Volume 43- No. 30
July 25, 2013
Top Left - An igloo, at night. Fact: Eskimos do build igloos but usually only for temporary shelters when away from home, while hunting or fishing. Top Right - Do Eskimos really kiss with their noses? Fact? Or Fiction? Bottom Right - Two Eskimo hunters, clad in caribou clothing. Imediate Right - An Eskimo Elder. Middle Bottom - An Eskimo Child. Below - Do the Eskimo set their elders adrift on ice floes to hasten their end of life? Fact? Or Fiction? Bottom Left - One of the prettier Eskimo women.
by lyle e davis
Exploration! Adventure!
Things we all thought about when we were younger . . . or, perhaps, even now we think about them. We just don’t do a whole lot about them because . . well, just because. A shame, too. So much can be learned by exploring; by sharing in adventures. Adventure can be a lonely event . . . or it can be done as part of a group.
Being only human, however, The Paper - 760.747.7119
email: thepaper@cox.net
particularly if we tend to be “an older human,” we tend to avoid the more difficult explorations and adventures. In fact, even the young adventurers, full of vim, vigor and vitality (or as my Norwegian Grandma Tollefson used to say, “wim, wigor undt witality,”) tend to stay put.
We’ve all heard, for example, tales of the great North, the Arctic Circle, the sub-Arctic Circle. The Eskimo, Esquimeaux, the Inuit, the Aleuts, those hardy souls who actually live in the ice cold climate of the Arctic areas.
These tales . . . are they fact or fcation?
Chances are we’d never know were it not for anthropologists and other adventuresome types who venture to don heavy winter clothing and actually journey to the Arctic to study the terrrain, its flora and fauna, its people, and their culture. Not only do they journey to these spots, they actually live there! With the natives! In the cold!
Not too many tourists go to the Arctic. But, thanks to those antropologists we can learn
something of the area and its people . . . and separate fact from legend.
We’ve all heard, for example, that the Eskimo bid farewell to their elders by dressing them up in furs, placing them on an ice floe and shoving them off to meet Eternity. Fact or fiction?
Actually, it’s based on fact.
It’s called senilicide and it means assisting your elders in dying . . even giving them a bit of a
“The Eskimo: Legends and Facts” Continued on Page 2
Page 2 - July 25, 2013 ‘The Eskimo’ Cont. from Page 1
shove out the door.
It is, in fact, one of the most well-known stories: the strange practice that they have adopted when facing death, and old age.
According to the popular conception, Eskimos must work so hard to survive that they simply cannot manage to support adults who are no longer contributing to the well-being of the group.
Thus, when old-age strikes, rather than waiting around as they dwindle toward death, eating food their companions fight to catch and clothing their companions struggle to construct, the elderly Eskimos are taken to sea, and set adrift on a floating iceberg.
Alone on their iceberg, the elderly must inevitably freeze or starve to death, facing their end, uncomfortable, and horrifyingly alone.
However, it is important not to instill modern Western values on the practices of another culture.
To see this as a disgraceful aban-
Give Us This Day Our Daily Chuckle This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy!
Golf is a Wonderful Game
A husband and wife are on the 9th green when suddenly she collapses from a heart attack!
"Help me dear," she groans to her husband.
The husband calls 911 on his cell phone, talks for a few minutes, picks up his putter, and lines up his putt.
His wife raises her head off the green and stares at him.
"I'm dying here and you're putting?"
donment of those they should love the most is to fail to understand the dire circumstances which might lead to such a practice, as well as the spiritual understanding that might justify it. As the Eskimos believed that another world awaited their dead, they would not be sending the elderly off to die and disappear, but to move on to the afterlife.
Beliefs aside, it is extremely important to understand how difficult survival was for an Eskimo family, and each person had to put their full attention toward their own survival. Though tasks may be shifted around so that the women accomplished the household tasks for both women and men, and the men hunted for both men and women, the productivity equaled out to just about one person’s daily work to accomplish one person’s daily needs.
Children were seen as an amazing blessing, and thus would be provided for until they could begin to provide for themselves. Thus any surplus food and materials would be expended primarily on children. But even children were not given a free ride; as soon as it was possible,
"Don't worry dear," says the husband calmly, "they found a doctor on the second hole and he's coming to help you.
"Well, how long will it take for him to get here?" she asks feebly.
"No time at all," says her husband. "Everybody's already agreed to let him play through." ••••• A gushy reporter told Phil Mickelson, "You are spectacular; your name is synonymous with the game of golf. You really know your way around the course. What's your secret?" Mickelson replied, "The holes are numbered." ••••• A young man and a priest are playing together. At a short par-3 the priest asks, "What are you going to use on this hole, my son?"
The young man says, "An 8iron, father. How about you?"
The priest says, "I'm going to hit a soft seven and pray."
The young man hits his 8-
young boys and girls were helping to take care of each other, maintain the living area, fashion clothing, and bring in the day’s hunt.
For the old to be sent out to sea could actually be a blessing, a way to gracefully exit without becoming a burden and a point of resentment. In a way, this allowed the elderly to be preserved, in the minds of the living, in a more ideal state— untainted. They would be spared disgraces such as senility and loss of bodily function, and would, in some sense, be granted an opportunity to die without first decaying. So the story goes.
To what extent is this story true?
First of all, it is important to note that the modern Eskimo culture is very different from Eskimo culture before it was affected by modern Western civilization. Most modern Eskimos lead a lifestyle that is not unlike any other group living in a rustic small town.
Modern Eskimo culture has been infiltrated by capitalism, which has allowed Eskimos to purchase goods such as food and
iron and puts the ball on the green. The priest tops his 7iron and dribbles the ball out a few yards.
The young man says, "I don't know about you, father, but in my church, when we pray, we keep our head down." ••••• Police are called to an apartment and find a woman holding a bloody 5-iron standing over a lifeless man.
The detective asks, "Ma'am, is that your husband?" "Yes" says the woman.
"Did you hit him with that golf club?"
"Yes, yes, I did." The woman begins to sob, drops the club, and puts her hands on her face. "How many times did you hit him?"
"I don't know --put me down for a five." ••••• A golfer teed up his ball on the first tee, took a mighty swing and hit his ball into a
clothing. Unfortunately, in many areas, Eskimos are having a difficult time adapting their culture to a modern way of life; consequently, there is a high rate of unemployment among modern Eskimos. However, Eskimos no longer live in isolation, so, for better or worse, those Eskimos living below the poverty line receive government pensions and support. Eskimos are no longer in an environment in which their survival is on the line.
Even in the old Eskimo culture, though it was tight, there were usually enough game animals about to provide sufficient food (and materials, such as skin for clothing and shelter) for everyone in the group, including the old. However, the Eskimos were completely dependent upon their environment, and due to various circumstances, they were, occasionally, put under the extreme stress of famine. We’re talking once every several years, here. During such times, the old and infirm were seen as drains on the resources of their community.
‘The Eskimo’ Cont. on Page 3
clump of trees. He found his ball and saw an opening between two trees he thought he could hit through.
Taking out his 3-wood, he took a mighty swing. The ball hit a tree, bounced back, hit him in the forehead and killed him. As he approached the gates of Heaven, St. Peter asked, "Are you a good golfer?"
The man replied: "Got here in two, didn't I? ••••• The bride was escorted down the aisle and when she reached the altar the groom was standing there with his golf bag and clubs at his side.
She said: "What are your golf clubs doing here?"
He looked her right in the eye and said, "This isn't going to take all day, is it?" ••••• A man and his wife walked into a dentist's office. The man said to the dentist, "Doc,
‘Chuckles’ Cont. on Page 10
‘The Eskimo’ Cont. from Page 2
Some groups of Eskimos, mainly Inuit in northern Alaska, did practice senilicide (the killing of the elderly), as well as infanticide (killing babies, especially with female babies), and even invalidicide (killing the irrecoverably sick or disabled). However, these were not widespread practices, and while adopted under extreme circumstances by some groups, they were seen as grotesque by others.
When senilicide was practiced, they might be thrown into the sea, locked outside to face the cold, buried alive, or starved to death.
There is no evidence to support claims that they were sent to sea on an ice-float, and this seems unlikely, as it would be logistically difficult—imagine trying to pull an existent ice-float in to shore, or to create a new icefloat by cracking it away from the ice on the seaside…without accidentally cracking off the wrong section.
This popular conception probably originated with the popular work of literary fiction, Top of the World (1950), or the 1959
film adaptation, The Savage Innocents.
More often than active senilicide, a practice of passive manslaughter was used. The ‘victim’ might be taken to the wilderness and abandoned, or the whole village might pick up and move while during the night as they slept. This allowed the abandoned person to find their way back to their group, thus proving their continued productivity… though more often than not, they were unable to return. If the group was unexpectedly restored to prosperity, they often returned for their abandoned family members and took them back in since they were again able to accommodate them. Senilicide and abandonment were far less common though, than assisted suicide. During times of famine, an elderly or infirmed member of the group might ask a family member to kill them, as death by unassisted suicide was believed to lead to a less pleasant afterlife than death by even voluntary homicide. Assisted suicide was not reserved just for the elderly; in fact it was acceptable for all aged members of a group to ask to be killed for any number of reasons, including pain, depression,
or grief. And in the Eskimo culture, the person asked to assist was bound to comply with such requests, without expressing any misgivings.
In good times, senilicide was rarely practiced and, when practiced without reason, resulted in social stigmatism of the enactors.
So, the truth behind the popular myth is that the elderly and sick were taken care of if at all possible; when extreme circumstances pressed, some small groups of Eskimos would kill their elderly, though rarely actively, except upon the elder’s request. The idea of the ice-raft is a romantic notion, only thinly based on facts.
Even this rare practice does not exist in modern Eskimo culture, as pressure from missionaries and national governments, as well as improved economic conditions, have eliminated the dire
July 25, 2013 - Page 3
circumstances that might lead to such a practice. The last reported case of senilicide was in 1939.
What about the other legend we’ve heard about? The Eskimo “kiss?” Here, again, there is a factual basis behind this legend.
In modern Western culture, an Eskimo kiss is the act of pressing the tip of one's nose against another's. It is loosely based on a traditional Inuit greeting called a kunik.
A kunik is a form of expressing affection, usually between family members and loved ones, that involves pressing the nose and upper lip against the skin (commonly the cheeks or forehead) and breathing in, causing the loved one's skin or hair to be suctioned against the nose and upper lip. A common misconception is that the practice arose so that Inuit could kiss without their mouths freezing together. In fact, it is a non-erotic form of greeting that serves as an intimate way of greeting one another for people who, when they
‘The Eskimo’ Cont. on Page 5
‘Greatest Migration’ Cont. on Page <None>
Page 4 - July 25, 2013
City Council Election Districts Panel Named
Last week, three retired Superior Court judges — James Milliken, Patricia Cowett and William Pate — chose the seven-member panel from among 31 applicants who will determine the election districts for Escondido. Four Latinos and three whites were selected Thursday to make up a panel that will draw the boundaries for geographic City Council districts that Escondido must create because of a voting rights lawsuit the city settled this spring.
The commission is set to start holding public hearings in September and create boundaries for four council districts in time for the 2014 election. The mayor will continue to be elected by the entire city.
The City Council must approve the new boundaries or send the commission back to try again.
The appointees are Bill Flores, a retired deputy sher-
Local News
iff; John Valdez, a Palomar College Chicano studies professor; Roberto Ramirez, owner of a local mushroom farm; Doris Cruz, a mortgage company employee with a bachelor’s degree in multicultural studies; Jack Anderson, a former assistant city manager; Andrew Carey, executive director of the nonprofit U.S.-Mexico Border Philanthropy Project; and Dana Nuesca, a consultant who also runs a nonprofit that helps exploited women.
Latinos make up 49 percent of the city’s population. The settlement urged that the commission be racially and ethnically diverse. Carlsbad High School Burglary Suspects in Custody
On Sunday, July 21st at 1:09 a.m. the City of Carlsbad Police Department was dispatched to investigate trespassers at Carlsbad High School located at 3557 Monroe St. Upon arrival, officers contacted seven juveniles on campus. Further
tioned to Evelyn . . . “did you notice his teeth? Perfect! We have a couple of dentists who advertise with us who would LOVE to use him as a dentist’s model of how teeth should look.” See for yourself:
Man About Town
Don’tcha just hate those folks with perfect teeth?
Met a new advertiser last week, handsome gent who just bought the old Med-Rx Pharmacy and now presents a brand new business . . .Escondido Pharmacy & DME Inc. His name? Nami Taghipour. Easy to remember with his catch phrase . . . “just think of Tsunami . . .but don’t Tsu me.” A graduate of Utah State, he is a registered pharmacist and is ready to greet you with his dazzling smile. So dazzling that after our first meeting I men-
investigation determined the concession stand on campus was burglarized. Two of the seven juveniles were arrested for commercial burglary. The remaining juveniles were arrested for trespassing. All juveniles were released to parents without incident.
hit and run, and evasion.
On Sunday, July 21st at 12:23 a.m. the City of Carlsbad Police Department assisted the California Highway Patrol with the pursuit of a hit and run driver in the area of Palomar Airport Road.
The victim walked into a motel on West Valley Parkway west of Interstate 15 about 6:45 a.m. and reported that he had been stabbed, Sgt. Bode Berreth said.
Carlsbad Police Have Hit and Run Suspect in Custody
The suspect led the police department on a 6 minute pursuit that terminated in the 900 block of Melaleuca Ave where the suspect stopped and was taken into custody after a taser deployment. The police department handled the pursuit investigation. The California Highway Patrol conducted the DUI and hit and run investigation. The suspect was booked into county jail for felony DUI,
ly, he’ll show you pictures.)
Lots of smiling, attractive folks here . . . hope you have a chance to visit them and get acquainted. You can learn more about them by checking out their ad on page 9 of this here issue. ••••• Not so long ago I noticed good pal, Dick Jungas, owner of California Funeral Alternatives, was sporting a new haircut. Upon inquiry I learned his hair was styled by Ciro of Escondido, owner of Studio Unisex Hair Salon . . . right at 410 W 2nd Ave (between Orange St & Centre City Pky) in downtown Escondido.
Nami Registered Pharmacist and owner of Escondido Pharmacy & DME Inc.
In addition to Nami, you’ll want to meet the rest of his staff. Joseph Lane, a good ol’ boy from Georgia . . . who is sales manager for medical equipment - walkers, wheelchairs, diabetic shoes and supplies . . . you name it, they’ve got it! (Joseph has a coon dog pup he’s mighty proud of. If you twist his arm ever so slight-
Escondido Transient Stabbed Multiple Times No Suspects
A parolee registered with authorities as a transient was stabbed Thursday morning, but refused to give details about the incident, an Escondido police sergeant said.
The attack happened on the bike path in the flood control channel west of North Tulip Street.
He was taken by ambulance to Palomar Medical Center with non-life-threatening injuries. He had been stabbed in his chest, arm and upper back, Berreth said. Berreth did not have the man’s exact age, but said he is ‘Local News’ Cont. on Page 10
one time he was the owner of Ciro’s Hairstyling in Beverly Hills. Since 1987 he’s owned the Escondido location, serving men, women and children.
I headed on down to his salon and became an instant client. He took my mop of hair, styled it just perfectly and now I constantly get compliments on my Ciro gives me hair style. instructions as to how to care for my hair and I try to follow them . . . but am not always successful. No matter, he’ll have me looking my best in no time. ••••• Sad that Escondido’s Sizzler Restaurant went out of business. It was always one of our favorite eateries. We still patronize the Sizzler, but it’s in Vista. Same great food at super prices. Just off of College Boulevard, and the frontage road on the south side of 78. ••••• He did it again!
Turns out the owner, Ciro, has quite a reputation as hairstylist of the stars for many years. At
Good friend, Pastor Dick Huls, spoke to our Hidden ‘Man About Town’ Cont. on Page 7
‘The Eskimo’ Cont. from Page 3
meet, often have little except their nose and eyes exposed.
When early explorers of the Arctic first witnessed this behavior they dubbed it Eskimo kissing. In its western form it consists of two people rubbing
The Eskimo kissing (kunik) of the Inupiat people in the Nalukataq, Alaska
noses together. One of the earliest representations of the Eskimo kiss comes from Robert Flaherty's 1922 film Nanook of the North, considered by many to be the first real documentary or ethnographic film. It is possibly from this source that the non-Inuit/Eskimo public became aware of this convention. But now, you say, tell us about the other legend we’ve heard . . not that we’re personally inter-
ested, you understand, but just out of curiousity . . . what about this supposed custom of an Eskimo giving up his wife to you, a visiting stranger, as a symbol of his friendship and a sign that you are a most welcome guest.
Well . . . here, again, the legend is based on fact. A researcher by name of Stefansson noted that among the Komallik Eskimo "...wives are exchanged but for seldom more than one night at a time, and seldom except upon the two families meeting after a protracted separation. After another separation this may be repeated. This practice seems to be seldom indulged in except by close friends, partners, sort of blood brothers" (Stefansson, 1914, p.164).
It's true Eskimo men sometimes let other men sleep with their wives. But did they offer that privilege to any horny stranger who showed up on the front stoop? Generally not. The lending of wives to perfect strangers happened occasionally in some places, but it was never the widespread custom it has been made out to be. There were several contexts in which a husband would let another man sleep with his wife. The most widespread was ritual
spouse exchange, practiced in one form or another in every region where Eskimos lived, from eastern Greenland to the Bering Sea. This sort of spouse exchange was always associated with a religious purpose, and was always done at the instigation of an angekok (shaman). Often the point was to effect some desired outcome, such as better weather or hunting conditions.
Now we come to the meat of the question: wife-lending, in which the husband let another man sleep with his wife without getting access to the other man's wife in return. The popular conception is that it was a matter of common hospitality to offer this service to any man traveling without his own wife. We have no evidence to show that any Eskimo male was ever expected to offer his wife to a visitor, and nowhere did it happen as a matter of course. Most Eskimo men traveled with their wives so it wouldn't come up very often anyway. Husbands did occasionally volunteer to lend their wives to visitors, but there seems to have been a general aversion to doing so. If, on the other hand, a guest brashly
‘The Eskimo’ Cont. on Page 13
July 25, 2013 - Page 5
Letters to the Editor A Good Laugh
Just wanted you to know that my husband and I laughed soooo much at the Modern Day Piracy article. We cruise a lot and could relate completely. Love your sense of humor
/s/Barbara Irani San Diego County, Ca.
More on the Cruise
I thoroughly enjoyed your comments on cruising with Celebrity in Alaska. Your take was exactly right and is ‘Letters to the Editor’ Cont. on Page 6
Page 6 - July 25, 2013
Evelyn Madison The Social Butterfly Email Evelyn at: thesocialbutterfly@cox.net
Social Butterfly
President of the CA Teachers Association for two years, and worked as a “Rosie the Riveter” during WW II. She continues to work as a docent at the Rancho Buena Vista Adobe, giving tours on Fridays, and continues to teach many school children who visit this historic building (7000 last year). Other celebrations for her birthday included a reception at the RB Vista Adobe, and a gathering at Pacifica community where she lives.
hold their Annual Orchid Auction, at the Pavilion, Lake San Marcos, 1105 La Bonita Drive, San Marcos. Preview of the orchids starts at 11am; the auction runs from 12noon to 4pm. Learn about orchids and their cultivation with numerous orchid experts on hand for questions.
ture of orchids for this and future generations in North San Diego County and around the world. For more info: www.palomarorchid.org or call 760.720.9424. “Kids in the Garden” Class at Alta Vista Gardens
“Water is Wet and Wonderful!” is the class for Saturday, August 10, from 10am to 12noon.
Marvel York Celebrates 100th Birthday
The ladies wore their finest hats and gathered to celebrate a century with an amazing woman, Marvel York, as she was feted for her 100th birthday at a high tea given by the Woman’s Club of Vista, of which she is a member for 26 years. Marvel is the Club’s Literacy Chairman and proudly presents books to students at local elementary schools. She has lived in Oceanside for 32 years, was a teacher, reading specialist, You Could Be Dancing With the Stars!
Marvel (right) and Queen Liz ( cut-out likeness) Orchid Society To Host Annual Orchid Auction
On Saturday, August 3, the Palomar Orchid Society will
Thanks to television more and more people have become reacquainted with dancing. Real dancing.
Local residents can take classes Wednesday nights at the San Marcos Community Center, 3 Civic Center Drive. The next six week session begins in early Auguts. Lessons run $10 per class. Call 760.752.9441 for details and package plans.
At one time, Arthur and Kathryn Murray had a nationwide audience for dancing and lessons in ‘how to.’ Today,
‘Letters to the Editor’ Cont. from Page 5
the reason my wife and I haven’t taken another cruise to Alaska with Celebrity. I am sure the comedian with the off color show was the same that we walked away from. I filled a comment sheet with my thoughts and was rewarded with never having another mailing from Celebrity.
Thanks to Gary and Marjorie Eisert, you may soon be able to joint those elegant folks who dazzle onlookers by performing on the ballroom floor with every bit of grace and beauty as those dancing stars on television. They specialize in teaching West Coast Swing, which combines elements of swing, whip, and the jitterbug. Once you learn the basic techniques and footwork, you can incorporate the dance into Latin, disco, western, as well as the more traditional swing.
The event is free and open to the public. This annual orchid event celebrates Palomar Orchid Society with hundreds of flowering orchids, some rare, and other items to be auctioned off. This is the major fundraiser for the non-profit Society, and proceeds enable them to continue their work in promoting knowledge and cul-
Gary and Marjorie Eisert Dance Instructors
“Dancing with the Stars” has renewed interest in dancing. Gary and Marjorie bring that magic back to life and will teach you to get out on the dance floor, learn a variety of dances, meet and dance with a variety of partners (including the teachers) and your life is sure to become much more enriching and rewarding.
Having danced and taught dancing for years, Gary Eisert looks forward to teaching you! Dance clubs are available that will let you show what you have learned. Get started! Call Gary at 760.752.9441.
The best show during the cruise was when a major part of the itinerary was canceled two days out of San Diego. That evening a travel agent with some 20 or more customers staged a revolt at the front desk. There were so many of them in the uprising that we were lucky to find a seat for the show.
/s/Jerry Martin Escondido, CA
Re: Chief Maher
What Clay Phillips did to Chief Jim Maher was the same he did to a senior citizen at a downtown Escondido meeting. At an election head-
Join Farmer Jones to discover all about water, liquid, frozen and vaporized, and use it for painting, spraying, growing, sailing, drinking, playing, and making mud, bubbles, and music. This will be a messy wet fun day outdoors in the ‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 7
quarters meeting for the Mayor and City Council this senior asked Phillips “why the city had to have a consultant for any type of construction within the city.”
Phillips didn’t like the question and became very upset with the senior, essentially telling him that “he can do anything he wants within the city.”
It seemed to many of us at that meeting that our engineering department is paid to do the work we’re paying these consultants to do. Phillips did not impress many that night. He came off as arrogant and his ego was overboard.
Phillips acted like a tyrant, just as he did when he caused Maher to “retire.” He did not reprimand the two officers who were sending emails back and forth on city time and equipment. Our city council did not support our Chief. And what about that $72,000 we paid a private ‘Letters to the Editor’ Cont. on Page 11
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 6
Children’s Garden, so dress appropriately. Adults are welcome; accompanied adults are free. The class fee is $5 for two hours of fun and learning; fees support the Shade Sails for the Children’s Garden. Registration includes visits to all children’s areas at the gardens. When you buy a family membership in Alta Vista Gardens, the monthly Kids in the Garden class is free for a year. Donations are gratefully accepted. Pre-register with Farmer Jones so materials will be available; contact farmerjones@altavistagardens.org or call 760.822.6824. Alta Vista Gardens is located at 1270 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista, top of the hill inside Brengle Terrace Park. Website at altavistagardens.org. Nelly Jarrous Named 2013 “Soroptimist of the Year”
The Soroptimist Club of Vista recently announced Nelly Jarrous as “Soroptimist of the Year.” The award recognizes a member “who has gone above and beyond the Club’s obligations, providing outstanding service throughout the year,” according to Club President Thoralinda Soyland. Nelly served in many capacities in the club, including assistant treasurer, secretary, director, delegate, and past president; she has been my right hand support this year, said Soyland. For info about Soroptimist International of Vista, visit the webpage at http://www.soroptimistvista.o rg.
Nelly Jarrous (left) received 2013 Soroptimist of the Year award from club president Thoralinda Soyland.
Meetings/Events Calendar
San Marcos Chamber Mixer at Welk Resort – Tonight, Thursday, July 25, the Welk Resort will host the next San Marcos Chamber “After 5 Mixer” from
5:30-7pm at 8860 Lawrence Welk Drive, Escondido. Opportunity drawings, fun, networking, and more. See what’s new at Welk Resort. For info, contact the Chamber at 760.744.1270, or email stephen@sanmarcoschamber.com.
Like to Play Tennis? - Interested in playing tennis weekly at Kit Carson Park in Escondido every Thursday at 8:30am with a group of mature ladies. They are looking for a few more players who enjoy playing tennis to join the group. Are you retired, no longer have to chauffeur children, maybe played tennis in your younger days, then this may be the group for you. A few of the younger ladies have found this as a way to start playing competitively. If you have been on a tennis team before, and would like to brush up on your skills, check it out. Ask for Gwen or look for the court with the Big Red Bow.
Comic-Con Has Arrived at Center for the Arts – Comic Art is still available; visit the exhibition “Art Illustrated: Celebrating Comic Art” on view through July 28, at the Center for the Arts, Escondido, 340 No. Escondido Blvd. Among the pieces shown are Batman, Spider-Man, Dennis the Menace, Zits, Luann, Blondie, Beetle Bailey, Sherman’s Lagoon, Family Circus, and many more. Also included are pop art works, including Roy Lichtenstein, and very rarely seen work by Dr. Seuss, plus a gallery full of student work submitted to the juried comic art competition. Children under 12 and Center Members are free; general admission is $8; seniors (60+), military and students, $5. Thursday-Saturday, 10am-4pm; Sunday, 1-4pm.
Tails at Twilight Gala Tickets on Sale Now – The community, and their canine companions, are invited to join the Escondido Humane Society for the 20th Annual Tails at Twilight Gala as they celebrate the pets in our lives and raise funds for homeless animals in the community. This dog-friendly event will be on October 12 at Vintana Restaurant at the Lexus Centre, 1205 Auto Park Way, Escondido. Canine companions are cordially invited also and Dog Butlers will be on hand to wait on them hand and paw. People guests will enjoy a hosted bar, delectable dining, and silent and live auctions. Early bird tickets, purchased before August 1, will be $100; $125 after August 1st. Individual VIP early tickets are $200; or $225 after August 1st. Purchases of tables for 10 are also available. VIP’s receive early admission, first crack at the silent auction and premier seating. In addition, all table purchased are listed by name in the program. Reserve tickets by calling 760.888.2240 or email development@escondidohumanesociety.org. For event info, log on to www.escondidohumanesociety.org. Reptile Day Comes to Jack’s Pond Park – The City of San Marcos Community Services will sponsor an interpretive program presented by Reptile Specialist Susan Nowicke at Jack’s Pond Park on Saturday, August 3. Ms. Nowicke will bring live lizards, snakes and other reptiles and amphibians for close-up viewing. The program will also provide information about the care and environmental concerns of keeping exotic pets. The program begins at 10am, and is recommended for children over the age of 5 who can sit quietly during the presentation. There is a $3 charge per participant (free to members of Friends of San Marcos Parks and Trails). An adult must accompany all minors. RSVP to 760.744.9000, Ext. 3508. Jack’s Pond Nature Center will also be open to the public for exploration from 9am to noon. Jack’s Pond Park is located at 986 La Moree Road, San Marcos. For information on hikes or the City’s trails, visit www.san-marcos.net.
ArtWalk in San Marcos – Always something new to see and experience, the ArtWalk will be on Sunday, August 4, from 1-5pm, at the Old California Restaurant Row, 1020 W. San Marcos Blvd. Each month the ArtWalk showcases new and returning fine art vendors and a high energy car show, along with an assortment of participant activities. The ArtWalk is free for all ages. Special offers
on dining and entertainment are available for many of the Restaurant Row businesses. Contact Raziah Roushan at 760.518.8578 or contact@raziahroushan.com for more information. For a complete list of current restaurants, timely events and shopping options at Old California Restaurant Row, visit the website at www.oldcalrestaurantrow.com.
Burlington Partnering to Help Kids With Cancer – The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) and Burlington unite to focus on blood cancer cures. It’s almost time to turn our attention to the back-to-school shopping. From now through October 19, you are invited to do your shopping at any Burlington store where you can purchase a paper balloon at checkout for a minimum donation of $1. All proceeds go to LLS to benefit blood cancer patients. Over the past 11 years, Burlington has contributed to the LLS mission by raising more than $16 million to help fund innovative cancer research and patient services. Last year alone more than 3 million customers donated to the LLS cause at Burlington’s 500 locations. For 12 consecutive years, Burlington serves as the #1 National Corporate Partner and Honored Friends of the Light The Night campaign. Light The Night has helped LLS to invest more than $875 million in research to discover and deliver breakthrough cancer treatments that are saving lives today. The LLS is the world’s largest voluntary health organization dedicated to funding blood cancer research, education and patient services. LLS’s mission is to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, and myeloma, and improve the quality of life or patients and their families.
Senior Service Council Programs/Services - The Senior Service Council, Escondido (SSCE), began its Tax Problem Assistance Program on June 27. If you haven't filed your income tax return for 2012 or earlier; if you have received a letter from the IRS; if you filed for an extension to file; or whatever income tax problem you have, call for an
‘Man About Town’ Cont. from Page 4
Valley Kiwanis Club on Tuesday of this week.
Dick is probably one of my favorite speakers and I very much regret he is not still actively pastoring a church. He is retired but still holds his audiences with rapt attention, no matter what the subject of his presentation is.
He does pastor a retirement community in Oceanside (Fair Winds - Ivey Ranch Retirement Community) and Evelyn and I have driven over there on three occasions just to hear him speak and to enjoy his service.
Dick is one of those movie-star handsome lads who not only looks good but speaks very well. He is by far the most popular guest speaker at our Kiwanis club and I commend him to you if you and your organization is looking for a dynamic speaker who always delivers a fascinating program. He can, and will, talk about his service as a police chaplain, as a noted bee-keeper, as a gardener, as a former resident of Israel and
July 25, 2013 - Page 7
appointment and further information – 760.480.0611. There is no fee or cost. Also, the SSCE offers many free services including job referrals connecting seniors with seniors, legal aid and notary service, blood pressure screenings, and more. Computer tutoring and Driver Safety classes are available for a nominal fee. Several support groups meet regularly at 728 No. Broadway. A new Bereavement Support Group will meet monthly starting September 19. For information and more details, call the SSCE office at 760.480.0611.
EAA “Rent-An-Easel” Promotion Starts in August – As a service to all artists in the San Diego area, starting Monday, August 5, the Escondido Art Association (EAA) will initiate a new promotion to offer prime rental space in the front window of the Artists Gallery, 121 Grand Avenue, Escondido. For a minimal fee of $40, interested parties will be able to rent an easel for an entire month to display their artwork for sale. Art rotations can be made as works are sold or as deemed desirable by the exhibiting artist, with no commissions being paid to EAA. Friday evening “Cruisin’ Grand” car shows throughout the summer draw huge crowds to Grand Avenue and will offer artists high exposure for the sale of their artwork. Interested artists need not be members of EAA; however, new members are welcome to join and take advantage of many benefits associated with membership. Applications are available at the Gallery. For more info, contact Byron Marler at 760.658.6593 or visit the website at www.escondidoartists.org. Pet Friendly Gardening Class – On Saturday, August 17, from 1-3pm, learn how to create a garden that pleases you and is safe and fun for all your furry pets! Topics include safe and hardy plant choices (indoor and out), natural non-toxic pesticides, and techniques for negotiating with the "yard terrorist". Join in for this
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 10
his views on the Middle East or, as he did Tuesday morning, on “Ideas” - and how ideas have formed our world, and how those ideas have sometimes changed.
Dick’s 30-minute programs always seems to end waaaaay too soon. We always have eager questioners who want to follow up . . and Dick stays on after the program to answer any questions the individual audience members have. Give him a call at 760.803.4236
We are also proud to have Pastor Dick Huls as one of our featured pastors on “The Pastor Says . . .” series which we publish every week on page 15.
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Page 10 - July 25, 2013 ‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 7
fun and useful class and get informative handouts to take home. Our instructor is Judy Macomber, pet resource publisher and Master Gardener, who specializes in pet friendly landscaping and growing edibles for herself and her 3 dogs. Only $5, free to Alta Vista Garden Members. Register in advance at clee@altavistagardens.com. Alta Vista Gardens is located at the top of the hill in Brengle Terrace Park, 1270 Vale Terrace Drive in Vista. For directions go to altavistagardens.org.
“Sparkle and Shine” – is the theme of the San Marcos-Vista Christian Women’s Club luncheon on Monday, August 19, at 11:30am, at the Lake San Marcos Country Club, 1750 San Pablo Drive, San Marcos. Cost of the luncheon is $18/person inclusive. The speaker and singer is “Miss Personality Plus,” Marcia Gehrig from Oceanside, a professional singer, actress and motivational speaker. Her talks speak to “Today”s Woman.” She is funny, witty and enthusiastic and will keep you entertained with the WOW factor. A special feature will be a delectable display of chocolates by Cindy Dunscomb, a Chocolatetier from Vista. Plan to attend, meet the speaker, listen to beautiful music, and sample wonderful chocolate candies and goodies. Learn to eat, love and share chocolate. Bring a friend. Some lovely gifts will be given away. The club has no membership or dues. All ladies are invited. Please make a reservation by Thursday, August 15. Walk-in are welcome. Reserve by calling Donna at 760.432.0772 or Martha at 760.471.7059.
CC Jazz Band to Feature Trombonist Andy Martin – One of the most indemand trombonists around the world, Andy Martin, will be featured at the Coastal Cities Jazz Band Concert on August 25, at 2pm, at the Carlsbad Community Church, corner of Jefferson and Pine, in Carlsbad. His television credits include every major awards show; the Grammys, Emmys, Academy Awards, Golden Globes, and Screen Actors Guild Awards. In addition, Andy has been the lead trombonist on the television shows “Dancing With The Stars” and “American Idol.” The Jazz Band, under direction of Gary Adcock, will perform arrangements by both Sammy Nestico and Gordon Goodwin, and a special appearance by Vocalist Michael Ruhl. Tickets are $15/general admission or $12/seniors and students. For advance tickets, call Gary Adcock at 858.775.1113.
The RB Chorale is Singing Your Song – We want you! The Chorale is actively seeking male tenors and basses, so if you love to sing and have Tuesday evenings open, join this all-volunteer group of 100+ who really know how to put on a show. No auditions required, just a penchant for having fun and making beautiful music, and of course women are welcome to join, too. The Chorale will kick off the 40th Anniversary Year and the Fall 2013 Semester with its first rehearsal on September 3, and rehearsals are held each Tuesday from 7:30-9:30pm at the Painted Rock Elementary School, 16711 Martincoit Road, Poway. December shows are scheduled at the Poway Center for the Performing Arts on December 13, 14, and 15. All monies raised during the December production will benefit the scholarship program for 2014 high school graduates pursuing a musical education. For more info about joining the Chorale, visit the website at www.rbchorale.org or email recruitment@rbchorale.org.
Escondido Art Association Invites New Members – The Escondido Art Association (EAA) is celebrating its 54th anniversary this year and welcomes new North County artists to join the membership. This all-volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit art organization is dedicated to the promotion of North County artists through education, exhibition and professional development. Located at 121 Grand Avenue, the Gallery provides a
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 15
‘Local News’ Cont. from Page 4 in his 50s.
Because the victim did not cooperate, police have no information about the suspect. Police Arrest Stabbing Suspect
A 16-year-old gang member was arrested Friday morning on suspicion of murder in the June 20 stabbing death of another teen in an Oceanside parking lot not far from the city’s pier, police said.
Police booked the 16-year-old into Juvenile Hall, Lt. Aaron Doyle said. His name was not released because he is a juvenile.
The arrest came four weeks and a day after Jorge Basave, 17, was attacked during a brawl at the parking lot on Mission Avenue near North Myers Street. Police responding to a 911 call found Jorge suffering from a stab wound to his chest. He was taken to Tri-City Medical Center in Oceanside, where he died.
Doyle said witnesses reported hearing gang challenges exchanged between two groups before the confrontation escalated into a fight.
Investigators eventually uncov-
ered the names of the people at the brawl and believe the
Gentle Jeb
Gentle Jeb is an 8-10 year old, neutered German Shepherd I rescued from the deadly Devore Animal Shelter in San Bernadino. He was on death’s doorstep and had run out of time. He was dumped there by his callous owner. He was one of the next to be taken to the euthanasia room. The Puppy Coalition learned of him and coordinated with Coastal German Shepherd Rescue to snatch him out of deadly shelter facility that same morning.
Jeb is one of the sweetest dogs I have had the pleasure of saving and tending to. He has the most appreciative look from any dog I have ever seen. that you know he is being treated far better than he has ever been and he tells you with his eyes that you are a great friend.
Jeb has been staying at the San Marcos Kennels the past several
Nathan is a 1-year-old male Rex mix, ID 74146. Nathan is a very handsome, jet-black male with a plush velveteen coat. He's an all-around wonderful guy who loves being petted and is OK with being held. Nathan is a gentle soul who would make a sweet companion to a spayed bunny, or he can just soak up all your loving attention by himself. Nathan is available for adoption from the Escondido Humane Society and is currently living in a private foster home. His adoption fee of $45 includes neuter, microchip and vet exam. For more information, call (760) 888-2247, e-mail jmclaug@prodigy.net or log on to www.escondidohumanesociety.org. The Escondido Humane Society Adoption Center, 3450 E. Valley Parkway, is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily.
‘Gentle Jeb’ Cont. on Page 11
‘Chuckles’ Cont. from Page 2
I'm in one heck of a hurry I have two buddies sitting out in my car waiting for us to go play golf, so forget about the anesthetic, I don't have time for the gums to get numb. I just want you to pull the tooth, and be done with it! We have a 10:00 AM tee time at the best golf course in town and it's 9:30 already... I don't have time to wait for the anesthetic to work!'
The dentist thought to himself, "My goodness, this is surely a very brave man asking to have his tooth pulled without using anything to kill the pain." So the dentist asks him, "Which tooth is it sir?"
The man turned to his wife and said, "Open your mouth Honey, and show him.”
Need a lap warmer? Peanut is your pooch! Peanut is a gentle, 4 year old Chihuahua mix. He is affectionate, lovable, loyal, LOVES to cuddle and is house trained. He is good with cats, loves hanging out in his crate, and is good with thoughtful children who are respectful. Peanut likes other friendly dogs but would really rather just play with his toys. He's a low-maintenance, highly adorable boy dreaming of a new loving home. Might that be with you? His adoption fee is $175 and that includes his neuter, microchip, and he is current on vaccinations. Contact SPOT if you’d like to meet Peanut. You can e-mail info@spotsavespets.org, or call and leave a message 760-593-7768, or fill out the adoption application on our website at: http://spotsavespets.org/adoption-application-dogs/
Bigelow is the Pet of the Week at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society in Encinitas. He's a 5 month old, 12 pound, Wirehaired Fox Terrier puppy.
Bigelow is active and always ready for a new adventure. You’ll want to continue his puppy training. He was transferred to RCHS from another animal shelter.
The $195 adoption fee for Bigelow includes up to date vaccines, veterinary exam, neuter, and microchip. If you can't adopt right now, consider sponsoring a pet until it’s adopted.
Meet your new cat, dog, or rabbit at Rancho Coastal Humane Society, 389 Requeza Street in Encinitas. Adoption hours are 11 to 5 Wednesday through Monday. For more information call 760-753-6413 or log on to www.sdpets.org.
A Weekly Message from the Mayor of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders.
Escondido • Mayor Sam Abed Share Your Vision Community Meeting
T h e Escondido Public Library invites the public to learn more and provide input about the development of a new dynamic Library by attending Share Your Vision Community Meetings on July 23 and July 24, 2013 at two locations. Hear what the community has been saying about the Library’s vision and values and learn about the emerging design concepts for an expanded library facility. Community feedback on conceptual design options for a new wing for the existing Library is
important and attendance at the meetings is encouraged.
The meetings will take place on: Tuesday, July 23 from 6:00 – 8:00 PM Escondido Public Library (Turrentine Room) 239 South Kalmia Street Escondido, CA 92025 Wednesday, July 24 from 6:00 – 8:00 PM Escondido Police & Fire Headquarters (Community Meeting Room) 1163 North Centre City Parkway Escondido, CA 92016 Share Your Vision Community Meetings are free and open to the public and the agenda will be the same for both meetings.
Vista • Mayor Judy Ritter
Vista is fortunate to have two Farmers Markets in town open year-round. The Vista's Farmers Market is open every Saturday from 8 am to 1 pm. The market is located at the County Courthouse (North County Regional Center) at the 300 block of South Melrose Drive, just South of Highway 78. The first farmers market in the county, this market has been serving farmers and the community since 1981. The market features 52 farmers, 34 food makers, and 18 artisans who sell a wide variety of local, seasonal, and tasty foods. More information is available on line at vistafarmers-
‘Letters to the Editor’ Cont. from Page 10
investigator. When are we, the people, going to see those results?
Escondido is beginning, more and more, to resemble Bell, California, where those in charge decided they could do what they wanted with taxpayer money.
Does the public really believe those raises he gave his management staff were fair? When others were laid off and/or had to waive their raises? Why was that assistant city attorney given a $32,000 raise?
The Main Street Farmers Market in downtown Vista is open Wednesdays from 4 to 8 pm. Stop by on your way home from work and pick up some fresh produce for dinner. The Vista Village Business Association sponsors this market in the historic downtown area (131 S. Indiana Avenue). The market features organic certified fresh produce, seafood, a variety of nuts, honey, arts & crafts, live music and more. Check out the on line walking map and other information at vvba.org/farmersmarket.
Bring your friends and family to these markets and enjoy all that the farmers markets in Vista have to offer.
That Maple Street project was a complete waste of money. That money could better have been used to fix Escondido’s streets.
I hope the city council fires those administrators who act like tyrants. They should not be able to hold office of great trust. /s/Patrick Ontiveros Escondido, CA.
Letters to the Editor are always welcome. Please limit them to 250 words or less. As usual, we reserve the right to edit for length and content. Email to: thepaper@cox.net
San Marcos • Mayor Jim Desmond Reptile Day comes to Jack’s Pond Nature Center
On Saturday, August 3 at 10 am, the City of San Marcos will be sponsoring an interpretive program presented by Reptile Specialist Susan Nowicke at Jack’s Pond Park, 986 La Moree Road. While sharing information about the environment and keeping exotic pets, Ms. Nowicke will bring live lizards, snakes and other reptiles and amphibians for close-up viewing.
$3 per participant or free to members of the Friends of San Marcos Parks and Trails. An adult must accompany all minors.
During the day of the event, Jack’s Pond Nature Center will be open to the public for exploration from 9 am to noon. For more information about the event or City parks, trails and hikes, visit www.sanmarcos.net.
To attend Reptile Day, please The event is recommended for chil- RSVP to Susan La Joie at (760)744dren over the age of five. Tickets are 9000, ext. 3508. Oceanside • Mayor Jim Wood
OMA’s Museum Ball
If you don’t have plans for this Saturday, July 27, and you’re an avid art supporter, then this could be for you! From 6:00 – 11:00 PM, the Oceanside Museum of Art will be hosting their largest fundraiser of the year, the Museum Ball. The Museum Ball features an elegant evening of dining, dancing, and silent and live auctions. Things get off to a great start with a champagne reception on the museum’s terrace, followed by an elegant seated dinner by The ‘Gentle Jeb’ Cont. from Page 10
weeks while we got him vetted and checked out and made sure he is in good health. All his tests say he is perfect. No hip issues or anything. He is good with other dogs and people.
The thing that bothers me the most is when I take him back to the kennel after our hour walks with his partner Cassidy, he just shudders at going back in the kennel. He doesn’t want to get out of the car and today he just kind of laid on my arm and looked directly at me as if to say, “Please let me stay with you. I don’t want to go back there.” He pleads with his eyes. We’ll be walking on paths and investigating bushes and smelling flow-
French Gourmet, and finally guests are invited to dance under the stars to the sounds of The Fabulous Pelicans the rest of the evening. Reservations are $200 per person, but to experience such a glamorous evening and to be able to support art in our community, this event is truly a winwin situation for everyone. For more information or to make your reservation, contact the Oceanside Museum of Art at (760) 435-3721 or visit their website at www.oma-online.org. I’ll be there and hope that you will too!
ers and he has a great time. But it has to end and we have to go back.
The people at the kennel treat him and he is a favorite there because he is so nice but he just wants a family and home and not a cage in a kennel 23 hours a day. It breaks my heart when I have to put him back in every night but I have three dogs and a cat at home and we cannot handle a fourth dog. The only thing we can do is try to find him the best home possible as soon as possible. So, if you are looking for a pal and you don’t need an overenergized puppy, Gentle Jeb is a good choice. If you would like to meet Gentle Jeb, call Bruce at 760-612-9156.
Page 12 - July 25, 2013
Nome and Paul Van Middlesworth thecomputerfactoryltd.com The Computer Factory
At The Computer Factory
Between desktops, notebooks, and tablets, each month we sell twenty to forty new computer systems and process over a hundred work orders for repairs and upgrades. We also test or evaluate another couple dozen PCs at no charge to our customers. In addition, we take in, recondition and sell a dozen or so used desktop and laptop PCs that were traded in on new models and we make ten to twenty “on site” visits to business and home customers needing help with installations or networks.
1995 nearly all PCs were built in America, nearly half by independent builders like ourselves. Today that number is less than 5% and no major brands are made in America. Here in North County we’ve seen dozens of PC companies collapse, large and small. In addition to biggies like PC Club, Datel, Good Guys, PC Warehouse, Comp USA, Circuit City and Quick Micro we’ve watched dozens of small PC stores pop up and down like toilet seats. Yet we’re still here bigger and better than ever. Obviously we’ve done a better job of meeting our customers needs than they did.
Today the “Mom and Pops” are basically gone and retailers like Staples, Best Buy and Fry’s are the only “full service” competition. Fortunately for us, they can’t match our technical expertise or flexibility. Their “cookie cutter” and “one size fits all” approach to merchandising and customer service leaves a fairly large niche for us.
We build all our new desktops and make custom modifications to most of the notebooks and tablets that we sell. When we opened The Computer Factory in
We can do pretty much anything our customers want. Want a brand new PC with Win XP or Windows 7? No problem for us but don’t even bother to ask them. They sell PCs “made in China” with Windows 8. Would you like a special video card, solid-
Signature Needed for Common Sense Bills
proper expenditure of taxpayer dollars.
Accountability and education have been two of my priorities while serving in the legislature. This year, I introduced bills on these issues that have received strong bi-partisan support, and have just been sent to the Governor for his signature.
The first bill, SB 581, strengthens accountability related to school bonds passed by local vote. Current law requires the establishment of local bond oversight committees to review bond funds. However, some schools don’t comply with their oversight committee. My bill will require schools to provide information to their oversight committee in response to audit findings, ensuring the
The second bill, SB 540, allows school districts to award Career Technical Education (CTE) certificates to students who complete CTE courses. CTE provides students with the skills necessary to compete in today’s changing economy. By establishing this CTE certificate, California will send a message to our youth and society about the value of CTE coursework in our schools and communities. I am hopeful the Governor will choose to support students and taxpayers and sign these bills.
state drive, two hard drives, two DVDs, extra RAM, Blue Ray, a parallel port, card reader? Would you like to have your old data transferred, family pictures, your old home page, need your printer installed? Would you like to test drive your new PC before you take it home? Need help installing your PC in your home or business network? Pretty much anything our customers need or want, we can do. This month we built a $3500 desktop PC and a $2500 notebook for a web site designer but we also built some Windows XP desktop PCs for less than $500 and sold Windows 8 and Windows 7 notebook PCs for under $600.
We answer questions like “do I really need a new PC or can we make my old one meet my needs for another couple of years?” Or, “what configuration makes the most sense for me?” We don’t need to try to sell you a “stock item” because we can build to your exact specifications. There’s such a huge difference between the way we operate and the way the “corporate” merchandisers operate that it is difficult to comprehend. Corporate stores like Best Buy can stay open for years losing money and providing marginal service. An independent like The Computer Factory won’t last a year if we don’t keep our customers happy.
Bipartisan Support for California Business
I am happy to report that Senate Bill 90, legislation that will have a major impact on California’s economy, recently passed both houses of the Legislature with bipartisan support. SB 90 was subsequently signed into law by Governor Brown on July 11.
An important provision of SB 90 extends tax exemptions statewide for the purchase of manufacturing and biotech equipment. The bill was being debated by my colleagues and I on the Local Government Committee in Senator Mark Wyland represents the response to previous legislapeople of the 38th Senate District, tion abolishing California’s which includes Rancho Bernardo, Enterprise Zones program, Carlsbad, Oceanside, San Marcos, which had just been Escondido, and Vista. approved. That bill included provisions granting tax exemptions for manufacturBecome a Subscriber! Delivered every Thursday to your ing and biotech equipment Mailbox! Just call 760.747.7119 for subscription details. for only 4 ½ years.
I was concerned about the limited time frame for these tax exemptions and suggested that SB 90 should be amended to extend the exemptions for 10 years in order to provide a greater stimulus for the state’s economy. Working closely with my committee colleagues, my suggestion became a point of contention which eventually led to amendments extending the tax exemptions from 4 ½ to 8 years. Those tax exemptions are now law. SB 90 is a $750 million shot of economic adrenalin for California. California will be one of only a handful of states with business incentives promoting both the manufacturing and biotech industries. SB 90 will stimulate employment and manufacturing activity, improve our overall business climate and lead to a stronger economy for all Californians.
July 25, 2013 ATTORNEY
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And so, we put to rest questions you may have had about the legends of the Eskimo, the Inuits, the Aleuts, and everyone in between. There is, no doubt, much to still be learned.
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Serving Southern California for over 25 years Call for a FREE ESTIMATE 760-842-7615 or email aroofservices@hotmail.com se habla espanol! John Apodaca
Death Notices
Modesto Casteneda, 87. of Vista, Ca., passed away on July 18th, 2013.
Adeline Guidizi, 88, of San Marcos, Ca., passed away on July 19th, 2013.
Arrangements by California Funeral Alternatives Escondido and Poway
That will be the extent of exploration I’m willing to pursue.
‘The Eskimo’ Cont. from Page 5
asked to borrow the wife, the rules of hospitality might make it hard to refuse. It would usually be considered rude to make the request, however. If the host had more than one wife (roughly one in ten did), he might be more willing to offer one of them to a guest, but that was still not the universal custom. If a traveler was offered his host's wife it was usually implicit that the host would have access to the guest's wife at some time in the future.
Home Maintenance Improvements
I shan’t be traveling way up north to explore the issues however. It is (a) too cold, (b) too far away, (c) Inuit villages are not the most attractive places to visit, let alone live, and (d) I have found very few attractive Eskimo/Inuit/Aleut women.
Also, they eat a lot of seal blubber and that tends to make one fat. They also use their teeth to soften sealskin and other skins to form leather. This has a way of rubbing the teeth down to next to nothing. Not the prettiest smiles in the world. I shall, however, read about it.
The Paper
Super Soundproofing Co •Expert Products •Floor Noise Barrier •Insulation Floor and Wall Tape •Vibration Isolation Tape
Call 760.752.3030 Free Advice www.soundproofing.org 455 East Carmel St. San Marcos, CA.
MY DOG ATE THE COUCH UPHOLSTERY STUDIO 3643 Grand Avenue #C San Marcos, CA. 92078 760.484.3058 eduvall2012@gmail.com CONTACT: ERIC DUVALL
Death Notices
Robert Arthur Hickethier, 79, of Carlsbad, Ca., passed away on July 12th, 2013.
George Emmett Kelly, 82, of San Marcos, passed away on July 13th, 2013.
Frances I. Ferrero, 89, of San Marcos, Ca., passed away on July 13th, 2013.
Katherine R. Gloriana, 89, of San Marcos, Ca., passed away n July 14th, 2013.
Jerry Oakley Trego, 75, of San Marcos, CA. passed away on July 16th, 2013.
Elizabeth D. Otto, 90, of San Marcos, CA., passed away on July 22nd, 2013. Vivian Jean Molho, 91, of San Marcos, Ca., passed away on July 22nd, 2013.
Concetta Tina Bellanova, 88, of Escondido, Ca., passed away on July 22nd 2013.
Arrangements by Allen Brothers Mortuary, Inc. San Marcos Chapel
Eskimo family in Kotzebue, Alaska
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The name of the business: Evoke Hope, located at 1728 Cassou Meadows, San Marcos, Ca. 92069, is hereby registered by the following: Evoke Hope 1728 Cassou Meadows Road San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was n/a. /s/Robyjean L. Delia, Secretary This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 6/06/2013. 7/04, 7/11, 7/18 and 7/25/2013
The name of the business: Tipuana Farm, located at 1728 Casson Meadows Road, San Marcos, CA. 92069, is hereby registered by the following: Joseph A. Delia III 1728 Casson Meadows Road San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 6/06/2013. /s/Joseph A. Delia III This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 6/06/2013. 7/04, 7/11, 7/18 and 7/25/2013
The name of the business: Dream Design Company, located at 1759 Grain Mill Rd., San Marcos, Ca. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: Akbar Joharchi 1359 Grain Mill Rd. San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 6/01/2013. /s/Akbar Joharchi This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 6/05/2013. 7/4, 7/11, 7/18, and 7/25/2013
The name of the business: Just Green Landscaping, located at 250 Knoll Rd, Apt 123, San Marcos, Ca. 92069, is hereby registered by the following: Benito and Leticia Ruiz 250 Knoll Rd., Apt 123 San Marcos, Ca. 92069 Jose Ruiz 233 W. San Marcos Blvd, #56 San Marcos, Ca. 92069 Bernabe Ruiz 233 W. San Marcos Blvd., #8 San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by a General Partnership. First day of business was 4/01/2009. /s/Benito Ruiz This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/02/2013. 7/4, 7/11, 7/18and 7/25/2013
The name of the business: The Prime Time by P&T Productions, Inc., Please & Thank, located at 480 S. Coast Hwy, Encinitas Ca. 92024, is hereby registered by the following: The Prime Time by P&T Productions, Inc. 480 S. Coast Hwy Encinitas, Ca; 92024 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 6/05/2013. /s/Panchita Pearl Garrett, CEO This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 6/19/2013. 7/4, 7/11, 7/18and 7/25/2013
The name of the business: Sleep Laugh, located at 2025 Catalina Ave., Vista, Ca. 92084, is hereby registered by the following: Timothy J. Mueller 2025 Catalina Avenue, Vista, Ca. 92084 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Timothy J. Mueller This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/08/2013. 7/11, 7/18, 7/25 and 8/01/2013
The name of the business: Khiro Skateboard Products, LLC, located at 757 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd #7, San Marcos, Ca. 92069, is hereby registered by the following: Khiro Skateboard Products, LLC 757 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd., Ste #7 San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business was 4/01/05. /s/Lou Ann Hinrichs, Secretary This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/03/2013. 7/11, 7/18, 7/25 and 8/01/2013
The name of the business: USA Made Pet Products, located at 831 Vineyard Road, San Marcos, Ca. 92069 is hereby registered by the following: USA Made Pet Products, LLC 831 Vineyard Road San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business was n/a. /s/Patsy J. Crawford, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/10/2013. 7/18, 7/25, 8/01 and 8/08/2013
The name of the business: Postal San Marcos, located at 1030 La Bonita Dr., Ste 210, San Marcos, Ca. 90278, is hereby registered by the following: Silvia Calvet 1030 La Bonita Dr. Ste 210 San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Silvia Calvet
This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/17/2013. 7/25, 8/01, 8/08 & 8/15/2013
The name of the business: Rator Bushings and Products, LLC, Rator Quad Cushions and Products, located at 757 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd #7, San Marcos, Ca. 92069, is hereby registered by the following: Rator Bushings and Products, LLC 757 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd., Sete #7 San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business was n/a. /s/Lou Ann Hinrichs, Secretary This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/02/2013. 7/11, 7/18, 7/25 and 8/01/2013
The name of the business: Foss Aquatics IV, located at 1026 McMahr Road, San Marcos, “Ca. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: Spencer Riddle 954 Wren Way San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 1/01/13. /s/Spencer Riddle This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/03/2013. 7/11, 7/18, 7/25 and 8/01/2013
The name of the business: Emerald Triangle Tours, located at 2911 S. Santa Fe, San Marcos, Ca. 92069, is hereby registered by the following: Terrell Kaucher 2911 S. Santa Fe San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 5/25/2005. /s/Terrell Kaucher, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/01/2013. 7/11, 7/18, 7/25 and 8/01/2013
The name of the business: Greenprofessional Solutions, located at 319 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd., St. 203, San Marcos, Ca. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: Blue Skyway 100 319 S. Rancho Santa Fe #203 San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business was 6/27/2013. /s/Jeanne Knox, Managing Member This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 6/27/2013. 7/11, 7/18, 7/25 and 8/01/2013
The name of the business: Calynette Design, located at 277 Quail Lane, Oceanside, Ca., 92057, is hereby regis-
tered by the following: Lynette Susanne
277 Quail Lane Oceanside, Ca. 902057
This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 1/05/2012.
/s/Lynette Susanne This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/08/2013.
7/18, 7/25, 8/01 and 8/08/2013
The name of the business: Specialized Mechanical, located at 547 Dundee Lane, San Marcos, Ca. 92069, is hereby registered by the following: Specialized HVAC, Inc. 547 Dundee Lane San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 8/31/10. /s/Jon Van Meter, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 6/28/2013. 7/18, 7/25, 8/01 and 8/08/2013
The name of the business: Oakvale Country Store, located at 14900 Oakvale Rd., Escondido, Ca. 92027, is hereby registered by the following: Virgil Giglio and Marla Bates 2847 Wanek Rd. Escondido, CA. 92027 This business is conducted by a joint venture. First day of business was 7/1/13. /s/Marla Bates This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/15/2013. 7/18, 7/25, 8/01 and 8/08/2013
The Paper - one stop shopping! Display, Classifieds, Service Directory, Legals 760.747.7119
STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME #2013-020159 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME: DeVal Educational Services, located at 1520 San Pablo, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. THE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME REFERRED TO ABOVE WAS FILED IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 10/14/09 and assigned File No. 2009-029432 IS ABANDONED BY THE FOLLOWING REGISTRANT(S): J. D. Brown Capital Inc 1520 San Pablo Dr. San Marcos, Ca. 92078 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). /s/ James Brown, President This statement was filed with David Butler, County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/12/2013. 7/18, 7/25, 8/01 & 8/08/2013
The name of the business: DeVal Educational Services, located at 1520 San Pablo Dr., San Marcos, Ca. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: Balanced Life Ministries 1520 San Pablo Drie San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was n/a. /s/James R. Brown, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/12/2013. 7/18, 7/25, 8/01 and 8/08/2013
The name of the business: D G Handyman, located at 3735 Perdido St., San Marcos, Ca. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: David Gomez Perez 3735 Perdido St. San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/David Gomez Perez This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/09/2013. 7/18, 7/25, 8/01 and 8/08/2013
The name of the business: BNJ Ultra Services, Inc., Ultramax Chemical Company, Ultrasoft, located at 2588 Ingleton Ave., Carlsbad, Ca. 92009, is hereby registered by the following: BNJ Ultra Services, Inc. 2588 Ingleton Ave. Carlsbad, CA. 92009 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 3/24/00. /s/Noel Johnson, Secretary This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 6/20/2013. 7/18, 7/25, 8/01 and 8/08/2013
The name of the business: Lake Side Boutique & Gift, located at 1030 La Bonita Dr., #210, San Marcos, Ca. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: Hoa T. Bui 960 Lane Ridge Dr. San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Hoa T. Bui, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 6/27/2013. 7/18, 7/25, 8/01 & 8/08/2013
The name of the business: IMP Entertainment, located at 2027 Felicita Rd., Escondido, Ca. 92025, is hereby registered by the following: Carey James Johnson, Jr., and Virginia Dee Johnson 2027 Felicita Rd. Escondido, Cal 92025 This business is conducted by a married couple. First day of business was 6/01/2012. /s/Virginia Dee Johnson This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 6/10/2013. 7/04, 7/11, 7/18 & 7/25/2013
The name of the business: The Lake Church, located at 1132 San Marino Dr, #202, San Marcos, Ca. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: United Church of Lake San Marcos 1132 San Marino Dr. #202 San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was n/a. /s/L. A. Hill, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/05/2013. 7/18, 7/25, 8/01 & 8/08/2013
The name of the business: Dixie’s Mini Donuts, located at 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar, Ca. 92014, is hereby registered by the following: Dixie L. Moore 926 Maryland Dr. Vista, Ca. 92083 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 1/11/2010. /s/Dixie L. Moore This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/12/2013. 7/18, 7/25, 8/01 & 8/08/2013
NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF EDITH REBECCA JENSEN Case No. 37-2013-00056970-PR-LACTL To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both, of EDITH REBECCA JENSEN, EDITH R. JENSEN, EDITH JENSEN Petition for Probate has been filed by William Jensen in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1409 Fourth Ave., San Diego, CA. 92101, Central Div., - Madge Bradley Bldg. The Petition for Probate requests that William Jensen be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The peition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal repreesentative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representattive will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed actions.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petitions and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: 8/20/2013 Time: 11:00 a.m. Dept: PC-1 Address of court: Same as noted above. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in Section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a peson interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for the Petitioner: J. Mark McNeill 16885 W. Bernardo Dr., Ste 325 San Diego, Ca. 92127 858.613.2970 7/18, 7/25, and 8/01/2013
The name of the business: South West Wood Products, located at 777 Trailside Ct., San Marcos, Ca. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: Hannah Maureen Vernazza 777 Trailside Ct. San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Hannah Maureen Vernazza This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/16/2013. 7/18, 7/25, 8/01, and 8/08/2013
The name of the business: Doggie Tech Annex, located at 833 Vineyard Rd., San Marcos, CA. 90269, is hereby registered by the following: Gayle Saulnier 833 Vineyard Rd. San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Gayle Saulnier This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 6/24/2013. 7/18, 7/25, 8/01 and 8/08/2013
The name of the business: His and Hers Home, Kates Manor, located at 2150 Palomar Airport Rd #205, Carlsbad, Ca. 92011, is hereby registered by the following: Sarah Kate Enterprise Inc. 250 S. Pacific St. #108 San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 2/02/2010. /s/Sarah Jackson, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/18/2013. 7/25, 8/01, 8/08 & 8/15/2013
The name of the business: Puppy Cuts, located at 244 El Valle Opulento, Vista, Ca. 92083, is hereby registered by the following: John A. Kedroff 244 El Valle Opulento Vita, Ca. 92083 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/John A. Kedroff This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/17/2013. 7/25, 8/01, 8/08 & 8/15/2013
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2013-00057652-CU-PT-NC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Angela Kathryn Driscoll filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Angela Kathryn Driscoll to Proposed name Angela Kathryn DeJohn THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: September 3, 2013, 8:30a.m., Department 26. The address of the court is: 325 S. Melrose, Vista, CA. 92081. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated 07/16 2013. /s/K. Michael Kirkman, Judge of the Superior Court 7/25, 8/01, 8/08 & 8/15/2013
The name of the business: Ruff Construction and Remodeling, located at 414 Mansail Rd., Oceanside, Ca. 92054, is hereby registered by the following: Dennis Ruff 61846 Chollito Rd, Unit A Joshua Tree, Ca. 92252 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Dennis Ruff This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/19/2013. 7/25, 8/01, 8/08 & 8/15/2013
The name of the business: Dwin Legal, located at 2173 Salk Avenue , Suite 250, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008, is hereby registered by the following: Evan Dwin 2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 4/1/2013. /s/Evan Dwin This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/22/2013. 7/25, 8/01, 8/08 & 8/15/2013
The name of the business: San Diego Countywide Foreclosures, Countywide Foreclosures, located at 2824 Rancho Costero, Carlsbad, Ca. 92009, is hereby registered by the following: Robert G. Porfirio 2824 Rancho Costero Carlsbad, CA. 92009 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Robert G. Porfirio This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/19/2013. 7/25, 8/01, 8/08 & 8/15/2013
The name of the business: Aloha Printing, located at 133 Newport Dr. Ste B, San Marcos, Ca. 92069, is hereby registered by the following: George Burrola 2889 Camden Dr. Vista, Ca. 92081 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 11/4/88. /s/George Burrola This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/23/2013. 7/25, 8/01, 8/08 & 8/15/2013
The name of the business: The Prime Time by Love Productions, Inc., Please & Thanks, located at 121 Playa del Rey Avenue, Oceanside, Ca. 92058, is hereby registered by the following: The Prime Time By Love Productions 121 Playa del Rey Avenue Oceanside, Ca. 92058 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 6/5/2013. /s/Panchita Pearl Garrett, CEO This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 7/23/2013. 7/25, 8/01, 8/08 & 8/15/2013
The name of the business: Discount Hydroponics of San Marcos, lcoated at 330 Rancheros Drive Suite 124, San Marcos, Ca. 92069, is hereby registered by the following: Discount Hydroponics, Inc. 4745 Hiers Ave., Riverside, Ca. 92505 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was n/a. /s/Michael Hess, General Manager, VP This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 6/24/2013. 7/25, 8/01, 8/08 & 8/15/2013
Baha’i July 25, 2013
A Way of Life
Baha’is have been described as a kind, gentle people. Would you like to know more? Call anyone listed here from your city/neighborhood.
www.bahai.org Baha’is Believe:
• all humanity was creat-
ed by one God and is part of one human race
• the purpose of life is to know and worship God, to acquire virtues, to
promote the oneness of humankind and to carry forward
advancing civilization
• work performed in the
spirit of service is a form
of worship
• the soul, created at the
moment of conception,
is destined by God to reach
where it will continue to
progress until it attains the presence of God.
Be a guest of Bahai’s! Learn more about what we believe. Visit one of our meetings. Call a Baha’i in your city for more information!
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‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 10
venue for the showcase and sale of members’ artwork; eight of whom recently received special recognition and awards at the San Diego County Fair art competition. The EAA offers the Kids Kaleidoscope art competition and the Art Scholarship Program in addition to many other programs and projects. There are free art demos at the general meetings (second Wednesday each month September thru June from 7-9pm at the Park Avenue Community Center), many opportunities for informal art competitions, and a monthly online newsletter. Applications for membership are available at the Gallery, or check it out at www.escondidoartists.org. Call the EAA at 760.489.0338
Medical Supplies, Wheelchairs, Walkers
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Readers of The Paper . . .
If you are a member of a civic or service club and would like a powerful, moving presentation that will touch the minds and hearts of all your members, contact either:
Be part of the Mighty Mojo Page! Call 760.747.7119 for details!
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The Pastor Says . . .
Bruce Krider at 760.612 9156 or lyle e davis at 760.747.7119
You will learn about The Puppy Coalition
Tree Trimming
Pastor Sam Brumit M316 Church, San Marcos
Trayvon Martin.
Enough already! I don’t usually write about racial issues because skin color isn’t important to me. Attitude and ability are. But this time, I need to say something. We may have come from a background where every white did a knee jerk reaction to everything involving a black, but now the black community is doing the same thing. Enough already. The President said he knows
what it feels like to have people lock their car doors when he walked by and I had to think about that. Yes, I have done that, but it wasn’t because the person was black. It was because they had their head down, were wearing low rider pants and a hoody, or had arms covered in tattoos. That made me uncomfortable. Their body language said they didn’t belong there. But when someone walks past me well dressed, smiling and nodding hello, I’m not uncomfortable and color isn’t an issue. While the black community wanted you to see Martin as an innocent 12 year old, the picture of him at 17 gives a far different impression. That picture would have made me nervous. Let the lesson from his death be that attitude, speech, and dress matter more than color. If you want equality walk, dress and act like you belong, because you do.
Page 16 - July 25, 2013