasi-community, or separate, without the written consent of the other party or an order of the court, except in the usual course of businss or for the necessities of life. 4. creating a nonprobate transfer or modifying a nonprobate transfer in a manner that affects the disposition of property subject to the transfer, without the written consent of the other party or an order of the court. Before revocation of a nonprobate transfer can take effect or a right of survivorship to property can be eliminated, notice of the change must be filed and served on the other party. You must notify each other of any proposed extraordinary expenditures at least five business days

• Page 15 • June 04, 2015

prior to incurring these extraordinary expenditures and account to the court for all extraordinary expenditures made after these restraining orders are effective. However, you may use community property, quasi-community property, or your own separate property to pay an attorney to help you or to pay court costs. NOTICE - ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE: Do you or someone in your household need affordable health isnurance? If so, you should apply for Covered California. Covered California can help reduce the cost you pay towards high quality affordable health care. For more information, visit Or call Covered California at 1.800.300.1506.


California law provides that, for purposes of division of property upon dissolution of a marriage or domestic partnership or upon legal separation, property acquired by the parties during marriage or domestic partnership in joint form is presumed to be community property. If either party to this action should die before the jointly held community property is divided, the language in the deed that characterizes how title is held (i.e., joint tenancy, tenants in common, or community property) will be controlling, and not the community property presumption. You should consult your attorney if you want the community property presumption to be written into the property.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-013118 The name of the business: RCVH Home Services, Inc., located at 1503 W Borden Rd., San Marcos, CA. 92069. This business is hereby registered by the following: RCVH Home Services, Inc. 1503 W. Borden Rd. San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was n/a. /s/Van Ho, Treasurer This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/15/2015. 5/21, 5/28, 6/04 & 6/11/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-012886 The name of the business: Senior Care Optons, Senior Options, located at 1848 Kerisiano Way, Oceanside, CA. 92054. This business is hereby registered by the following: Cathleen P. Ellis 1848 Kerisiano Way Oceanside, CA. 92054 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 5/13/15. /s/Cathleen P. Ellis, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/13/2015. 5/21, 5/28, 6/04 & 6/11/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-011931 The name of the business: Circle M Products, located at 3038 Industry ST., #108, Oceanside, CA. 92054. This business is hereby registered by the following: Robert John Mikulay 1461 Salem Ct. Oceanside, CA. 92057 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Robert John Mikulay This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/04/2015. 5/21, 5/28, 6/04 & 6/11/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-012392 The name of the business: Cal West Auto Center, located at 1070 Commerce Street, #D, San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is hereby registered by the following: Groupierre, Inc. 8460 Hudson Drive San Diego, CA. 92119 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 04/11/05. /s/Bruno Groupierre, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/08/2015. 5/21, 5/28, 6/04 & 6/11/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-010994 The name of the business: Chavez Tree Care, located at 657 Las Flores Dr., San Marcos, Ca. 92078. This business is hereby registered by the following: Gersain Chavez 657 Las Flores Dr. San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Gersain Chavez, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 4/24/2015. 5/14, 5/21, 5/28 & 6/04/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-012398 The name of the business: Around the Clock Elderly Care Placement, located at 574 Echo Lane, San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is hereby registered by the following: Ben Encabo 574 Echo Lane San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 5/8/15. /s/Ben Encabo This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/08/2015. 5/21, 5/28, 6/04 & 6/11/2015

NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF CHARLES PATRICK DALTON Case No. 37-2015-00016133PR-PN-CTL To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both, of CHARLES P. DALTON; CHARLES DALTON; CHARLES PATRICK DALTON Petition for Probate has been filed by TRACIE DALTON in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1409 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, CA. 92101, Madge Bradley Bldg. Central Division. The Petition for Probate requests that TRACIE DALTON be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The peition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representattive will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed actions.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petitions and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: 07/07/15 Time: 11AM. Dept: PC1 Address of court: Same as noted above. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative as defined in Section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or or personal delivery to you of a notice under Section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a peson interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for the Petitioner: J. Mark McNeill, Esq. 16885 W. Bernardo Dr., Ste 325 San Diego, CA. 92127 Telephone: 858.613.2970 5/28, 6/04 & 6/11/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-012956 The name of the business: Pedro’s Landscape Service, located at 10521 Caminito Rimini, San Diego, Ca. 92129. This business is hereby registered by the following: Pedro Gaspar Pacheco 10521 Caminito Rimini San Diego, CA. 92129 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 3/24/10. /s/Pedro Gaspar Pacheco This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/14/2015. 5/28, 6/04, 6/11 & 6/18/2015

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-013181 The name of the business: Shattered?, located at 6837 Shearwaters Dr., Carlsbad, CA. 92011. This business is hereby registered by the following: Trevor Hall 6837 Shearwaters Dr. Carlsbad, CA. 92011 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 5/13/15. /s/Trevor Hall This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/18/2015. 5/28, 6/04, 6/11 & 6/18/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-013633 The name of the business: Hydrante, Ocean of Tea, located at 1824 Towhee St., San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is hereby registered by the following: Monica McGuiness 1824 Towhee Street San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Monica McGuiness This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/21/2015. 6/04, 6/11, 6/18 & 6/25/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-012885 The name of the business: Mary’s Janitorial Services, Office Cleaning Services by Mary, located at 1450 N. Santa Fe Ave, #C341, Vista, CA. 92083. This business is hereby registered by the following: Maria Magdaleno 1450 N. Santa Fe Avenue #C341 Vista, CA. 92083 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 2/3/2015. /s/Maria Magdaleno, owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/13/2015. 5/28, 6/04, 6/11 & 6/18/2015


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-012701 The name of the business: Sew What Linda, located at 525 W. El Norte Pkwy, Sp. 155, Escondido, CA. 92026. This business is hereby registered by the following: Linda Fravel 525 W. El Norte Pkwy Sp. 155 Escondido, CA. 92026 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Linda Fravel This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/12/2015. 5/28, 6/04, 6/11 & 6/18/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-013559 The name of the business: Sunny Floral Co., located at 2009 Sheridan Rd., Encinitas, CA. 92024. This business is hereby registered by the following: Jose Trinidad Amador 490 Honeyglen Dr. San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 5/11/15. /s/Jose Trinidad Amador This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/20/2015. 5/28, 6/04, 6/11 & 6/18/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-013514 The name of the business: MOPA Car, located at 2420 Industry St., Suite C, Oceanside, CA. 92054. This business is hereby registered by the following: Monika Ormos 3849 San Ramon Dr. #239 Oceanside, CA. 92057 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 5/20/15. /s/Monika Ormos This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/20/2015. 5/28, 6/04, 6/11 & 6/18/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-013578 The name of the business: AJ&S, located at 1147 Nash Ln., Vista, CA., 92083. This business is hereby registered by the following: Jorge Villa 1147 Nash Ln. Vista, CA. 92083 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 5/21/15. /s/Jorge Villa This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/21/2015. 5/28, 6/04, 6/11 & 6/18/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-013394 The name of the business: Guerilla Gaming & Comic Supplies, JAV Comics & Gaming Supplies, located at 1047 Ponderosa Ave., San Marcos, CA., 92069. This business is hereby registered by the following: JAV Comics & Gaming Supply Inc. 1047 Ponderosa Ave. San Marcos, CA. 92069 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 5/16/15. /s/Adele Duffy, CFO This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/19/2015. 5/28, 6/04, 6/11 & 6/18/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-013662 The name of the business: Palomar Premium Waters, located at 1270 W. Mission Ave., Escondido, CA. 92029. This business is hereby registered by the following: Palomar Mountain Premium Spring Water, LLC 1270 W. Mission Ave. Escondido, Ca. 92029 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business was 6/01/2005. /s/Conrad Pawelski, CFO This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/21/2015. 5/28, 6/04, 6/11 & 6/18/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-014276 The name of the business: California Center for Surrogacy and Egg Donation, located at 477 El Camino Real, #C208, Encinitas, CA. 92024. This business is hereby registered by the following: California Center for Reproductive Science 477 El Camino Real #C310 Encinitas, CA. 92024 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was n/a. /s/Lori Arnold, MD. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/29/2015. 6/04, 6/11, 6/18 & 6/25/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-013926 The name of the business: Ironclad Designs, located at 1451 Enchante Way, Oceanside, CA. 92056. This business is hereby registered by the following: Alma Kocur 14351 Enchante Way Oceanside, CA. 92056 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Alma Kocur This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/26/2015. 6/04, 6/11, 6/18 & 6/25/2015

Ordinance No. 2015-1409

Ordinance No. 2015-1409 an ordinance of the City of San Marcos City Council amending Chapter 10.30 to the San Marcos Municipal Code to add procedures for collecting expenses for graffiti abatement. Ordinance No. 2015-1409 was introduced on May 26, 2015, and will be presented to the City Council for adoption on June 9, 2015. A certified copy is posted in the office of the City Clerk at 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA. Phillip Scollick, City Clerk, City of San Marcos PD: 06/04/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-014248 The name of the business: Cobalt Designs, located at 8385 Miramar Mall, San Diego, Ca. 92121. This business is hereby registered by the following: Michelle Walsh 338 Cobalt Drive Vista, CA. 92083 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Michelle Walsh This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/29/2015. 6/04, 6/11, 6/18 & 6/25/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-014183 The name of the business: SurfRide Limousine, SurfRide Limo, located at 6212 Beadnell Way 20, San Diego, CA. 92117. This business is hereby registered by the following: SurfRide Transportation LLC 6212 Beadnell Way 20 San Diego, CA. 92117 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business was 8/07/2014. /s/Hazem Mohamed Saber, President, CEO This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/28/2015. 6/04, 6/11, 6/18 & 6/25/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-013871 The name of the business: Mariakamotors, located at 5415 Blackberry Way, Oceanside, CA. 92057, This business is hereby registered by the following: Gregg Mariaca 5415 Blackberry Way Oceanside, CA. 92057 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Gregg Mariaca This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/26/2015. 6/04, 6/11, 6/18 & 6/25/2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-014036 The name of the business: New Tech Builders, located at 1988 Acorn Road, San Marcos, CA. 92078, This business is hereby registered by the following: Daniel Owen 1988 Acorn Road San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 5/27/15.. /s/Daniel Owen This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/27/2015. 6/04, 6/11, 6/18 & 6/25/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-014482 The name of the business:, located at 650 N. Tremont St., Oceanside, CA. 92054. This business is hereby registered by the following: The Masters Turf 650 N. Tremont St. Oceanside, CA. 92054 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was n/a. /s/Carol Hill This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/01/2015. 6/04, 6/11, 6/18 & 6/25/2015

The Paper • Page 16 • June 04, 2015

Formerly The


Westside Cafe

Unfamiliar name... familiar food! ...but very tions Now Two Great Loca rth County! to Better Serve No





*2nd Meal must be of equal or lesser value

ONE MEAL *M-F Only! Offer expires 6/30/2015.

Biscuits and Sausage Gravy*

Two of our famous homemade biscuits topped with our delicious sausage gravy, the best in town. 7.99 Add potato 2.99 Half order of biscuits and gravy 4.99

Pegah’s Traditions

*Substitute egg whites or eggbeaters add $1.00. Substitute English muffin or raisin toast add $1.00. Add sausage gravy on potatoes for $1.00.

A.M. Starter*

Fear has no boundaries affecting all types of people. There are no sex, economic, or race discrimination guidelines. Research shows at least 30% or our population avoids going to the dentist due to fear. Our personal estimate is closer to 50% where anxiety is the culprit for avoiding needed care. With such a large segment of the population needing care but too afraid to seek us out, it is easy to see why a safe, non-judgemental, pain-free experience would be a welcome change for the anxietysticken patient. Oral Conscious Sedation (OCS) meets that incredible need. The Dentists who have made a commitment to learn



912 S Redwood St, Escondido

Two eggs any style, served with choice of bacon, sausage patty, sausage links or ham steak and choice of “homestyle” potatoes, hash browns or fresh fruit and toast or biscuit. 8.99 With half egg and half meat 7.99

760.744.3710 Corner of W 9th & S Redwood St

576 E Mission, San Marcos Corner of Mission & Mulberry

Pork Chops and Eggs*

Two tender pork chops, served with two eggs and choice of “home-style” potatoes, hash browns or fresh fruit and toast or biscuit. 12.99

Sunrise Breakfast*

Two eggs any style, served with choice of “home-style” potatoes, hash browns or fresh fruit and toast or biscuit. 7.99

The Doctor is In!

Welcome to "Oral Sedation Dentistry"


Just a sampling of our extensive menu!

the advanced technical skills required to practice OCS provide a solution for those needing this service putting them into a state of "twilight sleep" without rendering them actually unconscious. To be totally successful a dentist must learn more than just the technical skills. The certified OCS dentist must understand the emotional state as well. This involves understanding the state of a high-fear patient. This requires the dentist to actively listen to those who have avoided dentistry for years because of intense, realistic, palm-sweating, sick-to-the-stomach, eyepopping, and sleep depriving fear. It is a well-known fact that many people are often afraid to tell anyone about their fear, so they felt isolated. As dentists, we must be their "rock" in these situations and let them know that we understand their fear and that it is okay for them to feel the way the do. Using compassion and our expertise, we are able to take their

fear seriously, they are not being silly, and that we care about their emotional needs as well as their dental needs.

If the patient fears one dental visit to the dentist, imagine their frustration when they find out that they have not attended to their dental health over many years because of their fear, and that they may have to have appointments, numerous over many months, to complete their care. This is always received as discouraging news and often becomes the deciding factor

in not having their dentistry done.

"Is there a way, with sedation, that our patients could have their treatment accomplished in minimal visits, with no pain and little memory of this experience?" "Would this be encouraging?"

As certified in OCS we can provide this kind of treatment in a comfortable and caring way which will improve your patient's health and self-esteem while at the same time improving the individual's view of your professional competency.




San Marcos Dental Center

760.734.4311 162. S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. *New Patients. Not to be combined with other offers. Only one offer per patient. Expires - 6/10/15

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