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Volume 46 - No. 23

June 9, 2016

By Friedrich Gomez

There have been 43 U.S. Presidents in our country’s relatively young history (actually 44 if you count Grover Cleveland’s non-consecutive terms), yet there is much about them which is not commonly known. Such delicious details were never mentioned in mainstream history books. As a consequence, we might be shocked if we were to meet them, face-to-face. If we were to step into a time machine and journey back to the era of our Founding Fathers there may be some unexpected surprises waiting for us; things we may have overlooked or perhaps just took for granted.

For example, most scholars are in full agreement that George Washington and many of his contemporaries, such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, et al, most likely had British accents! Historians point out that during the mid to late 1700s, “The colonials would have been expected to have spoken with a discernible British accent during this time, even with the influx of settlers from other parts of Europe.” Well, how about that? That makes perfectly sound sense, but, I just never thought it through. Now that we’re going down that road, what other unexpected surprises might we experience?

GEORGE WASHINGTON. Aside from being our very first U. S. President, Washington was notable for other, lesser known, facts. For instance, he initially refused to accept his presidential salary (something unheard of in contemporary times!). But, he acquiesced and received his annual $25,000 salary. On record, George Washington was also the wealthiest American president in history. His total assets were estimated at well over $500-million! Many myths surrounded our first president, such as the still-widely repeated belief that he had wooden teeth. This, of course, was not the case. While it is true that George Washington wore dentures, they were, in fact, made of an admixture of gold, ivory, lead, and animal teeth. However, it was no rumor that Washington was, physically, among the most powerful of all our presidents. His brute strength enabled him to bend a horse shoe with his bare hands! THOMAS JEFFERSON. Jefferson, our 3rd American president, was among the most intellectual figures of his day, along with Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and others. Aside from being the primary author of our Declaration of Independence, he was also president of the American Philosophical Society. He possessed a scientific mind and was forever fascinated with linguistics (the study of languages). The Paper - 760.747.7119


This fascination motivated Jefferson to read, write, and speak several languages (fluently), such as French, Greek, Italian, and German. Jefferson was an eclectic inventor and invented an early version of the swivel chair, a forerunner of presidential chairs today. He is the only American president to have founded a seat of higher learning, the University of Virginia. His intellectual prowess has long been recognized by historians. When President John F. Kennedy saluted Nobel Prize laureates at a White House dinner, Kennedy rose and with chalice in hand toasted Jefferson in front of the greatest luminary minds at the dinner table, “This is the greatest gathering of human intellect, since Thomas Jefferson dined alone!” JAMES MADISON.

Our 4th U.S. President, James Madison, holds the distinction of being Princeton’s first student to graduate from their hallowed halls. While he was an academic pioneer in this regard, he was also the most diminutive, standing only 5’ 4” in height. His remarkably small stature made him the shortest of all U. S. Presidents and his weight of less than 100 pounds was less than the average American teenage girl! JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. John Quincy Adams was, clearly, not bashful in being seen in his ‘birthday suit.’ In fact, he was quite proud of himself in the raw, as the old expression has it. Adams would often go skinny dipping, without the slightest hesitation, in the Potomac River, preferring a dip in the early morning hours. This ritual of swimming in

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Washington D. C.’s main waterway – always in the nude – became a wellknown practice of our 6th U. S. President of the United States!

ANDREW JACKSON. President Andrew Jackson, nicknamed Old Hickory was, certainly, among the most physically powerful of all our U. S. Presidents. But, along with his brute strength, he had a temper to match. He is one political figure you should best stay on his good side. Prior to his presidency, on May 30, 1806 Jackson killed a man in a duel; the man had accused him of cheating on a horse race wager and then the same man insulted Jackson’s wife, Rachel. Historians describe Andrew Jackson as, “Argumentative, physically violent and fond of dueling with pistols as a solution to social conflicts.” Jackson was also a most fearless man, which made him even more formida-

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ble to any potential adversaries of his era. In one particular duel in which Jackson prevailed against his accuser, Charles Dickinson, Jackson received Dickinson’s first bullet to his chest near his heart. Despite this bullet shot, the future president remained calm, placed his hand over the nearfatal wound to stop the flow of blood and stayed standing just long enough to re-cock his pistol (his first shot misfired). The scenario puzzled Dickinson who saw smoke and dust coming from Jackson’s coat and Jackson clutching his chest. “My God!” Dickinson is reported to have screamed at the top of his lungs, “Have I missed him?!” Amidst this gun smoke, the ghostly image of Jackson still standing erect terrified Dickinson who, according to dueling practices, was required to remain in place while Jackson slowly took his time in aiming straight at him! As stated, Jackson had fired earlier but the flint hammer stopped halfcocked, not counting as a legitimate shot. This time, Jackson’s bullet found its mark, dropping Dickinson to the ground. The agony of death for Dickinson was prolonged as he succumbed to death later that night. (As recorded in the National Review of 1806.) The indisputable fact that Andrew Jackson was, remarkably, without fear is a testimonial of his character. The attending doctor was amazed at Jackson’s mental constitution in the face of death, “I don’t see how you stayed on your feet after that wound,” he would remark to the future president. Jackson’s reply stunned the doctor, “I

Give Us This Day Our Daily Chuckle This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy! How To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity in RETIREMENT ...

Just a few things to do when you are out and about…. 1. At lunch time, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on, point a hair dryer at passing cars, and watch them slow down!

2. On all your cheque stubs, write, 'For Marijuana'! 3. Skip down the street rather than walk, and see how many looks you get. 4. With a serious face, order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat. 5. Sing along at The Opera.

6. When the money comes out of the

would have stood up long enough to kill him if he had put a bullet in my brain.”

Andrew Jackson was considered to be a notoriously bad marksman, and he was aware of that fact. His intrepid nature had him calculate that he might have to take a bullet first before he could re-steady his nerves, remain erect, and with careful aim, take his ‘killing shot.’ For the record, Charles Dickinson was the only man Jackson killed in a duel, even though he participated in several such outings. His adversary that day, Charles Dickinson, on the other hand had successfully killed 26 men in various duels – until he met Andrew Jackson.

Jackson recovered from his chest wound but suffered persistent chronic pain for the remainder of his life. He was never prosecuted for the charge of murder and the deadly encounter had little or no effect on Andrew Jackson’s successful presidential campaign in 1829. It is only fair to note that it was not uncommon for men in the early 1800s (especially in the South) to view gun dueling as a time-honored tradition. President Andrew Jackson, our 7th U.S. President, was a most colorful individual, in more ways than one. He had a pet parrot which he carefully taught how to swear like a drunken sailor. The parrot’s wide vocabulary of curse words and phrases greatly amused the president to no end. However, during the president’s funeral, the parrot had to be removed from the ceremonies because it would not stop swearing! Perhaps, Andrew Jackson knew of this eventual scenario. If so, the colorful and mischievous president, indeed, had the last laugh, via his

ATM, scream 'I Won! I Won!'

7. When leaving the Zoo, start running towards the car park, yelling, 'Run For Your Lives! They're Loose!'

8. Tell your children over dinner, 'Due to the economy, we are going to have to let one of you go....’ 9. Pick up a box of condoms at the pharmacy, go to the counter and ask where the fitting room is.

And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity: My Favorite...

10. Go to a large Department store’s fitting room, drop your drawers to your ankles and yell out, “There’s no paper in here!” Engineers

An Engineer dies and goes to Hell. Dissatisfied with the level of comfort, he starts designing and building improvements. After a while, Hell has air conditioning, flush toilets and escalators. The engineer is a pretty popular guy.

One day God calls and asks Satan, "So, how's it going down there?"

Satan says, "Hey things are going great. We've got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators, and there's no telling what this engineer is going to come up with next."

God is horrified. "What? You've got an engineer? That's a mistake - he should

naughty parrot!


Some scholars claim that 150 years before America elected its first black president, Barack Obama, we may already have had our first ‘gay’ president, in the person of James Buchanan, our 15th president of the United States. James Buchanan holds the distinction of being America’s only bachelor president in our storied history. Despite the fact that Buchanan had courted the fairer sex and was even once engaged, there is no shortage of historical references to Buchanan’s gay lifestyle by his own contemporaries of the day, as well as from today’s historians in review. While his biographers, such as Jean Baker, argue that Buchanan was asexual or celibate, several scholars have put forth arguments that he was, indeed, homosexual or bisexual, as stated by sociologist, James W. Loewen, and authors Robert P. Watson and Shelley Ross. One particular source of interest to historians who scrutinize such details is the fact that Buchanan maintained a close and intimate relationship with William Rufus King (who became Vice President under the presidential administration of Franklin Pierce). The two men lived together in a Washington boardinghouse for 10 full years from 1834 until King’s departure for France in the year 1844. King, himself, referred to the relationship as a “communion,” and the two men often attended social functions together. Even contemporaries of these two men, such as Andrew Jackson called them, “Miss Nancy” and “Aunt Fancy” (the former being a 19th-century euphemism for an effeminate man). Many other indi-

never have gone down there! You know all engineers go to Heaven. Send him up here!"

Satan says, "No way. I like having an engineer on the staff. I'm keeping him." od says, "Send him back up here or I'll sue." "Yeah, right," Satan laughs, "and where are you going to get a lawyer?"

Who Thinks of These?

If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?

If lawyers are disbarred and clergymen defrocked, then doesn't it follow that electricians can be delighted, musicians denoted, cowboys deranged, models deposed, tree surgeons debarked, and dry cleaners depressed? Do Lipton Tea employees take 'coffee breaks?' What hair color do they put on the driver's licenses of bald men?

I thought about how mothers feed their babies with tiny little spoons and forks, so I wondered what do Chinese mothers use, Toothpicks?

Why do they put pictures of criminals up in the Post Office? What are we supposed to do, write to them? Why don't they just put their pictures on the postage stamps so the mailmen can look for them while they deliver the mail?

viduals of the day plainly noted that there was “something unhealthy in the president’s attitude.” Historian, James W. Loewen, has done extensive research into Buchanan’s personal life and remains convinced that President Buchanan was gay. Loewen is the author of the acclaimed book, “Lies Across America,” which examines how history inaccurately portrays figures and events in America’s past. BENJAMIN HARRISON. It is, somewhat, ironic that U. S. President Benjamin Harrison served as a brave Union colonel during the American Civil War and yet was not so brave around items we generally take for granted. For example, our 23rth U. S. President was forever afraid of electricity or anything to do with it, such as lightning, etc. Nicknamed “The Human Iceberg” because of his cold disposition, especially in the face of battle, Harrison had a phobia regarding electrical storms, lightning, or even electricity as a form of illumination, at least to some extent. As luck would have it, ex-military colonel, Benjamin Harrison, was installed as the 23rd American president when – of all things – electricity was first installed in the White House! From the first day of its installation, President Harrison was forever fearful of being electrocuted by this new-fangled electricity throughout the White House and, therefore, refused to touch the light switches which turned the interior lighting off and on! Not

ABRAHAM LINCOLN. many people know that

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Is it true that you never really learn to swear until you learn to drive?

If a cow laughed, would milk come out of her nose? Why, why, why do we press harder on the remote control when we know the batteries are getting weak?

Why do banks charge a fee due to insufficient funds; when they already know you're broke?

Why is it that when someone tells you that there are one billion stars in the universe you believe them, but if they tell you there is wet paint you have to touch it to check? Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?

Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a revolver at him? Why did Kamikaze pilots wear helmets? Whose cruel idea was it to put an "s" in the word "lisp"?

If people evolved from apes, why are there still apes? Why is it that, no matter what color bubble bath you use, the bubbles are always white? Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?

Chuckles Cont. on Page 6


Evelyn Madison The Social Butterfly Email Evelyn at: Meetings/Events Calendar

“Safety Safari” and Open House at Fire Station – On Saturday, June 11, from 10am to 2pm, the Safety Safari and Open House will be held at Escondido Fire Station #4 located at the Mary Lane entrance to Kit Carson Park, 3301 Bear Valley Parkway. The Fire Safety Expo took on greater significance recently when one of the organizers, Julia Escamilla, was evacuated from her

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Abraham Lincoln was once part owner of a saloon in Springfield, Illinois, called “Berry and Lincoln.” Even less known is the fact that the famous ‘Rail Splitter’ was a tremendously skilled wrestler of his day! In 1831, when Lincoln moved to New Salem, Illinois, he was soon confronted by a well-known bully by the name of Jack Armstrong. It was here where Armstrong challenged Lincoln to a wrestling match! Lincoln was a clerk at the time at a store known as Denton Offutt. To Armstrong’s misfortune, Lincoln accepted the wrestling challenge which quickly grabbed the town’s attention in the form of frenzied betting by the townspeople. Lincoln won the match and his challenger’s respect from that day onward. The town’s residents quickly learned of Abe’s supreme wrestling skills. As a young wrestler, Abraham Lincoln would only be defeated once out of approximately 300 matches! Now, that’s noteworthy! You don’t mess with our 16th president! RUTHERFORD B. HAYES. In 1876, Hayes was elected into presidential office as our 19th U. S. President in one of the most fiercely competitive and controversial elections in our nation’s history. Hayes lost the popular vote to Democrat Samuel J. Tilden but he won an intensely disputed electoral college vote (after a Congressional commission awarded him twenty contested electoral votes). However, today’s 2016 election year may prove to be far more controversial than during President’s Hayes’ – let’s just wait and see! Did you know that Alexander Graham Bell installed the very first White House telephone during Rutherford B. Hayes’ presidency? Well, it’s true! And guess what his telephone number was on this first White House telephone? Hmm, you may have guessed it – his telephone number was “One” (1). However, it was our 25th American president, William McKinley, who was the first presidential candidate to campaign using the telephone, according to his-

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Rainbow home due to the Pala Fire. Julia has been coordinating this event for 15 years and understands the importance of properly maintaining her rural home to reduce the risk of fire overtaking it, but having to evacuate was a sober reminder of the importance of getting the word out to everyone in the area. Julia commented “We’re glad to be able to provide this information in one place where it can be a fun event for the whole family.” Escondido Fire Department and Rincon Fire District have shared in the traditional goal of saving lives and property over many decades and will again team up to host this event. There will be a variety of displays to provide information about fire safety, disaster preparedness, and other quality of life issues. This free event, an annual tradition for over two decades, will be a fun and informational experience for all ages; talk to first responders, see firefighting equipment up close, learn about preventing fires, prepare for emergencies. Free refreshments and a giant inflatable slide will round out the event, and an inexpensive lunch will be available.

Summer Entertainment at The Center – Upcoming shows are Unlocking Wonderland Event: Mad Hatter Tea Time, and Second Saturday: Superhero Illustration, both on Saturday, June 11th. From now through August 14th, The Exhibit: My Hero: Contemporary Art and Superhero Action and Unlocking Wonderland, at California Center for the Arts, Escondido, 340 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondido. For information and/or tickets, call 1-800-988.4253 or visit


JAMES A. GARFIELD. Our 20th U. S. President met his undoing primarily because of his belief. Garfield believed, as did others, that the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln was a freak episode, due to the Civil War and, therefore, not likely to be repeated during his lifetime. As such, he saw no reason why the president should be guarded. This vulnerability was further compounded by the fact that Garfield’s movements and plans were often printed in the newspapers of the day. Garfield would be assassinated only 200 days into his presidency by a Charles J. Guiteau who shot the president twice, once in the back shattering a rib and embedding itself in his stomach and once in his arm. Upon being shot, Garfield exclaimed, “My God, what is this?!”

Against this dramatic backdrop of events there is a little known fact about our president that remains almost entirely unknown, today. Our 20th U. S. President had a highly unusual gift, a genuine jewel of trivia long forgotten over which he took much pride! President Garfield was ambidextrous, meaning he could write well with both his hands; however his ambidexterity took to higher ground – Garfield was not only able to write perfectly with both hands but he was also able to write a sentence in Latin with one hand and write it in Greek with the other hand, simultaneously! Wow, that’s using a most unique part of the human brain! ANIMAL LOVERS. .S. Presidents have long had a loveaffair with their pets, and this love did not end when they were elected to office. Andrew Jackson loved his parrot. President William Henry Harrison kept his pet billy goat at the White House. Zachary Taylor maintained his favorite horse on the White House lawns. Ulysses S. Grant was overly fond of horses, stemming back to his military days. Grant prided himself on a military mount and his expertise in handling any horse under reins. Grant particularly

San Marcos Music Fest is Friday, June 11 – The City of San Marcos and Allen’s Wrench will present the San Marcos Summer Music Fest (formerly the Rock & Blues Festival) at Walnut Grove Park, 1950 Sycamore Drive, San Marcos, from 12 noon to 9pm on Friday, June 11. Live bands include Craig’s Band (Classic Rock) , James Kruk (Elvis Tribute), We Belong (Pat Benatar Tribute), Upstream (Reggae), Kanan Road (Country), Bill Magee Blues and J Gordan & Blues Venom. Food and beverages will be sold at on-site barbecue. A beer and wine garden provided by the Friends of San Marcos Parks and Recreation will be available for those 21 years and older. Attendees should bring beach chairs or blankets for lawn seating. Presale tickets (available until June 10) are $15/per person. For more information or presale tickets, visit Presale tickets may also be purchased at the San Marcos Community Center or the San Marcos Senior Center. Tickets at the gate are $20 per person. Parking is free. EAP Municipal Gallery June Events – Opening Receptions, June 11, from 5:30pm-8pm, to see Abstracts and Surrealism with juror Duke Windsor, whose solo show Textures is in the Expressions Gallery, while the PhotoArts Group brings photography to The Edge of Vision. The exhibition runs from June 10 to July 2. The Municipal Gallery and Patio Playhouse community & youth theater will present Second Sundays summer series of play readings, spoken word, and performances about life in

enjoyed a fast steed and the exhilaration of giving his horse full throttle. On one reckless occasion, long after the war, the 18th president was once given a speeding ticket while riding a horse too fast on a street in Washington, D. C., resulting in a $20 fine!!

Despite the menagerie of animals brought to the White House by various U.S. Presidents, the most exotic scenario, hands down, belongs to American presidents John Quincy Adams and Herbert Hoover. Regarding John Quincy Adams, his alligator was an unusual gift to the president from a French General. Adams rather enjoyed the startled reactions to his alligator-gift and continued showing off his exotic reptile to disbelieving guests! The fiercelooking alligator was, initially, kept in the White House’s unfinished East Room and its nearby bathtub. The scary intruder was eventually relocated to a different home.

Not to be outdone by John Quincy Adams’s administration, a hundred years later, President Herbert Hoover would come to possess not one, but, two pet alligators, both of which were sometimes allowed inside the White House, in the early 1930s! The two alligator pets belonged to Hoover’s younger son, Allan, who frequently presented them to terrified guests! President Hoover’s pet German shepherd, King Tut, was forever nervous around the two alligators, as was the president’s Secret Service agents, who kept a watchful eye over the reptiles! On one humorous occasion, when nervous guests witnessed one alligator mounting the other during mating season, a newspaper reporter recalled one small child shouting with excitement, “Look Mommy! They’re trying to make a wallet!” In regards to the Hoover family, they were a fascinating study, unto themselves. Prior to his presidency, the Hoover family resided in China for some time, during which the future president and his wife learned to speak fluent Mandarin Chinese. During his presidency, the exotic lan-

the arts, starting June 12th at 7pm with “The Velocity of Autumn” by Eric Cobel, a story about Alexandra, an 80-year-old artist in a showdown with her family over where she’ll spend her remaining years. It is a wickedly funny and wonderfully touching discovery of the fragility and ferocity of life. Then on Thursday, June 23rd, from 7-9pm, there will be an art workshop presentation, for artists at all levels in their career path, by Stephen C. Wagner about “Creating a Saleable Body of Work.” It includes learning to create art that sells, topics include titles, series, style, media, scale, prices, frames, quality, etc. Cost is $20/at the door. Visit Gallery hours, Tuesday 11-6 (Farmers market); Thursday-Saturday 11am4pm, at 262 E. Grand Ave., Escondido.

Student Talent Exhibition at Museum of Art, thru June 12 – The Oceanside Cultural Arts Foundation (OCAF) has awarded numerous scholarships for both performing arts in theatre, music, or dance, and visual arts. The winner of OCAF’s 2016 Visual Arts Scholarship is Jeremy Bunda, senior at Rancho Buena Vista High School in Vista. A special art exhibition for runners-up and winner of OCAF’s Visual Arts Scholarships will take place at Oceanside Museum of Art, 704 Pier View Way, Oceanside, from 10:00am to 4:00pm, Tuesday through Saturday, June 7 to 11, and 1:00pm to 4pm Sunday, June 12. A recognition ceremony with the visual artists present will be at 2pm, Sunday, June 12. The general public is invit-

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guage came in handy: they would speak Mandarin Chinese around the White House to prevent others from understanding them!

PRESIDENT HARRY S. TRUMAN. Truman was the 33rd President of the United States (1945-1953) and his name, of and by itself, harbors a fun secret not widely known. Harry S. Truman was born on May 8, 1884, in Lamar, Missouri, the oldest child of John and Martha Truman. His parents, interestingly, chose the name “Harry” after his mother’s brother, however, they chose “S” as his middle initial, but the “S” never did stand for anything – it was just a letter followed by a period! Historians do add that Harry Truman’s parents chose “S” as his middle initial to please both of his grandfathers, Anderson Shipp Truman and Solomon Young. But, as stated, the middle initial was only a single letter and never was signed as anything but! MULTIPLE QUIZ TIME! There are many such colorful details and facts about our U. S. Presidents that are surprising, and fun, to learn about. Here is a multiple-choice quiz that is sure to not only surprise but, perhaps, shock you about our rich presidential legacy. WHICH U. S. PRESIDENT HAD THE MOST CHILDREN? Have fun, and take a guess! A. George Washington B. John Tyler C. John F. Kennedy D. Jimmy Carter If you chose “B” above, you got it right! John Tyler, our 10th American president, had an amazing 15 children, more than any other U. S. president in history, by far

WHICH U. S. PRESIDENT EARNED A PH.D? Only one American president held a coveted Ph.D – can you guess which one below? A. Woodrow Wilson

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Local News

The Paper • Page 4 • June 9, 2016 Serious Injutry Accident in Escondido Illegal Alien charged with DUI and no Driver’s License

On Sunday, June 5th, at about 02:05 AM officers from the Escondido Police Department were dispatched to the area of Broadway and Highway 78 regarding a serious injury collision. Upon arrival, officers discovered one driver had attempted to flee the scene on foot. The driver, Jose Uriostegui, 33 years old from Escondido, was detained by two uninvolved citizens.

According to involved party statements, and physical evidence at the scene, it appears Uriostegui was driving a black 2005 Ford F150 eastbound on Highway 78 at Broadway. A grey 2013 Nissan Altima was northbound on Broadway at Highway 78 where the collision occurred. The driver of the Altima, Lucrecia Vasquez, 27 years old, sustained serious life threatening injuries. Vasquez is six months pregnant and currently being treated at Palomar Memorial Hospital. There was one other 24 year old female passenger in the Altima who is currently being treated for moderate but nonlife threatening injuries. Officers developed probable cause to arrest Uriostegui for driving under the influence of alcohol. He was also unlicensed. Uriostegui was arrested for felony DUI, Felony hit and run, and driving without a driver’s license. Uriostegui was treated for minor injuries from the collision. He was later booked into the Vista Detention

Man About Town

We don’t normally get involved in Lonely Hearts issues but our Hal Brehe (he’s the 90 year old who delivers The Paper to Palomar East and Palomar West Mobile Home Parks - a combined total of 800 homes (and he usually gets the job done in one day!) . . . well, old Hal is in love. Or, at least, he is smitten . . . with a certain Mystery Lady who apparently lives in Palomar East . . in the neighborhood of 360 Palomar East - and who drives a beautiful, late model blue car. After chatting briefly, the beautiful Mysery Lady drove off . . . and Hal began to kick himself for not getting more information from and about her. “She’s just the kind of lady I’m looking for,” he moans. “Attractive, gutsy, says what’s on her mind.”


The traffic investigation is ongoing and is being conducted by Officer Mike Nelson of the Traffic Division. We are seeking the public’s help with anyone who may have witnessed the accident or has any additional information about the collision. Witnesses are encouraged to call Officer Nelson at (760) 839-4407 Carlsbad Emergency Services Personnel respond to the report of a Truck in the Lagoon

On Wednesday, June 1st, at 12:42 a.m., a City of Carlsbad police officer was flagged by a citizen who reported a truck had gone off the hill and into the Lagoon in the area of Carlsbad Boulevard and Sequoia Avenue.

Carlsbad and Oceanside Fire Department personnel responded to the scene to assist. Responding officers found the point the truck went into the Lagoon was at Garfield Street. The truck was laying on its roof. The Fire Department used flares to check along the hillside for a driver of the vehicle. California State Parks Life Guards also responded.

Three officers went into the water to rescue anyone that might be inside the truck. Visibility did not allow them to see if anyone was inside. The officers left the water due to the vehicle’s instability and the water’s strong current conditions. I think it’s safe to assume that Hal would like to reconnect with this lady. A romantic at heart, Hal is pretty convinced that this young lass is the girl of his dreams.

I don’t know. I’m just the messenger. Don’t even know if the young lady (aka “The Mystery Woman”) in question reads The Paper but, being one of the six most beautiful women in the world and knowledgeable in the ways of the world, surely she does. But if she happens to read this . . . please get in touch with Hal Brehe, unit 226, Palomar East. Or West. One of the parks. My services as Best Man are available at reasonable rates.

Here endeth my involvement as MatchMaker and/or Lonely Hearts Editor. Emotionally, I can handle no more . . . else I may suffer from an attack of the vapours. ••••• Somewhere, deep in the file cabinets of WBBM-TV in Chicago, there is, or was, a photo of me with Muhammad Ali.

Jerry Williams was then a controversial talk show host on WBBM Radio; he was also part owner of radio station WEEF in Highland Park, Illinois, a Chicago suburb, where I served as Vice President and

A lifeguard dive team entered the water to assist with the search and also found the vehicle’s instability and the water’s strong current conditions unsafe to continu

Due to the water’s strong current conditions and darkness, members of the responding parties found it unsafe to retrieve the truck at the time.

Later that same day, at 10:26 a.m., the truck was cautiously and safely removed from the lagoon. In the initial search of the lagoon the driver was not found. The San Diego Sheriff's Department Dive Team will return at low tide to double check.

The registered owner of the Truck is an Oceanside resident. When contacted by the Oceanside Police Department, the owner reported that he left his keys inside the truck and that it was stolen the previous night from Oceanside. The investigation into the incident is ongoing.

The Police Department would like to thank the Carlsbad Fire Department, Oceanside Police and Fire Departments, San Diego Sheriff's Department Dive Team, Encinitas City Lifeguards, Oceanside City Lifeguards, San Diego City Lifeguards, and the California State Lifeguards for their assistance. Efforts to search for a driver of the

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General Manager.

Jerry invited me and several other colleagues to the WBBM studios on an evening when Muhammad Ali was scheduled to visit. He showed up, Jerry did an interview, and, later, we all assembled for photos with "The Champ." They took one of me facing off with Ali . . . and I never got a copy of it.

Wasn't all that important to me at the time; I've never been a big one for autographs, memorabiliea, awards, etc. But now that he's gone, I kinda wish I had pushed to get a copy of that photo. It was special.

And it's probably long since been either confined to a lonesome file cabinet in a musty storeroom . . . or, worse, dumped in a waste basket. ••••• Got to go for a ride in one of Escondido’s pretty red ambulances earlier this week. What turned out to be a severe case of vertigo had me very dizzy (there are lots of folks who will tell you I’m always dizzy. They exaggerate.)

This time I had fallen and became nauseated as well so folks were sure that I was having a stroke. I thought as

Letters to the Editor Re: Endorsements

Re: Race for the 3rd District.

Tell it like it is Mr. Davis!! You always do such a good job and you have hit the nail directly on the head with this article. Voters BEWARE!

If more people would just open their eyes and use common sense our country would not be in the mess that it is now. /s/Barbara Turrentine Escondido, CA.

More on the Race

Thank you very much for your great synopsis of Sam Abed's history. It is good to see it all in one place. I find

‘Letters to the Editor’ Cont. on Page 5

much myself.

Turns out that a CT Scan and an MRI confirmed I did not have a stroke . . . but they did uncover a couple of other vascular problems which will be followed up.

I have been critical of past management at Palomar Medical Center . . . never of the staff. The staff have always been tops in my book and this was reconfirmed by the treatment received from both physicians, nurses, and techs. It was only a 24 hour stay in hospital but it was an impressive one. High tech facilities, highly trained personnel . . . all of which adds up to a mighty professional hospital.

They do their jobs well and I am grateful for the care and attention.

The President and CEO of Palomar Medical Center, Bob Hemker, is doing a magnificent job. I was not fond of his predecessor, Mike Covert, and ran a number of cover stories and commentaries that outlined why. Covert is gone now . . . and he left Mr. Hemker with little money and a lot of debt. But Mr. Hemker is doing a great job of rebuilding the hospital. Good job.

The Paper • Page 5 • June 9, 2016

Letters to the Editor Cont. from Page 4

myself in a conundrum however. I would prefer to vote for either Kristen Gaspar or Dave Roberts. If I and others elect one of these two, Abed remains mayor (something I'd prefer not be the case). If I and others elect Abed for supervisor, we get rid of him as mayor (yea) but we reward him for being a bad guy by giving him a better job. What to do? /s/Mary Brown

Editor’s Note: By the time you read this the issue will have been decided by the voters. Unless a run-off is forced. We have made our recommendations. Your decision as to how to vote remains with you, not us. Profanity

For the most part, I agree with Ms Valencik's comments regarding profanity in the Chuckles. However, I would go even further and say that I don't think it's appropriate anywhere, with rare exception. Aren't we better than that?

Also, although the numbers classify me as a senior citizen, I don't like to be constantly reminded of it via the plethora of jokes in the Chuckles. Occasional jokes on that subject are fine but there are far too many. Even with my comments above, I remain a loyal reader.

/s/Mary Brown

Editor’s Note: I, too, am a Senior Citizen. I ofen remark, “It’s a damned shame to grow old. Wish I were young again. It was fun, raising hell.” From a former Escondido Resident:


Just finished reading the 5/26 edition of The Paper. Excellent article on Escondido! Got home sick. Also great article on Windows 10. Well written and clearly understandable. Keep up the good work. Regards,

More on the Supervisor’s Race

Editor Lyle, you definitely hit a home run with this weeks current issue. There is no way the 3rd district can have the likes of Sam Abed as a County Supervisor. The shenanigans and underhanded dealings that he has been a part of are legendary as you have so aptly pointed out.

My family and I have personally met Dave Roberts at several public functions and have always felt good after talking with him knowing that he listens to you and your concerns and answers them honestly. I wish you had time for another follow up article as I'm sure there is more you could show the public who enjoy reading your publication every week. Thank you for having the testosterone to write this current issue. Sincerely,

Dennis M. Galt, and family Escondido, CA.

Editor’s Note: Good to hear from Dennis Galt. He has been in hospital and under doctor’s care. Here’s hoping his health is improved and he will continue to be just as ornery as ever. $45,000 Raise?

Does there exist an Inspector General within the State of

Letters to the Editor Cont. on Page 7

Local News Cont. from Page 4 vehicle continue.

Escondido Police Lieutenant Saves a Life

On any ordinary day, Escondido Police Lieutenant Al Owens can be seen working as a day shift Watch Commander. He manages the activities of his team of patrol sergeants and officers, manages significant events in the city, and talks to community members about the troubles that they are experiencing.

Tuesday, May 24th, ended up being no “ordinary day.” At 1:18pm the Escondido Police and Fire Communication center received a 911 call regarding an adult female who was near a creek bed behind the Escondido Police and Fire Headquarters building. It was reported that the female had possibly overdosed on a narcotic and was not breathing.

Escondido Police Lieutenant Al Owens was inside of the headquarters building. Lieutenant Owens overheard the call and immediately responded to the creek bed, where he found the patient unconscious. He quickly evaluated her condition and determined that she was not breathing and did not have a pulse. Lieutenant Owens began CPR and the patient regained a pulse.

Local News Cont. on Page 9

The Paper • Page 6 • June 9, 2016

US Presidents Cont. from Page 3

B. Franklin D. Roosevelt C. John F. Kennedy D. Bill Clinton

Well, if you got this one correct you need to take a bow! President Woodrow Wilson, our 28th leader, is the only American president to hold a doctorate (Ph.D), making him the most formally educated president in our country’s history! Despite the fact that Wilson was a slow learner (he didn’t learn to read untill age 10), he went on to earn a Ph.D in political science and history from John Hopkins University!

WHICH PRESIDENT WAS A COSMOPOLITAN FASHION MODEL? I know, it sounds unbelievable, but truth is often stranger than fiction! Take a stab at it and maybe be prepared for a surprise! A. GERALD FORD B. RONALD REAGAN C. BILL CLINTON D. BARACK OBAMA This is a tough one because everyone knows that former President Ronald Reagan was widely photographed as a model and even won the title of the “Most Nearly Perfect Male Figure Award” from the University of California in 1940, but that is not the correct answer, above! If you selected “A” above, well, I’m just pleased as punch over you! Yes, it’s true – President-to-be Gerald Ford worked as a male model in his late 20s and was even featured on the cover of Cosmopolitan magazine in April of 1942 in his Navy uniform! It is noteworthy to also point out that his future wife, Betty, was also a dancer and fashion model, who even signed with John Robert Powers modeling firm to help finance her dance education! Well, there you have it!

WHICH U. S. PRESIDENT WAS A LAS VEGAS STANDUP COMEDIAN? I know, this sounds incredulous, but the answer is one of the multiple choices below. Close your eyes, and take a chance! You may be in for a shock! A. John F. Kennedy B. Ronald Reagan C. Bill Clinton D. Barack Obama

This is no laughing matter if you got this right, because if you did, you get to go to the head of the class! This one is tricky because all of the presidents listed above were known for their wit and sense of humor. But, if you said “B” above, then you are something else! In 1954, Ronald Reagan’s acting career took a nosedive and in order to stay healthily employed, the future U. S. President did a standup comedy act in Las Vegas for a few weeks! Well, time for one last bonus question. So, be sure to put on your ‘thinking cap.’ Good luck!

WHICH PRESIDENT BELOW WAS A HIGH SCHOOL CHEERLEADER? A. JIMMY CARTER B. BILL CLINTON C. GEORGE W. BUSH D. BARACK OBAMA Hmmm, this is a hard one, no question. If you circled “C” for George W. Bush, then ra-ra-ra for you! George W. Bush certainly had the school spirit, and he proved it, time and again! Our 43rd U. S. President,

George W. Bush was head cheer- Chuckles leader during high school, in his sen- Cont. from Page 2 ior year, at Phillips Academy, a boarding school, in Andover, Massachusetts! He also played baseWhy do people constantly return to ball. the refrigerator with hopes that We Americans love to have fun and something new to eat will have matewe love, cherish, and embrace the rialized? bright sunshine of democracy which we all revel in. Someone once said, Why do people run over a string a “Democracy is the worst form of govern- dozen times with their vacuum cleanment, except for all the others.” I second er, then reach down, pick it up, that notion. We may not have a per- examine it and then put it down to fect country, nor a perfect form of government, but, we are the model give the vacuum one more chance? and envy of every other country on Earth, today. Despite our flaws, How do those dead bugs get into the domestic issues, and off-setting val- enclosed light fixtures? ues, we are singularly and supremely the most shining example of dignity Why is it that whenever you attempt and tolerance of any other piece of to catch something that's falling off real estate on this third planet from the table you always manage to knock the Sun. something else over? Spending four years in the military taught me a lot about falling in love. I was always told throughout my life that a person can fall in love only once. I no longer can believe in that. Because, every time I came back from overseas and saw the coastline of my native soil, I would – invariably – fall in love with my country, all over again.

Why, in winter, do we try to keep the house as warm as it was in summer when we complained about the heat? By the way, the statistics on sanity say that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Then think of your three best friends. If they're OK...? (then it's you)

Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 3

ed to the free exhibition in the lobby of Oceanside Museum of Art. While the OCAF exhibition is free, regular charge will apply for visitors wishing to tour the museum, other than the lobby. General admission $8, seniors (65+) $5, free admission for children under 18, students, military and their dependents. For more information, email or visit www.ocaf.inf. Proceeds from all of OCAF’s events are used to provide scholarships to graduating high school seniors from throughout North County San Diego who are pursing artistic and performing arts degrees, and to organize more quality events in this city. Senior Travel Meeting – The next travel meeting will be on Monday, June 13, at 1pm in the Auditorium of the Senior Center, Park Avenue, Escondido. Reminder: A few openings exist for the Petco Park, Coronado, Balboa Park trip on Monday, June 20th. Cost is $73/person, includes lunch. Don’t forget your baby picture (or any picture that you like) for the travel meeting in July – you might win a prize. Dr. Melanie Burkholder to Speak at Happy Hour Politics – Her topic will be on Internet Safety and Awareness. The dangers of internet use and social media for children and teenagers will be the topic of conversation at HHP on June 15th. Carlsbad resident and former United States Secret Service Agent, Dr. Melanie Burkholder will speak to this issue, a topic of

Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 8

The Priest said, 'Sister, this is a silent monastery. You are welcome here as long as you like, but you may not speak until directed to do so.’

Sister Maryellen lived in the monastery for 5 years before the Priest said to her, 'Sister Maryellen , you have been here for 5 years. You may speak two words.' Sister Maryellen said, ‘Hard bed.'

'I'm sorry to hear that,' the Priest said, 'We will get you a better bed.'

After another 5 years, Sister Maryellen was summoned by the Priest. 'You may say another two words, Sister Maryellen.' 'Cold food,' said Sister Maryellen, and the Priest assured her that the food would be better in the future.

If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea ... does that mean that one out of five enjoys it?

On her 15th anniversary at the monastery, the Priest again called Sister Maryellen in to his office. 'You may say two words today.'

If people from Poland are called Poles, then why aren't people from Holland called Holes?

Chuckles Cont. on Page 12

Why isn't the number 11 pronounced onety-one?

The author, Friederich Gomez

Why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist, but a person who drives a race car is not called a racist? •••• Sister Maryellen entered the Monastery of Silence.

Elder Financial Abuse

Assembly Bill 1754, a bill I authored to protect vulnerable seniors and dependent adults, passed the Assembly Floor and will now head to the Senate.

AB 1754 will help elder and dependent adult victims of financial crimes deal with the severe emotional and financial trauma that can result from these crimes. AB 1754 sets up a pilot program in San Diego County to help these victims pay for mental health and financial counseling that may be necessary for their recovery. Victims will be reimbursed up to $3,000 from the California Victim Compensation Program, partly financed through federal matching funds, and from restitution, fines and penalty assessments ordered by the courts and paid by the criminals themselves.

'I quit,' said Sister Mary. 'It's probably best,' said the Priest, 'You've done nothing but bitch since you got

The Department of Social Services reports that throughout California, as many as 1,600 cases of elder and dependent adult financial abuse are under investigation in any given month. In San Diego County alone, the Adult Protect Services agency has confirmed a total of 1,148 unique cases of elder and dependent adult financial abuse over the past year.

When a trusting senior loses their life savings, there are no assistance programs outside of the court process to help them. Many have no recourse and resort to depression and even suicide. Helping seniors find resources and support to rebuild their lives is the intent of my bill. Simply stated, elder abuse cannot be tolerated -- its victims must be protected. AB 1754 will help seniors regain their dignity and receive necessary assistance to help restore their independence and self-respect.

The Paper • Page 7 • June 9, 2016

Letters to the Editor Cont. from Page 5

California who monitors the shenanigans of those in office simply granting them selves "salary increase" without public hearing?

$45,000.00 without public hearing which is 20 percent of their salary, which lead me to believe there exist within the structure of operations/procedures: "once elected I will perform in developing more personal cash flow."

Who is running procedure in LEGAL 'closure' to financial disbursement - the process of salary increase?

This demonstrate the average Intelligence Quotient of Americans: 98 Sincerely,

Walter J. Feszchak Escondido CA

More on the Supervisor’s Race

Hi Lyle,

Just a short note to thank you for the non-endorsement of Sam Abed in your June 2nd issue of The Paper. If there ever was a man who should not be voted for anything, it is Mr. Abed. Although you referred to his awful history through past editions, I wish you had highlighted his racial attitude toward undocumented residents and especially to Hispanics.

Those of us who have been here for many years know his history.

I am a little disappointed that you endorsed his cohort, Marie Waldron, who along with Mr. Abed were two political climbers who used defenseless residents to reach their aims. No way would I vote for her either. Your endorsement of Duncan Hunter surprises me considering his recent "mistakes." I'll forgive you though because the "big fish" is the one that needs to be fried! Keep up the good work.

/s/Andy G. Pino Escondido, CA Hi,

Escondido Article

I enjoyed the recent article on Escondido.

Another famous person who was a long time resident of Escondido is the famous bluesman/rockstar JJ Cale.

Kind regards, /s/John R. Ross, III Ross Patent Law Office Escondido, CA. lyle:


Great commentary re. "hizzoner". I'm

Letters to the Editor Cont. on Page 11

PLANNING A SPECIAL EVENT IN 2016? Wedding? Quinceaneras? Reception?

Birthday party? Recital? Church Event? First you need to pick your date, then your venue! The Clubhouse of the Escondido Woman’s Club is the place to be! 750 No. Rose, Escondido Large kitchen and stage

Historically Speaking by Tom Morrow

The Battle For Free-World Survival

Arguably, the “Battle of Britain,” which took place in the summer and fall of 1940, saved the free world from Nazi tyranny and possible world domination. After Adolf Hitler’s lightning success in capturing most of Western Europe using the German army’s “Blitzkreig” (lighting warfare) tactics, only Great Britain remained to be harnessed in the Nazi yolk of dictatorship. But all that stood in the way of German domination of England, Scotland, and Wales was the English Channel and the world’s most powerful flotilla: Britain’s Royal Navy.

At that time, German Luftwaffe (air force) was the most powerful in the world with more than 2,500 fighters and bombers; Britain’s Royal Air Force numbered less than 800 fighters and bombers. Probably around 600 usable aircraft was a more realistic number. Hitler decided that bombing British airfields and demolishing the RAF would be a prelude to a Channel crossing and land invasion from the French coast some 25 miles away. Luftwaffe leader and Hitler’s No. 2, Herrman Goering, underestimated the tenacity of the British people’s will to resist and the bravado of RAF pilots. In order to equalize the numbers, British pilots would have to shoot down invading German planes on a four-to-one ratio.

Hitler was confidant his bombers could overwhelm the British with brute force, knocking out coastal

defenses and shipping, eventually giving the Germans air control over the whole of southern England.

When the initial mission failed to destroy the RAF, Hitler launched a night-time bombing campaign, or as the British called it, “Blitz,” of London. So confident Goering was of his air force’s superiority, he bragged to Hitler that if any British bombs ever fell on Berlin, he mockingly told the Nazi leader that he could call the rotund air marshall, “Meyer,” (a Jewish name considered by the Nazis to be a supreme insult). When the first RAF bombs rained down on Berlin, no one knows what Hitler said to Goering, but it’s a good bet it wasn’t pleasant.

Hitler under estimated the stamina of the British people and the skill of RAF pilots and their aircraft. While the Me-109 fighter was a fast and agile aircraft, the RAF “Spitfire” was a superior weapon.

The Brits united under Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s leadership to defend their nation at all costs. They refused to give up, even as their cities were repeatedly bombed. The British had an advantage over the Germans: radar, which they invented. The Brits knew exactly when the Luftwaffe was coming, in what strength and at what altitude. RAF fighters, “Spitfires” and “Hurricanes,” kept German air raids at bay, but at great cost to the RAF. British and German aircraft factories were turning out planes as fast as possible to keep up with the daily destruction. Still, when the Battle of Britain ended, the British had lost some 900 aircraft to the Germans’ 2,300 planes. The RAF had nearly equaled their needed “four-to-one” combat ratio. Though the United States had yet to enter the war, President Roosevelt persuaded Congress to approve the “Lend-Lease” agreement, which sent ships, planes, guns, ammo, and desperately-needed food and medical supplies to the beleaguered British people. Historians generally agree that if the British nation had not stopped the Nazi aggression, an attack on North America would have

Tom Morrow Cont. on Page 8

Maximum 170 people 24-hour insurance required

Great prices! major events include house manager and security in attendance, tables/chairs set up Call 760.743.9178 to reserve your 2016 date

Leave a message and phone number; your call will be returned

News for the Social Butterfly? Send your press releases to:

The Paper • Page 8 • June 9, 2016

Tom Morrow Cont. from Page 7

been imminent. That one air battle might very well have preserved our democratic way of life instead of living under a dictatorship.

One footnote to history – Goering asked his top fighter ace what he needed to defeat the British? Flight leader and Adolf Galland replied: “Give me a squadron of Spitfires.” Goering was not amused.

Letters to the Editor are always welcome Try to keep them to 250 words or less. As always, The Paper reserves the right to edit for content and for space. Send your submissions to:

Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 6

interest to all and recommended for parents (and grandparents) with children from elementary through high school. The goal of this “Internet Safety and Awareness” workshop is for parents to understand how seemingly innocent online behaviors like status updates, tagging, and “friending” strangers can turn into potential life-threatening scenarios; recognize inappropriate activity in order to protect their children; Internet sexual predators, identity theft, cyber bullying, stalking, harassment and threats; sexting and sextortion. Happy Hour Politics events are held the third Wednesday each month from 6pm – 8pm, at The Crossings, 5800 The Crossings Dr, Carlsbad. There is a $20 cash cover charge (includes appetizers). Drinks are available for purchase. For more information, email Melanie at Check on Facebook as Happy Hour Politics, or follow us on Twitter @hhpcbad. Since RSVP deadline of June 8th has passed, contact Melanie to see if additional reservations will be taken. Republican Women to Host Mike Madrid at Luncheon - Escondido Republican Women, Federated (ERWF) has invited Mike Madrid of Grassroots Lab as their guest speaker at their June 22nd luncheon. Grassroots Lab conducts political research and data analysis used for issues management, political campaigns and legislative efforts. Mr. Madrid is a nationally recognized expert on Latino voting trends. Mr. Madrid graduated from Edmund G. Walsh School of Foreign Services at Georgetown University where he wrote his senior thesis on Latino politics and the perspective of politicization of emerging Latino voter groups in Southwestern states as unique in American history. In 2001 he was named one of America’s “Most Influential Hispanics” by Hispanic Business Magazine. He is a regular commentator on Latino political issues in statewide and national media publications. The meeting begins promptly at 11:30am at Cocina del Charro, 890 W. Valley Parkway, Escondido, includes a buffet luncheon for $16.00, and is open to the pub-

The Doctor is In!

Tooth Preservation or Implant Placement

Long term tooth versus implant survival rates

Technological advances in the development of implants to replace "hopeless" or missing teeth along with a high predictability of survival rates has lead to the increasing popularity and clinical success of implants. This could result in the extraction of a person's natural teeth, that are salvageable, on the convenience rather than as a result of a comparative analysis between the survival of a natural tooth and its implant counterpart. Faced with the option of restoring a natural tooth versus extracting it and placing a dental implant, the doctor should take the following as well as others into consideration:

1. Is the tooth or area restorable? 2. Will it be strong? 3. What is the long term prognosis of the tooth vs. implant? 4. Compliance of the individual for maintaining the tooth or implant? 5. Does patient have systemic condition ie. diabetes, heart conditions, periodontal conditions. Also, smoking status. 6. Past experiences with patients tooth loss? 7. Long term survival of individual?

These are just a few factors affecting the patient. Financially, the patient should consider the cost of implants as well. They may not make a lot of difference with a single tooth, but if multiple sites are proposed, the cost factor can go up tremendously. If the tooth is restored in many cases, it can have a survivability that may equal, or even outlast the prognosis of an implant. Implants require good bone to survive, and if the bone is not adequate, additional bone must be provided to the site including bone grafts and/or sinus lifts, etc. This may also add to both the expense and time required to place an implant. After an implant fails, the next step is placing another implant.

lic. For reservations (due June 20th) contact Val at 760.432.0816 or Rosalia at 760.489.1407.

Join S.D. Humane Society at Meritage Wine Market – You are cordially invited to a special Wine Retriever Party at Meritage Wine Market, 162 S. Rancho Santa Fe, Suite A-10, Encinitas, on Thursday, June 23, from 6-8pm. There will be three international wine tasting stations with paired hors d’oeuvres. Tickets are $25/person. Upon arrival, each guest will be asked to purchase one bottle of pre-selected wine valued at a minimum of $50 to be donated to San Diego Humane Society. This wine will be used to raise funds through the auctions and raffle at the 30th Annual Fur Ball Gala. For more information or to RSVP, contact Jenny Ludovissy at 619.243.3469 or

Eve Selis to Perform at San Marcos Concert in Gardens - The City of San Marcos invites you to a concert featuring Americana Singer/Songwriter, Eve Selis, at the Wood House Gardens in Woodland Park, 1148 Rock Springs Road, San Marcos, on Saturday, June 25 at 7:30pm. Gates open at 6:30pm. Enjoy an evening of music at this beautiful outdoor venue located in the gardens of an old Victorian house. Concert tickets can be purchased at the door or in advance at the San Marcos Community Center. Prices are $6 presale, $8 at the door, children 12 free. Bring beach chairs or blankets for picnic seating. Snacks and beverages will be available for purchase. Parking is free. For presale tickets or further information, call 760.744.9000 or visit Valley Center Museum Expands Thoroughbred Show – One of the Museum’s most popular displays spotlighting several famous thoroughbreds raised in Valley Center has been expanded. The exhibit now features memorabilia and artifacts related to Sea Orbit, who lived most of his life in Valley Center, and was the only progeny of the legendary Seabiscuit's 108 foals to enjoy a successful racing career. He was often called "baby biscuit.” Also there are photos and documentation on

Researchers report significantly lower success rates for reimplantation than for the original implant. With a tooth that started in the mouth by nature, if it is restorable, it frequently will last a long time without the amount of bone required by an implant.

There are many things to consider in deciding whether to place an implant versus restoring the tooth. As doctors we have patients come in every day with the idea of removing a tooth and placing an implant. On the other hand, we, as practitioners, have to resist the impulse to automatically go with the patient's wishes look-

Secretariat, considered by many to be the greatest thoroughbred in history. Secretariat's descendants include two horses with a local connection: Lady's Secret, a major stakes winner and 1988 Horse of the Year, and Ex-Secretariat. Also on view is a salute to Atzimba, a granddaughter of Seattle Slew; Kemosabi, who won four national championships and sired 1,300 purebred offspring; Snow Chief, Preakness stakes winner and California Horse of the Year for every year he raced; and Blanco, the Andalusian horse who portrayed Shadowfax in the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy. Film fans will also be surprised to learn about Triplicate, owned by onetime Valley Center resident Fred Astaire. The history museum at 29200 Cole Grade Road is open Tuesday through Saturday from 12noon to 4pm. Admission is free. For more information, visit or call 760.749.2993.

Brandon Gallery Events Coming Up – The Art of B.J. Wilson, June 1-30. In July, Architecture and Perspective one-day acrylic painting workshop with Joe Oakes on Sunday, July 17, 10am-4:30pm. For more information and to register, contact Call for entries: Dog Days of Summer open show August 1-31, judged by Dawn Secord. Brandon Gallery, 105 N. Main Ave., Fallbrook, 92028, 760.723.1330; or visit Hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 10am-4pm; Sunday, 12-4pm.

City of San Marcos Hosting 4th of July Fireworks Celebration – This event will be held on Monday, July 4th at Bradley Park, 1587 Linda Vista Dr., San Marcos. The evening’s free entertainment featuring Beta Maxx, an 80’s show band, will begin at 6 pm. Children’s activities include face painting, party jumps and more. Food concessions will include hot dogs, hamburgers, tacos, snow cones, and more. The fireworks show is entirely dependent on community donations. To contribute, please send taxdeductible donations by June 26 to: San

Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 10

ing more thoroughly at the overall results. If the bone is adequate and the natural tooth cannot be restored then the implant is chosen. However, in many cases, the patient is not adequately informed as to the survivability of the proposed implant and it is our responsibility to inform them of situations where the natural tooth may be the better choice in the long term. We do both procedures here at San Marcos Dental Center, but we thoroughly evaluate both options before suggesting a solution. Call us at 760 7344311!




San Marcos Dental Center

760.734.4311 162. S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. *New Patients. Not to be combined with other offers. Only one offer per patient. Expires - 6/30/2016

The Paper • Page 9 • June 9, 2016

Local News Cont. from Page 5

However, within seconds the pulse was lost and Lieutenant Owens resumed CPR. The second round of CPR was successful. The patient regained a heartbeat and began breathing on her own. Escondido Fire Paramedics arrived shortly thereafter, provided further treatment and transported the patient to the hospital.

Escondido Police Chief Carter praised Lieutenant Owens for his quick, lifesaving action. Chief Carter added, “While I am extremely proud of Lieutenant Owens’ actions, I am not surprised. Lieutenant Owens was one of seven officers who all raced to the scene in hopes of helping someone in desperate need. This event highlights the daily efforts of every member of the Escondido Police Department.” Arrest of Vehicle Burglary Suspect

On Friday, June 3rd, at 6:15 am, officers from the City of Carlsbad Police Department responded to a report of a burglary at a business in the 6300 block of Corte Del Abeto in the City of Carlsbad. The caller reported that he arrived at work and discovered that the front glass door of his business was shattered. The reporting party subsequently went to the rear of the business and armed himself with a knife. After calling out to the suspect inside, the reporting party heard rustling from inside. The reporting party went back to the

front and saw the suspect attempting to flee on foot northbound through the industrial complex. The reporting party confronted the suspect and held him at knifepoint until police arrived.

The suspect was identified as Steven Wells-Wentz of Carlsbad. After being arrested, Wells-Wentz was found to be in possession of a large pepper spray canister and multiple burglary tools. Wells-Wentz was booked at the Vista Detention Center for Burglary, Possession of Burglary Tools, Possession of Illegal Tear Gas, Felon in Possession of Tear Gas and Felony Vandalism. Arrest of Bank Robbery Suspect

On Friday, June 3rd, at 5:02 p.m., a BOL (Be on the Lookout) was issued by the San Diego Sheriff ’s Department advising that a bank robbery had occurred at the Chase Bank at 1921 W. San Marcos Blvd. The suspect was reported to have fled the area in a silver Toyota sedan.

At 5:08pm the suspect vehicle was spotted by a Carlsbad Police Department patrol unit travelling westbound on Palomar Airport Road from El Camino Real. After additional units arrived to assist, the vehicle was stopped in the area of Palomar Airport Road and I-5. The suspect was taken into custody without incident, however when officers

Local News Cont. on Page 11

When it comes to drug stores... The Good Old Days are Back!

For all your prescription needs, your sundries, household items, and for medical supplies of all types, including walkers, canes, orthopedic shoes, pain relievers... it’s -

909 E. Valley Parkway, Escondido

“Nami,” the friendly Pharmacist!

Lots of FREE parking in back


The Paper

• Page 10 • June 9, 2016

A Weekly Memo from the Councilmembers of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders.

Olga Diaz

Council Member, Represents District 3

Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 8

Marcos Fireworks Fund, 3 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos 92069. Donations of $25 or more will receive a commemorative item.

Thursday Family Fun Nights at Botanic Garden in Encinitas – Families are invited to pack up the kids and enjoy some outdoor family fun at the weekly Thursday Family Fun Nights from 4:30-8pm, now through August 25th, with live kid-friendly music from 6-7pm. Hullabaloo, award-winning duo, will perform on July 14 and August 25. Other artists to be featured in the Hamilton Children’s Garden include Zimbeat, Clint Perry, Patty Hall, Kristin Cook, Little Catbird, Twinkle Time, the YMCA Dance Team, and Buck Howdy. The entire Garden will be open until 8pm each Thursday, June 2 through August 25. The Family Fun Night is free with San Diego Botanic Garden paid admission or membership. General admission is $14/adults; $10/seniors, students and active military; and $8/children ages 3-12; members and children 2 and under are free.

Puppy Mills Money



Pet stores have come under scrutiny for their business practice of acquiring unhealthy puppies from bulk breeders. These puppies look cute in the window at the pet store. Buyers often finance their purchase through a lender at high interest rates. Unfortunately, a high percentage of these buyers are not prepared for the veterinarian bills for their sick puppy. For more info, visit

What To Do If You Find Baby Animals In the midst of baby season, the San Diego Humane Society is educating people on what to do if you find a litter of helpless kittens, or even just one orphaned kitten, a baby bird fallen from its nest, or wildlife lost. Some of the answers may be a little different than your first instincts. Watch to assess whether or not the kittens are injured or exposed to harsh elements like sunlight or rain. If not, they are fine if left alone for a few hours to see if mom comes back. Unless they're in immediate danger, it's best to watch to see if mom comes back before taking action. Intervene if she hasn't returned in approximately five or six hours. You don't want mommy to return and find her kittens gone. Kittens and other baby animals have the best chance of survival if they are kept with their mother until weaned. Also, there are things you can do to make life easier for her like provide food and water so she doesn't have to leave her babies. Don't leave food out for too long though because other predators

This matters to you. As an Escondido resident, you pay taxes that eventually cover the cost of animal control expenses. When pet owners abandon pets, the San Diego Humane Society takes them in. They provide evaluations, vaccines, medical care and boarding for abandoned pets. Eventually the pets are adopted to families who demonstrate responsible pet ownership skills. The cost of this transition, $955,245.00 in Fiscal Year 15-16, was eventually billed to might find it, so place it a safe distance away from the babies. If mom did not return there are several things you can do: Become a foster parent. The Humane Society provides training, supplies and medical support necessary to care for the orphaned kittens until old enough to be adopted into a permanent home. Make an appointment at your local shelter to relinquish the litter of kittens. The Society has a kitten nursery and team of foster volunteers specially trained to care for orphaned kittens. The Humane Society relies on the community to be advocates for wildlife too. They take in an average of 650 baby wildlife each day, which all need immediate medical intervention and care. Sometimes that baby bird on the ground is simply learning how to fly, so unless an animal is injured or orphaned, wildlife should be left alone. Knowing what to look for is the best thing we can do to protect San Diego County's diverse wildlife population. For guidelines on what to do if you find baby wildlife, visit Project Wildlife’s resource page here <>.

Escondido taxpayers. Other cities pay as well.

Predatory lending for purchase of sick puppies that get abandoned then housed by the Humane Society at taxpayer expense has led many cities to ban puppy sales at pet stores. Oceanside, San Marcos and Carlsbad have all passed restrictions that will lead to reduced costs and reduced animal suffering. Escondido should consider the moral and fiscal implications of doing nothing. For details on caring for an orphaned kitten, see San Diego Humane Society’s Orphaned Kitten Care Guidelines here <>. San Diego Humane Society has campuses located in Escondido, Oceanside, and San Diego, and adoption centers inside Petco stores throughout S.D. county. Visit for more information.

Volunteers Needed for Vista Sheriff ’s Department - Are you retired? Bored? Looking for something to do? Something worthwhile and useful? Perhaps something fun and interesting…Give a call to 760.940.4434 and ask for the Sheriff ’s Senior Volunteer Recruiter. They are looking for men and women for the volunteer patrol service within the city of Vista who meet the basic requirements; at least 50 years old, an American Citizen, and can pass a background check. Candidates needs to be avail-

Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 11

The Pastor Says . . .

Camp last summer. The kids are still talking about it! New Song’s goal is to make Sunday morning the best hour of the week for each child. The week of Kids Camp takes it to a whole new level.

Paint is pet of the week at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society. He’s a 1 year old, 33 pound, Beagle / Bassett Hound mix.

Paint craves attention and never misses an opportunity to sit on a lap or give kisses. He loves to pick up a scent and follow his nose. He gets along great with other dogs.

Paint was transferred to Rancho Coastal Humane Society from Four Paws Coonhound Rescue through the FOCAS program.

The $145 adoption fee for Paint includes medical exam, vaccinations, neuter, and microchip. For more information call 760-7536413, visit Rancho Coastal Humane Society at 389 Requeza Street in Encinitas, or log on to Kennels and Cattery open 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day but Tuesday.

Bernie, a 5-year-old Pug/Chihuahua mix, is looking for a new best friend.

With his beaming smile and tail that never stops wagging, Bernie has been a very sweetnatured dog while in our care. He loves spending time with his humans and enjoys the company of other dogs.

Bernie is also a dream on a leash and would enjoy going for daily walks with his new family and spending as much time with them as possible.

Bernie is available for adoption at San Diego Humane Society’s Escondido Campus at 3450 E Valley Parkway. To make him part of your family, please call 760-888-2275 or visit

Pastor Hal Seed, New Song Community Church, Oceanside The Best Week of a Child’s Summer

Parents look for enriching experiences for their children every summer. This is why New Song Community Church works so hard to make our annual Kids Camp (8:30a to 12:15p, July 11-15 and Saturday night, July 16) the best week of the year for every family involved. Kids Camp revolves around groups of kids, huddled with an enthusiastic counselor, learning sports, games and crafts, enjoying great music, and delving into the Bible.

Four hundred elementary and pre-school aged children experienced Kids

We issue an invitation to every school-aged child in Oceanside, Fallbrook and Carlsbad to participate. Since our goal is to extend God’s love, we try hard to target families who are not already attending a church somewhere else. If that’s you, I hope you’ll consider this your warm invitation to join us for a great week. This year’s Camp includes options for flag football, soccer, ballet, broom hockey, cooking, g ymnastics, dance, mad science, wrestling, and whiffle ball. I encourage you to register today at to receive our Early Bird registration price. Camp will be held at our Central Campus location, at 3985 Mission Avenue, in Oceanside.

The Paper

• Page 11 • June 9, 2016

A Weekly Message from the Mayor of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders.

San Marcos • Mayor Jim Desmond

Splash pads turn on for the summer

Thanks to strong water s a v i n g efforts and some slight gains in the region’s water supply, the city will be offering splash pad operations each summer from 10 am to 6 pm now through September 30.

Discovery Lake Park, splash pads are ground nozzles that spray water upwards out of a rain deck to provide handactivated water play with little or no standing water.

By reducing splash pad hours to summer months only, the city can offer fun, outdoor Located at Sunset Park, San water recreation activities Elijo Park, Buelow Park, while saving nearly 2 million Mulberry Park and gallons of water per year.

Escondido • Mayor Sam Abed

Mayor Sam Abed does not wish to write a weekly column to communicate with his Escondido Constituents via The Paper and its “A Letter from the Mayor” series

Local News Cont. from Page 9

began clearing the vehicle for additional occupants a suspicious device was located in the passenger compartment. The San Diego Sheriff ’s Bomb/Arson Unit responded to the scene, rendered the object inert and determined that it was not a bomb. A further search of the vehicle did yield a handgun on the passenger seat as well as cash believed to have been taken in the robbery.

The suspect was turned over to investigators from the San Diego Sheriff ’s Department and FBI for investigation of the bank robbery.

Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 10

able for an interview, then a background check, then do a short two-week academy. A marked vehicle is provided for a two-person patrol within the boundaries of the city of Vista. You will be authorized to place citations on vehicles parked illegally in handicapped parking and/or fire lanes, look for vandalism, graffiti, and other misconducts. Every day is different and exciting, and above all a direct support of our local law enforcement and the community in Vista.

LLS Community: A New Way to Get Connected - The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society has launched the LLS Community, a NEW online social network and registry for people living with or supporting someone with blood cancer. LLS Community is about accelerating promising research and improving the lives of patients and caregivers by seeking answers, sharing wisdom and driving

change. How can LLS Community help patients and caregivers? GET SUPPORT Connect with others who have been through it; talk with other people affected by blood cancers. This can be done by creating your own posts, either on your “home page” or by joining one of the Discussion Groups. GET INFORMED - Get access to valuable information, education and resources available to support you. The information on LLS community is accurate, up-to-date and from a trusted source. MAKE AN IMPACT - Too often, traditional research has excluded the patient’s voice, the voice that matters most. LLS Community relies on patient experiences and insights to drive program development and research studies that address the needs and real-world challenges of patients living with blood cancer. JOIN US and help spread the word! If you know of anyone that can benefit from the new LLS Community, please pass along this information. Questions, comments, ideas? Tell us what you think at

NC Republican Coalition Welcomes Carl DeMaio to Meeting - Government Reformer and Radio Host Carl DeMaio will be the guest speaker at the June 20th meeting of the North County Republican Coalition. He will present "No Sales Tax Increase - SANDAG" as well as a recap of the June 7th Primary Election and what the results mean going forward. Currently host of The Carl DeMaio Show, heard daily on AM-600 KOGO, he is a nationally-recognized government reformer, and has built an entire business and political career on making broken government programs work again for the people. At age 23, Carl started his first company-the Performance Instituteto provide training and consulting solutions to help financially-troubled government entities cut costs while improving performance. From that point forward he turned his business success into a life-long crusade to improve the performance, transparency, efficiency and accountability of government at all levels. DeMaio won a seat on the San Diego City Council in 2008 and helped turn the city around from the brink of bankruptcy through his “Roadmap to Recovery” reform agenda; led the effort to cut red tape

Vista • Mayor Judy Ritter

Free Document Shredding on Saturday

Do you have confidential paperwork accumulating in your home? The City of Vista and EDCO are hosting a free Document Shredding event this Saturday, June 11. The event provides Vista residents with the opportunity to safely dispose of confidential paperwork. Bring your box (limit two) of documents to the Civic Center visitor parking lot (located off of Alta Vista Drive) from 9 am to Noon. Vista residents can also dispose of other excess paper products and

electronic waste at the event. Accepted e-products include: old computer and TV monitors, printers and scanners, cell phones, laptop computers, fax machines, VCR’s, radios, and other miscellaneous computer components. Vista residents can also take household hazardous waste and e-waste to the Vista facility located at 1145 E. Taylor Street every Saturday (except holiday weekends) from 9 am to 3 pm. Please note you will need to show proof of residency at the HHW facility.

Oceanside • Mayor Jim Wood

Free Summer Concerts in the Park

You are cordially invited to attend three big concerts in the park this summer, hosted by The Friends of the Oceanside Parks. The first two concerts will be held at Rancho Del Oro Park, located at 4701 Mesa Drive, (next to the YMCA). On Friday, June 17th, the Mar Del’s will kick off the series, performing hits from the 1950’s to 2016! This concert begins at 5:00 pm and lasts until 8:00 pm. On Friday, July 15th, the Greg Douglass Band will perform rock and roll favorites.

on small businesses, reform the city’s contracting processes to expedite infrastructure projects, and enact some of the toughest “Sunshine Law” open government requirements in the nation; crafted and led a citizens campaign to qualify and pass the “Comprehensive Pension Reform” Initiative – the first-of-its kind measure to switch San Diego from a Defined Benefit Pension Plan to a 401(k) retirement program. The North County Republican Coalition (NCRC) promotes local Republican candidates and conservative issues in North County. NCRC meets the third Monday of each month at 6pm at the Veterans Association of North County Resource Center (VANC), 1617 Mission Avenue, Oceanside. An RSVP is required to purchase dinner at this event. RSVP by contacting Ben Sullivan at or call (760) 583-3579. Check us out on Facebook as North County Republican Coalition. Library Invites Summer Readers to Exercise Their Minds - Exercise Your Mind is the theme of Escondido Public Library’s 2016 Summer Reading Challenge

Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 12

Greg is a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (formerly with the Steve Miller Band). The fun will begin at 5:00 pm. The last concert of the series takes place on Sunday, August 14th at a new location this year, Melba Bishop Recreation Center, located at 5306 North River Road. SantanaWays, a Santana Tribute Band, plays from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Food trucks will be on site for all concerts.

If you are interested in volunteering for these or other events, or if you would like to learn more about upcoming Parks and Recreation happenings, please call 760-435-5041.

Letters to the Editor Cont. from Page 7

still puzzled as to why neither the district attorney nor the Union Tribune picked up on the skullduggery at City Hall in the Maher situation. /s/Bud Palmeter Escondido, CA.

Letters to the Editor are always welcome Try to keep them to 250 words or less. As always, The Paper reserves the right to edit for content and for space. Send your submissions to:

The Paper • Page 12 • June 9, 2016

Paul & Nome Van Middlesworth, The Computer Factory

We’re #1

Yep, we’re #1. The Computer Factory San Marcos is the best “independent” computer store in San Diego County.

I’ll admit that we may have been guilty of playing a bit fast and loose with the facts in the past. In 1995 when we opened The Computer Factory we did boast that our 3000 square foot operation made us the “biggest independent computer store west of the Mississippi.” Nobody ever said we weren’t so we just keep on saying it. Then about ten years ago we started bragging that “we build more PCs than HP, Dell and Apple combined.” We weren’t totally certain that our claim to being the “biggest store west of the Mississippi” was really true but we were darn

Chuckles Cont. from Page 6 here.'

Charm School

Two informally dressed ladies happened to start up a conversation during an endless wait in the LAX airport. The first lady was an arrogant California woman married to a wealthy man. The second was a wellmannered elderly woman from southwest Minnesota. When the conversation centered on whether they had any children, the California woman started by saying, "When my first child was born, my husband built a beautiful mansion for me ." The lady from Minnesota commented, "Well, bless your heart."

The first woman continued, "When my second child was born, my husband bought me a beautiful Mercedes-Benz” Again, the lady from Minnesota commented, "Well, bless your heart." The first woman continued boasting, "Then, when my third child was born, my husband bought me this exquisite diamond bracel.”

Yet again, the Minnesota lady commented, "Well, bless your heart."

The first woman then asked her companion, "What did your husband buy for

sure that we do build more PCs than Dell, HP and Apple. Those companies gave up designing and building PCs years ago. Today they just buy their PCs from offshore manufacturers like Foxconn in China and have their brand name plastered on at the end of the assembly line. We still build ours from scratch right here in San Marcos. This time however it’s not just us saying so. We’re #1 and we can prove it. In the Union Tribune “San Diego’s Best” 2015 poll we beat out over 200 other “independent” computer stores to finish at the top of the heap. In the “Computer Store” category we actually finished fourth but the three ahead of us (Fry’s, Apple and Best Buy) were not “independents,” they are multi-location chain stores. This year we’re going to go after them too. Last year we did nothing to promote our store and our victory came as a complete surprise. This year we’re going after those ‘big box” chain stores too, but we’ll need your help.

The way to vote for us is fairly simple and you can do it from your PC or smart phone. The link is Then click on “vote.” From the “select a category” menu click “Shopping and services.” Then scroll down until you see “Computer stores.” Click on you when you had your first child?"

"My husband sent me to charm school," declared the Minnesota lady.

"Charm school?" the first woman cried, "Oh, my God! What on earth for?"

The Minnesota lady responded, "Well for example, instead of saying, who gives a crap?" I learned to say, "Well, bless your heart!"

that category and vote for “Computer Factory San Marcos.” The Union Tribune Best of San Diego poll needs you to sign in with your email address and to create a pass word. They will then send you a confirming Email. Don’t forget your contest password because you can use it to sign in and vote for us or any of your other favorites once each day until the contest ends in August. With your help we can kick Fry’s butt. New topic. The ever increasing need for speed, storage and memory that characterized the growth of the PC industry through the 1980s, 90’s and first few years of the new millennium

Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 11

for children, teens, and adults. The Challenge offers reading fun for all ages and a wide variety of educational, recreational, and cultural events from June 13–July 31. Participants log their reading online at for a chance to earn prizes donated by dozens of local businesses. Summer Reading festivities kick off Monday, June 13, from 11am-2pm, on the Library’s front patio. Sign up for the 2016 Summer Reading Challenge and receive a delicious, free sample from Rita’s Italian Ice—one of the many 2016 Summer Reading Challenge sponsors. Throughout the summer, children and their families are invited to learn about the science of bubbles, get friendly with reptiles and amphibians, and participate in interactive musical performances, as well as special storytimes and craft events. Teens will learn to create their own comics from Javier Hernandez, the creator of El Muerto: The Aztec Zombie, participate in screen printing workshops, and enjoy burritos while chatting about books guaranteed to exercise their minds. Adults will learn collage and watercolor techniques, join book discussions, and hear about how scientists are studying the human brain in order to create artificial intelligence. Neal Griffin, local police Lieutenant turned celebrated crime action thriller author, will close out the Adult Summer Reading Challenge on July 26 with a discussion and book signing. For more information on the Summer Reading Challenge, including program dates and times, prizes, sponsors, and rules, visit Summer Reading events are free, open to the public, and generously sponsored by Friends of the Escondido Public Library, located at 239 South Kalmia Street, Escondido. Sorority Chapter Donates to Next Step Service Dogs – The Laureate Alpha Kappa

Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 13

has come to a screeching halt. Even the highest speed Internet can easily be handled by any ten year old PC. The availability of Internet streaming and on-line storage and back-up has limited the need for giant hard drives and four or eight GB of RAM is plenty for the vast majority of users. The under $500 PCs featured in the “Big Box stores” (Fry’s, Best Buy, Staples etc) are actually far slower today than PCs available in 2010. So buying a good quality “refurbished” PC is often better than buying a brand new Dell or HP. That will be our topic for next week.



The name of the business: Kokolati, Kokolati Leather, located at 2629 N. Twin

Oaks Valley Rd., San Marcos, Ca. 92069. This business is registered by:

This business is registered by:

Detail Leather LLC

229 N., Twin Oaks Valley Rd.

San Marcos, CA. 92069

This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company.

First day of business 4/01/16.

/s/Mary Esposwito, CEO

This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr.,5/26 /2016

6/2, 6/9, 6/16 & 6/23



The name of the business: Picture Pocket Company, Transfer It Company, locat-

ed at 1703 La Costa Meadows Drive, San Marcos, CA. 92078.

This business is registered by:

Walter R. Elsmore, Jr.

2017 Pintoreslo Ct.

Carlsbad, Ca. 92009

This business is conducted by an individual.

First day of business 1/01/1986

/s/Walter R. Elsmore, Jr.

This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr.,5/25 /2016

6/2, 6/9, 6/16 & 6/23/2016



TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Dareild Dewayne Williams

filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Dareild Dewayne Williams

to Proposed name David Dewayne Mitchell THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear

before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the

petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the

reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition

should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant

the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: June 24, 2016, 9:30a.m., Department 46.

The address of the court is: Superior Court of

California, Civil Division, 330 W. Broadway, San Diego, Ca. 92101. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following

newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated May 13, 2016

/s/Jeffrey B. Baton, Judge of the Superior Court 6/09, 6/16, 6/23 and 6/30/2016




Car Accidents • Slips and Falls

FREE CONSULTATION NO FEE TILL RECOVERY Workers Compensation Call Michael Majdick, 760.731.5737 Lawyer Makes House Calls Free Consultation

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Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 12

(LAK) Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi supported a worthy cause with a monetary donation. The purpose of Next Step Service Dogs is to train service dogs to eliminate despair, reduce anxiety, and create a new sense of purpose in helping our military heroes and first responders with PTSD return to a normal life. Many Iraq and Afghanistan veterans return with injuries that aren’t obvious at first sight. It is estimated that 600,000 are dealing with the effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). With a veteran suicide averaging 22 every day, the work to support our nation’s veterans has just begun once they return home. Next Step Service Dogs help veterans take the ‘next step’ to recovery and a better life by training them a “Battle Buddy.” Next Step Service Dogs are trained to help their human companions; if they are fearful in a crowd, the dogs provide a buffer; if they awaken at night in terror, the dogs calm them by licking their face; if they panic at entering their home, the dogs can scout the area and turn on lights; if they lost something important, the dogs can help them find it; if they are struggling with family/friends, the dogs can help provide the connection. Donations help to train dogs to help our veterans. Visit

• Page 13 • June 9, 2016

Cleaning Services ANNA’S HOUSECLEANING • Free Estimate • Great References • 20 years Experience Call 760.738.7493

JUNE, THE CLEANING LADY “When all you want is a thoroughly clean house”

Many years experience Excellent Long Term References 760.735.5852

Home Care


Super Soundproofing Co

Specializing in short and long term care assistance for all ages, with all activities of daily living, in your home. Drive to/from doctor appointments, new mommy assistance/infant care, Alzheimer patient care, general assistance before/after surgery, respite care for parents of disabled children, and much more. Rates start at $16.00 per hour for companion services.

Home Maintenance Improvements

New or Repair, cabinets, drawers, countertops Formica, solid surface, refinish or paint, Senior Discount. Reface or New. Lic. #445779 Call Now! 760.594.0838

JOHN the GOLD HANDYMAN I am good at Painting, Plumbing, Dry Wall Repairs, Pergo, Carpet and Tile and lots more - 27 years experience. CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATE 760.738.7493

Death Notices

John W. Peterman, 74, of San Marcos, Ca., passed away on 6/4/2016. Teri Sittner, 62, of Carlsbad, CA., passed away on 5/30/2016.

John A. Williamson, 91, of Escondido, CA., passed away on 5/31/2016.

George Aguilar, 60, of Escondido, CA., passed away on 6/4/2016. Susan Poe, 87, of Rancho Bernardo, CA., passed away on 6/5/2016. Arrangements handled by: California Funeral Alternatives Escondido, Poway

HOME GENERAL MAINTENANCE REMODELS Bath/Kitchen Designs, Tile Installation, Electrical, Paint, Fences, Concrete. Lic#33509 760.484.1302 760.529.1239 SUMMONS CASE NO. 37-201500009947-CL-BC--NC




You can donate directly via the Donate button or send a check to Next Step Service Dogs, 921 S. Andreasen Dr., Escondido, 92029, or call 760.438.9190.

Pictured left to right: Sally Montrucchio (CEO/Training Director of Next Step Service Dogs), Patty Cline (President of LAK) , Ringo, the dog, Barbara Gonzales (LAK member) and Judy Keene (Next Step Service Dogs Board Member).

Send your Letters to the Editor to:

Call 760.752.3030 Free Advice 455 East Carmel St. San Marcos, CA.

Call 800.783.3127 or 760.424.2400 24 hours/day 7 days/week.


Cabinets by Archie 760.594.0838

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John Sands, dba J’s Construction & Remodeling

NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self Help Center ( your county law library, or the county courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money, and property may be taken without further warning from the court

There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate these

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-013864 The name of the business: One Call Emergency Services, located at 1035 E. Vista Way, #144, Vista, CA. 92084. This business is registered by: Darleen Ferguson 10045 Rio San Diego Dr. #248 San Diego, CA. 92108 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 05/19/16. /s/Darleen Ferguson This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 5/19/2016 5/26, 6/2, 6/9 and 6/16/2016



Personalized Hypnosis Makes It Easy!

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with this Ad For free consultation:


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-014220 The name of the business: Moon Light Massage, located at 208 B N. El Camino Real, Encinitas, CA. 92024. This business is registered by: Lin Xie and Guo Liang Xie 1741 Cassia Road #200 Carlsbad, CA. 92011 This business is conducted by Co-Partners. First day of business n/a. /s/Lin Xie This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 5/24/2016 5/26, 6/2, 6/9 & 6/16/2016

nonprofit groups at the California Legal Service Web site ( the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (, or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. The name and address of the court is: San Diego County Court 325 So. Melrose Drive Vista, CA. 92081 North County Regional Center

The name, address and telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff without an attorney is: John Sands 2671 S. Dolphin Avenue San Pedro, CA. 90731 Phone: 310.686.5729 CASE NUMBER: 37-2015-000099479-CL-BCNC DATE: 4/29/2016 Jacqueline M. Stern Judge/Commissioner of the Superior Court 5/26, 6/2, 6/9 and 6/16/2016

News for the Social Butterfly? Send your press releases to:

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-014131 The name of the business: Beauty in The Books, located at 902 Candlelite Dr., San Marcos, Ca. 92069. This business is registered by: Sarah Jumper 92 Candellite Dr. San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/Sarah Jumper This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 5/23/2016 5/26, 6/2, 6/9 & 6/16/2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-014262 The name of the business: P & B Nursery, located at 1651 S. Juniper St., Escondido, CA. 92025. This business is registered by: Perla S. Garcia Gutierrez 1651 S. Juniper St. Escndido, Ca. 92025 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/Perla S. Garcia Gutierrez This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., 5/24/2016 6/2, 6/9, 6/16 & 6/23

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-014373 The name of the business: Grice and Lund Rentals, located at 1667 Crest Drive, Encinitas, Ca. 92024 This business is registered by: Lisa Maura Freistat 771 Camino Sereno Escondido, CA. 92029 Karen Ann Sinai 7937 Represa Circle Carlsbad, CA. 92009 This business is conducted by a General Partnershp. First day of business 3/15/16,. /s/Lisa Maura Freistat This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., 5/25/2016 6/2, 6/9, 6/16 & 6/23 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-014719 The name of the business: Moriah Realty Serviceds, Inc., located at 1228 Sunglow Drive, Oceanside, Ca. 92056. This business is registered by: Moriah Realty Services, Inc. 1228 Sunglow Drive Oceanside, Ca. 92056 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business n/a. /s/Michael Darrell Green, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., 5/31/2016 6/2, 6/9, 6/16 & 6/23

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-014788 The name of the business: San Diego County Senior Doubles Bowling Club, located at 1438 La Habra Dr., San Marcos, Ca. 92078. This business is registered by: Dianne S. Lott 1438 LaHabra Dr. San Marcos, Ca. 92078 Diana Shaw 1312 McClelland San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by unincorporated association other than a corporation. /s/Dianne S. Lott, General Partner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., 5/31/2016 6/2, 6/9, 6/16 & 6/23

For Advertising Information or to subscribe, Call (760) 747-7119

The Mighty Mojo Page The Paper

• Page 14 • June 9, 2016



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NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF ROBERTO BEJARANO DUNAYEVICH Case No. 37-2016-00017271-PR-la-CTL To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both, of ROBERTO BEJARANO DUNAYEVICH A Petition for Probate has been filed by NIDIA DUNAYEVICH in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1409 Fourth Ave., San Diego, Ca. 92101, CENTRAL PROBATE - Marge Bradley Building. The Petition for Probate requests that NIDIA DUNAYEVICHbe appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent.

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The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal repreesentative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representattive will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed actions.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: 7/21/2016 Time: 1:30 p.m. Dept: PC-2 Address of court: Same as noted above. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in Section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statues and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a

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peson interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petioner: ANTOINETTE MIDDLETON, ESQ. 1761 HOTEL CIRCLE SOUTH, SUITE 115 SAN DIEGO, CA. 619.235.9501 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-013034 The name of the business: Window World of Orange County, located at 1534 N. State College Blvd., Anaheim, CA. 92806. This business is registered by: EKB Custom Builders, Inc. 1534 N. State College Blvd. Anaheim, Ca. 92806 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 2/6/16. /s/Clarence E. Bryan, Jr., President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 5/10/2016 6/2, 6/9, 6/16 & 6/23/2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-011831 The name of the business: Dedicated Masterpieces, located at 830 W. Lincoln Ave., Unit 178, Escondido, Ca. 92026. This business is registered by: Valentino Dominguez 830 W. Lincoln Avenue, Unit 178 Escondido, Ca. 92026 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/Valentino Dominguez This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/27/2016 5/26, 6/2, 6/9 & 6/16/2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-013033 The name of the business: Window World of San Diego, located at 2509 S. Santa Fe Ave., Vista, Ca. 92083. This business is registered by: KEB Custom Builders, Inc. 2509 S. Santa Fe Ave. Vista, Ca. 92083 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 7/8/14. /s/Clarence E. Bryan, Jr., Secretary This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 5/10/2016 6/2, 6/9, 6/16 & 6/23/2016

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-013040 The name of the business: Trinity Woodworks, located at 2620 Temple Heights Drive, Oceanside, CA. 92056. This business is registered by: Trinity Woodworks, Inc., 2620 Temple Heights Drive Oceanside, Ca. 92056 This business is conducted by a corporation, First day of business 6/01/03. /s/Deanna Hollenbeck, Vice President/Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on May 10, 2016. 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 & 6/9/2016 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-013394 The name of the business: Southern California Business Advisors, located at 17031 New Rochelle Way, San Digo, Ca. 92127. This business is registered by: David Menezes 17031 New Rochelle Way San Diego, CA. 92127 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 5/01/16 /s/David Menezes This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/13/2016. 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 & 6/9/2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-0108969 The name of the business: Tri-City Florist, located at 1817 W. Vista Way, #A, Vista, CA. 92083. This business is registered by: Hanna Sohn and OK Joo Kim 1226 Cork Cielo San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by a General Partnership. First day of business 4/19/16 /s/Hanna Sohn This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 4/19/2016. 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 & 6/9/2016 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-013896 The name of the business: B.A.M. Auto Excellence, located at 8200 Commonwealth Ave., Buena Park, CA. 90621 This business is registered by: Basil Yousef 3200 Commonweatlh Ave. Buena Park, Ca. 90621 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 5/19/16 /s/Basil Yousef This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/19/2016. 5/26, 6/2, 6/9 & 6/16/2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-013672 The name of the business: J. J. Morales Painting, located at 3875 Sherbourne Dr., Apt S, Oceanside, CA. 92056. This business is registered by: Jose Juan Morales 3875 Sherbourne Dr. Apt S Oceanside, Ca. 92056 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 5/17/16 /s/Jose Juan Morales This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/17/2016. 5/26, 6/2, 6/9 & 6/16/2016 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-013494 The name of the business: Twims Clothing, located at 455 Hillway Dr., Vista, Ca. 92081 This business is registered by: Eduardo De Casas 455 Hillway Dr. Vista, CA. 92084 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 01/01/15. /s/Eduardo De Casas This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/16/2016 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 & 6/9/2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-012799 The name of the business: Bed and Breakfast Inn at La Jolla, located at 7753 Draper Avenue, La Jolla, Ca. 92037. This business is registered by: La Jolla Bed and Breakfast, Inc. 2902 Carrillo Way Carlsbad, Ca. 92009 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 9/7/2001. /s/John K. Micuda, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 5/6/2016 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 & 6/9/2016 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-013278 The name of the business: Six Scientific Service, located at 900 Viking Ln., SanMarcos, Ca. 92069. This business is registered by: Christopher and Gina Clark 900 Viking Ln. San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by a Married Couple. First day of business 05/11/2016. /s/Christopher Clark This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 5/12/2016 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 & 6/9/2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-013162 The name of the business: Network Smart, located at 3365 Heather Ridge Ct., San Marcos, Ca. 92078. This business is registered by: Andria Schultz 3365 Heather Ridge Ct. San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/Andria Schultz This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/11/2016. 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 & 6/9/2016 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-011831 The name of the business: Dedicated Masterpieces, located at 830 W. Lincoln Avenue, Escondido, Ca. 92026. This business is registered by: Valentine Dominguez 830 W. Lincoln Avenue Escondido, Ca. 92026 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/Valentine Dominguez This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., 4/27/2016 6/2, 6/9, 6/16 & 6/23

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-012605 The name of the business: Pearl of the Orient Productions, Pearls of the Orient, Prime Time Productions, Please and Thanks, The Chameleon, B. U., located at 333 Emerald Dr. #72, Vista, Ca. 92083. This business is registered by: Pearl of the Orient Productions 333 Emerald Dr. #72 Vista, Ca. 92083 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business 5/5/2016 /s/Panchita Pearl Garrett, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/05/2016. 5/26, 6/2, 6/9 & 6/16/2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-013813 The name of the business: The Black Sheep, located at 11675 Sorrento Valley Rd., Suite H, San Diego Ca. 92121. This business is registered by: Karen M. Henderson 20790 Fortuna del Norte Escondido, Ca. 92029 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/Karen M. Henderson, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/18/2016. 5/26, 6/2, 6/9 & 6/16/2016 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-013566 The name of the business: SCRAPCO, located at 1425 N. Magnolia Ave., El Cajon, Ca. 92020. This business is registered by: Dave Moreno 1425 N. Magnolia Ave. El Cajon, Ca. 92020 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/Dave Moreno This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/16/2016. 5/26, 6/2, 6/9 & 6/16/2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-012664 The name of the business: Kinsley Medical, located at 409 S. Las Posas Rd., San Marcos, Ca. 92078. This business is registered by: Carlsbad Imaging, PC 1648 Corte Orchidia Carlsbad, Ca. 92011 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 3/1/15. /s/Michael Gabe, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., 5/05/2016 6/2, 6/9, 6/16 & 6/23 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2016-011287 The name of the business: C-it!, located at 6961/2 Barsby Street, Vista, CA., 92084. This business is registered by: Corrinn R. Davis 696 1/2 Barsby Street Vista, Ca. 92084 This business is being conducted by an individual. First date of business was n/a. /s/Corrinn R. Davis This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/22/2016. 5/19, 5/26, 6/02 & 6/09/2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-010536 The name of the business: Punch Press Supply, located at 2598 Fortune Way, Suite D, Vista, Ca. 92081. This business is registered by: Erich J. Licht 771 Via Bahia San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 01/01/2001. /s/Erich J. Licht This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/15/2016 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, and 6/2/2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-011234 The name of the business: 18/8 Fine Men’s Salons, located at 10543 4S Commons Drive, San Diego, CA. 92127. This business is registered by: Legacis Investments, LLC 1 Cedar Ridge Irvine, CA. 92603 This business is conducted by a LImited Liability Company. First day of business 04/22/2016. /s/Geoffrey H. Sampson, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 4/22/2016 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 & 6/9/2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-013873 The name of the business: Scotia Pardon & Waiver Services, Scotia Pardons, Trusted Pardons, TRP Travel Services, located at 1701 Carissa Way, Carlsbad, CA., 92011. This business is registered by: Ayesha Akhtar 1703 Carissa Way Carlsbad, CA. 92011 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 06/01/2015. /s/Ayesha Akhtar This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 5/19/2016 6/2, 6/9, 6/16 & 6/23

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-012978 The name of the business: Allegiant Garage Doors, located at 1257 Linda Vista Dr., San Marcos, Ca. 92078. This business is registered by: Dayne Guzman 691 Paseo Rio Vista, Ca. 92081 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/Dayne Guzman This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., 5/10/2016 6/9, 6/16, 6/23 & 6/30

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-012693 The name of the business: Wright Enterprises, located at 665 Ingleside Place, Escondido, CA., 92026. This business is registered by: Lorri A. and Duane K. Wright 665 Ingleside Place Escondido, Cal 92026 This business is conducted by a Married Couple. First day of business 5/5/16. /s/L. Wright This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., 5/05/2016 6/2, 6/9, 6/16 & 6/23

• Page 15 • June 9, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-013188 The name of the business: Turn Key Gardens, Turn Key Garden, located at 1244 Rhea Pl., Vista, Ca. 92084. This business is registered by: Tyrone Williams 1244 Rhea Pl. Vista, CA. 92084 Drew Alvin Williams 950 La Rueda Rd. Vista, Ca. 92084 This business is conducted by a Limited LIability Partnership. First day of business n/a. /s/Tyrone S. Williams, General Partner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 05/11/2016 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 & 6/9/2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-013322 The name of the business: Hebert Escalona “Solar,” located at 3732 Via Las Villas, Oceanside, Ca. 92056. This business is registered by: Hebert Escalona 3732 Via Las Villas Oceanside, Ca. 92056 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 2/15/16. /s/Hebert Escalona This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 5/12/2016 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 & 6/9/2016 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2016-00016687-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Idin Rafiee-Khameneh filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Idin RafieeKhameneh to Proposed name Dean Ideen Rafiee

THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: July 1, 2016, 8:30a.m., Department 46. The address of the court is: 220 W. Broadway, San Diego, Ca. 92101. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated May 19, 2016 /s/Jeffrey B. Baton, Judge of the Superior Court 5/26, 6/02, 6/09 and 6/16/2016 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2016-00017338-CU-PT-NC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Desiree’ Judith Mendoza-Cadman filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Desiree’ Judith Mendoza-Cadman to Proposed name Desiree’ Judith CadmanMendoza

THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: July 12, 2016, 8:30a.m., Department 26. The address of the court is: North County Division, 325 W. Melrose, Dr., Vista, Ca. 92081. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated May 24, 2016 /s/William S. Dato, Judge of the Superior Court 6/02, 6/09, 6/16 and 6/23 /2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-014929 The name of the business: REED, located at 197 S. Las Posas Rd., San Marcos, Ca. 92078. This business is registered by: Kristin Woolever 2504 Honeybell Lane Escondido, Ca. 92027 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/Kristin Woolever This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 6/01/2016 6/9/, 6/16, 6/23 & 6/30/2016 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-0147687 The name of the business: Swift-Dry Carpet Cleaning, located at 1635 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. #209, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. This business is registered by: Swift-Dry Carpet Care, LLC 1635 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. #209 San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business n/a. /s/Zachary Michael Peddie, Manager This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 5/31/2016 6/9/, 6/16, 6/23 & 6/30/2016 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-014543 The name of the business: BMW Master Care Inc., Bavarian Master Care, Inc., located at 180 Pawnee St., San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is registered by: BMW Master Care, Inc. 180 Pawnee St. San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 9/15/1996. /s/Hamen S. Wassel, Vice President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 5/26/2016 6/9/, 6/16, 6/23 & 6/30/2016

Legals 760.747.7119

NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF ETHEL MARIE SHELTON Case No. 37-2016-00006068PR-PL-CTL To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both, of ETHEL MARIE SHELTON. A Petition for Probate has been filed by Michael Shelton, Tara Fonseca and Carrie Helton in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1409 Fourth Ave., San Diego, Ca. 92101, Marge Bradley Building. The Petition for Probate requests that Maren Miller, CLPF, NCG be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal repreesentative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed actions.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: July 7, 2016 Time: 1:30 p.m. Dept: PC2 Address of court: Same as noted above. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in Section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a peson interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petioner: Thomas F. DiPaolo 9820 Willow Creek Rd. Suite 200 San Diego, CA. 92131 ;Phone: 858.708.0621 6/2, 6/9 and 6/16/2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-014012 The name of the business: MTZ Flooring, located at 2106 University Drive, G04, Vista, CA. 92083. This business is registered by: Jose Manuel Martinez 2106 University Drive GO4 Vista, CA. 92083 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 9/15/1996. /s/Jose Manuel Martinez This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 5/20/2016 6/9/, 6/16, 6/23 & 6/30/2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2016-015336 The name of the business: PokeWaii, located at 1158 W. San Marcos Blvd., San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is registered by: AJ Quads, Inc. 663 S. Santa Fe, #678 San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 9/15/1996. /s/Jose Manuel Martinez This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 6/03/2016 6/9/, 6/16, 6/23 & 6/30/2016

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on June 14, 2016 a public hearing will be held with respect to the City of San Marcos approval of carrying over projects from the 2014 Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) to the 2016 RTIP. San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), as the Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Regional Transportation Planning Agency, is required by state and federal laws to develop and adopt a Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP). The RTIP is a multi-billion dollar, multi-year program of proposed projects for major transportation projects in the San Diego Region. Transportation projects funded with federal, state, and TransNet, the San Diego transportation sales tax program, must be included in an approved RTIP. The RTIP covers five fiscal years and incrementally implements San Diego Forward: The Regional Plan, the long-range transportation plan for the San Diego region. The current Regional Plan was approved by the SANDAG Board of Directors at its meeting on October 9, 2015. On September 23, 2016, the SANDAG Board of Directors will be asked to adopt the final 2016 RTIP. The City of San Marcos recommends programming the 2014 RTIP projects that are necessary to be carried over into the 2016 RTIP as they are either regionally significant, capacity increasing projects or are projects that are being recommended for TransNet revenues. All projects programmed with TransNet funds meet all the requirements of the TransNet Extension Ordinance and accommodate travel for pedestrians and bicyclists. A complete list of the amendment is available for public review at Development Services Front Desk at City Hall, 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA. Interested persons wishing to express their views will also be given an opportunity to do so at the public hearing, commencing at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, and will be held at 1 Civic Center Drive in the Council Chambers, San Marcos, California. Written commencements prior to the time of the hearing can be submitted to City of San Marcos, 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069, Attention: Darren Chamow, Management Analyst. s/s Michael Edwards, Public Works Director Phil Scollick, City Clerk, City of San Marcos Dp June 02, 2016 and June 09, 2016


The Planning Division Manager of the City of San Marcos has considered the proposed project and does intend to APPROVE the Director’s Permit DP 15-038 on June 20, 2016. Project No.: P15-0061 (DP 15-038) Applicant: New Way Landscape and Tree Services Request: A Director’s Permit for the continued operation of an existing landscape contractor’s yard. E n v i r o n m e n t a l Determination: In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the project is Categorically Exempt (EX 16015) pursuant to Section 15301 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), in that this is an existing facility with no expansion of the existing building and/or land use. Location of the Property: 334 Mulberry Drive, more particularly described as: Parcel 5 of No. 4886, in the City of San Marcos, County of San Diego, State of California, as recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County. Assessor’s Parcel Number: 220-210-31-00. Further information about this notice can be obtained from Sean del Solar, Assistant Planner by calling 760-7441050 extension 3223, or via email NOTICE:

Any interested person may appeal the decision of the Planning Division Manager to the Planning Commission provided the appeal fee is paid ($20 for residents; $1,155 for non-residents) and a written appeal is submitted to the Planning Division Secretary within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the decision (due no later than 5:30 PM on June 30, 2016). The written appeal should specify the reasons for the appeal and the grounds upon which the appeal is based. The City’s Planning Commission will then consider the filed appeal/s at a later public hearing. The Planning Division can be contacted at 760-744-1050, extension 3233 or The City of San Marcos is committed to making its programs, services and activities accessible to individuals with disabilities. If you require accommodation to participate in any City program, service or activity, please contact the City Clerk’s office at 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos CA 92069, or call 760-744-1050, extension 3145. Phil Scollick, City Clerk, City of San Marcos. PD: 6/9/16.



The name of the business: Oceanside Paddleboard

LLC, located at 1850 C North Harbor ‘Dr.,

Oceanside, Ca. 92054.

This business is registered by:

Oceanside Paddleboard LLC

5225 Windmill St.

Oceanside, CA. 92056

This business is conducted by a LImited Liability


First day of business 04/24/2016.

/s/Greg Sintetos, President

This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg

Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on


5/19, 5/26, 6/2 & 6/9/2016

If you have an item for The Social Butterfly, please email details to:

The Paper • Page 16 • June 9, 2016

AC Service & Repair

Pre-season Special $199 Complete, Full Service AC Package (A $300 Value! Truck or Car! RV’s slightly higher.)

We will begin by diagnosing the problem. You tell us what's wrong, and we will not only confirm it, but also diagnose where the issue is stemming from.

In most cases, air conditioning problems stem back to low levels of refrigerant. Unfortunately, replacing the refrigerant will not be enough to fix the problem. If your refrigerant levels are low, we will need to determine why.

If it is because of a leak, we will need to determine where the leak is coming from before we can repair it. If there is no problem with your refrigerant levels, then we will move on to rule out other issues that could be causing your air conditioner to malfunction.

For the hot days that are sure to come... now's the time to get the jump on the air conditioning season and be ready for when the temps climb and climb and climb... you'll be enjoying air conditioned comfort.

Mon. - Fri. 8:00am - 5:00pm

• All Major Credit Cards Accepted

• All Parts & Labor 100% guaranteed • Warranty on all Parts and Labor 2 years or 24,000 miles

• Discounts - Active Duty Military and Seniors

• Tow Service Available

• Rental Car Service Available

• Concierge Service Available • Free Local Shuttle Service

• Free Vehicle Shuttle Service

760.746.6931 Between Juniper & Broadway

As always we continue to thank our brave troops for all they are doing for our independence.

God Bless America.

Commercial & Residential Audio/Video • Voice, Video, Data Wiring Home Theatres • IP & Analog Surveillance Cameras RTI URC Harmony Universal Remotes • Flat Screen Wall Mounting Networking / Wireless Networking • Computer Services A Few of Our Satisfied Clients -

Sound Home Solutions is an authorized dealer for Sony, Samsung, LG, Yamaha, Denon, Polk and many other Audio/Video Products. We will meet or beat any retail or online distributor and if something was to go wrong with the product, we will service it for you which eliminates returns headaches. Licensed Bonded and Insured California State Contractors license # 934820


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